I am Genuinely WORRIED about Emma Mae Jenkins

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today I'm gonna be responding to a video from Mme Jenkins called God's story but the main thing I want to talk about today is how I'm actually pretty worried about Emma and I don't mean that as a joke and more so than just Emma I am worried about the level of indoctrination it takes these days basically to counter all of the information we have learned since the inception of the Bible we're going to talk about that a lot more as it goes on but for now I mr. atheist let's do this [Music] jesus loves you this I know for the Bible tells me so they don't want to Hindi long we are a weak faith he is strong right off the bat and this would be a small example from what happens this video you actually get to see some of that indoctrination now years ago I actually wrote an article for a blog I tried to start yeah it didn't work out but it talked about the way growing up music gets in your head and it gives you these repetitive phrases things are catchy they have uplifting messages or at least messages that they tell you are uplifting but in this case we have a song that normalizes fallacious thinking I know that Jesus loves me because the Bible tells me Jesus loves me and it also breaks you down like a literal superhero the song reinforces indirectly states that we humans are weak Jesus is strong and there is a problem that because of traditions and pride these age-old fantasy stories are being held on like they are reality Jesus loves you so much it would be so easy to make one of those videos just making fun of her and going after how how she seems to be so in it and that then that she is experiencing some kind of mental attachment to this that is very unhealthy and I hope you know by now being on my channel that's not really my style when I see that level of enthusiasm certainly I met with cringe but the first thing that comes to mind is that there is this young woman who is in her dorm at college a religious college mind you and as I think about it I just get sad for Emma and people like Emma who had this young to be that confident in these beliefs that are clearly contrasted with reality the level of programming and indoctrination that is displayed here it makes me actually sick it is a sick kind of cringe so much that I am so excited to share this story with you today it is God's story and God's story has your story so beautifully and purposefully written within it I would very much like to know how many versions of God's story she's heard or how many alternatives to God's story she has heard because the level to which she appears invested in I am very skeptical that she has ever entertained the doubts of whatever religion was installed in her by her parents and the church she grew up in God before the very beginning of time he set you apart he called you by name he engraved you upon the palm of his hand and he designed you and to be in relationship with him and he desires to be in relationship with you so this is another tactic that is used by mainstream religions and cults and depending on which one you're in will depend on how hard they go out they use this idea that even you who may not feel extremely exceptional who might feel ordinary who maybe you haven't found yourself yet sort of goes after the you in fact are so special in fact as an individual you should feel like the most special person because God made this entire universe with you in mind you are so special to the king of kings you matter to him and he wants you to be in his big story he wrote you in his big story an estimated 108 billion humans have ever lived but were meant to believe that each and every one of them is special to God and has a special plan and purpose what about the great number of them that basically just lived to die or the great number of them that lived to suffer the ones who never heard the utterance of any version of the name Jesus Christ these people who appear to be Ferguson what about them Emma see the way religion and indoctrination works is they so often go after you according to whatever level of life privileges you have whatever are the nice things you have in life forget comparing yourself to anybody else but whatever you have those are the blessings from God this is why some of the cringy as things I will see on Instagram and social media and the like will be people telling stories of minor everyday occurrences that were pleasant that were kind of nice as God's showing off his greatness finding something on sale coming across $5 forgetting you had more money in your bank account than you realize and these are all things that have a perfectly easy naturalistic world explanation and the natural world is the only thing we can really be confident exist because we experience it all the time but this is the thing with indoctrination all that is good happened to you because God gave it to you and everything that is bad is probably your fault probably some sin you're doing maybe your sin caused the suffering of others but as a practical matter there is no apparent difference between a God who works in mysterious ways and a world without a God and this is not a once upon a time kind of story this is not a feel-good story this is legit this is this is life-giving this is truth it is god-breathed and it's been made profitable for teaching correcting rebuking and training and righteousness and it is not that phrase training in righteousness this is truth even though this truth is so incompatible with things that we know work with methods we know that work to get to truth the kinds of methods that I've said this so many times but result in all of the technology around us all of the medicine all of the science those methods fail but this is truth and now we can train ourselves in righteousness because remember at some point when a religion has indoctrinated you well enough they're going to turn that over and expect you to indoctrinate yourself and emma is here to encourage you to do so but as a victim herself of indoctrination what other choice did she have and I'll help us share with you so we're going to start in the very beginning in Genesis 1 says in the beginning God he is the Alpha and Omega he is the beginning and the end he is the same yesterday today and forever and in the very beginning God spoke light into darkness he okay so he's the same forever and ever and yes I am going to point out the flaws with this story why have his laws changed why have the justifications changed why is he so consistent but all of the religion centered around him even just coming to Christianity which you are from why is he unclear why are things vague enough that you can have so many religions we spoke life into nothingness he spoke order purpose beauty and I want you know he's still doing that today so if you see your life as something