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[Applause] I don't know what I did hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome to to chill now this is a point-and-click adventure game that's supposed to be a little surreal and more than a little weird and I'm not 100% sure what I'm supposed to do you know I think I'm happy for the both of us is that happened that happened okay [Music] okay alright well alright okay then so this is how the oh my god this game is freaking adorable this game is freaking adorable oh you cute little bastards you oh you little singsong pieces of [ __ ] okay alright you pour water on this [ __ ] yeah that's horrible if it's this is legitimately horrible why would you do that my split the combo something here didn't play well okay well this guy seems to be immune to a lot about well you know that's supposed to be a hint because I was pretty sure I already knew about that I'm sorry that's not good wait that bird somehow get drunk on wall all righty then good morning sunshine how you doing beautiful ready to greet the day I suppose okay oh no it's like the beginning of Donkey Kong someone's stealing your banana hoard oh okay all right I think I know the crux ooh that's [Applause] never mind that it's not like Donkey Kong you're just being kidnapped like Princess Peach oh we're nowhere we're in the void between worlds oh it's easy as one-two-three get you to me what if I go the other way is that how we do this oh I can figure it out I'm smart and full brains you're full beans don't even think about it buddy okay all right I'm just gonna oh oh you think oh you think okay easy enough guy you bits Oh what you gonna do now I guess I'm a thrust thrust my crotch towards you oh come on big monkey man in the sky stop being such a douche I don't even know what you're doing to me I don't even know what I am if you're a monkey man what the hell am i yeah I'm a markiplier but that doesn't matter I don't know if I'm ever gonna be able to get this goddamn cherry somehow I gotta turn this into the giving tree and chop it all right let's try this one yes magic wow that worked out amazingly well I can't be nearly as smart as I think I am because things just don't work out for me and you bastard don't even think about it please Oh Churchill oh it's a title screen oh that's freaking adorable oh I love that so much choo choo you so strong choo choo you so strong oh this game is just delightful oh that's cool all right never mind this game is horrifying and horrible because the physics is that the anatomical improbabilities what's going on that guy's head is just not okay markiplier that's gone choo choo here don't know where that came you know in any other circumstance I think I'd be happy about getting a free pinwheel but at this point I just don't want to know where it was all right how about we climb you okay I can do it to a tree but somehow I can't do it - this dude's giant dome alright how about you or you go up there buddy I'm so incredibly intelligent right now it though don't pull on that you have no idea what that's gonna do is [Applause] [Music] that some kind of infection what the hell oh sweet moves there buddy alright let me try to get back up there and maybe I can do something else besides pull on the cord there no nah oh well there I go again apparently can I have another friend wheel gal what kind of horrible reality is that is now that I said before come on you got to be able to help me out man come on please it's a cherry it's this big give me my cherry that's inside of you I don't think there's any hope - this was a mean what does that mean did I get an achievement achievement come on please please there's gotta be one more one more sweet chance please no we loop back to the beginning okay so there's no chance that he's gonna just give it to me but maybe there's a chance that I can get up there you can do this try this one last time give me one I want buddy here's my money oh that's horrible all right you try talking again I don't understand what happened there I guess I scared you all right okay sorry little buddy please please just talk some sense into this guy no fine there's gotta be one thing I can do come on well [ __ ] one more time okay I'm sorry what does this do No I feel like I'm on some bizarre kids show you know one of those ones that when you look at it as an adult it seems a lot scarier than it should have been hmm oh poor choo-choo are you just not strong enough with those straight oh you're is that gonna be oh I thought that was gonna be incredibly useful to me No well I'm completely out of ideas and there's nothing else that I could possibly do to sit whoa I don't know what you're talking about but I'm assuming it's a G oh okay well this is a terrible plan Thanks thank you for that all right well now I got it got a sign thanks for cleaning up I guess it turn you now maybe maybe not okay hello I'm sorry man I don't know what this guy's possibly thinking what you chose doing all this [ __ ] around him this is no reason for this secret exists oh well I guess there we go then now I use that as an ax or a hammer to bash your head in and then yep here we go oh never mind then I thought I was gonna cave your head in like a barbarian ah perfect yes okay hang on let's try this and now let's jump off of this onto this bad boy there we go wasn't this so hard Jesus you big yellow [ __ ] try to put me through all this [ __ ] with your stupid bat Edie nevermind number one I hate it I hate everything about it I hate literally everything about that oh that is the worst thing I've ever seen in my life there's not enough bleach that I could drink to make that image go away oh my god boy what's happening now why are we losing it again and where is it gonna be lost I already hate you I already hate you already I feel it's time just wait come on man we've got this okay all right come on it's right there come on all right fine you do something can I throw you at it whoops inside of that okay there's gotta be something else that you do right all right well that guy's gone forever now so it's only me I jump on you Oh smart Oh not smart that's not how physics work oh come on I went to engineering