WC3 - WGL Summer'19 - Semifinal: [NE] Moon vs. 120 [UD]

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[Music] welcome back to the rocker 3 World Championship semi-final number 2 my name is neo by my side is Remo we are back to Warcraft and we welcome the current reigning at defending world champion on the stage this is the last remaining Korean and this guy needs no introduction an eSport Hall of Famer 32 years old and still on top of the game welcome food the most desolate Walker player of all time his year has been good but he wasn't as spectacular as ths was but guess what he's out happy is waiting in the final who will be joining him is it moon from Korea or China's last hope one two zero is gonna be their last champion the undead player the young talent the most talented young player this game has seen in so many years a clash of generations 22 years old already two gold titled and he could be the very first player to get the triple crown it wasn't really is here his last major title dates back to August in 2018 and that was the last time that in a one-on-one yes defeated who's coming into this now with more momentum hard to tell no one made it through here able to still defend his world championship but last wgl he looked much stronger there he was by far the strongest player of that tournament kind of like th looked until the summer until the semifinals himself claiming that title with barely losing any maps but he has shown some weaknesses has lost games to Jimmy ko almost lost the series to Jimmy ko he's not that stable one two zero look very strong himself but he himself got dismantled by th both players have shown some weakness before absolutely this is not the match of the untouchables as we had in th vs. happy this is the story of two guys who have of course championship material but have not brought their ultra a game yet maybe what 2-0 did in the game against it fee yeah and say you said the game against amico he was about to lose the game against law light in the winner's bracket semifinal if not for this vamp aura and the keeper pick and lowlights floor to not go for more Hill Scrolls he's losing that as well but in that game also all his experience was showing these 15 years of professional warcraft on top of the scene when do I try to land the finishing blow this is what this tournament is about for now in so many games and moon may be has the advantage there he had a day time of course to prepare and to step up his game even further won 2-0 he has had very good days and absolutely not-so-good days and the question here is like moon has been very constant throughout the tournament there were a few eyes there were a few lows but pretty steady won 2-0 boom-boom-boom-boom up and down up and down up and down what won 2-0 will we see here today moon is for know but look really showing that much won 2-0 has lost 2 th 2 and o then was the biggest flaw in his game so far moon's game Amazonia that's why I defeated lul I adore moon's map actually for one to zero it's concealed hill twisted Meadows out for moon most likely and echo else for one to zero this is what we've seen from the undead's the most and Moon Meadows is not his home turf anymore as it seems born on the mission to being the first player to crack $550,000 and the second win of this year after the agent W masters he is of course the champion he wants to be the third back-to-back champion here in Shanghai at the Gold League right after a 1 to 0 was the first and th was the second it's gonna be tough master five here ahead of us we're gonna learn about the Bands momentarily zero interesting concentrated remember two years ago when he was still the young gun before one of the biggest matches of the tournament he was eating noodles in his chair today deep concentration the most successful gold player of all time being in for grand finals winning two losing two will he get it to his fifth only if he brings his a game moon is the best neither first undead player in the world with a crushing 73 percent win rate won 2-0 gets full of tear gas moons again doesn't want to play on twisted AZ CH e il Arn we start on northern in the history between the two including all games this is pretty equal I gotta say moon it's like ten to eight in favor of syriza's but the streak for moon is five and OH since 1.30 hit what to zero doesn't find a solution not necessarily against night off he's still winning against rough night off but moon is a different kind he is the fifth race in this regard will he break that streak on this patch or this is almost an entire year 11 months without a win against moon in a one-on-one tournament they were victories in next the team tournament but there was oftentimes best of one fifth rate versus necromancer who's gonna face happy in at the dream match of happy vs. moon or is it the first intent mirror since 2005 vegetable wat Northern Isles moon has been very dominant in recent history but of course moon these last couple of months in the previous year especially he was just killer he was just unbeatable he was just untouchable this is a new day and age moon just to begin with not that strong anymore and we have to say this it's a new patch it's 1.31 night elves have been nerfed quite tremendously and it is has become easier for all the other races but moon not fazed by these nerves too much he is still in the semifinals here still in the top four still his chances of defending his title we have seen two encounters between them on patch 1.30 those went to moon still one with three two one one with two and OH but that was the May qualifier of WGL summer and a lot of players were playing a little wonky having some fun picking interesting heroes we have seen Lala at verses 1 to 0 in the group stages and there what 2-0 was super strong until you play a warden against him then he was struggling because there was just too many attacks we gotta say the world in the hand of law lie it is a different hero how well can moon do that and on what maps that must be one of the reasons why Terra now stands out yeah for one to zero absolutely agree Channel sent by far the best warden map can be played on other maps as well but is much harder to execute you wanna have easy creams you want to have an easy expansion you want to have easy level 3 that is doable with the keeper here not so much with the other heroes keeper of the Grove is gonna be the hero of choice in 1.30 pretty much exclusively the first hero for Knight over time now on the new patch not that clear anymore might be a demon might be a keeper might be a ward maybe on the right map or because it's moon perhaps we could even see a neutral hero that however is very rare not too likely 1 to 0 starting off with different build from happy by the way against night off going for no graveyard rather going for the expansion creep right away this is a risky strategy if it works off of course if it works out you get the expansion right away this is gonna be great for you towards the later stages of the game but if this keeper harass turned out to be painful this is gonna be a tough early game for the undead this was a wisp kill immediately if I want to zero no detonate by moon is this the first sign already that moon is a little slow there's no wisps here keepers coming in from harass now yes level 2 so entangle finds the ghoul will he get the killers what will he snap something with elastic no full experience to one to zero with this oh and uh surround the undead starting off well and Moon foot feels forced into the big in ville but oh my god he had him round number two I was about to say but that keeper well oiled up no expansion by the way it is just the natural creep with the skull so kind of faking an expansion it is the tech instead still at a decent time moon might get one google kill here doesn't even get it actually oh there should be a block otherwise the keeper will soon be in range again now the treant has to dive deep for this but the ghouls are there can't really get the block out everything oh now there's a block can he escape this ring around the gold mine tree in town level two indeed that's a lot of distraction we'll use that time for an expansion and the tech but two early signs of strength for one to zero a oh it gets the kill now there a that wispy on the north be the surrounds are three actually with that ghoul safe we'll use a detonate now okay entire skull detonated by moon so not easy to establish an encounter expansion by one two zero now and in this matchup it's a lot about expansions yeah with the keeper especially kind of my love against and it has always been considered that the United has to play to base we have seen some plays working out on one base as well but especially with the keeper the hero was very strong early on but falls off heavily later against entangle you need the expansion you need the superior numbers you need to be up and supply compared to the undead or much more experienced but in you need to have some kind of advantage because this keeper as strong as he is early he will fall off double world of necromancy one to zero which comes second before the tech and waiting for the lumber at the moment moon going on a decent amount of archers indicating that it's gonna be the mass range build or the mass air built that we've seen with Hipple riders and fairy dragons style that he pretty much invented back in the day when it was still like tournaments on engine aisles that was pretty much 1.29 and the good old fairy dragons which will be joining in later as well one two zero was stuck on one cigarette for a long time with this build went for the graveyard early but couldn't really use the ghouls aggressively too easily so this expansion was not canceled if the first early expansion attempt for the night off comes through does not get cancelled usually you can count that as a successful and good early game skeleton scout is coming in now but there's no ghouls to back up this harass there's some skeletons as more come in here at the DK but not even man on this death night so this is not really threatening at all from one to three the creeps are helping a little as well within snares and more damage decent experience on that keeper here there is 20 mana still but it is enough to delay this surprisingly doing a lot here actually the key level got me yeah the ledge is coming in with the Nova suddenly expose at 50% with this bloodlust at mage I where the wisps I keep where always right look at this expansion West way too late oh my god what a disaster and now Ice Age with Nova reveal being used where to zero does not forget about that dust can't get the blocker but there's another Nova and a coil if he wants to not willing and forgivable mistake honestly the winters have to be there for the repair and also for the detonates against the skeletons how many times have we seen this moon usually a master of the night of race of course but also of builds of timings of lining up the perfect strategy for getting about through with losing the tree against only the hero yeah ridiculous basically only the DK the Lich came in so late the skeletons were basically taken care of but the creeps did the job yeah newbie put some money in this game what's more hiring neutrals this is the new creep camp of course on the new version of northern eyes they have bloodlust and stuff now and if they're all bloodless is this is a lot more damage in the old rock golem camp perhaps for that reason moon miscalculating this little bit archer : OVA gets the kill actually denies it but still losing archers here is a big deal you want to be able to mount them all up under the hippogriffs on tier two but the biggest one is the expansion you cannot play this trap without an expansion moon has to create this camp and then put down the tree but that might not even be in time how long does this take now to a stick to creep this spot a minute and a half or something yeah you really don't want to lose out just because the dps on hippo riders is a lot higher than on fairy dragon swore of course wow tier 3 friends Gary you want the hippo riders because they do more damage yes the fairies can't be attacked by Nova so they tank a little more also with phase shifts and mana flare form where they become a lot of tank here but it's a lot about the damage and now frenzy is done one 2-0 loss to one ghoul in the early DK is not level 3 that's a flaw for sure but Alchemist is also only level one which has +8 moon second expansion but okay what is he was taken at the time not rushing down skeleton is coming for the scout and once he's done with this warlord I just see him to tear the second expansion temperature because this again if one two zero goes for dark Ranger here he is definitely trying to learn from happy nobody does this usually in China but happy still likes the dog Ranger especially with these frenzied cool timings he sees about the expansion seat it's still an eternity away so he has more time one two zero dust to creep in the middle almost level 3 now the heal award perhaps gonna find some use most of the time they're gonna get canceled quickly moon is going for the counter-attack I think that's the smart play he