Steph's Goodbye Celebration! | Reacting to Stephanie's Best GTLive Moments!

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I've been a fan of GTLive pratically since I was on YouTube. They were a big part of my childhood, so it's kind of sad to see Steph leave, Even thought it'll not be permanent. I just want to write this to say I wish Stephanie the best, and thank you for making my life better.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 22 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Sevivas πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 12 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

It's sad to see her leaving because a lot of my favorite GTLive videos and series are because she and Matt are experiencing what's happening together and I enjoy their reactions and their conversations. I know Steph tends to show up on Food Theory pretty often, but everything else tends to be pretty singularly MatPat focused. Seeing them enjoying things together has just been nice.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Kagutsuchi13 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 13 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Man the reason I loved gtlive so much is because I got to see may and steph be themselves. I’m going to miss steph but I will be exited for her cameos. Goodbye steph

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ToadmasterStudios πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 13 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I think it was fitting that Chris was here for the end.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Trickybuz93 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 12 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Her speech brought me to tears. I may be at the end of the chapter, myself.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/queeneve84 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 12 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Out of the loop, just saw the livestream, why is she leaving? Aren't they married????

Anyways, whatever is the reason, I wish her the best.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MrArancione πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 12 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Why is she leaving?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Lucazman πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 12 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

What’s happening? Is she okay? Aren’t MatPat and her married? Is she just not showing up on the show anymore?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/JCorby17 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 12 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

y she leaving?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/togekissme468 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 12 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
are we blaming jason for that one yeah is this a hashtag blame jason moment are we speaking quietly so that so that we can we don't want to peak the audio or something yeah we're going to wait on a text from from now watching us from home yeah he's like babysitting the stream he's babysitting chris and us it's fine hey i knew exactly what the problem was and where it's coming from which is that piece we have a wonky tech box like we have this like one little box that just can screw everything up okay we're good yeah we're good so now so what you didn't hear through all the static noise and obnoxiousness at the beginning of this live stream testing out new intro themes yeah we're testing out new intro themes because stephanie's got to get the boot from the existing one because otherwise then we're just doing you know misleading intros it is false advertising if i'm in the if i'm in the opening bit but i'm not actually on the couch although to be fair the very first gt live intro was also horrendously misleading because it cycled through a bunch of console names that we never never talk never touch that's true it was like wow look at all these console names that you will never see as a part of this show oh man so really the old days of gt live so really misleading uh misleading intro sequences yeah is kind of the bread and butter of this channel that's fair i think that should continue i think maybe like someone's really really famous should appear on the next intro sequence like maybe you have like a like an elon musk cameo in the middle of it or something that's like wow elon musk is on this show and then it's not maybe just it's just pizza too maybe that's maybe that's what i'll do moving forward is i'll have our editors i'll have dan come in and we'll we'll pin one of those effects that follows your face around and instead of your face it'll be like elon musk's face and bill gates's face and all these people so in the intro sequence now it'll alway it'll still be you but it'll be various other people over top of your face that would be great it'll be adventures of matpat with elon yeah exactly adventures matt pat and elon i already know i like that i was gonna say that that's catchy very catchy it's good i'm sure that's what he wants to do at this time i'm sure that's it why wouldn't he want to hang out on the couch with me and talk about stuff whatever that is we talk about life and play video games you guys stephanie what am i going to do this is my last this okay so just to catch you up pretty free wind this is so this is my last official live stream i will still be popping in to make all kinds of appearances heck after this live stream ends we're filming a gt not live together we'll be here for that yeah there is one that we pre-film that is going up next wednesday and then there's one other that's just a brand deal that wanted you in it uh and so you're also in that one yeah uh but yeah so uh so this is my last official uh day on gt live it has been five going on six years and that is a long time you guys right that's a long time and for your final week man we've touched on a lot of like the tropes of what gt live is that's right chris is here janky intro is here just sitting slightly off center on the couch uh i don't know if you noticed this but in monday's react to the fnaf trailer uh episode stephanie didn't have her microphone on for the entire first two thirds of the livestream which is after five years you would think that someone would figure out how to put a microphone on their person or that oh i moved and it fell off or something or something you know what was funny about that i had it clipped on and then the amount of editing i had to do to correct your audio lacking throughout the entire video it was your own fault as it turned out because we filmed that one ourselves just matthew and me and i also edited it myself and i for oh god just saying just say it would you like to toot that horn and you hear here let me let me hold this horn would you like to tune it for yourself who edited that video me good job matthew i still remember how to edit things [Applause] so we filmed that one just completely by ourselves because again mirror matt was out and we sat down on the couch and i was like matthew are you okay with the framing and he was like yeah yeah no problem and then i put my microphone on and then he was like can you adjust the framing a little bit and i was like yeah no problem so i took my microphone off i got up to adjust the framing and then i sat back down and that was the end of the things that i did wow so yeah and then you did not put the microphone back out so anyway okay you guys long story short it's been a greatest hits collection it has of everything gt live over the past five years however we're here everybody's here the only thing that we're missing honestly it's tgis yes well it's sprinkler time first wow that's been a long time sprinkler time sprinkler time time sprinkler got no new reason never to arrive except for it's 4 10 because we got to check that our straight sprinklers are working sprinkler time how are we thinking we literally were just like we have to remember to check that the sprinklers came on wow that was wow gt live the many the many iterations of left so are the memories are the memories i wrote a tweet today about just you know just saying thank you for um for my time on gt live and i was able to recall that gt live has been done in 11 actually i think it ended up being 12 locations like 12 different sets wow three continents and has been done live it has been done early in the morning it's been done late at night it's been done it has been done every which way gt live has been done everywhere it's been done everywhere and i was just thinking about that and how awesome that is