ELMO, WAKE UP!! | A Nightmare on Sesame Street (Scary Game)

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Arius it does not seem to be very interested in us I'm just saying I'm gonna stealth my way around him okay I don't know he kind of veered off he did kind of take like a weird route there didn't he no he's gone no he's over there they see him yeah there oh hey guys oh no no oh my god run okay go go go go go go go go oh man oh no he's he runs fast he's a lot faster than Dora [Music] [Applause] hey guys and welcome to GT not lies that's right there is nothing living about this episode of GT however it's still here for you it is we are here for you forever until YouTube decides to clean out all its old videos ah it's not nice that could happen anytime I or it could happen never and we can just exist in perpetuity and you can just re-watch this video over and over and over again anytime you miss us lost in cyberspace today's episode of GT not live we're going to be tackling another horror game in the the style of some of the other horror games that we've been playing if you've been watching and following along with our episodes while we are out on babby break yes today we are continuing in the Canon of Dave microwaves games his his oeuvre his uber of cleaning out his entire refrigerators worth of microwaved games right in his like an artist you've office know there's an opus it's his magnum opus like his but like a collection of an artist's work as his oh isn't it I don't think that could possibly be right it sounds like because you are descent through Dave microwaves games is you love games today we're playing a nightmare on Sesame Street where if judging by his past games 3m at the krusty krab and Dora is not dead Dora is not dead Dora the explora is not dead I'm assuming we are Big Bird and elbows trying to kill us or we are Elmo and Big Bird's trying to kill us or snuffleupagus is some zombie creature who's throwing undead Grover's in our face we're just continuing our exploration of everyone's early childhood to turn everything you thought you loved into a nightmare and prepare our new rival for the horrors that await him in the future yeah this is what we're gonna be showing you baby these are the three lads cartoons that we're gonna be showing you yeah so also question Chris which is it is that elmo is coming after us as a big bird is coming after us what's what's the deal with this one you are Elmo yeah and I believe you're in an Elmo nightmare and Freddy Krueger is there on Sesame Street you know that's gonna be off Freddy Krueger yeah it's Freddy Freddy that we usually worry about jump scaring us in video games it's the original Freddy this one is not an animatronic but he's unhappy no but he does have claws still it's just funny to me that Freddy Krueger is the villain like yes he's a traditional organ I like mixing it up I like you know hey this is your your childhood from like whatever I mean the Sesame Street's been on forever so 90s 2000s whatever said we're just gonna fill in yeah yeah how far back does it go it's the origin of public broadcast television the only thing that's kept PBS alive all these years well if you like mixing it up step get ready because we're mixing it up with Freddy let's begin let's do it let's begin by clicking the button again okay I've noticed that all of his games require you to press the button twice you'd like are you sure you want to play what if I said sure Peter interact after turn your flashlight we've got all sorts of oh man this one's complicated Crouch oh that's different okay need to find another to wake up oh I can I need to wake up find another radio find another radio to wake up his room is his shelves are starting to look the same a little bit in all these girls know these are rainbow colored Stephanie and also if something if you're gonna hit him on something looking alike hit him on the fact that all the flashlights are exactly the same oh yeah but all flashlights are the same in real life - wait closing the apartment doors is the only way to escape reading on cheese oh great so open it way to go oh my gosh I can't navigate her up almost scared oh wait there's Freddie it appears to be he looks friendly and slow moving the closing the apartment doors is the only way that means we can get ready stay in here yeah does that mean I need to do it no because then we'll never wake up Stephanie I like the juxtaposition I like how a Sesame Street is known for having special guests oh and Freddy Krueger's a special guest in this episode there we go there's our radio oh no that wasn't enough to wake me up I need another radio okay well I found one oh I get it I get it we are in the dream that you're trying to wake ourselves up from a dream I was like wow Elmo was really concerned that he gets up on time tomorrow morning I thought he was just like oh man my radios yeah my radio is broken I need something else to use as an alarm clock all right Oh feel you Elmo have you ever been in a dream where you've actively tried to wake yourself up or had to actively try to wake yourself up no I don't think that's ever happened to me there these stairs leave your body