Warcraft 3 - Yule Cup GRAND FINAL: [UD] 120 vs. Infi [NE]

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hey this is the grand final this is what it all comes down to 10 days of Yule Cup qualifiers everyone was fighting to get a spot into this the participant of the qualifiers were basically eliminated in round one except sock the favourites prevailed mostly and this is where we have two of the best Chinese players in the grand final this is a rematch of a previous GCSE file this is a rematch of the masses Colosseum this is also a rematch from the group stages the match starts the chat is divided fifty-seven percent in favor of one to zero for the undead race it would be one of the biggest undead wins in recent history isn't the one was really able to defeat Night Elf or human then first map is concealed hills here full out best of seven first two four claims the championship and $6,000 as I said they met in the group stages in fee was playing night off there and won 2-0 put out some super unusual strategies Tier two mass fiends we thought what is going on with this boy why is he not checking tier three this makes no sense at all and he won that thing in the wgl qualifier just a few weeks ago it was the other way around it was in fee playing night off again against won 2-0 what's the Chuo there so on this patch these guys are two two in maps and historically the matchup between them is incredibly close as well they are nine to nine in matches of all time 27 to 24 in maps whatever they meet its toe-to-toe in fee had a long win streak um sorry what is here at a long win streak from basically the end of 2017 across the entire year 2018 five wins in a row but once but in fee was back in the wgl qualifier how is it now who will win the third match between them on 1.3 0.4 keeper of the Grove first hero here death knight on one-two-zero side all right attend to our first map you could seal hills what are we gonna see usually what night ups do is fairly predictable we mentioned this in the pregame already it revolves around tier 1 units mostly archers sometimes hunts in expansion and then overpowering with numbers the others have tried to find ya strategies against this players like WSB tried to go for gargoyles tier 2 counter expansion for example which showed some promise that is very creative though and little outside the box there's not really one to 0 style 1 to 0 style has always been around reliable not to experimental strategies but with perfect execution some of the best micro in the world without a doubt on the side of the undead this may become a game of few numbers with perfect yeah execution against the masses of the night oh this is the second game of won 2-0 against night off in the playoffs he defeated lowlife afford the internal newbie battle with insane micro especially on Amazonia right as you mentioned both of attack for the keeper in feed we saw his wallpaper of his desktop but he's playing a praying for some items cloth certainly one of them instant expansion but it's totally shuts it down takes out the whisk there as well that was really big so that Nate can come in and he gets that one cancel off I would think it took two too much damage to tree their horse so he gets plenty of resource back the more damage of building has taken by the point to cancel it the fewer resources you get back so this is already really good actually for the DK he may only be level 1 but normally you cannot expect to cancel night of expansion at all unless you bring ghouls but you didn't even need to do that and still got that castle buying a lot of time forms no tech on in fees sides teeth to has started for the undead there's still a bunch of creep camps here I want to do a side he's doing that at the same time with the ghouls running the damage nice the claws of attack for him as well he can heal up town on the fountain now and this is important for the undead unholy aura is unlocked and the additional region for the shop he can be annoying for quite some time now again this film is really nice for under in the early game especially if you're hovering around the natural exposition of your opponent because the shop is right ere the fountain is right over there and it's can't really heal until tier 2 which is of course further down the tech tree I don't know if you saw the fear of life again with skeleton scouting but he must know it's coming this is extremely predictable and he's bringing in the ghouls for another expansion cancel or perhaps just for a bit of a creep bracket five of them still two coils if the ogre Magi goes to the DK gonna be massive speaking of scouting one to zero scouting was perfect there was no flaw in the quarter-final with his skeleton scouting absolutely unbelievable gets the kill on the archer and Mabius around on the keeper there is peer though but one two zero got a little bit distracted trying to go for the creep Jack he could have canceled the Tree of Life I'm pretty sure but now it may actually be too late yeah he's falling back he's retreating feeling these ghouls or is he might not be able to do too much anymore we witnessed in the past couple of syriza's that one to zero always takes a little time to get into a game and scouts this now again might be a little too late damn it on the DK now as well but his early games in the playoff matches were a lot worse over that toilet did not connect a split second right there would have been big experience stolen and received for himself close to level 3 now another entangle another set of sri ins whatever he wants to go for options are putting in good damage here comes the entangle what's this DK immediately we have a knock out second wow DK is unusually aggro play the keeper now under pressure but so is the DK but remember there are fountains here in height there Treece goes to the Nagas this is very unusual this is extremely unusual we don't see us at all normally cool da very strong right now but if the knife becomes stronger with a second hero battery unit this Naga will just continue to feed and keep on dying yeah nice cheddar melt by n P and the entangle gets to kill closer to level three he came back at 60% we have to your to slaughterhouse or clear source no double crypt no guards keepers certainly slowed down though still only level two usually on tier two we will start seeing the winds at the moment in fee isn't just there yet does the appearance coming in the know the second Archer kill here for the undead de kado still far away from level 3 this means of course no dark Ranger late no dreadlord late move the Naga is too good in the late game and this is also split experience because he needs the Lich there's gonna be three heroes instead of two against low light we've only seen two euros let's go change here another killer that's level 3 for him that's very big deal and now this keeper is extremely strong can easily go for Google kills or perhaps force a TP out of the death knight doesn't even need the entangle note there it is gets the TP out of him another Archer killed oh that makes it a total of I think four or five Archer kills that is certainly nice to grab up in the early game then moving towards the mid game on tier 2 you're not gonna have to worry about too many people riders too quickly so these kills do matter but yeah I agree with you the Nagas in the real late-game what can we really expect you not too much to be honest invention crap now t2 is done for in fee s you saw on the second hero we go double ancient of wind as well here three is almost done plus the sacrificial hits was to ease the scouting a little bit that shade and play around the shadow melts plenty of tires in this tournament unfortunately no he's sacrificing this acolyte but that doesn't reduce them to thirty five watch the wants now no TP only an involved alchemist close to level two already and the hippogriffs are on their way and the archers can easily mount them and become flying units not very good at fighting but a lot better at surviving as I'll just die very easily obviously red spot already you want to zero is coming in from the Jack one coil if he times it perfectly the experience goes to noon but he can't get the item most likely or is baiting the coil there we go level three you get the idea as well what successful job can he survive this keep hooked on points out a perfect creep Jack for the young undead very well done very very well done right there he picks up the item despite being entangled didn't even know that worked but apparently it does which is coming in now but he is delayed one two zero wants to go for the timing push here before there's too many hippo riders he's got a one fiend only with web you may think that's not enough to deal with mass hippos but what do there has made it work in the past we were baffled our minds were blown when he made that fight work with only one fiend on last refutes against Lala's litters coming with an orb now still no TP didn't even use the engl big damage increase right here and TP by the way on the knife side is gone hero kills might be turning into a danger here yes coil Nova Chain Lightning fairies already as he lost so many archers in the early game three Goods pluck the lich sees the opponent coming from far away players 45 supply only everything a little slow down with a good stew damage this one has to be more right away has to have an answer to this entangle is using the feem immediately color comes in in time destroy getting focused next but so is the alchemist we have to go for the in will here very soon trying to run into the corner put more damage to the rest of the army going for the Nagas now next a symbol herself both using the involve alchemist runs away with chemical rage he can run him down though rdn entangle and tango prevents the coil here she wanted to long range coil him but entangle says no he's still trying though moon wells looking up to good but enough to prevent the coil kill and still wore down now floodgates open for the base attack again second statue here coming in so important it's all about euro kill it seems at the moment involved should be on cooldown in the shop for a long time still more than halfway in a restock load 600 HP only trying to repair now the air army grows but it's two fiends now instead of just one he's going for the heroes right away for the alchemist has to pop that your potion early on but there is new coil know about fold lightning alchemist dies but he gets the return kill on the noggin okay and the destroyer is dead you have to morph a new one used to call offensively to get rid of that alchemist but that's okay I guess without acid form there's almost no damage on these fiends except entangle but you can't spam that forever even feels like it sometimes no Statute on is an army makes sustaining here fairly hard DK has decent manner left still though and the keeper hit though for more spells to be used level 2 on the treants destroyer getting called here barely in the nick of time but the fiend might be the prize here few more right clicks and that should be his but he's saving it towards the back still waiting for the statue when this is that you're coming expansion survives 5 wisp still button Nova against them if they start repairing since you're giving this up I think he has one last try to defeat the undead army here treants here he's not going for the dispel he knows the entangle becoming right after keeper is low mana in more potions ready again I think both players should strive to prioritize getting this one and they don't want to go to the shop just yet though it's all about the expansion positioning right now the destroyer again step she was ready except one fairy dragon but that took a long time as he wasn't Flair form with 12 are more very important and normal fairy start to fall but the alchemist is back acid bomb back on the field only note level 1 acid bomb I love how the destroyer is fading the attacks from the fiends always running in then back forcing a few webs second statue now got still benched coming back only now ACMA's chemical rate almost over the DK dropping extremely low on the front line don't have anymore anymore out of position once you're unbelievable safe by one to zero blocks with the treants almost because they're another hero kill ready I don't think so Alchemist fault lightning Nova the Destroyers chasing back on the DK not a race from the corner again level up for him now might be coming for that fact actually funny mob kills here as well all you've seen so far but it's the gg if he has to tap out almost winning the game there was the DK kill a split second that Naga safe she didn't do too much except the right clicks and some fork lightnings but that she brought the potion in Causton for the game and again perhaps a bit of an early GG out was that game over what was the level of The Alchemist was he dead I could he survived all right yeah but well he two or three I'm not - I don't - too much progress on him meet the acid bomb - and it's what the Naga did really well right she pressured with the ghouls so much yes it cost a couple of ghoul lives but the creepin was slowed down so much the expansion was slowed down so much he she did fall off later on certainly but she had a good presence yeah in the early stages of that mid game yeah especially all the articles were also due to her yeah and that meant he had to go for fairies earlier that's not enough damage actually like for hippo riders there was poor poor numbers that game was right on the edge though like that could have tipped either way yeah it's so many points the lack of The Alchemist was absolutely noticeable in that fight fiend survived for way longer than usual yeah right second map for us here the counter pick for infi is gonna be tearing us stand hmm a map that night elves and humans have been very fond of for a very long time this is the new tyrannous tanto in case you guys aren't aware this used to be the number one most hated map for undead's aside from wfz but nowadays it has become a lot better a lot more manageable so I don't even think that is so bad of course in this format best-of-seven we don't have any vetoes we may see all of the maps you're being hopefully that would be the dream here we had a full-out best of five in the game 4/3 already and we're hoping for exactly that in the grand final three thousand viewers live need some more tell your friends that epicness is going on Warcraft 3 game starts no buck today yet maybe I'm jinxing it now sorry about that no no today is gonna be perfectly fluent let's go map number two one two zero in the lead last couple of days you mentioned it it seemed like one two zero need a bit of time to get in the groove to get in shape but now we already starting off with a strong beginning yeah he said he was on point also the coils I think too were a little late but mostly in time and the potion transfer was just