WC3 - W-League EU - Semifinal: [UD] Happy vs. ThorZaIN [HU]

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w League Europe final semifinal number one is about to start happy vs. Thursday in the map vetoes are in progress 2000 was a little late to the party here but still in time professional as they are Russia vs. Sweden is the theme of the day happy as the first veto it is immediately Teheran s than no chance for that fast expansion right there and yeah he pointed it out just a minute ago you were hoping that twisted wasn't vetoed but first veto is twisted meadow so Tara Naz and twist it out happy with the first map choice and then it's gonna be losers choice from that on I think humans still overreact with twisted especially against Undead I think it's absolutely playable but you know it's a little bit rough early game so ok we don't see it here despite his insane game versus one spiral isn't chat by the way and apparently he has gone to offline tournaments EPS relegation 29 2009 Nationals in 2011 we have to find a picture somewhere guys who's got pictures yeah that's that's gonna be that's a long time ago it so forgive us that we don't remember that sorry about that so lino is our admin and host for the day the first map has been decided it is northern IELTS by happy and the match is hosted right away so let's take a look at the player stats right here of course you know it Russia vs Sweden lucky future vs. Soviet war elite happy still the reigning world champion of wgl but he was kind of dethroned he is not the unbeaten beast anymore one belt one road has shown it when he was defeated by fly on offline environment but of course different matchup he is so sick 85% against human whenever he's meeting Hawk Hawk seemingly has no chance Thor's aim is stylistically a lot different then the Russian is but he hasn't won a single series against happy it is three and OH in matches in maps it's 7 to 3 so thorzain can or can get maps off of happy would it be enough in this best-of-five they met the first time in February that was a super close for by a three showmatch from that moment on I don't know it did happy figure him out or what one Oh in the Russia versus Sweden show match and in the wgl Europe qualified was a clean 2:04 happy and he didn't really seem threatened at that point yeah absolutely a happy is not so invulnerable anymore he was really the Dominator of Europe and seemed to have no challengers here and then of course made him WGAL and want that thing as well um we all lost our minds but since then even more eyes have been focusing on happy so people have been trying to figure him out and as you were pointing towards Thursday and I think made use of this time and he probably didn't matter that much about hidden Smurfs that much but I could certainly see him crafting a few very special strategies creep routes timings things of that nature and I wonder how many pally rifles are we gonna see I think at least one at least one this series Northern Isles our starting map could be one of those maps happy by the way we have to point that out he is undefeated not only in Syria sirs and W League but also in maps he is six and oh it's so crazy man three over the site so I tried everything to get a map of happy but it was it was just not working second map was against hog was also also a three two oh pretty damn crazy thorazine was struggling in the first play they actually against spiral is super tight two to three series I love this match so much but then pretty flawless three organs side as well and then this juggernaut of a matched against Sonic just two or three weeks ago which ended in a three-to-two as well Thor so Thor Zayn a little bit of a marathon man when it comes to W Europe here and we're all hoping for a long series here as well well all the lobby waiting for happy at the moment and then games can start finally we have a couple of supporters here coming in very early on Woodrow but have no pedal with a four dollar donation thank you 12 inches of thunder with a four month resep and busy with work miss you boys misty to my man and of course one of our MVPs for glory heaven not only re subbing for 13 month in a row but also gifting us with the 10 euro donation via super happy and grateful for your support guys keep it coming and so do we we have a couple of Soviet War elite serum shed we have the oceans voice in shed supporting their team members which is super cool to see the team spirit in western Warcraft is high while we're still waiting we're happy to join the game at the moment aw League today is the last day has been so much fun to cast and keep to keep track of w-league Europe here I'm talking about really the highest level of European competition that we've had in a while and it seems like a really important and big tournament that everyone is kind of looking forward to you know but there was one player missing in case you feel like huh top players of Europe where's foggy vice foggy not in here that's because foggy like previous W League is going to be playing in the Nettie's in the Asian version on the server there I'm gonna be with competing with all yeah yeah Chinese and Korean players that's why he is not in here but outside of him all that is yeah among the top in Europe was competing here and seeing happy making it a top 4 no surprise I wonder like one day it has to happen right one day happy has to give up his European throne sooner or later it has to happen it has to be someone yeah that's too it's it's hard to say who will be the first one since February I keep on hyping Thor zine in this matchup because he was his brain and his ability combined with his micro he should be could be the number one contender but so far we haven't seen it come to be too successful yet but maybe today is the day we are ready all the castle and all the players are in we are loading in to map number one it is happy vs Thor Zayn on Northern Isles thank you very much chaos craig dr dr ben do meters for the one and thirty nine month three sup lookin for the 100 bits and death bat for the eight month we serve much appreciated from all thank you very much guys here we go our best of five begins one of the last matches of w-league europe indeed semifinal number one is all the way we have in the bottom left representing Sweden and the Soviet war leads the former Starcraft pro gamer Thursday and yeah the King of Europe the Emperor without a shadow of a doubt the world champion representing the Chinese clean clan lucky future and of course Russia its happy in the north in Northern Isles so it's happy gonna be super aggressive once again we have th seem struggling against that we've seen everyone struggling against that or is it time that people have figured him out what do we see it is a rifle built by Thursday and right away yeah it was pretty predictable that we're gonna see it at least once Thor Zayn in some of his most competitive matches against happy in the shell match was playing the pally rifles when I was still a little bit more fresh and not figured out too much just yet nowadays perhaps is a little bit more so the case but yeah he's gonna be playing it right from the get-go I think I like this approach like at the moment the best human strategy doesn't seem to be against the top level and it doesn't seem to be tier 3 rush anymore but rather fast expansion into tier 3 later on and then you know super powerful super light game human army but if you do that you have to play fast expansion and if you play fast expansion versus happy that is hell of scary especially if you're not very well practiced if you don't play a lot of Nettie's against all the best unless in the world harass can just completely destroy you and happy is the best tier one harasser in the world not even close so Thursday's going with his own pal a rifle build interestingly yesterday we also had some European competition where we saw Russ break up 9 qualifier one we had side versus Maru and my reply to paly rifles as well side was playing a strat that is sometimes popular against that which is fast expansion happy really doesn't like to do that though happy likes to play on one base be hyper aggressive don't let the opponent creep at least that's why it's been in the past so with this pally rifle build this is anti harass right away right because of Holy Light you can save your units from the coil stuff and lasted at the idea with the paragraph but I think first and foremost is you don't really have many weak points it takes a while to come on line with the Paoli rifles but in the early game one that is weak anyways Palli rifles becomes super strong late game if you don't yes lose too many units which you may be able to prevent with holy light but you have a nice curve you go from pally into upgrades into more rifles so you have to sustain you have the tank ability and you have the damage with the parry Rises the only thing you're really lacking is mobility with that army on tier 2 of blood mage is gonna be added on on tier 3 perhaps even Griffin's later on that's gonna be a very powerful army that doesn't have many weaknesses but it takes a pretty long time to come online and it's mostly played on one base thank you very much bliss 90 for the 20 euro donation let's go for some awesome games lots of subs coming in as well but speaking of someone coming in here is happy with this death knight ready to throw the coils but this pass is actually right at the threshold now returning a little bit so a coil can't kill him anymore and of course Holy Light would be there as well so happy can't really do too much and he will most likely lose a couple of HP as well if he's moving and range to these rifles something you never want on level 1 and this is looking very reminiscent of how happy has been playing against the Perry rifles for a while now get level 2 he's not even level 2 here but most of time you will get level 2 and then always be a never let the para creep for free there is no water elementals of course are you're always going to be taking on here damage on heroes or rifles you can't really militia creep either because you don't have enough of that to be used so the decay is prime objective here is slow down leveling and from what happy has done before he's gonna be doing