isn't really in this strongest fighting shape right now getting a freebie here on to a fiend would be outstanding but long-range coil gets the saved spark coming in against the entangle as well might still be enough damage but nobody slow things down on the ranged army and it gets that fiend that is important for moon but he got level 3 with this and lots of mana invested for the night elf and the ghouls were split away the ghouls canceled the expansion they're not ready in this fight first destroyer is out saved by the coil 1 stacked you on the ground to provide mana regen all that with that he has to dispel against the treants who are not split but he gets the second field most likely nope this felon : time you can the ghouls now and with their added damage against the web targets diesel so is the arc second hero gets staffed but two webs at least one wind rider one hippo should die here well just last second moon third attempt for this expansion how fast will he scouted this time moon juice is empty keeper on 60% alchemist on 50% coil on level 2 and everything will be full health he can use the statue now for mana regen the entire time he is pretty much safe of another flyby of these hippogriffs hippo riders sorry because the tower is up in the main item line all of strong we're not too bad really good against the outcome I think it's excellent against the asset bomb yeah it is really good and the alchemist in the late game against and it is supposed to provide so much more damage with the acid bomb with my guess what he's level 1 you can't rely on him has to staff him out to save him once again opening up the way towards the expansion which will once again be it easy camps for 1 to 0 and he's so close to level 3 has a heal scroll this is the 3rd kill of the second goldmine moon this seems a little uninspired and of course flaws in the early no TP potions to withstand the hero focus for ghouls with frenzy in the time for kill nap no injures completely dry this could be focused at the first game for moon already lost but he's gonna try to fight here level 3 though for the Lich Nova just became a lot stronger he's killing of the ghouls but the most important skills are the fiends we have 4 hippo riders left one more getting sniped they're almost more tree and summoned off to the side not Jemaine destroys your only one big Nova into the back massive damage and now he's kiting against these hippo riders can't even shoot so far away from the fiends that keeper of the Grove using the potion surviving for a little bit longer but the corridor was ready you could try to kill him by just going for the save kills for the kills on the unit's instead and that's it GG and the lead for 1 to 0 with a dubious early game by a moon nothing worked out there I think we got the answer that this is the 100% one to zero here but yeah absolutely questionable performance by moon this is not world champion moon yeah he was miss reading that very early game he thought this was gonna be an expansion attempt goes up there with the keeper that's okay though even if it's not an expansion you can look for google kills but he gets surrounded once twice honestly the greater enroll their helped him quite tremendously no waste at the expansion no level three creep this is Julie what this is such a strong keeper map you get level to Amelia then you move from green to green to green then you're level three then you're really strong with level to entangle can easily creep up the expansion but moon like so many things missing in his play not showing up on the first map absolutely he let's hope that he's like a diesel engine who needs some time to get started he had a lot of time to warm up here today as the first game of course what was not his we don't really know when he came here he wasn't with us on the shuttle so definitely a little later see about that we have a couple more donations here that we are very very thankful for bush Eisen goal 11 13 euros 37 you guys a great thing you have a good time my our pleasure here bliss 90 was a twenty-year-old donation super cast thank you very much zan is with five euros happy marching for the title guy his great job by the way Thank You Frida off was 20 euros great casting for great games and Shawn Wright with ten dollars has been such an amazing season I'm happy to say that I've been with y'all for the last that correctly ninety percent of the streams here's to a great next season thank you guys as you know we are not getting a feat here so we're kind of relying on the donations and subs and we are thankful for every single one of them one who's zero is almost trembling here is that adrenalin I've never seen him before like this it shouldn't be the temperature it's like a normal 22 23 degrees in there might be the adrenaline get it closer to the finals in these important matches suddenly hands can start shaking but that was no problem for him in the first game what was your looking super solid there and moon seemingly forgetting about the strengths of the keeper we have business from inferior Knight of this tournament not realizing how important the level 3 is not well enough anyways this is it's just starting to be a psychological warfare we saw the technician doing something on the monitor and we know this from moon that he takes a lot of time after losses to get into the game again and one to zero as we said only 22 years old this time he has time to think now oh boy only two maps then I'm in the grand final $15,000 that's quite a lot is this all the experience of moon shining through and a little step like off the maps to make his opponent shaky possibly possibly yeah speaking of prize money wjl has greatly increased the prize purse here up to sixty thousand five hundred dollars for this summer edition twenty nine and a half grand for first 15 grand for second 5000 already here for third and four we're not gonna have a third place decision match by the way we're gonna move after the semifinals to the grand final right away after a bit of a break for the players seems like moon is ready again losing that first map which is one of the best keeper maps well not a good start for him - surprised to see Amazonia now or something entirely different like a coils Amazonia - just try to keep her play again or echo to try to get a warden started Oh echo is Vito no turn us turn us twisters exactly so echo is still remaining exactly yeah one two zero likes counter expanding a lot we didn't see it in that game but I think that was intentional trying to fake the counter Expo also by the way if you're trying to harass the early expansion of the undead you really want to bring two wisps why was there only one with and why was and why was there no detonate on the wisp like honestly there was so many mistakes by moon piling up in that game what is happening th already earlier he put up a good fight against happy but there was way more mistakes from TSM we saw previously now moon not starting off well but it's only one map there is enough time to recover enough time to bring this back still to put this to scale like how big this tournament here is the only player in the top eight who ever got as much prize money from one tournament then we have here was moon back to gain X days even at WCA win didn't get to that much most of the time GCS or that wgl was a lot more prize money this season three and a half times as much as in the previous one so moon did he had some time to reset wasn't enough to make one 2-0 nervous or fully necromancer run away with tool prediction was right Amazonia is it keeper craft once again [Music] would struggling hard needs to find his game should be the keeper most certainly here unless it's a weird curveball unless he goes for something that he hopes on two zeros and ready for guess what one two zero is reaching into his bag of tricks and it's pulling out the ghoul wants to lure out the creeps to cancel the ancient of war because oftentimes natives are really greedy putting the ancient of war right next to the creep camp this is what what does there is hoping for what he's gambling on right now but that is not the case the ancient of war is further back which means the ancient of war should be safe it is gonna take some damage it may have to be repaired but it should certainly survive and this is already a better start for moon than it was previous true that he used to purchase is this enough mana for the Lightning shield I guess so yeah he's being perched again though most likely still if the wisp lock this could have been a kill on the ghoul dangerous okay it's working on who will survive but can't pull anymore if you forget spurted again gonna lose the ghoul keeper it is once there with that it's gonna be low lumber for a very long time has to go for a second necropolis opens up more supply just like ziggurat but doesn't cost lumber only costs of gold but this is not exactly the opening that one-two-zero wanted he wanted as ancient of war cancelled if possible that was not the case because of that what do derosetech should be quite a bit later as we can see him still at only zero lumber it's gonna be a bit of a wonky early game for the undead okay he's pressuring moon immediately again showing may be a sign of strength it didn't work too well it's okay I think it's good to show presence here hey man I didn't forget about you in this little break you took now we have two wisps yeah that's good that's a calculated risk like if the engine of war is right there if you get to cancel slash the kill on this level most of the time that's gg yeah but no not so greedy to do that it won't be the case at least moon will be forced into whisper area as well so it's gonna cost him especially a little bit more lumber or like the knife ancient of war deny what is happening today it happens again indeed one to zero with the lightning shield creep himself is not messing it up so far nope he doesn't perfectly and that's the mistake that moon did denying experienced lightning shield runs out perfectly done this prevents leveled to know and tangle to use no shock though for one to zero once again because he was so lumber solo number means no skeletons which is really weird forum that early on many races skip the shop early especially night elves and humans but under kind of relied on those skeletons there's a shop now but pretty late the tech is coming in should be artistic reaping the Morlocks at the same time while the keeper is opting in for a little harass really weird early game like all of this coming together this happens I don't know one of the 100 games are with harass and deny and especially late shop now keep it with good items yes but the levels are the problem and this deny is a big deal not only was it an I it was a deny on the big boy which is 92 experience on the other one that's half a level right there you want to get level 3 as quickly as possible I know I sound like a broken record but it is a super strong spell as long as there's no dispelled that entangled normally guarantees your kill every time an expansion is coming from moon ghouls are moving over but this wisp on the middle right left hand side make sure that moon sees this even due to nighttime and he's ready for this and creeps as well this was a good Scout and she had his vision there and thanks to the bash Oh getting a kill this is why this such a good early game map for night off not only can you creep level 3 easily but also with your level 3 creeper you're at the same time covering your expansion which is pretty rare compared to other maps that we have in this world so the expo will be coming up the Google will not be getting lost but it's taking a lot of mana out of the DK the less man there is on the death knight the less kill potential there will be on the archers later he's completely dry completely dry both heroes at 50% tele staff also very early something we don't see too often I mean he can't put it to good use but as idea was to run through with the ghoul so what the Expo DK steps on to them killed the Expo and then maybe TP out if you have to that didn't quite work moon is stabilizing is getting his fighting his footing again but it's not the perfect girl again for five intelligence on this keeper it's pretty good one to zero one of his specials now creeping one of the mercenaries early this gives the middle of the map to moon where he claims another permanent item on level 2 so close circle it ring or whatever boots of Quel'Thalas the weakest item that he could find him most likely not paying off and this plenty of experience for him it's gonna be almost level 3 for the DK as we have the alchemist out as well who was suffering a heavily in the level department in the previous game tier 3 rush Lich coming in slaughterhouse to follow we have the air transition again by moon but so far no archers lost Expo coming through beeping continues this game is looking certainly better for moon yeah how do you like the D text on the Left necropolis instead of the middle it's not a factor please it's like slow a little bit further out but it's like it doesn't matter expos moving over DK is level 3 keep her getting close there as well double wind once more