I would love to see a snapshot there a picture that must have been like 10 HP or something that was so hocus so once again cool opening by one to zero on the other side the normal creep route for the Night Elves nowadays not going for the mercenary camp anymore not the instant expansion but the safe shop exactly against players of this caliber and you're facing one to zero you don't want to take those risks there might suddenly be a DK and ghouls and senior last-hits you're stuck on level one if you're going for the Merc camp you can't even steal your Shadow Priests a lot of headaches you want to avoid if possible so yeah going for the safe - there I think that's the right call then yeah we see most the time nowadays keep her off the Grove no warden she started kind of a come back into the meta on this very map but not in in his hands he is keeper of the Grove all the way also down a map here what one two zero what's his creep route should be Merc camp could be middle yep if you have practiced it and are good with it the lightning shield creep here is very very powerful you can go for google or skeleton lightning sheer creep jump to level two there right away pick up three items possibly a greater manner every undeads dream and then have to spell from the shadow priest as well against the keeper of the Grove so I think actually this map has a lot of upsides for undead good creeping easy Shadow Priests access and such but it is also exceptionally good for expanding here I think it's the prime reason why in fee is choosing this degree prepares coming in echo light is not scouting this not trying to get last since we've seen some significant last tips especially from LAN yesterday with their kites not denying the sasquatch this has happened - was it in Chi before was it against focus yeah I get so much on this map yes yes so this new spot goes kind of perfectly well very early sacrificial skull huh you see Tier one expanding certainly said to you one as well can't attack the wisp lose but the whistle detonates he saw it though he saw the sacrificial skull and the keeper is running over note never mind that's an illusion the mini-map picked me right there okay but now the real army is Siddalee moving north UNC does he want to do it though he's level two but it seems like no tier 1 counter expo or Expo rather I guess I can of course start to mention this in the early stages this is a new one to zero usually he passes one strategy and one or two creep routes and he sticks to it because this might go superior and he carries the game to the late and then wins with exceptional control this time we've already seen it on Northern Isles that he has unseen new creep routes we have seen some expansion timings that we've never seen before we have even seen note to your three games from them and with the player of that sprint play of that skill level expands his pool of strategies that makes him even more secure deadly weapons in defense now expansion for in fee on the way as well at 50% the undead expansion is faster on the gold mine of course finishes pretty quickly as the downside of course that you need a necropolis for producing and you kill the acolytes easy and so on so on but it does actually produce really fast thank you by the way to through all for the 35 months sub this day is starting beautifully thank you for presenting this treat to us pleasure mal we are as you we are certainly enjoying us as well but in fees coming in for the harass he's only one kill away from level three there's gonna be a big Google kill if you can get it well of Mela stealing being used for more treants and he's close to level 3 there we go should be treants to then artists are coming in as well but the tower is up this is the downside of undead on tier 1 and tier 2 also kind of not very strong only Google's now to defend against archers answer Marissa gets a level 3 keeper and only Google's to ever almost getting this ghoul killed but what to 0 micro zip to the back this one falls though he's spending a lot of damage on the illusion tracks him back into the Ruby and tower range only once so much night out his keeper my god so many dreams yet to come wind-up matter stealing in focused when everyone entangle though doesn't last all that long coil executes an archer suddenly is almost level 3 yeah all the treants death of course they are bringing some damage and soaking up the damage he needs this kill one thing was desperately missing with the tower that was 3 one thing in this attack was desperately missing for a fee there was wisps for detonate there was so many skeletons running around at all times I thought it was gonna be able to do more here still finding more kills takes out another ghoul in the meantime of course he's not all in he's got an expansion marching towards the gold mine right now in fact but I can't help but feel that there was more possible in yeah I think so too this tower helped a lot you get a graveyard at the expansion I've not seen this before so for lumber income purposes it doesn't help that much because there's not much many trees here to begin with but okay I guess zero creeping the work camp now not ideal I guess to keep the death knight now I mean level two and all the auras always helpful but ideally you want the experience on the Lich or whatever he takes with the second hero you know what he did by the way earlier near he sold the boots of speed pains me a little laugh yeah doesn't do much for the DK of course but for the lift it would have been very nice but I mean he was scrambling to hold on to his expansion so why the bit more resources for towers or whatever take damage on the keeper already plus a TD ooh it's very good indeed secure to is done for in feet and he's got a hunter's Hall this time around yeah the second dance of war the upper right nature's blessing you see how pushing this second angel voice you're gonna hunts all in this or one second creep by one to zero its garg's for her towers starting to come up but not quite ready yet the Necropolis is gonna finish mostly piercing damage in his army makes taking out buildings fairly hard but then again we have trans shadow priest down immediately is the garage is morphing into a spirits our that goes fast this time we have to end oh man of stealing on the underside and that's way more kill train you got the shadow priest already almost a burglar for another artifact for the alchemist this year making the ghouls melts so many treants in the back spirit are trying to deal with this but too many the forest is taking over and we have nature's blessing finding and finishing in just a moment as well and there's no ranged attack all you can do is send the Gulshan but okay Luther here if he isn't gonna contest this expansion any longer another spirit towers coming up making it a total of three towers that should be good enough to deal with these treants this is super well protected now and he's tipped to almost double crypt up his undersea slave citizen claves EXO okay attack upgrade to that kind of seems like an all-in though right yeah actually if what do zero goes guards like there what does he do against me if one is it gets to tier 3 the orb decent here levels frenzy ghouls and garg's he should run over this arm I don't think he needs friendly you can stay on once the level 3 alchemists I like the attack here I went to zero the one thing he has is plenty of ghouls and the normal damage from them isn't too bad and it's gonna go for The Tree of Life right here has seven armor thanks to nature's best thing fairly tanky but still an army we'll have to come back here to defend it at the same time finding more time for the expansion of 1 to 0 TP immediately your clicks on it moves away now over the middle of everything with the Zeppelin this is the TP out for sure gets one kill gets leveled for trying to move away again asses what was big to kilts solely fun it was two ghouls for a TP and an archer and the same time keepers expansion safe that was an extending move right there and I was thinking the same astute you had he asked the TPP has to TP back no we can just walk it off Zeppelin out to Clayton's but the guards not seeing this now he does but doesn't know that there's grapes then it's just a to guard her ass with the first blade sure that level Torah making these schools very fast even without frenzy and now we see that now he sees the hippo other the hippo the Zeppelin and he crashes and burns and it's gonna make keeping these slaves alive a lot more difficult second Zeppelin is ready already though in the laboratory mich 2nd mass fiends coming in fees game plan is ruined he's losing three young flakes add a Zeppelin I think it's just playing this to impatiently why is he going for this clave all him he could have been taking behind this he could have taken a third base we've seen this by folly for example in the past when the undecided calendar expand just go for a third base but he felt he had to go aggressive with these Flav's here and he's been slowed down so much we haven't even felt the impact of these at all not at all we're forced e supply on the undead side already he is not staying in upkeep he's not warding I want to zero again another I don't have to defend if I just go for your expansion staff holy so we can start to siege this now but the Lich is there other way just try to keep not really going back in Lich and fiends and statues this should be more than enough to hold and this is only two graves yes you take out the sacrificial pit but whatever even the DK is actually tp'ing in now with the ghouls and the keeper is not here and the steps on cooldown has to run over as I suggested only tier two again by one two zero web coming now is there any sort of transition employer courses are under apparently more tech upgrades next fight in the north the angle of course would be very powerful here there is no dispel in this under the army so it probably has to commit with everything he has and can't just poke in and out usually something that and it's are very fond of make use of that movement speed yeah I'd like to see that as well he's getting experience not only laboratory also the upper right and he's expanding now level five on the keeper this game is not over the coil level to Carl of course no but what's big and this expansion canceled so quickly and another a clay throw it eyes magnificent trade once again for one to zero yeah do you lose anything there may be one or two ghouls getting the TP getting the glaive in Zeppelin as well and those waves are just not working out at all in this game it's so rare to see that in fee is making such big mistakes not like microwaves or movement wise but just decision-making an army composition what does zero was so fast with the guards yeah those first two guards exactly they bought him so much times are under attack Zeppelin now for him as well basically no anti-air few archers okay but that's about it only one engine of war it's the only production for NP sixteen supply advantage three in the front can still be getting intact the spelt I mean my staff they're coming in saving that Berserker at least but it's so many fiends yes you can entangle one maybe even two all getting the literature would be a big kill there's another coil treating back towards the staff is you ask healing from them useful coming in as well from one to zero but of course fiends will start to die and tango is still strong here now he missed the front tank and quite a bit of death but has potent as well to survive with Zeppelin being taken out now can't save the fiends with that one anymore what is their remaining this fight not for much longer though TP out is being used I don't think he's in range with everything is he oh there's one more entangle not too greedy first pistol from the undead I had a good trade here for in fee I was all the time behind this for the haunted to come up in the okay it's actually just starting I just Tier three though started halfway through and this is the above corruption coming this is cool frenzy coming this is stoned farewells don't fall not really but third hero potentially and destroy upgrade against entangle this is big and one two zero hasn't checked out the main I think in a while the shade has to scout what's going on if it's Mountain Giants coming or bears or maybe even gyms or whatever it is because Tier three is quickly approaching and in feed you can decide on its tech gear very soon whatever and now he's blocked by the pony pot smaller second mistake from one to zero losing the lid she has the resource of course to buy him back little sloppy there certainly and yeah you had the involve perhaps not in the usual slot where he's used to using that item or whatever I think he was busy with the animation of something little or no vowel not too sure and of course completely out of position business yeah I think you expected him not at all over there it was pretty obvious actually this is kind of the only area where the night off still has anything to do on the map the battling for the last bits of experience there's getting closer to three but not exactly very close four and a half alchemist even more it's one of the beasts as well one of the wind could be a game-winning item second star else is coming now for one to zero perhaps expecting the mountain giants wants to be ready for mass a bomb production otherwise you don't really need to store their house but if he hasn't revealed his tech yet you see oh wait is it going for the mass arts Australia at three and one coming second expansion against that also of course made masse bombs is very good it's sooo not forget about the armor upgrades he has the BAP aura would help them a lot players maybe for the first time a pit Lord no it's the dock ranger heart Ranger really doctor skeletons locks Lana game okay let's not level three that's a problem fairly close though finally a destroyer seventy supply Alchemist close to five is this time to fight for one to zero without the abominations one of the wind no heroes doing anything or dispelled both that means entangle though can be coming in there's no dispel against that one but he doesn't realize it doesn't use it on time are true damage isn't too bad at all going for the llege again this time he will survive coming in first holding onto the in goal still alchemist in trouble as well stopping lowering here quickly but has still plenty of potions to be used and such get one in the back helping out as well and ordering the assets on within will DK dropping low as well has to be a TT to CP oh my god two fiends on the way out sync supply under siege our trans took out the acolytes at all again sri ins and sock was struggling so out with him even an engine of war making the way over and there's the skeleton scouting in fees bottom left expansion now this is not one-sided anymore i want to 0 i feel like was a little