Girl Defined vs. Gay Marriage

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so the good news is that bill defined if had a little bit of a publicity boost recently the bad news is that it's because they're super cringy you guys know I've spoken about them quite a bit before ever since I saw them forever ago in that first video that Jacqueline Glenn made about them and I spoken about them being silly and being like wishy washy and some of their views and for having some seriously outdated views on dating and marriage and just being a woman I've criticized them for all of that um but in the back of my mind I've always been like well you know they're living lives obviously make them happy and they're not really harming anyone so you know they can't be that bad right yeah I was wrong what a lot of people don't realize is that along with their incredibly cranky YouTube channel goal defined actually have a blog as well and the wonderful Kim messaged me on Facebook to send me a couple of her blog well a couple of their blog posts that she thought I might be interested in um and you guys you guys know Kristen right is really hard because honestly advising you like we can all these used to be a model totally honoring God with her body and all that um she it turns out has some pretty intense views about gay people and she quite likes writing about it thankfully she hasn't written any major posts in almost a year now that I could find on the topic and that said there's not really any signs that she's changed her views at all either so I figured if people are gonna take the time to mock girl to find for what they do we should also take the time to kind of point out that you know their major homophobes because you know being cringy is one thing being homophobic s'en other thing trying to spread that homophobia throughout the world that's a whole different level so I figured we'd have a little chat about it today you know it all started back in 2014 with a blog post titled the gay pride movement and they're sneaky agenda which is an interesting title to say the least it begins with as I expected a hell of a lot of I'm gonna make you scared now statements such as the movement is on the rise if you've read or watched any new stories in the past few years you've seen it it's everywhere in my short lifetime not that short of your 31 in my short lifetime I've never experienced that push for an agenda as strong as I have this one I've never seen the Christians lose their backbone so quickly when the pressures on down this sounds serious is everywhere it's spreading this sounds bad should I be worried you know what I'm talking about the gay-pride movement is gaining some serious momentum here in America and all around the world are you serious is that is that it was that really worth all this build-up all this like crazy panic inducing stamen come on she writes our culture is working its hardest to redefine family marriage and gender hang on a minute whether this statement is true or not why exactly is that a bad thing she never bothers to touch on that she just says that it's a bad thing and you have to accept that because it says so in the Bible I don't know I don't know how so much if I even agree with this statement that like you know society and culture is trying to change these definitions is not so much the way trying to redefine a family and marriage it's more than just family and marriage and dating and even gender I guess and our approach to them it's just just changing it's developing and you know ask people that is to use a change in those definitions have to catch up no longer it's like a nuclear family the norm we've got you know catch up to people having two dads two months single-parent families like wow what's the word for families one day like parents split up and then emerge new people and now there's like this big family what's that called there's a word for that I can't remember basically think things are changing and you know I don't think there's so much wrong with that the word gay itself is a perfect example of our culture trying to redefine things prior to the 1960s word gay was rarely used to define a homosexual person for hundreds of years the word gay was used to describe someone's being joyful carefree and light-hearted by adopting the friendly term gay we naturally downplay and minimize the depravity of that lifestyle it makes light of something that should never be taken lightly so this reminds me of this weird comment that someone left on one of my videos like last week or sometime about how apparently the Latin origin of animal or some origin of animal means something about breath of life or breathe to life or life breath or something like that and apparently because that word had some origin that meant something like that that means all animals were definitely 100% irrefutably created by God yeah I didn't get it either I'm surprised with people who are attracted to people of the same sex are inherently evil and they're trying to manipulate us into thinking they're harmless by adopting the word gay to cover up the damage they do to society their absolute monsters aren't lis I can't believe they're doing this you know they're just trying to cover up all that damage like um um that that time that that gay person did a bad thing and made all gay people look look look okay let the damage that gay people are doing Society see it doesn't matter now we can cover that later did you know that less than three point five percent of the entire American population claims to be homosexual so how in the world did such a tiny group of people create this massive snowball effect great question I don't know I feel like maybe I would rephrase this bit I was writing this blog post to say I don't know something like did you know less than three point five percent of the entire American population claims to be homosexual so how in the world do what such a tiny group of people