that's really cool today's gonna be my try not to cry we should have rephrased this as like try not to cry i'm already tearing up darn it darn it you're like oh i'm really so i am so emotional about this stephanie oh no you're you're emotional in your way but i'm emotional in my way where i'm like what's emotional in my way i don't know i'm much more emotive like i'm much more expressive in my emotions you internalize a lot of things and like a week from now it'll happen like this will give you a week yeah i was gonna say like a week is a bit of exaggeration but like three days from now this will hit you and you'll be like oh yeah that was the last one and like you'll feel sad you will feel sadness three days oh stop that you're so right okay no it's true it is weird steph and i have this emote like i don't know what exactly it is but we do have the we we can time it down to like the like she said 48 hours i will feel something or like recognize like the emotional impact of something and then 48 hours later after stephanie's processed it and again this i think this just goes to show like how different people and how different brains work right it'll hit her the same way if not harder in a lot of cases but it happens on a much delayed schedule so yeah it's really fascinating i'll be in the shower in like two days and i'll be like oh gg live i miss you so anyway so anyway so anyway we're here we're here on the couch uh and yes so anyway you were gonna say well i was going to say since this is my last yeah this is my last day i was going to i was going to retell my i don't actually remember this very well but i was going to try to spark a memory of my first day on gt live ooh okay jd live in case you weren't here from the beginning was a live stream experiment um basically i mean if we're going to be completely honest youtube had just launched youtube gaming and they made it sound like it was going to basically just take over youtube and if you were a gaming channel you were just going to get stuck on youtube gaming and it was all about live streams and we were like oh my gosh is this like the death of game theory and so we matthew was like we have to start live streaming now and and i was like oh okay and then matt really was like just me i thought it was a joint no it was a joint decision but it was like okay if we're gonna do this but then you were like no we need to live stream five days a week and i was like okay well also so one that was part of the reason but also part of the reason too was at that point the channel had just crossed like eight million subscribers i think and and today this was a big part of it which was and we had just come back from like vidcon or like we had just come back from like a convention or like meeting fans or whatever yeah and i'm like man in four hours of meeting fans we talked to like 200 people right or something like that at most and and at 8 million subscribers no amount of physically going out and meeting people like we could be touring around all the time and you'd never see it and you would never see everyone and so what i wanted to do to let you guys know at home that you know it's it's still the same people working on the channel and it was literally just us it was literally just the two of us jason wasn't here chris wasn't here no one was here and so i'm like let's start like so in addition to why we need to do this to stay relevant on youtube it was also this idea of like well it also has this side benefit too of being able to talk with people on the couch on a regular basis so that way they know that we're still the same people doing game theory and if they want to talk about episodes or whatever that's available like we're here but to your point because we are so what are we masochistic i don't know because we are so no no we wanted to run a clean experience that's right no i know like we want to see if this can work and so we decided to stream at the exact same time every single day to build consistency to like to to basically see if you could build consistency in live streaming yeah make sure that you you can because you can know that we're experimental right like if we're going to run a test that's always an experience it was an experiment and we did so we did do we did do uh five days a week but we also tried we tried a lot of different things in the early days right we tried different times we tried we tried different times we tried different camera setups oh yeah you're trying to multi-camera what people liked to watch and like whether multicam or like more polished stuff more graphics stuff like that wouldn't write articles about it later on yeah because we did all these experiments we learned a lot it was it was very very valuable so anyway the long the long and short was that in the original idea matthew would either be he had you actually didn't want to be by yourself on the couch but we wanted to bring in a different guest for every live stream we were going to try and bring in like a different collaborator every single day and we realized after about three i know chris's eyes are so wide over there you had no idea we but the whole idea was okay we're going to rotate in guests and we realized how fast like that was going to be completely impossible and also we lived in the boonies no one wanted to drive to our house and also the live stream room was really hot no one would want to sit in there anyway no anyway out of nate outside of nate wants to battle good on you neighborhood nate and gerard you were a champion awesome oh yeah so anyway chubby bunny challenge lives on and in for me so we had a stream was it a fnaf stream where it was like okay you were like i just need somebody to sit on the couch and like read questions from the chat and i was like well where are you going to find that person and you're like can you do it just just be the person to sit on the couch and i was like i'll be the person to sit on the couch and and if if i had known that filling in for one day would have meant filling in for five and a half years i don't think i would have believed it but i'm very glad that it worked out that way oh man oh that was a nice walk down memory lane yeah right okay let's continue that walk down memory lane because today that isn't actually tgi sgf it's not uh no i worked with chris to put together a montage of stephanie highlights oh no oh oh no why did you do this cause you're really important to me okay i'm gonna break i'm gonna bracelet that's very nice yeah so you know that's that's the thing that okay oh man oh jesus is it is it nice stephanie moments are these embarrassing stephanie moments we'll find out together oh geez okay stephanie stephanie patrick this is your life oh man oh you guys chris you did this too i was around oh shucks i needed someone to oh you guys are all crying in the do you realize i am so moved by this okay here we go let's here we're we're going to start you ready are you ready for this guy i [Music] this is testing infomercial products oh these are the fake teeth we've done a lot over i was going back and watching these i completely forgot about that those were the worst looking things ever it gets better i mean still i think this like this would be kind of the best case scenario and cover it up with your lips oh man that's so close i can tell chris put this together i was gonna say that was that oh man if anyone needs a model for a horror game monster you you know maybe we can work out something there's a licensing deal to be had with that uh yeah so we went back we went back and looked at a lot of live streams from over the last five years and uh man there's a lot of stuff that i think we've blocked out of our memory from gt live uh the infomercial slash infomercial uh it fixed your uh busted up grill quite nicely oh thanks thanks yeah little do you know i'm actually still wearing them can you can you recreate that smile to the camera right now do you think you can get in there ready oh yeah that's it that's perfect see there you go that's what they said all right so we're a game monster are you are you ready for this stuff i have free time coming up yes here you go boom yeah one and done good job thank you it was all because i got to watch your playthroughs a couple times you did you loosened the pickle jar so i could just pop it right off okay any pickle fans out there oh one big one right here oh the closure wait what one big one right here it's true it's true okay i love pickles that much i'm a big fan stephanie i'm a big fan of pickles tate relish okay i do actually feel that way but i'm glad that you clarified at the end that you are a very big fan of pickles i just really wanted to talk about how much i like pickles i understand you know that's good you you had a conversation hamburger