TeD Cup - Grand Final: [UO] 120 & XiaoKK vs. Fly & Xixi [ON]

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the grand finale of Ted's - and to cap South KK and won 2-0 vs. fly and shishi both teams oh well won 2-0 and she'll KK have not lost a single series and even better if I'm not mistaken okay they lost one map to LA light and so on but that's it for games one map dropped apart from that 203 oh and it looks a little worse for flying sheshe they lost a match already against was it yummy come on W of Z maybe not that used to be unusual orc human undead combo but we start on blizzards classic map we start on lost temples there was a rope best-of-five first who claims three points is $1,200 richer in Africa so colors are correct hey guess that before we start Thank You guru brother for another sup yeah Amazon Prime thank you very much so for this grand finale we have two teams of course this is fly 100% in red and Joshi she in red as well on the right side of the map starting with a keeper of the Grove plate master combo with grunts and [Music] Archer opening okay on the other side we do see a very very very unusual combo for one to zero and Xiao CAI que I'm dead orc as I said I have no idea how they play this grunts fiends yeah that makes a lot of sense but then what statues destroyers radar Walker I don't know there's many many possibilities they have figured out the way beats the remaining two and two elite with only one map lost last temple a very big map basically an invitation to expansions but both teams start with bad positions usually you want the night off to spawn close to this position and you want the org to close to this but maybe I'm that orc is not made for expansions themselves so we'll see this is gonna be immediate level 200 treants no ant angle that means either no entangle or no thorn Sora when you all know how great thorn Sora is in Bear Mara and of course that applies to two and two as well on the other side shop at the temple of course the temple is always nice for Blake masters as they are close on all four green spots here which can be sniped easily ah [Music] now we're good so TC fur like TC first the town is under siege if the teeth no way so no it's a TC first oh my god it's not that hunters right but it's doubling ragas are under attack why would you go ahead Oh double surround ha ha ha ha I was a little confused because we saw this plate master before and I said what but he gets the double surround he loses 1 grand good opening washout kk + 1 - 0 forcing the town portal getting a grunt but there should be an expansion coming up soon for shi shi he is focusing on mass hunters at the moment I guess he only asks ok treants and in tango at angle works well against fiends and runs the like but with so much meat shield and so much damage from fiends this should be an easy fountain free but usually the one who wins - fountain wins the game and he gets the keeper of the Grove for my god flying shi shi getting annihilated here they get a feed off of this but stop no TP keep er down no time for him coil on the fiend to not lose him to the second one by the wasn't in sang or running so he gets that at least 1 to 0 the best on it in the world of my crowing well but fly is getting some war killed sea level 2 point 6 already and the TC almost surrounded there but blocking this way with grunts so many grunts I mean it getting such a good bang for your buck as a buffer unit especially to go with 2 barracks it's another surround here that's almost level 3 for both of the heroes look up the items by the way oh they're still alive okay it gets another feed there's only one car the hunters will they take care of this yes nicely done and fly is getting way too many kills with his late master but they got the heroes at least one hero they got a few grunts so kind of equal but grunts benefits so much from this mountain it's incredible and of course the unholy or as well so much HP regen but that's level 3 for fly what an action-packed opening here on lost temple night Masters surrounded although it has a lot of them form you see not level 3 DK not level 3 saving his mana for that stomp becomes so much better and still the overseers are up for grabs that's level 3 so at least yes coil so I think the blade master cannot reveal himself if there's a stomp coral combo he's down but the good thing is taking rid of the fiends that means they have way more map dominance here wow there was an ice storm but getting hit with hunters because there's basically nothing they can do against as Huntress they are reigning supreme here I mean we do have a lot of grunts but you can micro against after the case around it yep walks right into it and finally has to TP out for only sdks and says not to sing okay then to feeds left but of course char KK has to run away as well still no expansion of players on neither side huh it's just mass is there a tech bunch of 0s on tier 2 going for slaughterhouse Lich oh oh oh hacks critical and that's it for the TCE that was kind of to be expected to be honest 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 grunts excuse me 10 grunts they're struggling hard the form of GCSE champions they will get the fountain horses are under attack in this superior position here when 2-0 is scouting for expansions but there is none but I'm kind of petting my asset they will be one of the three big envelope ocean on him always nice to see upgrades and I guess she is feeding fly now history Lodge radar waka and kodos she's under siege but there's so much map control now thanks to she-she's Huntress you would have never won that fight without the hunters and without checking out the fiend so fast ciao KK is still Tier one and a half only option he has is grunts at the moment you can't build anything else still waiting for his TC still only three peens he can't help him and you can't pick that fighting like this two Raiders and hex or speed scroll engaged man this is not what you want at least he has frost our now but this lich is so exposed finally a warm L getting a shot back up doesn't need it at the moment maybe clarity's would be nice one one upgrades then for the Huntress we have BB story and the first attack upgrade plus tier 3 ply seems to be very very sharable forces are under attack get rid of the one barracks what can help him now I mean there is almost no anti-air except end snare so may be a wiving transition if you can't afford it Legion do more oh yeah baby unholy all right here mana stone is pretty nice though and shark a k-cup the second item fountain but he's supply stuck so that's it for the Raider for the wyvern counter to zero once to three but he has to help good shout kk once again has to fight for himself it's only 47 supply we have 48 on shishi alone plus spirit link plus raiders plus the blade master TP to get a better position but rights let's see the Raiders are storming forward of course there's no disabled there's no stun except this one here but couldn't really reach if 0 for finish so yes there's more Raiders as the Codel is there and more walkers you kind of break up keep soon I guess 50 supply and 48 verses 43 and 47 can supply advantage and upgrade wise zero zero on the pins zero zero on one once forces are here three upgrades hat when of the winds motifs fell on this army and once shall KK doing with his tier 2 now there's no altar so no shadow hunter at the moment dreadlords okay style points was for one two zero will this ever reach the light of day or see the light of day I question this there's no repair thanks to entangle there's no tamarin on this map obviously so TP in now what the hell was that stomp into nothing that was pretty bad and yeah I mean you can spam storm for a little bit hex it's the next end snare oh there's a town portal so you can get out but that was just plain bad it gets the Shadowhunter Ford 1 to 0 is coming in as well so how much will fly lose there's the colo down he gets the grunt back yes another grunts surrounded there so that GP was nice but on what cost he got the altar already and he doesn't do anything against the hunters of course this will take a while expansion is coming up expansion is up already here quite hurt but whatever the defense was nice but also he realized I need to be annoying tiny pillage for this and no stats just for one to zero first destroyers in the air but that's the only one layers forces are under attack fly lusts a little bit too much for my taste while just again some connection issues I don't know if that will recover or not sorry about that base race again this seems to be the theme for this 2 and 2 