and this time he saved a lot of archers so what is zero what do you do in your mid game after the initial plans didn't work out oh there's one right there but Shadow melded couldn't see it wants to kill some archers perhaps he has one called only though and this is all the man that he used earlier if this was now a 300 man of DK this would be scary this could be plenty of I was dying especially with a lich coming in this is why moon is staying in his Mane he doesn't know where the Lich's doesn't know if perhaps even there might be a mana pot and you know what's missing at expansion whispers good where are the wisps seriously always would be enough to be able to get this but with this right clicks from the skeletons are Oh actually not enough there war with my wrists okay didn't want to use them though keep her still on level three thanks all to that deny earlier feels like once to zero is always close but nothing really works out for him in this game you mean yeah yeah yeah kind of monitor covering his bases know pretty well props to him as well there's a skeleton finally gonna get level three may be splitting makes it hard here wanted a risk ripping without units right now as there's no destroyers yet for dispel it's dangerous to bring out ghouls and especially fiends who definitely you don't want to lose keeping them in the main but getting very little creeping done and snare on the hippo rider but there's me not enough damage and there was anything to entangle now I or level three could be level to entangle doubted though should be treants how long did it take the alchemist to get level two in the last game and how long did it take him now it's quite an indicator how well this game is going from wound so far yeah but they're so scary timing around the corner isn't going for friends or not that's the question what's the upgrade web okay this is always the difficult decision for honor he wants help to have more fiends he wants to have more he want to have web needs lab of course ad wants to have frenzy as well but there's only one crypt you can only decide for so many things to be producing there so it's gonna be WEP now clearing out the natural is what does he really trying to go for counteract but doesn't look like the lumber for him allows this and supplies again reduced but okay maybe relying on the levels and the first big fight and he wants his weapons for that fight online but moons ramping up he's getting the moon wells he's at fifty already is gonna break into upkeep soon once he has backed up a little bit at least ideally you want to have level three lives before the first big fight for the big Nova that is absolutely not gonna happen this game mundo engaging before sixty supply into it on the base that could be the over extension with which you throw the leader of this game oh yeah I don't think you should do that either maybe go to the shop yes no involved or just the one that he found one to zero by the way as well good damage on the keeper but that's about it no it's the time for sample nice thoughts so too we've seen that was once in this game in this tournament I like counter-attack play here the acolytes are still vulnerable to these area units don't have any difficulty finding the back of the base and within tangles of course you can find more kills as well two ghouls already taken out mining disrupted moon is playing this smart can always TP out of this he easily has the resources going into upkeep now already or you gets more kills than deeds he can't produce to Eklund at the same time but this is just air superiority finally some hero focus to threaten moon but that was a nice idea easy idea actually well executed though a single fairy lost early and he's at 64 gets 36 Wow my moon this certainly should be his game very tough to come back from this for one to zero feeling the need that he figured he has to attack the expansion now with an all-in but moon could just go for this again he could just go for the counter-attack once more and this could become the base trade game in which case of course losing the expansion is fine losing the main not so fine I wonder okay what is your head it has at least two pools to the base but apart from that he lost quite a bit right using the mana again to get this one slot stops as well flute is of course amazing for lich and fiends and destroy us but how long will he have to enjoy this flute I don't think much longer level 4 is good mana potion on the DK important level 3 on the lid big upgrade from this group the creep camp but still 66 verses 42 kind of reminds me of th is game earlier the here levels are looking really good but it doesn't seem like what 2-0 has the numbers to back it up the backbone of the army 5 fiends is not too bad but we have moon sitting at 65 supply this is where really your start feeling confident to move in as usually the damage isn't too high but now it's looking pretty good first fiends already dropping know we have webs on to the back no mana flare form they're actually being used by one of the rest kite has to run can only kite at coil one target at a time good Nova slowing down therefore riders in the back they'd heels fro thereby moon trying to counteract the AoE damage aiming for the statues here in parts and tangle coming in the spell against that might be enough for the save and so far what he was doing a tremendous job actually losing as little as he is still the mana potion usable there was the last one with the natural Mon r1 feed finally falling he didn't even get the statue yet alchemist is low with their Coral Nova in or at least a Nova at the moment the long in proportion is running at noon starting to get some feel that it seems but the weapons coming in really nice and the kiting is superb but man Boone this should be is now or is it Cole Nova isn't ready now staff is ready for sure more Webb said it's more kills from 1 to 0 but I mean he did good as long as he could yeah well in the end the expo is still running that's the problem really well done by what soon this was outstanding micro if this wasn't more even game he probably would have kind of won that engagement there was one game between them on Northern Isles where they Qaeda divorce across the entire map and that took I don't know 6 minutes of fighting or so it was unbelievable I hope you will see that more here in the series keep her now though alchemist has used me know in will anymore a little bit scarier and suddenly he's down to 6 though he's at 65 supply again so kind of like the same as before illusions here as well but we also have double destroyer means now you have a better answer to nutrients but here comes the flag from the side the statue wasn't a bad position going down to like 2/3 immediately he can kite really with this card has to end up on the destroyer they have to reposition more defensively WEP is in but he's still standing below these air units mana potion now so with that a coil available again this is all about mana by the way whoever has the mana left at the end usually wins the fight DK quickly running out of mana same for the key with the alchemist of the front by the way dropping extremely low but there's gonna be the staff now if the moon was gonna be able to heal up chasing forward is the night of finding one morpheme care we have wanted it down to 44 supply only another entangle perhaps on the kill on the fiend here comes the coil again that was one of the last ones though DK has one more but that might be it for a while a said he's in the back of course doing as much reasoning as they can another call comes in too late though that's the fiend dying and now wanted her down to a single fiend only having basically no anti-air anymore yeah and the alchemist is blocking nicely there's almost no mana this will be mass murder for moon there's also no nuke on the undead side to get rid of this Alchemist how many more kills can moon get this is scary forward to zero or alchemist those staff don't cool down no it's not and he's fine with that alchemist play he throws the acid bomb the follow-up is always there then he soaks up the damage which is not ending up on the hippos so the hippos can still provide more damage and then he snaps out the alchemist tries to cut it back a little all good for moon here yeah it wasn't actually barely any units right they're always able to chase further and further too much threat in the air for one who's er to stand his ground and then still find those kills on the web targets hero Gil is a danger Alchemist is always dropping low I would really like to see an invoice I wonder why he's not going for one perhaps feels he doesn't have the time but now moon sitting at 70 supply against the 47 only for one to zero almost always this game would be over already but this is one to zero guys we have seen him do wonders one to zero and happy you can never count him out as long as they have feinted statues high level heroes as well five for around the corner' and moon falling a little behind in experience the saves are great in will potion is there kill potion only for the oculus engage it with chemical range again coil after coil after coil but where the kilts will want to do the no bargain I guess wand but that's about it usually a decision the game the hippo riders are long dead but they're still here somehow shows you how few kills wanted or really was able to get hold the one fiend here bit of a miss rally is gonna be lost with the last bit of damage alchemist boom okay faerie tickles it to death everything is so low like 50% for watching zero okay this is one more kill at least man a flair for gets one kill closer to five still not getting five but mana is slow that's an issue there was the last coil leave the mana potion again needs to retreat into his base : destroy it on the fiend don't know if that was the right call Dean gets lost another one added to the list but now we have to slow from the black Citadel Alchemist is dropping low but there's gonna be the staff TP out now smart choice by moon before he loses too much mana flare protecting his air units in part perilous he got level 4 and supplies stays the same the entire time moon is not banking like crazy of course he has the expansion he has a little bit more gold but not twice as much because one two zero is constantly in no upkeep moon is paying taxes so 14 go around against ten yeah one one fiends now as well if you go for the air play if you go for the wins you really don't have hunters Hall so you don't have any upgrades for those units he has on us although I don't know its upgrades though again the mana potion that is important and then rad spot the mana bomb would of course be the best and endurance aura would also be great what's the damage aura just fine plus plus 12 who knows what's up but can he follow can he do damage honestly if moon doesn't win this game I'm afraid for him yeah America hell it's not looking that great for him he's 20 supply ahead but this is 5 for under hero that's the nature of this matchup know why again to slow down the hippos so how well has the cardig a moon is switching gears going for the hero kill butts to get the DK out of the way with a level 4 alchemist there's more damage coming literally a lot of position Carlos ready but on cooldown what does itah wants to say in this fight as long as he can but entangle coming in again focus fire and forces the TP out will he bleed him dry now by forcing TPS only the TP though no you had lost four won 2-0 they're all still alive and what is it was pretty rich he's getting ready for upkeep only now by the way the neck is they are coming he was at 50 out of 50 for a very long time focusing in parts more on upgrades as well if let's just extremely close to five yeah and he got one more kill with the whiz level three Nova is amazing of course fairies magic immune but everything else is gonna feel that pain dispel for more experience yeah one more of those in the highest level five for the red camp the red can would also be enough Munoz of course this must be interrupted a player's forces are under attack what does he was breaking up Quito this means mode has twice the income splitting the forces DK no TP anymore by the way yeah this is he reaching around he is big one still up for grabs still full HP or backstab here comes moon for the one one or what first fiend down immediately getting a counter come but that's not worth it really second feet about to fall car coming in level five from the Lich can you get a hero kill or something he needs to get something done focus on the alchemist but the decays in trouble as well will realize there's no TP hero for hero trade basically no staff out DK info potion switches the focus to the keeper there's no way out for him except the end of a potion how much nuke is there Cordova could be ready should be ready in Ville for the DK as well but one to zero down to fifty this is another destroyer how many fiends will he knows kind of a sorceress with me and move that was a game saving move by moon wonder zero though still wants to fight still has more mana still has more car than the webs coming in over and over the fiends now looking for the kills we are