WC3 - WGL Winter '19 - Quarterfinal: [UD] Happy vs. 120 [UD]

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[Music] welcome back to Shanghai this is hype first half of the day is over we have our first semifinal it's romantic vs. Lin one of our western hopes has been crushed by romantic but we have a second one for the first time and that's the world champ he's on a mission to defend his title to become the third back-to-back GCSE champion he's fighting a former back-to-back GCSE champion in won 2-0 the best undead's in the world for the first time offline no more hype needed the two best and nets by far and by the way that is not because there is not enough talented players trying to get to their level there's a ton WZ and china always among you know the next best and i don't don't know a TVC Xiao CAI and so on in Europe we have a whole slew of really good tier two undead's but despite how good they are everyone is still miles away from these other two for unlaid fans for unded players this is gonna be a treat and we come out count among those one two zero the first who really showed how good and that can be and happy perhaps took it even one step further one two zero the most decorated gold league player ever with two gold and two silver medals that's quite some time ago it was the winter edition of 2017 I believe when he last won the championship and happy came arrived and conquered many many fans wanted him for a long long time to go to China he refused but last summer he finally made the decision to go here thanks to his viewers thanks to the Russian community and what a success story it was our map number one is concealed hild happy Vito's echo won 2-0 Vito's terrorist and that leaves twisted in for happy interesting in Northern Isles won 2-0 for last refuge and Amazonia happy vetoes echo one of the smallest maps and what is there one of the bigger ones with tearing us yeah this is interesting because I'm Tara nas in the last two times they met once a zero was always the one trying something cheeky on this maybe he realized that doesn't work against happy we have talked with a few people players fans about this matchup coming up happy has shown that in a microbe or he seems to be superior even on 200 ping disadvantage which is ridiculous now they're playing offline some people feel like once zero has to come up with a brilliant plan has to play something else outside the norm because otherwise you have to out micro happy and out micro happy almost nobody can do perhaps nobody can do can finally someone stop happy in the tournament can it be the necromancer the Emperor is lurking for more more money before the summer wgl his entire walker 3 earnings were fifty thousand dollars he could more than double his career prize money just with two tournaments in the bottom left the winner of Group D being undefeated so far coming into this quarter-final with four-and-oh losing only one map to focus this is one to zero in his opponent surprisingly second in the group not defeated by moon not defeated by infi but by sock but when it's the big names he crushed them both in fee with orc night off of course represented by more they met twice but this is the first time they meet on even conditions not on that ease not with the 150 ping but offline the same thing both matches so far even with the disadvantage went to happy one in your cup three two - happy took the tournament one in CC masters qualifier with 204 happy won 2-0 need solutions to Happy's godlike micro what's it gonna be serious men maxing here in the first little moment of this game it's not really impactful that I want to point it out 1 2 0 is triggering the exact angle of attack in such a way that the rabbit walks towards his base to have it a little bit closer to trigger this is the level we're playing on now this is like forcing movement the quarters a quarter of a second faster of getting the skeletons every little thing is trying to get here of an inch mirrored builds by the way no dreadlord no ledge no Google build is the DK Ted fiend opening which is very prominent on this map easy level 3 creep here even if even with low fiend numbers and happy as strong as he is he has one big weakness which is his predictability normally when he's convinced of a certain style and opening being the best it's always going to go for this and I have seen plenty of happy streams in my day and I'm sure wonders ever has done some homework with replay analysis himself HAP he loves creeping level 3 here quickly and then going towards the middle red camp early trying to get the ogre Lord with only three feeds something like that is absolutely greedy and could perhaps be punished if 1 to 0 is aware of this possible opening text at the same time and yeah scouting Happy's build that's something he pointed out it was yesterday when I took a look into the players room and I saw 10 Chinese people next to happy 1 to 0 oftentimes sitting next to him or very close to him he everyone wants to Scout happy and China may be working together here this gold League wasn't Chinese hand for a long time but they are craving for a final again a year ago it was moon and foggy at Korean and a westerner last time it was happy at moon once again a Korean and a westerner will this be the revenge of China be super tough first blood goes to happy it was only a ghost went to their excuse me it was only an acolyte of course we saw some nice continued min maxing here with one to zero creeping with his old acolyte pulling out the creeps a little bit he's pulling out all the stops but happy still seems to be creeping a little bit faster here is that creeper out you go from green to green to merchants to merlocks and deaths level three then Happy's doing it quickly not even triggering too much inner fire over here scouting acolyte does die we are moving towards a theme game here as it seems no transition has to be expected fiends Lich dark Ranger banshees that just seems to be the best in undead mira without exception yeah by far and with this condition is definitely understandable that happy goes for it quite surprised to see one two zero with no special strats he seemed to be confident that he can win the heads up fights the straight-up fights which he might be the only one but confidence was never an issue with one two zero hello level 3 hello coil level or two so question is is happy actually gonna try to go for the ogre lord here in a moment with the double illusions perhaps he could tank it pretty well but one is zero scouting for this and this has been shown so many times by now that it shouldn't be happening uncontested as pointed out by the observers super fast tech is my 1 to zero before the Lich and Tapie is making the first move into one to zero space lower house up for grabs and no narrow one to zero is trying to cut as many corners as he can this could be painful costs the TP already have he doesn't want to be trapped goes to the right-hand side still could be a surround fiend damage is coming off to that slaughterhouse how long can you keep the damage up acolytes have to be moved out as one to zero is already in tech you can't afford to lose them but nice defense from the Chinese to keep the slaughter house up to not have the late obsidian statues key moment already rainy important also want to zero in the back of his face really quick with his accurate micro happy was looking for that surround with four skeletons you could surround the act light next to the gold might a can't move and it's gonna die by one to zero even without an Arab look at his patience and confidence he's not even upgrading an Arab during all of this slaughterhouse has to be canceled okay he came in for the second time and this time it works the rush Tier three what does it give him the fast of a corruption of course but the region will be lacking happy is the one losing a lot of HP on the fighting unit oh oh he's still chasing litter Ives hello Nova that's the first kill right here what two zero maybe not expecting this that early and then Mara for happy looks really good Oh still retreating be careful there's another Nova soon this fiend needs a coil they're gonna cool down now happy could look for the next Nova but not enough follow-up damage and Wow a bit over risk by 1 to 0 fast techno narrow end Lich this were kind of his wrists and they all get punished yeah slaughterhouse cancelled fiend killed acolyte not killed but still quite a bit of mining time lost and happy with was it a read or was it just blind luck I'm not sure but certainly with quite the lead now after this early game yeah despite coming into this as the second of his group he looked very very very very strong and he shows it here again always coming back in he knows about the poison damage they still know but to be used very conservative maybe the Lich of the target calling who down okay goes for the feed though and kills it off number two is there a coil for him yep has the right timing that was weird the coil wasn't cool down there for a second for one to zero and if he didn't opt for the Nova look at the little man off for happy looks like happy could have gotten more from that creep Jack as good saves by 1 to 0 and with that fiend numbers are equalized what what did he save the Nova's for temple of the Damned transition earlier for the Russian morphine statues as well you're approaching 50 supply supply is equal levels pretty much equal and happy is moving back to the middle of the base this is the red coat as always from 1 to 0 we are used to this by now but it still has to be mentioned how good he is with that traps the ogre Lord and oh happy misses the trap that normally does not happen with this happy sometimes needs a game to get into a series fight for the ogre Lord this can be a game deciding item literature's a little bit down DK as well count to focus the shockwave helps a little the DK maybe he saved a nova this he has two more yeah happy with the Nova advantage one two zero dry on the Lich but one more fiend doc Ranger should be picked up soon lot of coils and snare very helpful for the Russian DK taking more damage has to use the potion at the big one goes to one to zero as well as the claw spas-12 one fiend died for this but easily worth it for the experience and the big item dark Ranger edition on both sides arrives for happy at the same time as for one to zero who's gonna get the lasted happy with a nice long-range coil inventory for the Lich for one two zero is looking insane though yeah way way way better than for happy yeah there's two still two red spots can be Europe with the major I can be true short oh that would be big kills for happy right here the fiend Falls saves the fiend at the same time one two zero feels like he's falling apart a little damages everywhere and only one said she but that is very hurt as well silence on the Lich no Nova at the moment but right clicks up the stats you again and it dies and that Nova was too late coil heals up therefore happy the letters in vain' Tori is not quite good enough to carry one two zero into the late game was only on one statute that one died so now it's to status versus zero and happy takes lead again in smashing the statue was late anyway thanks to the slaughterhouse cancel 6 supply lead a big battle on the hill happy has the high ground now