school I may not be a full engineer but I know and physics is [ __ ] there we go easy easy easy [Music] there doesn't make any sense at all in what kind of reality would you turn into the Frog that was bad that doesn't make it I don't like this this is getting more and more horrifying as the levels go on I'm sorry I realize this is may not be just a normal ordinary child's game where they play a children's stuff it might actually be something much much more sinister you look like the bird from turbo dismount i'm parently riding you like the book guff pop-pop we'll get you oh yeah amazing oh no come on okay oh wow okay well all right then Zach a booby Oh oh my goodness gravy oh this is amazing can I get a gap through thank you thank you for that I love it oh it's so colorful and beautiful and it's such a drug trip no we're upside down now wow I love the music it's beautiful but at the same time you know that video has anybody ever seen that video where it's like the other video where it's like this is what English sounds like - no okay apparently that's happening it's like this is what English sounds - non English speakers and that's all I'm getting from this it's just Sims language all over again oh no oh you big sucky bastard all right fine then we're gonna play like this it's like some horror game where you can't go too near the enemies those are gonna well oh you got to prove me out move me out no that makes no sense okay that makes sense sure all right we'll go that one no all right easy peasy - suppose oh and now it's night great and now darkness falls upon us here in this wonderful world where we live and we're so happy and that rock is not happy all right okay okay all right okay excuse me sorry your bulbous body was just too much for me to handle I bounced right off no it's easy and why did these aw man this is this is incredible like this is just an incredible plethora of what the [ __ ] you know it's it doesn't make any goddamn sense but I love it you know I'm gonna stop questioning and I'm just going to accept it no no no don't get absorbed in don't get absorbed into the big body please tell me that's not gonna happen okay that's better than what I thought was gonna happen I thought it was gonna be like a Magic School Bus episode where they got to go through Arnold's a noose or well we're alive I think if anything in this universe can be called life me first yeah at some point you got it admit this was my cherry I kind of like pulled it out of my ass in the beginning of this game and I think that you just okay [Music] alright sure yeah that makes total sense I love it alright anything else game does alright what do you got for me mr. snail man hey can you help me with the weird holes in the hall ceiling you know the halls Ealing neither of these are options that I enjoy very much to be perfectly honest no I changed my mind I kind of want Tetris now but again I'm not on two percent sure why oh boy I think it's following me so I guess I gotta go in here yeah yeah yeah that's right oh you don't even know what to do hahaha okay I win I'm back to cheol-hun - chill man I'm couch man Chimayo oh no oh no okay well they're coming for me I know that so I just gotta be on the lookout for when they're gonna be cornering me it's probably gonna be extremely okay let's see what this does please tell me it does something good Oh I'll get rekt okay I'm gonna try to go from the back guy no that's god damn it damn you BAM got it you suck if this was a point-based thing you'd be losing oh come on oh come on alright I got it what do you what else does that mean what do you want from me alright you sure you got what you came for so what are you gonna do now oh god what is this nightmare of a thing oh alright fine I'll just go for the Churchill's man I'm quickly realizing that I just do not like how hairy the sign is I mean I don't get me wrong I'm starting to fall in love with to chill here but I don't think I'm in love with you chills hairy nature that is just something that I could do without and with that the hairy nightmare is hopefully over we done did I do it that is a space invaders metal yeah I knew I was playing back man what who do you think you are me okay well super glad about that I'm very glad we did that mr. snail don't yeahö me [Music] [Applause] thank you thank you for that all right I guess I'll jump inside your mouth if you're if you're offering Who am I to turn on my nose do okay well that's not oh oh boy I have one I'll take a cupcake please I'll take that please Wow look at me how about well this does not seem to have helped me in any way do I have to play all the minigames to be able to get what I need I'm pretty sure that's how this works right oh no please okay thank you play some more games then how about space invaders to chill invaders let's do a whole lot of that huh ah I don't like I'll board it up and condemn that is but I'll I'll do it alright I'm not the greatest at space invaders but you know it is what it is that's not good oh they're horrible I hate them thank you for nothing oh that's the worst thing I don't understand what you're going for there okay all right well this makes very little sense all right again not a hundred percent sure I understand what you you know I am let's is there like instructions on this okay all right well this the worst thing I've ever seen in my life it's a little disgusting I will admit but effective I suppose well alright I'll take it for what it is that's not good all right drip on me just give me give me a only a full load don't like what I'm saying oh well [ __ ] thanks only got the blood on me instead of the puke at least I hope it's puke what dick I never thought I'd imagine situation where I was hoping something would be some form of vomit in a place can you vomit on my head I really really want it for some reason this is a desire I have very strong thank you my sensibilities are quite lacking in this in this endeavor thank you for nothing all right I won I don't feel good about my victory but I won I've got a lot of mysterious fluids drenched on my face and whatnot but that is life I suppose here in the void oh you're beautiful oh no please go I guess I'm