Christian Mommy Homeschools for All the Wrong Reasons!!! | Dear Mr Atheist

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today's episode is about Christian homeschooling this is a topic that I think is very important because depending on what your motivation is for homeschooling your child I think it can be extremely dangerous so once again I'm mister atheist let's do this I want to say a couple of things before we get started the first is this I almost didn't make this video today when I see the mom in this video I see somebody who is much more a victim than a person that I am angry at for the things that they are saying and the things they are spreading however I did decide to cover this for a couple of reasons the main one being that she herself says she is making these videos in the hopes of influencing other people and in addition to that her channel is growing it is still rather small though my channel was a similar size just three months ago and this video is why she has decided to home-school and there are some things in this that I think are very dangerous that point to a lot of the reasons why I do this channel in general and then the second thing and then we'll start watching this is a reminder to hit that subscribe button I usually only come on YouTube and do a video when I feel inspired to or when I feel like someone needs to connect there's someone out there that needs to hear this or honestly these videos have been really good for me too so jumping in there she does reveal the motivation for a channel as I was saying she is looking to connect with people she's saying she feels inspired to that's a very kind of Christian thing this concept that God is actually suggesting to her that she needs to do these things that she's feeling compelled to by some outside force some outside influence and in this case she believes that's to be a supernatural influence and then the third reason is something I do myself getting things off her chest I have no problem with that obviously I have a problem with the concept of doing things because you believe there's some supernatural influence in your life but other than that mostly stopping here to remind you that she is meaning to influence other people and that's why she's here on my channel today why don't I just send my kids to school like all the other moms are doing why are they not feeling this pulled up in school and I have to remind myself that this is what it's supposed to be for our family and every family is different and what someone else is doing is not necessarily the the right thing for you or your family so now she hasn't quite gotten to the why but I do jump in here a little bit too because we've talked about this before we've seen this on like the three Mormons now Saints in scripted Channel the way people will say like hey if it's not for you it's not for you but then there will sort of be other things that are implicit so she's going to lay out the reasons why she does this and while I don't think she's meaning to do this maliciously there certainly is an air of like so if you're okay with your kids having that being exposed to this then sure maybe it's not for you and you know it's okay to ask for a reminder or for that support from the spirit to ask and to say it remind me remind you why I'm doing this and why is it so hard we are back now to themes of self indoctrination basically you're putting yourself in a cycle that's going to reaffirm itself but because you haven't been critical of that cycle with any methodology to actually sort of look at that under a microscope and verify that things you're feeling are in fact what you think they are and that they aren't coming from other source or for some other reason basically you're gonna put yourself into these blue and this is something that religion counts on and teaches you to do and programs you to do as you pray and look for guidance you start to get back those sort of answers that are expected of you mostly so you can avoid the guilt and the shame you know is this really gonna make a difference and you know what you know answer I get every time yeah it's gonna make it a huge difference I believe she has just demonstrated my point I am NOT doing this to raise smarter kids I hope that is the outcome I'm not doing it to raise smarter kids I'm not doing it so that they can can skip grade levels that's not why I'm consoling um I hope that happens that'll be great when considering the education of your children it is my firm belief and call me radical if you must but it is my firm belief that when assessing the education your children should undergo that their education should be the absolute top priority not something that you hope happens as a byproduct of well of what go ahead time for the big reveal I am doing this because the world is loud and it completely drowns out the voice of the Lord and it's sidetracks it distract it's it's silences the Spirit of the Lord its how weak is the light of Christ that it apparently can be out shown by a frigging Zippo lighter and I know I did to build up this actually wouldn't be the climax of the video but I do still want to respond the noise of the world is actually part of the benefit you get from public school now I'm not saying public schools for anybody in fact public school wasn't for me early on in high school I started actually doing concurrent enrollment and going to the college and taking courses there that I'd send back because I hate it hated my high school experience I also had a completely different set of values people didn't realize all the depression I was dealing with I was suicidal at times so again this isn't my TED talk advocating for public school it might not be for you it might not be for your kids but the noise of the world is actually some of the good parts some of the magic because you do have to learn how to cope in a world with other people with other noise and when you close in your kids off of that noise they are going to miss out on learning certain coping skills I hope you're supplementing it some other way but that public school experience it's not just socialization as in like the way you have fun with your friends it is conflict it is learning how to resolve things between people but what she means by the noise of the world is that there are things out there that will make you have doubts and that is good again I've said this so many times on my channel a doubt is about the greatest thing you can have because it means you're about to learn something as long as you equip your children with the values and desire of truth for truth of the the a love of finding truth and equip them with the ways to find out what the truth is not what your truth is or somebody else's truth is because those aren't real concepts equip your kids with that and they're going to do phenomenal but the thing is it's not that you want them to know the truth you want them to know the truth as you see it when kids are on their phones all day long on social media I am totally an advocate for restricting children's access to social media and phones in a day that I think as far as I know I'm not a parent so whatever that means but that I think yeah it should be limited is something that we are commanded to do in as latter-day