that for a long while possibly and today we get to the OP of corruption so then building a Scout farm here to see if happy is going for an expansion we have the first attack and defense upgrade for happy very early on not even tier two but still going for these upgrades fiends coming in now a little late for Thor's either the tech is a little later thanks to this rifle build we have an arcane tower against the harass as well so both parties gearing up for a little heavier mid game it's actually pretty fast tech all things considered for the human oftentimes of the pally rifles you will be delaying that Tier two even more this was a two rifle tech which is pretty thing pretty fast all things considered of course happy is faster it's all about the experience here in the early game beautifully playing a lap around the last hit their throws impatiently waiting and thought thing is doing a good job not giving anything away for free to happy and this is normally what happy gets done that other on its don't he harasses you in level one and he is gonna get the last hits to get level two but if you can prevent that you forced the DK to remain level one and that makes things pretty awkward for the undead yeah no big success here the coil was missing his target really not getting the kill he's still on level one as you said the paladin has the devotion are now for more sustain which is especially good since happy was going for this early upgrade as well so where to go from here we have ellipse in production we have a slaughterhouse in production no Tier three just yet on the other side fourth or Zane as you mentioned the Black Mage is coming the long rifles are in research and the skirmish in the middle continues but this time seems to be in favor of Thor's in all the time since no aura still no regen always these couple of shots from the rifleman he's spooning the long rifles are important here without that the range is really low and it's really hard to find the key action on the honored side especially if they do have Ora which however at the moment they don't if it comes to a real fight thousand asses massive upper hands absolutely but happy doesn't really want to fight happy just wants to prolong slow down creeping undead heroes require levels as well and they become strong with levels but barely and blood mage absolutely need levels on low levels they are awful whereas undead heroes are always okay because you get the orb you get a dark range a third that's all empowering even weak heroes happy already with the second fiend upgrade with only two of them super low supply but high-tech Thorin is catching up a little with the one oh now it's doesn't really expanding here looks like it huh happy right around the corner happy only has three themes at two fiends so it's not that much it did like look a little bit risky nova against the peasant especially could be a danger happy still can't find any last hit Steel's going for the heavy commitment on the sorceress with the carnival but there is a single Holy Light and the Lich finds himself surrounded happy not transferring the TP it's gonna let the Lich die here in favor of killing at least one sorceress and finally gets his level 2 but trades that for the second hero didn't really delay the expansion at all and if Thor's aim is playing a somewhat unusual title Hero of pally rifles fasttech into tier two expansion and it seems to be working out really well against Happy's play I totally do agree happy has like no point of attack at the moment and the lid should and could be the biggest weapon against its mass rifles with the Nova and follow-up shots but now his level progress is stopped as well same for the DK we still didn't find level 4 he's far away actually so Thursday in at the moment dominating this early tier 2 buying time for the expansion now Black Mage gotta be a little careful but we can spam Holy Light you can transfer the mana as you can see so the second keyword should be safe especially with Nova lacking this is a very good creep check here though by happy even if he doesn't find any kills this camp actually does quite a bit of damage and the mana for the pally is starting to drop lower the blah which of course is still there to help them out no buy into the back priest in a bit of trouble but there comes a whole light again but it's only level one holy night so far this is a scary moment right now for Thor's name and the ghouls were arresting at the same time a couple of corpses already passes are falling Expo is up and this tower is canceled the fiends with the two one provide the heavy damage necessary to killing these towers with the DK now finding himself and it's around trying to force its own fault but I know coil anymore Black Mage's a little hurt but doesn't have to be afraid of a coil Nova obviously and now transfers the mana back to provide some more Holy Light these casters have been sniped by happy very very well though these early sorcerers are really rare to see and so far I don't really see their impact again it's around on this DK but so far it's not working out has to get rid of the ghouls first to save his passive workers and the blood mage is doing it anybody supposed to he is securing man a superiority in this fight and of course in late-game especially it's all about the mana in this matchup in almost any matchup Happy's trying to take out the casters but forcing always so quick to react he's not giving up any easy kills to the opponent so some damage was done to the expansion mining was somewhat disrupted Tower was cancelled I guess but at the end of the day it's still standing and Thorin is still holding and now he's level three paladin making everything a little bit easier also swede saves blocking with the priest to save the sorceress now buying time for the creep in level two is ready as well and for now the paladin was pretty much a support providing the aura for more are more and provides some healing but now with banished this turns around a little all of a sudden the nuke is at the undead army as when the human army as well potentially before a mountain King though it's not that scary and before Griffins he's probably gonna use it mostly for saving of course comes at a danger as well can be nuked then but the main job of the pattern is to give man a superiority to the to the human banish is nice and all but it's about giving you mana and taking man away from the opponent this is my level 3 blood mate is really really important love mage low level isn't that good as I mentioned earlier blood mage once he gets level 3 becomes really good and Palin also obviously gets better with level every single level that he gets happy double to right now with the lips and he has the orb but he's fighting against expansion happy is under a lot of pressure yeah I wonder if he's expanding now I see a little red dot yep it's an acolyte sent over Black Mage a little out of position was nice to sent the Paladin a way to provide full experience to the Black Mage who now got the items there's only one shop on Northern Isles mind you and he has the level to siphon mana as well this DK it's not gonna have an easy time but that is the same for the castes and the rifles here first Nova hits but nice banished to save fiends are dropping low as well he loses completely cannot accept this fiend who soaks up a lot of damage finding level 3 on the Black Mage but immediately soaked up this siphon is so damn good yeah happy playing this without a dark Ranger without a dog Ranger you can't really find kills easily at all siphon coming in again chosen for the time being prioritizing draining man instead of giving mana but now the paladin is out of mana here you can see the banish saves coming in once and that is out of mana banish saves are easy to come by and then it's time to give over man up to the pally thousands playing this extremely extremely well but there's still so many fiends these fiends even with the mana superiority just aren't easy to kill with her tutu upgrades absolutely the yield scroll was used right there still holds on to the inn ball but the rifle numbers should be dwindling very very soon DK still dry but he's getting the kills nonetheless five fiend sixteen still in this match the micro of both players is pretty insane you know even the holy light can get the kill and he's losing another Oh almost look another rifle in return but the banish comes in this fight seemingly lasts forever the statues and the pressure now gets rid of the region but the DK is getting some more kills in the back insane fight by both players here they're pretty even trading I guess however it is stores I'm still with a supply lead but it's a nice thing about undead when you are ahead you can chase pretty well with that aura only level one aura but one more eyeful will be dying it's all time of course for the expansion haunted goldmine almost ready now but in the same time Thornton was checking to Tier three and I'm really curious what he does with the ass the Scourge bone chimes hold on to it night surrounding the black metal of a sudden can he say from candy trance for something still has the in Ville and now okay tp'ing out is it enough though yes it is siphons the dark Ranger as well okay we have two bases for both players we have Tier three for both players what are they doing with it here only fiends the weapon we have a Mountain King coming for the disabled and the final nuke we get more defense upgrades but so far no Knight no upgrades he's still holding on to the rifle casters not very important though that thordan is adding in breakers which he is to make sure that he has an answer against banshees curse is one of the strongest abilities that anna has in the late game but spell steal from the breakers turns that around so banshees wouldn't be that effective then normally what is gonna be added here late game from previous times would be Griffins but they are pretty expensive throws and once again finds himself forced into a fight and the Holy Light for once a little bit too late it's only a single sorcerer's we have another donation by yam soon 4 euros thank you thanks for streaming so much Warcraft 3 let's get this party started I think we're on a good way man it was a good warm-up so far here in