The Transformed Wife vs Women With Jobs

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hey everyone I'm finally back after recovering from my cold my voice is still a little bit croaky and I sound a bit silly but at least I can talk now without it hurting and before I was like it would have been ridiculous trying to make a video so thank you for being patient with me thank you for everyone who sent really nice like you know get-well-soon messages and stuff like that today we're gonna be looking at the transformed wife again her latest blog post isn't one that's necessarily as kind of like dangerous or over the top or like out there as some others that she's made but I just think it shows a real kind of lack of understanding basic human emotions which is why I thought it's quite an interesting one and one that kind of we could talk about and how to discuss some things it's all about the role of housework and it's titled no one wants to take care of the home before we kinda like get into reading her blog post itself here's something basic that I thought everyone already knew but apparently it does need saying again human beings are individuals every person has different goals different needs different wants different things that make them happy different things they want out of life different things that they class as achievements what our goals are what our needs are what our wants are what we enjoy that can and does change over time he's never exactly the same for someone throughout their entire life right no two people are ever completely the same and while they might be certain trends between groups for example you might say X group I'm more likely to enjoy such and such a thing or why group are more likely to go into such and such a career while there are definitely trends there we shouldn't use these trends to dictate rules to say the only people with X characteristics should do Y job for example only people born with a penis should be builders you know that kind of thing but the point is I don't think we should ever force certain life paths or career paths or any kind of life choices on individuals just because they share characteristics with a certain group I think everyone should be open to making their own choices in life and do their own things and figure out what works best for them what makes them happy and what they won't do I figured this was a really basic thing I figured this was a thing that everyone understand but apparently for someone like Lori Alexander the transformed wife this is just something that she just doesn't get she seems to think there's one correct way for all men to live their life on one different correct way for all women to live their life and if you don't follow this life plan of hers then you must be unhappy or angry or sad or unfulfilled and she pities you and you're all wrong and you're all gonna be unhappy forever and ever and ever and then burn in hell it's ridiculous her latest blog post as I said is titled no one wants to take care of the home and honestly it's not as bad as some of her blog posts but I do think it shows especially for someone of her age it shows incredible naivety but more than that it shows a willingness to look for problems where there aren't problems and it shows it's almost like she wants to be angry she wants to complain about these things she wants to criticize other women for honestly no good reason and I think it's a bit of a shame I think it's a very telling blog post about her and her views of the world and how she sees other people I'll be honest it almost makes her sound jealous you know when young women are like really insecure about themselves right and they're really insecure about something in particular and they they put down or the women or they put down other people who are doing something different from them because they're insecure about their own lives and their own whatever like you know those girls are like oh look her shoes are so ugly cuz that jealous that they don't have new shoes or something it's like that but for like the entire life basically all all her blog posts have the basic theme of oh you have a fulfilled life and you're happy what a disgusting slack you're gonna hell it's all that kind of theme and like I say it kind of screams jealousy and insecurity which is kind of interesting and but also it's sad you know I might be wrong maybe she's not jealous and insecure maybe she's just angry and bitter either way I feel like I got to the point now where I've read so many of her blog posts and so many of her I years and I've said belt so personally attacked by her the I don't think she has these like really good intentions anymore I think she's just a bitter woman who wants to spread that hate and make everyone else feel bad about herself because she's missing something from her life and as horrible as I used to say and I'm really sorry if that comes across as bitchy and I'm really sorry if it comes across as nasty it's just that's the only logical conclusion that can come to anymore for why she's still spreading this misogynistic crap so in the opening of this blog post she writes women entering the workforce has caused war between the sexes women want to take over men's roles careers but most men don't want to take over women's roles keepers at home I can't believe in 2019 there's still any debate over whether women should enter the workforce this is so ridiculous at this point why are people still talking about this stuff is it not just a part of life now the all responsible adults should be able to have a job and fend for themselves and look after themselves I don't know about a war between the sexes but I think instead you know women entering the workforce is just showing that it's so unnecessary now to have strict gender roles it's so inconsequential this idea of like sexual dichotomy I really want Lori to give me one good reason right without quoting the Bible and without saying well traditionally in such-and-such a society without using either of those things if you can give me one good rational logical reason backed up by evidence as to why women shouldn't have careers or why careers