lit under pressure and watches your master retreat he can't fight uphill no way down by one statue one fiend that's a big deal right here and Happy's banshees are coming slowly right yeah they must be on the way I haven't seen temple of the Damned roomie God haven't seen a temple of the Damned for one-two-zero yet this is definitely the time for happy to creep this morphine's does he have WEP already there's the temple whoa there's got to be a big fancy advantage judging from the lumber looks like happy doesn't have weapon yet dr. injure almost never - that's a nice little level up for the dark arrow and he gets that level up a little bit more damage doc Ranger out of position repositions fights happy off needs a call that dr soon before the lips arrives is of course in time who gets the better sciences who gets the better nova that's why it's all about magic yes well let's do depth upgrade already but silence Lich and the pressure coil is they're very conservative with the anti magic not spamming it Banshee is dead but look at this what is one new Sierra's army is only one fiend left here with the heroes legend trouble silence coming in could be falling right here barely gets away dog Ranger really brave trying to get the stats you may cost her life by one two zeros playing it absolutely to the max to the very edge she may die for this but she's only level one perhaps not that painful of a loss it is of course good experience for happy couldn't be denied close to four getting close to three with the web finish now and this is the red spot item four happy what is it flute would be the best baby skirts bone times one for the shop and one to zero with the next cut Silverton ice cream if one dessert gets this lab and falls back to the fountain gets the next creep there he's getting a lot out of this late-game stage where he is a little bit behind certainly happy by the way most recently last couple of months or so has been favoring playing fifty supply expansion a lot in many matchups under the mirror among those he's opening up the natural this yet smells like an expansion if you don't want to expand there's no reason to go there this is a bad creep camp to take because you're so far away from all the other camps on the map this gives 1 2 0 the second Drake that is the second red spot item has been revealed so happy nose levels pretty equal on lych and decay but the dark Ranger is a massive difference what does it do really the stock Ranger level advantage happy normally always goes for dark arrow first and then the bonus damage spikes in incredibly from +2 damage to +10 damage which is a really big deal especially the lower the army numbers become a normally fiends have a tendency of dying rather quickly and the heroes keep on surviving that plus the skeleton being sacrificed for the Lich with dark rituals so yes level 3 dark Rangers absolutely a big level advantage happy pushing towards the main buying time for the expansion whilst putting on pressure at the same time happy is the one breaking up keep he wants to keep one to zero in that no upkeep against the ziggurat immediately reborn in the south but that's 150 gold TP by 1 to 0 60 vs. 55 but the home base advantage for the Chinese big know about that fiend is certainly falling and the skeletons arise another fiend in trouble for 1 to 0 where the parts two kills right away that was a triple silence everything was stacked up after the TP and happy hit the perfect silence right there doc ranger almost dying for the Russian but she survives just barely rich diving means falling up coral it's ready DK solo doc Rangers well Lich in the middle of attention and that could be it must be a coil is there silence not this time but interval potion on that Lich oh the dark Ranger in trouble now possibly for one to zero but happy focusing on the fiends first has a 10 supply lead already fiend barely gets away but guess what happy doesn't have to win the game right here he's got the expansion now up and he's getting further and further ahead in this match 1 to 0 has the monumental task now ahead of him to get back in this middle it's got the row of the major by the way he's plus 28 that is the care if he can somehow get rid of that lip she wins the game he is kind of winning that fight and won two zeroes bays which is crazy but now there's a backlash on the Russian army trying to take out the Banshee works no bond to the fiend gets the card in the end what an on power battle this litter is keeping one to zero in the game without this lips this game is most likely over already but the damage here is stacking up right-clicks Nova's coming in one two zero now out of mana on that Lich see more and more curses from one two zeros fee and she's now off the blade and gets another kill immediately trying to follow up with the second one let's just bend her there's more mana thanks to Dark Ritual what a massive supply did once again one two zero is trying to catch up the expansion for happy is running no upkeep for the Chinese being no kills and firing out of control just spiraling out of control one of the doesn't have the numbers anymore at the supply we see a 15 lead you can't put pressure on the heroes because of anti-magic shell he's trying to go for the banshees put happy moves them back into Statue range so he forces the fiends and the Lich into the front row and then it hits him again there's no Nova anymore happy expertly kiting as always of course he is the best in the world at that and he's showing it this game he didn't get her head purely with a micro he actually was able to punish the greed by his opponent reading the game perfectly it's one lich to save one to zero and now all we see the expansion kicking in 67 supply double envelope ocean as well TP on the DK he's looking is there something no there's not he must have a necropolis otherwise he would have moved back earlier and he can defend with the TP what else is at the expansion 1 to 0 has 780 gold there's an arrow there's a necropolis but happy ok now defenses Expo whoa aggressive Nova right clicks again the coil a little too late the silence interrupted it and TP out immediately no coil possible anymore it's another kill three kills that those are losses one to zero cannot afford Happy's getting further and further ahead if not with two ways one base absolutely no chance the silences are on point the timings are on point the damage to distribution is on point happy is on point what play is there how can one to zero drop but it's so hard against web there's no staff and at the moment no TP it's especially with this Lich I think it has to be hero kill hit a timely silence find one gyro exposed kill him off with a nova right clicks but the best counter to that is already available to banshees with the anti magic protecting these heroes perfectly spell damage must be a little careful to not overextend automatic is not on the heroes by the way three one upgrades by the way for happy to zero but that Lidge is worth twelve supply or more Banshee trying to take it up and do it microbio up to zero anti magic cells now on the lid okay like that fiend is falling in the back did he purposely move the feed to the upper left so he can last it I wouldn't put it past him okay okay of course it's happy way superior numbers it's just way more things Happy's gonna lose some of them this legend right clicks heard real bad but nova only on to banshees he's not threatening the hero kills and then kills in general happy he gets more and more and more and more and more on this level that's no way to with this high up keep for happy eighty-eight supply well that's not something you see every day but guess what when you save everything with coils and anti magic lips a run by by the ghouls tiny little play by one to zero but it's nice oh that hurt no split against in hitting everything call him the abomination but that is free reign on everything else he still wants it's a bomb gone and not getting it at the moment but keeps him at fifty supply there's no way if i want to zero to get at least is sixty maybe the ledge absolutely no fears owners close number four now for the monumental plus for intelligence for statues by the way for happy he is not running out of region little for even more damage even more mana but happy will follow with the next kill which should be coming in soon she okay two kills right here with a lot of damage is going to this a bomb does a great job once you zero he's finding a way to stay in this for a little bit at least finally a bomb coming in for happy as well Manas running low happy out of mana on the DK same is the case for one to zero basically but it's finally time to call it GG happy with one hell of a performance making look making one to zero look like it wasn't one to zero yeah what a timing at early tier two this cancel on the slaughterhouse this chase of the acolytes giving him a tiny gold advantage throwing one two zero down so much then this lengthy fight in the middle where he seems to have the better silences the better coils the better right-clicks was making use of the high ground as well with the mischance had to double statues out early that is what yes can sing solo house gave him and with the engagements always being so extended having the statue he'll plus mana important plus mana in the back is really important it's to man up per second that adds up really quickly over time on three heroes plus later when banshees as well of course one two zero I can't blame him that he still looked for the fight he had circlets mantle and claws plus twelve on the Lich plus a quick high-level it feel like he should be able to take that fire but happy just with expert control and just perfect kiting I also loved how the DK was never in the front line in that big middle fight he was standing way in the back he was hurt there yeah that also was a reason but also MIT meant he couldn't get silence really and always came in with a coil yeah correct so tell us you undead expert how much of a gamble is a fast year three how much of a risk is it what does it tell us about one to zero normally really is not a risk because normally every unlit cares about either creeping level for quickly and soaking up the map or creeping the lips quickly when he comes out and not only tapis gameplan normally happy is never aggressive early on tier two so it's a very well calculated risk normally by one to zero but happy somehow new somehow he knew and I'm pretty sure in most games when what is they would try for to go for this it would go unpunished but here it did get punished indeed okay number one map goes to happy hawk had the same but in the end lost so don't write off one to zero to early last refuge is the next map by the way the most successful map of happy was tearing us dance so I'm standing where I want to 0 to V to it in the end as his cheese's didn't work can he strike back are well happy run away with the Chuo the best under mirror player is colliding and so far it seems that it remains true what everyone says here in a direct comparison happy is just better they met twice happy won twice happy in general this matchup is just he is owning the world in this matchup with an 80% win rate in major tournaments he has lost the last undead mera on October 27 2018 against Lucifer it's more than a