Was Being a SLAVE WIFE Actually MERCY? Christian Vlogger Says Yes (Sweetovivi)

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yesterday Wednesday January 23rd 2019 this channel presently called mr. atheist reached 100,000 subscribers and what better way to celebrate then now a day later to respond to a video that's going to send us all into a spiraling depression her name is Vee and she's here to tell you why slavery compelled marriage and rape weren't so bad in the Bible yeah you know that's good hi V Jimmy here before we actually jump into this I want to say I got a lot of requests to review this video some of the language that was attached to some of these requests weren't exactly encouraging call me a hippie or whatever else but I want to win minds and hearts and so while this intro is about the only palatable part of the her argument and I will be responding in full to the arguments she makes I want you all to remember that above all I believe V is a victim of in this case Christian indoctrination and a mindset that comes with it where when you come across anything that is unpleasant in the Bible you need to figure out a way that it works and that everything isn't so bad even when it is some of the worst things humans have ever done to each other so that in mind let's keep going okay so by the way polygamy wouldn't be one of the things that a lot of people think is immoral in fact polygamy being immoral is something within a religious context now don't get me wrong there are non-religious people who do believe that polygamy isn't okay they themselves think monogamy is best for themselves and unfortunately there are some who think that because they can only conceptualize that for themselves that must be the best for everyone I'm in total support of anybody who wishes to be in a monogamous relationship however there is nothing inherently wrong with polygamy or polyamory that would make it immoral in the sense that it is bad for the well-being of humankind however yes there is a number of times that the bible does seem to advocate for types of rape that are okay or just when terrible rape is okay that I would hope both myself as a secular humanist and you as a Christian would agree that rape is always immoral things like I already did on polygamy and rape if you want to check those out I'll link those in the description I love videos like these this will probably be instantly demonetised by YouTube because of the words being used in this especially rape anyway the next thing she does is she slips in this slide that I'll read out to you I assume that the slide she's putting in here are because there point she wanted to supplement the thing she was saying I could see myself doing that in the future I'm not gonna criticize her for that another accusation against the Bible is that it condones female captives being made to submit sexually to soldiers as spoils of war yes that would be another not just accusation but a criticism of the Bible and this suppose in moral authority who advocated for it it says male soldier plus prisoner of war numbers 31 1 through 18 Deuteronomy 21 11 through 14 under Moses his command Israelites kill every Midianite man woman and child saved for the virgin girls who are taken as spoils of war wives must submit sexually to their new owners this is something that is terrible we are talking about genocide the scripture says kill every man woman and child except for the virgin girls and keep in mind at this time they weren't really great with ages of consent so we are literally talking about children as well as perhaps adults at all those infant boys or male children yes they would need to be killed as well please V explain to me why this is ok now she spit up a scripture keep for yourselves all the women children who have not known a man intimately I imagine the context couldn't be more clear though we are talking about a Jetix so they'll disagree either to be handmaids to them or be married among them when grown up or become converts that are initiated into the religion oh wow all of those options sign me up next slide the laws of the Bible were designed to preserve as much innocent life as possible that's why they killed all of the infant boys - I don't think you know what as possible means no before jumping into this and judging it being completely yeah don't trust your moral instincts let's hear her out this is so condescending and I feel so bad for her that she has fallen for this line because it is a very popular one in religion we weren't there but that doesn't mean we don't understand the context there are great many people historians anthropologists my friends Meghan and Josh from over on digital Hammurabi who studied these kinds of things to reveal their actual contact but let me be clear if God exists and is this great moral authority that I questioned him and his judgment and his people when they are condoning some of the worst ways humans have ever treated each other you got this a lot from Mormons when you ask them about Joseph Smith having a 14 year old wife that he was sexually active with and first of all after denying it for decades almost two centuries worth now they finally come to terms with it and they do this same sort of excusing well that was the times that was acceptable know if you claim to have a direct line to God who was a moral authority he should have told you not to be a pedophile but in this case the actual story from Joseph was that it was on God's command so both of these are once again examples the way humans have figured out how to be more moral than God it's something that every culture did which makes it okay that's why slavery was okay wait why did these things stop because some society or culture came along and said you know what these actually are wrong and it usually met a lot of resistance and you had things like the Civil War I'm specifically referring to the one in the United States and leading these charges was basically the idea of putting off a more traditional biblical view for one that oftentimes religious people pointed to the Bible for new verses that supported their way but in reality what was happening was those societies reflecting moral values that you find more consistent with things like secular humanism the people you are talking about who were doing it were also the ones to claim to have a direct line to God and this was back in the Bible days when the proofs of God were supposedly much more evident and obvious because there were just straight-up Wizards walking the land calling down bears to murder kids that's a real story from the Bible but don't worry the wizard was justified these kids were making fun of him for being bald being taken in captive is a mercy as opposed to being just killed I can tell you there are people who would disagree with that statement but I will say that I prefer life to non-life though I don't think that would be the case if it was a life of slavery but I genuinely do enjoy being alive but you want to talk about this act of mercy that followed an active and atrocity and then act as though the balance sheets are negative so these people that you have selected for for extremely selfish reasons you're claiming you're extending to them an act of mercy when in fact the people taking on these prisoners are doing for their own self gain whether that is to have a wife have a slave have a handmaiden the gain in this case is only in the favor of the captor you do you all see that caption on their their version of slavery was what we think of as servants today that is an absolute and complete lie the Bible has guidance about beating your slaves this wasn't a trade that they have some level of consent in the Bible isn't just an ancient day NFL you can't say this is what servants are today because you just