Steven Anderson Uses Shaming, Fear, And Guilt Against His Congregation

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what's up guys sir wait a minute isn't there normally a nausea-inducing motion background behind me why is everything around you're so gray and still and this is where I draw stuff I hope you know you can't stay there oh crap telltale I think I'm starting to realize that being on multiple channels at once is just kind of normal for you to profit of Zod said it had something to do with quantum physics and cosmological use to portal Bionic dance used to space yeah I just give up I give up I don't know how any of this works well drawing is easier when I'm not trying to work around any tiny hobbits now why don't you tell me what you're doing here tiny hat okay okay you know what fine since I'm here I do have something that I want to talk to you about this guy Steven Anderson so not only are you on my drawing canvas but you're telling me that you're also gonna make me suffer through this quiver full stuff uh yeah basically if I'm gonna suffer you're going to suffer with me so I've been tackling Stephen Anderson and his bunch of creationists for a while now and they're all part of an organization called the independent fundamental Baptists or the NIF bee for short the NIF be broke off of the IFB that organization was originally headed by the First Baptist Church of Indiana what we now know as the NIF be broke away due to several allegations of misconduct within the church including sexual scandals like you know rape and hurting children abuse reports of extortion and other honestly pretty heinous stuff I'll link an article down below of one of those reports that's though you have dealt with these guys on your channel before right telltale what have you made of Anderson and his bunch so far I've talked about Anderson before yes I did some debunk videos where he actually told his congregation to break the law disregard signs or police who tell them not to proselytize in certain areas do it anyways because God is your boss not the secular authorities that's one step down the wrong road as far as I'm concerned but actually he's part of the quiver full movement as it turns out they're a pretty strange group they think you should have as many kids as possible they should be like arrows in your quiver or some other nonsense from what I understand the Duggars are part of the quiver full movement too you know 19 Kids and Counting Josh Duggar Jim Bob Duggar Michelle Duggar I'm not gonna name all 63 of them I'm just saying there are a lot it's extremely patriarchal the men are leaders of the household and the woman's job is to have as many kids as possible and manage the house under the leadership of the men the disappointing bit about the whole thing is a fact that lots of people who ascribe to this philosophy can't afford to have kids in the first place let alone 36 of them of course Stephen Anderson is rich he's famous for being a hateful bigoted angry person so he's got the money to support his ten kids as he convinces his congregation members to have more and more he also has a few sermons talking about soul-winning I mentioned this in the last video I did on him it's a lot like how Jehovah's Witnesses do it knocking on doors but all of those have been instances of Anderson talking about different concepts from the pulpit what's different about this one well instead of this being a video about the pulpit this is actually Anderson going off on one of his newer congregation members about talking to other congregation members behind his back I don't think Steven Anderson quite gets that when you're a public figure people are allowed to talk about you behind your back it's inevitable and it's going to happen the interesting part about this video though isn't necessarily that it's a viral --nt way in which Anderson talks to a potential new member of the church and the way he almost gaslights his congregation in regards to what they can and can't do he's incredibly controlling and I honestly think that his congregation qualifies as a cult under the bite model without coming to me look if you had a problem with my doctrine shouldn't he have come to me or should he be going behind my back in fact fighting going to other church members who never asked his opinion mind you never even asked and say hey he just texts them because he saw them on YouTube defending me so because they were on YouTube defending me Keith takes it upon himself to rebuke them for the defending the pastor of his church calls my statements wicked and evil and listen this you know I know your buddy Ashley Acton let's everybody get up and say whatever they want but in this church it's not a free-for-all you don't come to this and pretend to be a faithful member of the church while you're going behind the pastor's back did you ever have the guts to confront me with that Chris so because somebody in the congregation thought the things he was saying in his church were wrong he goes off on them and switches to defense mode this has elements of behavior and thought control he doesn't want people talking about his sermons which are public without consulting him first he definitely doesn't want them talking to the congregation about their opinions on his sermons because he wants everybody to have a unified mind organizations like this thrive on having an us-versus-them mentality and by ensuring everybody's thinking is as unified as possible it helps reinforce the cult persona the mask also I think the sermons he's talking about are the ones where he actively said that the government should execute homosexuals am I getting that right I'm fairly certain you're correct I'll have my critique on the video where he actually says as much linked below it's honestly some pretty disgusting rhetoric and it's a video that if squeemish might make you a little bit uncomfortable so please keep that in mind because if you executed the homos like God recommends you wouldn't have all this AIDS that's horrific and it's the very definition of extremism but let's continue