tournament base races are this ship maybe I will restart my router after so fly without income shower KK without it come and she she is kind of like a golden goose or is the golden goose but for how much longer okay I will just continue casting this yes I don't know what's up here under siege a players forces are under attack well oh no he doesn't get this tree he just doesn't get this tree town is under siege haha that bad there was very unfortunate so three gold mines versus one now shell KK lost basically everything but okay here's the reinforcements who will lose the entire face first playing shishya coming back for the defense nice stump against this plate master but he does have enough mana so he has to TP out has to go to one through zero space of course a player's forces are under attack town is under siege and there's another expansion by shishi they are on the clock now that's for sure the longer she stays alive with his two gold mines on maybe three gold mines the better gets a player's forces are under attack that stuff was pretty sick but there is no range army at all you can put ten thousands of grand in front of that but hunters will still win he's losing so many of them it's just so much better still trying to get this feedback and they got rid of an expansion so it's one goldmine versus one that's a pretty cool game here Shou KK is doing his best to defend at home it was five on the plate man so finally won 2-0 comes home and now with the fiends can he do something but he's just storming in there I don't know if that's the best idea but so far with the destroyer back up it works a player's forces are under attack of the second goal - up again and flies expanding as well soon is under siege so KK can't get back into this game he has to fight with what he has now and that is 427 supplies there's even the tree of eternity and bears so if there's no tree of eternity then there's no bears but he has to defend it home again it's their only source of income and I think sheshe and fly that just out mining from you at the moment there's so much for tea supply here 47 they're displayed master such a bees catch the hue a and now shower KK is coming in as well actually one two zero held some in the Colts than in the game with nice news all right close level flowers under this is such a fascinating opening to this two-on-two tournament man a players forces are under attack they're fighting their little hearts out this one run one gold mine I think we can say two gold mines three gold mines 2,000 gold for one to zero and then what they're playing with fire here but what can they do where is one to zero doesn't he have the town horrible he doesn't have a town floor but he wants to lock it down first using so much man on this repair but then what it's going into the black Citadel with master baths now that will form the keeper of the Grove raw being used 25% damage boost on everything the ground falling left right and center and all of them die it's basically just the TC chair left oh my god what am I saying here the TC all by God in repulsion last second but he has only six supply he has this TC and a peon now comes one two zero gets the first pair gets the second pair but it's officially one against two now there is an expansion but it's scouted and the black master see that it takes care of it there were five and a half but it's only one gold mine back to the final building of shell KK is down as well so all he has to do is use his TC wisely that's his only job go to zero is preparing for the late game with a second tag goldmine especially if she can just place she's up life everywhere I mean one two zero is great and all but he can't play against two plays at the same time that's impossible forty supply for sheshe 42 for fly and 47 with the thousand gold for one to zero he's banking a lot didn't see it and tangled tree and harass actually working quite nicely he's just camping he's just turtling haha oh I thought that was close a player's forces this is truly an epic game which gets a little up by the connection issues I have you [Applause] but he actually makes it work and gets the gold mine up it's almost unbelievable dryads bears for sheshe three entrance of more Tree of Life is back in the base still 10,000 in here a town is under siege if that's the final attack can one-two-zero hold this he's far away he does have a but there's nothing to tell for a lot the Necropolis is gone gets the dried against the towers but he has to walk all the way back or TP here but there is already fly waiting for him with open arms and this is no income anymore the Destroyers super her the TC comes in but he can't stomp too much the Giants won't be affected by this notify from the TC yeah stop okay but whatever it's too much cold there's one echo light mining now one he does have 700 gold though another expansion I fly this will be number one two three four gold mines Scott this of course a great fight position but once he has one or two chimeras this game should be gone in five and a half it's not like yeah well it's five five four if he can somehow get rid of the Raider of the heroes maybe then but even then now does he want - where's forces are under attack finally they are doing what they are supposed to do getting even more gold they crept so much more they mind so much more gold and still 1 2 zeroes in the game because they are kind of afraid of him using the mana regen now even could bladestorm break this coming in with raiders their spirit link their seal wave there's a you'll scroll that's in wall fly is desperate he wants to break this now going for the TC there's an imposing super long stomp one two zero is not coming in he's getting rid of the night out here only just a little bit well he has to hold on to this but the towers are gone and it's yeah another storm against this but oh there's a car the black mess is dead April potion super last second well done and he gets away not with murder against the gold mind but the defense is certainly weakened and there's the skipper of a rope getting another clip beans one two zeros down to 47 with one destro and he steps on cooldown no TP the keeper is toast in this potion k2 spell it he got it oh that was beautiful that was certainly beautiful dispelling envelope oceans inves potions the Destroyers charm so he should haven't the I he has so much gold but there's no tavern so it takes forever another gold mindful fly he said three now this is pretty sick how much time can this hero kill by him ha the courses are under attack he cannot break up keep really right did he invest another all the destroyer is so important don't lose them to dryads think he has to TP home anyway then the drives can just turn around almost level 6 oh I get to destroy for free 5 supply down the TC is basically just a defense for this Expo to lower the damage with stun there's nothing you can do the main goal - down and here comes tumblin where is the stop level six for the death Knights the thing is you can't put that to good use so I guess it's level 3 or rather maybe it's death pack just to make sure you have like walked over there this one is down as well so we have it one two three four gold mines 30-minute battle on lost temple that crazy a player's forces are under attack he just won't give up once the Lich gets Canada Lich get two sticks with death and decay then maybe with a tele staff he could just take out one base after another but now they're pushing with combined forces and they get the TC out of position there there is an in promotion aggressive TP I think so yeah there we go but that's all he has forty-eight supply versus 78 and 77 if one sits in which it is God but he nukes the fake master first so he's out of the equation and that's the main damage dealer can he somehow make the miracle happened I doubt level five on the shadow onto so much mana the DK is in trouble has to reposition himself the fiends are those dying left right and center TC is still alive but it's just an overwhelming mass against this while he's trying to swap a potion but that's it level 2 for the Pierre preacher of the Moon and Gigi by shell KK and one to zero and they win the first map after 32 minutes wow wow wow so the connection is getting a little better as I see but not too much so I'm wondering if I should restart now you I think I need to restart everything okay I will restart the stream hopefully fix it and then be right back as soon as I can sorry guys and welcome to map - we are a little late due to technical difficulties which seem to be resolved at the mall we launched our rock the method we haven't