bit late with the transition here mass a bombs only coming in now the first one rather and disease clout and still no armor upgrades i can't believe this is still being undervalued by the end it's his he's not finished yet but he's pushing not a single my a not a single dime has been mined o in fee is defending this yet another TP gone can he reach for an entangle nope there's many trees in the north again dead even in supply sentinels won't like the ground to be haunted and that means one to zero supply stuck he can't go for the masse bombs it kind of has to rotate some fiends out anyways perhaps or some ghouls or something silicon for upgrades now there we go they first attack upgrade now coming for the ghouls and the a bombs and one is it was heading towards the main catching out some solo archers easy kills on them of course they're strong in masses but not strong by themselves nukes flying in this is the third Archer killed already could even be getting more the shredder there will be an ice pick right there why didn't you kill as well uh step out but you know only a couple of meters though level five for it big upgrade on the Nova on the coil over here as well doctor into level two this time he saves everything with that TP pounders first abomination ready more tree and this time even with the keeper on the bolt mind killed and in fee is mining from three bases double engine of would marksmanship it's done right should be double wind for HIPAA writers right I think so so he's trying to trick want to zero into math abomination of letters for those no world offense then countering with hippo riders because you know if those are good anti-air but he already has like really good anti-air with arches that's the timer on one to zero now can't really afford to face eighty supply arches and can't afford to face three bases and it's almost like getting bigger and bigger I'm starting to question the stock Ranger killed more and more in these little tiny skirmishes catching off reinforcements and stuff it's really good like picking off Archer after Archer and getting skeletons and so on but in these big head-on fights a crypt Lord should on paper be much stronger or dreadnought even main gold mines expire in like 30 seconds then it's one base versus two or is it yeah in theaters right here and we're getting close to the night of Ultimates and you would love to fight on and behind this bridge of course what does their doesn't want to go in there once if I on open ground and either allusion along something up a lot of damage here do these Express nobody in that's well even a few goals and with frenzied immediately taking off the treants good start for one two zero three of our nation's are marching forward but for how long here comes the hippos against the destroy it immediately where if it would help kind of expecting the fiends are there already so one of these hip was really doing not too much as it seems called the beast here on basically everything but quick dispels coming in from the destroyers more manner for them as well a to a bombs about to fall a TP out has to be used thereby empty to keep at least some of his archers alive and now a supply for himself in the corner expansion how much snow but does he have Oh only one he doesn't have a TV to get out that car it could be stuck in their old felt like a good idea for little village has to eat skeletons or anything to get mana without the Nova I don't think you can fight this you teens perhaps even yeah especially when his double four is gonna be plenty of mana waste coming out for the detonate very good usage right there's all about the mana alchemist coming back in in fees holding on fighting tooth and nail it's extremely close last a bomb dying for the Lich that's a bigger Dark Ritual now and he has a nova again but in fee strikes him back yes he had to uproot yes this will take some time but he's still on two bases when his opponent isn't by a customer lot it cost him a lot of archers specifically yeah he's down to like 50 supply the one the nice thing the real nice thing about the dark Ranger here is if she goes to level 2 silence or even over one sense against the alchemist that's very strong usually can-spam he'll spray but not when he silenced players forces are that use and again upper right expansion he has to establish this goldmine his expansion 2,100 gold in fees natural expansion 4,000 gold plus tree in the bottom left oh yeah that's jewel time is certainly running out yes the resources now for the new haunted plenty of a bombs back now as well with still no are more upgrades would you believe all 12 experience on the Lich closer to five dr. angel level three as well could become an issue soon though by the way for one to zero is one ghoul only that's it he brought all the other ones earlier to the fights keeper is 14 XP away from the ultimate it's a big one of course there's silence yeah but if you time to dwell after a silence or so that could be very effective thank you to Dow for the 10 euro donation have a brew or two nice try man a fan dating back to the old ESL radio days of hours 9 to 10 years ago back in piracy quakenet hell yeah in feels pressure to do something about this bass coming up but he's way down in supply he's down in tech as well basically a players for an experience also I believe ages of war supposed to help here oh my god the damage against the destroyers though is insane we charge back three Destro's in the air and also against abominations like they died instantly now we have tranquility dark range I have to save silence for it ages of warrior being brought I really like that to protect these archers as best as you can wonder they were diving in deep now a big Nova is right on the table DK dropping extremely low has to go for their TP out exposing the expansion in the north and there is already an attack the treants hunting these acolytes the expo is about to finish but yes to cancel this he's gonna give this up it's gonna go for the counter-attack in the south it's not canceling this or perhaps to buy more time to run south perhaps this is intentional there is no TP this must be intentional you realize there's no TP on in society can't come down there in time to defend so smart sources are 300 IQ what is zero it's that the final blow in what is heroes vote - expiring in 50 seconds in fiscal s2000 gold smile what is it has to move forward he's over the Rubicon there's no turning back I thought at least because yeah there's still plenty of mining to be going on here in the natural he's falling back for now and siege here [Music] raining more recent down it's a production now immediately available at least for archers going into Ferris a player's forces are indeed is this the chokehold checkmate position he's got the smaller army and a weaker army but he's got the income he's got the economy on his side still down in supply by 16 cheaper his back nobody to the hippos this is where the kiting game begins with only three fiends though expensive the bottle left unnecessary lost air of the abomination was perhaps not in the group or something big Nova coming in he's staying up here he wants to fight time for the expansion as you just said coming up in the bottom left and only hippo riders left not the best exactly at fighting dispels coming in quick and fast against these three ins taking them out immediately it's all about taking out these fiends maybe then if he can hope to win this battle but you still have a couple left in the massive Nova meeting all of these air units and shopping low they'll have to be careful here comes a tranquility for the first time because the sign is on cooldown you just used it you use it on the optimist exactly let's being coiled again the tree of eternity has a big would shield coming in almost all the air has been taken out little fight from the Lich one to zero is this this game there should later a shooting with big damage but I don't think that's enough that'll fix on the death light this could actually be also they are invincible like it was in the WGL grand final this could once again be his way not to the tournament victory but to the victory of this map there's nothing left playing feet 31 supply so he's chasing after the heroes he's got the man off a coil Nova good night to the alchemist as well after the keeper of the probe he won't be making it out GG 2 0 4 1 2 3 1 2 0 the madman using the usual useless anime debt to celebrate his victory here the expansion the bottom left before this fight so smart but he's winning that fight anyway The Alchemist was 1 XP away from level 6 for the transfer but I don't think that would have changed things too much shuo for the undead halfway done absolutely strong performances so far by both though I mean he made a couple of mistakes yes but that game also was very close yeah for long periods of time that was really click if he dies a little more time and mines out his natural than he has 2k gold lead yeah and gets a bigger army again and then maybe he's able to fight but the undead levels were absolutely an issue and looking back to the early game when infi went for that expansion harass I can't help but feel that there was more possible right there yeah with wisp brought against the skeletons this could have been really deadly this was a level 3 keeper with Archer and Merc support with tons of mana and he was fended off pretty easily but just a couple of ghouls I gotta leave you for a second to take a little break be right back alright no problem we're in the game the third one is gonna be starting soon thank you very much new h sv for the 32 months thank you for your effort thank you very much for the sub and glad you are enjoying it yeah this is one grand final here that I'm certainly enjoying a lot right now both players showing up to play especially one to zero I mentioned earlier he does have something to prove again I mean we keep on calling him the best on it in the world and then in brackets who plays in competitive tournaments because the big question mark of happy but the last couple of results were rather disappointing at wgl and GCSE before that especially but here on line once again he is looking strong as he was also in w-league did he win w-league actually and then hundred percent sure on that I'm afraid to animate dead units count as food in game no they are summons they have no food cost you can however use death pact and Dark Ritual autumn to get mana or HP back which can sometimes be very beneficial 2-0 lead now whole one to zero taking out concealed Hill which is not the best undead map I'd say Tara not stand the counter map pick after that for infi so what do we have left equals twisted Meadows last refuge Amazonia and what's the last one Northern Isles in general though Nigel's especially thanks to the keeper have not really many map weaknesses anymore LR perhaps against orc because of difficulty of creeping level two keeper and also against org on twisted Meadows perhaps having a difficult start into the early but yeah that's kind of how something that turned out completely for night elves night ups and humans in the past one point two eight days used to struggle with maps much more than orc or undead did because of their reliance on ancient of war creeping just as humans were relying on militia creeping but nowadays with treants that is all much easier to make work yeah the attacks were the treants they bought him some time but not too much I feel too much impact there this could be the first undead win since masters Coliseum right I mean what is your Dominator w League but the finals are still coming in May so we didn't technically win the entire tournament yet it's June and masters Colosseum that was August of last year yes that was still 1.29 quite a while ago is it possible to support the tournament price not from here completely sponsored by do you the Chinese equivalent to twitch who spend $27,000 already on warcraft 3 this year alone really cool speaking of prize money by the way won 2-0 regardless of his result here is gonna get above $90,000 prize money it's pretty crazy if you think that he started only in 2060 yeah well he surpassed e oh yeah he will surpass lul iet's focus you Miko and Lucifer it's kind of crazy especially focus who's been there forever yeah but you know never the major wins the next one to surpass would be taught who has quite a big lead we have our next game ladies and gentlemen one to zero here in the lead with 2-0 it wasn't easy though these games so far have certainly not been gifted to him and surprisingly to me and I imagine many of you as well won 2-0 is breaking out the playbook here he's not playing super predictable he is mixing it up going for Naga pressure in the first game cook for a very very early expansion actually instant expansion in the second game super unusual to see that from him gay number 3 now on Amazonia very small map very hard to make an export work on a Naga pressure plate could be possible again but yeah this is the dream map for the keeper he usually here gets level 3 more easily than anywhere else and the level 3 keeper is what I can rock or destroy depending on how you what perspective you see it the game for the player you get the DK keeper matchup again basically set in stone for this matchup here between the two players this time the creep was a little earlier so no instants DK and of course for in feeds all about not denying creeps here he did it yesterday usually it doesn't happen to him at all one of the very few night offs that basically never denies it we have more than 7000 people on Twitch but by the way watching this 7,500 what lalla it has 3,200 we have like 3,000 5 5 hours straight it would be crazy one day one day to test all right here we go mighty shield Creek begins looks very nice perfectly execute here on everything and against law I had won 2-0 plate this DK harassed instantly right oh and he messes up the lightning shake creep you didn't check out my YouTube tutorial okay slow this down a lot and more debits on the walls renegade is gone now for the gloves of haste now a skeleton says oh yeah that cost time when he's still getting level 2 and 9 DK leaving the ghouls and the skeletons here alone for a while I can take out this by themselves and then go for the little wizard insta next judge oh yeah that's very early well never Sonia that's really wrong against low light he canceled this right I don't think so I think as the light he wrapped the goose he played that a few ghouls fast fiend build right so yet the ghouls in the main the entire time in the early but the DK because of the skeletons getting dispelled couldn't creep up to level two year that's pretty annoying for him moving across now looking for more corpses more skeletons one Archer kept in the back here make sure the tree doesn't get cancelled and very importantly a wisp in the backdraft a detonate ready