year ago 13 month of being undefeated exactly to the date and won 2-0 he's pretty much 50/50 he's losing to Lucifer he's losing to WFC and obviously losing to happiest this is a matchup he didn't really need throughout his entire career his micro was enough to defeat WFC a news for usually who then came up with some creativity in europe of course it's a lot more competitive and deaths and there is an asia on that tier 1 tier 2 level yeah also in Russia Shaddai Sheik been looking really good lately over in Germany there has been explored in the past and WAN and enter and side-door walk in Sweden there is a really strong tier 2 scene in Europe all strong undead's but they're all overshadowed by happier they're all good but they're all still a lot worse than happy happy it's just the the miracle definitely two tiers between them so last refuge what does this mean for us compared to CH it is a map with more creeps it is more congested it is also easier to evade the opponent and go super heavy creepin especially on tier 3 however you can also play very differently and play hyper aggressive on level 1 or level 2 that is how one two zero was able to play his best map to date against happy yet when they met before in the grand final of view Cup where yeah with an early Naga actually won 2-0 came in with a really smart strategy following up on his early game aggression with more aggression on tier 2 with that strong cold arrow before happy even had the aura honest and that was one of those smart plays that we know one to zero can go for wonder they were tried with a try to cut corners just a little bit in Game one and got ridiculously punished for it I would like to see a Naga here once again with aggressive play prior to that would be quite ironic of both Russians lose last refuge in their quarter-finals to a Naga second after Hall is being defeated there as well earlier today so far so standard right you know one going for any big deal assets and indeed one to zero will not be looking for the pre level two aggression both will be reaching that level up here in just a moment what's awards for happy nice always great to have its once again pretty straight up feet builds last refuge a map we could expand I guess yep if that's your gamble game plan normally that will never happen before 50 to 500 so important to get tier 3 orb decent number of fiends statues and third hero with that power spike you become so much stronger and investing into 250 gold plus for an expansion before that sounds pretty risky so far the creep outs here haven't been too revolutionary just yet green into green for level 2 and then the natural to keep up accelerating its wonders they're a little bit faster here and I think that's thanks to his acolyte usage to help with the creeping it's just 8 damage right yeah this makes the difference on this very level how many early games that he win because of a last from an acolyte or a skeleton this time the damage items are on happy attack speed is on 1 to 0 but boss still better interesting that one to zero plays it's so differently absolutely not interested in aggression you must be confident to still be able to win fights late game events happy I mean if he wouldn't be confident in this late game fighting skills then he would be a player of this level I guess regardless of what happy finds here is pretty good even the ring isn't bad protects you from orb yeah and this Lich inventory is already gonna be scary once it does it again okay happy punishing pretty poor items honestly for one to zero ring double gloves in the middle or nighttime so close seize the fiend now that the theme can happy block okay I think the question is rather does he want to block no aiming for the main again oh yeah right Waterhouse Kansas since when is this meta oh and all tech counsel as well is there any punish for half a year what a move he didn't even do too much he just arrived and that's enough to get ahead all the acolyte dad was last millisecond skeletons are doing a phenomenal job which is here to help though three point three of the DK of one to zero now the slaughterhouse pretty much in Happy's face I can't believe one of their still didn't go for an arrow despite Game one really that's what he is that's what one of championships and slaughterhouse both fara headed for happy now looks like he wants to snipe the red camp perhaps next one to their disease smell this this could be a great creep check one two zero if he has the right idea he has the big bull already I guess he wants to pick Mara therefore Gamble's for it at the shop which is less risky Pepe gets rewarded for this risk with okay a bad item but still a lot of gold screw up the Beast okay we haven't seen any destroyer in Game one if you you subscribe the beast there's no dispel that's the TPE or retreat or a one fight for what to deal with 25% bonus damage especially on maps like this where there's so much creepin to be done they can just creep up more and more and then one two zero can go into aggressive territory try to steal camps away and if happy is trying to contest pop the scroll win the fight creep up more so this girl can absolutely have great great effect more experience only for one to zero in the upper left will help you can get one of the biggest items here ruined bracers this matchup is a lot about Luke's and I guess happy move once again be the first player to go for the Banshees of the anti magic potion so having this extra magic resistance is twice as good and want to 0 for getting feeds a first sign of weakness on an AR and happy gets both red camps that's not supposed to happen at least both items first one lucky for one to zero there was a bad one because there's two insane ones right here talking about the pipe of course and the ancient django cloth past twelve also really good but the two auras especially for some better drums another word happy as he often does on creeper having maps is investing a ton of mana just for creeping so happy isn't it he fight ready too much gets it again okay our in Jesus on the side of the Chinese who's looking for a fight now and you can see DK low man low HP and out of mana happy can't really contest right now no so he has to form back some viewers might ask why is this item bad well it's the aura that the undead have already thanks to the DK and the aura stone stack so you just sell it and get maybe an involution for it and that happened twice well there's a lot of better items available at that camp happy now lose map positioning and doesn't have the dark Ranger yet one two zero gets a little for it's always a good level up to get with a level two aura everything becomes a little bit easier to micro I don't think so level four four one two zero now and the dark Ranger experience it on the Chinese side he's still waiting for the third hero and this is not good for happy no silence to make yourself and here we go straw the be stopped this is the big timing window but we do have a Book of the Dead also notice fell also happy space also slow and instant reinforcements there's the fiend falling immediately and the second one being hurt GP out by one to zero this did not go the way he wanted to double fiend kill level four for happy the iron curtain again that was looking scarier they're surprised happy got away so well with the black I wonder they're expanding on the high ground that looks not necessarily desperate but like a cheeky play like he's hoping for something lucky to go his way so does win condition if it works it's great it's not you can cancel or on summon it might lose a little bit of gold but it's worth the gamble of his perspective oh he steals it and the experience as well the dock Ranger came with level 1 now at one point to destroyer in the air fiend dies nonetheless happy owns every single fight doesn't have web yet but look at the fee numbers it's six versus - you just can't one of them can't keep up with the damage level - for the dark Ranger black arrow now available but will this change much not really the Lich level 3 is the big one Nova level 2 for the Russians all the cards in his hand just has to play them right but the expansion is coming up if happy sits back a little bit longer gives one two zero two and a half minutes or so full production numbers can still rise in favor of the Chinese but it looks like happy is going in a certain direction he knows I don't know if he knows he feels he confirms and he punishes once there is you let this finish seems confident to be able to win this fight now we have web now we are focus fire now we have a debt to strive happy for once with a leg coil this Nova is big and never fiend falling happy with losses fault once two fiends dying right away right there one two zero saves one of his own fiends Lich in the middle of everything was taken quite a bit of damage over there too Nova's invested just into the skeletons to get rid of them good fight for one two zero as it seems almost getting another fiend right there both players here kiting to the best of their abilities and the fiend numbers seem to be now favoring the Chinese but more mutt Nova's flying morphine's dying Banshee coming in curses being applied but not on the Lich here small mistake perhaps by happy not cursing the lich the most important target and one two zero pushes back the Russian I correct myself happy is not owning every single fight this was mostly the most important on this map and 1 to 0 is back it was the right call to let the expansion finish was the right call to go for that fight that Book of the Dead was really big that book actually found great value there happy completely skipping destroyers ok and now double income for 1 to 0 breaking upkeep again immediately this time ziggurat not cancels slaughter house not delayed but destroyers fall off banshees are an essential part of the lake so happy calendar expansion Mike you catch up a lot of units in production there is a teepee happy can react no TP on one to zero miss trolleys gonna poke here just want to keep happy away from creeping if here levels remain the same what does it was satisfied with that he's gonna have the superior numbers here soon almost freebie turns around more experience level three from the dark Rangers close yeah that's not a big one and level 5 for the decays also closer now we have ourselves a match so happy down in experience down in supply can you still do it maybe sacrificing some of his main base for that trying to force a TP but there is no TP and so that's definitely the Acolytes down but what you want to zero get for it Epica perhaps snipe the Hornet and then TP back get enough damage can he reach the city is not going for it the Crypt is killed ok he jumps right on top of him the silences must be great DK seems to have not been hit however destroyers getting taken out quickly but so do the fiends another one Falls we have the supply elite still for the Chinese bandages in the back in a horrible position what are they doing they're completely caught on the wrong end and happy loses all of his spell casters gets more fee and kills though and now we're dead even in terms of supply another statue is gonna fall but there's two still available for happy know about to cover the retreat by 1 to 0 slowing down the rest of the army DK though still fast in front looking