the man of flair for perhaps a cool I'll call you know by any homos dead he'll stroll can it save them no they keep her dies and now is only the arguments along with all the Aryans of course by another fiend Falls he's gonna get that statue seemingly as well and the destroyer while moon fighting a lot of kills now he's getting closer to five kind of that destroyer focus was one that won 2-0 didn't see coming I think the next volley he expected on the statue to get that kill but uh-uh moon switching the target and getting the kill so many kills here of course keeper close to 5 but bench that will take a lot of time solo experience from the alchemist during that time DK close to six that's gonna be or a level three most likely or even death pact another web can you reach no oh he gets the involved that is such a big deal yeah against these double level 500 heroes you need the interval and outs taken away there's one more available at the other shop but it's a dangerous road across the map counter-attack towards the main perhaps series yet coming he wants to buy a time one to zero with the rats but but look at this army that's basically no damage except from the lips and that's an opening for moon as one to zero again has no TP how many accolades will fall corpus 12 yes yes but okay acolytes being slaughtered moon buys time kills the economy seems like moon has to outlast the mains though which by the way I gotta be expired soon the undead mains can last a little bit longer with the ArcLight harass from earlier and this but still there's a timer on this goldmine the natural expansion the one expansion that each player has lasts for ever yes so we can't rely on this one to drown out at all the keeper is soon to be back on to 0 seems confident to be able to extend other haunted but I think it's pretty much invincible I don't know if it camps there you still got the strong force not that big anymore though 43 supply only and here we go coming up neck and go for one more fiend he has 6 but it's 19 air units for one to zero and then we see the tree of Ages moving over that one is gone or rather expired so usually a walker 3 with level 6 again ultimate and that is sometimes game-winning look for the decay though as it relies on corpses and if he kills units different want to 0 air from moon they don't create corpses can maybe resurrect a couple of his fiends but only for a limited amount of time and that is absolutely not worth it so The Ultimates for the undead won't win the game maybe in a very op skewer situation death and decay will but I can't see keep that's very unlikely as well so um dad's cannot rely on Ultimates for the night off dad absolutely both tranquility from the keeper and transmute from the aleck are amazing spells but he's far away from them he is having a tough time finding kills now he's finding more kills oh smart play by moon cancelling the expansion and going for the acolyte in the main at the same time and questionable movement by one to zero why did he go across the map into the main I guess he wanted to distract but this was an expensive distraction he's gonna get one hippo Rider at least it won't so left with 18 fairies and not a single is he going all-in now he has no gold for like a tinker or something he's just storming the expansion and Moon is going for the counter-attack play no longer as you take the fights he has lost too many fights this game alright this might be the next base race from moon this seems to be a recurring theme munna the TP though and a backup expansion with the tree of eternity it's not that bad if he loses this Expo stops it for now okay I think this was one two zeroes big mistake I should have probably just camped his expansion and secured it coming up but yeah now he's facing the tree and everything else in the main base and as you said the tree of it ages soon as the backup Expo one morphine to fall accolade will not be making it away - one two zero sees the tree of eternity but if he hides like in the middle of these trees basically unattackable what the zero is losing his check and therefore potion super important to keep this building up call on the alchemist doesn't even hurt too much is it level 3 aura like it it is yeah Wow as if he was listening to me roommate are you chewing into the Casper house I was thinking the same like her this coil doesn't do that much damage loser destroy up to only the alchemist inves on the keeper does he have a reveal or something no spell can you send something to the laboratory no this bow was close Mike enough there was level 6 somehow for the DK so should be level 3 color now as well again the ultimate is pretty useless but nukes is super strong now against the squishy keeper staff is on the keeper in proportion on the alchemist there's only the TP for moon to save the first hero tree and summon again it's all about base race ladies and gentlemen one to zero is not bringing anything up anything back for defense fiends trying to take out this tree of Ages really good ancient placement by the way the ancient of war and the agents of wind putting more damage onto those fiends the single DK what's he doing here well can't do too much he's trying to force the TP or something with a coil you feel the force of the level three coil now obviously tree of eternity though is not being repaired it's not saved the fiends are taking hits but both players are without income now moon's gotten way more building still one to zero not about to be revealed I think did one I cannot make it out no that's a destroyer okay yeah it's flying you can't build anything he needs to fight now then moon will most likely TP out yeah and that works no feats anymore but he was actually surprised like sort of there's a building oh it's an egg crew out won't say that woman can you get away can you get her up or the destroyer - oh my god he's stuck yeah this corner there's two fiends everywhere but of course the Air Force comes in right click easy kill and the heroes are back to the ground one two zero now no buzz the treants to get up to level 6 I guess for more damage also the ultimate here unlikely to do much well the keeper can be staffed home then entangle yeah definitely Kay on this looks tempting but is over there he's not protecting his own buildings but yeah perhaps perhaps perhaps could be good I guess he's got a skillet I think like you don't need Doug rich or Frost just for the armoire wait a minute the Arkham is what's he what's he doing can be blocked and surrounded he is super fast another chemical rage will motor hit him out Stefan is on the keeper where's the keeper far away ah seniority he needs a block now a great blocker then it's Alchemist I said keep it comes in current nobody's dead yes how much 20 HP moon playing with fire what is he doing there oh my god super scary but the undead heroes here on level 6 and 5 they are now dominating this map how has moon not won this game already unbelievable it was up at 70 vs. 40 supply at one point field now can he reach for the weapon there were six more stats on the lid one of course we'll see the black now and he's oh did you see it it's daytime him I think he saw but how is he going to attack it really good splitting now by one to zero fiends in the main hero's the other side littlest out of range though it's not level six by the way but also like how does it what is there to damage to moons bases the question there's like one fiend kill maybe the destroy is so important you don't want to lose that destroy can't move another one LCS supply stock Oh was that the final blow no dispel any more for treants finding level 6 but asset bomb rockin through is this hero kill time going for the keeper there is no TP only a staff out enter Zeppelin eating that fiend for more mana because another destroyer okay that's the last destroyer if this destroyer Falls is probably it but now moon he's the first one to lose these units to fairies dead okay 15 remaining keeper is basically out of this game long range important coil decays and tangled oh that's the involved that's the last involved okie-dokie more fairies fall acid bomb ticks them down where will the coil end up to feed slow one of them will most likely fall keep her out of that Zeppelin again let's doesn't find the target though he's full mana here we go Nova but the keeper was healing with a yield put there I think that Zeppelin so smart otherwise this keeper would have been long dead one echo light by the way the last one called an asset bomb okay move making it back to the moon Wells 25 supply four one two zero one destroyer three fiends two heroes that's it no statue anymore is also really problematic Oh dodges it with the Zeppelin dude this Zeppelin moon and Zeppelin's love story forever delicious infinite mana yeah he got like level three doesn't decay we see oh my god shadowing by me there and now what do you want to engage with that keeper against this I don't think so oh there's no coil actually could that's a lot of buildings debt in just 25 seconds yeah absolutely right 4% per like 4 percent of the HP per second as damage that's the decay for you so it's a guaranteed kill if not interrupted so much much is missing now ohoho the keepers can't reach for Nova he has the mana DK coming in with the aura now Zeppelin Zeppelin medevac get me out of here can you block the way now how can he get out over the trees looks like it oh man moon makes it closer than he should trees walking over trying to detect the Necropolis this game could go down to the last building we've seen this in the grand final last time bye moon versus foggy there he lost the base race is the acolyte still alive can he sell items for a new necro do you want to sell that I mean claw Circle it if it's that or losing the game you do it I guess everything but the orb right is that enough I don't think so we'll never get the orb back in this game I think the oxen alive looks like the red blue dot in the middle that's the acolyte so keep her again playing with fire engines down but the main base is completely wiped out he has no gold for a necropolis Jesus Christ what is up with these base races this WG won 2-0 last and he has to camp on his necro right insane also what does there's not revealed this is a necro so moon doesn't exactly know if perhaps there is some more building somewhere so moon will most likely come in and waves sending in trees especially what is in no position to get an expansion either he has a lot of items that he could sell which he I guess in one he'll scroll that's his last gold one to zero is leaving his necro Paulus and the keeper sees it : over it will too late he couldn't dodge oh and a heads up oh but this is floodgates open for the rest of the army it's not much he's trying to step out with the keepers gone no more disabled what 2-0 running back that's the Necropolis have enough HP to hold this the this is the timer tick tock tick usually Hayden arc he's selling items for a new necro and he got it he sold the orb of corruptions no he got it it's not enough he needs 200 something no he got he got yeah yeah yeah you place it oh my god and Moon is sure he wins Oh My yes no keeper anymore won 2-0 level 7 on the DK fiends still up this is basically three kills alchemists in trouble want to come back he's looking for the next row where is the nectar but he has no wisps no wall right more kills close to 7 this one up as well no chance for mode you'd have to keep her back no chance the icon was almost seen earlier as well yeah ridiculous the fighting spirit of this on that okay he's now he's dead Z's so this okay you have enough damage for the necro moon I think so oh it's additional damage of course it's still in the works one has to commit right he can't let this go it's a thousand HP three webs damage mitigation he's waiting for the chemical rage and then it's time to go I guess WEP again so is it enough damage it's not close to completion chemical rage here we go but the alchemist is being slowed down he's getting taken out the alchemist is dead zero losses the end was so goddamn close what a game Wow okay we've seen a couple of days races this tournament but this one was an open buy from this get this rage race to someone please give this dude whoa one to zero so close that game almost looked like it was scripted are you serious I didn't think that was enough damage but it was it was the ferry bonus damaged from unfinished buildings that came in handy that was the last second moon could basically attack two seconds more three seconds more he loses this tournament this final all right weird one one now ladies and gentlemen and that means to the scratch that off of your back to Walker bingo we are down to what a game holy moon with such a lead he no I don't even want to say you threw it away wonders ever just kept himself in that game with amazing tiling and amazing trading time and time and time and time again some Chinese are known for giving up games early Korea really not so much mostly always Chinese players to do their thinking of in p120 to degree as well live but here he was playing until the very very very very end showing how important this grand finalist to him genius Zeppelin