are only men's roles if she can give me one good reason as to that I'll shut up but I don't think she could and since someone like Lori clearly doesn't understand the concept of like trans people existing I have to ask her when she says like careers and men's roles what is it about the penis that she thinks makes men better suited to being paid for actions over someone with a vagina I did start to like have a think about these ideas a little bit and I thought well okay some people might argue men are better suited to careers and women because of say physiological differences right men can it be more muscley or stronger or taller or whatever so maybe they're more suited to manual labor jobs like building or plumbing or wood cutting there is so many more jobs and careers out there than just like manual physical jobs where honestly strength and size doesn't even come into it so that's yeah a completely like outdated and silly argument if you ask me and it doesn't cover the whole point okay so what about the argument that some people hold that men are more intelligent than women and therefore even when it comes to things like the office jobs and they're thinking jobs and whatever and you might say well men are better suited to those jobs because they're smaller well no because there is a trend especially in the UK a female's leaving school college university being better qualified than men they perform better in exams they perform better in coursework they overall come out with better grades than men which means that by their early 20s women tend to be in a better position than men and in the UK women in their early 20s are earning more than men in their early 20s that's just the UK though I don't know about anywhere else but the point is in that case it could be argued that if one gender is more intelligent the other it could be women so therefore that's not really an argument for me as to why men should have careers and women shouldn't but the thing is both these arguments to do with like one gender being more intelligent or worn gender having like physical strength over the other they're both cilium flawed because you can't deny individuals access to something based on a group trend does that make sense I know that sounds really really vague but what I'm saying is just because men in general may be stronger than women they may be a little bit taller than women they may be more muscley than women it doesn't mean there aren't very very capable female builders and soldiers and plumbers and wood cutters out there if there is a woman who is who is strong enough to do that job there is a woman who is physically capable of doing that job there was a woman who is trained to do that job you can't deny her the right of doing that job just because she's a woman and if you had three men who were weak and small and weedy and they weren't trained in any kind of light see say they were go for a builder's job they haven't done any training if you have three men and one woman who is strong she is capable she is trained in being a builder if you give the job to one of those weak under skilled men over the woman you're an idiot the point is when you're giving jobs and stuff like that you should give the job to the individual who's best suited for it not anything based on gender or age or ethnicity or this or this that's what's so stupid go for the person who is the most qualified that's why you can't deny a whole gender access to something is why you can't deny them and say that women shouldn't have careers because there is a trend among some the this is that it is stupid base it on the individual not the group it's as simple as that another argument there might be that if you want to look at like say the brain structure of men and women and I'm talking like biological men and women here I don't know what the results are for these studies being done in trans people I would be very interested to know but neurological studies done on people who are biologically male and female looking at their brain structure it seems that women's brains in general are basically structured differently to men's and the conclusion of this is that it seems that is the reason the physiological differences in the brain are the reason why women in general are a little bit better at emotional thinking and emotional processing than men are and men tend to be a lot more logical and rational and kind of think things through practically brought them filled by emotions there is a reason for that and so some might argue or women too emotional to have a career but again that's stupid because again it doesn't account for individual differences in people I know plenty of men who are very emotional I know plenty of women who are very logical and rational just because there's a trend in the group it doesn't mean everyone in that group is like that but more than that not every career is suited towards logical rational thinking some careers if you want to progress if you want to do well you need to think emotionally you're not gonna get very far working with children if you can't be empathetic and emotional with them you're not going to get very far if you're a psychiatrist working with patients if you're a carer working with LD or elderly or ill people if you can't be emotional and empathetic that's why I think the people who do best in most jobs are the ones who can balance it out depending on what their job needs so again my point is gender shouldn't affect whether you have a career or not this is the point I keep getting back to to me it's just so silly and it's stupid and short-sighted to say that a career is purely a man's role because it's not Laurie goes on to argue that apparently when women want jobs we're trying to take the men's roles we're trying to pretend to be men we're trying to something-something act like men I don't know her arguments stupid iein tell you for a fact I personally enjoy my career because it makes me happy because it leaves me fulfilled it challenges me it gives me something to do I enjoy creating things I'm not trying to be a man I'm very very comfortable being a woman I love my femininity I'm very happy with