seen too much so let's catch up with this level to the DK we have again grunt & tc41 to zero and Chuck okay you just lost that second map in the tournament before it was too long I it and he's so ends are under attack and fly a chichi they are just two maps away from the Grand Championship of the Tet tournament Ted 2 & 2 tournament again a very late tech shock okay with two grunts here feeding 1 2 0 a bit I imagine already on the way too cheap to is fly and shishi as well no one Huntress opening here so that should be cool I don't know if it's three dragons or people right us or what it is we'll see about that and yeah close to level 3 they get big matter pollution noise also tell us when I'll be Bayesian plus the word here on the other side of bite massive taken care of it so both have one watch award which is nice black mess with boots plus he has level 3 already he's getting creep Jack they're sort of monado and no ward but he gets this grunt most like all baby to finishes level free with us where's the Carl tester coil saving the fiend a player's forces are under attack so now I got second before Yoshi she we haven't seen too much of she she in recent months didn't even qualify for the third GCSE qualifier therefore not part of the World Championships this year or this season 1 2 0 is at tier 2 we're waiting for village to come out on the other side Shou KK just start this Tech now that is super late and stuck like the undead Tech is a lot faster no no okay lots of creeping here auntie are kind of surprising no Russia is no pushes or black master almost got I think he got it he didn't get the item that was the TC again chunky Kay with quick fingers with big healing a shockwave no stomping shockwave okay yeah few more narrow positions here when so many archers I don't know if shockwave is the right thing to go for oh nice around you really ask that down surrounding with grunts but he opens it up thanks to Hugh wife and Blademaster another shockwave killing an archer can be getting it the right clicks he doesn't pay attention to this TC gets another a kill here or to this Sh he hasn't involve yes tonight a person so he can do a lot more fiends fine to shut her onto now but he will keep him alive nice microbe I won 2-0 saving so many and another surround in the Naga this time he gets the kill here so one of the second heroes is down and also the demon hunter Caravan problems but everything is red or orange now and he has to get away say another speed scroll know so they part ways here late master trying to find some more kills for those frost are more he gets one kill but that's about it corn a little too late very rare mistake by one she 0 here she'll freeze on the way or under attack and the wall mail is coming for most likely kodos I guess talents it is love an expansion in two and two they played so many expansions man it's crazy because there's there they have twice the forces to defend it guess it's the main reason but no sign of a second goldmine for more creeping bhava which she wants novo of course on the other side red spot already which is also a nice place for an expansion of agility and how a feller not too many good items here to be honest in this entire day of tune yet no big game sighting auras like we saw on Thursday where we had vamp or untrue shot or on one team and this expansion is toast nice Scout by shell KK opening up the rat spot for one to zero to get more experience on this ledge and that's basically nothing she she and I can do about it say sticking up a bit now this is mass range with an Locker in the front so true shutaura would be fantastic but it's up to be found here so brilliant Sora welcome flames for the TC it's pretty phenomenal history and lots it is plus destroy your fiends so radar Walker fiends destroyers seems to be the answer archers talents radar Walker on paper destroyers should do this that's only on paper television for the solo hunter himself we're waiting for the second big fight in this game no temple of the Damned by the way at all because fly is for walkers with a depth upgrade so you just have to stop for GC of players horses are under it this is so good ten percent damage per second to everything around him if he positions himself in a talent somehow that's just great also the level three shock wave will help him if you get so far level three on the Lich the talents and archers will not have an easy life how many years Koston yeah zero zero zero okay only one saving let's get you into a destroyer second expansion attempts that is 48 supply for 1 2 0 43 4 shout kk nobody really wants to go over upkeep as it seems which is 0 is getting ready for it but i think it takes more time the army do we have cyclone in this no I don't think you will ever go to your 3 just go for talents and theory fire so this is the calm before the storm we have a koto a player's well 18 late master but the expansion is finishing and we have another he'll stroke plan she she are playing this smart they're playing it safe and they don't do mistakes reliant on the expansion a little bit here live versus won 2-0 mass to spell all the destroys have so much mana and these grunts they are just victims but speaking of waked victims the decades can go out with a TP now but that were a lot of grunt kills here and in the meantime he has to defend this nice shockwave you can't get the tree because there's no Raiders but force the TP didn't lose too much once again a very interesting game the Lich's level 3 now the Lich has a lot of mana and the orb but she she and fly they saved both their Night Elf gold mines a fly is pretty happy on 50 food dock Rangers third now not a single second hero for did he get rid of enough grunts so he can break through this we'll see about that no Raiders just walkers and grunts obviously Cotto number one is down but the aura is still up three destroyers with so much mana this is free XP this grunts man they have no place in this game anymore new wave saves them for a bit the same destiny have the walkers here man this magic damage is absolutely astonishing on the other side Sal KK is losing a lot to that shockwave was neat but as long as the Destroyers are there the Shadowhunters and deep brush problems but not enough damage gets the healed selves out on your wife out he cannot afford to lose this DK here no way which hero is gonna die first the demon hunters doing a good job can the arches win the fight against to destroy they get rid of one next shockwave rattling through almost killing the shadow onto their on the heal wave bounces to the right targets let the demon answer with the last in repose there's one more but there's this shockwave Carmen oh my god everything is falling apart Fork lightning rattling through it's not enough at this point level two on the dark Ranger and the demon had to staff out TC in trouble as well but gets out there looks like one two zero is just showing through this he didn't lose a single thing except the one destroy and now we have shockwave level 3 only piercing damage in this army no Raider no walk a triple kill with the shockwave so it's the blade master to rescue him now more grunts he does have village coil to save him nice right before the critical strike of course Schalke K is losing runs as well but that doesn't matter at all the shock wave against the talent will be sick as you have another matter posted somewhere yes he does on the DK maybe you should swap it over but of course on the other side keeping stuff in life is also good but there's the car that's the kill teaming on to town that should be game without the first hero he can just clean house there we go again both heroes incredibly low level for village and the Lich is having a great time man with so much Nova to work with thank God oh she she left the game only fly us in Yumi is leaving the game as well and that's a 1-1 equalizer between fly and hem and the next game has already started unfortunately so we are reliant on Neddy's TV now you yeah it's kind of better but not really I know that quality is but at least it's kind of stable but also not really I don't know what to do I will just go on with this there's nothing I can do I restarted everything already maybe it's just wish there was something unfortunately I can't do much I can't do anything now that's always bad because you know us we always want to give you the best quality we want to give you HD and 60fps but today the gods are not with us thank you rap chrome and rubbish for still subscribing while we have you this all will be in best quality possible-- on YouTube later so I have to excuse ya usually that