back to normal then sorry okay Oh No Wow okay well that's okay thank you for that guess I'll just all right here well no oh you're teasing me duties and oh you're teasing me I don't like to be teased like that all right okay Gaia okay I see your game okay no oh wait there we go no come on now give me the thing that's gonna let me beat you please oh no you're exploding oh I don't know oh no your ghost oh that's that's sad I think I'm not a hundred percent sure but I think that's sad okay thank you can I get another can I get one more please oh I'm really begging and hoping upon a star for it please please tell me I care okay whatever this is it's an ice cream sundae so yeah that would know when yeah yeah okay I don't know where I pulled those out of all right the worst thing about to chill I think is it's a he's a mash of hair he is literally a hairball there's no internal nevermind he's a hair penis almost almost no okay thank you well all of these were incredibly useless to me I'll just do the weird smiley face again as things get steadily crazier and I lose my sanity Mortimer how many times are gonna learn this don't get near okay Tetris time I'm ready baby I'm gonna shut your whole establishment down don't tease me like oh that's so nice of it all right what are you gonna do are you gonna do a buddy oh I'm in a spot I know I am all right come on do you suck at Tetris or use something like a good I'm questioning something a little bit here [Music] that's normal I remember that in the Academy yeah definitely okay here comes win no not yay good job you did it we're proud of you okay well that is daddy something new oh that's not good I guess I'll hide okay this isn't done guys you know I'm pretty much pretty sure I know my tetanus Tetris tetanus I have tetanus who's eating rust the other day and well you know not hugs that's true okay don't okay all right that's not fair at all oh oh no oh oh no what does that even mean are those symbols I don't know what that means is that some kind of time okay I did it apparently I did it with all the skill inside my head in that know exactly what I'm doing hey can I get some food that's gonna horribly change me make me slightly girthier various different ways hello all right I'll take the antacid apparently what you choose me Oh to chill it's me I am choo choo hello I'll take that thank you with my oh these don't help it all right oh wait no everyone could make fun of me now I'm just a big dumb idiot because why else would I have big strong arms it wasn't to crank a Yankee here hmm okay all right I don't know how my hair has become so strong oh yeah you ain't nothing to my muscular hair arms mwah baby a little help here buddy just a little help please just all I'm asking perfect great oh come on you big giant penis in the sky no that's not what I wanted this is not what I wanted oh okay all right that's the thing that's happening now we're just good enjoy the dance party ah a no touch zone so what I'm supposed to understand from this is if I touch that I will die and not only will I die I will die a most horrible death a death unlike any other because there's some things that are worse than death such of living in a perpetual state of torment between the worlds of death or none death and that's what'll happen I'll try that Hey unleash it my little [ __ ] you listen to me you little poop stick you don't touch it hey what did I tell you you little [ __ ] you stay over there and you don't touch the damn thing because the signs are meant to be read well I touched it that's not good hmm okay all right cosmologically we seem to be fine [Music] we're gonna indianajones this [ __ ] hahaha all right good job yeah I'm sure that it's crushed to death by my oh no no don't like that no just don't like the veins on my hand this is the worst thing I said the worst oh boy oh boy horrible jelly bean fruits Oh No hey that's discriminatory also what the hell is happening and why are they slightly blood-stained your feet also slightly blood-stained very concerning that's stupid okay that's you're just born a racist okay alright you can't be this beautiful but also okay hey douche alright fine I'll go this way what have you got here hello friend why are you here I said that with quite a beat hmm sorry about viola yeah you heard me right all right got that what do you want that yeah okay I'll take back hey I'm not uh I'm gonna do choke can I get through uh-huh yeah okay I'm assuming this is extremely convincing or some kind of elaborate mating dance be the way are you impressed oh you are thank you so much can I have the cherry now please can I have the cherry okay no no I gotta do it for me first mm-hmm no it's tasty okay ah this is a problem no this is a problem I can already see the eyes a problem problem you got a problem Oh problem bigger problem problem oh okay oh we're all bad I don't know how I got looped out but okay alrighty then what about you okay Harry warden Odie okay okay well you have this shove it in your gob okay that's not what I remember happening to myself okay all right let's not do that ever again thank you I don't need a quiz and I know that's not how that goes I need a hint I need to figure out what the hell is gonna do shut up shut up you stupid douche shove it in your gob what are you gonna do you're gonna turn into a horrible monster see again come on hmm okay that didn't help nobody what is that what is it oh really oh the orange one oh okay I need to get the orange one because the orange ones over here and different no I don't want him to do it I wanted to do it myself all right whatever yes I know we can't do it he's a wimp a weakling now I gotta do it with my wimpy weakling arms oh yeah I still don't know how that's gonna help me maybe you can help me oh I know what you can do you can help me get the blue fruit can't you I bet you can get me the blue fruit please one blue fruit thank you oh all right that didn't work at all how about you go over there can you give me the blue fruit oh all righty then hey stop being a douche how about you you guys want a spider [Music] wait if you're a spider and I'm a spider I know exactly what I need to do now you think you can run away from me