who I am and the body I'm in the fact that I want to be paid for my labor doesn't mean I'm trying to pretend I've got a penis it means I want to be treated like any other adult in the world as an individual I want to spend my days doing something I enjoy I won't spend my days being challenged I want to spend my days growing and improving Who I am as a person and trying to improve the world around me I want to spend my life being financially independent I want the opportunity to if something happens to down in his job be able to stand up step up and support my family by myself if I have to I want my career so that I can pay my way in my family as much as danders we're both adults why shouldn't we both contribute when we're able to I want to be an individual person who happens to share her life with a man I don't want to spend my life being an X ancient of dan I want to be so much more than Dan's girlfriend Dan's wife Dan's whatever I want to be Rachel who does her own thing who happens to be with them that's the person I want to be and that's what I'm gonna keep working towards every day I don't just want to be a part of someone else I want to be my own person and there shouldn't be anything wrong with that that's not me trying to be a man it's not me trying to take something away from a man or from Dan or whatever by me stepping up and being an individual and having my own career in my own life as a woman I am NOT taking anything from men I'm not stepping on men's toes I'm simply doing something at the same time as them alongside of them and everyone builds each other up that's the way it should be it's not a competition between the genders the only person trying to make it a wall between the sexes here is someone like you Laurie back to the blog post and we haven't even scratched the surface on this yet this video is just me ranting basically on sorry guys and but Laurie writes take this example of what has been spread out on Facebook and a man named Brian wrote no man working 40 hours a week when I come home to a hot pocket and a fruit punch a woman named Jessica responded to him no woman working for working 40 plus hours a week when I come home to sweep mop dust vacuum wash and fold laundry scrub hot tubs toilets cook a flippin pot roast with sides and have to clean the flippin kitchen but here we are so much to unpack here especially requests like what Laurie is criticizing and stuff but I just I don't get why this is a gendered thing at all I think both of them make good points but it doesn't have to be a gender thing how about we just argue that for people working full-time jobs yeah no one wants to come home after a full day's work and then start cooking and cleaning and doing all the housework themselves but similarly it's not pleasant to come home after a full day's work and have to eat crappy processed food that's just like manky and grote was he just microwave like no no one wants that it's unpleasant for everyone so it's not a gender thing just no one wants to do that I just I don't get the man who's commenting here it's almost like he's complaining because he feels that if he works fault a full time job he's how entitled to come home and then have like dinner on the table like this home-cooked meal on the table it's like he thinks lit by working a job during the day he's somehow entitled to like a slave at home or a servant at home he's just gonna look after him no I'm sorry but part of being an adult is you do that stuff yourself just because you work a job you're not entitled to anything at home do it for yourself like everyone else has to be a novel back when I worked in Oxford a few years back so we're talking about my early 20s now like way before I met down and stuff and I worked over in Wallingford and so getting to work was the nightmare yes I used to have to cycle like 20 minutes to the bus stop and then get a 50-minute bus to the office so every day I'd be traveling to him from work for about probably two and a half hours and I'd work 9:00 while 6:00 in the office and then I get home probably like a 7:00 at night and I lived completely by myself I had this like little tiny studio thought to myself which I did love and I loved living by myself but yeah I have to been out the house for 12 hours I'd have to come home and cook for myself and clean for myself and do everything for myself and no it wasn't Pleasant well I did it because it's part of being a responsible adult and like what other choice did I have I'm not gonna pretend I'm all entitled expect someone else to do all the housework for me just because I'm working a job it's part of being an adult and like I'm nobody else but just me personally I don't get anything out of housework I really don't enjoy it that much I don't find it that fun I find very monotonous very boring I'm just like yeah take it or leave it basically I do like cooking but again and when you've been at work all day and you're tired it's not as nice to come home like have to start doing a whole meal and whatever it is it is exhausting it's tiring I get that but I would much rather I'm challenged and I enjoy myself during the day and I'm working a job that I love and then I have to come home and your crappy stuff I'd much rather like have that balance then I was just stuck at home by myself all day cooking and cleaning that would be so boring so boring so the woman that Laurie quoted in this blog post replied to the comment I think she brings up a great point where she's like you know women work too so why should we come home and be the ones who have to do all the cooking and cleaning and housework why can't we share it basically if two people are working full-time two people have careers why can't they share the housework stuff which i think is a fantastic point I think it's great and a lot of sociologists talk about this idea is like a dual burden or in some case it's like a triple burden they think that women have it was kind of mostly soft back in the 40s 50s 60s that kind of stuff when women kind of started working more often working jobs whether it was part-time or full-time they said that women took kind of kind of draw bird and where