that is nothing as something that is dark as something that doesn't have purpose as something that is chaotic God sees you and he's so excited so there are some code words in there some dog whistles she has just used phrases to combat things that the the kinds of concepts basically the way the church describes things like evolution and so if you are an atheist it is always believed by people like Emma that you are living without purpose that you aren't special you you couldn't have purpose and that you are the result of chaos these are people who don't actually have an understanding of these things and I feel more purpose now genuinely way more purpose now as a non-believer than I ever did as a believer and I feel happier with my purpose because I chose it for myself in good conscience and with an appeal to secular humanist values that helped me be a good person to speak life light order peace and purpose into your life because that's who he is and he made you so fearfully and wonderfully to walk in order peace in communion with him and then so much excitement to be alive God sees you and you are not too far going not too far gone shows who this video is targeted toward the people who are feeling like crap about themselves because they aren't able to live up to this standard of that God has apparently put down for them because we live in a world that has evolved paska the world has been better because we are thinking about God less and less in our day-to-day decisions because your God is an evil maniacal capricious prick capricious prick capricious brick capricious say that five times fast that is hard Wow he loves you in the beginning God he created he spoke beauty he spoke it's so much bountifulness he spoke in such a way that when whatever he created it was lacking no good thing because that's who he is well he couldn't say it's lacking no good thing because if sin then came into the world and corrupted it it meant he actually created his creation reputable that would not be a good thing also your story falls apart too because he apparently created the light in the darkness before the Sun and the moon also the waves on the earth he created starlight from millions of light-years away with their light already on the way to earth right he created male and female in Genesis 1:27 in His image how beautiful is that remember according to the Bible actually males were created than the image of God and females were created in the image of males that's why females are meant to honor males and that males are meant to honor God genesee created mankind in His image he walked with them in the cool of the day in the Garden of Eden but we have an enemy and the enemy he threw um manipulation and through deceit because he is the father of lies he deceives mankind and allowed them to trick them and deceive them into believing that God's Word was not valid that God's Word was not something they could stand on it once again you said they were created with only good things but apparently they were also created with the ability to be deceived hmm and believing that lie they disobeyed and they chose to take God off the throne of their heart and because of that they were separated from their relationship with God man God they also ate from the tree of knowledge which made it so they understood like what they were and what their existence was or at least in some of the scripture lore so how could they have made any decision before that how could this be on them when they wouldn't have had the knowledge to understand what is bad and what is not kind all of humanity we were eternally separated from God through sin but God had a plan I love him because he's so good he's still speaking order he's still speaking purpose and he is still king of all and I assume that that plan had to do with just forgiving people and letting them have the full heavenly glory right that was the plan right it wasn't human sacrifice right it's not a plan centered around the brutality and absolute disgusting way the people in the Bronze Age lived and it just happened to line up with that right he went with something good right Emma even we don't choose to let him be of our heart he is still king of all he is still Lord of all he's still ranked oh I am I can beat up God okay and he is still in control and so from the very beginning he came up to the enemy and he said I want you to know that through the seed of a woman I'm going to send someone and he is going to crush your head why because God desired to be in relationship with us and he designed us to be in relationship with him by the way through that seed of the woman he God wasn't apparently so interested in consent I'm sorry what's that oh right the Bible says women are property furniture can't consent and so even though sin separated us from God God had a plan to redeem that relationship the story is not yet over the story is not actually true it just it just didn't happen a little bit we meet a guy named Abraham Abraham that guy whose science and scholarship both agreed did it actually exist and God comes to Abraham and through Abraham he says I am going to bless you with numerous like you if you were to count the number of stars in the sky or count the number of dust that lies on the earth like that's how many children I am going to bless you with again a hundred and eight billion so far and these people think that the second coming like about to happen any day now but that would be far less than all of the dust on the earth also remember that he starts this off by impregnating his handmaiden is it any surprise that we need something like a me-too movement today when the Bible is filled with people's heroes who in fact should be me to themselves and I'm going to bless you with land that is abundant I'll share with you in Genesis 13 14 says look around God is speaking to Abram at the time of things Abram yea become Abraham yet just look around from where you are to the north and south to the east and west all the land that you see I will give you and your offspring forever but what about that shadowy place over there that is called Utah my son you must never go there we'll make your offspring like the dust of the earth so that if anyone could count the dust then your offspring could be counted go walk through the length and breadth a billion I'm giving it to you and what is this land this land is the presence of God and who is this off Priene offspring this is god's people that he chose to dwell with he or she goes through the rest of the Abrahamic story let's get forward because it's not really important and through this people would come the redeemer through the seed of a woman that would crush the head of the enemy of course she is referring to chuck norris who crushed the head of satan with his biceps Matthew in the New Testament and in Matthew we meet a girl named Mary a child named Mary to be clear