FUNNIEST GAME EVER | West of Loathing - Part 1

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That's how the UK pronounces hearth. I don't hear anything wrong with it.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/kezza596 📅︎︎ Aug 11 2017 🗫︎ replies

Both pronunciations are correct. Hearth can be said "herf" or "harf" (Quite simplified bit you get the point)

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Bread_Gaming_ 📅︎︎ Aug 11 2017 🗫︎ replies

And ? Mark calls it as he see's it.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Milospesh 📅︎︎ Aug 11 2017 🗫︎ replies

Had no idea it was pronounced differently until now. Eh, whatever.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/redn2000 📅︎︎ Aug 11 2017 🗫︎ replies

Wait, that's not how it's pronounced? I hear it like that all the time...but I too am from Ohio. Maybe that's just how it's pronounced here? Because a lot of how Mark pronounces stuff that others find weird, I learn that I say it the same way as him.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Malted_Shark 📅︎︎ Aug 11 2017 🗫︎ replies

Yeah, Mark use to have a couple of rasps. And I'm not saying that because I'm a fan.... but I find cute his pronunciation of some words!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/_VooDooDoll 📅︎︎ Aug 11 2017 🗫︎ replies

He uses the English pronunciation of a couple of words I've noticed

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Bozzykinz 📅︎︎ Aug 11 2017 🗫︎ replies

Think much can be cause of dialect, and many words can be said differently too. c:

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/LanokirX 📅︎︎ Aug 11 2017 🗫︎ replies
Hello, everybody. My name is Markiplier and welcome to West of Loathing. Now, I know some of you may not have heard of this game, But it's made by the same developers of Kingdom of Loathing and I've been looking forward to it since Pax East in Boston. What I saw in that game was that it was hilarious. And I don't know if it's gonna be hilarious the whole way through, I don't want to over hype it, but everything I saw in-- Oh! Everything I saw in there *short giggle* was really hilarious. Alright, who do we want to be? Earl Dalton? Edwin Jones? Bjorn Walker? "Edit your name." ...Oh! I can edit my name now! My name is Mumflr Fump--Fumper--Fumperdink. This is the adventure of Mumflr Fumperdink in West of Loathing. Alright, there we go. Ooh. "I had the strangest dream. I was choosing a character class." Should I be a Cow Puncher, a Beanslinger... Oh! Or a Snake Oiler? Oh my god, did I somehow make my gun into a flamethrower and-- oh my god, Snake Oiler. Oh, that's so funny. But I want to be a Cow Puncher. Alright, I'll be a Cow Puncher. "Cow Punchers solve their problems with their fists, whether it's shaking them at a disagreeable feller in a disreputable saloon or using them to punch a slightly more disagreeable feller in a slightly less reputable saloon. You've heard the Cow Punchers are in demand out West since The Cows Came Home, which stands to reason. The Cows aren't gonna punch themselves, after all." Wait, let me read of what--what the Beanslinger is. "Magic and cooking are inextricably intertwined in Loathing, and the Beanslinger is a mystical master of both. You've heard there's a shortage of cooks out West since The Cows Came Home, due to most of the cooks having been brutally killed by The Cows." Uh, maybe not. "Snake Oilers rely on their moxie and chutzpah to tame snakes, their fearlessness to extract potent oils from those snakes, and their cleverness to manufacture and sell potions made from those oils. You've heard Snake Oilers are doing really well out West since The Cows Came Home. Everybody needs potions and hope in these dark days, and also out West is where all the best snakes live." That's alright, though. But I think I'm gonna go with Cow Puncher. Those Cows ain't gonna punch themselves. Oh man, I'm so excited for this game. Alright, what do we got? "This weird poster appeared here one night." Alright, I can jump for joy at that fact. I can't do anything else about it. Read the spine of one of your books. "[Chester Danger and the Mystery of the Forbidden Lighthouse]. That was one of my favourites." "[Herb Brown and the Curse of the Ancient Cellar]. Dad gave me this one when I was a kid." "[The Occurence at Rattlesnake Mansion]. Rufus liked this one as much as I did." "[Bee--Bea Brown and the Curse of the Black Bridge]." "[Jefferson Swift in the Old Gulch], [The Miracle at the Black Hospital]." Oh! Hey, this one might come in handy! I got [Walking Stupid]! Well, that's what I like to do!