there we go fell he was busy creeping this taskmaster which is not an easy spot because of bash butts yep in like half of a second he start this dispel ghouls moving south for creeping or for the expo cancellous the questioned signature mercenary camp creep maybe meeting up with the DK main base being exposed with this movement a little attack against the keeper who is gonna hit level three here in just a moment dealing so much experience from one to zero side of the map yeah what is he could even go for Shadow Priests he does so with that power suddenly has an answer to entangle gets the big creep that's level two for him very poor item with the bhoothnath allows and he may have to TP back outside to fall during tech that hurts one down yeah the keepers at 50% di what's the experience bad but absolutely doesn't use the TP force to keep her back but two acolytes dead and tech still needs like once producer and the graveyard is crazy late in fee took this little break we had and seems to be in a way better shape here and one zero stubborn they're not tp'ing home giving up to a collide kills that's gonna be so expensive and check your the gold mines later for comparison and of course messing up the Lightning shield creep that's kind of what started this all otherwise he would have been double too much earlier and this could have looked very differently losing one ghoul now to the creeps as well this game is not going the way he was imagining it at all no Expo is making its way over already Kiefer level three and a half Phillip Lim of three and a third already ghouls hurt had to be sent back the shadow creases yeah can steal this one item goes to NPFL vulva beast nice so we gonna get one more kill here with the coil once you get the next archer as well but now the decays out of mana how'd you get these kills I didn't still on the ground babies it a little more ways to come in for repair and detonate I like that getting rid of the last coil there are a few options falling but I guess it's totally fine if you got the explore foot all the delaying the expansion though not by two too much perhaps getting the expo care would be the dream but there's two ways to prepare it's not gonna happen acid pop comes in 107 damage shouldn't be enough thanks to unholy aura here armor reduction right 600 gold plus the two acolyte 750 gauntly 20 oh boy that is one hell of a blow in the early game that's coming up now DK low HP thank you for the to the piece now but actually not healing he doesn't have the money for the TST tech just yet going for your pots instead so much delayed is his game thank you ah-hoo gaming for the prime sub how many ghouls are left one two that's basically it these mothers now staying on to you too longer again as he just can't forty or three more creeping being done there's still so far away from level two the wisp cm moving past rather than I'm sure this could be a very good time for you to be aggressive make use of that entangle acid bomb combo but then again there is a shadow priest with a bit of dispel so he has some answers to that at least but here's the keeper now saying hello double engine of wind transition coming DK is kind of lost all the beats used and there isn't that tangle poison ivy combo for I guess the first time of the series actually but this felt fast the again stood rich might be blocked and he wants to kill on the fiend there's a coil before the shuttle please it's looking bad keep her out of mana though can't find any kills anymore no mana fled entangle statue changes a lot and I want to zero still not taking got a big donation here by monkey magic we've seen you throughout the week as well 20 euros offering to the war three dogs to see game seven that offering years force is well attacked appreciate it oh man thank you in this game so far is looking the best out of all three we've seen up at this point a town is under siege so yeah seems to be working in your favor here so far at least but Tech is finally starting forward to zero very late obviously freshen the expansion again but the keepers got mana plenty of entangle The Alchemist kept on creeping The Alchemist is now not level 3 yet when he becomes quite a bit stronger but he's close to it damage shouldn't be you know spoil a tier 3 is so late in so it's the spells the keeper is stronger for a longer time how can the test the time to make it to the shop 1 to 0 trying to get rid of this entangled mine only for one person by the way here I can't get even that first Hippolyta's out this is dying very quickly here to the acid bomb and the focus one two easy kills the fiend those would hurt more call comes in in time for the save but is it really a save in the end it will fall and the attack you can see the power right there second entangle notice now second feed falls level 3 on the alchemists already double level up alright but it's only four and two not the big ones down to 33 supply one more entangle ready right now but there's a shadow priest I can take that out first long-range blade attacks I guess it means yes 700 gold 50 supply if he wants you can save up a little bit here or you could just go into our people mmediately and get to the massive number of their units but getting close to tier 3 no double crypt yet no sign of an expansion yet but finally org or ahead to destroy off grains going 1 to 0 has odd micro these fairy dragon slash wind hippo rider armies a lot in the past already but for that usually you need really good hero levels the decays way needs to be level 4 that's very good but the ledge is not level 3 it's gonna be hard for him to reach that level very good a wisp scout finds the undead and that's just begging for creep drag right here still know the spell of course destroy reformed good Scout daytime lot of vision high damage on the ledge begins a Criterion's one small village fall this game is basically gone but he TPS out of this this is a free rock bottom creep with a consumable for in feed yeah here pot four bolts are very nice doesn't have bears for each of this game obviously has removals now he has even more healing with that item found what is there oh where is that destroyer its seconds away only from finishing finally he's gonna have to spell but a boy oh boy has he lost so much I want to zero constantly up against the second base 20 supply different good inventory on the optimist as well hero focuses of course always a choice for one to zero but only a level two but she's taking so many risks to get this necessary experience but man again he's being punished for it and we go first grabs hitting but the fiends don't even want to try to get that kill want to zero deciding to run away feels he doesn't have enough just yet more waves coming in fairy dragons on the ground but Scylla kills going his way this Bell coming Kali coming in as well team saved it's all about the manner here when while these heroes runs out of mana DK or keeper it's probably time to retreat one fiend is basically begging to die but there is a lot of mana on this decayed going back and forth but if he is also buying the time but even higher up keep 63 but the first destroyer this helps so much office ready as well he is finding some kills and was it hasn't lost anything just yet destroyer getting focused dropping a little bit lower but has to go for the year put there we go that one's gone still has a Linville we find these statues again on deaths MVP unit saves it barely but now call on cooldown that's one fiend kill it's perhaps even another one heard to watch the back what does zero kiting is presses the camera to the contrary has to do getting double three on the Lich now that's very good against these hippo riders saves no offensive coil usable Nana's getting kind of low on the optimist at leaves come on the heroes now interestingly can cite the fiend an infinity peeing out losing more more units here for no trades one to zero again this insane micro in those fights he just has the perfect coils ready I think he lost only one fiend right yeah he lost one fiend in this entire battle and killed like 15 supplies against it if you had the big healing is gone if you keep on trading like that you can play one base versus two he sewed it against Lorelai it as well where he was down to one fiend and his micro was still getting him this game if you go to the red spot maybe a little greedy time for one to zero to go for this there's the Nova against repairing which this me decides to go for this there it is Expo halfway down in fees still a little further away repair is gone no more wisps here but you have to take the fight now hang our another one there we go one more ferry to Dino by hitting all of the hippo riders right there and the fairies being man's web to the ground the story has to run back coil is ready on the undead side as a bomb on everything nothing really dropping low just yet though and one two zero can just walk it off he's got that super fast moves T thanks to the aura which is getting focused next but there is a coil for him to obviously death night with so much mana and I killed perhaps finally going the way of the night off but denied with the Dark Ritual shredder into the side engine of war into this fight usually you shouldn't be forced to do this because you are a beta but if you're facing one to zero and you certainly is goes to a 5 DK now wants to save the coils until they leveled up and that the caso fiend eyes here and you've damaged a with es bomb and the right-clicks coming in fighting back further destroys both super hurt but big heels to be coming in repeat thighs again that's the next one two fiends died here fairly quickly needs to healing on the destroy you see you see repairing the expo not really shredder expecting a counter expansion out of this fight fall off the K went for the hills role here I think that's a wise choice here to pick that up against the acid spray we seen plenty of fiends dropping low thanks to that damage that The Alchemist can't provide who's almost l4 now himself keep her very close to level five it's super close to those big level ups ferry for free again maybe the destroy is a little never fall for the lips we all love this level as undead Nova into the main re the decay finally in focus this spell now might be forced into the heel oh that's a lot of stuff about to die coral is ready for how much longer get so coming in saving two of those fiends but the third one cannot make it out he denies the experience though again with the Dark Ritual for fiends left over here it's not too much piercing damage anymore chemical rage still running so plenty of damage go towards the DK still but there's a dispel here to get him safely towards the back saving the fiend with the coil statues sorry to run low on mana one of them at least four fiends still on the in the battlefield it's one more weapon coming here let's have the know by the interval of the art was about to run out is he going for it it's a step up before a nice timing by eight feet and every time in she falls back is leaving web units behind easy pickups so he has to keep on contesting basically Mitch stopping low going for the entire but there is a coil and it was one of the last cars though he came super low man on the ledge far forward and statue about to fall their Alchemist is coming back and think in fee helpless now he said 56 up live and he was up at 67 first destroyed eyes never falling for the arc I was laying coil right before the entangled Sun cool down now dispelled he can't dropping low alchemist dropping low as well but to mana on and that is an absolute issue now in fee the wall he has to go back to the main mana potions one at least perhaps even two but he has so much gold he was is at fifty supply this entire game and it's trading favorably one monopolist in volunteers Poland alleged mass resources going into consumables now his in fees wind condition here to just hold him off until the mains expire it sounds so crazy but yeah I have too much left only 2000 gold I don't think you can for them expansion with all the items in you this year Nova again to the hippos but none of the fairies hiding starts again pick up the fresh batch that's so important alchemist helping very low but there is staff out one fiend will be falling over five suddenly for the Lich having found so many of these pickup on the air unit Louis temple writers and it's taking out the sturdy dragons finally so what does this use to be overpowering this level six now this must be all at this time yes Fe GG now he can't beat one to zero in micro fights he can't with an expansion up close to his Expo instant reinforcements he can't break him and the head game looked so good it looked so good how much better does the game have to go this early was perfect unbeliev this is the unbelievable one to zero he keeps on doing it he keeps on being one base versus - but doesn't care it's an absolute repetition of the game against slow light on Amazonia it was the same good night off heroes good to raciss no counter expansion the expansion up the entire time but micro wins this matchup if you want one two zero three oh four match points in fact one two zero had similar games against moon with that same night of strategy just out microing out kiting fiends walking back and walking back and the most important thing the statues the fiend micro is only half of it it's all about the statues they always have to be in range and if you only have one they always have to be using both spells on cooldown how much is it worth sacrificing for taking out the statues I don't know I don't know what the perfect way to micro this fun items is to add to be honest with you going for Heroes certainly seems to be the worst choice but do you go for fiends do go for statues yeah kind of kill everything but yes that he's did so much even in the fights in the north stet used it a lot yeah this all turned around with the first statue honestly until then he was just getting destroyed statues change it around thank you try sky h4 24 the 100 bit cheer this is one to zero about to win $6,000 of course a prestigious game as it is new we versus rock warriors the two strongest clans in China and here we go this is really gonna be a 4-0 is he gonna clean sweep in fee again after masses Coliseum yeah qualify as a wgl group stage matches here they were exchanging two O's in masses Coliseum it was a quick 304 won 2-0 this for Oh would be such the statement match point you again on their coops and now if you're in feeding what's your thought process you take the slide up strategy you played this night of strategy which had looked so strong and so successful for the last couple of months but you're running into a wall now you've tried it basically three times you lost three times and not only did you lose three times the last game you were in what seemed like an unusable position but you still lost is it time to