Elmo apparently no apparently that is not allowed that is a big no-no an Elmo no no no I don't think I've ever actually been in a dream I had to actively write to wait I haven't either I have had some dreams that have been really good and I've realized at some point that I was asleep and dreaming and I was like no oh this sucks and I've tried to then forget that I was dreaming yeah to try and get the dream to just go on for a little while yeah or like where you have a really cool dream that and then you like wake up unfortunately and then all of a sudden you're like man I really wanted to finish that dream right exactly you want to finish it because like sometimes the dream is like 75% of the way through and you're like oh man but it was going in such a great direction I just I just want to see it through yeah I want my own story to have a happy ending yeah or you just wanted to see how yeah exactly how it ended exactly yeah how like how did it play out did I win the lottery now I've never had dreams about winning the lottery no we had naked dreams Oh like embarrassing naked dreams right Oh in insecurity naked dreams totally I've had several of those I'm usually not completely naked though I'm usually I wearing clothes but then I look down and realized that like it only covers half my body or something no there's something really awkward dwelling out there rekted nudity right it's like surprise nudity because you didn't think you are nude and then it's like oh no I'm neuter than I thought the worst type of nudity right uh no nudity there's Freddie yeah just kind of is just walking down the street saying a new one he's not singing you should because it's Sesame Street never all things that be nice Bhaskar you in there no response is I'm all alone okay I was wondering if either of you like any cameos from other characters hey did you know there's a lot of characters you could draw upon it's true oh there he is it does not seem to be very interested in us I'm just saying I'm gonna stealth my way around him okay he kind of veered off he did kind of take like a weird route there didn't he no he's done no he's over there they see him yeah oh hey guys oh no no oh my gosh run okay go go go go go go go go oh man oh no he's he runs fat he's a lot faster than Dora well she didn't have any legs to be fair Matthews dreams go to some pretty extreme places like whatever Matthew help repeats a dream that he's had to me it's always like and a bomb exploded and I had to save 12 kittens whose true and then everyone who died and oh and people die all the time in your dreams oh I had a lot of death it's really it's Matthew's dreams get pretty weird every once in a while I'll have like you know some some kind of Freddy situation somebody will die in my dream but it's like one person one two buckle my shoe three four knock at the door five six pick up sticks seven eight lay them straight nine ten a big fat hen okay great I was thinking that was gonna go in a murdery direction and then interested nope and it was just the regular careful cuz he's he's a quickie you know but I don't know how to they said shut the apartment go into your apartment and shut the door what apartment what doors when you came from they have been shut since the beginning I conscientiously shut them well no shut them behind me go inside them and shut them what do you know what so I should leave them open and then you run back in and shut them if Freddie starts to chase you well that just seems irresponsible and an invitation for robbers he's the only one in town so you're either gonna get murdered or everything's gonna be perfectly safe I always I'm just sad that Freddie in the movies doesn't have a giant balloon right I feel that would make the movies a lot more fun how do you know he doesn't have a giant balloon head being the movies all of them every last one I'm you have to not see my friend for he seems nothing no crowd we're gonna back out your shows him no Sam right yeah what do you think it was I don't know I was one of them bad a friend a secret a secret ally friend secret ally friend no Abu I hit the trashcan that probably sick right I'm in some way yes yes that secret friend who hides next to the dumpster what's our objective here oh you find radios where were randomly generated you that one radio has never shown up here again and it's summer it is the saddest revelation all the radios must be in the center of town or something cuz yeah for the life of me I'm not finding them into any of the buildings nearby run into a building M I'm running into my apartment okay good close the door whoa oh my gosh he died is he gone okay open door let's see it's not like we've made any progress anyway oh oh [Applause] okay okay that's it yeah we may need to find another door find where another way out mom where are the radios why can I not find a thing in this game where oh boy the radios gone there we go find another radio I found one good start mmm-hmm hopefully they like hopefully they're only like three one also hopefully they don't only spawn when you found the first radio I think that's the big backtrack to all the places we were yeah I don't have to look through