for the chase down trying for the surround as well I'll get the block good movement by the Lich walking into the pit again nova on the fiends this time the block squishes through again Karlis ready one two zero still on the retreat happy chasing but more and more mining and the Crypt is gone can't go for more fiends the damage dealer production is stopped for now but to zero trying to start mining again but happy storms the high ground what does he reckon he once again come back with a magnificent defense over here he doesn't have a book of it at this time what else can you make yourself there's no TP on neither player this time this might be the fight for the map good silence here to start things off four one two zero happy can't Coyle for now finally banshees are coming back in again happy are you with so many fiends herd over here coil misses and that's the first beam falling he gets an opt-in statue but the second feed falling and he can not replace them at the moment he's got a run he's got a safe it's so far it's okay but there is a player who took control of his very first map and that's the red one nice and time coil he smelled the Nova coming in once again too cold too late by happy and now he's down what threes fiends 2-0 or perhaps for this seems to be too much the calls are just perfect by one to zero and happy having lost his fiends earlier doesn't have the damage output he needs anymore and now the Chinese he loses one corner there as well misses one for once but he gets the level 5 falls back and has a good supply leave map he is close but once again he can't break the expansion but 2-0 breaking up keep immediately in this fight level 4 for the Lich finally catches up with the damage at the mana and nice no far but the coil how good are the coils in this fight did he miss a single one I don't think so focus on the DK now knows there's no healing no TP but the start of the fight was just too good for one to zero that triple silenced or was it a double silence resulting in so much damage on the fiends resulting in the end and all those kills of those fiends and really good defensive play as well with his own fiend saves this is looking like the one one right now unless happy can do something crazy life on the bench again and it works again deiicate far for what this time but can take some damage nice no exploding that fiend the destroyer has been wet but where is the punishment for it where is the range attacks interested here which has a nova soon not going for the DK slowly but steady taking out the feet more and more happy numbers anymore two fiends is not good enough here to four skills in his late game this litter snow carry not as much as one to zero I had in game number one he's still getting kills okay that coil was missed and the destroyers were the feed numbers being rather low can have good value beg Nova again that's another kill right there and with the Dark Ritual mana sustain is looking pretty good even a bombs coming in now happy just simply doesn't have the firepower anymore destroyer gets saved with a level 3 coil and happy is dropping down to low supply GG one one okay this was quite a statement for one to zero he is back he is able to take this fight and it was this great expansion idea when it didn't look good for him again yeah bit of a risk there happy also in the mid game playing a little bit recklessly creeping super aggressive investing tons of mana and hit points losing map control for that reason and when you play so riskily trying to get experience and items and you don't get the items that can backfire on you he found the aura the unholy are out twice that is not what he wanted he found the rune braces which can be nice but honestly it took a long time until hero focus ever became it was a lot of fiends normally it's always you aim for the fiends first snipe out of a couple and you only go for the heroes when they're overexposed because you know the top players will be able to protect their heroes very very well with banshees with anti magic yeah with and he magic and within volts so we are happy certainly a little bit unlucky that game won 2-0 a little bit lucky that game with the action coming up but that is always a factor involved in Warcraft 3 and 1/2 0 yeah gets the victory here 1 1 so down to a best of 3 indeed we are yeah that that fight in front of the expansion was the key in this game that was flawless by 1 to 0 and that shows how good his micro can be as well we're always praising Happy's micro seemingly without mistakes here on this map quite some cards missed yeah and also when happy tp'ed back where he got mass silence everything in place there was one micro mistake that really cost him he separated his Fein and banshees from the rest of the army but he sent them towards the left instead of towards to his main so all the banshees were killed off when one-two-zero retreated back and having the right amount of banshees is absolutely crucial four or five banshees that's the sweet spot that is unlimited curse that is an unlimited anti magic and happy never got to that stage so over time what zeros numbers were able to overpower there with yeah very well executed micro from the Chinese on there as well okay glad to see they won 2-0 is not giving this series up after one map yet this is Happy's map choice this is Northern Isles this is map number three last refuge one two zeroes favorites this is now Happy's favorite looking aggressive as always of course this is already a big point whoever wins this has two match points in a row and there's so much more pressure on the loser of Game three of course the winner here will have his second map in Game five in the last couple of months one to zero in this matchup was experimenting quite a lot with fast expansion plays with red Lord with Lich but it's not doing it here it's about all the marbles this is what it all comes down to you know lower bracket guys this is single elimination so cannot afford to lose if you want to make it through to the grand final happy has won three tournaments free bigger tournaments this year MTW legendary cap you will cup and of course no question that he won WG l120 emperor penguin championship that's about it we went to the final of the Yule Cup against happy but yeah where are the big finals for Chinese for the Chinese best on that not happening not the big ones not since agent W masters last year I bet he's hungry for that again I bet he wants to prove himself again but can have the best of the best especially in this matchup where for a long time he was undoubtedly the best from 2015 to 80 and then there was happy and then there was talk and then there was a match and then there was an answer and the answer was happy yeah in summer already when the possibility of happy vs. 1 to 0 was in the stars people were talking who's gonna be the best who's gonna prove himself in the undead mera but I didn't come to the undead mirror because moon eliminated one to zero last season the semi-finals happy now finds himself truly challenged 1 1 1 2 0 is by no means of pushover forces but it seemed to take a bit of trickery in game 2 and perhaps a bit of luck with the item drops for one to zero so happy sick confidence I imagine as always we're having a slow start here into this early game as it's pretty much always the case in a mirror nowadays in the highest level Ted Fein build with a fast tech Banshees and coming much later and fiends also a little bit delayed equal items on both sides they will both be happy with that clause to start things off which is always great give us a little bit of speed for creeping and later for knowledge of course how much of a factor that is red spots here very very good but the most important thing is the shop the only one only one involved in volts maybe the most important in this matchup more than any other absolutely crucial sometime in the very late game when you have big armies and anti-magic you can even try to not rely on them too much but before banshees in was absolutely crucial otherwise silent on the DK nove on the Lich right-click slitted eyes game over creep routes exactly Murad here so far seems like both players have a very good idea of what is the best approach to this in the early ones they're a little bit faster once again I believe thanks to his acolyte usage as well and items here crucial this Knight pendant crystal ball for happy again scans immediately I what are you gonna keep it happy oftentimes will sale vision will even sell sentry wards which I still find blasphemous but can be very valuable in the later later stages especially when you're battling for the red cams and for positioning on the map there we go sales it boss classic happy play but yeah claws are absolutely amazing claws on the Lich perhaps the best item carrier late master of course also great for that but late master to make use of him has to put himself in the front line and in danger which will be standing in the back and it will be protected by an involve most likely there's a pendant of energy for one to zero and that is the dream two coils Lightning shield now for creeping uses it immediately I'm always waiting for this cheeky one to zero arachnid creep spot happy desert here with a lightning shield really well done fast at level three gets the ring as well which might protect one of his heroes but again normally heroes get ignored in the beginning or perhaps all time at all times in favor of going fifteen and said now once they are going for the marketplace that's kind of greedy is it is it this time again is it marketplace again what does he regarded huh yep he did and the one of the wind this is a phenomenal item as you can throw the opponent's hero in the air he's stuck there for a couple of seconds and with that you prevent coils and healing and get some kills and you need the spell to get rid of it but happy he doesn't seem to be the biggest destroyer fan did he sell it nope okay sold something else I was like what that's the best item in the game against the DK I wonder it's happy gonna respect this and go destroyers now it's it's so good one of the wind is insanely good it's another silence you can go silence want silence want it is one of the more broken items in the game against certain heroes against sir army compositions for sure if there's this Bell continues us happy so far try to play this match up without destroyers happy sometimes he overextends a little bit when perhaps he shouldn't he's going in for the creep Jack here though really good position for the Russian 1-0 falls back instantly once again careful with the nose where's the car gonna end up on little fiend so far maybe a chance now one of the wind here it is nova on the fiend and there you see it how long this last happy does get the kill now but I think one to zero gravity Oh actually not despite the wound of the wind two-for-one happy is getting two fiends Wow and that's a punish one two zero need going for the shop perhaps a little bit too greedy well God if he gets to let's kill aiming now but he should be able to move away DK can walk exactly to the south and there's no one of the window the ledge can't : now that's the second downside of this of course units in the air can't be coiled and there must see one now knowing your surround tries it again gets it this