purchased without that he loses the keeper and the game much sooner unbelievable 200 IQ right there moon damn who would have thought I could win a base race with fairy dragons if it's enough I guess also he wasn't like how many furs do you have in the end only like six or something yeah damn and again we said this yesterday already the Chinese hosts no-kiss said if you carry moon in two longer games he becomes weaker and weaker concentration beside of weak though today yeah first map the second one also to be fair he could have won this game hosted earlier like he I don't know and they able to come back by what to do I think like what does it display his super solid I think like their I don't believe there were many like he started off with the engine of Ward and I there he was really slow with a level 3 key but but other than that this was pretty clean by a moon in my opinion just one to zero keeping himself in that game so well with that kind in with those heroes with the statues as well by the way this is what really separates one to zero from so many others yes fiends micro and so forth are the kiting the focusing our target that I wept but having staff to uptime statues always in the back always on move stop move stop move stuff they have to be healing and mana returning all of the time and what a zero is one of the best nap that especially against this fairy dragon style essential to use close to perfection I think so though if even if you lost that game as well to zero you can look at that with pride and Katia being like them I should have lost that game a lot earlier that was myself in it that was moons first mapping there was the map that he liked where he felt the most comfortable of all remaining maps most likely so this is out now and Moon had to fight so so so hard for that and what does zero like it feels like he's getting into that zone where this kiting micro game becomes just an automatism like this is almost flawless singer the right at the left lane of Amazonia how crazy was that when the game was almost over but he killed so much yeah and you really have to re-evaluate what you're thinking when I went 2-0 is playing especially in this matchup you're looking at the supply it's like 65 versus 45 here like ok time for the next game I guess but no he keep himself in this even if he's down to only two fiends reproduces reproduces reproduces being in no upkeep there for a long time of course help them out a lot in this game also I think you really saw how important it can be not to have a dark razor if he has a dark range in that game that's five supply locked up that caused it to be lower fiends for much longer I think if he goes dagger into that game I think it'll actually yeah I think that just really see the value there I think that economy locks you being at 50 there for so long what is what made it possible for one to zero something perhaps for happy to consider should he be going up against moon later but that is still up in the air who knows 1-1 between these two guys yeah we could still get the undead these are the only two can play I'm there to this extent no one not even close not even not even remotely close sorry wfz but sorry Michael but no one no one is as good as these two guys have to get what to zero I don't know they just know how they did it they're so outstanding like we rarely see before same goes for th and NP though on the human side pretty much for a moon and long I it I'm very good the kind of things live so she foggy cap can come close very good yes and for orcs it's also similar Linn and focus being the two sound plays we used to have fly in the past he has those rare glimpses of brilliance but they are very rare nowadays indeed so yeah it really is like this top tier tier 1s Tian Yu whatever you want to call it there's only very few players there it's so hard to break into that high echelon one to zero did it he was a young talent remember back in 2008 for the Renaissance of Warcraft once there wasn't there he was I don't know in elementary school or whatever he was doing back then he was able to rise up to the top to get to that Tier one stage along with him along with TA and in no time we saw him the first time in 2014 at WCA under the name of Terra playing orc and then one he's in the grand final of three CS playing undead like how fourteen months what can 14 months do so yeah yeah get those games grinding little and become the next one to zero representing Europe just like happy does and that was so exciting as well when it happened for the first time with one two three going to the finals and getting his first big championship because in our game Warcraft 3 it had been the same names in the final two over and over th in fee Liam Moone and I don't know Lucifer maybe or something like that always the same old guard and then once zero came and opened the way for new hope for so many new players he wasn't the only one life came in colorful for time was pretty promising all I had lorelei of course low light obviously foggy yes and we have all these new players coming in and threatening these titles but nobody has done it yet other than one to zero true yeah that is true Bobby came really close into tree CSS but it was just this little bit of experience that didn't really yeah was what was lacking again the mood and th I mean there's no no shame in losing to these Titans but yeah this is how it is yeah wonder 0 in Moon here and both titleholders already kind of interesting how you know one of us is of the new guard the other one has been a legend legend for so long our finalists already in that final happy he has been around for a long time but it wasn't one of those title contenders previously before the Renaissance of Warcraft when he was playing back in eg and forget about what other teams he was on mousesports he was a good player he was always the strongest undead in Europe kind of but wasn't really competing for the titles and that perhaps back then not really competitive but now yeah he's sitting in the finals all ready and waiting for his opponents who are tiring each other out man again but most likely moon taking some time to get into this if you like what you see and if you get the fever of warcraft again here on this channel we do this basically like 5 to 6 times a week so feel free to leave us a follow here there's WCG coming up in July and of course we are on the way to Warcraft 3 reforged which will see a team leak in China that really we will be part of the casting there as well basically all the Chinese and Asian leaks we're doing at all so next weekend we have a team competition in Europe w3 IL the grand finals are to give you a little break here you've been doing some heavy lifting this term especially in the early games when I have to do our matches overlay which is also a cool extension mattress tuck GG provides us with this twitch overlay if you click the red M here at the twitch stream you get brackets and schedules and everything without leaving that thanks outstanding all the technology we have nowadays amazing yeah we have a bit of an extended break here don't know exactly if it's perhaps technical issues or just a breather after that game that was quite the marathon Matt I think we're like 35 minutes something like that towards the end there again on Amazon it's gonna be going down and certainly one of the closest games of all of 2019 we have already seen plenty of entertaining games here these players have been putting up quite a show we're basically have three players remaining you talked about team leagues earlier two of them are not signed with the team yet moon already last WGL making a great entrance into his resume for potential teams happy now doing the same already after his 2-0 I know I saw some team some team managers were approaching him about interest perhaps and teams and that will only be higher now yeah but happy yeah he's a professional streamer is what he says it doesn't really consider himself a pro gamer streams regularly on Twitch pretty much every day but yeah walk route 3 most the time but also play some fun games here but this guy has become so good is so talented and it's so cool to see as well that he is performing offline here it could have very well been the story of happy goes w jail and for whatever reason maybe has a day off maybe he's feeling the nerves maybe he's sick whatever he doesn't perform and he drops out other groups and then everyone who's been like that well I guess happy wait a couple of ok maps but you guys have been exaggerating you Europeans get excited way too easily we were a little worried already when he wasn't Berlin for the MTW legendary cab and was winning the game against cash but only three to two mmm what the is have to getting nervous does he need time to get used to the conditions and stuff that was always a little the back of our hats but boy did he smash these concerns speaking of smashing stuff mr. Kubik wakes I have no idea how much support you gave to us already but this man is coming in with a very generous three hundred dollar donation saying what a casting setup back to top will you hashtag for life you guys are awesome no no no thank you very much that's pretty insane thank you guys so much amazing support by you today I hope you guys are enjoying this final day as much as we are yesterday was already pretty hyped you know this is the way that's always go the W day we have the early rounds early on which are nice and fun and all but then it really ramps up towards the top eight towards top four and yesterday was yeah a bit of a tease for today because the day has been even more exciting since the ink we're about to be ready even when the day was over yesterday we were laying down our headsets that gave us a high five because that was so awful lot because our performance was because we were enjoying it so much but it seems like every problem has been solved moon how well will he do on one two zeros map will we get a new champion or will he fight for the second what's going through his mind right now yeah does he do well on the last games he played bad on map number one and deservedly lost map number two he barely squeaked out a win and he couldn't play it straight up he had basically no chance of winning a fight despite being up by twenty supply because the young undead is showing up in shape here and is having excellent control once again rivaling perhaps even happy that last game could have very well gone the way of one to zero but it didn't know now what does he think does he have to go for this counter-attack style over and over can he only win with an expansion but I guess he's playing nice why he definitely needs the expansion I suppose I wonder if he's playing something different that a keeper I think there's it's there more than equal to play something L R could possibly even see a demon hunter but that is rather rare to see from moon pass played it for practice on ladder certainly but when it comes to tournament games usually it is time for the keeper of the growth game about to begin map number three finally we continue here with this amazing best-of-five LR will be map number three to determine who takes the lead here in the second semi-final of wgl summer 2019 the fifth race slap back after being crushingly defeated on Northern Isles so 1 to 0 representing newbie and China the last remaining Chinese player also very cool story by the way in the last remaining three players we have Europe Korea and China one of each where is America that's wrong region up-and-coming we can reuse them sometime maybe they need more WGS loss maybe they don't get started man then we have enough controversy they're already in the upper right we have moon so last refuge is it again keeper or is it something else warden unlikely demon hunter doable Terran hero not with his bill certainly not keeper is the most reliable here will be finding level three in a reasonable fashion it has a hero that got him the world championship so who can complain if he picks that hero over and over if he feels most comfortable with them oh damn one two zero is going for the happy build okay what does that mean to all the people who are shooting in less frequently normally against night of let's let me swing this one a little story time normally against nine of the strategical opening had always been very much so predicated on Google presence early on which means crypt to begin with slightly delayed altar you want to have ghouls out early to pressure the map force to cancel expansions and so on with a keeper finding his way into the meta in 1.30 ghouls had a tendency of dying very very fast so uh Mnet's were switching up the game style sometimes even keep trying to go for Ted fiends with a fast fiend transition stuff like that but anyways ghouls were rotated out of relevance oftentimes in the early game stages and happy most recently in 1.31 has developed this new opening which I believe he came up with which is altered into ziggurat into crypt into graveyard until then looks like the Ted Fein opening but then making a few more ghouls to still have some presence on the map which doesn't give you a level one aggression of potential too