move away from the hippo riders now but what to do what to do in dryads you snipe them so quickly Mountain Giants takes forever math arches again don't know we will survive until the Lich's four and then snipe snipe snipe I don't know if there is a better choice what that better choice might be but it seems to me like these hippo archers just are not working they work against almost everybody else but not against one of their own the overlay might be inverted yeah fixed it already nice okay so what do we have it's a fast DK late ghoul build this is something that started showing up for the first time specifically against the keeper it looks like you're Ted Fein opening to begin with but no then comes the next cigarette and then more ghouls this is gonna be a fairly late tech for the undead compared to the other openings but the upside is you get the DK out immediately and you get ghouls after that ghouls you need cancel an expansion if that should be your plan or also to creep on the other side of the map but it should certainly be an aggressive DK to start things off acolyte already putting in a couple of last hits or hits rather on the departure will not be allowed the expanding immediately again there's a whispered the mercenary camp for this wait up is this this acolytes google midtech expansion stuff we saw that I mean doesn't have to be but we saw this from him against law alliance on this map ghouls at one point could go under itself to the natural and the DK keeps on harassing in the meantime with level 2 and then expansion could be getting set up very risky though if it gets scouted that can get punished hard one wisp in fact already towards the left-hand side of the map closely on that main might be looking out for exactly that he tried to play that in the group stage as well his Expo got killed though and then he was stuck at tier two and still defeated him with mass fiend he's now 5 and oh by the way in the past 2 oh four days or so won 2-0 against in DC last hit goes to 1 to 0 the 9 double 2 for the keeper there at least a moment but it got it somewhere else ghouls now moving out for the solo creep not at the natural though going for a safer camp but the exit is already in position for this tech is at 30% you can exchange goals after this creep but in fee Scouts it or did he see the acolyte no not yet but he's checking out the expo here is aware of this possibility the guy would love to get one last hit steal here there will be level 2 for him big level up right there only needs a tiny one even a little tide runner would be enough but he's holding on to his mana for now so playing around this nicely and tango right-clicks all of the decay doesn't seem like a very fast start for this keeper though right yes he's level 2 but it's taken a while here to move was level 3 horses are and yeah he is changing up the strategy he is not going for the fast expo he's going tier 2 into will see can't played that without an expansion no way I would agree but like what else do you do you could just creep the natural now and expand right on there go for the alchemist to go for an aggressive mid game with a level 3 keeper huh moving there so yeah it is gonna be an expansion again but quite a bit later than another so is this the counter expansion for one to zero now tech finishes doesn't have the resources Rudy needs so much now litter slaughterhouse tech prioritizes the Lich Oh your list again if you're not switching this one up now the wisp Scouts so good so important to have it down there he saw the acolyte as well so it's gonna cancel the plans alchemist coming in with the s bomb or demon gonna make this very difficult be the last it safe of course but expansion plans canceled for now and time for envy yeah and in fees so strong right now he's got all these artists here at the level three keeper with full mana but it summoned one set of trends here but there's no way you can expand against this at all right now is the undead the only salvation is tech tires and he does which is out sort of house coming ghouls making their way over yes nuthin time to counter the winds hero levels along with fiends and exceptional kiting one in the last game and that's always the question you when you're than I have yes the alchemist scares very well at leveling up higher but perhaps you want to disrupt the creeping of your opponent rather even if it costs you some experience gain yourself all the century Ward is so nice right now for in the and the keeper in the main once again killed what a kite already it's gonna kill that one as well it's once again gonna be very expensive good progress on the alchemists level two and a half and the hip arrays are coming and the expo is up do we have a single fiend yet nope right now for example if NP was across the map with his army and was pulling out the Merc camp and creeping that one instead and just taking it slowly there but also denying the creeping its young he's on his side of the map obviously creeping his side is that the best plane let's almost dicen yeah nah you see this from hurricane Bo recently I don't know this is certainly not the strongest time of the undead depends a little on his mana items are again ring-ring ring-ring banana phone I think the keeper can just continue to harass maybe he killed two acolytes he's getting an additional gold here just like you don't want to buy time at this point because at the moment the undead is becoming stronger than the night oh these are asking the main here I don't like if he buys enough time and takes no losses and gets to 75 supply air I think not even one to zero cannot micro that one and he it's banking at this time 49 supply for him DK forced back to defend here with the above corruption let's continue to creep almost of a 3 on the second hero four one two zero already actually and once again this is becoming pretty expensive for the economy okay is creeping the trappers here no a collide with them two fiends can't help here no this is 600 gold difference again plus the three allies yet remain we make and of course this expansion is running shop at the Merc camp still to your to for in fee nature's blessing coming oh it finds the fiends in he's playing a really strong game now no available in fees getting stronger and stronger until the very late stages of the game then it's just won 2-0 superior micro in the fights but he delays those late-game fighters under attack I love this two-pronged aggression so cool Eugene Wow checkmate okay this is not gonna be a four oh he saw there's no way I can come back into this anti-climactic of course but a typical infi winner I would say economy economy economy that has always been in feasts strongest and he may have just found his way to win this series don't take fight fights yeah yeah just pick him apart little by little one kill here one kill there increase the income be far superior and economy and yeah death by a thousand cuts that first match point defended in fees still in the race year Northern Isles is next this was where we were I think exposed to one two zeros glorious micro the first time when he faced moon on this map hiding from the north to the very south that was the same that was the first time as you say we saw it and was like oh my god this is possible but he keeps on doing it and I think it's smart buy-in fee obviously the last game wasn't the most breathtaking but he's realizing you know that perhaps fighting a micro battle is not the best idea and he's finding his win condition yep v map here in if you had a lot of map choices now it's the first for 1 to 0 twisted is still in and last of huge right yes apparently regain for whatever reason all right something was wrong apparently don't really know what maybe we missed the broadcast or something so the question is can in few replicate what just happened on our coils what was different you wait for when for later expansion he made damn sure there was no counter Expo coming up and then economy hunt time I guess can you do this on northern yeah you can of course play around that economy harassment style as well have one fiend in the main with web for example have oh my god I was ready whoo there we go whoa have a tower in the main as well have a cigarette in the back you know so the hippos can't fly in from behind so there are ways to play against this and now one to zero is also gonna be more aware of that possibility cook again like this should be a fast expansion for in fee once more on air calls was a little delayed same could be said here depending a little it's one to zero going for the expansion what will he play this crazy creep route that we've seen from him where he just Snipes other scorpions this was a very very unique thing to see we're starting off with the Google bill but here meaning that the DK is gonna be later than we saw in the previous game meaning that he's probably gonna go harass but rather focus on creeping first we're gonna have more ghouls out more quickly as well for creeping and also for lumber income so might be a faster tech also on the night off side this is the standard opening we see all of the time this is the ancient of war crepe towards the over and the tusks arse oftentimes we see this harass with one a cried over their scouting early the DK coming in over as quickly as he can but now with no acolyte to harass or the DK as quickly as he can be this would be going completely unpunished and freely for the night of gets the 6th acolyte now but this is not in time acolytes are fast but not super fast I guess [Music] tkq once again and of course keep her here it's just fast expanding quickly again you can do it if you're not harassed but for that reason I love the West positioning here it's gonna stay around the natural most likely infi still and we have seen one reverse sweep today in a best-of-five though did we ever see it in the best-of-seven I can't remember of layers forces or anything so almost impossible to pull off to win four maps in a row against one to zero but infi can make miracles work we've seen hit him in so many desperate positions in games and he came back oh it's the sacrificial skull again there was a whisper though and what does this realize that there's a wisp over here I go for the green camp first only bringing one ghoul to the creep needs him tech very quickly if he wants to but it's making more goals and the wisp comes in to double-check oh man he says yeah he sees a skull I mean yeah I must know didn't get the coil didn't fall for the pump fake there with a score of the beasts the first push or the second push like one of the pushes before Tier three should be a players very under attack with the plus 25% counter expand or expansion by in feet one two zero counters at though all right again wow it's not even pulling out the creeps actually it's a little all right he's doing it now but it's gonna be more delayed than it should be ideally and he comes the next wisp oh this detonate if he gets it but the cigarette is coming up already and Korra was ready note that name keepers moving south is this gonna be in time he's trying his best how fast can he creep this level to ready no corpse from this no more skeletons in he is getting closer but the big one goes to wards just been again for him oh yeah here the archers here the treants and using the scroll the beasts now this is the big push the creeps are still helping ziggurat down he shuts down this expansion and there's way fewer ghouls to defend this time around yeah they went back to the main I guess time to trying to punish this keep up before level 3 he prevents level 3 or right have to foil the acolyte they always are still here making this even more annoying for him no card anymore punish player keeper also really nice oh so close shut him out again no dust and entangle that's level 3 finally yeah enough mana for one more entangle at least saving it for the treants I guess wants to cancel this on again and succeeds for the second time ouch this hurt definite got level 3 as well so strong coil now too but still tier 1 in fee already 3/4 towards to you to add x4 there was a big one scroll the Beast help but I think you could have gotten the demon without so the bees especially you helped in case of ghouls coming in for the defense but now on TS they were way more girls that have defend early not so this time around again nuances all of players forces are under again mass air graveyard now can you cancel it again hound is under siege a lot of rules this time around keeping up too much mana anymore only one spell left basically more archers are coming from the main as well and alchemists could be going forward right now but there's no waste at the tavern or nevermind archers coming over for 22nd Steffes on cooldown so if he gets around it has to TP out but nutrients new damage keeper is surrounded though alchemists take some time he has to be out he has to damage to cancel it for the third time though absolutely whoa whoa what is that delayed I think this time it's gonna come up certainly should but one to zero steel one yeah doesn't even have the lumber for tier two right now and none let's don't have tier 1 anti-air it's just not existent if very little that's gonna cheer one actually thank you bed get EG for the 11 month alright d care trying to put some pressure on on his own of his own some audre kills is certainly gonna get them one and two but again to keep us in the south and again it's gonna get a press contact this is looking like a second checkmate right here for the fourth time overwhelmed by trees wait a minute tree of life there's no repair lisps although my chinese was coming in now but to literally can't reach hey all my reach expo gone of course haunted killed as well but man this was expensive decays almost over for one more killing was there which is all under it back alright we're back to one base versus one base take advantage though certainly on in feast side didn't get a single gold coin from this export keepers coming in now with the staff can reach for the entangle look at the moon shoes though it's got nothing 1 to 0 is killing it's losing the stick the room in tower that means it's just i stuck it just turned another kill that will fall on the DK tech and half way he's going for two more hippos but here's no more artistic load him up to make them how many kills to this DK get a lot to hurt a lot Wow look at the ghouls that's a lot of ghouls here scroll it's just all inning the main no are you serious no way is this going in where's the keeper no man up leaders on the keeper no one juice so bad no shop either oh that's on Cal's big town is under see people writers can't be attacked though by anything caught but yeah I was there right saving this wisp again canceling this that name it's nice no Carl to use now and acid bomb and hippo riders are defending this okay okay I thought there that was scary buddy on your