time but again skeletons you should be able to find out as the coil ready doesn't seem like it must be a DP what is know he lets him die with a TP on him no he didn't swap it what happened was he able to not give up all the TP or was is actually intentional could go to the tavern but that's also expensive no here arises from the altar yeah it's only another one here oh I guess that was big experience though dr. angel third by one to zero now he wants to shop can still use one one of the wind and Sobi mask happy stolen how did he steal that I don't know why didn't he get no but telekinesis or something dad looks a little bit sloppy right there by a120 silence I know yeah and that's another care that's the double disabled that we were talking about happy got the Soviet least I love for fights between them just gorgeous woke up it's just back for happy brings the orb but no money yet for the dark Ranger for quite some time it's gonna play without one disabled for a long time only at a hundred now destroy upgrade coming there's only been one charge but that one charge of one of the wind oh it's gone actually yeah why is it going destroy her we saw them entirely skipped so far by happy can still be good destroyers absolutely if you get the timely dispel against the silence - hit the clutch coil but for fighting they are basically useless he gets too dark Ranger both sides red spot for one to zero these item drops are a big influence massive influence on this game close to 12 once again possible pipe possible happy doesn't seem to be to call for them to do it yet pipe is the best one by far destroy upgrade coming now ancient Django for one to zero also really good when triple claws for happy more movement speed it's always helpful also attack speed always helpful sneaky Expo haeppy needs great scouting better scouting fastest couting and he's hoping for better at cam item his first to read camp drops were awful looks like like what some better drums Oh Oh same items nice gets the last bit of experience one two zero is here can't punish this too much anymore happy gets the level two gets the level three one two zero does not have the level two Nova will get it a toast cars though one zero is not creeping with his DK anymore he's using him for scouting and perhaps to steal a creep or two with coil but if he doesn't get that he doesn't get level four never four is a big deal it's happy scouting the expansion right now is there a blue dot it's so hard to see on the ice map I don't think so I think so either with the skeletons coming from the dark Ranger happy should absolutely send one down to the bottom right sold the crystal ball earlier that would have been the easiest solution of course happy does not have a single this time the expansion will not be on a high ground he bought them I bought the rope so in we go look very far forward therefore happy does not have the Invo that's dangerous no potions only a TP lightning shield found but that doesn't do too much when of malice stealing on the dark range actually very careful both ex-players to engage here and so close with the level fifty-fifty happiest guarding for the expansion that might be a game-winning move for these games saving move big no bus into the back and happy misses the coil again still seemingly superior few numbers here though five versus four at the moment but Nova's are cooling down happy repositioning I'm amazed he's putting this lift so far forward but I guess as long as the DK doesn't get silenced in the back it's okay ish notes how I yet but one to zero has the angle from the north it's always good as I said no high ground forces to fight before happy is able to go for the Acolytes fiend focus dead fiend focus dead fiends dying here very quickly on both sides the two-for-one so far and Happy's favor I believe DK now under pressure wonder they would love to force a TP to force happy away stat hues dying quickly in this focus oh the DK though gets the anti magic potion that was big Nova kill another one right hey OH 544 HP the statues have to work overtime now is their time to kill the mining what is here has to reengage he has to go for this for the throat of the decay before there's too much damage but it's so hard 10 supply lead for the Russian nuke on the ledge in popo's kills ward morphine's one is here doesn't have seem to have the numbers anymore like it wasn't half for happy in game 2 combinations coming early but what do they do really all catching the reinforcements that's big and he magic get the coil sweet safe bye happy again and the skeleton putting pressure on to the Acolytes the DK on blight and with set us back to 130 HP happy looking to be in a good position he doesn't have the expansion but he has the numbers he has ways superior firepower this ledge despite no protection really it's doing so much damage in the front line look at the positioning dope on the fiends again sent me a one-for-one trade no happy in range of the stats use the Lich can't get the last at the abomination is down delicious diving deep for more kills but the coils arrive no blocks at the moment oh those head is so sick at the Nova finishes in happy takes the lead match points for the Russian fool looking pretty similar there for a while one two zero coming in with a sneaky expansion again but happy didn't you know lose too much before mounting the biggest salt on the expansion and seemingly with just slightly better micro getting just one or two more fiend kills and then spiraling out of control the Lich so aggressively positioned by happy so far forward with a triple Claus + orb the parry up protected him a little bit but most importantly DK for happy always kept back behind the frontline of things and statues never really could get silenced and that way I guess the Lich was always safe those are the situations where I would love to have a damage meter in walk around three the Lich for happy must have been out of control at the end like what he put on to that lips in the last moments of the game felt like what eighth of HP was just constantly chipped away so real very important for happy to survive the wand of the wind to not fall for the expansion once again to scout it in time during the fight so he spread his attention twice like not so sick and that one of the winter can be a game deciding item one to zero like over reached in the middle there he's like oh I find one of the wind that's a big advantage so now I can try to go for the merchant but that cost him one fiend right away and didn't have the firepower anymore look for the quick kills he aimed for the ambitious lips kill that didn't work and suddenly all charges that are gone all your advantages from that item are gone well it did work but it was only level one so now yeah okay it's really not that big I thought okay if he runs away with the litter experience now and gets the Nova advantage then this fight or the next big fight should be his but somehow happy was the first to arrive on level 3 with better creeping with the Lightning shield creep at the at the Scorpions that helped him at all as well to speed things up again and get the levels up and in the end if you kill so this one fight the Cho glass had to choke how he killed two feet at the same time losing only one there was a start of the snowball I feel in the last fight what he was never able to recover from that and he was already behind there when they was fighting in the second shock but when you commit to a hero kill or TP like one to zero did and he doesn't get it that's a fight lost normally on this level DK went from a hundred percent to like two percent and that is effectively going like two thousand damage into the DK because of hero are more reduction and maybe he said at the ring of protection I think I think he did even I don't I don't know if he gave it to us anybody else yeah normally focusing DK is a mistake normally they don't die when they're wielded by DK by happy and by one to zero and here we saw it again I guess one to zero felt he had to force this TP away he was already too far down in fiend numbers perhaps the wise call and all the same as a lots of huge right we're happy was the one losing the big fight and down in feed numbers and then just trying to do something desperate in the fights and didn't really work out but here's what's the other way around so this there's a parent at least three games happy is always the first one going for banshees one to 0 is always the first one going for abominations and expansions and expansions what does it tell us I think a bombs are really overrated in this matchup depends a little on the timing and on the quality yes I would agree with that the bigger the armies become the better a bombs naturally become because fiends in the back just end up blocking each other when you go upwards of C at 17 that's just too much but like this around 60 supply 55 60 seems to be where 1 2 0 throws in the air bombs and a bombs are so easy to focus they are always in the front line and they're taking full damage from piercing fiends heroes they all take reduced damage from piercing banshees not of course but branches are way in the back and a bombs such an easy target to focus when you get to 3 a bombs and protect them all with anti magic it's hard to take him out and they do tank for a long time and then they're good but I feel like 1 to 0 is going for them a little bit too early we'd like to see earlier banshees for him instead I definitely agree this gives happy oftentimes the lead with the first curses with the first anti magics alright pressure on the necromancer now will he be eliminated before the grand final once again last time top four this time only top eight everyone was questioning last season last summer who's the better one between them this year we get the answer and so far it looks like it's this guy on the way to the second title if it looks like this he would be facing thr sock in the semi final this is 1 2 0 second map this is Amazonia this is one of the better Maps for a Lich first by the way heading into this match I was expecting at least one Lich first play whether it be for a fast expansion attempt or for a fiend transition later on both is viable perhaps not exactly optimal but certainly playable but what we're seeing so far from the base built it absolutely is not looking like a lich build Ted fiend Bo versus Ted fiend Bo we're staying absolutely standard still surprised by this I mean Amazonia is not really the map for cheeky plays early well lit rushes could be because of the base to base distance and you can try to just aim for superhitch creeping with literally on little schools can get level 3 extremely fast and with a Nova being a close to instant cast you can pretty easily deny coil last-hits but we'll have the issue that you're playing ghoul later on you know what to 0 had great littering some pretty much against all races but not here we have seen him playing at plenty of times his last couple of months in the online tournaments against the lesser undead's but he seems to be respecting happy so much that he feels he cannot win with anything other than the absolute best strategy and the absolute best strategy seems to be Ted fiend opening into fiend triple hero with a surprisingly low amount of banshees that's the big difference here