would be the time for Remo to take over but since Remo doesn't have internet at all at the moment we're kind of stuck with this Peter someone didn't go to church this morning yeah that's kind of right I did you so pretty strong comeback by one to zero and shock okay to be honest I didn't expect that because it looked like flan she she are playing this so good and so confident and with a nice game plan but maybe it was just the fact that shot rock is not designed for mass expansions and expansions are really hard there and yeah it worked on a big map like lost temples so I assume we're gonna see cm or what else death no I think TM is most likely and since the game is thought up I will just get some energy be right back you because casting alone is hard already and if there's like a constant blinking red and yellow dot in my obeisance more stressful but whatever this is Church [Laughter] kind of true the Warcraft Church we have here gave us up we're loading in and I forgot to check the map but it is TM so kind of a good prediction here all right you hear it and I change the colors again go so twisted it is definitely a better map for flying chichi this time more expansions possible and therefore seems to be better for them they are starting in the bottom once again with the keeper of the Grove first and the unusual orc undead combination of south kk + 1 - 0 starting in the nor pc first again with double burrow tech and the shop so one of the latest tech c can go for thank master starts off with critical strike not wind walk of course makes sense while creeping all players in the keeper of the Grove good entangle this time instead of Koreans entering the war here second enter on the base of mass Huntress against mass grunts at one point the critical mass will be too much for Chaka K to hold on but then this is the question how many fiends are gonna be there unless temple we saw something equal but there they took such good care of the beam super early on and I wonder if they ate force are able to achieve this again is he coming out with stomp this time of course a lot bigger map way bigger map on TR there were a lot of jokes so shockwave makes sense especially if you know that your opponent's team goes for talents but no not here not on TM but players forces are under attack do your one and a half check here no tech pushy she-devil - on the bait master but so far the beans are alive and that's critical but crit and antenna or the devious combo there's two coils remaining though and another stop maybe the plate mess oh he misses the BM quite bad that stomp my shower cake a few squirrel to get that fiend again the first target of all ways the pizza and this long-range got him he wanted to call again but too late he was waiting for the mana but she almost gets this around trying to block with the whisks but no the early game belongs to the Night Elf orc team and they continue this rampage with well by killing acolytes police distract this is a lot of group that they get in the tech I don't think he will cancel the tech because she'll KK can always feed him there's no staff haha he's blocking him there there's no TP there's no staff you can't get out though by cancelling that building what cost it's chalk a cane nervous I've seen better of his to be honest Oh like master walking into the creep camp ballsy definitely ballsy she she stood on tier one not going for an X for a moment that's their strongest thing they have like going for expansions or the ability to go for expansions well this is just not designed to do for awkward son dad here's the expansion outs are under any they keep him busy like all the time as long as there's a little bit of mana remaining for the untangles to get this I don't think there's a call for this neck cream diet oh the DK themselves in trouble this is like a carbon copy of lost temple this is so like the same thing and the absence of fiends mean that the huntress win against the grunts down there so much is hurt and another feed dies Wow they played this so god damn well without losing too much the DK can't go up run speech go being used now or direct somehow no just your way and the stomp prevents them from doing worse even the ghouls have to help in this fight first Raiders are coming so entangled and ends here now shaka k just going with grunts grunts grunts grunts grunts that's all he does and feed them into the night oh poor Tommy I was just about to say maybe fly and sheesh you're playing a little too risky for flute now noise 10% on countries and try it if they come later expansions almost up will they take the time to creep it or will they keep up the pressure last game the Destroyers were player supports absolute MVP no way about it no discussion about it without destroyers they didn't win well they they couldn't win TR so maybe it will happen again but this time I guess we see dry assets under siege oh she's 31 maybe it's bad writers then in the absence of anti yeah well maybe they don't even need it hold them or as well this is what I was talking about on TR vamp aura and skirt bone shine this is such a massive advantage trying to get some nukes here done with and again Xiao CAI que is giving up his main base like his production buildings are falling and he doesn't accomplish anything in the meantime Dumbo Rex down and still like a time just to work with now they have to save the face but it's way too late good stop good Nova Center on to almost pulse I don't the staffs out now she she with good overview of the fight and again it's two gold mines versus one and soon it will be three gold mines versus one if you answers died there but if that's the price you have to pay for this then l yeah you do a huntress is more feeding for flying shark ate your fries ready reinforce defenses total upgrade and even berserker up against Auburn Walker master training did the time Victorian just more man out of the walkers here we build it no he has these sent all go all resources over to 1 to 0 and again it kinda has to face two opponents alone it's still a lot of grunt can they really go for base pit or kill against the fortress in 2500 I'm not too sure she she thinks no lie thinks no as they go for the black cylinder and even if they trade this then it's still two gold mines for Susilo okay but without one to zero they can't try to displace flexeril is god the towers are gone and that means the haunted goat mine will fall as well he sells it even to bases wiped out for the dominating team of Roubaix it looks like flying she she will get match points after this no productions for one to zero no income for the entire team all sake chaos left or do they have a chance here o-levels I'm not looking that good he can't rely on a new Scout here for the third expansion the fly is out of gold any rebuild something somewhere I don't think he has to do she can't just give him the money actually losing all the production Billings as well okay so both orcs have to fight with what they have and undead versus night up usually suits the undead but out of a black TM in a two and two expansions are just way too important and she she's doing the perfect thing One Tree of Life two trees of life three trees of life Plus this one one or two will come through or under attack a town is under see her again with the heels for the town portal and that's only four buildings remaining ah he gets a tiny grade hold up so she'll KK at the moment keeps them in the game watch something that's so much read on this matter in time they're dominating this man with their flutes and auras and whatever they have one more building is he gonna hide something on the island he's definitely pushing this one flies nearby though level four of the shadow on saving that peon but he needs more scouting once is there in chalk okay they need to scout morph and see all oh this is the final is the final building oh no the peon has to do something Chuck okay leaves the game he wanted to hide the building there if you saw it late but not fast enough and that means match points will fly and match points for Yoshi she damn they played this big Maps good like really really good they know exactly what to do they have a game plan for the first seven eight minutes and if they win the first fight then they just expand and then there's nothing they can do about him but those who are the good maps for them I guess we are left with deathtrap it's bad for expansions we are down to gold Shire and sent our grow so I think those maps speak in favor of one to zero and Chuck okay so we might see a crazy come back here game has started so it will be in Eddie's TV we do