chips kosher kosher dill yeah no absolutely oh man really that was in the first stream that was the first ever stream right in that crazy man i need something stronger than this right and look and look our sense of humor has not matured not at all it's like although no time has passed although now you're a little bit more self-aware of when that happens i'm more more aware you're more aware of when you say stuff like that keep watching and find out also it's it's worth calling i'm glad that my love of pickles was established so early in the livestream actually that's something i think is important to know about me it's also worth noting here that stephanie is saying like oh i was just uh you know the fill-in for this guest that never ended up happening yeah yeah but also you weren't though like you were kind of the mastermind behind a lot of gt live right like because i was so busy doing other things for the channel because again it was just the two of us you were the one who ran out and decorated the set you were the one who ran out and got like all those props to just like let's let's make this a fun because it was an empty room in our house yeah it was our guest room and we only had that couch that was the only couch we owned at the time and so we were like well we need a couch for this live stream so i guess our couch is going to be a live stream couch now and we we didn't have any other furniture i mean if you visited us in this house and we bought it and it was our very first house and we didn't know what to do with it we we didn't know what to do with ourselves we were just working all the time all the time literally around the clock we never did anything else and we looked it looked like there were just squatters in the house it did not look like real people lived there it was weird um we also because this couch moved into the live stream room we ended up eating all of our dinners in the live stream room we we would sit in there and watch tv it was it was like the only room that had anything in it it's true and our our bedroom didn't have a tv in it so we didn't like do it like it also didn't have a working light yeah the light didn't work yeah we just didn't fix it for like a year and a half it was just it was a weird it was a weird time it was a weird time matthew and i we didn't started together as well like well we started working together i mean from the very beginning but full-time working together about six or eight months eight months before the live stream started and for that amount of time we literally just we lost like eight months of our lives oh yeah no it was it was where all we were doing was working 14 hours a day seven days a week it was weird it was tough and people who know us now or have met us in like the last year we'll say like wow you guys work really hard and we do like it's still like last night i was recording at midnight you know after ollie went to bed and yeah you know but it's one of those things that it's so painful compared to that this this at this point in our lives it was literally it was seven days a week it was yeah like you said like 12 14 plus hours a day like it was non-stop around the clock and just like it was like sort of a vicious cycle because it'd be like well if you're working i guess i'll stay up and work and then i'd be like well if you're working i'll stay up and work and so it just never stopped and we had to like we one day we just we realized that we had lost like months of our life and and this was a weird time actually behind the scenes and bit by bit we made the like bit by bit we've clawed back a little bit more of our life so yeah you know like over a course of a year we're like we get half a weekend day back hey we get two half weekend days because we couldn't actually take a whole day because something might happen yeah without checking email or having to like give script notes or uh uh video notes or whatever yeah and so over the course of the five years since the live stream happened it has been this like claw back a little bit of time here and here and at this point we still work way too much but i mean to be honest but we've been able to claw back a lot of time it's it's really interesting and i distinctly remember that one of the great things about gt live especially in those early days was that idea of you hop in and then it's done yeah like like for our and i think we're unique from a lot of other youtube creator channels where our videos are weeks in that like a lot of people are like hey i did this thing and i'm gonna go tonight and edit it less and less so less and less so but i think it is one of those things where like especially in this era it was very much like i'm just vlogging boom there it is well i'm just blogging let me send it to my editor let me just do it tonight for a couple hours and boom it's out yeah for us like our videos have always been a week long a week if not more in production usually about two weeks right and nowadays depending on how long we're researching it's like a month in advance and so they're always really long complicated projects and for the live stream it was like plop on the couch hour and a half boom done and you don't think like it's just done it's out there in the world you don't have to think about it there's no editing there's no notes there's no rescripting whatever do we look different do we look old or do we look older yes [Music] if that's the first one i don't know where this is going oh no the earbuds gummy okay gummy food versus real food uh-huh i think this is uh so this oh is this when we eat ginger yeah so this is so this is a live stream that's probably most known for my reaction oh and thank you for the pickles in the chat by the way thank you thank you good stephanie's a big fan of them so i'm glad they don't know if you've heard i really like pickles she's a big fan uh so this this live stream is probably most iconically remembered for my reaction to the gummy spider which caused me to freak out but that was great but the underappreciated moment of this live stream actually belongs to you which is yeah i hear you guys lemons this is this is a ginge this is an entire gingerbreader chris we have we have knives here this is a functioning house there are knives that what is this oh thanks chris giving us an entire bulb like that was so much sometimes the decisions from the people who work with us are questions right i will say that is an actual a rare real blame jason moment i was cutting it in the kitchen i was slicing the ginger and then jason goes what are you doing that for and i was like so so stephanie can you eat it on the stream and he was like oh no no no no no that's awesome that's amazing i love that that is such a pure blame jason moment here you go this is this is how it went like a cough drop gummy hear that oh i'm so scared here comes my ginger lemon yeah all right it kind of tastes like a cough drop dummy ginger lemon that's lemon with ginger that makes sense so what am i saying [Music] jason's really proud of this isn't he writing totally i think that you also gave her lemon halves like a human being like a panda eaten eucalyptus stuff or sorry bamboo don't be a koala don't be a koala not like a koala oh man don't be a koala there you go dog bite it off you like ginger oh my god so much crying in terms of how funny it is though you love sushi ginger it's pickled ginger's pickles a big fan of pickles that's really what this is just showing us i can grow like a ginger tree in my mouth right now here's the let it breathe on me i want to smell it the hell brush your breath is ah here here give me a little bit i got it i did it good job holy crap i was very proud of that moment where i ate like i hate like part of it it was huge it was huge oh man oh so good and so good and i think that that's a good showcase of just how like stubborn and hard-headed we are because i'm gonna do this right that's it you did not back down in the face of a challenge make sure you get all the syrup yeah get out get this out of my hair it's not gonna this is a weird one oh this is a very odd one sure it will here we go what was the origin of this why did we do this why won't we ever ever do this that was serum tails just just just if we're going to do this we're really going to go for it someone complimented me on how nice my hair looked on this stream was this the trend or was this just an idea that you had what was it what was this do you know the backstory of this the back story is that we watched the fake candy there's like a fake ad oh yeah yeah then we watched it in one of the try not to laugh stream and so we followed it up that's right and it's like yeah let's make candy tail hair that you can eat appreciate that and and understand that it you may rescind