between these two also the expansion is before mentioned this is a horrible map for a sneaky expansion it is in fact impossible to sneak in expansion up here yeah well know what he does now this must be a different game plan right he was one of the first to introduce to us the mercenary snipe early wouldn't be too surprised to see that along the way happy sees the movements he's okay it's none of the lab going for the trolls which could go for let you feel creeped if you want to and what you can do here is pick up more skeletons and then go for that new shield creep at your opponent's base seems like one to zero is not planning to do that slight variation here happy takes out all the trolls one two zero goes over to the cobol's right after here he'll be able to pick up claws and level to cloak for happy nobody wants it's all about stats all about damage especially ooh happy with the nerubian Tower I think it's nice also a thing that went 2-0 did not go for I guess that is no work no no he messed it up Oh little too fast no too nervous with the movement he's got plenty of normal damage though so this renegade was so far quickly but yeah not quite optimal will take him a little bit more HP gloves is good but a class is better yeah and this camp I went 2-0 was definitely more exposed or will be more exposed in the mid-game so tiny little lead to zero but the most important thing is level two cools one is ever once again be maxing here just make it a little bit stronger so he can probably go towards the middle and try to contest Happy's Cobalts perhaps acolyte was scouting there for quite a while didn't see happy for the time being and now what does they were scouting with the acolyte at the Merc camp slightly miss reading the timing here happy just a little bit slower than he thought did he calculate in the Lightning shield creep and for that reason things happy must be doing something else this little slip is helping happy actually not sure she would have been in time anyway okay we are on equal footing again same creep spots taken out but happy doesn't know where his opponent is one two zero Doug's accolade usage again so good yes the acolyte is dying here but that is absolutely worth it because that let's want to zero know that he's safe top left to creep the Merc camp Happy's going to the same but for him it's a bigger risk he doesn't know where his opponent is turns out he's not going to get punished for this but this could have very well been a teepee forced and again the item gamble in Mira matches always and this time it's happy rushing Tier three so he supply stuck stood a little bit with the Acolytes the line who's probably coming tonight that in a moment racers versus boots of Quel'Thalas both not nuts still not denying the acolyte all right there we go finally boom supply opened up and here comes the Lich but yeah that is a little bit late are they both trying to go to the Merc am trying to get the next item I think what does your just want you Sara always seems to be a little bit smarter with his movement so far on this map yeah what is there's no lumber at the moment oh happy might be aiming for the slaughterhouse cancel again no it's okay totally fine again no narrow three fiends will DK that's a pretty easy cancel actually that's pretty just super big ghouls trying to defend DK is also low and this was think I'm gonna mean is it worth a cheap II don't think so just a normal disengage should be fine man I won 2-0 is very low it's fighting rich without a ledge in one to zero space this man is so brave ster non-arab yeah third time Oh fiend Oh almost in kill range right there mass ma'am happy sledge coming in now finally all fiends hurt already for one to zero but they are spread so nobody's hit two of them at the same time one can always be coiled one needs to be coiled soon or going for the DK don't think he knew about the road racers time to check Oh skeleton block shout-out to one nicely done sweet and that's first blood for one to zero yeah but again the slaughterhouse canceled I think yep you could have gotten more here or retreat earlier and lose less using no bond that DK was the big mistake there could have definitely gotten a fiend of his own again very fast yeah that's really all right even before tier 3 finished right maybe a little tiny bit but maybe he see the inventory of the lips this wants to curse back which is again very very good on this map we have two shops or more involutions replenishment pretty nice right now with DJ so hurt o DK in the middle that's dangerous Nova from the treeline could force a TP big experience right here for one to zero and unpunished absolutely and once again it went to zero gets map positioning and the dark Ranger and happy is gonna have to hold on with only two heroes for a while before supply I'm really curious now that he opened up this natural so early if he's trying it again that would be a big I wouldn't recommend but well why it's happy really gonna go in here without a doc Ranger pretty much leveled advanced on the lips at no dark Ranger creeps are helping for now it's good pressure on the DK there's no duck ritual where's the draw column going what and they're flying that is something good for one to zero but he's aiming for the rock column first gets the item silenced arrives for Happy's Grove the bees pop again second time in a row couldn't call the feed but it is safe Nova arrives is there a color for happie yes there is but another thing the super has to send it out feed damages good know what's still on the DK and happy disengages without a loss all right without that scroll this fight is looking scary for one to zero that stroll may have saved him the TP perhaps puts the boots of Quel'Thalas on the Lich more attack speed along set the gloves that's pretty sick but he lacks the damage no three claws this time there's up too many camps available anymore the expansion again this keeps on happening good good game my one to zero good experience leader it's gonna get double level ups from this camp plus a big drop this is one of the better matches certainly only the better Maps here so far this series for the Chinese across the board and now the big drop again the question how fast will happy Scout this what can he get at the rad spot map is pretty much empty not much to creep anymore for one to zero it is war song battle drops 10% damage on everything and now he pushes into the base happy has to speed up the creeping there is a TP of course didn't use it yet what can he accomplish in happy space ghouls acolytes quite easy kills but easy to replenish did he get the granite I'm not sure no most likely not Oh Coco flames nova immediately killing this fiend one for one thing so far happy gets the next one nova coming in again almost with another one but that one gets coiled called on cooldown for now happy trading better so far but one two zero gets array with the rest just barely alright advantage here if i want to 0 becoming noticeable yes not only there wasn't wedded rounds but of course the unholy aura too as well but there's also little advantage right so nova advantage or advantage item advantage and soon echo advantage happy is pushing into upkeep counter expansion okay this will not work one two zero looking for the flag does happy see the fiend it doesn't look like he does ships in the night but this ship killed the acolyte very quickly man she moved back immediately he got that rock column for a little more experience but that doesn't give him level three happy fighting uphill one two zero pushing for Game five science is hitting the decays right away statues in deep deep trouble for one for happy losses the first one the next one seems to be out of the fight fiends now being next in focus one two zero lost one already that one barely gets saved with a coil a second and she's of course the big advantage here for happy curse spread pretty much everywhere one feed for one to zero on the other side of the map doesn't go does get safe but it's once again out of the fight numbers seem to be in favor of happy so far but his x4 got canceled yeah most important thing here one two zero up in economy dives for the echo again or for the fiend again there's mana for Nova this will certainly be the TP here forced wonderous trying to buy time forces happy back lately obvious the back doesn't get it but that was a good TP it didn't lose anything outside of the TP and now he's mining one to zero in a really good position now he just has to hold on in this game is looking really good for him is zero zero against to zero upgrade at the drums three upgrade advantage for the fiends yeah and he'll stroll and an in-wall happy has nothing to work with in his inventory and it's eight supply down trying to disrupt this mining but there's coming over there there's a flank coming from the right hand side we have destroy us again anti magic shell pretty much everywhere protecting the fiends first web comes it could be neither destroy or kill but that soaks up quite some mana epiha is losing one of the banshees if one two zero focuses correct leak oil to destroyer then she's still up so other statues but super hurt finally level up for the lives to fiends dying there by happy dropping lower in numbers we have three fiends now against six actually four one two zero way up ahead with a damage now morphine's are coming in but look at the manner happy almost out of mana everywhere level three lit for him was so late this game the delay of the Lich in favor of a faster Tier three I just don't think that's so wise nice concave again the abomination match GGG didn't work one two zero ties up the series once again and we get our Game five woohoo not crumbling under the pressure playing what I think was his best match in the series yeah this one there was nothing really sneaky going on there was no real luck being involved just straight up really good solid play one two zero smart tactical and happy delaying the Lich I really don't think that's what you're supposed to do we have seen over and over how important it is to grab creep camps get big items and get the level three in a timely manner it's such a big level up happy wait slow with that this time around but we'll probably know about this that this was his mistake and yeah these to go full distance again we saw that before in the grand final in your cub it was happy claiming the victory won 2-0 now one map away from getting revenge and eliminating the champion sure we could crown a new king won 2-0 takes one more map last time they met each other in Game five won 2-0 went for the fast expansion happy found out and conquered I don't think this will happen again won 2-0 feels good now having the momentum of Game four he will pretty much play straight up I think map is echo now that was vetoed by happiness was vetoed as well it's twisted yeah oh that's cool that's fun that is a lot of item drops involved as well this is a big map also once upon a time was very popular with lit first is what is there gonna bust it out in the final map the all deciding map five one big surprise in this series we haven't seen these like big surprises yet the expansions were cool and different and risky but all justifiable if it's lit if it's dreadlords if it's something super crazy I don't know I think he learned his