and Mary being a virgin God chooses her and brings us this one who will redeem and restore our relationship with him hey what do god Joseph Smith and Muhammad all have in common no no no it's not a love of sandals it's pedophilia this son that Mary bore his name is Jesus Jesus the savior of the world he was fully God and he was fully man and he came to live the perfect life that us as fallen people broken people could not live my glass is fully empty and fully full oh no it's just empty right that's not how percentages work he lived the life that we could not live and he died the death that we all deserved for the wages of sin is death yet God demonstrated his perfect love for us that and while we were still sinners Christ died for us he died for us because our sin had to be paid for why why did our sin have to be paid for why did God Center this Redemption around human sacrifice why did it happen to be the same kind of human sacrifice that was happening what supposedly happened to Jesus happened to hundreds of people a month we don't hear about their stories today his death on the cross for the sins of all mankind need to be done for the people who were already suffering on crosses and and the kind of cross he had I'm not trying to complain but it wasn't even the worst way you can be tortured to death on a cross there are crucifixions that happen on kind of x-shaped which sort of spreads you out more it was more uncomfortable it was more unpleasant some people were crucified upside down and all in all crucifixion is not the worst way to die it's a terrible way to die I'm not saying like it's fun but crucifixion is not the worst there are people today who have been tortured and who have died in worse conditions than a crucifixion so I assume they didn't need Christ's death right and in the first place why did God the creator of all who gets to set the rules do it this way he was healing the sick he was bringing sight to the blind he allowed the lame to walk the mute to speak he saw those who felt overlooked could you prove that couldn't you give me reason to believe that that actually happened besides the one book because there were a great many literate people who lived around that time who would have been eyewitnesses that never thought to write that down that didn't keep so much as a journal and there are no eyewitness accounts of this actual Jesus he didn't stay in the grave friends no he did not he did not stay in that grave but guess what did our shame our past our sin our brokenness our chaos holy crap our shame can time travel em'ly all I want to know is what due diligence you've done to make sure this is true or have you trusted feelings have you trusted people around you have you gone and heard the alternatives have you looked into other religions have you looked into the concept of no religion at all this is what I was talking about and this is the problem I see with this video and why I worry about Emma Emma's level of indoctrination is deep and it is tough there are definitely times through history that that has been true of all people because they didn't have anything else to believe they didn't have good information they didn't have an entire encyclopedia thousands of the cyclopædia as if not millions amounts of information at their fingertips they only needed to call on they killed they murdered and they were the kind of people that were probably ashamed to be descendants of but today with everything we have and 2,000 years of this guy not coming back from the gas station with those goddamn cigarettes why can't you question it why can't you put in your due diligence and why is it so important to so many people that you never see the level of hold that is on your brain it is so important that you fall in line and follow these arbitrary rules that cannot be justified in any way besides saying the Bible says so which is no justification at all and to some degree I feel guilty and I feel bad even making videos with you in them because I'm here to be critical and to tell you Emma I hate the damage that has been done to you that damage was done to me too and I feel so lucky that I got out of it but the worst part is that damage was done to you in a way that has encouraged you to go and damage other people you believe in you believe it with great confidence but confidence was never knowledge well that's going on a t-shirt the remainder of her video is her telling the rest of the story and assuring you that Jesus is coming back that you need to go out and spread the word as much as possible it really does make me sad and I'm sorry for you the viewer who is watching now because you are probably down in the dumps with me I genuinely hope she finds something greater than the biblical God because there is so much in this world that is better than them that is greater than this God and so the important thing I hope you remember from watching this video is that I Jimmy snow mister atheist I could beat up God for real though bring it on Yahweh but would that outsell the Logan Paul fight let's end it there for today thank you all so much for watching please hit that subscribe button if you love today's episode or any other episode hit the like button if you liked specifically this episode hit the dislike button if you want me to cry myself to sleep tonight but to remember if you do so the YouTube algorithm will suggest my videos less and neither of us want that right also it has begun a series of me reviewing chapter by chapter religious books and we are starting with this book by girl define the first episode of that comes out early to patreon it is actually out on patreon right now so if you do sign up for patreon you will have access to that episode and be able to be the first to comment and participate at least two weeks in advance so follow me on Twitter and Instagram at dear mr. atheist have a look at the secret link of the day below I swear the collab with her is coming we're getting our schedules lined up should be soon and here's some video suggestions for you won't you stay a while this here are my list of patrons who I love much for investing in the channel keeping the lights on and helping me upgrade equipment a special thank you to my orbital teapots Karissa Anika Mia commander Bork Maya Ashley and Alison today's patron of the day is sherry Hermann would love I'm Jimmy Snow mr. atheist wasn't my father
Channel: Mr Atheist
Views: 323,803
Rating: 4.8437071 out of 5
Keywords: emma mae jenkins, emma jenkins, my morning routine with jesus, atheist vs. christian, mr atheist, dear mr atheist, emma jenkins cringe, emma mae jenkins reaction, indocrination, emma mae, emma jenkins singing, emma mae jenkins cringe
Id: 75iqp2iWCRc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 11sec (1211 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 05 2019
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