have new subs still it's amazing that we're suffering through a bit of lack and low quality here and you still try to support us your dad has subscribed for four months it has been so long he says yeah I know guys everything is up today the stream my hair everything whatever it's Sunday right who cares well you do I guess and I sit still 800 people are watching this really appreciate it's getting better but just slightly I think if I'm raising the quality than black start again we'll try and maybe it's just one left and it is deathtrap map number four and maybe the last of today for this two and two tournament I'm gloating into it they kept the colors I like that so Matt Lohr for and match points fly and she she's starting in the bottom of deathtrap and on the other side in the north we have the undead pork team who were so dominant before going into this final 300 in the group stage only losing one map to LA light and so in 300 against you Mako and wfz and flying she she they were struggling to even make it out of the group stage there but they made it they defeated in fee and th three two one and this could be the same result on this very bad see the hero choices it's a late hero for one to zero again it's the black master for sure okay okay for the first time we don't see the TC but the one and only blade master and she she side it's the demon hunters so very standard heroes now no keeper of the Grove no TCE no neutral hero whatever they are facing the silver medal and they decides to lay their trust in the hands of a blank master again double burrow check this time no double barracks at least not yet players for doesn't happen to know the number for it so I think it's fine in creeping starts very normal three proud for both of them or for all four of them starting with the little Morlocks here and of course inventory is not that important heroes are not that important it's more about timings a player's forces are under attack and different compositions but especially timing sentiment you are so crucial like the way flying she she attacked the fiends very early on that was she to take started she she again feeding a little bit same on the other side Wow super fast tech even without a shop interesting leaders forces are under attack and what a slow opening to deathtrap this is lots of creeping a little bit of scouting and that's about it right no attacks no little skirmishes but all right this map truly reminiscent of avalanche map that we don't see in this tournament but we've seen many many times former competitions starting positions in the corners two lanes a little bit of stuff in the middle except the dual expansion is not there which is quite imbalanced a player's forces are under so one-two-zero keeps his fiend so far it's only archers so they don't have the risk of losing too much also no keeper of the Grove I think these fiends should be safe oh she's she going for hundreds also dryads behind the orc blocker mass of raiders and grunts but where to go from there destroyers can't be the real answer right that's why I Shaka K is checking faster as well a player's forces are under attack soon level three DK but the Blake master has a night inventory having the trifecta here and an additional circlet even on the other side also a trifecta first it'll go by fly as it seems scouting 42 buildings that are supposed to come up okay you will get that beast V and he is short on lumber this could hurt him really bad ya little Asus tech buildings for quite a bit I mean there's a few peons in so he does damage against the flight master himself then you get a grunt right easily only has to use one back step look at how careful one-two-zero is moving out still scared Naga seconds and internal or ancient of lore a player's forces are under attack so of course the dryads counted the destroyers so what's the answer to them the other side Raider Walker problem it kind of needs them the destroyers to dispel monster shark okay only now going close to two buildings give a side to you three on the way slaughterhouse already up there's a little delayed Lich I don't know if I like one two zero being so passive against this combo there's no disabled in this army except X now so you could have done a bit more anything but they will do better maybe no better solo experience to the Shadowhunter no expansions yet but they are freed up massive experience advantage for fly backstab secures another kill that is your wave and the destroyer upgrade is coming thinking about an expansion at this point makes little sense so master gets the English got so big basically the shops belong to both teams so stealing them or grabbing them just always the mess is still roaming around but has to use a speck step soon most likely on the grunts tried to kill it well in the meantime he has so much time to get the Lord does he really this is dangerous one two zero you're using a hex on this overlord security to kill with coil Nova only getting a hammer feller in return but the rest of the army is coming supply advantage for fly and she she get the Overlord but we have Nova and the orb if we go advantage for night elf or cream but fiends are crazy strong at this point like master survives with 15 HP catches the heal way of how long will this last four seconds of something then the anvil Paz was gone but gets a mana burn out so no Collymore but maybe the fiends can do something but no the healing was too good and they're storming through this again with the Giants and and snares they pick up one unit after another demon hunter level 4 super duper tanky and this one destroyer he doesn't have to control like he did have him Sherlock grunts are falling left front and center on both sides it's going for the blade master again a critical strike and he's dead but no the hue wave is there again for him flies plummeting in supply but so is the rest so is the yellow team another two units that eight supply vanished of the earth and eight they won this fight again they are expanding again this is history repeating a player's forces are under attack 37 only 34 for the orchids ridiculously no and flag did a good job and keeping all those try it safe he been using a crystal world revealing the counter expansion positions seeing okay they didn't do anything I don't have to worry at all and while undeads were I mean neither one successful for a long long time are still in 1:1 competition in 2 & 2 seems like you have to have them just for expansions they saved their asses so many times second exact upgrade the demon hunter is a beast this is a tiny little orc army can he reach with giants doing so but it's fun just not too much to gain here a player's force it's getting ready to break up keep decided position to do so I guess economically one more mistake and we have a champion pretty safe to say that whew she is going enough keep already why is still banking a bit but I think once the expansion is up he will break as well what that's up great only now try and seize the Army is laughing a bit late all the code Oh completely out of position there is a year wave yeah it's unlevel - yeah but what is there ask the TP that destroys in a good position he's going for the Shadowhunter immediately one year away but some cool down now but nicely positioning their late master running around like a headless chicken trying to go from the DK 186 critical strike the Raiders they are of course one of the first to attack so I think the concave against this destroyer is fairly good photos on both sides so the aura is working all four of the players but this range army they are just so safe you see the undead army is all over the place the matter of army is here and pretty much untouched double to the dark Ranger level for know level 3 on the Lich though catches a coil he will reach that level in this fight most likely if he's not dying soon the plate mass has to get away and wait for the next to you wave going for the plate master now there's no TV no involve he'll post has been swapped oh my god one two zero nice reactions but it's not enough they lose their hero they lose their units they lose this final most likely can they get a revenge killer there's a staff this staff is safe their asses many many many times as well as important as the expansionist was he's driving them back but shell KK was just plummeting in supply down to 32 that's nothing that's your economy that's the two heroes and that's it plus their mining and mining almost 5000 domains they have to attack but they don't have to force to do so layers forces are under attack also it looks like there's not enough kissing damage