right as a bolyars forces and a prozac have them hold on that this game isn't over it's actually insane no he's casting the expansion that tree kill that Treecko realizing the keeper was Agra all the time using the staff aggressively to go against the expansion of the undead wasn't ready for the defense to cross the map gets that surgical strike against a major attack what a game ziggurat an epic now yeah cigarettes up again Lich is coming and finally some anti-air I guess but then we'll take some more time gun cogs one crypt if he unloads the archers it's easy killed on to the guards but then the archers might be trapped on the ground also just nice to have something against to harass employers forces are under attack second spirit are coming up he can't break this position but perhaps he can just cancel the Haunted's behind with his air units at the moment only one hippo rider down there though he's got four in total Wow what strange turns this game has yeah like this entire series 2-0 finds like finds its way back keeper is that which beacons are next to the shop he wants to get an involved sub big transfers to staff saving him barely Alchemist almost around he steals the item right there it's the belt going for the involved can he get out of there with that one looks like yes the key for almost dying oh that would have been a big invitation to get back into this game yep sick people harasses this but it's basically nothing here comes the guard no chance against him what's this high trees doing her friends are coming over but actually rapid and webbed one of them they kind of look on dad I'm not surprised undersea WEP again yes they put a brake on this game for a little no one got their expo up until now no coil my Sophie enough damage no sink are coming in are done every three Alchemist and poke of the dads it's so impressive to see how both these guys know their limits exactly yeah town especially one two zero realizing so many windows today like his movement and efficiency across the map and is instinct for weakness is really impressive here second crypt by the way note here free tech spoke up the death will hurt whoever he uses it but yeah easy read for briefing notes are ancient Django so good for the chase in FIFA what is she doing now power leveling power creeping waiting for his export not checking at all these ghouls already look like they're friends all right it's gonna look into shape up to be mass air battles here it was against archers against guards potentially here soon Nova very good in that acid bomb also very good it's gonna be a big AoE battle of acid bomb versus Nova that for sure slaughterhouse now as well production buildings at the expansion [Music] not fully saturated here he's not going into fairies this time at all as he's facing gargoyles they were just getting smacked down hard on paper hippos are the better head-to-head fighter unit compared to goggles but of course upgrades matter heel toes matter and most importantly probably spells matter as you said it's gonna be acid bomb versus Nova we gotta get additional attack speed of course from the endurance ro - are more from the acid pump ants well not really from the above corruption yes we don't have to you three with time to fight already I don't think so lots of people riders they don't do much damage against there no not at all I was growing one Oh upgrade soon to be finished Nova again coil takes them out but notice Bella can't fight against the Queen's the way you want ideally do this is luring the AR their army by baiting with the gargoyles and everything's clumped up all the hippos Genova them you fly in and during the slow duration you'll fight and when the solar range is over you back off fairly micro intensive but this is one to zero nice watch the ward Archer here can he go for the room dragon again without in fient of fury it's a big chance for the Chinese he's coming in with close to level 4 but the rhetoric does he gone already yeah one dark down more in fee clearly winning this first engagement and a second Expo and maybe the third expect yeah this is nice expanding on both sides of the map love this play by NP okay let's salon level three that's a big problem needs to change that ASAP and with this camp you will be able to achieve that goal finding the greater Manor close to level five the values for coils on level three thanks to this item maybe yeah well the lit should have enough mala anyway I kind of like that they're both being somewhat stubborn and not trying to go for the hard counter they're going for the you know bare-knuckle box white basically which we use air units they could be a switch into either no marchers or fiends from either side but no we're just all yours brute force air the guys from the north getting caught here by the hippos hippos are a little bit faster than guards and two Gaga that already yeah and without the aura here the hippos will get more kills this is in feast time to shine here yes a bomb big one that was done by in fee one moment where one two zero stopped taking care of his guards and he's there right away upgrade wise to one for the cogs now 0 0 for the hippos two one actually for the guards yeah hunter saw coming now he can go for upgrade soon 58 supply players won 2-0 Scout these expansions his scouting game was the best for a long time now we don't know don't think you saw a town is underseas gonna cancel this one again DK by the way basically level 5 okay very scary with this but in fees attacking the base now two towers about to be three towers can't do too much against this just taking out a few treants completely useless in seeding what the trims are okay and the bottom right goldmine is entangled dreadlord third oh the carrion swarm and vampiric aura yeah both perfect hero if he finds levels if this dreadnought gets level 3 somehow call nobody keeper wow has to go for the TP staff had to be careful for the potion Jesus Christ number 3 coil right there yeah if this dreadlord gets to level 3 there's no way one deserves losing the air battle but all creeps are gone there's nothing let here coil nova gets you quite a few kills there's of course the East x-factor of Tranquility you want to disable this but sleep might not be the best value has when you can go carrion swarm expansion attack being defended by and feet 70 supply night of 100 upgrade ready rental coming in aura first [Music] thanks for the donation from Van hunt five heroes at Maine move your ass outside instead of watching streams you bird I think he's doing it right he is watching a great grand final here alongside 3500 other people its BAM or our first so obviously if he doesn't want to commit into this position here the spirit hour is way too strong but he's keeping the attention down south to again try to go for an expansion perhaps in the north as it was ready but he's not trying to say it up just yet he's working on his upgrades right now one one no one zero excuse me on the hippos are more queued yes certainly the are more great is coming in and the attack are great right after it's gonna draw even in upgrades in just a moment one to zero is not going for any more of those for the time being half the lumber I think you started one went for something else seventy versus seventy basically triple euro versus dual hero not level five yet we have two towers up with a little splash but a statue to heal looked like he was baiting the Nova there to hit a big one but also big ass apartments these gargoyles expansion by one to zero counted immediately by Tree of Life they're both expanding at the same position throws a feeling by the way also very important there's two I want to zero side what's the look knife or anything also to this game seems like it's dead even shop again one heels for one in wall ready but as dead even as it looks this fight could last twenty seconds and suddenly one guy is nothing absolutely so close to five getting coral Nova again there's no staff of the alchemist might be it forced to swap it cheap piece out kind of flying in infinite lose too much as I popped my tick down one of two guards no useful against it that mostello five would also be a massive level up but those ghouls take out the tree one two zero is on top of in fee I feel players force one thousand gold in the gold light in the mains big fight again question mark 3 or us 4 1 to 0 at 80 food for protection as well they're playing around the Nova wasn't too great is this it's a gimmick all here for the night have to go in there we go here comes Jeff Adam so nice this girls protection against the at the bar in fee is dropping to seven years of mileage isn't tango 65 for him so hard to Cathy looks like in feels overwhelming in 2-0 taking this fight a little journey wanted to protect this expansion so bad he has the upset on the ground but his air is completely irradiated I think that's okay though like the ghouls are still here and they're actually dangerous the heroes can't stay in there The Alchemist and the keeper had to retreat and just barely safe that whole just and now if he wants he can transition into fiends but he's going more into cogs what how like why there's nine hippos and the it was they are turning indeed out to be the better fighters head-to-head but yet the ghouls man the ghouls in the super late game suddenly becoming so powerful again and gets those heroes on the ground I get it all just if you can find them three easy articles right there that's level 4 or close though for so close of killing this haunted goldmine and yeah there are no options in this one it's only hippogriffs they can't attack ground doing fairies now expecting fiends then right yeah I think so yeah and it made a logical thing to expect main goldmine down on both sides thorough dental week a player's forces are this is gonna be will have a fall it's now good Nova is back to a good amount of darks again it's only sleek no carrion swarm on this threat Lord let co 7-5 alchemist big level up four in three years there it is - five are more here we go again the gods will it's still a chance this time I doubt it they're all getting solid the air is completely gone but one with the ground they're not dropping extremely low there are coils though to heal him with and there we go keeper but notice sorry anymore now keep her strong again but he has to TP out he's dropping too low trying to get this haunted but the damage is not where it gets the acolyte killed that's actually level or not level six one experience away you're getting a third attack upgrade for in fees three and two in a bit thank you just call me mad for this up so many fairies coming one to base versus two base and the fiend transition is finally coming in but it's a little late right maybe now that first because again was not the smartest move here there were nine hippos and he tried to overcome them again but I think Auto that was the big mistake here we have 1x feet away from tranquility again and it's gonna be neither killed with all these hippos flying in once again the Nova heads big right there here we have tranquility to value on this ultimate and the treants take care of for haunted the lives is in trouble tranquility now everything healed up again call on the lips save sim but that should be time to take off the stats you ghouls are coming in what's what he is a peeing up so hard tricycle is totally totally air superiority yeah these destroyers can't really do much they have to retreat consistently and then the keepers time to shine again perhaps with an entangle and the tree and see getting more and more kills now in feed is taking control of this game and the tree ends and the robo they take out the halted they're soon to be no income anymore for one to zero in fee was about to lose this grand final but all of a sudden we're closer to a 3-2 than ever before yeah caught mine gone and the tree of eternity is he moving over not yet not yet [Music] so many fairies now 3 to 1 to 0 was able to out micro with fiends before but not again the numbers were not never the same as else no no no sir everybody supplies you'll never free dreadlords town Portland now is there a County P yes there is tell us buying time like that all the lives and tangle on the deathbed of course you can still call but he's out of position here now everything is taking so much damage thanks to a bomb yeah focus on the ledge is it enough maybe it has no coil involved then it Noah's hard to regain here the shop is in the middle of the map but seems like actually he is making his way over there he's so fast my goodness with these or us it's aura it's unholy aura three actually not a growl you're right see this now no wonder he's so fast I got this he's building a new tree of life despite like not moving over the tree of eternity be able to stand back and hear from the moon wells maybe yeah that's creep camp on the map no level ups here to be gained for one to zero dread Lord is close to level three but no involves that all stranger to much rule braces would actually be nice of the keeper yeah but can't afford it see by buying something play yeah he got him okay well 400 gold but what a good idea whose forces alright he needs the acid bomb so the fairy dragons work otherwise they just tickle just a little of position trois level six by the way it's the alchemists moving in deep with the fiends right here aiming for the hero as it seems going for the keeper with everything that he has but here comes tranquility once again no sleep just yet he just walks it off runs away trying to run out of range of the tranquility let's once again dropping low so other statues only one statue left it's gonna be the last bit of healing can easily be taking those out actually twelve coming towards the fiends but there's so many topping low damage from this era seems to be overwhelming at this point fiends all acid bombed up plenty of spread damage as well level 3 for the dreadlord for however much that will do another theme falling sleeps coming out now the Lich also in trouble doesn't have an employee anymore remember but the coil comes in gets him back to decent health and again the Qaeda game is there but a way more losses this time around for one to zero then we saw ever before in this series it's just too much as it seems friend in few words have been used to the fiends let's limbs that kills crow feeling reduced as well seventy supply still how many coils that was the last one he has a potion judas them needs it to keep the lich alive it's that the kill time' now the overwhelming he's fighting as good as he can forces to TP out again but yeah you were right a lot more kills on infi side I'm spreading the damage a little better then focusing one forces the coil and then there were like multiple targets he can choose from to constantly kill something what is zero once again go towards the expansion here but he would never takes this out there's