(We know Mark, We know) I like to walk stupid! "Unlock Stupid Walking as an option." "This book tells the tale of a renegade sheriff who was really, really bad at walking." "You read the book from cover to cover and learn how to walk really stupidly." "Stupid Walking has been added to your option menu." "You got a perk: "Stupid Walking". You accidentally dropped the book and then ruin it by stepping on it 30 times-- --while you're trying to pick it up." Oops. Oh, well least I unlocked Stupid Walking. How do I do that? Oh no, do I just do that always now? "When you were a child you, wanted to walk so badly." "You finally have." [Mark laughs at the stupid walk] [Mark laughs at another stupid walk] [Mark laughs at another stupid walk] I'm sorry, it's not that funny. Uh, "Hey, Russell. How you doin'?" "Caw." "I'm gonna miss you buddy." "Caw, ca-caw." "Feed Russell a cricket." "You grab a cricket from your cricket bag and feed it to Russell." "He coos appreciatively and nuzzles your hand." "Maybe it's time for you to leave, too." "You open your bedroom window, not pictured, and unlatch the door to Russell's cage." "He winks at you, caws one last time, then flies away to the West." "It's time to hit the trail." Oh, maybe I'll see Russell out on the trail! "Goodbye, desk. Comb hair." "You comb your hair one last time." I gain one XP. Great! I don't seem to have hair. "Goodbye, bed. Time to head West and chase my real dreams!" "G'bye, phonograph." Oh. "You pull the needle away from the cylinder and stow the handle away." Oh my gohahaha-- [Mark laughs at another stupid walk] I don't think that's ever not gonna make me laugh the whole time I'm playing this goddamn game. Oh, geez. All right. Uh, I think I've done all these so there's no more there. Oh, my god, okay. Anyway, let's get outta here. Let's crab walk out of here. Ah, "nothin' on the hat rack today." "What a mess!" OHH! :O Look at me! I'm so or-go-nized! :D Alright. *Gigglyplier* "This hearth really puts the 'hearth' in hearth and home." Alright. Alright, let's see. "You're gonna miss Mom's cooking." I sure am-- ohHH my go-- *Gigglyplier* [gasps] That's gonna be the whole goddamn game. "It's Mom's pie safe. It keeps all her pies safe." Oh, that's so nice. :') "You'll miss meals with the family." Ohh, "your little brother's room"? "You pick up one of your brother's weird books and flip through it." "O-ver math-matikee d'evarist guluhh." [Mark is trying] "Reading the title just gives me a headache." "You pick up one of your brother's weird books and flip through it." "On the application and dynamics of a general mathematical method previous applied to optics." I think it's about math? ...Maybe? "You pick up one of your brother's--" "An an-- invesk-- uh, Investigation of the laws of thought of--on which are founded the mathematical theories of logic and probabilities. Just a title gives me a headache. "You look into--" Uh, let's see. I got a puzzle cube! Alright, I stole his puzzle cube. Cartwheel--! Ohh-- *Gigglyplier* So tidy. OH, my god! Look at me, I'm so talented! :D [The Mating call of the Mark] Alright, nothing here? "It's covered with all weird diagrams and charts." Alright, well, goddamn, this is fucking hilarious. Alright. I think it's time to go. I think it's time to get out of here. Oh! Mama! Mama! Are you proud of me, Mama?' Let's see, "no time to screw around. Time to head West." *singing* Deedle dee dee. Hi, mom. *chuckling* Don't mind me crab walking towards my mother. Alright. "Your mom smiles warmly as you approach. I'm leaving now, Mom." "We're gonna miss you, kiddo. Oh, and before you leave, I got you a present." "A present?!" :D "Yep. It's a book you wanted for Crimbo. I know it's early, but--" What's Crimbo? Ohh! "The one about bartering? Oh boy!" "The one about desert survival? Oh boy!" "The one about-- *pause* --picking locks? Oh boy!" I always do pick the picking locks route whenever I have options like this. That's the one! Enjoy it." [Locks and How to Pick Them]. Please be careful out there. Write us a letter when you can. Oh, thanks, Mom. 