doing private affect you in any way our lovely Kristen goes on to write as a result of their strategic mark marketing and political influence they have convinced most Americans that they are actually a distinct people race in the past our battle was for the Equality of African American people but now the battle is for the Equality of the homosexual give me a minute does anyone got sick look at oh oh you know more people are realizing that there's no reason to hate gay people for being gay so that could be it and I mean even if there is some strategic marketing and campaigning on whatever it's only to undo all that like horrific anti-gay propaganda that people like you put out in the first place it's like is it really so shocking that human beings want to be treated like human beings why I'm trying to do this bit in like a proper girl to find way okay fix myself mm-hmm like they want us to accept the notion of homosexual behavior is really something that is natural for a legitimate minority then it's the same as being African American or the same as being Hispanic at this stupid it is ridiculous to assume that because they do a specific sexual act or acts they therefore demand certain rights I should be crowded those rights okay well I don't think it's really the same as being a certain brace because you know it's nothing to do with ethnicity or where you're born or whatever but it is the same in the sense that you can't control it it doesn't affect anyone else that isn't you and it is natural for a legitimate minority as she says so that this is her quote in this guy that she really likes called John MacArthur actually and there's this bit in it that I just really don't get that says I'll repeat it again in case you didn't hear amongst my stupid accent and over cheerfulness and but it says it's ridiculous to assume that because they do a specific sexual act or acts they've therefore demand certain rights no is ridiculous that just because they have a certain sexual preference which might be a minority but ultimately doesn't harm anyone it's ridiculous that because of such a stupid small trivial thing they're denied basic rights like being able to get married in some places as the wonderful Garfunkel and Oates say love might be a privilege but marriage is all right it's really cute anyway Kristen goes on and says some of you might be thinking man you're being really unloving right now I'm glad you brought that up because that's another sign of the homosexual agenda our culture wants you to be mad at me for not loving and accepting of everyone not being loving and accepting of everyone I'm missing words out here the truth is I do not hate a single homosexual person out there there are sinful humans just like myself who have been made in the image of God at my core I am no better than they are the issue I have with homosexuals is not the actual person but their bitterly sinful lifestyle that is indirect rebellion against God I can't keep up this voice I'm so sorry no I deserve I will say we should love and accept everyone's choices and actions we are called to love others yes but we are not called to support and accept their sin I am so done with this whole stupid hate the sin love the sinner attitude if oh it's stupid I mean if someone told you you can never get married we're never allowed to be with someone you loved we're never allowed to try and find love in the first place we're never allowed to have a a happy fulfilling sex life it's all I told you you had to fake aspects of your personality for the rest of your life would you be happy this isn't just asking this one to make a basic lifestyle change you're asking to want to suppress a whole part of their identity a whole of something that is natural to being human like okay if I would direct this a Kristen for a moment and said like okay imagine someone told you you're never allowed to look at your husband right okay actually no let's pretend she didn't get married listen you're never allowed to look at men never like to date men never ought to marry a man you never allowed to have a relationship never locked in love like how would she feel imagine if she wasn't told that like in order for like some people to accept her awful like her God to accept or or whatever then she had to get into a relationship with a woman and have a sexual relationship with a woman so that she could raise kids with that woman do you think she'd be happy about that probably not because here's a shock she's not attracted to women you can't expect her to be in a physical and romantic relationship with someone that you're not attracted to in a second blog post which followed on from this one which she titled responding to the homosexual movement she goes on about the Bible quite a lot and how in the Bible it says that men shouldn't have sex with men but interestingly she never really points out the same for women and women at least not at the start anyway she brings up this quote that says apparently God designed sex to be a holy and pure act there should only take place between a husband and a wife sure sure if that's all you want for your life that is fine but don't push that on every single person anything outside those boundaries is considered detestable by God yeah because I'm sure if you have some big supernatural being who created an entire universe and everything in it you would definitely definitely be concerned with what people did with their penises and what they put their penises in or what went inside a vagina you would definitely be concerned with that wouldn't you so here we are up to our necks and the homosexual agenda we know we can't love God and accept homosexuality at the same time so what should we do as Christian girls how should we respond to this we must live off God's sake we must love the sinner but hate the sin we have to respond with both grace and truth true love cares about the heart and the soul of a person the only