even though they were working at an actual job they also still had to look after the house and the children at home take on the main roles there this idea that women were kind of doing more than men kind of is less the case now I think because you know things like housework are shared a lot more and but either way I think it's still appointments worth talking about and I think when there are men all women out there who think that housework is just a woman's role yeah I think it's worth bringing up and saying like well if all one's working and you're both sharing the financial burden of working well I can't you share the housework burden of cleaning if you're in a couple you know I just I don't get why for people like Laurie it's so difficult to ask all the adults who share a living space could to contribute to its upkeep I don't get why that's so like difficult or radical whatever you know again this is why things kind of like a so easier and with me and Dan because he works nine well six in the office he like he works like 15 minutes that way on the train which is great it's so close he's home by like half 6:00 most nights we take carrier to the park I work here in my office most days like from whenever I wake up until like half six ish sometimes I work later I don't whatever and but the point is like and then in the evenings once we're both done working we cook a meal together here's a chopping I do the cooking we take it into us to fill the dishwasher he takes out the bins I clean the kitchen surfaces like we split it up because that's what adults do they take care of their own lives and their own things I guess is not that difficult and I know for a fact Dan doesn't resent having to put the dishwasher on three nights a week because because that would be really immature splitting everything between regardless of gender means everything just gets done so much quicker and easier and everything's a simple lorry seems to think it's so impossible to you know eat nice quality home-cooked food if you work a full-time job but for us again it's easy because maybe if it was just me I'd get tired a bit you know if I was working every day and then having to be the only one cooking every night yeah I'd probably be tired I'm frustrated but because me and downs share it it has the burden and it means we both the really nice healthy home-cooked nutritious food every night and we both work is as simple as that I think if me and down switched and we lived by Laura's rules and her way of life like oh god we would be so unhappy we would hate it I'll be honest because like for one thing if we didn't have my income coming in if I wasn't working we would not be able to afford this flat so we'd have to move we'd move somewhere smaller and we probably moved somewhere further away from Dan so he'd have a longer commute every day he would be so miserable with that and because you know meeting in London isn't the most fun I would be probably like really bored every day really lonely really fed up I wouldn't feel challenged by everything anything everything would just be kind of like boring and monotonous and the same like what would I get out of life oh he's so dull like it is it's just not worth it and what would change for down if you didn't have to do any of the housework like he he wouldn't take the bins out once a week he wouldn't have to who for the house once a week and he probably wouldn't have to put the dishwasher on three nights a week and he wouldn't have to chop some vegetables I don't think losing out on my annual income probably switching up where we live and me being a moody grumpy person all the time because I was unhappy in my life all of that is not worth it so Dan can have like an extra 20 minutes a night on the PlayStation I do not think lorries way of life with suitors at all god we play three miserable we really would anyway back to the article and course lorry the transformed wife she thinks she knows best she goes on to criticize the one by pointing out the floor in her way of thinking by saying Brian is right most men who work 40 hours a week don't want to come home to a microwave meal and fruit punch night after night but the reaction he received from women is expected outrage as the feminist reaction loudly and clearly since she works 40 hours a week she doesn't want to come home and do housework it was just a full-time housekeeper at home as God has commanded women to be she would have plenty of time during the day to sweep mop dust vacuum wash and fold laundry scrub tubs toilets cooker pot roast with sides and have time to clean the kitchen yeah you know what you're right she might have time to do all that but would she be happy would she be fulfilled would she feel good about herself would she enjoy her life no I doubt it I really doubt it hell could she even afford to have that lifestyle I don't think so most families now need both incomes to be able to live and survive and there's nothing wrong with even if you need the money or not there's nothing wrong with enjoying your job and enjoying what you do she goes on and she says God's role for women and men create peace and order when they are followed women are called to be their husbands help meet --hi keepers at home and look well to the ways of the household they are called to work hard in the home and not eat the bread of idleness this is God's ministry for women men to be the providers for their families when each knows their role there is no confusion anger or strife thing is this might work for some families and that's absolutely okay but it doesn't work for all of them and it doesn't have to work for all of them it's completely ok for families and individuals to figure out what works best for them and do that there's no one right way and that doesn't have to be it's such a narrow-minded view though like it completely ignores same-sex couples it ignores and trans people in ignore single parents ignore single people getting ignores people who child-free it it just ignores so many different kinds of lifestyle and yeah like I say it's so like narrow-minded and outdated and it's ridiculous you know God's roles for men and women might