that that compliment no i think if we're gonna do this we should really go in on it and make sure that we've got all the flavor profiles represented all at once so it's quite spicy so yeah here we go look at you one-upping itself uh-huh like taking vengeance on yourself all right that's fine all right right i feel like didn't matthew have to eat it though well yeah but you'll notice though that in both of these clips you're the one who's just like completely one-upping it you're like i could do this but no i really do i'm really doing this this is not what i thought i would be doing welcome welcome to our lives here we go here we go please don't make sounds with your mouth [Music] no no sounds no sounds it's very close to my ear with the eating noises everything you hoped it would be out of don't bite through it i'm going to have split ends what are you doing no no you know what actually believe it or not that wasn't that bad oh that was so lovely that was such a good time well that one of the things that i promised myself very early on in the days of gt live actually was that i would never be the one to cancel a live stream um so for years through and up and up to and including the time that i was pregnant with ollie literally until we had ollie i was i said that i i would never be the reason that we were canceling a live stream we could cancel because maybe matthew had a conflict maybe we were out of town something you know something unavoidable but i told myself really early on that i was not going to be that reason because i didn't want to hold us back and i was always worried about being the one to hold us back because i was the one who didn't have like didn't really want to be on camera or at the beginning and i was the one who didn't have the live stream experience and i wasn't a good gamer and all this stuff so i i was like well i'm i'm like starting off on on the off foot anyway in so many ways that i'm i'm not gonna be the one like despite all of that i'm not gonna be the one to like tank the stream or throw off this experiment that we're running and so no matter what it was i definitely live streamed sick frequent like not frequently but like i was gonna say oh no were you ill that frequently no there were definitely moments where i was like really not feeling well um the the first three months when i was pregnant with ollie i was sick around the clock and i would like build up to like doing like i would like hide and like build up the the like willpower to do the live stream do the live stream and then immediately disappear because i was just sick all the time all the time but i was like i'm not gonna be the one to cancel the live stream um and you know after you have a kid things do change and i was okay with that because i felt like i had done everything i needed to do um and like to show that i wasn't going to hold the live stream back at that point but um but that was probably one of the reasons why i was like no if i'm here i'm committed like i'm not going to be the one to to like say no on i read like the first chapter of an improv book once because i was like i'm on this live stream the first chapter i was on an airplane and it was like a free sample and i was like okay i'm gonna read this and and like you know the first and of the first rule of improv is yes and and so i'm like that's why you gotta read chapter two they tell you what happens uh so i i like my only note of like okay how do you do this is just say yes and and so it's like well okay if we're going to do this we're going to do this and and we're going to do this and and so i i wanted to be a contributing force to the stream which is probably why i ended up eating a lot of things that i shouldn't have eaten oh man and also doing some wacky stuff with your hair okay look at this is a great shot right here stuff like right there this is looking really good let's let's just use that some some youtube recently asked for our head shots that's i think that's i think this reputation now oh man okay ready round two oh geez here we go poor hair i'm just giving up i'm just defeated [Laughter] oh that awful gel we had that sitting around our office for like months after that [Laughter] what are you doing to my head what do you see on screen about this so there's so much to mess up yeah yeah oh my god this is like this would take multiple hours to do effectively yeah it does take a long time to do this hair it takes it takes a long time look at that nice look at that nice multi cam right there that was exciting no siree ear bob the truck oh oh the asmr strap it strap it i know this is all about you steph but like man look at that gone through a lot of iterations of your hair on this stream funny enough all just within the last two years ever since we had a kid if i feel like live streams where you had to start shaving your head that's true yeah ever since ever since my head started to get shaved all sorts of weird stuff started to happen once we started doing charity my hair started to go in weird directions terrible terrible decisions were made charity does some weird stuff to your hair so this is the first time i talked about misophonia um oh god i hated this there you go did this no i think it is i think oh no this is really awful wow she is just going to town on that it's terrible it's terrible it's terrible that was really bad i don't even have that and like that is just an awful clip in general well they can't all be like fun and delightful you have to have some there are no snacks for this one no one see i'm the one who usually thinks like hey it's a special occasion on the live stream maybe there should be snacks cupcakes or something one second here fine here here here you tell a story i'll get you a snack real quick what all right so what you're drinking ginger i know it should have been tea for today i know i know um one of the things that i said in my note on twitter was that i you know actually some of the stuff we've been talking about which is that when we first set up this live stream i was supposed to be um the designer of the stream i was also supposed to be the chris jason it took me eight hours to set up the tricaster for the very first time it was like we're up late at night oh these are do you want a different one no i'm okay i'm good you want you want yogurt pretzels no i'm okay no really sweetest fish i've really pee pee drinks i think we should just keep watching this i think we should keep watching i gave up i actually gave up snacking for lentils let's mix nuts okay well we'll we'll leave them there thanks oh chris do you want some nuts snacks or i would love a snack wait do you want do you want honey roasted or tropical mix oh throw me a tropical mix okay great oh good choice this is a great opportunity to scoot a little bit to your left well now there's double there's there's both eras of pikachu now i know wow there's just it's like so much stephanie we have we have a custom blanket but seriously it took me eight hours to set up the tricaster did it completely by myself it's true everything and i was like it would be like stages i'd be like matthew i've gotten this part of the tricaster to work and then it'd be like i've gotten this part of the tricaster to work and then i'd be like i think i've gotten almost the whole tricaster to work it was it was a saga and it's interesting because to this day like that is the one that was really the first time in the history of everything that we do and to this day i think it's it's one of the the few things that i actually don't know how it operates right like i like i was tooting my own horn earlier i'm not as good as the editors that we have now but i can still edit together simple things right i know how keyframing works i know like once you hit after effects then i don't know but like i know every part of like the shooting process the creative process things like that no you're not a faster man you're not a live switcher because you were the one who who was spearheading the the tricaster setup and because i was always expected to be the person on camera that was uh this whole business over here is always sat like a diva on the couch and waited for it to happen all around him [Laughter] all right let's keep going no but and to this day i actually feel kind of underprepared with this although i to my credit i didn't know what the problem was when we were having audio issues earlier here we go okay great girls don't always know what they want excuse me oh no oh no oh no okay but aboard oh no nope bye bye i mean go one go one go go one go that was that was an intense moment i like dressing down jason on the live stream every once in a while that was that was jason putting his foot oh yeah oh that was just that was just open mouth insert foot leave