and not let me know exactly what I'm supposed to do no that's not true all right okay that is horribly destructive it's at all come on you big veiny fingered Venus in the sky come on how many times do I got to go through this Oh [Music] all right that's norm hi hello who are you and why are you and what are you supposed to be are you supposed to be jello please don't eat that you laugh beautifully can I have that please today can I have that could I have that please I'm too chill may I have you don't depend I don't like the way you speak okay you're a bit of a prick all right well I'll just go over here then screw you it's not worth it oh it's worth it absolutely anything okay well you're just a big old piece of [ __ ] I don't know I said to you but if you feel pretty insulted about that yeah you should feel bad oh you're just a giant prick aren't you that is my personal property and you are withholding it from me and that is illegal oh you just had to do that thing you know I'm gonna climb in there and get it from you I don't care if I have to go in through your mouth or through your pothole I'm gonna get that cherry that sounds weird when I shout it out loud like that but you know what I'm gonna do fine okay nevermind then if you could stop resonating like a vocoder I'd be very happy about it I know what I'm doing and I do it I know which is best wha hello I'm inside you now what are you gonna do about it huh nothing to choke oh okay all right well this is okay that's not that can't be comfortable for you sir or ma'am that can't be comfortable ah speaking of uncomfortable alright hello hello how are you okay I don't know why you're okay you just ate my friend rat I'm going to kill you smack come on oh man just not the strength for murder huh oh that doesn't make any sense forward point oh boy Oh point murder murder yes delightful delightful oh boy okay well that still didn't help I think I still have to crack you open which is just a terrible thought but here we go smack smoke smoke alright sorry none of the king's men are gonna be able to put you back together again that doesn't make any sense how did an egg Koff up an entire fried egg that makes the least amount of sense I've ever seen in my entire life long-long okay you're dead now Oh even less sense that okay I uh I do you have nipples why do you have nipples where do you have nipples ah perfect a nice hat with a stitch in it Wow oh come on don't get greedy he's just got the cherry back oh okay oh my god I thought you were just a ball of hair but what is that on your insides are those your organs oh that's that's all right okay all right this this game is bizarre oh no my hat oh no I'm my acorn hat that I thought was my hair but then I guess I am all here so it doesn't matter doing that's not my hat oh come on no how many got in there what is it tf2 in there is that a condom hat that is very clearly a common pad in the background by in the foreground up there okay can you stop that please that's very rude oh I'm sorry what we plant and birds here oh sorry I didn't realize okay never mind I'm gonna try that again okay all right we're gonna try this again boink nope that didn't do anything all right try one more time here it's better actually be physics-based Wow okay all right then no I know what I need to do you shut up we're gonna go high-angle whoa yeah yeah buddy haha I know what I need to do now [Music] [Laughter] [Music] whoopsies Bad's now what I wanted to do so I guess I gotta try to help come on a third oh this is the trick is like the strangest okay so that's where you're gonna be huh I think what I gotta do is I gotta yeah yeah yeah [Music] there we go yeah that's the good stuff oh yeah that's it yeah that's what you get for trying to wait so I'm totally just ripped to yourself apart tore you inside okay well very all right good I think I don't really know but I think it's good oh no where are we now seem to be stopping to chill hate you to shut up oh god the bowling ball - that doesn't work out nup nup the screen up boxing glove number one trophy Oh cheering perfect just bite down already and eat the cherry bitten all you're just gonna pour it on the head and make out it later okay well one more of a good ring Oh [Music] nope he's not dead boys thought that he was gonna die but no oh yeah okay now he's dead he's very dead ah Rock'em Sock'em robots okay I'm assuming anyway not a hard person sure how this works oh I don't know I don't know how to punch I'm not herbes and sure how to punch how do i wha bah bah oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah bad pop back all right BAPS you good huh you will go for another round huh oh come on second hoop you think you'd take me even though I got scrawny arms I got better reach baby okay never mind throw it over I don't go down without a fight this is like youtubers boxing isn't it huh feisty feisty baby huh feisty baby that's right that's right that's right keep your knock blocked off but whatever I said whatever you get your block knocked oh oh oh you just hate each other oh my god oh I'm very sorry about that oh I'm gonna incredibly impressed at your to agility but calm down I love the animation in this game the anime is adorable it's super cute I know go claim your prize and then probably lose it it's like a cartoon show you know Riley I cook Riley I coyote wily coyote is never gonna kiss the road around Jerry this is not gonna happen the only way to win is to know okay you never mind [Music] did I just see like a skeletal man made out of wood no he's dead now I have no idea what happened in the mean time but I'm pretty sure choo-choo screwed up something bad [Music] Oh wonderful horrible no please don't no please oh no don't all right well well done everybody you really uh God you really suck uh oh yeah that's not right now this is scooby-doo scene man if I was taking LSD this would make a lot of sense to chill again I guess this is horrible I mean when you really think about it on a base level this is insane and horrible it's horrible and insane oh no how we gonna get locked out of this now could blink ah nope that's not how knobs working I don't know why you even thought that was your first instinct