two more mining bases well soon to be only one more as the natural fuel denial F is quickly getting mined out TPN again we just know but would be great you think it transmute again dreadlord is worth saving but for how much longer he dies now no aura no sleep death night level 6 ultimate doesn't do anything but finally core level 3 aiming for the keeper trance tranquility again is this many more actually more and more it doesn't have a destroyer anymore so every untangle should be a kill here he wants this hero killed oh by God but there is the staff can you get the alchemist at least with room tracers I don't think so a player's forces are under attack the entire army is gone basically a system of six and a half no mana anymore for transmute Carles there but it kind of explains the Lich well man although this right away yeah I'm using the Nova and now it's time to die the card arrives too late in feet winning a second game in a row dude we are on to something here the momentum is shifting what a super entertaining but also super weird game how did this start fast Expo by the undead being canceled I don't know how many times kills the expansion on the night outside complete craziness dark hippo battles that yeah that's something we haven't seen it forever 3600 people man this grand final is not over people tuned out too early I saw the drop after the 300 from like like 500 viewer drop and now they're slowly coming back seeing hey the back to walk of guys are still online what's going on in fee is going on echo elves and Northern Isles for his Maps to take last with huge next okay and if he wins that one if infi wins that one twisted Meadows would be the last oh I would love that twisted meadows three base versus three plays fifty minute game let's go I'm going for a little break again you cover me right of course so one two zero once again going for the fast expansion switching it up though after that going for gargoyles but then playing it patiently from there not going for a pressure timing with cogs as one two zero M excuse me wz often times will do in his games he's very fond of the okay it's very fun of the goggle tear to expansion but in the end I think I don't think if we can minimize it to that but hippos are the stronger fighters in the air perhaps the Lich could have been it could have done a bit of a better job continuously no vying those hippogriffs I think there may have been some room for improvement there but especially after that first big fight that won 2-0 lost refusing to tech switch into fiends I think that was the big mistake there but that was a way too wonky and crazy of a game to dissect here I think there was just so much random stuff happening as well and both players here bringing each other to the edge so now still match point for one to zero but he has given up two if he loses here again it's gonna be all even and of course the that's what I'm hoping for is what many of you are hoping for as well to make this a full seven map series haven't had that in quite a while last WGAL was for one for moon before that also for one for th at the GCS against fly in the final finally again this could be a very even game I'm back by the way this game these games today this tournament in general like the thunder and fire cup was a very very one-sided Cup and had this insane final of Moon versus th-this tournament was amazing like from the get-go from the qualifiers even we had this pretty cool so in versus sock game for the qualifiers we were rooting for Hawks to make it which unfortunately didn't happen group stage was super fun with low light playing the Goblin combo and yeah we don't have to talk about the playoffs this these quarter finals and now this and now this so we have to hope for some claws of attack matters of intelligence robbers of the Magi for envy we want a game seven absolutely how many tournaments got decided on twisted Meadows grubby I know you're watching felt good huh WCG and that's just one we can ask creo as well of course I don't want to compare WCG to this but it's a legendary map and would be a fitting very very fitting end to this tournament but let's not get too ahead of ourselves first we have last refuge this is still what is zeroes match point one more win here and he is our champion in fees still against the ropes has shown to provide a outstanding play and seems to be thriving almost under pressure here last two maps were his two match points defended coolly make it three sock was able to win three games in a row against focus today momentum in Warcraft is becoming more and more of a thing [Music] what is zero usually no not really a player gets nervous or anything or that shows signs of weakness there weren't big mistakes in this game there he totally took a risk with that early game expansion that we saw in the last map but it kind of worked out in the end with that fortunate X poker though that's what made that all possible perhaps a bit of stubbornness coming - yeah coming up against him with him I said as you were gone refusing to go into fiends they're going over and over yeah that was the one mistake it probably cost him the game it seemed like he was well situated for that kind of a fight he had the dreadlord and the Lich both really good in those engagements but the acid bomb and the hippo is just being slightly superior along with slightly better upgrades ended up within fee victorious so in this game though what do we have normal guell opening from the DK and the keeper of the Grove here with a standard opening as well arch to start off horses with the engine of war at the first green camp acolytes scouting things out this could also be an early expansion I was like to say this like level 1 TK run across the map harass and in the meantime rules can creep with the AK ride but once again this is gonna be scouted for by infield you will not be getting surprised by that yeah I think he adapted really quickly to the possibility of what is there expanding I mean on that plane for so many years was set in stone I'm debt early Expo there were two things that didn't go it into one sentence for more than a decade all of a sudden it does even just any expansion any point was very very rare almost never to be seen so here comes the D K now for the harass if you can steal enough last hits here to force the keeper to remain number one this would be ideal The Tree of Life right in his face by the way one of the receipts is one coming up very early as an invitation for the ghouls to report would prevent an early expansion in fees playing nicely around this it's close to level two one more kill is untangled so much damage to the DK already as he's an infant really well around this not even detonating here realizing you can just get the acolyte or the skeleton and act like killers level two putting pressure on the death knight here very well done basically zero experience on the Deaf night one call for one wisp that's it ghouls are coming in four of them is not too many but there's only one entangle to use but the creeps help out with the end snare as well that's not coming in from the other side can summon more skeletons no entangle being used and he's returning back away from the tree thinks it's too much damage he can't take it out no mana on the keeper anymore no entangle DK might be able to stay in here a little bit more ghoul killed this is the phenomenal early for in fee no creep denied 25 XP gould sloth Slayers forces are undirected that worldly of an expansion not getting cancelled or even punished in the slightest didn't lose experience really he didn't lose archers and he's about to be level 3 and also insane equipment claws mantle century does it get better is what I want them this is what we want we want the third map and this is selling off well we're in phim this doesn't have to mean anything though one two zero has fallen behind before and has fought his way back like a lion Amazonia especially stood out a player's forces are under attack opening the possibility for an expansion this is level 3 there's no protection good for the out tech up in fee is halfway done as well they find here at a very slow start but now himself is gonna be at level two and a half low HP though not too much mana the aggressive potential against archers is rather limited for the time being something that he was able to pull off very well in previous games diminishing the numbers and making the tier 2 threat of Hippo riders less dangerous racing towards our for how about getting more appreciated in the Warcraft pulling the ghouls again no level 3 DK Lich is coming does he want to cancel the entangled excited into Earth it's going on the high ground scout and scouts seize the Nile for treating or moving towards the middle so you can cancel the entangle it's gonna buy him um I don't know 30 seconds or something okay also potentially gonna slow down the creeping here with the Alchemist second really if I had the staff on the optimist love this will defenses alone which is coming out as well first consumable if the big evil potion great an Achilles wait the keeper is moving all by he had the TP what is you're gonna sacrifice plenty of his goals here or is gonna TP out one already died doesn't wanna lose the heroes obviously I want to kill some archers though of his own know by hitting them dust is there dust will find the first kill what did the outcome is to the entire time I know shopping perhaps no three arches down Alchemist solid has to go for the invoker HAP's and he does needs this one for the asset bomb who will stop falling everywhere level two already but the keeper no Carlo ran over another Archer what is that five was four or five I think tangled gold my and and tango killed it again yep what how does he find these you've got only four goals here yeah now there's Julia not much left in the tank another entangle have a killed what to get through nine that was time for Tier three also fiends in the main web almost done Tier three almost done if this expose delayed so much actually and very few hippos again because in he lost a lot of options once more so sick how much he's getting done with his rules not just in this game also previously it's kind of like in a different fashion but kind of reminiscent how much in fee and th got done with footmen in a sacrificial manner here the goulds but they did one hell of a job playing so much time for the undead to now transition themes are they are the first to destroy reform upgrades is coming in forces ordering of the orb we have plenty of flaws as well for the lich good damage very very welcome second is consumable into night of passion for it in scroll of the Beast again this broken on that expansion once before on Northern Isles we're just looking good still and it's not too long until the next night time so region should be there for now though ting completely dry for the first time we see at Inka not with rockets like Lal I had plated but with the factory and taken out quite easily these days okay siege begins threat get the toil always on one single target damage and very important no statue anymore he only had the one statute that had to morph into a destroyer has to wait now for reinforcements to get more sustained but the next statue is a little bit late here still has to wait quite a while for that one not even on the way and he has to move all the way over be hungry can you protect this a little better you get only one coil left and no mana potion at no statue region level three alchemists already needs that coil for the ledge here is the Statue finally that sinker so far underwhelming underwhelming absolutely against those math numbers of areas for the night if you wanna have as many things as possible but the stinkers slow down the feed tore down the destroyed perhaps and it's providing that puppet factory which again gets taken out immediately tinker can't be healed mind you but with the coil and that's what NP is looking for this fella gets the atanga but the damage is too much first hero proof of an idol and the fiends they're not looking good either one can be healed what about the others more killed stopping laws well next acid bomb coming in Envy salute using a lot of this man on here actually he's finding the damage certainly once that you almost dead moving forward Nova coming in Lich dropping low as well there's a force into the new pot when I'm Tang but also dispel can you get rid of the destroyer somehow and then aim for this Lich chemical rage into what the stacks you in the back he's finally starting to snipe the statues and he got the Fein as well - big kills right there sixty-four supply for the night off forty four four one two zero how much adrenaline is rushing through this body right now on the verge of being killed for all when does it has big level ups around the corner with level four and level three far away at all double claw the lids that's essentially water in the high ground by the way also so good and now he's coming in for the flag where I was assigned to come out but he doesn't have where for all of it the destroyer dyes the oil is too late has to morph a new one right away entangle too dangerous let's dropping low no one tag on him the ocean either he's slipping up here in game number six GG won 2-0 lost his mojo we go full distance baby this is game 7 for $3,000 we go on to twist it what a marvelous defense again this could be our first-ever best-of-seven return kill like the turn sweep I cannot believe that he got like this is an inn fee who is tapping out of games after 2 minutes in the last grand final these two played he's not giving up here is today the day of reverse sweeps the clothes is pretty nearly closed this is of course that we all wanted to see all seven Maps don't care who takes the next one what I would like for it to be very long very epic with a cyst and it is twisted as we said this could become a nightmare for one to zero Street starts sprouting up everywhere and you can kill one you can kill two but maybe there's three for more an infinite gold almost for the Night Elf but he has faced that situation before he played a very similar game against Lal ayats and he won that game with a crazy high level hero game and complete tech tree was absolutely epic that's the game he played in the quarterfinals against the Korean twisted such a good night up for mass expansions Thank You monkey magic for the 10 euros what did I say yeah he sent us a donation sacrificing his money for the best-of-seven and his wish was fulfilled thank you very much for you for the continuous support one last moment here to breathe in for us for the players this was all been leading up to guys yeah what mama who's gonna be our next champion wjl champion moon thunder and fire champion th we're gonna have a new one in this tournament in fee one the wgl qualifier in late February that was the last tournament basically in a