Game one it's gonna be a long series of course best of five so do you want to show all your weapons in map one you'll see about that MK has joined the party and now the auto-fire is in the mix as well reduces the healing effect of Coyle by 35% and we have so very limited numbers of coils in general so it's not really easy to keep his needs up look at the blocking Tomiko esque double kill on the acolytes but happy is coming home to defend his expo harry was trying to distract trying to look for reinforcements trying to force Thor's and to stay home but now he's forced to defend if happy doesn't hold this attack he probably loses the game but this is a crucial part of this match the grains are getting storm bolt focused right away low HP already in here we can see the Oba fire coming in there coil didn't do that much and now there's no mana for silence so Talon always has that Holy Light ready is gonna die here whereas the rifleman gets saved he can save them two ways three ways he has a staff he has a whole head and he has the banish happy just can't find the kills perhaps in a blood mage though he's in trouble but he's got the envelope of saving the unit's scroll the Beast now coming in Thursday and realizing destroys would be a waste of money anyways nice in Bulldog keeps the lich alive but perhaps now the first kill onto a rifle the pallies out of mana for now but here comes the siphon again and the mana superiority seems to be deciding this fight damn Black Mage again healed but the Lich there's no way out for him GG thorns ain't claiming map number one very very confident very very solid no mistakes great blocks great surrounds great execution the Swede is on top for now tally rifles coming back and showing that it can absolutely be a good strategy happy just play trying to plain standard against it albeit aggressively playing and didn't get that much done that tier to Expo that's not that common of a play but seem to be working out very very well it's the great execution that made that possible for Thorson as well but happy with his just predictable standard play perhaps he is going for the wrong stratocasters Thor's aim was absolutely ready had the great counter pick against it and happy has lost a map and W League for the very first time here is he starting to shake now how good is his confidence he should be able to take that map it's the second map choice now for happy as we can see here in the pick and bans green coming up in a second happy chose Northern Isles already because he was coming from the upper bracket I guess and now last refuge the second map for him so he's playing on home turf basically but he still needs an answer to Thor Zane can he pull this off again will the Pelley rifle be the solution again or will we come up with something entirely different in earlier expansion footmen Archmage anything like that human have a lot of options to pick from and happy will most let me go for his one way of dealing with things I always love it when series start like this where the outstanding great player the favorite is losing a game to a bit of a pocket strat we all know is execution is great but how good is it his adaptation gonna be now if Thorin plays the same strata game and I think Pelle rifles is his best way to win this series honestly maybe confess expand and play normal am other known Knights rifle stuff but it is after all happy you're facing so Thor Zayn is going for the same strat again pally rifles is easier on some maps is harder on other maps especially comes down to creeping but it's almost playable on any map and certainly is playable here as well on LR and it is the Paley rifles again so eyes are unhappy now he faced Israeli in the first game he lost despite pretty good play by him honestly happy didn't make big mistakes perhaps it's just the overall strategy that happy has to change and now we're gonna see all together how he adjusts and how he tries to win the second game yeah that's gonna be interesting when I wasn't going for the same strat happy for now going for the same stratum map number one he was creeping a little early for close to level two but from then his progress was entirely stopped by great plays by Thorazine will he be harassing right away will he go for level two this time he sees the poly rifle or he sees at least the rifles should be a pally with it what is the map like is it better for happy can you erase a little better making for Zane's life a little harder it's can be considered as better and worse it is worst if you want to go for the expansion run by style that we do sometimes see but it's really not happy way of playing so he's not gonna play fast Expo in to run by which again is a possibility against the style happy start is all aggression all in your opponent's face don't let him creep and for that what you primarily want is hard creep caps so that the parrot rifle can't creep too easily so is that the case here Perry's gonna get two green camps instant level - those are the easy caps the natural is kind of leap but everything else is pretty hard so creeping here for Thorazine should probably be harder than it was in the first game expansion is gonna be easier but this expansion timing on tier 2 this is what I'm expecting from thorzain again and there's just seemed to be no way of dealing with that with under just being to to themselves and fiends not being dead good so early so perhaps Happy's gonna go for a bit over tier 2 timing without tech I don't know but yeah I think mainly for the aggressive ideas that happy has this seems like a good murder attack alright so far the start was good getting up to level one and a half replenishment potion the undead's love this item early game and zero experience for Thorazine at the moment there were quite some corpses which can be used to raise new skeletons lasting for 90 seconds on the ground first blood for Thorazine as well but killing this echo light not the biggest of fields Tech it's once again a little faster as you can see in the bottom right now overlay thorzain blocking the DK away a little was trapping the over in his home base for now so playing it very careful doesn't want the coil to arrive on this ogre warrior to get the experience stolen kind of crucial to get this camp yeah what determines love the early game in the previous match was the level 2 it was the paralegal in level 2 quickly with a nice outplay and the DK not being level 2 for a very long time but here you can see there's no relief recreate camps at all happy is contesting everything as he does so well on level 1 so bozan has to call some militia happy could force to get the kill here and that's a big one Dawson was trying to one shot him from out of a coil threshold into death but didn't quite work happy gets warm all asset and these matter a lot guys level 1 2 to jump is a massive difference maker in the early game yeah he wants to prepare another person for its death maybe to get the level 2 from there it's pretty much the early game flipped around compared to Northern Isles great start for happy throws in a little under pressure let's see how he can sail into the tier 2 tech have another donation coming and thank you boss Co for the 10 euros thanks for bringing me back to Walker I've loved your streams so sad I suck at playing doesn't matter man that makes you appreciate the pros a little more I guess ya don't feel alone almost everyone sucks at playing especially me of 15 so militia I've finished finishing the green is gonna be a little bit more experience for the pally but it's not level 2 yet neither for the DK of course so what's happy doing on tier 2 it is the slaughterhouse Lich delaying the tier 3 again a little bit he did that the same in the previous game not rushing tier 3 before slaughter happy once to have the staff he was out early so you can keep up this pressure he wants to have to sustain behind so you can stay in there with the fiends and just continuously put pressure on the pattern and don't let him creep up if pally gets level 3 for free everything is easier for the blood mage and if blood mage gets level 3 and it's micro dwell it's hard to win a battle when you lose all your matter absolutely true interesting this time by the way happy not going for any upgrades not attacked not defense rather higher supply less tech is there a reason for that you can imagine maybe he feels he needs to prioritize just like upgrade scale scale well into the late game but having four fiends instead of three themes with one upgrade is much better upgrades 10% damage number number for being added to 3 is much higher much higher value so perhaps he just wants to make sure he's not giving any inch mm and also he's going to be taking a little bit faster with the tier 3 coming in now next happy moving up still though to his fiend statue place so that is still all the same but still about experience the second support hero is in the Black Mage positioning himself very aggressively with all the oh nice Nova steel then was the first experience for that live she's kind of dry now the big boy who's gonna get it Oh this was definitely Thursday but happy gets the revenge kill this time it's not the Lynch dying could this be a counter kill or a follow-up kill rather on this level one paladin Happy's dominating map - as of yet and that's the thing about LR it's about the creeps this camp has a lot of normal damage with the ogres and the bloodlust and happy is abusing that because Thorson was taking a lot of damage on the heroes and now pally kind of heard rifles in a bit of trouble and snares flying out the early stat you making a big difference right now for happy and happy finally find himself in control again is the position he's used to it's really funny how this is this game is flipped 180 degrees compared to Game one second hero dies for Thorazine level prevented for Thorazine who's again mixing in an early sorceress and now trying to expand with level two one not looking too good happy taking his time to creep once level three for him as well tier 3 is on the way I think this lines up pretty nicely with the tier 3 push this would definitely be a much later expansion this could just be for creeping bores ain't quite funny how timing just shifts a little bit the hero kill