okay ah excellent looks great on you oh please dude I don't know what's at me okay that made even less sense than whatever happened before [Music] hey I hate it I know don't lick that ya know jus okay now I actually have taken a magic mushroom that's all right okay why let's try to grab the spiky cherry that's gonna work out real good for you Oh blowing on it help that doesn't even make any sense throw it Adam all right I'll talk to you okay all right good conversation that we had here I'm talking to a cactus expecting that it would talk back I guess I am a talking furball so will be the difference in asleep okay calm down there yeah all right then all right this doesn't help anybody here what is this big red button do absolutely dick did okay how about the other hats oh okay are you lick that why would you lick that don't even try okay I never liked that nor want any more of that horrible it's new home and also it looks like you're some horrible amalgamation of city streets weeping snow it is awful good I have it can I have that evil snowman all right sure yeah I've been blatant uh horror games to know when I can beat something and I'm pretty sure I can beat you dude now have your head all right fine then geez I don't know your problem oh okay what is the clue ah it's back in the normal world Rui Rui Rui Rui ride ride ride ride ride let me just soak in some sweet summer water not a hundred percent sure why I did that oh no I got a Peru bland maybe I need to pee on the Snowman that seems about right right yeah can I pee yep okay I can pee I can legitimately just piss on a snowman excuse me you don't mind do you you don't mind do you I'm very sorry actually I'm not at all sorry all right so I gotta find something better to pee on is that what you're saying you can't be a peon right that's horrible oh it's horrible okay okay here we go again [Music] there was no point in that but wait did that have another effect on anything else in this world because those are all the same right so if that group over here okay but what did that do to the that do to the radio it did nothing to the radio okay not your favorite choices but alright okay sure I'll go with that one so is there anything else that I need to piss on because I'm pretty sure that I'm ready to piss on more stuff yes okay I guess I'm not pissing on anything else whoa whoa yes Wow okay but that's good progress right that means that does that mean that in the normal world that's out and about hell yeah [Music] well done me oh come on let me have a little bit of victory let me have just one minute of victory before you start screwing okay I'm sorry oh no yeah this is my eternal struggle this is horrible come back please whack-a-mole do I really get to whack-a-mole I hope I get to whack-a-mole I'm ready let me walk please please let me walk I just want to whack oh please Wow okay not me let me whack the mole okay laughs okay too slow ah I'm gonna get you you think you're gonna get away from me huh oh this seems to be a problem okay well who's shootin what that's not right I think that mushroom might add a little something more in it than just what I saw do not smash that oh I'm sorry I'm sorry for - Joel oh shoot - Liz a big dumb idiot I'm so sorry about that also did you know that you have many moles living inside of you a very this different card goodbye I find then goodbye okay I'm sorry okay how did I get that back are you finally tired those are aliens Burke honestly I wouldn't be able to tell aliens any apart from any other species those around here so I guess that's a horrible I hate that is oh okay that's not okay I don't even know if we're on earth but I don't think you can just claim it as your own birthday I mean can you be come on TV Danny yeah TV very entertaining oh yes [Music] [ __ ] come on that was very expensive TV all right how about music I can play music early I can you may know this song is Wonderwall it's a it's a masterpiece in my home country huh you like it okay everybody's a critic all right um I don't know what that's about and I don't know what the cat is but I'm gonna go with this one okay I don't think he has eyeballs sighs okay yeah doesn't have eyeballs so I didn't think that that was actually gonna work on him so okay all right how about the cat yes it's so cute don't zap it please don't that that's not good you're gonna get zapped okay goodbye all so that was the first like normal creature that we've seen in this entire game so I'm not a Harbison sure why there was a cat angry face shockingly this seems to be working okay okay easy enough goodbye then thanks for visiting see you around I suppose yeah you're pretty good to chill yeah you did it congratulations yeah but no okay I'm very buff and strong okay all right then hmm hammer I do like a good hammer hammer time maybe no that didn't seem to okay yep as always Tootles plans in dark for me nice stabbim shankam I created this ship okay that is not a knife that is absolutely that was it you know Chucho I gotta admit that is incredibly violent if that wasn't a gaseous cloud you would have just straight up murdered someone that is incredibly horrifying okay all right then well that didn't work how about Godzilla maybe like a good Godzilla anybody loose man know why always me you [ __ ] all right fine then I'm down to my last straw I'm gonna smile at you real hard like I know I'm so dice right boy what are the odds that for well okay we have a little bit of time what are the odds that three different alien races we're gonna visit us today Bob oh wow that's a problem okay I'm dead perrolli dad okay [Laughter] babar Blaine all right goodbye boom rang rang of boom I got time-lock okay well how about another arrow no words stuck here all right again very very clever very clever you almost had me man you did have me so very very clever Oh a stick was that way I thought it wasn't oh it's all in my control now oh good oh you bastard it is okay that's dead bird all right how about whoa all right that's that's not good all righty then straight up now you're gonna get it that's right this three buckets up there now in addition to other aliens that there are Lebowski oh yeah you didn't like that it's