said this started with an act of genocide and people were taken and spared via mercy how what what servants are you referring to from today and as we've reviewed many times on dear mr. atheist the people the church identifies as girls they don't get a lot of rights they are grouped with property they are meant to be servants everything about you right now that you are speaking out that you have a page that you can publicly express your opinions that you are speaking with some claim of moral authority and some ability to actually sort of communicate with God and figure out what he wants this church you are defending would not have abided that in this time and depending on which church you choose at present day they wouldn't basically she would have a much better life that is you presuming you don't know what her culture and society was like great you were the one saying you need to do your research in context you know which life she might have preferred the one where she got to choose who she wanted to marry who she wanted to be with and participate in the same society as the family and people she grew up around it seems to me that that might have been a preferable life so now you're defending one of the terrible and moral things that come from biblical societies with another terrible moral thing that comes from biblical societies yes in the Bible the people that were identified as women they were not allowed to seek out their own identity and be their own person that is another thing that a society that claims to have a phone line directly to God should have gotten right try and put yourself in the shoes of any one of these people and consider the idea that you as you are now have been taken captive by a person and you are meant to think of it as mercy because while they have just murdered everyone you've ever known and loved save it be maybe if you have a virgin sister as well but your father your brothers anybody they identify as men and any other non virgin the people you know and love are now dead but they saved you so that's an act of mercy what kind of God are you defending in the comments won't you let me know if a life of doing all of the housework is something you would call having a really great life feels really forced into the marriage because if the guy saw the girl didn't like him completely despise him here's the scripture she has up right now and then I'll let her get to her conclusion if you are not pleased with her let her go wherever she wishes you must not sell her or treat her as a slave since you have dishonored her that's in no way has anything to do with whether or not she liked him it was about if he liked her so go ahead and take that to the conclusion you are assuming he is going to then do the right thing this person who is murdered everybody she ever loved you're thinking he's gonna go hey listen I can see that you're not really into me for the way I murdered your dad and made your mom beg for mercy before I clubbed her head in so I'm just gonna let you head out I hope I hope everything's cool here though we're cool right we're cool we are literally talking about slavery absolutely they are going to take their time to wear this person down using both physical force and mental manipulation so at the very least they can have a great old life in love built on Stockholm Syndrome Wow this is the person who said we need research in the context from that time as a captive would be your best choice and what were those other choices again oh right to be a handmaiden or serve in the church oh look at all this mercy it says the word take if you notice among the captives a beautiful woman and are attracted to her you may take her as your wife it doesn't use the word force it uses the word take another word that actually in no way says they have any level of choice and implies quite the opposite the Bible doesn't say it says the word take like Abraham took Sarah to be his wife if Abraham and Sarah existed at all it is actually very likely Sarah didn't have a choice in that either rape is illegal it's one of the highest crimes and the punishment for rape is death it's one of the highest crimes but it's not mentioned whatsoever in the Ten Commandments and by the way mentioned in the Ten Commandments would be the murders that these people have just committed literally anything can become legal just if God's into it you are just wrong there were many cases that that was just what happened and in the case of what you are thinking actually happened not much better because what you are talking about is people who were taken and basically brainwashed and reprogrammed we see this kind of stuff today women at this time are not treated like people women were issued identities you have no idea what you are talking about you've literally gone over your what you're calling rights are those she has a few other choices which again she didn't if one of these soldiers said you me wife now you know maybe you should actually consult with people who are victims of domestic abuse and are in relationships they couldn't actually leave because in many cases they don't actually see a difference between a relationship that you feel like you cannot escape that you weren't given much of a choice to be in in the first place or you went in with it enthusiastically and found out you were with a monster that you couldn't just leave there is a great many things in common with that and slavery but even if you were right giving somebody something that is completely terrible but is slightly better than something else that is completely terrible does not make the first terrible thing okay once again I do not see a person here I hate I see a person here who is herself a victim a victim of programming and a victim of indoctrination that it is very sad to see I'm sure in another world V and I could get along very well but right now she is going out and doing apologetics for a church that would treat her this same way centuries ago she wouldn't be allowed to have a voice she wouldn't be allowed to be her own person she obviously feels some sense of identity for herself and that would have been totally stomped away enough would these hey in the original context it was never okay to do these and we should stop pretending that maybe there is some universe it could be and this is a good example of the kinds of religion I want to see this world not have personally I don't see much need for any religion but this is the kind of thing at the top of my list that I think needs to go quick that is all for today and thank you again for watching thank you for a hundred thousand subscribers that is absolutely amazing I am so thrilled even if right now I'm a bit pissed off links to support the page can be found below and follow me on Twitter and Instagram at dear mr. atheists here are a couple of video suggestions one for myself and one from the algorithm won't you stay a while and this was here on my patrons who I appreciate so much for their investment in my channel a special thank you to my orbital teapots Karissa Anika Mia and sax man today's patron of the day is busy robot hands busy thank you would love i'm jimmy snow mister atheist wasn't my father
Channel: Mr Atheist
Views: 264,994
Rating: 4.9632354 out of 5
Keywords: sweetovivi, mr athest, dear mratheist, bible, bible condones slavery, christian video response, condones, soldier, captors, captives, advice, funny, vlog, girl, talking, slaves, biblical, talks, scripture, verses, old testament, rules, laws, questions, life, love, god, jesus, christ, questioning, skeptics, skeptisism, athiesm, athiest
Id: f85J2S79NjU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 44sec (944 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 24 2019
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