it there like he didn't even try and back up he didn't even try to back up i like how you literally i'm like as soon as as soon as that started to go down i'm like evacuate because because a lot of times one for the shelter because a lot of times on the livestream you know like you play up stuff because it's like it's like you said it's the yes and i yeah it's like let's keep going let's go that one i'm like oh i don't think this is real this is really going down and i'm not i'm not having any of this i like this is this is a sketch conversation whatever this is i'm not i don't know where this one sits i'm gone matthew can tell you i'm i'm like generally i'm pretty mild-mannered in in the grand scheme of things but but you don't you don't do a lady wrong like that you don't you don't do a lady wrong okay let's go emily is away this one here we go here's tears and fears [Music] i really don't like [Laughter] this took what was a really tragic turn [Laughter] is that the first time i ever teared up on the live stream oh my gosh that was that was also one of those i'm like that's another moment that looked to the camera there where i'm like i don't know what to do even there you're like you're like am i managing this situation right what was wrong with you because it's funny it is funny the art of this one is actually incredible the arc of this is unreal okay okay [Laughter] god your face is you were so concerned oh look you get marshmallow soda like what is wrong with you talking about marshmallows oh it gets better i was so confused [Laughter] oh your face is so confusing oh yo you are so concerned oh that's so funny well it's one i mean because it's also one of those things where like sometimes when you're in a show like this you're just in the middle ground you don't know what exactly because i don't know what's going on most of the time in the live stream either and so i don't know why chris would throw that in there and i'm confused on his part you're breaking so i'm just like i don't i'm like torn between all these worlds of where's my role in this all i knew is that i was worried about you oh so good wait i'm gonna take this moment to to read a couple of things from quarters uh yappa too i've been watching gt live since i was 10. now i'm turning 16 and heading into my junior year of high school it's sad to see you go but i hope you enjoy your newfound free time oh thank you for being a part of my childhood oh man you're a part of someone's childhood um i literally have this clip downloaded it said uh georgie on twitter um the emotional rollercoaster of the like 30 seconds that that was is unreal it's just whiplash back and forth jesus i remembered watching this in archiveland uh let's see uh let's see so funny i love past and present matt and steph reacting to the mouse clip in exactly the same way which i was wondering when i told chris to include this when i was wondering about that too where i'm like because because i was on the fence because this is a it's a weird clip but i was curious if how steph would react again this many years later okay that's good except this time i knew what was going on i like to use excuse me in any conversation now simply because that's the iconic power moment excuse me i can't believe jason is alive says yes or minecraft one okay right like in that moment the lasers the daggers shooting out of your eyes in that moment would have killed any human okay ready happy halloween to you i think i think i should go back out this way [Music] let's just go home can we just stargaze out here that might be nice i can't do that way to be brave crippled my fear i could not move i could not do anything i crumpled into a heap on the floor also i think we had found out like three days before that that we were going to have ollie i remember that very specifically we had like literally just found out that we were going to have ollie and i don't know i was like i was like vr is going to make me sick it was yeah i was i was starting to like get sick in vr a little bit too because i was really sick in vr when i was pregnant and so um that stream i was like i was like i i couldn't do anything i had no idea that being in vr horror would be that scary i had no idea right and now i feel justified because of all the times that vr horde literally crippled me from yeah yeah uh also i just got to give a shout out to our halloween costumes that year peter pan and wendy wendy's i know peter pan and wendy's was legit costume choice so good that was great i know that was really fun here we go scary game thursday you don't know where it's coming from coming from the right coming from the left teacher coming from up top it's coming from right next to you [Music] i love scaring you on the livestream it's one of my favorite pastimes man what what a chill move that was too well done what a great moment thank you what a great people reacting so well too i was like is this gonna really scare him and then it did no no i didn't expect it man i was in my room oh that was lovely oh so our old tgis tgisgf episodes are wonderful if you guys would like to go back and just have a nice fun chill time so that way there you go this is going to completely like change the lighting that's fine it's fine whatever that way people so that way you don't have to like lean over to see our reactions in the corner so good is it all right we're kind of flattered now it's fine uh should we continue yes let's let's do it oh no no no no oh [Laughter] oh look at those pit stains rough you were sweating a lot during that game to this day god so scary to this day i don't fake any of the reactions on the horror games i don't i don't know how to explain it they are genuinely really scary sometimes we used to set mood lighting for them and everything ah it's true i think some people oh escapee are you wonky i think some people do fake reactions we really don't no we don't i don't do you i don't okay no i'm trying to think of if there was ever a time where i really faked it i like that shirt on you that's nice well thank you yeah no i can't really think of a time and i very distinctly remember sophie's curse as being like the most intense i would say those were the most intense jump scares of the entire five run five-year run of they were so scary games friday they were really nice welcome to the game which was really it was creepy but in a different way yeah welcome to the game is scary in a different way like it that's scary because of the surprises but also just the the sheer amount of existential dread that comes with it yeah oh thriller oh so the chat knows what time to set the clock to by the way it's fine that is so freaky oh he is a terrifying michael j his fiddle was so far away though oh they were the faintest of fiddles i feel like so many so many horror games i get like a wave of adrenaline every time that happens oh i need to go i need to go through this thing i need to go do this thing oh man when we had to go to halloween horror nights going to halloween it was the first time i'd ever been in a hospital ever i had literally never been to a haunted house before and then we went to halloween horror nights and we had to go through four back to back and we had to survive the walk between each of them i left with several fewer years on my life at the end of the night it was awful it was awful it's so true yeah and i mean that's that one we had to cut it down because it's such a long video but it's like literally me cowering in fear behind you oh absolutely shoving me in front of him to be like here take her instead yeah even though you know it when it came to the video games i was the one who was taking the brunt of a lot of the scares when it came to real life jump scares you were the one who has taken the brunt there so at the end of that night matthew and i had both never really been taunting no never never never at the end of the night matthew was like wow i think i might like haunted houses right now and my my perspective was like oh wow we survived those haunted houses and we never have to go back to any more but then the following year comes around and matthew's like you know after doing those halloween horror nights i think we should go back and just do more halloween spooktacular fun at all the amusement parks in southern california and i was like why but yes fine and so i like so we went and and he's been dragging me through the amusement parks in southern california for their halloween horror nights ever since and i am scared out of my pants every single minute all the time every single day that deal because that was a deal too with uh with universal right brought us out which was great and they were awesome and it was and the thing is i'm complaining but it was it was so fun like they closed down each