of course was a big deal my it's all about the creeps it's all about the creeps the first creep camp wasn't free the Paladin didn't get level 2 easily because of the missing aura that's why the blood mage type if he has the aura the blood range doesn't die and that's where you can see on the high level of Walker every little tiny thing matters so much and to me that's a lot of fun no mistakes will go unpunished yeah it was seriously just about the two armor points right there that's how close this is belt of giant strike the item here happy aiming for the red spot already taking a little more time but this is gonna be crazy level 3 DK guaranteed with it let's just level 2 now as well shockwave for right what do we get okay good damage for the lips with over top cunning but of course we always want the or us from it black mage level 2 and a half not level 3 same for the Paladin expansion coming Tower this time should be erected in time we get the destroyer upgrade this time so we would have the spell and the dark Ranger added a lot earlier than in the previous match and happy at 50 supply this is his timing calories not level 3 that's a massive massive problem he's only a single skeleton kill but happy as he does so often not investing in too many rows of necromancy he had one single rod of necromancy this game by the way this is something happy does a logic saving a lot of resources to pump into upgrades and faster units and everything else instead yeah compare that to one two zeros like buying 5 to 10 rods every game to scout and all oh god no I only died again they're silent on the Paladin and the blood pledge dies for the second time and without siphon mana how to take this fight now yeah this looks pretty desperate it needs one more kill still for the next level Holy Light but how he's supposed to find killed now the blood mage is supposed to suck dry the undead heroes make it so that there's no coil anymore one of masculine coming in Thor's and really needs this kill on that damn fiend but he doesn't get it anyway get anything this is a crazy fight by happy level 3 for the lid she's out matching him so hard to militia falling one by one still not the single kill for the sweet will it stay this way no he finally gets there but there is another silence there's another nuke and the Paladin is out of that fight behind the forest can't use the whole light to save this one second rifleman falling this is a disaster GG well played equalizer and that was basically a perfect game by heaven there was not really any mistakes in there having showing all of his trademark moves very low on earth of necromancy very aggressive early on he only crept a single camp with a level 1 DK because he couldn't harass because no pally was there yet and he resumed creeping once he had the orb that's when he could resume creeping again super hyper aggressive and very strong counter pick map LR the creeps making the difference absolutely good reaction by happy and we have more support here I think you get get rich brothers with a three-month recept you up the great work boys the content is amazing on a site note what the dream will learn mass this morning oh you know loving Jesus and stuff all the good things sharing prosperity you know Christian values it's good thank you Capshaw 26 for the 10 euro and smelly feet I have for the 5 euros the support of you guys insane today let's not forget the subs that we had to leave out because there was so much action going on bTW fanboy for 22 months nuking for two months in a row and take her for the host and height as if for the 7 month and deathbed for two eight eight for eight month this is a pretty damn good date today and it just continues our match is tied one to one and Thor Zayn has picked the next map the first map choice for him and it's a quail's coils ok it's interesting for us and also for happy so with pally as we just saw you really really really want to be able to creep level to kind of for free is that the case on our coils the two bases are very close to each other so happy could be hyper aggressive with a DK once again once more not giving the free level to to the Palin or is it time now to change strategy because equals is one of the best fast expansion maps which is absolutely a valuable strap but happy is the king of pressuring fast expansions so very interesting now strategically what's gonna be shown by these two it's gonna be up to Thor Zane what the games gonna look like that's gonna be up to happy to respond to that and yeah I I'm pretty sure we're gonna see an Archmage fast expansion here or it could also be a mountain king yeah for crazy surrounds on the fiends in the mid game lots of option for Thor's a happy has to react to what Thor Zane is doing and that could very well be the super aggression once again happy for Russia on the left hand side of echo isles sweden is represented by thor Zayn in the upper right one one the winner of this match map claims match points and Thorazine is catching me by surprise a little bit here perhaps happy as well because Thorazine is playing the pally rifle again to point out one more time this is the best by far the best fast expansion map that human has in the pool after tearing us is vetoed which it always is so that show wasn't showing pally rifle here again basically kind of has to mean that he's just not gonna play fast expansion yeah perhaps he feels happy it's just too good against that and I don't blame him for that happy is the best I find the world against that but okay that could make thorzain pretty predictable in this series then as well I thought the saying that isn't that one of the biggest strengths of Thorazine to be able to play so many different tactics or it's this Pelle rifle play I mean no one in Asia plays it really right and happy it's an earning lucky future has been playing a lot more on Nettie's where no one really plays this we haven't seen this in tournaments too much from TAS or in fee or romantic or jamika or SOG maybe he thinks that this is that happy is not too well prepared for it yeah that's also my assumption that might be going into this but if I would assume that thore Zayn is playing the Strad that he assumes has the highest chance of winning for him that is normally the strategy you should choose in almost every scenario and he is extremely good with pirelli rifles and we saw it work on map one but as we've been pointing out for a couple of times now it takes a while to come online you need the levels and perhaps here thought it's gonna be able to get levels more easily it is a lot easier in many regards to creep the two green camps are super easy to take the gold mind is pretty easy even the murlocs are pretty easy the big Merle log and the small merlok camp the Merc camp isn't that easy but you can even create the marketplace once you do have level 2 at least where as compared to that on LR the Merkabah super hard the I'm super hard the merchants can be contested really easily so perhaps it's gonna be a little bit better for Thor's in here in game number happy again just like on Northern Isles decides to creep a little for the claws of attack makes killing stuff a little easier of course and get some closer to level two right away acolyte is coming in for a steel DK is coming in for the steel Thor's and sees it reacts to it plays more passively we have this dance once again round three of rifle pally versus DK happy I think with that first camp is a little bit further away from level two than he was on LR because of the high priest being level four and stuff but still pretty similar Happy's game plan is not changing its put pressure on the pally at all times don't give him free experience he's once again at zero can't even finish one creep here now calling militia after the tech has started so he has gathered the necessary lumber to get to tier 2 and finally experience for the pally gloves of haste yeah not the greatest item for him how much experience and damage oh nice hopefully light it's so fast happy went for the peasant because he thought for sure Thor Zane would think that the coil flies on the trapper so he wouldn't be thinking about the peasant safe but Thor's I ain't 200 IQ sees that move coming know that the trapper isn't in threshold range yet that looked like a great great plate but happy with a skeleton gets the last hit on the trapper anyways so this is once again so super-high level and we are focusing on little moves like that a lot but this is the early game guys everything is about leveling everything is about that level too so every single asset is important okay will he call it once again I was about to say even saves the skeleton but not yet next kill is level two okay happy gets that first to arrive at level 2 for the aura moving in and out is so much easier now rifles are starting to lose quite some HP as well full mana on this paladin but still not level 2 hag like happy is making his life so hard with his great movement emails and very importantly with the steals that he was able to find he denies level two paladin needs to make sure he's not feeding too many skeletons away would need three more in fact so there we go pallet cleaned up the first two camps those are the easiest ones the next ones are harder for which you do want to have the aura but he doesn't have the aura because happy is always around and he's not donating too many skeletons as you pointed out on last refuge I think he did get one or two maybe it's pretty crazy and this is where the trapper comes in because the trapper went to happy not to Thor's I mean that is that ever one to two difference yeah okay no expansion yet tear to finish though we got the Black Mage once more we get the arcane sanctum and immediately the long rifles upgrade that makes things easier for thorazine all of it but the Lich is coming in a little earlier gets the claws of a tech right away how is something supposed to get experience now it's so tough so that comes out he's gonna go for out of necromancy this time oh he does okay two rods instead of one at least this game I guess there's an acolyte at the natural Oh sneaky sneaky expansion maybe perhaps happy has the read that Thorin is gonna try to expand here again on tier two and wants to have the counter Expo