'Scuse me, Dad. How you doin'? "Your father morosely jabs at the haystack." "That hat doesn't fit you, Dad!" That hat doesn't fit you? "I'll grow into it." Okay, alright. Goodbye. "Time for me to leave." "His lip quivers a little." "Listen. I want you to have this. It's your *giggleplier* grandmother's brass knuckles." Thank him. "Good... Good luck out there. Be sure to say goodbye to your mother." I did. Goodbye, Dad. Dig through the haystack. I got a needle! I did it! I got a needle, Dad! Are you proud of me? Is there anything else in there? Hey, bro. "Your brother Rufus is standing there looking nervous." "He's pretty good at looking nervous." Give him his puzzle back. "You hand him his puzzle and he starts fidgeting with it." Say goodbye. "Hey, Rufus, time for me to head West." "I still don't understand why you're leaving." "He's got a point, you know." "Why are you going West?" I'm gonna... ...Help people! "You've read the papers, Rufus. The people out West are in trouble." "They need all the help they can get." "But it's so dangerous!" "60% of the people who go West get killed within a year, and that statistic is from before The Cow Came Home." "I'll be okay." Don't worry you worry about taking care of Mom and dad. I'll worry about me. Okay, if you say, so. I think you'll- I still think you'll be- be dead by Crimbo. Is Crimbo Christmas? Is that what Crimbo is? I'll miss you Rufus. Okay. You give him the playful punch in the arm. Too bad I'm a cowpuncher, and it devastated him. Shot him across the entire Cityscape. Oh, man. Got new options? Oh, nerd mode? Combat grid... What is this? Stupid-? Oh, I can turn them off! Why would I want to turn off my stupid walking? Colour-blind mode? It's in black and white. Save inventory. Oh... 'Best Font.' 'Changes typeface to game Ariel, please don't do this.' Ah. That don't look good. That don't look good at all. That looks kind of good, I guess. Nah, it's not as good. Nerd mode. I'll turn on Nerd mode Sure, I got those I don't know what those do Let's see. All right. I got brass knuckles, good for cow-punching. Character Mumflr Fumperdink. On the Fumperdink. farm? Is this the Fumperdink farm? Alright You guys, I'm out of here, excuse me. Go West young man? Yeah, but let me see if I can talk to my parents again. He's just barely holding it together It's probably best if you just go. Your mom raised an eyebrow I just wanted one more hug before I leave, she smiles and hugs you again. Can I get one more hug Please when are you gonna get tired of giving me hugs mom? Alright let's go Whoo hitching a ride across the great plains. What am I sitting on? carrots, beets? Whoo I don't want to skip the opening credits, this is the good stuff. Zach Johnson You did great here. Victor Thompson, Kevin Simmons good job on all this I don't know why there's a film editor, but that doesn't make a lot of sense. Dialect coach? *giggling* Riff Connor Oh okay, what am I doing to those goddamn carrots? Stunt coordinator. Again, This seems a little odd. Key grip, Chris Moyer. hmm. I don't represent sure about these opening credits. boom operator 200 miles later. Only 200 miles? well that's not very far to go west. Maybe I'm not there yet. Oop, no I'm there DirtWater? Dirt Water?. Oh no don't fall off. No! No, you dead now. Where you stupid walking? oh Well the bad news is you fell off the cart and got knocked out for a couple hours, and now you got no ride, no meat, no prospects. The good news is that you're in a town, rather than in a gulch somewhere Not much of a town though. You get yourself up and dry yourself off. Heeey, I like this town. Hey, buddy How you doing? Can I pick up this- turnip! Got dusty turnip! Hey watch it -hic- buddy No, hic does this look like a hic to you? A sign on the door reads 'gone drinking'. Are you? You gone drinking? can't a fella Buffalo gals won't you? *Gigglyplier* Tonight Huh, what are you talking about Buffalo gals? usually... yuck, oh shit. I just stepped in poo. Oh. God damn it *groans* you skated right into that poo. Ughh. Alright listen here. As you walk into the saloon, the crazy-eyed guy sitting to the left of the door shrieks and waves at you to get your attention. "Hey. Where's your hat, dagnabbit?" Well I- "You can't drink in here without a hat! T'ain't proper." He points to the 'take a hat, leave a hat' box next to the door. Check out the box You look through the hat box and find a sturdy looking stetson. That looks like something you'd wear Oh, I got a four gallon hat! You grab the hat and put it on. Thanks, er... 