of the haunted houses for us to go through with cameras yeah because if you are going through the haunted house and you run into people with cameras it's like it's going to ruin your time right so they let us just go through um but that also meant we didn't get to follow anyone so we had to actually find our way through alone and everyone was primed and they knew when we were coming yeah they knew they knew exactly when we were coming because they could see the cameraman was going through backwards and he was being led by someone i like that you say the cameraman as though oh it was chris and jason yeah the cameraman whoever that person was that nameless entity cameraman i forgot if they had someone there too but it was it was just chris and and then they would also occasionally try and scare you guys too right or do they actually completely did it accidentally sometimes okay usually i was just too focused on like you trying to get out of here don't drop the camera that's right oh that was that was yeah ever since i've been addicted to haunted houses yeah right i'm already trying to assuming that the world opens up again and that like it's it's safe to go to those events i'm hoping that by halloween it's fine right and so i'm already trying to like mentally prep stuff of like hey so you know if we were to do that sort of stuff like would you want to do that i told him that i will i've told him i will at neptune voice on twitter says eating gummy bears and drinking tea in honor of steph thank you oh my gosh uh let's see at life stacey says middle school with hashtag gt live never matched that's awesome uh i've been watching game theory and film three since i was in elementary school i wanted to say thank you for providing entertainment and new things for me to learn throughout my life that is so awesome um okay and at kaylee shy says or lachey says watching these recaps over the years is making me emotional oh us two us two okay with many looks of stephanie no no one development here knows what it is okay this was a make-a-wish so uh that's right i think i know what i am but just for the record what am i you might be the puppet from five nights at freddy's great what i've always wanted to be what the spirit of lots of dead children a spirit no it's not confirmed that the puppet is the spirit of a dead child highly likely that it is oh wow the strangest thing about that clip is how little we knew about financial i know the financial lore was so nation at that point yeah we didn't know that the puppet was a spirit of a dead child or multiple children come on press play thanks get out of here what was i supposed to be that's my question you're a dog you're a puppy dog okay yeah anyway yeah i think you know i think i want that challenge you know something normal anyway go hunt so we'll start with your mascara i'm gonna start with some mascara here oh god you're coming at my eye with a thing oh this is actually more fun this is actually more fun let's do this yeah that was when i had just started buying oh no that was my mascara from japan and you put it all over my eyebrow this just looks like i'm getting painting my face for a football game embrace the brown [Music] [Music] five years of appearing live on camera has not has not taught me how to use makeup i'm pretty sure i'm a hopeless cause at this point you know i haven't seen a how to style your unibrow video on youtube i always imagine that at some point then at some point i would be like yeah i'm gonna like spend a lot of time doing my makeup for gt live i don't think i've ever spent more than seven minutes doing my makeup for gt live sometimes i do it after the live stream is supposed to have started i can't tell you how many times chris is like the live stream is starting in 10 seconds and i'm like i guess i'll get my makeup bag now right i like that earlier like i will never be the one to cancel the livestream but she will be the one to push it five minutes late every single time everyone blaming hashtag latepat here it's well it's also it's they could have been referring to me we just never knew right you just didn't know which one you meant anyway that doesn't come off all right all right here we go here we go let's let's see how you get this stop cringing away oh no what are you doing i'm making you a clown [Music] a little smile for you oh this is oh yeah oh this was a sad sad stephanie moment this is the worst thing ever stream ever look at how nice that is do you have any eye shadow [Laughter] that's accurate here okay i'll go i'll go rosie oh my gosh i'll give you some reviews wait what was your mean what was it what was it what mine yeah yeah your your awesome me name well you were paris allen that's right paris allah and what were you were you were you didn't we both go with drag queen name our generated drag queen names of the day yeah it was the generated drag queen names where it was like we used we used like an algorithm that's supposed to spit out your drag queen name by combining two things like a city and uh it was paris alamond or paris olympia no no it was parasitology no ala mode what is your drag queen sickening fierce spectacular or outrageous um that one sickening okay great awesome sickening paris a la grande grande what's wrong that's right yes i watched this clip a couple of weeks ago so oh it's so good okay solid grande oh yeah oh no i'm just paranoid [Music] the look really came together in paris oh that was so good she was so good guys i forget right i remember right as good as mine i know paris allah is definitely the one that that definitely stuck around the history i bet someone on twitter or in the chat knows okay here we go this is going into your crease so this is when we were pregnant oh my god yeah this is not the rank up we should be using this this is really not the direction this is this feels very thick and creamy stuff is that the feeling i should be experiencing it's really not the feeling that you should you should be going this was one of those moments where you questioned the decisions your team made what was that this was us doing a green makeup tutorial with nikki tutorial like nikkietutorials did a green makeup challenge actually get any of the products yeah mickey tutorials yeah chris got like literal bob ross paint yeah what the heck was that we had we literally had like one of the actual products you got like the shellac that would be painted on the side of a bar and also none of the brushes she uses it's like a shellac mixed with a varnish i just went to the cheap makeup section of target and got everything green they sold because following a makeup tutorial doesn't actually require you to follow you know the makeup tutorial yeah that makes that makes complete sense should my eyelids be getting heavier and creamier i remember i couldn't it was so heavy okay so and i was like literally eight months pregnant at this point because we had noticed oh no we had no bacteria that's called the green chip that's right pretty heavily there we go official gt live makeup everyone here it is you saw it here first i think you did a good job of pulling it it's totally going to become remarkable i think you looked amazing you'd be great beauty gurus this is us watch out nikki tutorials drama and stuff this is great so hard this was so hard i thought nail art wow took too long and took too many steps and was really i looked pretty fabulous i got to admit this was yeah that's because i did your makeup god also i think we did each other i'm really impressed with how you look i think your makeup looks really good too my disagree it's so good to have a visitor say you wouldn't happen to have any food on you oh oh no we're going to find out that i only actually do like two characters the brilliance of stephanie's voice acting is that the moment she does it is spread out across both exactly you never see them together you never see them in the same room so are they the same in the same room here we go you're not thinking about it the right way at all it's not just about reading poems it's about performing them like you say the lines of the poem like between my feet the last remaining flower beckons to me i twist the stem bring it from its clinging roots i'm so horrified caressing the final joyous moment between my fingers wow wow honestly that's actually one of my favorite because because the thing is you don't know where it's going here but it's such a perfect interpretation of that character because like that is how she would perform poetry like i don't know this is one as steph and i have been talking about her leaving the live stream uh again like i've been really sad about this uh and it's because like steph and i have been together for over a decade like way more than that sure yes game theory is