ready soon perhaps but what if Thorin doesn't do that in text instead and it is also well and pretty hard that's why the Lich is going for the router decrements here this time he goes with one fiend two skeletons becoming four skeletons with that with nobody can creep the natural the DK keeps all keeps his eyes on the prize on the pally and happy with I was about to say a phenomenal read because it looked with the peasants going towards the expansion that it was going to be the tier 2 Expo play but forcing sends them back and throws I might be thinking right now where is your Lich you have a faster tech what is your litter doing and with this 200 plus Warcraft IQ he must know oh that there's an expansion now or super-heavy creeping but he doesn't really have two forces to do that because three fiends are here with the decay I mean you can't soak up a little bit of damage with the lid but then there's no like nothing to healing Matt Mitch can't really get in range of the siphon mana now finally he's cleaning up that creep spot for the devotion or rub but that's about it Happy's coming in for a big potential creep jack and this is where the first sorceress is so nice gives that human army finer the catch if desires it's pretty tanky it has good damage but has zero catch so with the first slowly killed one fiend and with the second slow he kills the statute that sorceress being worth hundreds of gold excellent usage there by Thor than to take out two targets and now he once again has mana superiority Kathy is completely dry whereas there's more and more Holy Light we do have the aura this time making everything much more survivable and happy was not thinking about that sorceress and heavily overextended yeah for the third time we see this orc but can he still get the kills no the hold light is always there will we see on map three the third second hero killed somehow doesn't seem like it they're both pretty healthy and out of surround range is dislodged great defense by Thor Zayn but happy has the much earlier expansion and the much cheaper expansion is while holding didn't that start it now with one passing but thirteen is much stronger right now closing seems to have complete map control and can pressure the expansion with that happies in trouble Abby's gonna go for the counter-attack that's a smart play I think he realizes okay you're a little bit too strong right now I can't fight you he unsummoned all when you know about that and he will be supply starters there's no cigarette on the way he's be stuck on 40 happy could have just attacked the expansion on the enemy side and bought time but just tanking with the buildings oh that's a really risky play if he doesn't get the cancel here himself he's looking in a tough tough spot he's killing two workers right away the third one yeah thornton has to give this up as well question is with how many exit kills she kills pretty much hey do this instant TP wait this is no cancel PT peace out wait charlie he's losing a fiend over it as well the militia duration will be over soon and then Thornton has the Expo op happy expanding against this right away but now the additional income is on the sweet side they didn't even try to get the cancel he didn't even commit his ax maybe the damage wouldn't have been enough but maybe it would have been enough he didn't even try it at all and they're missing lots of necromancy our problem can be a problem sometimes also didn't borrow the fiend if he borrows the fiends he can save that easily and he doesn't have burrow also the I think I'm summoning the expansion that was the big mistake though and now once again we have the human on two bases not Tier three at all of course those and can't afford death but it's gonna have high high numbers here very soon pick mana potion for the death knight those do not level three but this helps a lot against the siphon can come in as a surprise for a potential new but against that nuke we have the Holy Light level 3 online so next target level 3 Black Mage Scout towers up all that's so important I mean the arcane tower is up to get rid of these skeletons to diminish the ers Thor Zane should get map control of the middle that means again the first in will post of the game and it's very very important so they must know dark Ranger will be coming so silence on the pally could be very very difficult troublesome for the blood mage he needs that involved and should get it and he's gonna get level 3 here tech is the issue for thorazine no tier 3 but this army doesn't necessarily need tier 3 just with upgrades on the rifles and good hero levels it is still strong on tier 2 and Thursday now with level 3 blood mage that's where he wants to be happy needs a dark Ranger even the scroll of protection this is super high arm or pretty much the counter to the OP of corruption already with a +2 from the devotion aura and the +2 from the scroll destroy afraid is finished this time though on Northern Isles we've seen a pretty nifty scroll of the Beast which couldn't be dispelled any more so that's gonna be a little tougher for Thor's in this so far the most equal match I think we've had between them yeah I would say so too still no dog Ranger here for happy there's not gonna be an easy fight Lich getting siphoned right away needs to make use of the NOLA before he does get all of his matter which is the case now borrows coming in but thought they did not forget about the dust forget the fiend before the coil arrives but even without that look at the decays man again he's out of mana for now he has the big mana potion still to be used and of course is that the stories are here against the slow and again ignite sometimes two coils missing for happy when did we ever see that without the you just can't fight this I don't think yeah it's way too many rifles two and one he still has the protection scroll because the destroyer is there obviously Holy Light maybe I only like Yap saves the one and there was an involution as well and the level to siphon is making all the difference yeah that is what is deciding this fight here tower it's not up happy is trying to fight with everything he has but what's that it's one destroyer two fiends and a statue stores in at 63 supply happy breaking up keep only now can you click down this haunted goldmine for the second time Abby's trying to hold on with everything that he has but again he's fighting without mana against plenty of mana is one a bomb coming into the mix disease cloud could be nice but there's no even any disease felt on it and yeah a bomb sounds decent but it actually takes more damage from rifles than fiends do I've made really boldly positioned to always have the siphon ready which is absolutely right play pally heal it will always there be there from the back or if it isn't because of silence he has the involve but she still was able to hold on to Thorazine seems to be slowly choking happy out yeah it's so weird to see like it feels a little counterintuitive to have this haunting blood mate in front of the entire army all the time look at the blocks of the paladin by the way taking out the statues and how often did we say how important that is to kill the region of the undead army Thorin does it pretty much to perfection here happy now with the positioning he has takes out a couple of reinforcements but only slowly but steady building another tough army again Helden down to 50% no mana on the Black Mage anymore is this point in the fight where things turn around yeah there's an interesting moment now when everyone is out of mana it should favor undead with statues we're not at that point yet though and also we don't have statues but we might get there Sauron has pretty much 2015 supply lead happy closing it in with the expansion running the distraction of the Russian was really really really good buying time for the extra income there was one of the last holy lights no brilliance all right here obviously and now we have to sit down if the a bomb can't connect this could be a lot of damage over time but it's dangerous to put it in if it walks in front it's gonna get focused right away and slowed there's one destroyer but one source just can out slow one destroy if it's there's enough mana which there is it's also really cool sorceress it's not an auto slow it's on manual slow TP out by Thor Zayn he is respecting happy here taking out a lot of acolytes and not losing anything mummy time use bought time for more tech making it to tier 3 making it to MK and Griffin's coming in as well this is the most damage you can build in an entire army in Warcraft 3 banished Holy Light storm bolt and Griffins it just doesn't get much more than this and of course that wait not of course but do we have the warp I think the mountain king will grab it right most likely the open fire this is gonna be very very very powerful how are the upgrades to and one for the rifleman zero zero for The Breakers thieves are on one zero abominations on zero zero I really like thousands army he basically has the perfect comp lots of rifles a couple of priests one sorceress maybe could be towards to two sorcerers and breakers starting to come in again you want to have something against possible banshees and just a few Griffin's sprinkled into the mix mainly because their units and it won't get blocked so hard Mountain King count the perfect item here man pendant of energy oh the synergy with banish it's just wonderful I was about to say the Terran for the human who again has a lot of items and who again has the shop control happy just gives it up he's not contesting this shop at all needs to build an army first thought it on the other side is already at 77 at 700 gold to spare as well and look at the inventory now in repulsion protection scroll he'll scroll another in proportion another yield scroll and of course the orb and the staff and so much mana Thor's Ain two coming in for the kill yeah inner fire as well this is pretty close to perfect human army only thing lacking is Mk levels and decay but rather happy still without a dark Ranger so in we go the first a bomb eating the focus fire eating a ton of damage couldn't you spread the disease blood mate is getting focused as well but doesn't even have to pop the in vol does do so now could have gone