much spirit but you can still her ass with a DK early on it has some weaknesses has some strengths it's actually not that built it's a one ziggurat tier to tech which is very very rare to see and when it is seen oftentimes indicates gargoyles this would be mind-blowing why because Chinese I don't even know if the gargoyles are built into their version of the game we until the most recent patch have not seen the whoa almost into us around there are some players like TBC who play the wonky stuff TBC was a player who used necromancer's frequently so you can see on what scale he plays he was playing some cards but one to zero not so much then wz started to experiment Lucifer had some success with them and now one to zero is starting that as well did it again slow lion as well here on LR when they played in their match would be a big kill for the keeper but that block from the other ghouls that's level two prevented if this ghoul dies and tangle becomes available another Gould is the DK across the map prevented the creeping from the archers and the treants left there gets the last hits I mean sooner or later the keeper is gonna reach level two but how well he prevented this for so long already it's pretty impressive okay still take some time to take out this spot the moment no expansion coming up yet nothing really fast I want to zero for the keeper of course very nice well the second time he's not detonating his wisp yep not that fast with the reactions over there perhaps doesn't have him bound to a key or something here comes the expansion pretty standard timing pretty standard positioning shouldn't come as a surprise to one to zero can he cancel this is the question he has the ghoul numbers to pull it off certainly has to Scout it first though and also question is how many ghouls lives is it gonna take sacrificing one definitely worth it to ya three that's where it starts becoming question out of this BAM counter by one two zero goes into the shadows himself but the DK is trapped has no staff can't get out needs to fight out and for moon this is super cool it's buying time for his expansion ghouls are running into the creeps and they're losing one I think there was just down to weird AI sometimes sometimes they walk weird but here is the dust anyways DK will not sacrifice his life is going to TP out here to be able to do anything really where the ghouls who's over apps patrols that would be level two now for the death knight that was a super cool chat about a murder I think that's how Blizzard initially in envision shadow Mel you're hiding units somewhere and then you're waiting for them to pass through it's nighttime it's your night time as an idol and then you pounce and you look for that big ambush usually never played like that but moon here pulling off one sweet play indeed so one to zero again with a double rod of necromancy Lich comes out so you can use two rods at the same time watch Awards also nice level three for the keeper after five minutes fifty that is an okay time for last refuge continuing to creep towards the Merc camp she of life is done now on Northern Isles that tree was killed which is unbelievable but it happened but of course a creep camp here is dead already shouldn't be happening again but say one to zero is looking for those Archer killed if nothing else is also disrupting the creeping over there and here you can see the downside of the skill build keeper went forward tree instead of entangle to within tangle to you could pressure these heroes pretty heavily now demon hunter second wow that is a rare choice Alchemist usually pick with this keeper I kind of like it though yeah mana burn got cheaper I haven't seen it in a long time think about the demon is he's extremely reliant on level 3 with the alchemist even on level 1 kind of and also another two kind of his decent but in the late game a free level 3 demon hunter is useless if you get him to 3 though for those mana brands you should be pretty good good damage dealer as well early web tier 3 is finished Lich's home to get the orb but he's struggling a little with resources moon still has a ways to go though with the treants being level 2 he really wants up a for keeper and level 3 demon that's a lot of experience he still needs but I got a question what's he playing like can you play mass air without a spa.i as long as you burn all the mana on the heroes it should be doable just like that there was no mana for the first time and he got that killed so pretty much a perfect display yeah and we our PI wanted him to move in the fiend so far in that case remember last game where I kept him in the base for very long until there was destroyers but at least he forced a lot of mana out of the night offside so he's gonna get the over made I pick consumable to be found here what he wants is a greater mana that's by far the best already a good tank with that ring I think you should keep that against the over corruption what does your knows of course about this waiting for his necessary upgrades the first hippo riders are out creeping continues now what is he - he has a big supply leap it's only for hippo riders these numbers will increase rapidly item on the ground from the rock golem oh yeah very nice for the demon hunter where's all the supply though for one to zero I don't see it maybe six supply isn't production and again a weird time to move in by one to zero right he has a statue and two ghouls and loses one of them rules once again slowing down the creeping I suppose which is a big deal if this keeper and demon get 2 for 3 this is pretty good for moon he wants to buy time he wants to creep up more he wants to produce more he's having serious issues getting his army up still only 35 here from the other side 1 to 0 has trouble with level threes nuking the demon hunter down to 50% there is a staff to get him out though there enough mana burn seems like it where's the staff is it coming or at their new steps ready but now is it forced crossing a town portal on that keeper Wow it's getting quite some kills here the destroyer gone by the way the resources are swapped in the top this is why this is all looking so weird it is actually one to zero down to 20 SEC supply explains a lot it explains a lot I wonder like how is this where did the army yeah this is why so as it turns out 1 to 0 has very little supply in fact only 32 he has had a really tough time what went wrong this game can't even tell too easily couldn't do any damage at all anywhere pretty much and then moons game was just unfolding can he steal this Nova got it but still no level three if one does ricketts to his four three hero levels though with fifty supply mass fiends he's still very strong does he have coil there's the car now to get he was waiting for like killed somewhere to get that level three was waiting for that didn't want to go for it man I won't kill the statue won't choose this demon is looking so cool yeah moon with a surprise second hero pick I think what 2-0 didn't see it coming at all yeah finally level three for him but that has taken forever one two zero still needs to get back up to 50 he needs those higher levels as well he eats the mass fiends but moon playing actually pretty aggressively finding killed before that more experience for the team Hunter's still far away from free though he must coil so fast because otherwise he's getting burned and then he doesn't have the mana for the necessary moments can he get another end but this fell out yep but he would have just down to 50% Lich's burned as well demon hunter diving deep gets the right flicks out of course you can take the shortcut through the air targets are lynch destroyer and DK pick one and oftentimes you can run and run around the statutes keep on healing you wait until the keeper runs out of mana and then it's time to fight back but what does it never has mana and this is before level 3 demon once again here comes the burn perhaps gonna get this fairy but the fee numberless alone the DK and trouble has to go for the heal pot with that survived everything so heard it solo again a 24 supply lead but more experience he finally got level three level two and a half on the lid again no third hero to just get full experience on legit DK now save creep and again it's the case one to zero is not enough Heep and Moon is paying taxes so this expansion not that big of an issue it's also more time though for the demon to creep he could be solo crap but I think the keeper still hanging around the level of three is absolutely a game changer he's almost gonna have it here keeper not exactly ideally in range soaking up that XP but he can go to the red camp now and that will be the level up for him has the potions as well and I think the steamer is a brilliant choice I think in the late game he is much better than the alchemist yes alchemist provides more damage with especially the acid bomb also kind of the chemical rage but the mana for the honor is quintessential without mana you're not doing anything once again I want to 0 starting off with a bad beginning to this fight losing a statue right away the next fiend in trouble DK nicely kept the back hard to burn him now but still he doesn't find the kills he can't find the traits he is losing the next edge he has it seems only level 3 DK he needs to hell for he needs level 2 aura but he never was able to get there kiting just doesn't work and moon continues to destroy fiends Lynch gets level 3 now finally but is there more healing I think though there was no call demon hunter level 3 and the undead was dry the entire time and this will only intensify moon on the way today JJ that was too easy thanks to a demon hunter who did a phenomenal job he did exactly what he was designed for burn the mana be in front do some damage he did all of that marvelously the old man once again surprising the younger one 0 also with questionable movement in that game early on rule and Fein move on lose the first beam then goes further across the map with only two ghouls nothing else is not creeping is not making use of a strong dispel against the easily creep herbal camps worth destroyers that all seemed a little off did he feel he had to pressure before level 3 demon did he feel he couldn't defeat at late-game load 3 demon anymore perhaps but how different this looked how different indeed I think moon really want that psycho warfare by drawing out these brakes so much zero survives the early game a lot better and a lot more stable and he found a way to shut down these ghoul run bys onto his expansions and get that Expo up first game pretty much not doable second game it did work her caper did work as well and those are the points that claims and that was one two zeroes map choice the first one and I would smash points for moon the champ is one map away from the final LLR the expansion was kind of early but it wasn't even that fast I think it was a 3 or 4 Archer expansion we've seen greedier before normally undead should be able to muster a strong 50 supply army before that it really paid off but what does it take you too many losses I guess what they're losing too many units unusual to see him falling so far behind in the early game also very interesting to see how good he was on map 1 and how started down to to dwindle it didn't map to it now especially in Game three usually we see him like in one shape for one day and not jumping between this one a zero was also for a long time a big fan of fast expansion against night oh yeah yes an expansion act Li but he got punished for this so hard by th he just figured out okay sending to wisp and one of them will most let you survive but he could detonate and that doesn't work anymore there's still ways to play against the fill you can just go for a double scull you can have skull in the back to snipe those wisps with a coil and on certain maps I think it's pretty strong echo IELTS is one of those for the instant expansion also LR isn't too bad but echo eyes is definitely by far the best one to 0 faked the fast expansion on Northern Isles ICO else is still in the pool there we might see it coming for real he even used to play Lich first fast next goal but only he has been able to make that work so far and always seems a little risky I've seen this tool like what is 0-2 especially against e8 when was it W League playoffs there was no chance it failed over and over and over again and I also think of next it was a nice surprise at one point but people are but an echo its envelops trap and echo it's a solid strip also maybe with moods early with control which is not the greatest maybe you can snipe that will for these whiz I think he is only sending one so far and what is not enough one can be snipe well at least force the detonate earlier than in the middle of the skull and also if you move in the wisp oftentimes it just gets it snared by the creeps can't do anything and again you can bring two skulls to skull is only fifty gold and it spawns with two in the shop as perhaps fifty goal you don't want to spend but that could be saving your expansion again echo is just a straight up solid early expansion map and very sure of this this is what we're going to be seeing as the