almost no piercing damage at all of course a lot of teens for dad a players forces are under attack what's this the fight that won them the game that bought the time for the Expos who run shishi again and upkeep should have yeah to one upgrades again fly on one two so a lot of our more here still chew on she she as well only focusing on units nothing else what's on kettledrums upgrade we have the lightning they are just preparing their opponents for the final feast let's go to the heroes again number 4 DK with a heel scroll in with potion 4 3 2 is decent the other side under C almost four and four with the heal spell and a beast scroll yes lonely but steady coming back into the scanner in this lure instead to heal potions 3 your potions Yoshi she picked in will on the blade and everything you need on the Shannara yeah 63 pushing into upkeep is a little crippled but I catch these statues of God and that is the worst thing that could happen to one to zero and that's why he's tipping out TC third a lot of users ten heroes close to the mac leaders forces are under attack when are they supposed to do a strike against this export now planning they're preparing they're holding on to that littles for all they have but it's a little bit desperate as well Hiro focus I think is only options three destroyers how many have mana and off we go is this in a final fight in this tournament storm doesn't it too much but it's only level one so it doesn't matter what lightning hits better though and that stomp was massive stunning the entire block align here finding some space for the ranged units there's so many of them plus 4 on each try it no form of the demon anta is dead and can they turn this game around now fought lightning there's an imp important to blade master yes to use it soon shock okay does still three destroyer in the air DK is gonna be attacked there he has nothing no TP no potion chatter on chest to take care of him but there's no man anymore TC dies as well as the second kill but now level 4 on flies plate master will it rain critical strikes or not he's killing still watch up shell KK the demon hunters back from the tavern he invested a lot into this now crits over crits who's gonna win this it's almost equal there but courage is such a nice addition I mean corruption is super good as well and you feel the purge more hello logically in this up we have seen so many times where lynchin fiends does wreck through a dryad army but not if he dies just bounce the hex gets the in repulsion though there is mana for core needs to use it soon where is the coil there we go I wasn't oh no it wasn't a picking ball with a normal one quick hot so many Giants are falling they are just wiping out the entire giant army blade master and lynch are so sick and I take everything back it's not decided yet they took this game turned it around and here we are again hack despite there's an expansion running for like six minutes or so maybe seven they are still in this game thanks to two beautiful hero kills right at the start of this fight but again do they have the firepower Julie nice detonate we have in repulsions on two heroes he's waiting for it only gets in you scroll a little bit afraid town is under siege she got us lower back oh and she'll kick a might be caught off guard to you then no way one two zero is then know he has a tumble but even with Raiders running away from dryads is impossible drop the goddess before using the potion okay game again 20 minutes old quite a few marathons here today when she she are trying to find their opponents only the seven-foot advantage here that's it two units the heroes are strong on each side they are pushing the expansion now and it seems to be working flying she she are far away they don't want a teepee but Xiao CAI que is getting rid of it Nova did he dodged the Nova there and pull the wrist back late masters there because of the statute seven for village Nova again on the repairing wisp this is halfway dead but now there's no there's no repair anymore can he right-click and cancel it no no no with Xiao CAI que maybe without him no wait doesn't lose the destroyer but dad was close he actually thinks he fought the time for the expansion if this goes through it's a whole new game this is canceled 500 remaining main gold mines are down free expansion for shi shi that's Wi-Fi is expanding here do they know this I mean of course they know but 500 the dark Ranger catches the coil focus switches to the TC critical strike is it yes silence on him there's another stump though he will be saved for now at least four hero focus again this time it's the blade master of fly and this time he hasn't in proposed energy oppose even post on the other side as well so much going on you three destroys in the air again the shadow hunter full with mana he waved rattling through over and over no in propotional he opposing the demon aren't any more used to useful has to be tes staffed out otherwise he would have been dead TC has no value in this army it's just five dead supply chuck okay now he's but this looks good for one-two-zero and shark okay well now at least blake master is revealed a sense that is dead the Hugh arrives too late they lose their main damage dealer there's a lot of blocking stuff there's peons but who cares if there's no crit anymore it's trying to get revenge with the NCS that he has but the DK with the info potion you feel so safe or should he know oh my god this melts it again good control by one to zero making sure his first hero survives but Kenny find the gap there is no healing anymore the big eggs knocks him down no Carlo unholy aura but also no T C shell KK wipes the floor here with this plate message going to the demon answer this is insane so much you know focus backstab you wave right at the test perfect timing and to staff out but he is the legend know above corruption when the hell did that happen but she she is down to 38 flies down to 26 he only has his colas at the heroes trying to run away with a yield scroll with the Blake master things know the writers think no I will answer everything of you and I will chase you I will run you down I will kill all of you in the meantime expansion is up there but also here its scouted though he sends the co2 I'm just she she repaired this there's so much gold inside but I think this time here at the time they have such a huge supply leaf so one down one to go to make this series a marathon and take it in to make five for the first time in the playoffs late masters coming back but how long will this take forever lot of buildings being sold by one to zero is now a thousand goals at this stage of the game she she reacts panda no way one two zero is building most nightly just scouting why they can produce nothing he's supply stud did he sell a cigarette too quickly I once the DK back all right all right all right all right that's why he's clearing up supply just one if you came back now in the statues have to work overtime o night o team has their heroes back in a bit he said so he doesn't want the opponent's heroes to be level six it respects okay undead army reassembled poor Tommy reassembled 80 supply versus 60 he's camping on his own there's no item on the under fascinating series between the long distance mile in my mind there's no gifts in this series what they get there and I think dry it's an honor not as long as the Lich's run killed a few fiends yes for sure try it's a squishy even if they have to what it looks like once a zero and char KK are getting ready to knock down this Expo oh and stair hacks platemaster our staff out again the silence just a split second too late but on what on the cost of his life he dies is so quickly and there's so much I said without the Shadowhunter I think this is even worse than the loss of the blade mass or potential loss of blade master no heel waif anymore for fly and she she they get to the tree of Ages and they have the damage this time in the main face in the meantime counter go but I think they're fine with this yeah tree of Ages down can they it's only piercing damage can they come back in the fences rebuilding POS isn't that hard and then it's income versus no income late masters there again if he's lucky with a queries dad backstab no crit is he solely focusing on heroes or what's he doing the dryads and the diamond I'm to do good damage but the demon hunters under focus he actually gets rid of it he actually gets rid of his expansion and she peace out no way shadow on to survive to level six nobody is mining anymore she she lost his free expansion she'll KK and any supply lost their normal expansion