ALL Necromancy Spells and Summons in Baldur's Gate 3!

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hey guys Oma here today I'm going to be going over all the necromancy spells in balers Gate 3 whether you want to summon an undead horde or deal a ton of necrotic damage I think you'll find something here that you'll like up first for our can trip we have bone chill so to start out this will do 1 to8 necrotic damage at level five this increases to 2 to 16 and then when you hit Level 10 you'll hit 3 to 24 necrotic damage prevent the target from healing until your next turn an undead Target receives disadvantage on attack rolls so they're going to roll two dice and use the lower value making it harder to hit and that effect will last one turn here's what it looks like and there's the effect for our first level one spell we have false life gains seven temporary hit points until a long rest so at level one it'll be seven it increases by five for every level all the way up to 32 at level six and then these last until a long rest or until you lose them next up we have inflict wounds this does 3 to 30 damage at level one purify creature with a necrotic energy filling your hands so it'll increased by 1 to 10 necrotic damage per level level six you'll be doing 8 to 80 necrotic damage next up we have Ray of sickness this does 2 to 16 poison damage it possibly poisons the target for two turns when poisoned they'll suffer disadvantage on attack rolles and ability checks upcasting is going to add one to eight poison damage per level so you're starting with 2 to 16 going all the way up to 7 to 56 at level six and uh skeletons are immune to poison that's why he doesn't have it our last level one spell is actually granted by The Ring of exalted marrow this can be found on top of moonrise Towers so this ring gives you exor the Risen which is a it's basically command but for Undead and then ghoulish touch so this will do 2 to 12 necrotic damage lash out with deadly Claws and possibly paralyze the target for two turns and when paralyzed the affected entity can't move or take actions bonus actions or reactions and then attacks against the entity are always Critical Hits if the attacker is within 10 ft with fire and there you see she's paralyzed for two turns starting off for level two spells we have blindness blind a creature attack rolls against it have advantage and the foe attacks with disadvantage so the blind condition they'll have disadvantage on their attack roles the range of attacks and spells are reduced to 10 feet attack rolls against them have advantage that's going to last 10 turns and it's a constitution saving throw when you upcast you're going to be able to affect an additional Target per level so at level two that'll be one creature level six that'll be five different creatures so let's CH on this guy here there he's blind for 10 turns next up is Raven feem weaken a foe they deal half damage with weapon attacks using strength for 10 turns this is a concentration spell as well so if you get hit there's a chance you can lose your concentration and the spell will end if you upcast the spell it's not going to give you any additional benefits so it's usually cast at level two and then strength's going to affect every weapon pretty much except for finesse weapons which use dexterity instead there he's feeble now for 10 turns here he attacks critical hit of five he did a crit uh he rolled a seven added two from his strength modifier and plus two from deal from dueling and then and then divided it by two our first level three spell we have animate Dead create an undead servant from a corpse this gives you multiple actions so I'll go over the first one animate Dead zombie create a zombie that specializes in melee combat all these last until a long rest this target has to be a medium or small corpse he is now a zombie those are the stats for the zombie they have Undead fortitude so when they're reduced to zero hit points they regain one hit point instead unless the damage was radiant or caused by critical hit so basically they can't be one hit killed unless it's from radiant or a crit so if I hit him here with this chromatic or did 50 damage he came back with one HP so he's got one attack slam does 5 to 15 bludgeoning damage hit a target with your bare Fist and infect it with the crawling gnaw constructs Elementals oozes plants Undead and members of your adventuring party cannot be affected so the crawling GW lasts for one turn when an enemy dies before the infection wears off it will temporarily rise again as a newborn zombie here's what his slam attack looks like it applied crawling NW if I kill this guy he comes back as a newborn zombie so the newborn zombie is going to take one necrotic damage per turn um and they only have 10 HP so basically 10 turns but I mean they can be killed earlier than that just by taking damage but even still if you can get a couple of these zombies out kill a couple enemies with them you can just make a hord of zombies pretty quickly they'll also have Dash jump disengage and then you can dismiss them at any time with a bonus action and if you go back into zombie you can upcast it to level four and create three zombies at a time so they're going to have the same stats as the original zombie but now you just have three of them the next action you'll get is animate dead skeleton create a skeleton that specializes in ranged combat that's also a level three those are a stats vulnerable to bludgeoning immune to poison so he has unarmed strike that does one damage you basically just slap him upside the head there's Dash he's got jump disengage and then he has a ranged attack which