create peace and order for you Laurie but I know for a fact that it would lead to a more difficult life for me it would lead to a boring life and monotonous life and honestly I think both me and Dan would feel a little bit of resentment if I was just at home looking after the house every day for you the only way to avoid confusion anger and strife may be to follow these like very specific traditional gender roles and that's okay for you but I know for a fact in my family the way to avoid confusion anger and strife is to just share things is to live equally it's to treat each other as equal adults not like master and servant our life of sharing things doing things equally of sharing the financial burden and sharing the household work this works for us and this is fine will it work for every family no does it have to work for every family no that's the point different families can figure out what works best for them and do that what's important is that as a family unit you work through things together you discuss things together you figure out what's best together and it's okay if you want to try something different there are no strict rules you have to follow with families it's never one-size-fits-all you just have to figure out what works for your family and what works for you one year might not work three years in the future and that's okay things can change and adapt and your ways of living can change and adapt and Lori just seems to think it's like it has to be this very rigid strict structure and if you don't follow this and you know you're all gonna be unhappy and burn in hell and me me me me yeah the big thing that annoyed me was this next bit in the blog post that says another thing about this comment from Jessica I am shocked how women talk to men these days even on my Facebook page they have no problem scolding correcting and trying to humiliate them in the language is often foul and they are far from what God calls them to be women with meek and quiet spirits this is a feminist spirit women we should talk to no one in this way especially men that we don't even what Laurie actually means here is that she doesn't think women should be allowed opinions of their own she doesn't think we should be allowed to express those opinions and she doesn't think we should be able to stand up for ourselves and speak out for ourselves especially when it means disagreeing with her opinions or the opinions of men I do agree that I don't think people should go out of their way to try and humiliate anyone or make anyone feel bad about themselves and I agree on that point also you know I do think at times swearing isn't sorry but it really doesn't bother me if people want to do it or not but again I think these rules should be or not rules but I think these ways of speaking to people respectfully and kindly even when you disagree with them they should be there regardless of your gender it's not just women don't you dare speak back to men it should be look it's ok to disagree with someone it's ok to debate with someone just do it respectfully and nicely you know I hate this idea it's like women should be meek and quiet yes some people in meek and quiet and that's ok but some people are just naturally loud and opinionated and that's ok too it shouldn't be a gender thing again people should just be able to express themselves wherever and whenever they want as long as I do it respectfully all this like oh how dare you a lowly woman speak to this superior male being like it oh it's just it's all so pathetic and silly and I really hate this kind of view everyone has a right to critique the ideas of others and debate with them on these ideas men don't get a pass to do it because they're men and women shouldn't be told we can't because by women she goes on to say we ought to be known for our kindness not for putting men in that place and giving them a piece of our mind why does not do anything to perpetuate the war between the sexes you know you can still be a kind person and share your opinions with someone and I don't know what kind of like insecure boys you've been around Laurie but all my male friends absolutely love debates and being challenged and when someone says no no hang on a minute I don't fully agree with you there regardless of who's saying it to them you know I don't know any men who would feel insecure about a woman saying I don't agree with that to them Laurie says that she doesn't think as women should do anything to perpetuate the wall between the sexes well I think she means is that you don't want women to upset any insecure little boys in their life you don't want women to upset the status quo with any little boys who think they have some superiority over us just because they have a penis but I guess that's the difference between the boys and Laurie's life and in my life all the men are friends with our incredible strong confident kind-hearted sweet caring individuals they would never feel insecure about any one man or woman saying to them hang on a minute I want to challenge you on this idea no one would feel insecure about that no one would feel bad about that no one would feel like they were being spoken down to and humiliated because someone said that to them I don't know a single man in my life who would feel that their masculinity was being challenged if their partner said to them I'll join putting dishwasher on tonight and this is why I mean if something as small as being asked to do your portion of the housework makes you feel insecure about your masculinity then I think that says more about you and your insecurities it does about the War of the sexes or whatever I don't think the path to any kind of like happy fulfilling relationship whether that be like a partnership like me and down or a friendship or or a family relationship whatever I don't think you can ever have a real true fulfilled relationship if especially not between like a man and a woman if it involves the man being the strong and charged one and then the woman being this quiet timid meek yes man who's just like yes sir I agree with everything you say you can't have a real relationship or friendship based on that