'Pete!" Thanks Pete. He you give you a friendly (if somewhat twitchy) nod. "Say feller..." Yeah? "You headin west? If'n you want some company? I'd be more than happy to come along- just lemme know!" well uh... "No pressure!" Alright, I'll keep that in mind. Where am I? Where am I here? Oh, there I am here. What'd you say Pete? "Who, me? Well heck, I say all kinds o' things! For instance, dagnab machines. Can't trust 'em no more than a double-crossing so-and-so!" Uh-huh. Pete takes a swig of his whiskey. See you later, Pete. Why can I read that so well? (I don't know Mark. But I could read that well too.) It's a spittoon. People spit in it. You know without- without even looking in it that's absolutely disgusting (KING MARKIPLIER, KING OF THE SPITTOONS!) I'ma look in it. Yeah, it's full of spit. Regular spit, gross tobacco spit, chewing gum, and it looks like a few teeth as well. It's disgusting, and the smell. Even from a distance, it smells whole*stutters* it smells horrible. Look closer. You are now on your hands and knees peering into a filth-encrusted spittoon. I don't...I don't understand what is wrong with you. Wait, Is there something shining at the bottom? Get it. You reach your hand towards the spittoon. Even before you touch it, you can feel the grossness in the air, Like a greasy fog enveloping the stinking brass horror. It smells like vomit trough at a mesquite barbecue eating contest. You hesitate. Never surrender. (YES! KING OF SPITTOONS!) You plunge your hand into the awful soup. It makes a sound like "glop." Your skin is burning, your eyes start to water. Search. Your fingers make contact with something you pull your hand out of the Devil's tureen slowly, not daring to risk splashing the contents all over yourself. You appear to have gotten some kind of ring, *Gigglyplier* probably some kind of disease as well. Congratulations, you got an item: Nasty ring. *unenthusiatically* Hurray *laughter* Did I put it on? I did! What does the nasty ring do? Though getting this ring was traumatic, you have to admit that it was worth it. I got muscle, mox-*stutters* Moxie and mysticality. Oh, it's so funny. Oh, I'm dying. I love this game so much, uhhHHH okay. *clears throat* All right, anyway, ooh, I should read this. Ah, there we go. Quickly memorize the entire book. After you're done reading it, you donate it to the local orphanage. Soon those orphans will be able to make their escape. Go, orphans, go! Ahh, I love this game. Okay, these guys are playing poker, or at least trying to. They keep looking back and forth from their hand and "how to play poker" card that the game came with, biting their lips and concentrating real hard. Good luck guys! Zuh zuh zuh zuh zuh *more giggling* Alright. You walk up to the bar and wait patiently for the bartender to notice you. While you're waiting, you see a sign taped to the back wall reading, 'Reward for lost mugs, 25 each.' The bartender finally notices you. "Howdy, cowboy!" Howdy barkeep. My name's Mumlfr. "What brings you to our little backwater?" Oh, the usual. I came out west to make my fortune. Not having much luck so far though. Any work 'round these parts? "Unfortunately, Boring Springs already has more people in it than jobs. It's more of an 'errand town' if you catch my meaning. if you're looking for a real job, I'd recommend talking the railroad people up by Dirt water. Okay The railroad? "The Manifest Destiny Railroad company, from back east. They're trying to run a line to Frisco, and having a heck of a time doing it." And they're hiring? "Oh I reckon they're always hiring for one thing or another. Big company." Dirtwater? "Dirtwater is...interesting. It's enough- far enough west they're still more or less exempt from the rule law. But not so far west that it's been burned to the ground by the damned cows. Lots of opportunity there." He pauses for a few seconds, lost in thought. "Yep, if I were a younger man, I'd probably head that way myself." All right. You mentioned errands? "Yeah, this forsaken berg is always fallin' apart in one way or another. The Hostler's always needing help since he hurt his leg, and that no-account Sherf ain't could certainly stand to have somebody doing his job for him." Anything else? "Well, I've got a goblin loose in the basement. Some cowpoke in from the Gulch didn't wipe his boots off and got spores everywhere." I could probably handle a Goblin. "Much obliged! I'll unlock the basement door for you. Oh, and you'll need this." Weak fungicide. I'll take care of it. I don't know what kind of world we live in where goblins are the norm, but I'm gonna *stutters* Ahh neverm- I'm talking to you now. Howdy, I'm Mumflr. "Howdy Mumflr, I'm Horace." Nice to meet you. What do you do? "I'm the town Hostler." Don't I don't know what that is. I'm the town horse sell--- *laughs* Yeah, gotcha. How's that working out for you? Oh these horses are just flying out the door the business is booming? nice. "No. I mean the horses keep running away I haven't sold one