everything I've already done is this actually a model of Sesame Street it's been so long since I've ever seen an episode of Sesame Street that I wouldn't know is it a model of Sesame Street great question actually I am Not sure I'm assuming no Sena nanana oh I'm so far away from literally anything oh no go it's like no hat Oh find the shortest disco go go go go go go go go he's he's worse than the other Freddie he's terrible it's also and we can't even just shine a flashlight only they were like other locations that we could activate time the fact that all the escapes are only on one side of the road makes it very challenging to explore the other side of the road oh this game is so hard can't believe we're saying that about these games the reason we're filming is due to not live episodes because we're out on a bit of a baby break when you are getting ready to have a baby one of the things that they say is that you tend to have super vivid dreams really yeah because like your your brain is like has different chemicals going on yeah and you tend to have like really super vivid like really lifelike dreams like some people have the best dreams of their life when they're getting ready to have a baby and you have just said that you and I have got it I've gotten none of that well I know that it was gonna be really exciting I was gonna live out all my dreams but I didn't even have it maybe that's because you're so happy in life normally that that it's almost beautiful what would I aspire to my dreams yeah what what more could you want Wow Wow that'd be that'd be a pretty I don't know pretty arrogant thing to say what it even if you've got a pretty awesome life shouldn't you be aspiring to like solving world problems something else at that point I mean look beyond yourself firm in it oh my gosh I mean there's only so many world problems you can solve in any given lifetime and any given dream for it I don't give a dream he's just you know know right what a loiterer that Freddy perhaps his biggest crime of all loitering at least he didn't solicit us I was always confused by stores cuz I I asked my mom I think I was maybe six or seven years old when I asked what the word loitering meant yeah as you see it on a lot of store windows a lot and so when I was growing up in Buies Creek North Carolina and I was going down to the shortstop you and your buddies rhettandlink yeah means me and rhettandlink know but I was I was frequently at the shortstop which was the gas station in town all I was gonna say a position on a baseball field between no definitely nice I wouldn't be caught dead on a baseball diamond but but I was at the shortstop gas station to buy fun dip ooh pretty funny and I and I would ask fun my mom what does what does that sign mean to shoot I had to explain the loitering meant just like hanging around being a hooligan basically and I was like why wouldn't they just say that that sounds so much simpler which is like a fancy word the face it all just means like wasting time shoot too fast for me oh no I hear there's claws yeah you can't get stuck in these long alleyway like what do you do now you're done shut the door yeah oh yes oh sweet oh yeah awesome okay now he's in the back alley so that should give me time to check out the front maybe yeah let's do it nope there he goes never mind nope I could I was completely wrong yeah that and there's nothing I can do at this point yeah there any doors I'll go in there and close that door no door close the door close the door you can't close these doors that's the problem with this game we're never gonna beat Freddy Elmo will never wake up he will be forever trapped in a perpetual nightmare dying at the hands of Freddy over and over and over again that is the fate of our dear friend Elmo he's he's being tickled repeatedly with Freddy's dagger like fingers really bathroom oh wait he's already out there right he's already trying to kill us this is how aggressive he is he hates us this much Elmo scared Elmo is gonna be tickled in the stomach with a bunch of bleeding hands makers we'll see how ticklish he's feeling I think it's just a random like luck of this random spawn with the radio yeah it's it's wild to me how there's a spell identifying with the radios I've literally searched pretty much every part of the town except for like new buildings every time I restarted the game I always miss this building because he's usually kind of roaming around town square no radio and I usually miss no this is the grocery store yeah where are the buildings that I'm supposed to be looking at I don't know I don't know this one just we Dave microwaves games you might know a violin a little bit too long he may have burnt it haha you may have put tinfoil in the microwave and the microwave is ruined cuz at this point I like oh wait what would you just pass next to adult sir I passed a car oh that was a wheel I was I thought maybe it was a radio seeing things now right hallucinating radios no maybe this was just hey a friendly nightmare of finding radios in Sesame Street oh there's one okay but I gotta find another one well and lair looked everywhere we're in in my own it must randomly spawn after