what's the resource is saying he could build one more I think zero gold four one two zero fly constantly with long distance mining it's only dry itself five and five point four almost five he gets both heels back again the Blademaster survivors where yeah that's what he has to do serious seeing okay the armies are not united at the moment I fly as only fifteen supply doesn't have an army anymore not at all it's a few peons and that's it but fly is a good plate master player showing off here killing this the same yeah the thing is there's no fiend anymore against the drive but there's so many Raiders but I think if he only gets the hero kill then that said Cordova right clicks boom executed in split second and again the damage is missing again he blocks them in again there's no potion but okay there's a step but it's two biggest damage dealers are gone and there's a few Raiders that is not necessary we go full distance baby - - between fly shishi and one to zero shell KK holy cow what a series that's pretty fun and the last map is either go sire of course or center or Grove right we haven't seen center or Grove yet you I thought the game is over I thought fly and she she hath this tournament ready but this this one 2-0 guy is just out of his mind sometimes so it's actually going full distance it's actually going up to map 5 and are they in the game already yes so we have to wait like two minutes will be crowned the last GCSE champion I think was fly and she she ride I know it was Ted and I knew but fly and she she were in the final if I'm not mistaken 2016 fall was the last two and two tournament 10 in hi new one against yeah fly and she she in the final there it was a three to two for Ted and honey on no would actually which we haven't seen him this turn I guess in the 2016 spring season there it was fly and she she winning it over Yumiko and wrz in the finals and fly-ins shishi ending up I don't really know the results there are people hoping for sense our growth when there is freaking gold sire in the pool you guys have to learn a lot about Warcraft meet you but I know that gold shines on I'm quite excited for this now stream is at least stable again right I mean it doesn't it looks like but it's stable at least right since our group is more epic I don't know make I don't know it does have cool mercenaries though I grant you that it is Oh Tidewater glades we haven't seen that at all or at least I haven't that's a very interesting map because it's very easy to get some big consumables there and I wonder if they abuse it ready for the final match of the series and office tournament of flying sheshe vs. 1 to 0 and shopping here we are off to an epic hopefully epic last map on Center Grove here they are in the South by the way Thank You snow wheel for the sub 4 for month already in the south we have the former GCSE champions of the spring season 2016 its fly and she she going forward keeper of the growth again on the other side I would be very surprised to anything else for the black master there we go with grunt build and maybe no to borough tech on the other side the team that I've never seen before before today it is the guy who played GCS but lost in the first round it's our KK and his Li the former GCSE champion as well won 2-0 so it's a DK and it's the black master they had success with this on deathtrap so why not do it again on Tidewater glades and this is it this crew spot is so easy and gets yeah you see it's ridiculous when Duffman are stealing not that great but if this is Grove the bees Oh both get the wind up man up feeling so just a little gold boos oh yeah then a little trapper like this gives you an item like that I think that's imbalance so we were quite lucky let those were not a screw-up a beast otherwise a rush tactics so much more powerful a player's double tech are under attack I'm the other side we seek what to say no she she is feeding again with mass Huntress I think this will just be dipping a toe in the water at the moment just a little bit of skirmish exchanging a few hits here and there once to zero and shout KK you should know that at the moment they can't do anything against the keeper so be careful with your grunts be careful with your fiends and interrupt their creepiness good as you can and don't lose all the fiends again that's key well last time when we saw maths fiends we had mass grunts as well reach oh by the way quite an annoying spell if you want to solo creep this but for watch our wards looks like it's worth it a player's forces are under attack parks the fiends in the base level to here as I said very slow opening re gets the grunt there he has to invest another one he does have another one nice long-range entangle this is good damage man over 100 and 130 on level one and he gets the kill that's quite big or reveal being used he doesn't have a wind park anymore otherwise well my coffees inventory look at it man cloth slip for a circlet mana stone fly can certainly be happy about this boots now on the keeper even better together with entangle but again expanding is quite hard on this map is there only in the middle late master he doesn't see the blade master but the night of army coming in so this is a forest town portal and fly has all the time in the world she she does an incredible job feeding and buying time she had three tech immediately Shadowhunter beast three lodge not lodge for normal an immediate Tier three not the same for shell KK that was a first you work coming to your Korean sauna house but how long will hunches be worth anything second marathon Jesus Maria the shadow I'm just gonna be so happy sick mana regen and another Clause well someone wants flight of winners it seems the other there's just a lot of consumables this blank mass is so underwhelming they get a few kills here let's compare the plate masters it's two level difference what happened a players forces are under attack and they're getting creep checked again and then tangle against the fiends again we've seen this twice before another Shadowhunters out and we have plus 70 on the blade master this is looking pitch-black flying shooting there for sake okay another unit hex nice will react attack but this upgrade that you see now is the key in this last and final map once they are destroyers then huntress melt and he's not checking is it traditional to archers in the know he's not giving his faith and destiny in the hands of flying a Blair's forces are under attack I'm just so good if you can push an expansion or anything or base but I don't know if they want that I don't know if they can I don't know no TP on one to zero and the forces are coming can they escape looks like it all the creeps pod has been pulled so he can go away no teleport on any of them into into it's absolutely mandatory to go for that and there they have the salad man this is not looking good at all up you're gonna fight position the destroyers up though and ghouls are coming in this is maybe the fight for the tournament the shadow hunters caught off crop up this plate master is so sick taking care of this arrow answer as well so he's out there's no block line at all everything is all about a place to lynch is out of position X though stare coil yes there is now does he want to use it offensively or not oh my god the black mass is falling the blade master is actually falling what the hell fly this is not supposed to happen the shadow hunter with another year wave discipline to save him what zero and shell KK they haven't lost a single series in this tournament and it looks like they won't and they take this home what a fight they got sandwiched they were they have no TP this was do or die it looks like it's do coil right on time to keep her squishy the Shadowhunter is squishy he's all sort of mana now and just shall kick oh this is dangerous this the Geo potion uses it and now the keeper of the Grove is on the menu nice usage of this Apple in there but what's it worth and tangle again but where's the damage you had a +17 Blademaster where is your damage you walk into the creeps what oh no he's actually losing this Sh I can't believe it oh but he gets a counter kill and that's the first universe's the second tier Oh boom and that's worth it shel KEK a getting the kill here fly trying to evacuate again with the speed scroll has been dispelled only on the set on two though and a few hunters as I said critical timing once the Destroyers are out this matchup is turned on its head so supply so it slight advantage for one to zero and shark okay but the hero kills stay count and they bought so much time there's no way in hell that she