in ages." Oh is that why you're here drinking instead? "Ayep, and me being in here drinking instead of watching those horses is probably how they keep escaping. It's one of those vicious circle things." Well, I'm in need of a horse. Do you have any left? "One. kind of boring one. It's got four legs and a back to sit on. Come see me at the stable I'll be able to show to you." Uh okay bye then. Aright. The woman glares at you. You should probably just let her drink. Excuse me. Uh never mind. Who's the lady drinking whiskey out of a beer mug? Let's see. "That's Suzie. She's a rancher from nearby. real tough broad. I ain't recommend you pester her." Why's that? "Lost her family when a-- to a cow attack recently Got some pent-up frustrations about it." ouch. Well, I happen to be a professional Cowpuncher Let's see. Howdy Susie. "Howdy, cowboy who's gonna be searching the spittoon for his teeth if he don't leave me in peace." okay? Buh-bye then! excuse me. You already have a hat What would you do with two? I don't know. have a choice in my life. "You should probably leave him alone." Yeah, but I probably won't, I'ma scoot on my butt towards him. [laughs] Alright never mind. I'ma go into the basement. Oh! Is that a goblin? Excuse me I'm as weird as you, right? a pile of old newspapers. "You got Boring Springs gazette." Whiskey. Crate of "Nurse" brand whiskey. "good for what ails ya." Grab a bottle. Hang on I'ma tumble-- I'm tumbling-- [laughs] I'm a tumbleweed! Let's see-- The goblin shouts "Bree yark!" Alright, let's fight! Oh..... Fight fight fight! We've got to jump them- Wait don't I have a fungicide? Can I do that? [Reading] ''This will deal 25 damage to the target. (Assuming it's a Goblin)'' Alright, imma spray you! Take- OH! Well that seems horrible. [Reading] ''The goblins fungal flesh disintegrates.'' Oooh.. I've got muscle level two!! I don't know what that means but okay? It's dead now! I guess that's good. For me. Gonna go- [Laughs] Upstairs now.. Hey, barkeep! Took care of that Goblin problem for ya! Took care of it! [Reading] ''Thank ya kindly! I knew you was a stand-up feller the moment you walked in here.'' [Reading] He reaches under the bar and grabs a bag of meat. Why is the currency [Laughs] Meat? [Reading] ''Here you go! It's the least I can do by way of thanks.'' [Reading] Just thought I'd say howdy. -Right goodbye, then. Let's see- Howdy, Susie. Okay- Goodb- [Wheezes] Goodbye! Alright, imma go out, then. Mmm.. I wonder- Yuck. [Laughs] Did I just crawl through that shit? Sheriff! Hey, Sheriff! [Reading] ''Howdy, stranger. Welcome to Boring Springs.'' I'm the "Sherf" in these parts." The what? "The sheriff, okay? Blasted sign painters. Say, you wouldn't happen to be looking for work would you? Depends on the work. "Well, how does this grab you: there's gang of hoodlums running around here. They call themselves the fricker gang. last time I arrested one of 'em, They busted him out 'n' took my cell door with 'em. It ain't, uh... well it ain't much good without the door. And I need somebody tough smart and or slick to go fetch it back for me." Lessee-- why don't you do it? You're the Sherf! "I gotta stay here and practice my chair tippin'." Alright sure! "funny you should say that, cuz I'm sending the deputy along with you to keep you out of trouble." Oh. The deputy is a gun. "you're new in town. Maybe you ain't noticed but there ain't much to do here 'cept drink. Here, let me write you down where the Fricker Gang's hideout is for ya." He makes a little note on your map. You discover the new map location. The Fricker Gang's hideout. got it. I'll be back with the door. Maybe. [Reading] Wanted: for Bird Theft [Laughs] "Naked" Mike Bernstein. Are we all naked or is it just without a hat? Is the hat the determination of what's naked? [Reading] help wanted. poster artist apply in person at the Yuma Marshal's office. Wanted: Bimmy Fricker, for face thievin'. [pained laugh] wanted 420 meat. Blazin' those faces. welp. alright, then. Gonna go-- oh, beer mug! wait! oh ok I can turn that in, that's right! I can turn that in for monetary rewards. Yeah, I got a beer mug. "Much obliged!" alright, just thought I'd say howdy, goodbye! Right so I gotta fi-- well. just cart wheeled into that shit again, but I gotta go-- ooh! trade! "Step right up, step right up! Brade's the name, and trade's the game!" You seriously doubt that his name is Brade. Howdy Brade what are you trading? "Well sir, today I'm trading blocks for soap and a stick of dynamite for a needle and to the cunning skinner who brings