for the whole that actually before if I wants to play it safe in the DK in trouble stone ball tipped slowed holy light might be coming in he's low he doesn't have TP doesn't have death pact DK in trouble Thor's ain't written and smelling the kill here blood in the water wants to get this DK out of this game and wants to claim the map lead and match point and he may have just done that with a DK following the literature soon as well possibly more slow coming in and a nice sarau finish this game against the trees there's no escape anymore in this is Thor Zane's game human players in the world rejoice this is perfection that Thor Zane is bringing to the table with this push with this game unbelievable still at 78 silly even used too many items with this happy was trying so hard he had to buy back both eros now it's so expensive one last-ditch effort for the Russian alright you can't rely on the heroes the heroes don't have mana are the themes good enough add two upgrades to Oh upgrades not too bad but also of course the human heroes so strong now so much holy like to use there's no dust here against the bar oh I guess but it could just go for the hero again DK Hitler for has to be death pact now can that save him it does at least for a little bit but he still slowed excellent use of that one sorceress by the way she is kind of a game winner she is the game winner actually here in game number three DK does surprisingly make it away but everything else kind of seems to be dying nice burro oh there is still a dust okay hop happy dropping back down to fifty supply Thorazine I don't know if he lost anything he's definitely steady supply he lost one Griffin I saw that but he's constantly killing the stat he wasn't that so much key he constantly heals his units up again close to level two now that would give him even more damage nice safe here but he's only delaying the inevitable got them Happy's gonna be down one to two against the human yeah and it's not hawk or DK comes back in we get more mana on this mountain king but he's only going for the humans therefore for the units okay is he actually still in this game happy what is really completely out of mana he's now completely out of mana needs to run away wow this is some how a hold but I defend heavy losses I but look at the resources for Thursday like he lost barely anything yeah 1300 gold here again going for all the and did he get every single item from the shop in this game now happy didn't get a single one yeah it's dealing with no dark Ranger is it no longer in our finding the kills how is it supposed to find the is it too late by now it might be too late because there's so many priests this spell may render her useless anyways she might be too late anyways yeah Bennish pulled Holy Light and she's dead I think but okay a Thorazine not rapidly going for another push just healing up I mean the disease count is still working the priest might do something against that creeping is super fast you got crazy levels ahead with level five paladin what do we have okay he sends these other two heroes a way to get that level of fire to secure that level five and tended up energy again our end Jesus is with Thorazine tonight I thought in really needs some clarity's and Regent Scrolls yeah I would love to see a shop at the exponent when the horses are under a tradition should have been setting up that one a little while ago but so they'd sit in a great position he has he is super late-game human now this is this feels great level five patty level four blood mage MK is getting closer to three as well this is close to perfect one thorn in the side is that happy is still with two bases and it happy by the way didn't die is insane yeah that's Emily one else would have died but how it stays and he is gathering a seventy supply army he's adding banshees he's adding the third attack upgrade he's heading anti magic shield and how good is this anti magic shield now all of a sudden this game is not over it's 92 supply of course thought and Army is insane three three levels are crazy but this is happy we're talking about this game is not over it looks super it was 80 versus 50 yeah somehow happy somehow happy is just happy guys that's so let's see what happens here the Black Mage mana is super low he must siphon a lot of year not too much banished we do have storm hammers up great now as well a we damage coming in on top of the three three a single target which is great he wants to get rid of the Crypt to do the night morphine's cursed could be really good as well by the way that's only once code breaker Oh don't know if he has it is it enabled though he does he came trouble immediately taking a lot of damage he wasn't anti-magic tough so he's kind of half HP but he does have death pack as we saw earlier we're all coming into play again the Griffins they're getting focused out pretty quickly here but also fiends find themselves in a bit of trouble so is the Mk in the front line but Holy Light should be there - coming in over and over DK now completely out of mana a bomb getting focused next but the rifles in the back still all looking so healthy the Griffins are getting taken out and there is a dust actually you didn't forget about this saves the Griffin with the banish very well done happy almost out of mana once again anti magic has worn off for the most part as it seems in Thorens pushing forward with the 92 supply happy again struggling hits a big Nova into the back but statues getting taken out again now no more healing there's was tell you so remaining but without mana and Thor Zane's forces still looking pretty decent level 3 MK now that's a big level up for him and mana is still there on the human side and we're getting close to level 5 flat match once again this is the GG this is match point for the Swede happy went to the semi-final undefeated 6 and oh and in one series he's dropping two maps to Thor's Ain we are getting close to a happy elimination in a European tournament that was pretty insane dude that was Thorazine best rifle Cali rattle player and the world probably I mean the fact that he is never overstepping his boundaries that he's never pushing too far that he knows when to retreat when together power went to heal up went to mana regen and then push again we've seen so many upcoming players who do these mistakes who over commit who then get killed by the experienced players Thor Zane not doing that and getting two maps here at match points there was one key moment in the previous game that looked like a mistake maybe I'm overseeing something but it looked like a mistake happy had his expansion coming up which looked like a smart play and then he unsummon zit why did he had summon it if he just leaves it up he's going for the counter-attack across the map he can just cancel the human expansion but the way he did it he unsummoned tries to cancel but doesn't get to cancel I really don't understand why he went for the unsummoned there that looked like a big big strategic mistake but Thor Zane making use of a few mistakes there perhaps by happy and gets the win and the match points to one is Thor Zane the player to finally after years in Europe to dethrone happy he's one map away but but it's happy we've seen this african-american we've seen this before on the show match it was thorzain with match points as well in this best of seven and then he got a little too ambitious he played these chi Strad all of a sudden and that happy just killed him you don't fool around when your opponent is happy CH is the next map is his third pick for the Russian and maybe his last one by the way guys get ready on ladder we're gonna be seeing a lot more pally rifles I'm calling it now 100% because it was pally rifles again thorazine is sticking with his style see him with his strat what he's feeling comfortable with and I think that's the right call this map especially is super hard too fast expand not gonna be seeing that from Thor Zane we could actually be seeing that from happy if you Scout early that is Palli rifles you can cancel the graveyard go heavy into ghouls go fast expansion and play run by style that is something we saw yesterday by side but it's really really not happy style a happy style doesn't seem to be working at least not that often before we go into this game we have a couple of more supporters thank you Nichkhun for the 300 bits Thank You Fareed for the 11-month resub great start to a great day much love yo / rhyme with the 10 euro donation I like what you do I like what you do as well made and knopf supporting his teammate here with a three month three sub go Marcos less than three and yeah Marcus is one map away Palli rifles the key to success once again how well we'll have peace harass work in map 5 happy is playing without scout acolytes so he doesn't know early on what's coming but I guess he has a pretty safe read that it is parry rifles what this means is that he can go into five ghouls quickly with only one ziggurat is that something he's perhaps gonna do he hasn't attempted to many run buyers at all just yet happy is starting off with free ping here once again at the first camp and probably gonna start harassing soon after that a player's forces are under attack hi this is a cool little play that Happy's been doing for a while sending out the leftover skeletons and one ghoul to take out the giant sea turtle and that's a level two right away for the DK if he gets the last hits it on the trapper oh not quite very nicely done by thorzain they're getting it from 100 to 0 but the decays stickers level 2 with that nice little Google+ skeleton creep and has the first fiend out very early this game to keep up pressure on the Paladin once again yeah and if he drops too low there's always fountains unconcealed which are actually pretty close to camp that the human wants to take because Thorazine was really wanting to go for the merlok camp but of course happy is there always the map that happy one was the paladin being prevented to reach level 2 for a long time there was LR really favoring that hyper aggressive style Helen did get all the creeps from the first camp so should be making level 2 here pretty soon he could actually militia creep the green camp how many militia does he have as enough but it would