lesson I think he's going straight up yeah I think if not when they play a nuke up by the way twister Meadows why was by far the most one-sided map from happy he destroyed one to zero there with the unusual early skeleton her ass in the main which we don't see too much anymore but we already saw the scare the acolyte juggling by one to zero seems to have improved significantly he's absolutely respecting Happy's ability to abuse that as much as you can so what do their eyes well adjust it is making this a super close series we've had quite a few two O's in our group stage but it's nice to see these games so close today three two three one three two and only one of these guys can make it to the top four who's it gonna be one to zero on the way to his fifth grand final of course there's an obstacle in the way he wasn't the semi-final last time he wants to be there again would of course be then his sixth semi-final again map five one two zero versus happy we're loading in to one of the most legendary Maps and Walker three has to offer many many finals have been decided on twisted Meadows opening bills what do we have standard we're sticking with standard ted fiends by both alter ziggurats and i don't want this series to be decided by cheese i want this series to be decided by micro and decision making and therefore we got a good start so one two zero with a far forward ziggurat by the way if happy decides to try to dive into the back of the acolytes again this can be problematic as you can see the back of the base is wide open shop coming up now out of pressure would be the second newbie player right after Lin for many people that dream finale same goes for Lin versus happy right after this match we're going to get chakras th for the semifinals the Cinderella story of saw continues maybe there's so many so many question marks especially with item drops both scouting in the wrong direction but with the acolyte timing which really meaning well know where the opponent is we're only narrow okay going for an Arab this time finally and I think that speaks volumes of their last series where again 1 to 0 felt the pain in the early game yeah it feels like this tournament is a lot about learning from mistakes we had this between linen tah a little we had this especially between happy and in fee were happy learn from a series one week ago now it could be one to zero [Music] there we go happy wants to look for the main but the narrow bits gonna make things difficult that one is done already happy going for his own narrow cut cutting any corners here no damage to excite so far walks a circle around that narrows our check on the same side but the big case your ghouls are able to defend the chuckling is good you should not result in kills but Happy's out on the map what does it was in his base this is the first experience for the champ just a little bit here being gamed by having a little bit more experience early on we don't have many fiends in the mix so not much you can accomplish stealing something like the no camp away from your opponent that would be a big play would result in level two for happy is he trying to bait a bit of ass around here skeletons trying to save it but that's the first experience for one to zero no revenge killed just yeah nice skeleton mostest around you got a second chance clothes good movement thereby went 2-0 walking in north-south east-west directions that way you can get blocked only really happy first threat the fiend out helps exchange usually the case on twisted as the camps are all pretty hard to take flock again oh he got it on it the skeleton he might be able to fight out though he's not hitting anything at the moment well yeah what's the TP oh that is right scans might expire oh I still got him watch what a hero lights and this is very problematic there's no healing it's a ritual dagger first time this tournament in a wgl round of eight unbelievable nobody cancels it oh oh the fiend shot comes in he Kansas it has to go for the second one it's kind of the charge but it's on cooldown right so he kills the skeleton so he has to sacrifice either a charge of sort of necromancy or a unit Oh classic twisted metals game not really any creeping background naga second for one to zero again we saw it on last refuge earlier this comes in as a surprise but the DK blocked again by a skeleton no TP the frost arrow now how much damage can the Nagas do she must do the heavy lifting there must be plenty of course the DK is not in this fight Christina's dead good long-range coil times it well but I guess it's only about the deny Naga gets it but this was not experienced on the DK whoohoo skeletons threatening the DK again left ever to the noggin yeah the frost arrows flying with a block but the DK is much faster than the fiend so he should get away when the Lich comes out this is super scary four one two zero ritual dagger again this should he needs to try to not get this cancel this healing is crucial it's not much but it's a bit of healing which is coming which is coming in DK is at 40% oh right here where's the Nova oh there is ice age there is frost born there is no DK forward to zero and the Nagas could fall as well happy is this your push into the semi-final Naga is down the hill for happy and the snagger plate didn't work out at all but won 2-0 you have to expect this you know the tech timing you know the lives must be coming too ambitious too greedy ah that was reckless he felt forced into this Naga it was very successful with her before but not here this is level 2 DK soon ledge is reaching around from the other side bury the body block this could perhaps be the key came back he goes back okay it was both only level 1 but it was two times level 1 it's kind of surprisingly okay for one to 0 first statue is gonna be a big deal here comes dip step to number 1 for 1 to 0 we're happy it should be on the way as well a quick tier 3 for the Chinese but this is like what does it do to your brain if you own map for pretty much and then the game starts like this this must make me think and for happy Ethan like this is smooth sailing again and its aim was just so so insane to skeleton surround acolyte involved against the DK against the trees but heroes are back litter is about to come out we're gonna have one to zero at a triple here this game is not over yet guys we're even in supply it hangs in there the times of one-two-zero tapping out after four minutes are over this is not happening anymore now go get some more damage skeleton yeah first against one to zero always snipe it thank you +6 okay more damage not the greatest lits third out for watches you should bring the oil PS the resources dock Ranger by yeah standard built by happy cookie cutter build the strongest build battle statue against single statue again like we saw before - three two - one experience wise this is surprisingly equal does it right the double here okay how insane is that yeah and the inversion like this shop creep a little better for one to zero things to the starting position but the Naga is the number one liability can't be coiled always needs potions always needs help to survive the cold arrow is really nice for sniping out these fiend as we can see here first silence where is it patiently waiting Nova here it is on the DK DK yeah why questionable double signs in the back that meant no Nova now getting focused severely lit in trouble he'll potion is there okay there was a consumable gone and now the Nova can he kill something again yeah one feet down I love a fiend hurt Lich low decay low five fiends now versus three and only one player has the silence 50/50 supply versus 40 another Nova silence again P starts the snowball the so important snowball that decided on every game he blocks the way of the Naga but can he stay in their biology K whoa forty supply with the toy a proposal swap this Naga remains in life this fiend dead one two zero survives destroy already good trade for one two zero forces the TP gets a fiend all for just a single involve an interval might even be ready again clawing his way into the game happy sixth acolyte my goodness more creepin better spot for the Chinese again +9 on the lid good damage or even Naga this best-of-five does not disappoint both expanding alright can we please go to base to base I would not be opposed ultra late-game creep the entire map give me the best on that possible hell yeah you will always be for one to zero he's not gonna have silence and that is a big downside if he's lucky step of silences the veil of silence apse is a possible drop this is the red cam the only one we have in the competitive pool where such an item can drop kind of a polarizing loot table we have really good items here and we have pretty crap items here as well is it the nuts is it the nuts it is the spell shield good for the Nagas or the legend yeah oh yeah prevents Nova not silenced though can be manually triggered with manual curse but hard to have that overview in a big fight happy should not allow one to zero the second red spot and one do there are so far this whole series the games he won he got ahead economically not happening this time not yet what does zero is not rushing for the red spot I kind of expected it's true shot more damage again the big damage build happy has to get better upgrades than on Amazonia level three for the decay on both sides that were three on the Lich level three in the noggin of course as well and upgrades are in production for happy he's checking and red spot as well this is an arms race we have here double silenced big pendant alrighty on and I there was a small one of this for one two zero didn't help him well I of course did help him didn't win him to get so much more crystal ball probably gonna check exactly over there no never mind room a is looking where is it we're just again no I think it was at the red camp yeah yeah just barely misses it then sees it's gone no be mask for so much mana I so much damage I think you should give one of these items over to the Lich like DK doesn't need all of this insane yeah this is a ton of damage look at this man flute claw boots of Quel'Thalas on the naga double claw on the lips level 3 now as well who's got more damage hard to tell happy might be coming in for the creep Jack sees it with the skeletons but what 2-0 will get the consumable lit with picnic mana oh-hoo-hoo-hoo supply lead for happy but can you take this fight should he take this fight to the starting from the ledge right away was there a silence on the DK I guess so with the Lich survives it's alright for watches are immediately dead and slap fight for the fiends and this is a TP out stat you killed at this elephant and a faint they got a revenge kill with the fork lightning on that fiend happy coming in with a surprise destroyers in map five didn't play a single destroyer until now one two zero was not ready with the web oh and he's pushing the expansion but one to zero is flanking big supplied it for happy lots of gold for one to zero needs production but it's greedy not breaking up keep lit again no Nova scary scary scary happy has a TP he bought it again one two zero has not just used it and the Naga has no in Valenta prizing happy when there's no dock ranger then he starts playing destroyers but the surprise came at the perfect time seemingly