me three rattlesnake hides, well, to that adventurous soul I will trade a fine silver pocket watch!" Ahhh. I don't know if I need-- Requires dickerin'? "how about some free dynamite" requires dickerin'?! I want the "dickerin'" skill! Ah I'd probably have that if I sold snake oil! But then I wouldn't be able to ca-- punch cows so good at lost okay. Oh Hi [reading] You approach the weird cactus man hybrid. He smiles at you. Howdy cactus man! "Howdy yourself!" And the name's Bill. Cactus bill." What happened to you Bill? "Well to be honest partner, I drank too much cactus beer and it turned me into a cactus. Doc Alice warned me this would happen, but I didn't listen." and that's why they call you Cactus Bill? "No, that's just a coincidence." Oh does it hurt? "does what hurt?" you know, bein a cactus. Ha. Ha, no, it-- actually it's kind of nice. the natural fermentation process inside the cactus part of me keeps me pretty drunk most of the time. I guess it's a mite boring. Yeah I bet. "it wouldn't be so bad if I had something to read. you don't happen to have a newspaper or anything would you? I got a newspaper. "Much obliged, partner! now. Let's see here. What can I do to return the favor? Oh, I know! my shovel! I left it behind the outhouse at Orehole mine. It's yours if you go an' get it. I'm sure you'll find a use for it. Behind the outhouse in Orehole mine. got it. Thanks, Bill. "Don't mention it now if you could just Stick that newspaper to my face before you leave [Laughs] stick the news oh There we go That's nice some loose dirt. I need to get the shovel for the loose dirt. I get it I understand all right, so this whiskey is too cheap for you to even consider drinking it. and given your legendarily low standards That's really saying something. all right, so I gotta-- I gotta find-- ah, the Fricker Gang hideout. with-- oh! Well this guy's sleeping Thud Fricker the Fricker Gang's intrepid look out appears to be taking a nap. just shoot him?! Well I'ma ignore him for now cuz he's sleeping Why would I need to shoot him? Is that a-- beer-barrel cactus? requires fortune. I love random stuff. finders keepers! I got a mug, I got cufflinks-- Oh, did I equip those cufflinks? No I did not. okay. Cufflinks. If you wore fancier shirts, you might have some use for these... well I don't, so you know, that is what it is. perks stupid walking... [laughs] Ahh, this is so good. all right. Let's carry on! sneak in here all sneaky-like! Yeah. they ain't never gonna find me [laughs] Alright. Th- they seem to all be sleeping. Oh. this guy ain't One of the Frickin boys is dozing. Pssst. Can you pass the soap? Can you-- thank you, alright Alright, so what's up with them? You cautiously approach the Fricker gang. They're pretty engrossed in that poker game So it doesn't actually require that much caution. you hide behind a barrel and eavesdrop on the conversation for a while. the one with the eye patch is quiet, but you gather that his name is snipe And that the squirrelly one is his brother. Wimpy. What's your play there? Wanna talk? Howdy boys deal me in! The one without the eyepatch raises an eyebrow at you. "How'd you get past Thud and Soapy? What do you want?" It's Bimmy, it's Bimmy! It's me Bimmy! your brother. He's squints at you. "Bimmy? you ain't Bimmy." Lets see. I st-- I am so Bimmy. I stole some rube's face [laughs] Ha! You always did have a knack for face rustling. what's new Bimmy? We got to get out of here and fast, wimpy! the pinkertons are on to us and they'll be here any minute! "Dagnabbit! come on Snipe. Let's hightail it." I'll catch up with you guys later. Wimpy nods and he's uh-- [laughs] You congratulate yourself on your attentiveness, memory, and strong interpersonal skills. I got grit level two! is that the real grit? let's grab the door and skedaddle [laughing] [high pitched] Ah grab the mug, yay~ Grab the door, don't know how I put that in my pocket But okay! welp! I am slip slidin. pile of ill-gotten gains. all right 20 meat. Oh this is great. I love this. tie him up... If I tie him up won't he die?! One of the Fricker boys-- if I tie him up in a bathtub he's gonna drown, right? That'd be horrible. I mean, I don't know if I want to kill all these people yet, but they're probably bad. What if I wake him up? You poke Thud. "hey, you're not supposed to be here!" Thud is... well. Let's say he's no Rhodes scholar, if we assume that it's seven years from now and that idiom makes sense. You kind of feel bad at the idea of kidding him. killing him. walk away Thud. you don't want this. Oh! Take