next map we have won 2-0 now with his counter pick map of course that was his counter pick that we just soft LR didn't work out for us now what once again here a bit of an extended break perhaps 1 to 0 now returning the favor that gives us time to thank the lucky for the 15 euro donation great games just like creep Jack thank you man take the time to explore the links in the description here at Rose that we just saw back there that's my song about the trophy for the best Warcraft player in the world who is it gonna be this season it was moon last season for this summer edition we all thought it was gonna be th she came into this looking like the strongest player but earlier faltering against happy something we haven't seen him doing in a long time but happy with that performance is now waiting in the grand final this is interesting because it's in like Soccer World Cups almost the same the winner start slow and then just improves and proves that proves throughout the tournament same can be said about moon so far I guess but will he finally get or will he use the first match point already will he take out both of one two zeros with Raptors in a row Caulfield Hills could be the last map for the Chinese on that or will we get to a deciding Game five we go one two zeros map choice ch what does he have lined up I have seen crazy games from one to zero here before fast expansion games to be precise I think fast expansion can be good on certain maps echo the standout example concealed can be a nightmare if you go to the goldmine you can't actually creep that with only three ghouls surprisingly but only without interference if there's a risk detonate there if the keeper shows up suddenly everything dies one to zero knows this but sometimes he still tries for it is he gonna try for it here as well is the question does he feel so forced to it or does he still have confidence in his micro because that was outstanding on map 1 & 2 on map 3 doesn't really show too much there he had a whole bunch of other problems but if you can get a normal start here he should be able to take this if he is confident enough keep her again DK again here also in the Ewell company was playing against in fear in fee there also as night off 1 to 0 show another style that was kind of new to the scene then the aggressive play on level 2 DK slowing down the keeper because this is a hard level 3 keeper map most maps are easy for the keeper to reach level 3 this not the case you're gonna get the first two camps outside your base for easy level 2 perhaps the Mara logs and the crab as well but everything else is hard to creep 1 to 0 may very well be aggressive here trying to delay level 3 as much as possible and then on tier 2 with the Naga second look for those mass archer kills which we have seen be so successful at times in this matchup would love to see that for a change as well yesterday we had for koreans of eliminated moon the one man last of the last man standing in the role of a twit for koreans eliminated the last korean standing today could say goodbye to if one to zero loses this map that of course to crush the dream of the first and that mirror final since 2005 both players starting off with the first creep camp can moon still creep the turtle over there for level 2 seems like that works out even with the nowadays nerfed treants keep her very aggro here level 1 this kind of screams expansion already if the keepers here not creeping up more but trying to distract on the underside of the map there's pretty much only two positions where normally Night Elves put down their expose in the low horses and one to zero would probably be scouting for that very soon that is the kill on the turtle working out perfectly with the treants that's level two now for the keeper now I stay in tango okay this is again not the greatest to do is close to level two then on the last map with this turtle you will get that horas boom coming in for the last it another time there we go +5 intelligence yeah that's very nice for the DK it's this one though immediately get some right clicks in now [Music] too much to do no expansion get by mode at 25 supply it's a little low lumber but that tech before Expo Hunters Hall what whoa is it dry it time for the first time yes I don't know can you play this against one to zero undoubtedly horses are under attack moon has the best dry at micro in the world but is it enough to face the microf one to zero if it's on point yeah and what does they were paying respect here to this I wonder moon paying respect to one to zero and his harassment potential realizes how dangerous an expansion can be on this map being level 2 for so long the expo being so hard and so on and so on playing one base is he gonna play one base this entire game if he does that should be rough to make work actually here comes the expansion extremely defensively positioned over the skeleton this is a big scout if you can see it should have seen it with the skeleton and the DK though cancel it only by self or his moon for once gonna bring the wisps tents early early doesn't seem like there's wisps and the Huntress there's a very safe expand really tough so close to the main Huntress is out already but this will take forever yeah I kind of like moons built oh yeah the expo expansion is late certainly but it looks really really safe an opening that you should be able to rely on for a while there used to be this weird mass upgraded Huntress style from night up with Tier two adding in hippogriffs for the anti-air but we haven't seen that in a while two hunters coming in cool car is on cooldown and another entangled moon is getting quite some kills here danai also not in time a little bit off to girls lost right there that can matter you want to try to keep all the ghouls alive towards the late game with frenzy they're become pretty powerful for a certain amount of time at least as the keepers continuing to creep he wants to get his level three his experience actually is really high basically three himself but moon has the lures now and dry it's plus entangle there's going to be a lot of control and very very good weapons against the ghouls yeah army come from wanted it should be the same fiends are kind of the best fighting units for undead and especially against tier 2 Knight of whatever it is is very good be it air or be it riots so that Carl was invested to get level 3 that at the moment no demon hunter second and he's fast on level 3 than the keeper is that helps them of course but can he find it timing to attack this expansion can you get a frenzy timing against this expansion it only started walking now I'm not too sure if he has nature's blessing I'm pretty sure he doesn't and he still has to creep this you know there definitely is a timing window and a second is gonna be very strong if he hits level 3 but reaching that level 3 and sometimes be difficult there's no time to get lever three before one two zeros timing is there he doesn't have to get web so the frenzy is earlier than normal what is here here phone on her ass this is really good they bring the dust no he did bring the dust and it's the first kill onto the archer runs away to not get caught by the creeps aggro being switched good damage on this hunch his first one out keeper really wants to get a skeleton kill here for the level up he's holding his mana pretty greedy reveal he has one more dust and that should be another kill only with the heroes want to zero get so much done dude you really should be using your spells well he's greedy and this is not paying off keeper actually it down to 50% there's only the TP no staff no man this walk call Nova ready this harass is changing the entire scope of walking right now oh Lola is ready at five Panna though it's a pretty tanky boy so more than 5500 should be remaining but this is already a tremendous delay this is great for one to zero okay what can he do with the time that he bought one base one base equal supply better hero levels for the under backpack upgrade to fiends waiting for the orb of corruption that I guess the fiends will bring in soon for that level 3 yeah and he's not giving him the skeletons I guess now he is here we go but losing another hunters to it he loved all three hunters to get 9 supply now the level to entangle I guess no dispel so far was this good damn it this is chasing him back statue has to work overtime now but as you said the Panda what does he do without level 3 and he is so far away from him yeah wouldn't a demon have been better again invoke potion stolen that's a big deal making those night off heroes now much more fun over here come the ghouls do they have frenzy yes they do they do and the orb of corruption on the Lich plus 10 damage creeping faster item one of the news lots of triads now from moon up at 50 supply as well the heroes are the issue mana is the issue for one to zero now one to zero would love to get a heal scroll here but can't get to the shop perhaps Breath of Fire coming in the first one was nice so where will the Nova end up on the tanky panda on the squishy keeper but here's the town portal no staff heathrow taken by the Panda here keeping it away from the on that as well fiends are pretty much feet dry it up pretty much walking XP tomes if you can start to kill them that's really good ten minute expansion by moon riots fall off heavily later on especially against upgraded fiends high numbers of them and hi hero levels neither of which is really the case right now for one to zero we're getting some things in the main as well it's not what he wanted to say that wrong rally point rare to see good dry it microbio moon killing two of the Ghul saving that one drive with a fire coming in ghoul send a nice last second Karl each level up but only doing so much now the tries are starting to fall nukem the keeper but no follow up another feed falling you want to zero in trouble hailing for that hero kill Breath of Fire mostly dodge no block from one to zero keepers saves himself to the back and the lids just really exposed but the cart is in the Crito block comes in as well it's only one coin left though wonders here doesn't have enough feel any more forces the TP nah got third okay full pressure okay mainly against the heroes the cold air oh of course doesn't help against the riots pedal-to-the-metal it is for one to zero can he kill this before what moon interferes moon is breaking up keep the damage seems not enough there's almost two cards now scouting for moons positioning when it's coming already this felt immediately knowing that this is an expansion all that one to zero can accomplish here is the gone in a tangled goldmine switches over to the fight lot more right clicks now of course good man on the DK that's important for the healing only two fiends the focus fire potential on the drives not too high but the Panda is dropping very low indeed Cordova and the staff was not used in time moon again a little bit too slow you could see that coming from a mile away but I guess he did not quickly enough anyways but he's looking for more kids although the fiends now next despite coming in from a destroyer DK has one more coil but only the one the drives might still be able to do it moving forward some dryers are dying but moon can afford to trade somewhat ineffectively going for the next few kills two of them i extremely heard one of them is gonna die the other ones the corner also stucked in next bean falls no more piercing damage won 2-0 against these mass riots that's the Naga is providing some damage and as long as the statues are working oh no again the wrong rally point seven supply in the base and he's already down ten has to consolidate his forces here one two zero still sitting at 45 is actually looking pretty decent for him next involved it's going to be a big deal kind of go to the keeper as it seems sound cool down hand AK close to level two kind of lucky from well that didn't get the level up now the reinforcements seems to be a little too late oh oh the DK in us around the info has to be used or there's a TP right away the destroyer coil into TP no he's kidding he's giving up a lot of HP trying to walk out staff out in the post man he really does not want to TP out as having himself low HP here the good thing is there's a fountain right next to him so perhaps could heal up over there but no it's gonna back up one does zero falls back to the middle of the map towards the red cap easily creep evil with orb and destroyers the experience big item the biggest on the map always hoping for that brilliant Sora acolytes here okay in the middle of the map he tried exactly that against the age and his broke his neck tank though we have a strong we get two very important hero levels for one to zero level two aura level two no Basu Oh over here where's the fork lightning he has to there was mana for the fork and I'm the thick of things once again so are the dryers the first riot that really quickly second a bomb coming in still no disease cloud by the way but it fiends oh they're taking the damage here heal straw coming in only doing so much Zeppelin again full moon what saved him the game Raz now the Nagas and trouble in volt transferred