cost some lumber of course [Music] the players forces are under attack now thousand isn't as required to go tr3 happy definitely definitely needs it well sooner rather than later and this should be level two now finally for the pair happy needs to creep every steal every single one of these creeps and it's not going to happen and there we go aura unlocked and that is a big upgrade for Zane and the sneaky tear to lips expansion that we saw on echo is certainly gonna work here there's no way you can creep this natural with only lich one fiend and skeletons so it's gonna be hyper aggressive play once again by happy this might be the closest game yet and if those n does want to go for a tier two expansion here that's a hard map to do it on this is a really hard map to do it on he absolutely is the one and for once giving space to the opponent before tier 3 it's very unusual for happy but I guess in his mind it's all about the counter expansion here horses are under attack we have seen plenty of strengths of this calli rifle style before and mentioned some weaknesses mobility being one of the weakness and other big weakness of this style is scouting is super tough you don't have footage you don't have water elementals you could send out peasants maybe but that's kind of weird so scouting is really really difficult with this and Thor Zayn what's he doing right now he's running around he looks like a little confused why aren't you here why are you not in my face I'm weirded out I'm surprised I was looted sorry about that again I think on echo else he knew exactly what to do and when to do it here on CH T lost track a little and now this gives a pretty big advantage to happy with good levels took out the shop as well almost level two for the Lich and the expo is almost up alright this is pretty cool so we're gonna see Palli rifles coming to full effect here with the expansion but happy ready with a counter expo so I guess this could very well be a what's better in the super hyper late-game perhaps and we have our opinion i we know that todd has a different one it is of course locked down to levels palin's level 3 now that's very good blood mage only level 1 not that good it's exactly the same actually between the two sides tier 3 is coming in for happy stepping on to blight here that could be the overextension that Thursday and so far has been avoiding and he's been a scout the expansion now did actually send in one peasant the snipe on the sorcerer is e mediately in this fight before the Black Mage can do too much cyclin coil Nova and yeah that takes away one of the biggest strengths that Thor then had on Echo house and now kilts are possible in his army should be safe second kill for happy yeah have you learned from the previous match where the sorceress almost won the game single-handedly for Thorazine and now he's not missing the coils as well this time no fiend is falling here priests are coming in but that can be slight easily as well with the littlest claw has to use another Holy Light can't use them aggressively and so the fiend survived one is gonna die to that Holy Light DK could go for mana plots here Oh Thor Zayn coming up with the tower how much more is it gonna commit to this siege just a little distraction he has good mana again three holy lights let's just close to a novo and what does it do maybe can snipe a priest Happy's waiting for tier 3 with org and Doc Ranger I think in this situation you're she should really go dog Ranger showed me and he is again rat he could repair it supply stuck with this can't break up keep Thorazine most likely will yeah he does it immediately and now on top of the siphon gets an arcane tower level 2 for the blood mage could be nice for banished saves as well and draining the man are over and over LePage is a dangerous position but there is one Holy Light right-click still coming in blood mission in trouble has to go for the banished oh no one ever minds the Holy Light is ready again this Holy Light being so strong using the bandage to save the priests actually happy smiting trying to defend the expansion again it's all about manner happy has been out of mana for a while but door they might be out of mana soon kind of major still had 300 needs another Holy Light there we go how much damage how much physical damage can he take wool light has a very low cooldown but is it enough apparently it is paladin super dry now he's getting rid of the mana of the Lich before the next Nova arrives and Thor Zane is again as thirteenth supplied Plus can he take out the statutes it would be big Lidge down to 50% that was the last coin for a while again he really just wants his Lynch gone Z's Dale's gonna finish in a moment if the a bomb goes in it's gonna be a lot of poison thread damage over time acolytes are fully mining again the Paladin by the way also is super hurt can't heal himself of course the parent has to be careful with his positioning of shadows coming in saves him will reveal himself if he wholly lights he has a TP of course oh the coil was already in the air right yeah they are almost in the air to nuke the Paladin oh my god this game Expo up happy he'll again holds again 1000 gold for the Russian thorazine on the other side established the expansion was super cheap not a single tower upgraded tier 3 has started and now red spot time says yes trying to go for the overlord happy is creeping a little bit more conservatively at the lab still being low man on most of heroes heroes and now is it going for the dark Ranger interesting she can be very good if he disables healing at the proper time but all of her effects can be cancelled out by dispel and priests will be coming in you'll be added in more and more into this German army the Mk is certainly gonna be the better third hero but more reliant on them and the red spot item isn't good for thorazine just a little bit of tankiness for whoever Black Mage paladin maybe Mountain King later oh smart play by happy smart play something we've been seeing from her from Thoren over and over with the expansion they are very undefended no towers and what did happy just forced he forced the TP and oftentimes TPS will not be Reba this is a big run by now towards the economy expensive I wonder if happy has the damage to kill this I guess with the abomination yes he definitely takes out all the workers and towers and gets more mana so wasn't still creeping did he sent the Paladin holy to buy a TP yes he wants to defend this is he in time though expert 50% throws a he's gonna TP he's not gonna TP giving it up lets it die I think it's not relate anyway there was no repair her anymore slight mistake by thorzain he should have been looking for that run by a or should have had to TP ready be his army should have been strong enough to hold off there but okay lose the expansion now puts himself in an all in position and Happy's doing the only small smart thing when you're two base versus one base force the base race if you lose your base against or your base your second one against is first it's a good trade but happy to keep his back that surprises me right in the middle of everything takes out of trees trying to take up the second freeze let's just completely dry those in the middle of all this got the level two on the black mate for the level to siphon everything dry now not a single spell to be used except the silence and that could be last with all the damage coming in the abomination a little bit like a hacker's chicken not doing anything oh it's there's no dispel anymore and now - oh my god it's plus eight on the fiends that grinder hits level two so skeleton this could be coming in soon as well Thor's I'm smartly aiming for the staff who's it's all about the sustain it's all about the region and healing here in this fight mana superiority once again for Thor's eight have perhaps the fiend that was a little bit too strong with that scroll it's gonna get one more kill at l4 for the Paladin okay that helps with more are more I guess more and more siphon level three blood mage how good are you really can you finish off this game now more highlights more heals DK finds one coil there as well actually in the disease cloud deciding to take away it's time to take effect so they mister in trouble that's for sure might be forced into a GP out with all the damage per second down here and it is the gg it is the equalizer once again great execution by happy this time perfect push because no Tier three was in effect for Thorazine at all no upgrades no or no third hero just nothing that makes humans so strong against undead was there yet wasn't online yeah happy Thorazine took a risk that game he's like okay your counter expanding maybe I'm strong enough to kill you maybe but he wasn't and he falls behind because of that Thoren could have just very well said okay - base to us is to base here we go i tech tier three I get all my upgrades I get my third hero and then we play just you know two base versus two base but no he want to look for he was trying to finish the game before and that backfired and that's may cost him this series Thorazine the Marathon Man 3000 people watching the deciding map of him versus happy it's crazy in w-league he constantly goes full distance it was the case against spiral where he lost and was the case against sonic where he won the only game that didn't go for this was his losers match against site that was a 300 so it was the case in the show match against happy as well Thorazine hat match points and then he started to do mistakes and lost the series because of it will history repeat or will happy be dethroned in Europe as well man this is pretty hyper one final match happy being brought to a 2-2 in the best-of-five vs. human I don't know when this happened the last time but it was a long-ass time ago at WGL he 3 1 th and now it's 2-2 vs. dordain in the WGL qualifiers he to old Thorazine it wasn't really close but now it is again after 8th month we have a full distance between them and Amazonia is the last remaining map of these 2 players happy vs Thor Zayn decision time and we are not seeing a change in style we are sticking with the palli rifles live or die by the pally rifles is Thorin's mantra for today which is very interesting on this map a Z normally a great