it's silly a true friendship or relationship is about mutual respect and helping each other grow as soon as that does mean challenging each other so just give you an example of this that isn't just about down for once but like one of the people I'm kind of like closest to in my life at the minute is my friend Caleb and Laurie would already hate me being friends with him right because he's a married man and the fact that I am an unmarried woman in a relationship and spending time alone with a married man clearly makes me a heart right like how dare I have friends me and down the friends with him and his wife and they're absolutely lovely but like me and Caleb are really good friends at the minute and we like go for coffee every week and we like nerd out over business stuff and I love our friendship because he always challenges me and I was challenged him it's like we have kind of different areas that we specialize in and you know he's a little bit older than me he's worked in a lot more kind of different businesses and a lot more things than me and he can teach me a hell of a lot and he does where I was like I have a lot more experience than him in the social media side of stuff in the digital marketing side of stuff in the kind of consumer behavior side of stuff so where sometimes I'll be like no I have to do these tax forms can you help me and he's like yeah sure I'll tell you what to fill in here sometimes he's like I have no idea what I'm doing with this YouTube channel can you help and I'm like yeah sure let's have a look at this and we like we challenge each other and we help each other and we have like these big kind of like deep discussions about stuff and we don't agree on everything so we have some very heated debates over hot chocolate sometimes but I absolutely love it it's all done with like a mutual respect but I think we really kind of like help each other grow as friends and that's exactly what I want in a friendship I don't just want someone who's gonna tell me what to do all the time and I know for a fact he doesn't want a friend he's just gonna say yes Caleb yes Caleb I completely agree with you Caleb because I would be stupid and neither of us would grow from that it would be ridiculous and also that would be an incredibly boring friendship and I don't think we'd be going for coffee again anyway back to Lori Alexander and she just ends the article with a bunch of bible quotes because she has no foundation for any of her opinions other than quoting the bible because you know there's no actual logical or rational reason to think this way there's no real evidence to support anything she says or any you know evidence of her view being the only good one so she has nothing anyway I feel like this is a little bit more of like just a video of me ranting in the video making it kind of like telling stories and talking about stuff yeah it really annoys me when people are like women you have to be this quiet meek homemaker who just pops up babies and raises them because I'm like no screw that there's so many more ways to live your life and I don't care if you're a man or a woman or if you identify as something in between it doesn't matter to me I don't care about gender I just think all people should be able to live their lives to the fullest and do what makes them happy and find what makes them happy and lives they enjoy and there's no one right way to do that that's basically all I have to say on this I know this is a little bit rambley and but you know thanks for listening to me thanks for putting up with me before I end this if you like this video and you're new here please remember to subscribe to my channel because I always forget to ask people to do that and then some people are like I'll be watching your video for like three months and I haven't subscribed I'm like it's okay but yeah if you want to subscribe I'll be nice and also if you like my stuff and you want to kind of like see more stuff from me um not just you know these video runs but like lots of stuff you can go follow me on Instagram it's like the social media platform I use most mostly it's just me posting photos of kyra or posting about makeup or person about books I've read or sometimes posting some food or posting pictures of Dan and Kyra or Kyra in the park or Kyra sleeping it's mostly Kyra I'll be honest and if you wanna can follow me on instagram you can do my user name is Rachel Oates but with a zero instead of an O because I'm really annoying like that and I would really really appreciate if you could give me a follow on there I've been really awkward and rambling now I'm sorry I feel like taking a week off from filming has just left me being really awkward and weird in front of the camera also it doesn't help that my voice still doesn't sound like my voice and I just found a bit silly you don't know anyway I'm just up now thank you so much for watching especially if you make it through this value guys the best I really appreciate you guys I'll see you again see you thank you so much chef anh who watched today and to everyone who is supporting me on patreon this month including gambit and chauffeur Deshawn Christian Berg Rachel P Roya Jude and Shepherd called the chilli more Sir Michael Moore Christian Opitz sage Villarreal Greg glad Spencer young and Lauren heart and to everyone else who's mentioned on this end screen and down in the description below thank you so so much and to everyone who watches my channel have a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays and just a wonderful little December and thank you all so much
Channel: Rachel Oates
Views: 64,567
Rating: 4.9051852 out of 5
Keywords: rachel, girl, rachel oates, oates, english, british, english vlogger, atheist, opinion, atheism, skeptic, atheist response, the transformed wife, feminist response, feminism, equality, gender equality, transformed wife and housework, women with jobs, why god hates women with jobs, lori alexander, bad housewife
Id: k97NbHbMOdc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 21sec (2121 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 22 2019
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