grandma's piano ah I don't even know what that is that steamboat okay see ya bye oh you think I'm the cloud do you I know exactly what cloud you're in mr. okay it's like a flak cannon up in here ah Bostick okay never mind them ha that dad's bizarre nope ok alright it goes white flick it go how about oh oh it's raining cats and dogs that's hilarious oh I'm sorry I'm sorry for everything I've ever done I'm sorry I'm very sorry well I'm bone okay alright we're fine how about dick okay that doesn't make okay and he's dead now alright Emma I got you I so got you do you have boobs and nipples yep yeah you have boobs and nipples I'm sorry about that very sorry that's not what I thought you needed to cover up okay all right then [Music] it's that guy again but what is that gonna do for me okay well I've already seen all this stuff how about this tiny tiny cloud right there well there we go there we go there we go well there we go there we go now I got it now you can't escape from my ride easy peasy oh okay all right all right oh you're a wily one how did you get up into space that doesn't even make any sense a balloon wouldn't take you that high it's illogical it's against science come on all right well I miss hey baby [Music] okay well that's oh I thought I was gonna get it right then in there I'm Way off hey gotcha baby my name isn't that bad my dude what the hell you think I can't spit my way through the moon also freakin bad if twice why was that glob white I am obviously the one that didn't think this through it's not the entirety of this scenario is completely illogical no I'm the one that made a mistake by spitting a white glob of glue up to the moon and in the end I shove my cherry sir you can shut up and suck it I am obviously the best water yo go away please and all like you I don't want to poke it I died I don't wanna poke it I just don't want to poke it all right fine whatever okay and I completely abandoned my cherry that I have been fighting over planets for all right sure that man that's a logical noise for a ladybug to make otherwise their blood on it this seems to be a little bit of a lot on it again okay that's why there's blood on it that's problem can you die okay thank you I really needed that arm please oh I'm still gonna be poking it okay yeah even though I lost an arm and a horribly painful exchange to chill very dead to chill extremely dead shushil superdad [Music] okay so gonna censor your mouth even though the very last man Jesus stuff I mean if you have to live in this world I suppose you have to be tough enough to be able to survive anything why does that frog have nipple eyes you know that's horrible or does they have two mouths I don't know what it has but I don't like that and why is there a giant gaping butthole in the sky I just noticed dog-rose makes very little sense somewhere noxious fart clouds all over the place jar anyone okay what do you got alright terrifying cool great yeah okay all right of course okay this is a constant companion that I'm gonna be handling thank you I mean it's gonna go in order of size even though I totally just broke the order of size okay that was my first that's horrible I don't know I don't even want to know where that came out of all right you next okay I just picked you up to exercise I suppose nope right okay there's no point in I get it are you talking to me about this because I already know what needs to be happening over here no that's horrible oh that's your mouth on top I never would have guessed that ever in the history of forever I never would have guessed that well that is in definitely a thing that is freakin disgusting but now that that is a thing what do there's a specific order that needs to happen here I understand this you do that and then you then you okay good you maybe you go on the small side and what good is that gonna do anybody I have absolutely no idea I'm sorry well that didn't help me at all but how does that help me I want to be helped maybe ah maybe I have to go wait no that's not it I know what I need to do I know what I need to do this puzzle is very tricky okay here we go now Mahbub and boy I knew what I was doing the whole time I didn't even look at the goddamn clue because I'm so smart it's a fever dream I'm dying inside hello bird how are you doing Hans you got damn adorable no you can't run from me no I will hunt you until the ends of the earth that will find you and I will kill you I have a very particular set of skills sleep sleep sleep oh okay well I think my objective has been accomplished excuse me while I rummage around in your crotch well oh no I found your baby just like the paw all right well then I'm very sorry about this I'm sorry also Churchill is an incredible pain and if you could stop that I'd be very happy I hate it already okay cool all right thanks I hate it yeah Oh awesome this is the worst thing all right this is great except that is zero okay yeah okay what about that what are you pointing towards what are you pointing towards you big dumb goof I know what you need but you don't need that right now you need to also I don't like how disgusting this soap dispenser is okay hello no all right a little mr. tooth man okay don't know how a man's to do that but apparently I did dive no I just said dive well alright then that's how you know when you've got an arrow going like that I assumed that you meant dive for when I was up there oh hey that's that's actually incredibly handy hello oh it's a monster okay all right that makes sense ow alrighty then so what I need to do is I need to get away from you well we're gonna make this a team effort alright how about we land on this thing oh come on well that didn't help anybody I'm really sad that I did it right about this there we go that's the good stuff good mouth no I know but no why would you lick that was it at the point of that all right whatever I got this Stosh alright okay alright well then that's awfully peculiar hello I don't know about them well that's not good hello snake how are you doing I don't know I just birth doing okay that's why why would you why why would you do that why would you just eat a part of the scale okay I don't understand anything that just happened