saints and as Christians as followers of Christ we are commanded to take time to be holy so there's the next little big reveal she is a latter-day Saint which is another term for a Mormon a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of latter-day saints as they would like you to refer to them now Mormons is two syllables so good luck with that but she is here advocating for Christian homeschooling in general I don't think she's just saying like only only Mormon homeschooling is the right way but I think that does give a little bit of insight and I mostly liked putting off revealing that because I just imagine there are a number of Christian people who will watch this video who early on will be like yeah well you don't know maybe she is communicating with God but because I know the way Christians often dismiss Mormons will now feel a little bit like oh I got ahead of myself there didn't I whatever keep going mrs. Munson um I don't think having a scripture read for my family having a scripture read at the end of the day and saying how prayer is taking time to be holy that's a desert being holy so once again including that for my family that was actually something my family did now we had a ton of church exposure otherwise I still had to go to seminary every day I still had my Sunday and Wednesday activities and the Saturday deck tivities usually a couple times a month also if for some reason this is your first time watching you didn't know also myself coming from a Mormon family but can you see that undertone even with the inclusion of you know not for my family that's sort of like that's not good enough so that is what you're doing it's not good enough however I'm not gonna directly say it that little bit of a PC approach again I don't think she's a malicious person I imagine she and I could get along in the day-to-day though with how Christ centric her life is and it's it's I'm not sure we could have a conversation that didn't come back to religion so maybe not I don't know you know I I don't sit down I don't really eat any more subject but I've actually lost like six pounds since school started I don't think so I just jump forward a little bit she's basically talking about how hard this can be and how much of a trial it is and she's sort of making light of how it has been a physical trial she has been sacrificing her physical and mental health absolutely and a little more of that comes in later for this and that's not a good thing that isn't a good thing you should be able to find a balance if you can't find a balance and you can't prioritize the health of your you need to reevaluate the decisions you're making I'm not saying people don't sacrifice for their children obviously they do but I'm going to insist a little bit here that there must be a balance that doesn't sacrifice you so much the main feeling I got while planning my school year over the summer it was not to get my kids to do you know four digits of division or divide zeroes or um you know memorize the whole Constitution of the United States it wasn't those were not my goals so once again sort of bragging about how the education wasn't her top priority and the reason why I'm including this when we talk about Christian homeschooling in the future you're gonna get to see more but that is the case with a lot of people they aren't so worried about the actual education their kids are getting so their kids can recite off Bible verses but they can't do basic times tables and literally I will show you a video demonstrating just that in a future video about homeschooling but I can't TV through the spirit is that my children I was to help my children become disciples of Jesus Christ the thing that bothers me about this is people who value truth even if you believe that this is the truth I don't think should like this approach because right now you are basically saying I am going to shut my children off I am going to turn off the noise of the world and I'm gonna make sure the only thing that they are exposed to is my viewpoint so how how in the world can you be confident that they've actually made that choice for themselves how is that an honest choice made how did they have a chance to figure it out for themselves and why does your God not care about that apparently that your children did not honestly come to that conclusion themselves you want your children to love truth and value truth show them the information teach them how to work through it let them come to their own conclusions and if your religion is true at the end of the day then people looking for truth are going to find it but instead you have set them up to fail because even if they do stick with your religion we'll see mid to late 20s is usually when the big faith crisis shows up it won't have been their choice made it it will have been your choice made for them and you know as you look out at the world that you don't think that is the right approach for any other viewpoint and I'm sure you will justify to yourself why no no they actually they were given all the information and they felt god themselves when they prayed so you will need to explain how that is distinctly different from anybody from any other religion who has that experience and feels the same level of true and how we can sort between you on which of all of you are actually correct since apparently God is telling all of you your churches are true and now on with our program where you are going to get to see common Mormon theater that's really all I heard every time I'd be researching for Yulin help your children become disciples of Jesus Christ by homeschooling you are giving then allowing them unrushed and quiet holy time so she's just used the word allowing them and maybe she's not using it in the way I think of the word allow but it isn't allow it is forced there aren't other options and if they tried to go after I would love to see how you would react if your kids were like I'd actually like to stop with the holy time and maybe spend more time on biology I'd actually like to observe what other religions and what other philosophies take on existence is I know you've asked me to watch these scripture cartoons today but I'd actually rather watch a couple episodes of dear mr. atheist I just don't think you should use words like allow it's kind of like the way Paul and Morgan used freedom where it's actually freedom from choice and in this case it sounds like your children are allowed to choose what you have chosen for them an abundant amount a holy time the entire school day is being holy rejoicing in Christ turning to Christ and learning his truths and teaching my kids correct principles um so that they are taught correct principles from the first from from the start I am also in favor of that because in the noise of the world there are a lot of lies however when you're talking about school most of that curriculum is going to be consistent with what we understand unless outside sources are allowed to influence like in Arizona how they've tried to pass anti-evolution bills or like in Florida where I learned terrible things because they brought in a Southern Baptist group to teach sex ed and shame us all and make us sign purity pledges in the light I do not have to re-educate them every time they come home