coming up on a decade that's not no no steph and i have been together for a really really really really really long time like 15 or 16 years yeah whoa which is crazy to think about that we've been hanging out that long in various capacities in our relationship but one of the things that makes me emotional about you heading out is the fact that what this is and what happens in this room is a very different way of interacting with someone that you've known for so long and like you said at the beginning of the stream right and like we saw with that first live stream it's like you are not the type of person who's usually in front of the camera that's not something like performing is not something that you seek out like ever right and so the idea to have you as like a comedy partner improv partner or like see like where else in your day-to-day life do i get to see you and this weird talent that you would have for voices like until we started doing stuff like this i had no idea that that existed in you and it's it's so cool to see different facets of you that you know normal day-to-day life of you know and you don't get to experience so thanks buddy i love doing the voices on gt live i think it's great if you have well if if there's a kindergarten that comes out you know where to find me you know bring you back for you yeah exactly i'll just oh or doki doki too let's do that one portrait of markov you know let's hear you agree probably more desirable than all of us combined do you mind if we sit on the floor today whoa call yourself and what's that why is that it's a little bit easier on my back with so much weight on the front sometimes it can be really difficult sitting on the floor just helps balance out my sometimes [Laughter] so much stupid stuff on camera is is because this does not this doesn't feel like performing like even looking back at this we're like reading we're actually reading a script we're actually like trying to be characters and stuff but i don't consider it performing it's the same kind of performing as if you were like playing a game of charades with your friends or if you were playing pictionary at a party or something like that i i've never thought of this stream as a performance i've literally just thought of it as hanging out with people on the couch even though you just can't see like most of the people so so i um so then in our day-to-day life then we need to read more visual novels we're gonna do it okay great starts here you go here ah monica it is but it's weird because in all the time you've been here we've hardly gotten to spend any time together i mean i guess it's technically a bit only a couple days sorry i didn't mean to say something weird nugget does not wish to spend morning time with you nuggets nugget normally spends morning time alone and each lunch alone and live life alone nothing supposes he could be your friend if if what nugget if you eat this nugget oh no nugget and we will be friends please okay please resume your role the role that you were born to play the role that you were born to play please you have returned tell nugget the nugget you consumed was very tasty yes it was taste the poison poison the nuggets hit blue internet real quick where only those most deserving of nuggets wisdom are permitted to watch all others will feel the rest of the messy theory nugget what are you doing in my recording closet nugget will not forget this [Laughter] can you do a nugget for us well everyone this has been a fantastic five years on gt live i will miss everyone and the chat and the tweets the the the tweets which i never read except i do i read twitter all the time seriously you guys also i think your agnes is very underappreciated i like agnes personally he goes well with biscuits have you ever met lawn this weekend but he was unintelligible he was wonderful the only the only gerald i've ever known he was great well great it's good so dan you could follow in his footsteps i mean gerald good morning maddie patty are you excited for the first day of the rest of our lives wait a minute sayori voice that's it that's all i got wait my awkward best friend with a high-pitched voice what are you doing here i'm in every anime hey do me a favor stay away from ropes you're going to be feeding them okay oh no oh this is our first live from gamecock this is the first year yeah we have 30 seconds yeah and then it's a draw some of these games are a bit ill-contrived i don't know i don't know what you're talking about oh my gosh if you've ever seen us at a gt live live i hope i hope that some day live events come back these were so fun these are oh they're they're amazing and i know like the re-uploads of them i'm so nervous for gt live lives chris did you get nervous for gt live live well absolutely they were live shows like we were on stage i like that you say that they were live shows as though this is not a live show because they were like real live shows i could see the audience i know right yeah they could physically attack you if you did something wrong oh my gosh gt live live was i would get so so nervous so nervous you guys oh yeah oh yeah because that like i said like sitting here does not feel like a performance but if you're on a stage and there are these lights and there are all these people in the background like hooking microphones on you and they're so there's a lot and they're like don't screw this this this or this up and you're like oh no this is a performance what i didn't sign on for this so yeah oh i'm so nervous for gt live those are so fun i love those man at some point i know that like youtuber touring was the thing that was super popular back in the day and i like i wish that we had the time in our schedule to do it because it would be fun like touring yeah to turn around and do like gt live live around in a lot of places like that would be a lot of fun the problem there's two problems with it one we're just so busy and our format takes so long to work on like it would just be really hard to do remotely but then two is you and i are such like perfectionists a live show would be really really hard yeah we would we would go way over the top with it yeah yeah totally and i think we would have a hard time like because because you see a lot of other youtubers shows and i haven't seen all all of them certainly but like i've seen a good number of them and like a lot of them are just like so a lot of them are kind of of they're fun they're okay some of them some of them are great some of them are like um they're very there's the level yeah there are a bunch of really great examples of youtuber shows and then there's some they're like meh but anyway yeah so be one of those things thank you so [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] because that's mid-2019 so we still have like a good six plus months before the world shutdown [Laughter] i just found their abilities at gymnastics this is so and i found it creepy so there you go steph can you do this with me can we do it it'll be the next yoga challenge here we go here we go fast forward to the yoga challenge okay nope so short counterbalance me woman oh where's your butt why is your butt so low we work better together in some capacities than others you're so short this is we got it got it sit up straight oh my gosh chris thanks for finding that belly wt [Laughter] oh that's amazing that's great that's so good oh no oh you guys it's friday which is not scary it's delightful but it's scary games friday which makes it scary delightful scary games plus friday go together like ramalan shoots [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] like an especially same brain like we'll have the same completely random non-sequitur thoughts true our brains are becoming wired so similarly that we are almost interchangeable yeah it's it's pretty wacky like from songs popping out of nowhere at like the exact same time to conversation topics that are like transition chance for conversation topics but we're still doing yeah this has been a lot bad so really even though you're leaving the couch i still carry you on yeah you do in my brain if we have the same brain i can just do both rolls at this point here we go [Applause] this was not a gt live moment no that's the best you got but it was great oh zip it see where it is wow yeah that's the extent of your trash talk i see you wore your pioneer woman clothes today why don't you go out back and churn some butter laura ingalls wilder this is a man's game guess what churning butter gives you very strong heart muscles that's one of my favorite lips it's so good the the the witty banter sections at the beginning live streams you bring the wit i just bring the band thanks thanks man that's very sweet here we go like a half hour ago i shrunk that jacket in