there look what happens if I just create a whole bunch of you [ __ ] what are you gonna do with your life there a limit oh no you're out I'm sorry I've empty do you have Oh what the hell is happening oh there we go yeah nope no I don't understand how the physics of that works but okay you persevered and you didn't do anything so I guess you're just completely boned no no it is not gonna happen okay and now we got something I don't even know how you're heading on with your feet okay where are you going buddy wow you are incredibly strong that is a booger oh that's the most thing I don't see with my life yeah that is something pretty horrible okay all right I'm very unhappy about that so what is that gonna do for me then tell me of anything over here scooby-doo okay all right then Oh what good did bad you just go for it man just go for it come on he's not gonna notice oh you noticed seems to be a bit of a problem [Music] chuja I didn't know that you can move so fast I have activity back oh I've got it I gotta climb the booger down Hey oh-ho-ho I got ya I got you and there's not a thing you can do choppers what are you gonna do just wallow in anger choppers you get out of here oh yeah yeah I'll be sad a roadway oh oh that's not good okay I didn't know you had friends me to chill I don't have any friends so I kind of operate solo the whole time what is that also why is there a dead doll in the corner over there I'll push it why not every time I see a button I gotta push it so that doesn't seem right [Music] yeah some to scream for what's about to get quick who knows okay that's bizarre am i centaur okay all right then that's I don't understand how we got underwater but okay I like this reality this is good reality I like that one that's good Oh what oh I suddenly just got like a chill down my spine this would be a crazy time for this game to suddenly turn into a horror game ah I see all bad all bad hundred percent okay well there's nothing else I can do I'll just go and push the button man Oh plunk ah ee bad what's worse than death - alright oh oh oh ah you know it keeps getting worse what am I gonna to chose dad to do that forever oh thank you thank you for laughing at my expense that's wonderful from this what are you gonna do to me what kind of horrible experimenter you're gonna be subjecting me to and why why do I have a bad feeling in the base of my spine about it I feel you're a drown one of us and make the other watch or drown both of us at the zero okay well I've always been told to take the red pill here we go shove it right in my gob alrighty okay ah blue pill for you why not ah yes this is horrible you know I I suspected that there was gonna be horrible monstrous consequences but alas it seems like that's not the case sure okay all right then dad it's horrible ah you exploded or I'll give you happy address and I'll give you sadness you be sad oh oh you're angry I thought you were gonna be sad that's a bad end oh okay I see I see I see so we're trying to get a rational answer here okay I don't know how we're gonna be doing that but all right oh that one has one eye ah so the red pill gives one eye they both give them if I'm not sure which which you need a wolf at Liz the same pattern I'm going back up and I'm gonna try we're gonna try this okay close but not what we wanted give you angry [Music] because I'll give you angry nope that didn't work out all right well whatever oh wait we're closed hey hey we're closed ah I think we got it all right you're gonna be unhappy and you're gonna be unhappy and then we got what we needed to go tell ya oh you both very unhappy other science experiment went gray I'm very excited about this oh you guys suck hey you got out all you had to do is throw up the pill and you're fine apparently for some reason that's how science works are we really gonna confront this bastard hey you giant hand in the sky can you finally fess up to being a giant brick yeah come on you've been messing around too much here oh I see how it's gonna be huh well I wouldn't jump Oh oh that's adorable oh you job okay yeah I feel the same way dude okay I don't even know what you're doing oh this is so cute this is [Music] oh all right I don't know how to do this one go easy enough shoo bonkers hello how are you doing why am i skating now on this little big thing well I don't even know what this thing is is it fairly there are dogs is hi hello Fairlie there are dogs and cats in this world but not a hundred percent sure about everything else hello okay goodbye oh okay I see surprised accountants over here okay I feel like we might be approaching the end of the game this feels out awfully like climatic to the end of the Thiemann and I guess the theme would be just utter and total chaos and music but isn't that like the magic of the whole thing is of your alright but this is not the magic of this game kind of like a random grab bag of different monstrosity and different like animation styles and different things to be done hey come on don't we deserve it doesn't chew chill deserve it come on give it up to chill please your beggining be nice oh oh you're like choo-choos older much more disgusting brother Chu Chu can you shut up for one second choo choo choo choo oh shoot it broke hey come on big choo choo you broke him I gotta be such a douche oh oh oh well now you gonna get it I guess well that's gotta be disgusting oh no oh no oh no this is awful I don't want to be here okay well we are here now okay all right okay these teeth are supposed to work but something tells me brushing ain't gonna fix it trying I'm trying I'm trying okay Oh God why do you have teeth back here how far in the mouth do you have teeth Oh okay I hate it okay nevermind I hate everything about this is the worst thing in the world okay I guess we're gonna fight oh yeah that's right you want to mess with choo-choo Bob yeah we keep you out here get out here Jesus got fists of fury baby oh never get your juju I got the double jab Wow yeah that's right you better back off the truth - I'm too strong I'm three strong you ain't gonna never get close to me oh well I can at least say I'm stronger than my Big Brother's teeth and that's all the matters in life