way we can love a homosexual is to show them the truth of God's Word seriously true love only cares about the heart and soul away so in that case what does true love have to do with genitals surely you can have true love without it being a penis and a vagina or involved anything goes if it's just about the heart and soul of it person right either I think two things are possible here either Kristen doesn't understand that gay people can be deeply in love and have serious meaningful relationships or she has this warped view of what a relationship should be and and thinks that relationships and marriage are all about duty and rules and only being together to please God and fulfill this like goal of popping out babies and she doesn't seem to think that like relationships can be about friendship a love and happiness fun you know she goes on and says we cannot be silent we must speak the truth in love don't follow your emotions what like what the way we feel you wouldn't do so often it's like do I feel that way and if we do then we go that way it doesn't help that our culture is telling us follow your heart listen to your feelings do what feels right that advice really couldn't be further from the truth because in God's words Jeremiah 2:7 Jeremiah 17:9 tells us the heart is deceitful above all else and so God's Word is saying no a strong girl she doesn't listen to her heart and just act on her emotion her heart a strong girl is grounded in God's truth and lets God's truth rise above her emotions don't follow your emotions please don't get sucked into the Gay Pride Agenda don't base your beliefs on your emotions God's Word must be the final authority for everything you believe I hate this so much biblical gender roles that guy that guy if he tries to push the same kind of agenda he's like awesome old book riding ridden by people like 3,000 years ago is the ultimate authority on everything and people like this are like I'm not thinking for myself only the Bible can think for me and I mean I guess it kind of makes sense in a way because they have no other reason for not liking gay people other than while I'm interpreting this thing from the Bible right and I mean if you use your feelings and try and act like a decent human being then you realize there's no base for being homophobic and if you used logic and reason and rationally try and think about gay people then you also realize that there's no base for homophobia the only real reason people can come up with to be against gay people is because of one or two ambiguous lines in an old book which may or may not have been translated correctly which we're probably only there in the first place to say men shouldn't have sex with men because anal sex at the time was dangerous right like it was more dangerous because it led to injuries and infections and STDs and so on whereas today with proper sex education and I don't just mean like see sex until marriage yeah abstinence I mean proper sex education where you're talk about like you know how to do it safely you're taught about consent you're taught taught about like how to use condoms and other birth control and other protective methods and so on with proper sex education anal sex isn't all that much dangerous than regular sex or other kinds of sex right so the point is that line might have been in there once to save a few lives but it's not really necessary anymore so I don't think we need it there was a point here I kind of gone off track you know finally to quickly mention a couple of other and a little articles she had one titled normalizing what's wrong doesn't make it right and she moans a bit more in that about like everything and then eventually says and if you're a Christian homosexuality should not be okay with you God created marriage he is the one who has the right to define how it works except we know this isn't true marriage is an entirely social constructs I have a whole video about that somewhere way back on my channel is originally just like a contract to ensure that property and inheritance and so on went to the right people right and you know kind of what kiss illegitimate and so on and eventually the church decided they wanted in on it and wanted to like watch over the ceremonies and be in charge and and then later on marriage was romanticized a lot more and it became kind of as it is today or at least powered is today in Western culture and it becomes more about love and partnership rather than just like duty and and you know saving fortunes and political matches and so on I mean not always but today it's more in general more romantic and about friendship and love and whatever anyway even if you believe the genesis story is true in some way then where exactly is the marriage in it God simply makes two people puts them in the same place at the same time says a mate she's your helper they do something wrong they get kicked out of Eden start popping out babies and stuff where's the marriage there's no official or officiated ceremony no contracts no church no priest of reside over them nothing like that so how is this in any way comparable to marriage as we know it today how can you seriously try and use that as a basis for stopping people who are in love wanting to have a life together and sign a contract together as a multiple she complains about abortion divorce premarital sex and obesity I think she just wants to make sure she's offending as many people as possible kind of like bitchy bingo you know she goes on about this even more in another article titled keeping marriage straight why the Bible never recognizes gay marriage we live in a country where marriage has now been officially redefined and legalized to include any two people who love each other regardless of gender however our Supreme Court can't redefine what they didn't create sure they can change the laws and give legal recognition to same-sex couples but that doesn't make it real marry in God's eyes they