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hey guys welcome back to my channel so today's video is another MLM video which seems to be everybody's favorite as of recently and I totally understand why because it's just so interesting and like I said in my very first MLM video they're fascinating in all the wrong ways and I find as I keep doing these videos that it seems like everybody in some capacity has an MLM story so it's just it's just crazy like there's just so many of them and so far we've talked about I touched a little bit on Monat that's you know one that is just so awful and I have to do a more in-depth video on that one I should do one and then I also talked about Beachbody which is my all time I just hate that one the most and I actually have another video I'm gonna do pretty soon on that one because I had one of my subscribers well I think she's a subscriber who she was in one and she sent me some stuff that I cannot believe I can not believe just footage of a team call that you guys will scream it's crazy so I'm gonna do a video on that one next but anyway first before I start we're about to go to look at a bunch of apartments with our realtor so where I only have like an hour before we have to leave set to film this so that's gonna be another video we'll have so many I'm like so busy you guys like you have no idea I just and I feel so sick today and it's just not a good time but anyway we're gonna get through it okay so let's start with what's what this one is about and you guys will see from the title today we're doing lularoe so with these videos you know they're not gonna be like you know so much research but I do have a ton of stuff that I've kind of pulled together which i think is interesting stuff that you'll be like oh my god I kind of want to just touch on how how bad this one really really is and I just watched the very popular it just came out on YouTube actually it was a 29 minute documentary that Vice did which I think Vice says a lot of really good ones I'm pretty sure it was Vice I'll link it down below but Feist in a really good documentary and you know it touched on a lot of stuff with lularoe it followed three different women and just how it ruined completely ruined their life and how they you know one of them actually was so high up in the company she was the highest ranking and she was friends with the CEO and it's just it was really shocking to see how it got kind of scummy the CEO was just in her experience and you know if that's true of course but you know I don't think it touched on why it's so hard why so many people are losing money and it showed a lot of scenes of this one lady especially who had just it showed everyone they just had so much dead stock just so much stuff they couldn't sell racks and racks and racks of clothes not racks and retro racks with money but racks and racks and racks of clothes that they can not sell number one because lularoe is soaking ugly like it's just some of the ugliest clothes that you can ever purchase in your lifetime and there are so just cheap quality they just aren't they showed a clip of this lady ripping it with her fingers just going like this and ripping it with her fingers she didn't even have nails like I have like long nails she just went like this pulled it apart and it just ripped they're so thin they are just terribly made and the prints are just god-awful just tacky disgusting like there's not a single person that would ever want to wear that it's almost like you can tell somebody's wearing lularoe because the print is that hideous so it's really hard to sell them there's only a couple things that this is just my god this is not like I say this for legal reasons and I also say this because it's true I don't know for sure how the business thing works behind the scenes I would have to look more into it but I do know that people get set like they don't really get to choose what the prints are necessarily so a lot of the time there's stuff called unicorn prints and I remember a girl talking about it who I used to watch on YouTube who doesn't make videos anymore but she was excited because she had gotten the unicorn print and it seems like unicorn prints are like these really sought-after like AK like they're the one cool piece that people get in their whole like shipment like well someone they want a lularoe distributor places an order they get like a couple good things here and there and those things obviously sell but then they're left with all this other crap that it's like it's so ugly that nobody ever wants to buy it so they're left with it and they're stuck with it right but there's these there's a couple prints that people really do like like sometimes there's Disney prints which are really cute because of course it's Disney and you can wear the most gaudy clothes ever and because it's Disney nobody cares you know whatever I I'm not like a huge Disney fan I'm not gonna lie you guys but it's difficult to be a distributor what that's what I'm trying to get at because you don't get to choose you don't get to order really specific things that you want you kind of just get thrown like a bunch of you know arbitrary clothes and it's just it's just very it's very arbitrary that's what it is so okay let's talk about I want to talk about why lunar oh it's just it's so awful and it's the the buy in the buy in is one of the highest if not the highest buying you know pay to play that's that's one of the five like really huge bread flags written in this one popular I'm alone book which I should know but I don't but it's a huge red flag if you have to pay to play or if you have to pay to work for a company you're probably in an MLM pyramid scheme self an onboarding package I'm looking at the lularoe onboarding packages and the very cheapest one is $5,000 a $5,000 buy-in where it is well it's okay technically four thousand nine hundred and twenty-five dollars and seventy-five cents is the cheapest and you would get a purchase package or initial order package cheapest you get two hundred and eighty four pieces again all of them being arbitrary but you do know that you will get it looks to be eight different styles so like there's really popular ones I think like the Carly is a really popular one just from what I've been looking at and that people are interested in but then you also get stuff it's called Cassie a classic in Emma Julia Lindsey Carly Randi Kaye and Sarah so they're all called different names or whatever and then once you get those pieces like it'll come with 40 pieces 50 is 1630 1550 2514 so you'll get 15 of the Lyndsey and you don't really know what you're gonna get when you purchase it that's just from my understanding it could be different maybe you get a little bit more say over that but it seems to me to be very random which is not good and you don't really like if you're an if you're a boutique you have that control of your purchasing power where you say I want this specific style in this color you know that's the difference between