uncle Oh cuckoo boo boo boo boo boo boo good job there oh hi that's not good okay that doesn't make any sense at all why are your teeth sentient in your body that makes no sense okay [Music] yeah to draw few samurai okay horrible horrible horrible yeah you shouldn't feel too good about that okay all right which way do I go oh it's boozled okay well ah whoo all right I got I think I got the answer oh [Music] [Music] you know this whole game I've been questioning the sanity of this and yet for some reason this part just seems totally normal to me and I and I don't know why it does but it just kind of does you know like if there was any sense of normally normalcy to be gleaned from this experience that I am currently enduring it's that you can get used to anything that is not the most bizarre thing that I've ever experienced oh oh I want to go to the but oh i 100% want to go to the but oh you know you know I have to go to the but oh I have to go to that sweet-ass is this the time hang on with this one I guess what is happening okay oh please please sensei I must learn to retrieve my love question mark I have no idea oh boy ah yes the final the final journey of true Cheol you don't screw it up now buddy [Music] okay well that didn't work out too good for me all that training all those years for nothing all right how about love please love it's about love man I pulled the head out of my own chest my heart my true beating heart please [Music] all right well you're a bit of a dick aren't you you want fine then hello this I saw this and Zuk Zuk good good good [Music] leading profusely from the face wait that's not fair well that's hardly fair I tried real hard though snail how about that oh I don't know how to make this go I got double-click of them go go go okay go go go go wait that that oh oh I see oh I see leg all right that makes very little sense okay not a hundred percent sure about this we're gonna try this move good luck keep going keep going keep going you got this God what more rocket blasts oh [Music] that's not good well [ __ ] [Music] I'm not sure that how the game goes but whatever you say man I'll challenge you to chess come on we got oh this is actually Jess oh I am not good at chess oh no no no okay good all right Lise I don't have to play chess I am not good at chess all right how about a cannon ball this way all righty then that doesn't make much sense okay that didn't help it on how about a cannibal this way let's see that doesn't seem fair when you can just use those alrighty then and I got to remember that I'm still fantasizing this in the bowels of my own brother before I get head towards the butt and I am gonna head towards a little bit yeah Oh what is this uh-huh uh-huh right I got that that doesn't make any sense at all that don't understand that watch these big muscles right here buddy yeah yeah you want some of this oh here comes my own death and I'm dead these minigames don't actually work I may yell at you then it's all I have do you like that okay baby you know what I'm done with this I don't need that cherry that badly I give up no I'm playing your stupid games [ __ ] you take the suit sharing shove it up your ass yeah cry-baby [ __ ] Oh doh you were crying before and now you're gonna be stuck there forever oh never mind you're gonna be dead it's true love everybody shut up it's love okay oh hello thank you yes we made it live through the bowels of my brother and now I get to go to the bots I hope this is the but that's the only thing that could I possibly imagine I know this is the crux this is the most important decision of the entire game go to the but of course you go to the point okay maybe if we weren't supposed to go to the bud all right fine then Wow geez criticize me much what's wrong with going to the boy I was all about going that doesn't make any sense okay that's I feel and this ladies and gentlemen is all it takes to cure depression there you go depression over nope that broke okay so all we gotta do is get a little hair ball to go inside of us touch our butt and then fuddle with our brain switch hello yeah me too whatever you said it oh that was such an adventure and then we learn to share oh [Music] goodness gracious I don't even know if you're a mouse you're a rat I don't even know if you have a name I don't even know if I want to give you a name that means I have to take you well no that's happening now all right well okay all right I guess I'll call you call you piece of [ __ ] that's what I'll call you guys that's good enough for me come from oh that's right I live beneath the cherry trees Evon that's right okay it is like Donkey Kong at the end of it I have a horde of cherries oh you're so nice big brother oh that's so nice oh I guess I can call the rat Peter the prick because he was kind of an [ __ ] the entire time Oh oh no is everything relative everything is relative everything is relative but that was beautiful yeah that was Chucho that was so delightful that was so delightful my goodness did one person do all of that animation because if they did that is just astonishing well done everybody that worked on this game this game is a goddamn delight 100 percent through and through this game was a goddamn delight the brick anyway this uh this game was just pure and simple lovely and I am so happy that I was able to play it so thank you everybody so much for watching let me know what you thought down in the comments below hope you enjoyed this one I'll leave a link in the description for the game and if you like this please support the game on Steam thank you everybody so much for watching let me know you thought down in the comments below and as always I will see you in the next video buh-bye
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 5,657,025
Rating: 4.9048848 out of 5
Keywords: chuchel, markiplier, cute, adorable, cute game, cutest game, adventure, new games, indie games, chuchel playthrough, chuchel walkthrough, chuchel gameplay, chuchel markiplier, chuchel funny moments
Id: Q19wuLYh1UA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 48sec (5508 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 12 2018
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