the dryer one time [Music] so hey that was always my favorite one in middle school to do the lawnmower so energy drinks i know somebody has these right look at these these nice off-brand sodas he even has a shaker back there he isn't even hiding no one uses a shaker on soda you don't shake soda ready here's the couch thanks chris thanks chris i love how this is this is here it is three two one [Laughter] that was the million subscriber episode for gtt live oh that was the million subscribers good good one shaking the soda that was so cool ah that's so funny oh so good everyone's clapping halfing oh man don't shake soda it was just logical come on i can i can say this one okay ready this one is stephanie and i like you can probably tell from just our life from gt live from the way we talk about each other like we're really competitive just in in general you know makes me competitive to be a better person not in a negative way but she makes me feel like i can never do enough good in work and like not in a bad way like not not know like i can never do enough good stuff but like i'm always consistently impressed with her and how awesome she is and how hard she works and how smart she is and so it pushes me to do better and kind of rise to the incredibly high bar that she's set so it's a relationship that makes me i don't know amazing that's a confession i could say here in private as she's that's nice she she heard all of it she uh was standing out are you kidding me that's okay real are you kidding seriously but it was really sweet i was like you're dead i i thought it was great i don't care about you made a vomit face are you thanks thanks a lot thanks oh that was lovely thank you thank you this is a high five oh is that what that was there yeah yeah thank you for tuning in and remember that's just the stream a live stream thanks for tuning in oh what will you do without my pro tips i it's a struggle struggle even worse than we already do oh my gosh i know oh that was so nice so so anyway thank you oh my gosh thank you guys thank you i've seen a lot of stuff in chat and on twitter asking why i'm leaving um and there are there are a number of reasons but none of them are bad none of them are because something bad has happened none of them are because something has gone wrong or because we don't want to spend the time together has it's not anything like that actually it's that sometimes sometimes it's time and i know that every single person watching and chris and matthew and everyone we know will be able to relate to this at some point if you don't already sometimes sometimes it's just time to do something new um and not even for me so much do something new but there are points in your life in your career in everything you do that you recognize are a change of a phase or where you recognize something that has become you know really important to you or something that you need to focus on as a new chapter starts i think a lot of people have had some kind of revelation like that over the last year because you know you're sitting around your house and you're like wow gotta figure out my life sitting sitting here in my house it gives you a lot of time to ponder to ponder your life um and it this also wasn't about like quarantine has nothing to do with covid nothing like that but there there comes a point where you just realize slowly over time that time itself is the most important thing in in the world it's the most important thing in your life and the moments that i have spent on this live stream have been so great this is the emotion not hitting me so i'm not going to be able to say the words that i really feel about this um because i i won't be able to express those for like 48 hours again um but my time on this live stream has been such an unexpected thing that happened but then additionally such an unexpected joy and pleasure and honor in every way and every single person that i have met who has watched this live stream has continually surprised me by wanting to know me by supporting me by coming up to me and saying hi um i was really shocked and surprised to see everyone's messages on twitter and um on the streams leading up to this one this week my presence on the live stream started out as a necessity and for a long time i always just thought that i was just an accessory to the live stream but you guys watching just by watching if you watched one episode if you watched 100 episodes made it into something different and made it a project that we could do together which is so unbelievably valuable and something that will probably never will certainly never be recreated in exactly the same way again and it's the right time now to capture some other moments in my life in our business behind the scenes we run a lot of channels and and to make them run and make to make our whole business as a whole and our whole partnership be the best it can possibly be i have to spend some time elsewhere and it has nothing to do with not wanting to be here we have a kid and i know that a lot of people watching don't have kids but if you have other members of your family or other friends and maybe even this past year has taught everyone kind of more about this is that time with the people you love is really valuable and that missing little moments of just being with them is really hard and you realize the value of those little moments and time with your family or with people who are close to you your friends if you are someone who's living at home with your parents guess what that time is fleeting and you might think of that as a really good thing or not but it's fleeting and it's and it's going to be over soon and the time that we get to spend with friends sometimes something happens and you can't see your friends for a year and so i really want to take advantage of the time that i have with my family and that includes matthew and it also includes ollie and it also includes skip and it includes other people who i want to be able to say you know yes i can come see you or yes when it's safe we can get together um because for a lot of years we've always always had to say no i'm sorry we can't do that we have to work no i'm sorry we can't do that we have to work um and so maybe maybe we'll be able to spend a little bit more time with the people we love um but that doesn't mean that we love this live stream any less and i i think i think that everyone has decisions like that in their life and i hope that you understand and that you know that even if i'm not on camera here i'm still in every other one of the channels and heck i've been making a lot of appearances on food theory lately i'm really i'm really into food theory um and that i'm always here if you need me and i will try to be present on other social media platforms so that i don't disappear entirely you will still see me in lots of other episodes of other things that we do at all the events we go to i will still be there just like i am now and i hope you will be too because it's meant so much to me to have you there for the last the last five six if you count the rest of game theory 10 years you can't know what a difference you've made so thanks okay we're gonna go film another episode of gt not and then it'll live and it'll be weird because i've just made this compassion speech to everyone okay guys we good chris you good i'm [Laughter] do you want to wave goodbye right like the thing is i don't know should we say goodbye in the chat i don't want to end it because we ended it you know we got this we got this ready you were never just a necessity so you know you never will be yeah let's see in the chat hey whoo uh next week might be a little thin on uploads because i got to figure out what to do with this channel now we're also going to take a vacation next week you guys are going to take a little bit of a break we're going to try and go do something somewhere i've got like and swim in an ocean we've got like we've okay two stockpiled episodes they're gonna come out but uh i'll be back merch is available we love these stuff shameless potato said i'm gonna miss you so much laura jansen says bye stephanie space unicorn says i love you guys firefly girl says ah and riri says i love you steph bye
Channel: GTLive
Views: 620,474
Rating: 4.976572 out of 5
Keywords: react, reaction, matpat reacts, goodbye stephanie, stephpat, stephanie, matpat and stephanie, matpat and steph, matpat and stephanie cute moments, gtlive funny moments, gtlive best moments, gtlive best streams, gtlive best of steph, stephanie gtlive, gtlive funny, game theorists, game theory, gtlive, matpat
Id: u2J6e51IaQE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 2sec (5042 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 12 2021
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