are not truly married they can't be okay so if you think God can't recognize it I guess that's fine okay whatever will you admit that the government can change laws and stuff right so by legalizing gay marriage you shouldn't that shouldn't be a problem to you you can't be mad at people's getting legally married if you're saying yeah the government controls the laws and they change the book and if they're not getting married in a church why does it matter to you I think she just wants things to complain about well I think that she says that I want to search one is why she writes this new sexual revolution is going to cause many hurting people to become even more lost and confused as my local pastor said the wedding cake may taste good at first but it will soon turn to gravel in their mouths sin never satisfies it can't there is no light apart from Christ okay Kristen well I'll tell you what man you keep doing what you're doing and I'll keep doing what I'm doing sinning apparently you can live your life running after your little god-fearing husband willing him to boss you around and tell you what to do and so on and you and your sister can live by the hole but for me when it comes to most things in life I want like black and white answers I'm very black and white and I want to know what's right what's wrong just tell me what to do and I'll follow it thing and I'll live my life my way I'll live and sin with my boyfriend before we're married I will support my wonderful sister and her wonderful wife and I'll live my life not bitching about why people choose to stick their genitals and you can live your life in constant fear that if you have a sort of Aegina you might actually like it and in 40 years time let's check back and see who's happier not saying it'll beat me I'm just saying I don't think it's as clear-cut as you seem to think it is it could go either way and there's no one right or wrong way to live your life the point is over the last like three four years whatever it is she's made like a horrific and now of anti-gay blog posts and as girl to find get more and more of an audience because let's be honest their channel is growing right their channel really is growing and people are taking notice of them now and it's not just the people who are mocking them or criticizing them but people are paying attention to them because they like what they're saying and while on their YouTube channel they've been kind of quiet about these issues in the past Kristen hasn't been on her blog and so I felt we should kind of bring this to light because I feel like they're gonna kind of start slowly slipping this in once they've kind of got their audience hooked to it they're like yay makeup and clothes kind of videos and it's a slippery slope you know and I just know I thought we should bring it up and talk about it because you know it's a bitch move on that part to say these things I'll be honest and but yeah let me know your thoughts on it all the articles I've mentioned will be linked down below so you can go read them in full in the meantime and go check out the goal defined channel for lots of cringe and just like mm-hmm and and so on I got to say like as much as I dislike them and there are ideas I've never really been want to kind of mock them personally because I thought even though their ideas were warped they seemed like good people underneath it all after reading these blog posts I'm not so sure anymore and I kind of feel like maybe they deserve everything the Internet's been throwing at them but that's just me anyway that's me done for the day let me know your thoughts on everything in this video what do you think of girl defined what do you think of their blog if you haven't seen their website please go have a look around it's a terrifying place to be and let me know your thoughts on it down in the comments that the now if you've made through this far thank you so so much for watching today I really really do appreciate it I'll see you guys again soon by the way I know like a million people are gonna do a whole like oh my gosh she looks like a man thing again but not my fault if a big forehead blonde roots that do not help so just make it appear even bigger I just wash my hair so it's still soaking weapon wet underneath here see stamp I swear the camera always just like accentuates everything wrong with me as well is terrible to doing that I don't know if you've ever seen like the effect that like a lens has on faces if you change the focal length and the distance in the camera you can appear really bulbous or like really like flat faced I get the worst of both worlds and on my forehead looks super super big and my nose looks really big but it doesn't flatten it enough apparently when I put my hands near the camera they look like huge man hands they're not their regular sized girl hands which apparently would be very good for playing the piano stop talking now go dry my hair and do something with this yes thank you so so much to everyone supporting me on patreon this month I really hope you know how completely grateful I am a special thank you goes to gambit in the chauffeur Marc Donna Christian Berg religion SBS Matthew miner Mark J Lima Sir Michael Moore lucky Scott and Jada Shepherd and to everyone else mentioned here on the end screen and down in the description thank you so so much
Channel: Rachel Oates
Views: 506,250
Rating: 4.7647057 out of 5
Keywords: rachel, girl, rachel oates, oates, english, british, english vlogger, atheist, opinion, skeptic, atheist response, christian video, christian, girl defined, girl defined response, girl defined ministries, marriage, girl defined cringe, cringe, girl defined gay marriage, girl defined homosexuality, girl defined lgbt, pro lgbt, lgbt
Id: PzBPEgnwM34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 24sec (1524 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 30 2018
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