you found the first one nice it must right because there's because I literally searched in every building yeah I am I also don't know her Freddy is at this point I say that and watch me like Jake said no no I show up behind me I was nearby here the whole time welcome to your nightmare when did Freddie become a pirate Garg he's branching out ha ha ha he wanted a new dress if those nice hands are actually good for a lot of things he's better than the hook he's gonna actually start working at the Benihana oh that would be amazing to be a great listen chopping was that was that the sound of Freddy choice the sound of Freddy chopping the hibachi it sounded like Crash Bandicoot Wow it's going let's go a little Zoidberg now yeah whoa no darn it oh yeah I have no idea where we're supposed to find this okay help wasn't in the laundromat come on we're I'm determined then and yet there's gonna be a problem there's gonna be a third one no that's that's the worst well this is technically the third one that we've tried to find I mean if you count the one in the house yeah but that's I was counting it it counts I know you were counting that some telling me the game does not count something tells me Wow oh that was lucky all right that was that was lucky that was creepy huh he's like I'm here at the door waiting for you evermore ah let me teach you the ABCs it seems like the radio's randomly spawn and everyone's been having a difficult time finding them every time great once you find the game [Music] Oh like inception we have to go through multiple layers of nightmare scheme is just too advanced for us I know there's no Stu hard yeah oh there's one oh come on okay so so they do seem to randomly spawn based on just like one after another yep and you can't find one without the other you can't find one with them just all sorts of jingles I've been doing it I know today this episode's been a lot of jingles oh no almost more of a stealth game can't get in there right oh we can oh my god can't believe that worked oh my god that that was a miracle of elms it wasn't a nightmare on elm street that was a miracle on Elm Street forget 34th Street miracles Elm Street saw a miracle today kids uh okay all right Oh I like that Chris is like oh they mostly spawn indoors and yet both of them have been outside maybe the last one will be inside then know the game hates us who are we kidding this game hates us it's not spawning indoors okay where's the yet yeah he's down the street so I'm gonna go this way I'm gonna go that shop is that a radium in the back why don't you just pass the flowers the flowers the flowers our shop really yeah I guess good amazing Christian yeah oh holy balls this is so hard hallelujah hallelujah did we find our way out did they just it also sounds like they ran out of budget for wait what well Elmo's in it Elmo's in a dungeon holes in a dungeon oh I know where he is Elmo's in the like furnace room of ah Oh Elmo's in the furnace room from Nightmare on Elm Street we made some progress we made a miniscule amount of progress in a game that is almost impossible to win that was really really hard actually that was much harder than I thought and watching and also much harder than the other Dave microwaves games right there's there's a big range of difficulty levels Dave as you're microwaving the game sometimes I feel like your power level 100 and sometimes it's like power level you know maybe 45 I mean as we explore his ooh you know you're gonna see the easy and the hard I mean not all eh not all the movies in Hitchcock's oof were classics you had ones like the the traveller that's not at the hitch-hiker which was you know early experimentation then you had classics like the psycho psycho and the birds so sometimes under appreciated ones where he's experimenting like rope this is basically Dave microwaves as games is ropes --is this is Dave's microwaves as Games's ropes is Hitchcock's I I think we should pause here to do so while we're plumbing the depths of videos we're plumbing is ooh take a deeper and deeper into his ooh I just really feel like no we need to explore all the nooks and crannies of a zoo alright so we'll be back - we'll be back to continue moving with Dave so make sure you tune in for more GT not live by hitting the subscribe button that you see right here probably rather clean the two of us right there and most importantly of all remember that's just a video a video for you thanks for moving it I'm moving it
Channel: GTLive
Views: 305,148
Rating: 4.9429951 out of 5
Keywords: nightmare on sesame street, sesame street, sesame street game, elmo, alphabet lane, dora is dead, dora is not dead, 3am krusty krab, 3 scary games, sesame, 3 horror games, freddy krueger, nightmare on elm street, a nightmare on sesame street, gtlive, markiplier, gameplay, nightmare sesame street, game theory, matpat, gtlive nightmare on sesame street, matpat sesame street, matpat nightmare on sesame street, gt live, dave microwaves games, gtlive elmo
Id: 7jPaTKRglbo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 54sec (1614 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 24 2018
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