final against focus that was very one-sided their martial spirit coming in with a sub thank you very much sending the less than three this is a crazy final we had her like we have had a full-out best-of-seven I sting once or twice in the past couple of years foggy versus th comes to mind GCS summer grand final I think like last year in January we had another best of seven between infi and Lin it's one map for the championship and for $3,000 the winner takes six thousands the runner-up only includes 3,000 very top-heavy one two zero one three maps in a row had four match points three were defended by the Iceman who is going for the laboratory that I don't think I've ever seen taking us the first creep camp wouldn't have thought that this is actually doable lastly I saw this on an episode of creep check mark with tried it and the kills just killed the edge no for when I'm very very sure that infeed knows better infest him tried an unusual and shove walk creep before when he was starting at 1 2 zeros position he tried to go for the shop and his engine was killed I hope he knows how much repair this needs thank you hey cutie 1 2 3 4 the 4 1 3 sup lovely I hope so so it's a fast DK built by the way in delaying the ghouls here gonna make ghoul aggression move outs a lot more hard harder to pull off especially against early expansions and such acolyte is scouting but is he going to be scouting for that position oh it's so unusual we never see this he was looking for the normal engine of what positions at the mercenary camps or someone on the map for the null cabs this is not happening has to bring three wisps though for the repair there's two n snares from this creep camp as well so I hope he has practiced this and knows how to execute all right I think one of their knows about the static position he actually scouted before the starting goldmine saw the night of not being there DK is moving south it's gonna be a while until he arrives taking quite some damage but yeah the three wisp repair echo light sees it very soon we're stop that mating against the end of fire here that's pretty cool and I'm a creepin the rest of it easier and a Clyde here we go has the confirmation now we smoke before tow of experience close to laughs the discord phone types and not enough experience that one keeper still only act light and coil looking for the wisp kills here gets one there's still some damage from these trappers only taken a few hits as well close to the moon wealth of course you should be safe this ancient though is in dire straits skeletons with death no detonate in fierce losing is the only production building we told you this was a bit risky and he loses there ain't no war no more waste met no more archers mass whisper coming from the main but too late no level 2 with this needs one walk creep but didn't get it can't control this DK now that's so annoying having to if he gets to skeleton kills as well let's level up for him but one to zero is gonna paying very gonna be paying very close attention trying to keep those girls of his alive as much as you can well now save a few wisps the only it's one you want both the googles creeping up on their side of the map should be level two here for the DK shortly now what one skeleton chased by treants but he didn't go through with it he gets the other skeleton though and that is finally level 2 for the keeper but very late obviously checked by one to zero at 50% in fees slightly behind no expansion signs yet taking up the troops but now with trillions only it's got a lot of mana for the keeper as well right I think he's summoned four sets of treants at least already so far wonders though always lookin very fine at the former world's up again can creep those notes here very easily with the wardens being medium are more gonna get him closer to level 3 and of course taking that a cave camp away from his opponent as well very valuable you're scouting for a possible creep Jack on to the Merc camp but that wasn't being done yet but now in fee is aiming for it and the scout is impeccable actually it's nighttime the skeleton you may not have seen it's fighting now but now we notice with moving the skeleton out to the south to see if NP is coming while he was proofing to be ready for the TAC they're flirting with each other here one two zero threatening to move in against this camp but not quite committing yet keepers pretty close level three at this point what who's coming from the main it's not a time again oh boy that was so good and concealed one is you need to get this last hit though you can't really allow level 3 on this keeper good thus far chasing the archers back in the kind of low on mana has one new set of twins reveal being used oxidize Google kept alive the Berserker is the perfect pig but the keeper yeah I'll put this in the goal block so sick can surrounds him here Nagas he has another chance can you get the ghoul in front yes the ice arrows so much impact as to call up players forces are under attack very tense poulos chasing the wisp alchemist time yeah but he's a yes there we go and this is the lasted four one two zero greater healing so great for the Nagas oh and this teeth marks taken pipes level 3 hello oh my god in fee is starting so hard his momentum governor stop abruptly Berserker doesn't make it back to the moon rose he gets taken out on level three now for the keeper and his acid bomb hits big time ok I'd say it's no Lich for a long time you just coil it treant just look like it big goal kills foreign feet he's not out of this game yet Expo is coming in the south ancient of wind is coming shop is coming only one window and no archers left and no ancient of war by the way yeah he has to go from mass ferries immediately this game is so agro well situation looking bad gets another group oh oh this is the nightmare it turns date/time and you have no juice left is their shop yeah it's going for a song on the other side Tier three halfway done statues no fiends oh that's 100 players forces are under attack he's not a right leg so strong if those calls as well it's daytime now he could go for a mud golem slow could be very effective for either player honestly Mark's keeping in feet in this game there's no mana Shadow Priests again executed big kill denying the healing once again going trying to go for the out but there's a shop now has to go for potions I guess with how little he can hold in feedback like double hero for ghouls right I think what's more tools he came with for the first wave but then brought in a yes or three more but now he's transitioning going into fiends Tier three is done he can go for the lips right after as well and there it is he has one statue out already second statue is here now and he can go into destroys immediately the tech the macro is lining up beautifully for one to zero but he's gonna be down by a base here once and it's far away from his main so attacking this takes a lot of time level two for the oculus now open or big item be creepin for the undead - not too much damage in this Lich is coming and then creeping intense surprise as we pointed out last time also quite nice to creep with a destroyer at the rat spots biggest items in competitive Warcraft [Music] selling the Oh tone the ground for the Naga now almost devil three for her sold the bell of giant strength their coming out here we go all the time doesn't even go for the road of necromancy and he's gonna have to store this is a strong timing that's gonna be available and I suppose there must be web at this point Lynch as good items already destroy a second enter Northwind coming now scope man didn't pay off it's very late and the power spike main tab just running right into the main base no ghouls just fiends and heroes and no web yet it's being researched right now but it's a fast upgrade another moonstone he needs more juice three fairies that's not enough you need more time you need more fairies but a supply stuck you have a shredder and a few mercs finished just now one two zero no nerves at all destroyer up webs almost the entire air army this is so rare to see trying to get this feed but the cults are on point Nova big time on this smaller alchemist slow as well if you can't fight this anymore the alchemy I'll come here to fall gets to the moon over that's not much in post maybe yes see last bit of MU juice yeah no more region if he is so close of losing this destroyer sent away towards the expo for some scouting I suppose can he go for someone to anger kills here perhaps let's moving forward canceling the clarity's take so much time to kill a moon well with only piercing and heroes but he has the time to kill almost twice fairies again intercepted web killed and especially here still but he's not using the entangle another kill that's level three destroy was out of position for that slight mistake there by one to zero giving a bit of an opening to this Alchemist especially no counter expansion here just another kill level three on the Nagas can't industry use his resources though he's losing another moon well he needs to rebuild like two of them he does shredder taken out as one plenty of fairy dragons now perhaps a better chance to fight with that one wonder zero treating further and a little for the DK yet not too big or about it's the GG and we have our champion won 2-0 in a full best-of-seven becomes the champion of the you come little anticlimactic but what a performance from this 22 year old and that kid to play every game as if it was the first going for a Naga play here on the deciding map is balls of steel yeah and it worked so well it worked so well both times unconcealed Hills he got so many arches with it same here control creeping experience obstacles willing to sacrifice those goals to decimate the archer numbers and just knocking the night off back not giving him those hippo riders and also won 2-0 showing a wide wide variety of strategies today early expansions and stuff you mentioned earlier in the cast this is looking like a new one to zero yeah a big variety of strategies still the best micro in competitive Warcraft and and I'm that winning a championship again it's been it feels like forever feels like summer 2018 and we had three tournaments this year three different winners for well didn't he win super WG I like kind of forget about super WG else all the time [Music] although that that was in fee so it was in fee th moon of course winning WGAL and now won 2-0 it's pretty cool here thus far what a tournament what a tournament and yeah what 2-0 $6,000 for him surpassing six players I guess in prize money getting closer to talk now and is he breaking 100k no not yet 94 thousand surpassing law Llyod focus Yumiko and Lucifer Lucifer man he's been around since 2003 and won 2-0 needs basically two and a half years to almost get $100,000 prize money surreal yeah finally we see that strong performance from one to zero again at WGL will he be able to repeat that that is still the question this is where you have been disappointing the last few seasons honestly but he still has the talent he still got what it takes and yeah showing it here Congrats to him making new be proud making new be proud for the first time actually the previous performances of the entire newbie squad were how do I put this they cost a lot of attention because the place of lorelei it and all of them players were amazing but the results were just not there now Newby has the results before the rope warriors were taking everything basically except the tournament that moon wins may be time for a change here in Warcraft you'll Cup is over but our casting grind is not for today it is thank you very much Disney Bear for the five heroes tomorrow we continue with the final MTW qualifier at my MTW calm at 2 p.m. this will determine the eight player for the legendary cub on April 6th and 7th live in Berlin you can be there there's a public screening of the games at the Horus restaurant in Orlin and we will go there as well to meet you guys in the afternoon we have w3 il as well on this very channel so clan wars coming back into the scene as well and you think we would stop honest for like have a break on Monday screw that WG l qualifier starts the match race and we're gonna be there the entire week at 12 high noon more Asian competition here yeah if you haven't follow this channel before follow it down if you want to stay connected with warcraft 3 as neo just said we have so much stuff coming up you look up maybe over but we have WCG we have WGL we have the legendary cup it's really cool to see you know the new interest in the game again and obviously reforge whenever it is coming here on back to warcraft you're at the perfect spot we'll be covering all the leagues we can for you for all the competitive action in the world and if you don't want to miss anything then feel free to social to follow us on our social we have facebook twitter and instagram so follow us there or join our discord we spread the news there as well discord that back to Warcraft calm the socials of course all slash back to Warcraft if you missed some games and want to catch up especially the quarter-final suck versus moon follow us on youtube subscribe there don't miss a video ever you can support us financially of course to help this channel grow and blossom in the year of warcraft 2019 we have stream lab so you can contribute via paypal credit card and cryptocurrency you can buy our merchandise at shop tie back to warcraft calm you can subscribe on this channel get replays of the entire you'll cup and whatever we cast it before and we also have Amazon referral links for the US the UK and Germany so check out this dream or VOD description and you will find all the important links there I hope you have a wonderful Saturday afternoon have some fun with friends or watch even more Warcraft what grubby in the evening of course and we see each other tomorrow Remo any final words to close the you'll cup it's been a lot of fun crazy games amazing action this is what Warcraft 3 gives us and I hope we'll see you in the future until next week here the donuts goodbye routine adios
Channel: Back2Warcraft
Views: 141,246
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warcraft, Warcraft 3, tournament, Wc3, War3, Wc 3, warcraft III, frozen throne, tft, warcraft tft, esports, rts, real time strategy, Back 2 Warcraft, Back to warcraft, Back2Warcraft, B2W, Back, Back2, B2Warcraft, back to warcraft, Neo, Remodemo, Remo, 2019, yule, cup, yule cup, esports wc3, esports warcraft3, esports warcraft, 1v1, 1on1, grand, final, finals, grand finals, grand final, 120, 120 vs, 120 vs infi, infi, infi vs, infi vs 120, undead, ud, human, hu, bo7, championship, title, undead vs human
Id: hjr75P1eKrE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 153min 22sec (9202 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2019
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