a legitimate business and like why lularoe is just so difficult to succeed in besides the fact that you have to have this $5,000 sitting around which a lot of these consultants when they're trying to get you into the business they say just put it on the credit card just put it on a credit card you know sell this or that whatever refinance I mean it's really really predatory and it's really disgusting how it happens so that's the cheapest and it goes up to it can go up to $9,000 and you can have an add-on of $2000 where you get an extra 105 pieces so it's really really scary how much people like if you're really feeling like wow you know I'm ready to do this like I really want to succeed and I'm sure people are going to talk you into buying the highest one you can jump straight in and you did do an order of $10,000 with that comes with 503 pieces and of course they're gonna present it like oh if you if you buy this $10,000 buy-in package of five hundred and three pieces you're actually getting them you know it's the best deal that you can get I mean it's just crazy how much you can spend $10,000 is a lot of money I don't care who you are that's a lot of money and it's just crazy to me that anyone would ever like a buy-in that way cuz you're never probably gonna sell it so the interesting thing here too that I'm seeing is that you don't it doesn't seem like the order packages you get like the leggings like to me when I think of lularoe I think of leggings and that's what everybody's kind of after like not so much the t-shirts and the tank tops and stuff like that but leggings and it seems to me that the leggings are only coming in the initial order packages the the $9,000 one like it doesn't look there's a second order package where it's six thousand six hundred and sixty four dollars and that's three hundred and eighty two pieces but it doesn't look like those oh wait there are there are there's one thing of leggings that you get you get forty you get two packs of 40 either I don't know but it looks like you wouldn't get that unless you purchase the either the the six thousand dollar one or the nine thousand dollar one so that's a very concerning to me and you would have to do an add-on package to the initial order like the cheapest one so the 4925 so does that make sense like you're not getting the leggings unless you do the additional order package which that's what people really make their money on in my estimation and kind of in what I've seen that's what people are looking for and they want to order so you know not a great thing but I want to talk about now I read this the other day and I will link everything down below of course but I want to talk about what you would have to do to make back the initial $5,000 so people are you know people make it seem distributors in any MLM they they make it seem like your initial purchase into the company whatever packet is doesn't matter if it's Beachbody doesn't matter if it's Mary Kay or lularoe they say oh you'll make it back really quickly with your first paycheck sometimes they say that right here's here's what is really concerning and I want to read this to you because somebody did do the math so let's say you bought the $5,000 package effect you would have to sell 30 pairs of leggings a week and it would take you out just under three months if you if you were selling 30 pairs of leggings a week it would take you just under three months to make back your initial $5,000 right so think about 30 pairs a week I mean that that's a loop I mean that's a lot and it's like I said remember you guys these are a tough sell they are not easy especially if you're just like you're a stay-at-home mom who has no followers except for the people in your hometown or the people you had in high school on Facebook you know think about 30 pairs of leggings I don't know I and I want to make this really clear and in all my MLM videos and I will repeat this again in future videos but I'm somebody who I don't I don't even think I could sell 30 a week I don't even think I could sell 30 a week and I'm being honest and I could I feel like I could really sell anything I'm like I have a degree you know I feel like I understand sales I understand all this stuff I feel like I have a go get you know go-getter attitude and like I'm not afraid to be put myself out there I'm telling you I don't even think I could do this and that's I feel like that should say something right there so you know if you are in an MLM I want to also say to you too that it's okay to not be able to do you know that you didn't you couldn't succeed because these are built against you you wouldn't be able to succeed no matter what because it wasn't set up in your favor no at the start 99% of people lose money with MLM so they never turn a profit that's a statistic that has been well researched okay so let's let's get back to this with ik yours okay so you're selling 30 pairs of leggings a week it takes you just over three months to make back your initial investment of $5,000 provided that you did the cheapest one and then you would also need to use your revenue to restock an additional thirty three pieces a month which would be over $1000 worth of leggings over 11.5 weeks therefore it would take you another month or so of selling 30 pairs of leggings a week to start turning a small profit not only are you having to sell 30 pairs of leggings a week consistently over three months time but you would also need to reinvest the money that you made to buy more leggings and then you would have to keep selling at a consistent rate then you would finally turn a profit so it's gonna take you I mean of course with any small business or anything you know you don't make money right away but it will take you minimum if you are super consistent minimum it will take you around like four months that's probably on average but of course not the average of what people are actually doing most people are just losing it says here's a here's a X business lularoe they said I'm now saddled with over seven thousand in debt and tons of leftover inventory that even other consultants who won't buy off me so big thing too that was in the lularoe documentary was that the return policy change so you used to be able to return your inventory provided that you bought it through lularoe you used to be able to return it for I think it was like a full refund now you don't get a full refund and it's something like you get I think it's like 90% and they have to be in perfectly great condition never worn or something like that I mean it's just a disease it's a disaster like you are just not gonna get your money back it is such a scam the leggings are such poor quality and so many people like if somebody returns something you're really I mean you're really out of luck you really are it's it's just it's a nightmare these people these women are living an absolute nightmare and it's really really sad because I think lularoe has if not the highest one of the highest rates of bankruptcies within the