Prometheus Pitch Meeting

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Shool of running away from things

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/NivusV3 📅︎︎ Feb 14 2021 🗫︎ replies

There is not enough time in a Pitch Meeting to cover everything wrong with this movie.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/iToronto 📅︎︎ Feb 15 2021 🗫︎ replies

I’m actually holding off because I’ll enjoy it more if I’ve watched the movie. Never wanted to, but now I have a reason.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/IAmCaptainHammer 📅︎︎ Feb 15 2021 🗫︎ replies
so you have an alien movie for me yes sir i kind of do very exciting we're talking prequel sequel a spin-off oh it's something i'm almost sure of it i love it so what happens in this thing well we're gonna meet these two scientists elizabeth and charlie and they find these drawings that seem like aliens are inviting us to this certain moon right okay so then a couple of years later this whole space crew is in a multi-year cryo sleep and there's this creepy android david walking around being all creepy oh a very creepy android and so then everybody gets woken up so the boss lady meredith can tell them what the mission's gonna be wouldn't they get briefed before being frozen for multiple years oh you'd think so but no why because that works and this whole thing's like this trillion dollar mission that's been funded by this super old guy weyland who's definitely dead sounds like he's dead yeah he's for sure not alive anymore so then the whole crew go into this space cave because they want to find these aliens that they think created life on earth called engineers right and they have like the state-of-the-art mapping and tracking robots and they also detect that there's oxygen so they all take their helmets off well why would they do that what if they're like alien viruses in the air or something oh well because they're the worst scientists you can imagine oh they are okay gotcha and then they see these holograms of these engineers running away from something what are they running away from unclear so it's gonna be like a big reveal later no oh okay and then they find the body of an engineer that's been dead for like thousands of years so these scientists fight field and melbourne get all scared and they leave but it's dead yeah and then all the other scientists go into this room and there's a bunch of weird alien things and some black goo and what's the black goo uncle so it's gonna be like a big reveal later no all right and then all of a sudden they gotta get out of there fast cause there's this massive storm that shows up that not even the captain saw it coming oh no but he says it's gonna be gone by morning so it's all good if he didn't even see it coming how does he know that it's gonna be gone i don't know so then most of the crew make it back to the ship but fifield and milburn they get lost in the caves didn't they leave first and note they have state of the art mapping and tracking technology they do yeah they didn't use that i guess so they get lost well at least the captain can monitor them and make sure they're okay yeah but he's not gonna oh he's not yeah he's pretty dismissive of them and then he hooks up with meredith so he doesn't watch them at all very irresponsible so then this terrifying genital space cobra is gonna pop out and start hissing at them oh my god so they run away nope milburn is like oh wow this thing's so beautiful i'm gonna touch it so then it attacks them these are the guys that left because they got scared yeah they think aliens are cute now so they die sure i bet they do and meanwhile on the ship charlie is all sad and depressed now oh how come because he was looking for a massive scientific breakthrough and all he got was a massive scientific breakthrough what and so then david spikes his drink with some space goo and basically puts a parasite in him wait so david's an evil android he might be but also he's just kind of doing stuff very weird so then charlie sleeps with his wife but the next day he starts to turn into something spooky so meredith burns them alive oh my god yeah and then stuff starts getting real crazy fightfield is a zombie now so that sucks and also elizabeth seems to be three months pregnant with an alien baby so she gets inside this surgery machine but this thing was only built for a man oh so it doesn't work oh it works she gets the thing out so i even mention i don't know okay so then she's gonna discover that that wayland guy is actually alive so that's gonna be this huge twist oh why is that a twist why'd he do that now that you mention it i don't i don't know okay oh but then we're gonna have this big reveal where you find out that meredith is his daughter okay is that gonna affect anything no it's not not really but i figure there should be some twists so twists that don't really change anything are tight isn't that right third cousin oh i didn't realize we were third cousins yeah this whole time huh so should i keep going or you could keep going all right so anyway this whaling guy is about to die so he wants to kind of meet his maker and find the secret to eternal life okay okay and then he immediately doesn't oh yeah they all go see this engineer that david found that's still alive and it just instantly rips david's head off and kills weyland wow and turns out this whole place is just like a weapon storage facility well then why they leave a bunch of maps to it for the humans oh unclear so now this engineer wants to get on a ship and go destroy life on earth didn't they create life on earth yeah but sometimes to create one must first destroy but they created they did that yeah so then the captain and his crew they sacrificed themselves by crashing their ship into the engineership oh did they all have to die no but because the movie's almost over it's kind of like you know may as well oh okay so then the freaking alien ship crashes and it starts to roll and meredith and elizabeth have to run and they run off to the side no they try to outrun the ship in the same direction it's rolling in what yeah so meredith gets crushed to death but elizabeth falls and rolls to the side at the last second oh very bad at running away from things and so now david's head starts talking to elizabeth and he's like bad news that engineer guy is coming to kill you how does he know that unclear so now elizabeth has to survive man it's going to be tough for her to survive an encounter with an engineer actually it's going to be super easy barely an inconvenience oh really yes he somehow that alien baby that was inside her has grown to be massive and so he just kills the engineer no problem oh her demon baby saved the day it did so now david is like okay come pick me up there are dozens of engineer ships so we can just take one of those and travel there are a bunch of ships available why'd the engineer try to kill her instead of just getting on a ship and continuing his mission well she's the main character of the movie right okay so then her and david's head go space exploring oh well that's fun what's elizabeth going to eat no that's an off-screen problem so we don't have to worry about that and then an alien bursts out of the engineer's chest oh like an alien it's all connected sure and so that's about it what do you think well i think it's going to be a lot of fun we could get some great veteran actor to play that weyland guy well actually i was thinking we could get a younger actor and just slap a bunch of old man makeup on him yeah i feel like that might look silly it might be but we have to take that chance are we doing flashbacks to him younger or something not even no so why not just get an actual old actor you know that is a good question i don't have an answer but i'd like to do the makeup thing anyway oh okay [Music] hey guys ryan here thanks for watching that pitch meeting i hope you liked it if you did you know press the like button and the subscribe button and leave a comment and all the youtube standard things also let me know if you have ideas for other movies i should do pitches for as always check back soon for a new video bye
Channel: Screen Rant
Views: 988,597
Rating: 4.9738784 out of 5
Keywords: Prometheus, pitch meeting, ridley scott, alien, aliens, david, noomi rapace, michael fassbender, charlize theron, idris elba, engineer, sci-fi, movie, snake, monster, dumb moments, plot holes, film, super easy barely an inconvenience, ryan george, screen rant, screenrant
Id: y56kWIr-RjI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 17sec (377 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 14 2021
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