she can expand any way anytime soon he's of course the one supporting fly now so he gets up to fifty as soon as possible and creep up the Shadowhunter but it's hunting season and they will chase them all across phantom grow no what's it called check water glades they're doing a good job spitting the Army's use the hunters a little decoy and the black masters back it's actually plus twenty two with you forced attention are under attack but it didn't look good for flying she she if they had no expansion and there is absolutely not possible to shell KK is back at fifty as well one hundred supply for the yellow team against ninety don't get me wrong this game is not over at all haha glass cannon blade mess with +36 he used the health stones gather the manna stones before but if there has ever been a savior then it's this guy the attack speed is insane not getting an in world just the he'll score he has a 100 mana from the well of mana stealing it's one 250 with the mana potion what ha oh I got creeped check he lost the Lynch at the rad camp sorry I missed that and yeah the Blake Masters absolutely sick step of silence as well fly is the luckiest man on earth now and now what a turnaround this could be losing the Lich's crucial because the Lich has the operator Arab of corruption and without the other crops you can't fight over darkness not comparable to a step of silence not even close which doesn't get an XP now and here's the drop into the main base and tango right clicks bouncing glaze it's just going for the whole to cope mine 1 2 0 has to TP again but so far that's not too much damage oh it's ok ok actually so you lost to echo mites that's okay let's just back in a bit but that bought so much time for this expansion so so so much time keeping the witch doctor gets my split push to secure the expo to distract first in the undead base now in the off base fly has the momentum now and fly has the sick light master with bluff 33 he gave up the slippers for a town hall in involution and he doesn't want to fight this since 1 to 0 is there as well expansion 1 expansion this would be one of the sickest to want to come back that I've seen in a long long time but shows you again that heroes are not that important I mean this plate master speaks a different language but 17 delicious roses are under attack they want to break it down is a bad position of course they do have a town portal at least one okay now - but no Raiders but they get rid of it the question is do they have to trade it for the base expo down TP home okay good job or hex on the keeper so you can TP out get some - huntresses six supply gan maybe even nine yep good TP very good TV in the meantime you can step on whatever he wants but there's a destroyer this time it's one to zero but the step of silence man working like a charm this spell on the speed scroll there is still silence here comes Nova just focusing the units I really like that no hero focus anymore they get rid of unit after unit after unit and the execution of the nuke is so well done and Nova here a coil they're all like guaranteed kills question is will they Scout this and the answer is yes a town is under siege and the answer is double yes 1000 gold advantage town is under siege a player's forces are under attack a game worth a final this game has been turned around twice now and at the moment one to zero and Chaka K put the pedal to the metal but not if they lose this litigant they have a temple now they don't they don't have a teepee they are with the back against the shop so maybe they can buy one in blue potion but where's our cake hey it's not even close the lid is about to die into post pop still no TP ah there we go that was close level up for the keeper of the Grove though one two zero with heavy losses but still supply advantage and they kill this expansion up in the meantime no expansions left only 1800 gold here 1,900 here in the long run your ass against the gold mines we'll fight them in the ass maybe keeper of the Grove catches a critical strike it will post me you wave there's not enough damage there shouldn't be enough damage nope but they take this fight I was just yeah what's the price Tucker can TP out as well this just way too much to destroy us for three but those TPS they cost quite a lot we saw the drop if he paid attention he saw the Zeppelin but I don't okay yes I did batrider Oh oh good reaction by she she here the Zeppelin is gone and another town portal is gone mass huntress all the rage here the yellow troops are gathering I don't think there's much left in the shops a town is under siege for 19 minutes 30 n is this this is a massive conga line but the fight starts already fly with his sick plate master has to carry this good flock Alliance on both type of the destroyers again with mana with so much damage against grunts and huntress they are absolutely useless against this area of effect and this magic damage but he lose this one and sing along the show KK of course sipar to fly in terms of micro but he's there when he needed to be there but when he needs to be there and he's buying time level 5 of the DK still to went of the wind or the black master battle here like we'll definitely win this but if he's hexed he's not nice 1 o'clock here what is helping it's nothing canceled so about chilling from this wart and flying shishya plummeting and supply everything is crimson red this should be the decision intends to on suka but I've said this before and if there's one guy who can turn this around it's definitely the blade master but he has no mana and what to reposition get another heal wave all hope is lost question mark or all hope lies and crits going for the DK there is a TP once to get rid of it immediately hex comes out can TP critical strike DK falls the hex comes too late can you get a counter killed somehow but there's Naxos over now this blake master survives and he has the next target that's the lich Codel fault as well the spell used again but my god oh my god what a game both heroes hurt can they run away somehow yeah it does look like it but shout KK is down to 16 supply 25 for fly an over touring 90 supply for him for one to zero and shout KK this must be game we have the strongest black mass we've seen all tournament but even that guy can save against two armies fly loses the fortress the DK is backward from the tavern he wants to dive in again hex comes in is there a new guest array or are you wait but it is enough level up for the dark range and now the damage dealer is gone and fly can't do anymore except a little healing but also that is not possible anymore the televisions in the books and the winners are one to zero and shall KK what a game what worthy final and what the crazy turn around the entire time that was pretty sick let's shade so helpful says thought yeah you're right to be honest this day started real slow the game for third was okay the first games of the final were absolutely like not my style to say the least but the first okay lost temper was awesome but you didn't see it because of technical difficulties but map four and five whoo-hoo that's why I love to into so much that's why I love to into so much and I hope we see more tournaments like this it's really a joy that Ted is such a big fan of 2m2 as well and it's a blessing to see a little deviation from one on one but I haven't cast two and two one on one in more than three weeks so I guess it's time for some one-on-one we have Jarek up 136 coming up the champions here won 2-0 and she she I wonder if they will play together in the send you team Cup as well man if you have a strong tune to team that will help we will cover that from Tuesday to Thursday most likely we will keep you up to date on our social media and our homepage there was it for tech cup and off we go to Jerrica and we'll set everything up and this will take a while take a little rest eat something and then I think 10 minutes and then we're here see in a bit
Channel: Back2Warcraft
Views: 9,838
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 120, fly, fly100%, ted, xiaokk, grand final, grand finals, grand, final, finals, ted cup, orc, night elf, nightelf, oc, ne, undead, ud, 2017, ted cup 2017, 2on2, 2v2, neo, cup, warcraft, warcraft 3, wc3, war3, wc 3, Back 2 Warcraft, B2W, Back2Warcraft, back to warcraft, warcraft III, esports, esl, gamesports, esl-radio, esl tv, rts, real time strategy, frozen throne, tft, warcraft tft
Id: fHq-jeRT9vU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 14sec (7274 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 10 2017
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