with that she will survive trying to hold on to it now using it though brilliant move by moon should get the Zeppelin away and saving these dry it is their weapon no there is not Naga can't really reach all the legendary Zeppelin microfibe moon does it show first Beantown Naga in trouble nuke on the Panda can he get the kill this time oh oh this must be the kill right the Nagas no TP swapped he gets out this time Carlo bar seems to be not ready Oh almost killed HP Jesus Expo ready that dried micro though Holy Smoke shake I would love to see a first-person recap of this the dried micro clusters emblem that was master class beautiful moons by far the best right player in the world showing us here again how it's done red spot for him now DK no TP only mana potion interval for the Nagas absolutely necessary right and this Naga pick is actually working out pretty well the heroes for moon are always in danger it's always scary and now moon without an involve but he turns it around like he returns the favor with that focus on the Nagas and that precious water zero a lot so okay the buildings are up Breath of Fire is not level 3 not even close so it's only piercing damage against buildings is pretty safe 1:1 riots right now almost gonna die but the Expos standing if two spirit towers come up there you can't crack that with dryads mode is kind of under pressure he has a massive supply lead but he cannot get complacent right now he needs to put on the pressure in the middle but with the high ground that is so hard to accomplish can scout with the destroyer all the time you can fight downhill 25% miss chance for the dryads again getting girls but this time not forced into the TP staff I mean just yet DK Sirota there's no TPP it's of course no style oh one two zero one misstep is that it for him tries to nuke the pan that doesn't really work the healer and the speed or I was gone he takes the Panda no not with them again emergency step by moon last freaking second but what about the keeper info potion first this is a lot of kills for moon it's just fast dry it's swarming around these heroes gets the block out this micro freaking insane kenny block throughout the end propulsion doesn't seem to be the case with the undead aura is not here now it is with a tavern revived but so in like so costi naga low HP as well knowing more any more no healing for her no coil of course but the keeper getting focused the Nova right-click follow-up but you really walked it off does he if he's dead the Naga instead at the keeper as well decaying Lich to rule it all question mark where's the statue has to reposition them now damage goes into the abomination not sure that's the right call watches 0 slaps back in this fight it's triad after drying after drying just falling and now high ground okay abomination surrounded how does the lich get back there and so many tries though we won't get the coil but that's too much slow that's too much damage spirit tower coming up now what's a little too late and he got the high ground keepers back five point six ignoring the Panda I guess around the tree it is blocking this once again no way out no Zeppelin coming in and the second kill of the DK would be too much the try it once more the one single Dryad is blocking at the slow comes in the dream of an undead mera false from his walls right now with a DK dead wanted her down to 29 supply how's it supposed to be doable now that literally the only thing left he has spirit ah which is good against the drives but it's so many dryads pana about to be back as well should be coming onto the battlefield in just a second we have the Naga back now staff from the keeper aggressively moving on we saw the sick suddenly yeah thorns aura are you serious what against is this a troll move or miss click I think it's a mystic must be right no moon never goes for these BM plays this must be a mystic from him but still even without the old this is looking good we have three heroes again on the unlit side against a whole lot of triads this supply lead for the fifth race and the spirit I was getting taken out normal piercing damage again level 3 for the Nagas but the DK entangled is he getting surrounded again this would certainly be it now trying to transfer something too much slowed too much control to keep her in a bit of trouble himself but still sitting almost full HP the last that's you is about to be focused for the DK as well moon once stepped away from the grand final he's losing a couple of dryads again feeding the undead heroes again a little but there seems to be no way out it's just pure desperation by one to zero so far can he get another hero killed somehow doesn't seem to be the case the Lich has to do it in more postman now can he turn it more killed all for lightning keep me out Wow zero still and this gave me walks to the creeps though have to be really careful all switch the aggro does want to lose this Wow amazing hope I want to zero but now what oh my god these saves yeah more than 80 wonders they're at 40 that is kind of the story here the heroes assign to get there though five four three uh net heroes almost is unsummon summoning it is okay I think that's smart today's at fifty three minutes until the main is dry and then expand bottom right trying to level up or sell everything and go for all in oh he's going he's going a bombs and again not tapping out too early again who aura but having a little bit boy now we have tranquility yeah here we train home of retraining use that's not of goal that you don't really want to give up but okay it was necessary of course far behind experience he's got the superior heroes though kind of tranquility kind of a question mark I guess it's only dry it's this is mass riots in the super late-game triads not that good also a lot of experience from them if you do kill him the town is under siege so I don't think what is it was ready yet later he needs to like camp on his one base get up like turtle and get up to 70 and then this this could still be doable and take a lot of time food is back stabbing him here no way to get the lab and he's surrounding him right with mass riots here again at least trying to the rock olive falls to mood big items for him greater involve perfect still no disease cloud by the way panda careful Carl dodged with the involve but that was the big one gone forever what is it is gonna be careful to not disrupt DK again abomination fall gets the kill now guys in trouble nothing on her but the damage is not enough at the moment can he somehow save rose it just distraction no TP out okay dance with that one that second OOP not available also the Zack : still in the hands of moon main goldmine shouldn't is dry oh alright this is it all in from one to zero is producing as much as he can it's not that much stuff though still so disease clouds history from moon now not walking this over to the middle see he's not ready to push at all tranquility coming in for mass healing once more the Nagas or a low HP so is the statue that is a super easy snipe gets it no TP nope oh she was trying to as there is this extra once more DK in a bad position locked by his own a bombs who can't do any damage DK how do you get out there and tangle right flicks the spell trying to nuke the keeper but the DK is blocked by the partner and one two zeros losing the first hero no TP where was it no gg it's over the dream of becoming the first Triple Crown champion is over for both th and war to 0 the dream of an undead marat final is out the window as well and we have again moon versus the West but this time it's not foggy this time it's happy but two consecutive grand finals from moon so far his wind rain and WGL grand final is a hundred percent will that change today water battle well played there by known but what a weird yeah moon starting off on the first map pretty weak honestly and then on a z1 is he ready to plate very strong towards the late game no kind of cheesed in win there kind of cheated himself almost into a victory there and then LR was completely off-balance for one to zero and concealed started off well but suddenly the dryads corner by surprise I think he went for the completely wrong approach against the dryers third hero doc Naga already very questionable and the 2a bombs if you don't have disease cloud those two items are awful absolutely awful the Nagas of course in that moment when he wanted to push did he have enough to practice he didn't even get the entangle got one so is that pic worth it if you can't delay the expansion never even thinking about killing it highly questionable the forked lightning was missing on several occasions and we're soaking up a lot of experience from the DK and the ledge so level three coil was missing level three Nova was missing and that was so scary on the first map where one two zero was so successful it normally against dryads you only need mass fiends perhaps with a couple of upgrades and high-level DK English that's enough you don't need more of course if you said it of course if you couple that with two spirit towers you are unbreakable on the high ground nothing's gonna happen to you but he went for the Naga which it was nice for putting pressure on the panda that's that's true they did a good job there but the Panda has no factors yeah was didn't really do much that game that was very very questionable I won 2-0 yeah that means you're bad let me quote his interview happy as the micro I have the strategies maybe not he had the strategy just I don't think it was the right one but he had I wonder if he wanted to make this transition happen which actually happy likes to play against mass riots which is a big a bomb front line four or five with mass wagons behind it kind of looked he want to go that route but he never had the money for it he just yes too much it was so late already main was mined out I thought okay he's gonna sell us entire main and then go for an all-in but I guess moon is too smart for that Zeppelin could have countered with the Panda drop or something and then he tried to expand again invest into a slaughterhouse lose more time push us again when he was never ready but moon also great control always keeping the fights when as you pointed out during the fights he can trade unfavorably because he does not have to expect these high level heroes as he did on Amazonia when it was absolutely crazy with seven six or so because the Naga was soaking it out and then he can lose dry its he has the money to afford it and check out the level six himself yeah pretty much no problem also I think was really cool build by moon going for the expansion later took forever to come online but I was really safe it was the tech hunter soul couple of hunts which keep you safe what does their had a great harass at the expansion but the follow-up was very questionable again no so two-time final in a row for moon he is one of the fan favorites of course everyone loves him and he still has the mission of two consecutive titles the wind here in this tournament would mean for being the first player with $550,000 prize money that start was great but now he seems pretty happy but to be honest he needs to step up his game to be a threat to a happy that we've seen against yet yeah I think so too I think happy we have no reason to believe that he's gonna fall off like one to zero did kind of happy did a couple of questionable plays against focus where he lost but it's not like he made so many wrong calls mostly honestly the one weakness so far from happy this tournament I think is his scouting which has been lackluster at some points probably not you're not gonna have a surprise expansion coming up because you know the expansions coming up there's just no two ways about it the timing of which is gonna be a little bit more unclear is it gonna be very greedy on one arch or two archers three archers or is it gonna be the Huntress expansion but it most likely most certainly will be but his early game scouting is always good it's like his middle late game scouting yes absolutely agree by the way happy earlier in his winners in him you stated that he believes wanted her to be the stronger player and he expects him in the final but he would prefer moon so he is getting his preferred grand final Russia versus Korea happy already the most successful Russian player of all time now surpassing debt man with this performance the first big grand final for him and now up against the goat
Channel: Back2Warcraft
Views: 48,874
Rating: 4.882122 out of 5
Keywords: Warcraft, Warcraft 3, tournament, Wc3, War3, Wc 3, warcraft III, frozen throne, tft, warcraft tft, esports, rts, real time strategy, Back 2 Warcraft, Back to warcraft, Back2Warcraft, B2W, Back, Back2, B2Warcraft, back to warcraft, Neo, Remodemo, Remo, 2019, Gold, League, WGL, Warcraft Gold, World, Championship, World Championship, Playoffs, Final, Semifinal, Semi, SF, moon, moon vs, moon vs 120, 120, eer0, eero, 120 vs, 120 vs moon, nightelf, ne, undead, ud, world, championship
Id: eo8PB4gZNtM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 118min 0sec (7080 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 30 2019
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