does 5 to 19 damage here's what that ranged attack looks like just like a normal bow shot basically and again just like the zombie you can upcast it to level four and create three skeletons which I think is good value next action you'll get is animate dead ghoul this is actually a level five so I'm counting it part of the level three just cuz it's still animate Dead create a ghoul that specializes in melee combat again this will last to Long rest so he has claws that do 6 to 21 slashing damage lash out with deadly Claws and possibly paralyze the Target for two turns we already went over paralyzed I'm not going to read it again um and then he has devour B A knocked out pone or sleeping Target and deal 6 to 33 slashing damage heal for that many hit points you can toggle non-lethal attacks you can jump Dash and disengage as well and then dismiss with a bonus action so here's his claw attack did 17 damage there and insta killed him basically and then here's his devour attack this work right here is knocked out so it did 39 damage and healed for 30 9 and here are the stats for the ghoul he's got poison immunity ac17 and then just like with the other two you can upcast this if you upcast to level six it'll create three ghouls the final variant for that is flying ghoul create a flying ghoul that specializes in ranged combat so here's the stats for the flying ghoul he has a slightly lower AC than the regular ghoul and then as far as attacks go he has claws just like the other one he still has Dash disengage jump and devour just like the other one but then he can also fly he's functionally the same as the other one except he can fly but he has a lower Armor class to make up for and then the level six upcast for that let you create three flying ghouls next up we have bestow curse curse a creature with your touch the curse either bestows disadvantage on checks and saving throws or attacks lets you deal additional damage to the Target or RS of its actions for 10 turns that's a range of melee all these actions last 10 turns so the first couple give them disadvantage on checks and saving throws with certain abilities so there's Charisma Constitution dexterity intelligence strength and wisdom then there's bestow curse attack disadvantage so it'll have disadvantage on attack rolls against you for 10 turns there's additional damage curse a creature with your touch your attacks and spells deal an additional 1 to eight necrotic damage to the Target so every time you hit him with an attack or spell it'll add 1 to eight necrotic damage for 10 turns and then there's dread it fills with dread possibly skipping its turn so upcasting any of these is going to affect the creature for a longer duration so there I gave him dread there we go curse filled with Dread so he skipped his turn right there here's the additional damage version I'll show you that too really quick so there he's got additional damage on so let me throw a Firebolt at him there hit him for 15 fire and four necrotic damage next up we have Fain death put an ally in a protective coma they become resistant to all damage except psychic damage so you'll take half damage from everything except psychic disease and poison have no effect this will last 10 turns so I'll just use it on myself upcasting is not going to get you any additional benefits resist and night night so here you can see all my resistances uh they're lasting nine more turns the next one here I don't have the item for right now in any of my saves but it's the paralyzing Ray so this will paralyze the target for two turns and it's granted from the burnished ring and you'll get that in the House of Hope in act three but yeah it's basically your standard paralyzed on a ring the next two spells are from the spectator's eyes amulet which is very rare you find this in the underd dark and act one if you do enough exploring there uh you'll find it this will grant you Ray of fear which frightens your target for two turns you can use this once per long rest it's pretty standard here's what that Ray of fear looks like fren for two turns pretty standard and then the other action it'll Grant you is wounding Ray which does 2 to 16 necrotic damage on a save they'll still take half damage and you can use that once prolong rest as well so here's what that looks like nine damage right there after that we have vampiric touch which will do 3 to 18 necrotic damage touch an enemy to siphon their life force and regain half as many hit points for 10 turns you can use vampiric Touch again without expending an additional spell slot that's a range of melee also a concentration spell so if you're hit and you lose your concentration then you won't be able to use it again without expending the spell slot so upcasting will add 1 to six necrotic damage per level so you start with 3 to 18 you go all the way up to 6 to 36 so I'll use that on him did 12 damage healed for six and then you'll see down here at the bottom right I'll have that as an action without having to use a spell slot next turn next up we have revivify revive a companion to return to life with one hit point this is the same as those yeah squirrel R vivify same thing as that here's the range of it somebody snuck into my camp and killed Shadow heart for some reason you know I don't know why anybody would want to do that it's kind of rude so you can revive them and then you choose where you want to place them I just Place her in the same spot but yeah you can click on her and then choose somewhere within the AOE to teleport her to after she's revived our last level three spell we have speak with the dead speak with dead I guess Grant a semblance of life to a humanoid