police under fire one two zero has to engage soon can intercept reinforcements happy continues production Big Momma's of course great fiend zapped second one 50% down this is no car thanks to all this despair on the silence was lightning speed fast the fiends taking so much damage still long-range coil really good saves right there by one two zero gets the destroyer but this time the coil arrives before the fog lightening morphine's falling on both sides DK in trouble one two zero forcing perhaps the TP which were happy about to be leveled four destroyer number two faults no coil for that doesn't seem to be this is a priority for him morphine's falling for one to zero but there is the coil ready for kiting again and it does a great job against Happy's feeds for lightning cuz Nova so much damage so much burst onto these fiends and he's dropping in supply this almost equal the DK is under pressure as well one of oh nice Nova and that's the before for him big damage increase now with the Plus for intelligence and big dog ritual as well if he wants it yeah morphine's dying oh well missus last second one to 0 against the coil of 'let's in trouble cause should be on cooldown has an involved it is threatening more of these fiends gets another kill this coil misses for 1 to 0 this is about every single spell let's get shield app DK might be a little in trouble there is still fog lightning and Nova this field falls lasted for Thor when we did you TP out his expansion is super save could backup could heal up and that you father oh there we go this should be it the damage dealer is gone one of the damages is gone one to zero about to lose another fiend but without the above corruption how can you hold on needs to buy back from the tavern 100% I'm going there right now this is time for happy to do damage to the economy there was a moment where I thought what happy gives this game out of his hand when the fault lighting was too strong but now the Nova and fog lightning combo is not available Manilow here Manilow on the lid and keeping all these mana items on the DK for happy perhaps it was the right call because he still has so many coils remaining is this the last fight for one to zero at wgl winter another fiend save the DK is he surrounded again is this the story of twisted meadows no he's opening up the way by taking heavy damage Nova big time into everything Karl arrives skeletons also hard to deal with trying to go for destroying on a deal with them you fiend long range dark range of damage is enough so far weapon the destroyer again happy losses another thing put the destroyer from 1 to 0 dies heavy focus on the DK now threatening the town for the Lich again in troll can he reach DK should be careful is slow despite me I need the TP is he under estimating movement no he's not and saves it all damaged a Mohican got cheese arched both of them look did you see the spell shield saved the Lich it's blocked the Nova my god what is this game masochists both of them my heart rate is going up yeah and it's not just because of the energy shaking a little as well but now Banshee tech is coming in we have seen that make all the difference before ruthless aggression once again he sees an opening to defeat 1 to 0 here by killing an expansion not expanding a second time he's right in his face once more there is no temple of the Damned for watching zero the last big creep camp on the map 1 2 0 goes for it not knowing the enemy's whereabouts there's going to cost him some AK like probably Abby's gonna take a pit stop at the green it's gonna be a few more skeletons mana advantage seems to be unhappy site in repulsion again has to be bought for the Naga he's trying to go for the nerubian but happy arrives earlier repot the teepee has an invitation on the lips this time level 4 dark Ranger more acolytes slaughtered more experience raising to level 5 level 4 on all heroes here full my knowledge on both sides happy getting ready with a third base ok he can buy time and TP out or will we have another insane fight here 12 supply lead how much of that is in production how much on the field DK getting threatened again oMG magic wouldn't again without the orb Korra arrives with the dark Ranger can he save her yes she can but two units arriving at the scenery nothing TP range that Nova +4 colliding instantly pops the anti magic and then the right-click coming in from the level 2 cold arrow and this DK is in deep trouble this Naga working out surprisingly well yeah still happy with the lead or running in with the DK this time no consumable stem mana on the lips I think so what we's gotta be careful after with a big supply late you can't see it right now though seems like quite a bit of still stuck in production the fulness experience both close to five if he has a little bit of an experience sleep but it's not too much what he has is a third base in production and it should be finishing soon Maine gold mines I think about to run dry or it just feels this way to one four one two zero against happy is three oh but once there also has to aura advantage that is like his only advantage at the moment okay happy mining from three bases he's checking on the upper left hand starting position sees ok I should be safe there is no third base for him just yet there's still no banshees who wanted yeah it's like crazy well it's pretty far forward the spell she wasn't cool down right there forty second cooldown rather long lips half mana on Naga still the mana pool for the DK of happy is nothing but insane he has a huge scroll now as well no Dark Ritual on either side both have to go from the aura weapon eighty supply half he is about to be maxed out states that feed doc Ranger again a little far forward zaps again but there must be a call it's the : cool on the dark Ranger healed scroll on her that there's the coil to save her destroy out being safe once more and here's the focus fire on the DK a reoccurring thing the Lich in propulsion and coil is a time for the snowball to start happy DK right clip here comes the fort lightning now the right-clicks arrived the veggie magic shell is gone finally get rid of that destroyer oh now gets cold again big no am i happy they're hitting all of the fiends it's barely any fiends left four one two zero his dps is disappearing very quickly happy now with a massive supply lead 30 supply ahead looks like the Russian is doing it again as long as he keeps his hero the life and now perhaps aiming for the DKB if there's a little more clicks then he gets at the feet oh it's not enough sets you are ready but the DK should be able to fight its own it can't reach or anything can reach there's so important first hero Falls but it's not the case happy needs a couple of kills one or two more for level 5 death knight level 5 Lich and then this should be over and he goes to the semi-final two times in a row so far so good thirty supply lead that's the level 5 right there and this must be the kill the Naga is dead and that's just the start of the beginning no way GG won 2-0 out and happy he does it again best undead in the world confirmed what is series that was that was on net Mira par excellence and you can see the respect in his eye yeah running over right away this brought happy to his limits at the end he prevails but that was as close as it gets remember how that game started Naga and DK both died - the Lich and somehow won 2-0 almost wins that game it's supposed to be over right there yeah it rose to be ending right there TP gong to hero kills on level 1 happy should have run away with experience happy had the better hero combo but man won 2-0 let him fight so hard for this but again happy special constant pressure constant fighting don't let him unfold something and naga constantly needs more potions than you do always had to go to the shop there was some resources for a while the Nova fork Lightning combo was insane yeah and that's the cool thing about like throwing your point off with little micro moves like that because normally you always have a certain hit a bar of the fiend in mind way now okay now it's in kill range but with fog lightning coming into the mix that changes because you can instantly tap the 300 HP fiend Nova boom dead and then when she was over for the level 2 cold arrow actually turned out to be tremendous hero focus potential how many teepees was he able to force on this DK who's just once a little too far forward also the anti magic getting popped by Nova lightning every time so fast happy felt like almost this game was slipping away from him but yeah he makes it work once again he's been having a lot of close three-two's recently against hawk Thor Zane now against 1 to 0 twice but yeah he lien travails man he prevails he always wins these series's and now he has beaten all the greats in the world offline except one guy that's live is that what this is all heading towards lights up first he has another challenger in the semi-final and that is either sock or th but let's hear from the world champ from a semifinalist from happy to qualify to top floor again twice in a row so far it's very good because I expected to finish at least in top four so my performance is good already when heroine Tanisha I can I can shorten me is she 30 yards sitting the dollars in her face on occasion to affect how much he touch it's a movie on a year she's so we have three player coalified to top four already which is including your elf LPL 42 and lane so who which player you afraid the most to play against well of course I'm afraid of him because he plays orc but sure well howdy 17 das international 10th edition 42 Helene oxygen high part without a generation short option in gasoline are you a Leo no she got all cuz she goes shows Darla hydrogen made humpy Saito boom he tastes actually I wouldn't have had to a massage help each other II thought I should soccer lingling shaking oh so what's a prediction for next game for human mirror I go for win a sock or you go for th well I think T is gonna win but sock showed that he is in a very good shape by especially by beating in fear so I think he has a good chance but I still expect th to win hydrolytically horse and a shocker to his fate on the hydrant Alex you wait - it how can you wait here to seek a so now it's not hard - I'm not going to know show me some shoulder you got huge fan space here in China anything you want to say to them well thank you for watching and thank you for teaching for me I hope I will show as good games as I can oh she's an umidollar I said even with Hammond iOS your hobbies are anima by yi subhanallah song happy now you guys are too high from possessions and soon a January chance to the PR winners sock internship our tablet here chillingly American [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Back2Warcraft
Views: 25,202
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warcraft, Warcraft 3, tournament, Wc3, War3, Wc 3, warcraft III, frozen throne, tft, warcraft tft, esports, rts, real time strategy, Back 2 Warcraft, Back to warcraft, Back2Warcraft, B2W, Back, Back2, B2Warcraft, back to warcraft, Neo, Remodemo, Remo, 2019
Id: hIo9PKfjS4Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 114min 40sec (6880 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 01 2019
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