company these people I mean and you've got to think about how how bad things have gotten that you've filed for bankruptcy because bankruptcy filing for bankruptcy is like it's the fight you have hit complete rock-bottom because it follows you for years to years and years to come even though you're a you're absolved of a lot of your debt you're not absolved of student loan debt a couple other types of debt it's it's really devastating and it's it's devastating and you know not only to your morale and just your overall like how you feel about yourself and what you think about yourself but it's really like when you try to go get a home you're you probably not gonna be able to apply for a home home loans probably not gonna be able to do that you'll probably have to live in like you know rent from somewhere for many many years you cannot get approved for stuff it's like it really it shows up on your record for so long and just think about like think about like the the pain that people have to go through that when they don't succeed in a business that they felt like you know their their upline was telling them if you're not succeeding it's on you it's because you didn't try hard enough it's just not the case like these you were never going to succeed in this kind business even the people at the top who say they're succeeding really aren't 16 that much I mean it's just like I said it's all kind of like a farce and these people live fake lives and anyway so let's let's see lularoe I mean there's so many things problem wrong with the company and right now they're being sued for this that in the third like they really they're in so much hot water like just the company is they I guess they haven't paid back their even their suppliers like there's there's in the documentary there was a woman who used to work for like them distribution and she wasn't like a seller but she said that they literally were keeping leggings and shirts and tank tops outside because there wasn't enough stock for them in the warehouse so they were keeping them outside they were soaking wet and they would send them to the distributors soaking wet and they would have to reek it I'd have to sell them like that so it's really really scary the state of Washington actually sued lularoe and accused them of operating an illegal pyramid scheme it was like a huge multi-million dollar lawsuit I believe they're called class-action lawsuits I talked about this in my very first video I did about MLMs but class-action lawsuits mean that people a lot of people come together with the same circumstances and then they all collectively sue the company so it's not just one person saying hey you're a pyramid scheme this is I mean this is the entire state of Washington I mean it's just core it is in sane these women are in so deep and it really makes me sad because these these clothes are just they're not good they are not good you will get better clothes at Walmart you will get better clothes at the Dollar Tree I mean really I'm trying to think of if there's anything else that I really wanted to touch on I kind of touched on I feel like the the biggest thing is just how how bad the clothes are and then how hard it is to make your money back here's something that I missed this relates to like your purchase package your initial investment of at least $5,000 but then I guess you are required to purchase a minimum of 33 pieces per month to maintain active status Wow wow that that is really terrible all right anyway I think I hit on most of the things that I personally wanted to touch on I you know of course there's so much more to say about it and this is just a huge company I've been trying to look and see where I can try to purchase them just so I could show you personally in my hands how poor the quality is and I've been trying to look for them but they're really like I don't know why I can't find them it's just it's really bad but anyway I am looking at about purchasing like this MLM stuff so I can actually show you instead of just saying look how horrible it is but again I'm gonna link down below all the links that I you know the references that I'm using I'm gonna link below the vice documentary where you can see just how awful in the documentary you literally see a woman who who used to be at the top of the company having somebody come over and nail a for sale sign in her front yard because she has to sell her house because she cannot keep up with pending debt it's just it's really insane so anyway hope you guys enjoyed this video leave a like if you liked these MLM videos my next one's gonna be really good so stay tuned for that subscribe if you're not already and I will see you guys in my next video you
Channel: Kiki Chanel
Views: 235,383
Rating: 4.8172197 out of 5
Keywords: lularoe, lularoe vice documentary, vice lularoe, vice, lularoe documentary, lularoe scam, why i left lularoe, lularoe review, lularoe anti-mlm, anti-mlm, anti mlm, mlm, pyramid scheme, scam, kiki chanel, anti mlm reddit, reddit, scams, multi level marketing, lularoe buy in, lularoe try on, lularoe seller, lularoe honest review, honest review, cringe, anti mlm reddit cringe, lularoe ugly
Id: oWrHDtZ-3RQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 43sec (1123 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 18 2019
Reddit Comments

Please keep this thread on track. It's not about how she looks, it's about her message about LLR.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Crisis_Redditor πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 19 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Wow I didn't know it cost so much to buy into LLR compared to other MLMs. The first package doesn't even have leggings and it's almost 5000 dollars. How is this such a big thing? Like, how do people not just say No when they see how much startup costs?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 83 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/norashepard πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 19 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

She’s a bit of a rambler but I get the gist. How do they continue to get away with this highway robbery 😭

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 33 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Iamthehamburgler πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 19 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Kylie, I know you are here girl!!! Look you made it lol!!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/KatieKhaos1 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 20 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Does she ever get anywhere? This is hun presentation. Hype Hype, and then nothing

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 16 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Kaliedra πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 19 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
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