corpse allowing it to answer up to five questions skeletons and creatures killed with acid fire lightning necrotic or radiant damage no longer have a mouth and can't be made to talk using the spell doesn't work on Undead so this is a ritual spell so casting it outside of combat which you should be doing anyways isn't going to use a spell slot if you try to use it on somebody you've killed they will not talk to you willing to speak but not to its killer so there's a way around that you can use disguise self so if you use disguise self on yourself you can try it again the corpse regards you lifelessly and then you can ask them up to five questions and not everybody is going to talk to you like if you kill just a super basic Goblin there's good chance that they don't have anything to say to you but if it's more significant uh enemy then there's a good chance and they have stuff you can ask them or find out from them faithful servant and the Spells power WS you can ask no more questions questions starting off for level four we have blight this does 8 to 64 necrotic damage plants take maximum damage from this spell and have disadvantage on the saving throw against it so it'll be easier to hit and they will take 64 damage when you hit them on Save Target still takes half damage no effect on Undead and constructs so I'll have to go outside to show you guys that up casting is going to deal an additional 1 to eight NE chronic damage per level so at level six you'll be up to 10 to 80 necrotic damage here's what that's going to look like and he gone for our other level four spell we have beckoning Darkness I don't have this item either just because of a choice I made so it takes 2 d8 necrotic damage if it enters or starts its turn in a lightly or heavily obscured area uses a bonus action to cast and lasts two turns and it's granted by the dark Justice arear gauntlets I'm not going to say how you get those but it's an act two and it's depending on a choice you make moving on to our level five spells for our first one we have contagion poison a Target and possibly afflict them with the disease of your choice this lasts until a long rest it's only a range of melee so that's your range there this is going to give you multiple actions so there's six different disease types you can give them how this works is you hit them with one of these so I'll do this on myself to show you guys but this one's contagion blinding sickness Target receives disadvantage on wisdom checks and saving throws and is blinded so how all these diseases work is cast it on the enemy and they roll a saving throw each turn if they fail three saving throws they get the disease until a long rests if they pass three saving throws first then they don't get the disease and they're cured there we go three failures I now have the disease stricken with blinding sickness fingernails of searing pain digg into the affected enemy's eyes there I have disadvantage on wisdom checks and saving throws and I'm also blinded so it says I'm blinded the blinding condition is supposed to reduce my attacks and spells to 10 ft the range of them but as you can see here I have full range so I don't know if it's just a bug or if this version isn't working as intended but yeah I can still use my bow my spells within full range so the next one is filth fever the target receives disadvantage on strength check saving throws and attack roles that use strength so there we go stricken with filth fever beat in a drip with a thick oily sweat the affected entity has disadvantage on checks saving throws and attack rolls that use strength so that's what that one looks like and you'll see here with filth fever I have disadvantage on strength attacks the next one is flesh rot the target receives disadvantage on Charisma checks and is inflicted with vulnerability to all damage so you're going to take double damage from everything here's the condition looks like rotting in their own vat of stinking skin the affected entity has disadvantage on the Charisma checks and vulnerably dble damage so if I cast a fireball did 10 damage actually rolled a five and then it doubled it to 10 after that we have mine fire the target receives disadvantage on intelligence checks and saving throws and is befuddled so they can't control their own actions and they wander around without Direction that's like the confusion spell see there I failed my third saving throw that just makes everybody at Camp hostile towards me because I'm confused I guess also some reason they decided to get naked it makes it extra fun I guess yeah you'll see the condition down here affected entities's brain is cooking in a stew of hot blood next we have is seizure the target receives disadvantage on dexterity checks saving throws and attack roles so here's what it looks like when you have seizures in the game at least involuntary convulsions shiver through the affected entity so now I have disadvantage on my attack rols there's the disadvantage on attack rolls there Final in a slimy Doom the target receives disadvantage on Constitution checks and saving throws whenever they are hit they get stunned here's slimy Doom affected entity ooes waxy globulous blood so whenever I take damage for a Firebolt or whatever I get stunned for one turn so that can be pretty decent I guess next one we have is Dethrone this is actually only found as a scroll there's only two of them in the game and they're in the sorcerers vault in act three but if you have a wizard you can learn the scroll and learn the spell forever so shred of foes vary Essence by pulling on the strands of the weave this say 100t range and you can use it once per long rest