from school and that is what I was doing what do you do - school today oh that's not correct let's reeducate my big concern here is what were the things you had to re-educate them on I would very much love to know specifically what you are talking about and what you did to verify that those things were incorrect and not just incompatible with your worldview and I mean specifically your worldview because I'm from your church technically I'm still a member of your church and I know for a fact that with very few exceptions you do have to accept certain things as literally happening Noah's Flood Adam and Eve but you can do apologetics to make that fit into modern science you don't have to be a young earth creationist as a Mormon you can accept evolution you just have to figure out a time where basically God teleported Adam and even so I am indeed very concerned with the way people re-educate which is a term that is not uncommon ly associated with things like communism but yes I am concerned about this re-education and whether you took an objective approach I don't know if any of you I feel the the intensity going on okay now here it is here is the thing I was talking about the sort of climax we are approaching and the mindset that I think is so dangerous in this case and we'll talk about why but let me let her present it first I feel it eel quickening I feel that we are getting nearer and nearer to our Savior returning and this is an unfortunate thing that has been going on for centuries basically since the inception of the Bible and expectation that Jesus is about to come back and within the Mormon Church they get these things called patriarchal blessings which is basically you go see like a special Mormon psychic and he and he tells you your future Mormons gonna hate that I described it that way but yeah you see this guy and there are many people in their patriarchal blessings who were told they would actually witness the second coming who are now dead she has also bought into this lie that Jesus is coming back and I'm sorry he's not in its original context the second coming was meant to happen immediately but here you are a couple thousand years later still waiting on the step for sky daddy to come back with those cigarettes and because all that hasn't had to be waited by each of these people individually I very much wonder how long it will take before people realize there's no one coming this urgency you feel is a part of your programming and I really hope one day you decide to reevaluate your worldview and really figure out if you came to that conclusion based on ways that get people the truth or based on ways that compel people because an interested party wanted you to believe that but I feel like I feel and I feel my hearts that my calling and my job is to prepare these children but I feel what I feel and then that this is sort of those theatrics I was talking about Mormons get very weepy when they talk about Jesus and the Savior it actually shows that emotional attachment and how emotionally ingrained this indoctrination is why it is so hard why it was so hard for me to let go of why it is so hard for other people to let go of this is a total emotional take over and you are taking your children's education and saying hey I hope you got an education along the way but let's focus on these emotional attachments I have and make sure you have them too I'm not trying to make fun of her for crying she probably genuinely feels very emotional right now because that is that's how it's meant to go if anything I feel sorry for her because what I see here is a victim of the very indoctrination that is why I do these videos that is why this channel exists because this indoctrination is deep and it affects all facets of life there is no such thing as just letting people believe what they believe because you know live and let live she is influencing mine she is influencing future voters and she has taken into her hands seeing to it that her children by the time they might be exposed to any truth that exists outside of her truth that they will have these big emotional walls up that prevent the truth from getting in and for some people those walls work and they end up blocking truth the way Donald Trump wishes his wall would block Mexicans good on you Jimmy breaking it up with a joke we're almost there I feel it in the air and that's like and if they are prepared to meet their Savior I've succeeded it is unfortunate that that preparation requires non-stop indoctrination day after day that all of the time you have with them otherwise on the weekends and after school all of the time during the summer and all that time at church that you know all of that is not going to be as powerful as say like science and history and anthropology which at present currently invalidates your entire belief system I think it does for Christianity too but it much more clearly does it for Mormonism The Book of Mormon is very obviously fiction the remainder of her video goes back to why it's hard she also revisits that why she's doing this and why she makes these videos in case it could influence even just two people which is why I want to make sure here the other side of that argument is present and I want to say I'm not trying to mobilize my subscribers to go over and harass her not at all I am content enough with her side being out there in my side being out there I imagine we'll go over other videos of hers though we're gonna be focusing on home school more generally but this one I thought was a good reason to start out that whole concept of why many people homeschool because it's some seventy-five percent the last number I checked anyway of people who are home-schooled get an alternative evangelical curriculum and that I think is kind of obviously dangerous and while I am NOT a parent myself to anybody watching who thinks my opinion is worth the damn the advice I think I can give confidently despite up being a parent is when considering your children's education their education the education itself should be your top priority but that is where we will end it if you want to suggest future topics and especially future videos if you want to go look for homeschooling videos yourself you find ones you think would be really great for me to review please check out the link to our reddit down below that is gonna be the easiest and best place to send me video suggestions topics and actual videos and blogs and such that you want me to respond to if you liked today's video hit the like button if 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Channel: Mr Atheist
Views: 266,644
Rating: 4.9548254 out of 5
Keywords: monson schoolhouse, homeschooling, christian homeschooling, christian vlog, mr atheist, dear mr atheist, home-school, home-schools, homeschool mom, homeschool, why I homeschool, lds, Latter Day saint, Mormon, mormon homeschool, lds homeschool, Jesus Christ, why homeschooling is better, monson schoolhouse blog, homeschooling for beginners, homeschooling vs. public school, homeschooling tips, christian homeschooling documentary
Id: 4ueugDQM3h0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 53sec (1193 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 31 2019
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