a hike. "Ok you're probably right." Thud stumbles off into the desert. he'll probably fine. I got an honorable perk! I don't know what that means. What does that mean? I'm an honorable. Ohhh. You got a strong moral compass and an accurate m-- ethical protractor. What are you talking about there? No, I don't wanna know. [reading] honorable options will be available in some situations. Oh, that's nice. So maybe I should do something with this guy If I tie him up, won't he die? I'm gonna tie him up. You grab a nearby length of rope and carefully tie his hands together and then the handles-- to the handles of the tub. the sherf can come collect him later. Let sleeping bandits lie. Ok well alright then. well we got that. so there we go. Gonna hand stand out of here because I'm so victorious. alright I guess we got to go back now [singing] Doodley do, buh doodley do, gonna go get some money from the sheriff [stops singing] maybe? I don't know if he's gonna give me money for this. Hey, sherf, I got it. "I see the Fricker gang hasn't put a stop to your breathing Did you rescue my cell door?" You hand the Sherf his door and he hangs it back up on the hinges. "nice work stranger! This here prison cell just got about four times more secure. Are there any Fricker boys left for me to round up?" Yeah one or two that are asleep on the job. Oh, I guess I should have left the other one to sleep. Ehhh, you got honorable. "I'll go around them up shortly then. looks like I owe you a reward. Got another little task for you, If you got time. should be a lot simpler than the last one." what you need? "Well The Fricker's busted the lock when they took the door. gonna need a new lock" keep an eye out La Dee Da Dee Da I'll keep an eye out. hey, I got some soap now Where-- I got-- I'll trade soap for a lot. Well. I got a lock now, that's as easy as it comes! all righty then Fine, I'll... I'll do that. Cool. I got a lock~ Hey, buddy, got one right here. That'll do nicely. The Sherf puts the lock on the door, and accidentally drop the key and it clatters into the cell. Hellfire don't suppose you gotta-- know how to pick a lock, stranger You got a needle handy? Oh, I do oh, I do! Oh, it consumes a n-- ah whatever. I'm gonna probably have to blow it up, If I didn't. all right. [reads] you unlock the cell door. Better let the Sherf reclaim the key. I unlocked it for you! The sherf walks and picks up the key. He looks around a place to hide it and eventually sticks it under his hat. Thank you kindly, stranger. If Boring Springs ever gets any more criminals, they better watch out. That's a good job you done. Don't mention it. "here! have this-- a souvenir of your time in boring springs." I got a sherf's badge. It'll probably come in handy! maybe! I don't know. what else did you need for a trade? howdy. I need dickerin'. I need the dickerin' skill, but I don't know how to get that. either way. I got a sherf badge Oh-oh, it gives me armor. He usually gives them the children who tour the gale. [surprised] tour the JAIL. This item goes on your lapel. do I even have a lapel? not a hundred percent sure. either way let me return these. Hey buddy. I got these mugs. Thanks. All right. Just thought I'd say howdy. Hey you still nicer? alright. Bye, then so anyway. I think that's all the time I got for the first episode of West west of loathing, but this-- Oh. I got a broken board! Good for- ow! Frick! Dang it! Dang duder! ow, okay, so anyway I got-- I got what I need there, and so I think that's enough time, but this game-- I love this game so much already. I luh- I'm in love with this game. It's so fun. It's so fun So I'll put a link to this game in the description below if you guys want play for yourself And I'm gonna do a full playthrough of this. there's no way I'm not going to do a full playthrough of this, but let me know what you think down the comments below. Thank you everybody so much for watching and as always. I will see you in the next video. Buh-bye! (I hope no one's too mad I took all the commentary stuff from the captions.) (Just wanted to make the video as equally enjoyable for everyone as possible.) (Thanks for understanding! ~Just A Cartoon Lover)
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 10,315,164
Rating: 4.9401288 out of 5
Keywords: funniest game ever, west of loathing, markiplier, funny moments, laughing
Id: iVWOZ8ctPE0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 44sec (1724 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2017
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