and it does 30 to 80 necrotic damage here's what that looks like 54 damage right there for our first level six spell we have Circle of Death this does eight to 48 necrotic damage sculpt a massive sphere of entropic energy around a creature devastate the Target and all surrounding creatures on a save the targets will still take half damage so this has a range of 60 ft and then the blast radius around it is 30 ft I believe our next level six spell is granted from the item Shadow Lantern to make this need to go to moonrise towers with Gail and there's a secret room there and you'll have the option to create one within there and this will give you the level six spell conjure Shadow Lantern wraith pull an undead Creature from the depths of the Shadow Lantern's depraved magic to join your side in combat it lasts until a long rest and you can cast it once per long rest so basically you can always have it up it says here the target must be a medium or small corpse but you actually don't need a corpse at all for this so here I'll cast that so here he is here's his stats he is resistant to quite a bit and he has an armor class of 13 he hides underground like that until he's in the shadow there's what he looks like when he comes out of the ground he has necrotic claws which do 7 to 27 damage slashing an necrotic lash out with curs claws and he has strength drain which does 3 to 24 necrotic damage claw fo's heart and possibly leech its strength by three the target dies if its strength is reduced to zero if the target is in bright light or daylight it makes its saving throw with Advantage so the strength drain will last two turns here you can see she has 12 strength strength drain on her there she was hit by it now she's down to nine couple other things about the shadow is he has dark vision up to 40 ft he's ethereal so he can't be shoved thrown or uses an improvised weapon he has opportunity attacks uh he has Shadow blend so when lightly or heavily obscured this creature gains the ability to blend with shadows and become invisible and then he has sunlight weakness while in sunlight this creature has disadvantage on attack rolls and saving throws all right next up we have create Undead raise a corpse is a heinous mummy that fights by your side until a long rest has to be a medium or small corpse there's the stats for the mummy immune to necrotic and poison damage vulnerable to fire resistant to slashing piercing and bludgeoning Armor class of 18 here's attacks his rotting fist which does 8 to 33 budging and necrotic damage drive your fist into a fo and possibly afflict them with mummy rot for 10 turns mummy rot their maximum hit points are reduced by eight and they cannot be healed hit him for 12 necrotic and 10 budging damage and his max HP was reduced by eight so it was 26 now it's down to 18 Max HP next you have Dreadful glare fix a target with your baleful gaze to frighten it for two turns so this kind of sets up your other attack so now he's frightened for those two turns and on your next turn you can follow it up with a multiattack so this does 16 to 66 bludgeoning and necrotic damage a multiple attacks at a Target that is frightened each one deals 5 to 15 slashing damage and 3 to 18 necrotic damage and it's four attacks it also inflicts mummy Rod I guess for 10 turns then your mummy also has Dash and jump as well the next spell we have is eye bite your eyes become black corridors walled in teeth and your gaze capable of inflicting dread sickness or putting creatures to sleep while concentrating you can cast eyebite without expending a spell slot for 10 turns so when you use the spell there's three different versions there's one that puts them to sleep one that gives them fear where they have disadvantage on ability checks and attack and they have to run from you every turn and they can't take additional actions and then there is sicken where they'll have disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks so I'll just use as sleep so you use that and then you are now concentrating on this spell and if you get hit obviously you have a chance to lose it but you can keep using it every turn until you lose your concentration or for the next 10 turns so he's asleep you can use the other variants as well on your next turn so here I can use panicked on this guy now he's fearful he's going to have to run on his turn so there's his turn all he can do is run away and for our last level six spell we have harm this is 8 to 84 necrotic damage reduce the target's maximum HP but never below one so that'll last until a long rest and it's considered a disease Target still takes half damage on a save but its maximum hit points are not [Music] reduced stop that so she failed the save and now her Max HP is at one and that disease will last until a long rest that is all the necromancy spells in balers Gate 3 thank you guys so much for watching don't forget to sub subscribe
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Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldur's gate 3, bg3 necromancy wizard, necromancy wizard, baldurs gate 3 guide, baldurs gate 3 classes, baldur's gate 3 wizard, baldurs gate 3 sorcerer, baldurs gate 3 spell guide, baldurs gate 3 wizard guide, baldurs gate 3 combat guide, baldurs gate 3 sorcerer guide, bg3 necromancy spells, bg3 all necromancy spells, all necromancy spells bg3, all necromancy spells in baldurs gate 3, bg3 necromancy, bg3 summons, baldurs gate 3 summons, bg3 necromancer
Id: nXFS8x6z-6E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 35sec (1175 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 06 2023
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