map for an instant level to jump for humans that is with militia creep Ken Thor's ain't really heavily militia creep the first camp here can use like three but for that camp you normally need more however at the end of the day it should be fairly getting level 2 pretty quickly but what we also solved from him is expansions on tier 2 and this is going to be a very tough tier 2 expansion he can just he can just lightning shield creep right [Music] with the rifle perhaps you could do that yeah but DK is always gonna be around the strength of this normal a lab creep against unded in the normal meta is that you're too fast to do it the DK is not gonna be in time but since it is fairly rifles the DK could be in time and when you go for lightning she would creep like that that is fairly dangerous you're gonna be taking a lot of damage so already early game it's not that simple here for 13 okay well happy to a pit stop at the lap as well or will he run over right away and try to end this game early the last final match of them was over very very early back then on twisted Meadows after a long worn out series it was just one map we're happy destroyed him it was the final one history's a circle sometimes but hopefully not today DK rushes over right away no creeping I might go for the trolls that's kind of the norm trolls first into harass after but then again he is going to get up against the pally for the face when trolls first here that's not gonna be in time then I think so he uses two coils and Thorazine is going for the safe play again with this build for human you can't really creep as excuse me Scout very well at all so he's going for the safe play for the tiny little green camp we're just actually gonna put some poison damage on him but doesn't give you much experience on Happy's doing it really well the scalars are taking off the rest of the camp and if there was a lightning shoot creep happening he would be there right now thorzain smartly going for the safe creep holy light aggressively against the DK this time there's no fountains here it's not losing a single merlok but the big one still up for grabs so these skeletons are about to expire soon not that threatening but could be potential experience for this paladin and the bigmouth log is number two for the DK I'm surprised he's not committing in more heavily with six skeletons plus coil he should definitely get this lasted now it's night time and the merlot comes in vulnerable which is always kind of awkward invisible forces are effectively invulnerable well you could go for the lab but yeah that's the slot much experience for the Paladin once again this time we get the fiends to the mix a lot earlier for Zayn creeping the cobalt that's the Bosch camp star shy people know about this so risky a lot of holy lights here and Thorazine it's right in its face Oh obvious right in his face right surround this crazy man he's trying to fight out he's coiling the skeleton to keep the surround closed and that's level two for him that's such a big deal not only is it level two version level one it's the rifle being taken out as well and that's supposed to be the strength of this early game it's supposed to be safe you're not supposed to be taking really any kind of damage and almost surround by Thursday and that it would have been so nice it would have given him so much space but happy slips out he just wants more kills right so ok it's too much right here no level two and more damage in the main it's not walled off as it usually is for human he go this with his rifle both swords ain't opens up the base a lot and the guy who's opening his wallet to us is nightmare 207 7 11 euros 11 cents great series great cast see all the hype workshop cab that is indeed the case in two weeks gonna be great on new maps t2 done tier three started already without a slaughterhouse is time in without allege he says rushing Tier three nightmare again with the 11 year old 11 donation I hope that it was an accident buddy the same message again great series great cast and so on thank you very much my man now where twice as excited as we were before but this early game is not good for Thursday man this is a Z this is supposed to be easy leveling this is supposed to be easy level two but it's a late hero so suddenly everything becomes a little bit different and we saw on LR if you don't have the aura early suddenly this blood mage finds himself in quite a bit of trouble and Thor's I'd like to go for the tier 2 expansion it doesn't feel like you can try that expansion here at all you know with this spot with the rock golem and the slow I don't think so either maybe happy gives him the time again if he expands himself he's not gonna do that he's taking tier 3 happy realizes how much pressure he is putting Thor xenon glitches out but he won't have a no op for quite some time Tech is only at 50% but yet tier 3 fourth row Zane is far far far far far away at least he has a Black Mage now happy retreats the little focuses on his level 3 3 surprised by that like if Thor's name was really bold he could be expanding right now and happy isn't even scouting for that it looks like Happy's playing with a lot of reeds today like his counter expansion reads and his creep route reads there could be an expansion coming up basically right now let's count in forward with the skeletons now but it's a little bit late if the creep hepped started it would already be over now yeah he kind of missed on a potential opportunity for a creep Jack but he was right Thornton was not going for that he damaged him enough in the early to prevent that here on AZ and with that he has a tech advantage an entire tech ahead Thor wasn't going for upgrades 100 was about to finish and no level 3 in sight for the human oh the creeps wake up at the worst time Thor Zayn just walking out right now here on Mad five where he needs it the most coming in with please don't bash it was a coil of execution but ass around as well can he fight out the Black Mage's vulnerable as the Senate run away oh you opens up that surround the skeletons and the rest of the army doing too much damage and that was a too much success 4,000 in this fight he keeps everything kind of healthy what we do out the two statues untouched more morphine's coming in zero upgrades for happy but 5003 should bring the orb still waiting for it I think thought is playing too aggressively here he is the one who needs the levels more he's getting some experience here but this is a very slow progress he's supposed to be level 3 pally by now when there's a Nova of the orbit and an orb yeah spend that hula that was the last one for a while there's the snow was still more right-clicks still no mana on the pally so risky so risky and again the snipe on the sword after Ecco elves happy learns his lesson it's not happening it's not working anymore as it was in the first games that major trouble has to get that in but the shop he will be able to heal scroll actually he wants to stay in this fight he wants to keep on battling able to on the ledge blood mage in trouble coil defensively to save the fiend and the cap he has lost anything yet maybe one statue thanks to the slowed by the blood mage now he might be the one to fall is he fast enough to run away there's of course no man unhappy at the moment fiends are all damaged but none of them are dying pally in trouble he's not as fast as the DK is he might just be run down forced to TP away oh the blood mage could be in trouble there's the Holy Light again but happy he has drained almost all of the mana and with that orb that is the low low-level situation the orb is so good in moments like this in Thor's a man he seems to be breaking apart I think so too GG well played the sweet challenge is happy but he's not breaking him the king is still on the throne here in Europe in 9 minutes 44 an unbelievable series coming to a little bit of an anti climactic end but I haven't seen happy challenge this much but I love I love how he reacted to Thor Zane he had weaknesses in the first maps but he shot them off one by one slowly but steady sniping the sorcs dealing a little better with the banished putting more pressure on to her and to throw Zane it was great it was really great and throws a towards the end there with a few questionable plays especially the last map I'm surprised he didn't focus more on leveling like he must know you know this it's all about levels you need those levels more than the undead does but it's easy for us to say you know it's easy for us to criticize he's in one of the biggest high caliber matches in European Warcraft you up against happy against the world champ I don't know if nerves did get to him but if they did can't blame him you seem played a great game yes and made happy sweat way more than almost anybody else canon force and can still be proud of himself here for what he delivered absolutely the first player to take maps off of happy in this entire tournament he can be really proud 3rd to 4th place for him still good chunk of money for the doctor and he shows that he's a force to be reckoned with again in Europe making it to the top 4 here we have one more semifinal to determine happy saponin to the grand final it's either his Russian human friend colleague hawk or the German for the first time in a long while we could have a German in the grand finale of a high-class competition and that could be spiral human versus orc coming up here at back to Warcraft more than 3000 people it's pretty damn awesome just like nightmare who has donated another euro was indeed amiss click but no worries bro is glad to hear that little break for us I get some new tea and then more hype with another best of 5 stay tuned and spread the word about double unit Europe
Channel: Back2Warcraft
Views: 31,482
Rating: 4.8772378 out of 5
Keywords: Warcraft, Warcraft 3, tournament, Wc3, War3, Wc 3, warcraft III, frozen throne, tft, warcraft tft, esports, rts, real time strategy, Back 2 Warcraft, Back to warcraft, Back2Warcraft, B2W, Back, Back2, B2Warcraft, back to warcraft, Neo, Remodemo, Remo, 2019
Id: QUPdz9Tf0f8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 16sec (5416 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 06 2019
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