see what else he has to say you don't come to this church and back by the pastor without even having the guts to confront of yourself and go around and say ah notice how they're all perfectly okay with the behavior on display of their pastor this is not something new for these people this is not something that they haven't seen before this is classic Steven Anderson and for a lot of these people I can only assume that this is why they're here behavior like this for Anderson is common that's not the only takeaway from those last few seconds notice how after smearing this guy in front of his congregation he immediately decides to kick him out and when he gets a chance to say his piece he labels him as a Judas Iscariot type notice how there isn't a single person who gets up and tries to defend this dude everybody agrees with the pastor ostensibly everybody agrees with the leader of their congregation the worst part is they're visibly children in the congregation there are kids being brought up thinking this is normal right right even here Oh breathless pasture-raised wicked and evil statements and tampers with the gospel that's not a great Church bridge you're right disagreeing with disagreeing with what I preach is not a reason to be kicked out you're right because listen to me no one in this church agrees with me on everything and that's okay because we're all different we all read the Bible we all have the Holy Spirit no two Christians are gonna agree on everything that's fine no prob I've had people come up to me and say hey I don't agree with this doctrine I always tell them that's okay you don't have to agree with me you're welcome to come here but there's a big difference between not agreeing and calling the pastors preaching wicked and evil and accusing him of tampering with the gospel behind his back without ever bringing that to me do you see the difference Chris so it's okay for people to disagree with you but they can't talk to each other about it it's okay for the congregation to think there's something wrong with your sermon but the minute they decide they want to have a conversation about it then it's not okay no that's not okay policing people like that is destructive influence it's one step toward molding them into who you want them to be it's changing their personality to be what the cult needs them to be to survive not their authentic selves not to mention the fact that biblical scholars are still completely settled on the actual meaning of some of the stuff in the Bible so the dude who's dissenting from Steven Anderson's preaching does have a valid point but it doesn't matter Anderson has some special information that nobody else has he has special access to God I should probably point out that pulling what the original authors meant from the Scriptures is called exegesis although since Stephen Anderson is a King's James only preacher then the entire idea of executing the original meaning that the original authors meant is completely lost on him if the King James Version says something in late Middle English and he can twist it one way then it doesn't matter what biblical scholars actually think the passage originally meant in Greek or Hebrew all that matters is what he thinks about the Bible and he's gone on record several times to say that he should let the Bible interpret itself but if you're working with the King James only version you're not letting the Bible interpret itself you're working with an interpretation from the 1500s get out of here idiot pick him up and take him out if you only take him out ain't get out of here I didn't ask you you've never even been here fool get out get out did he just overtly call for his church members to take physical action against somebody that's the wrong way to do it call the police tell them that his invitation has been revoked and he's no longer welcome on the property do not I repeat do not call for your church members to take physical action against anybody ever get out you don't just walk in here and start telling us how to run the church right now we're in a battle right now get out of here need to ask your advice pick him up and get him out of here you won't leave we're in a battle right now wait a minute isn't that something that the Jehovah's Witnesses talk about as well how it's in US versus then issue because it's a spiritual battle this rhetoric is sounding awfully familiar they do talk about that a lot and they separate themselves from the world a lot just like this I use language about fighting pretty often personally I talk about fighting a battle and all that stuff but my battle isn't against any people it isn't against religious people it isn't even against cult members it's against extremism it's against bad ideas my battle is against hateful toxic ideologies and I want to bring as many people in to help against that fight as I can we should be focusing on ideas not focusing on who is or isn't a member of the church who agrees with specific doctrines or not and we definitely shouldn't be segregating ourselves from anybody that's definitely the wrong thing to do actually our members of our church who actually attend here not a first-time visitor of course you listen to your in-group the out-group are the other no need to hear them out they're wrong always you find authoritarianism in cults a lot in fact that's one of the signs they're influencing you in a destructive way authoritarian power structure instead of a system with checks and balances questioning Authority is either heavily restricted or not permitted at all and it's almost a universal rule that feedback from the out-group is misguided at best and as a result should be ignored did somebody if somebody thinks that there's a reason why they should be allowed to stay let me know because I I see it as just pure evil to come to a church and so these kind of lies about the pastor without even coming to Pastor one time but it's not a lie Anderson you do twist biblical scripture to fit your narrative there is a reason I address how poorly you exegete Leviticus in the second video that I did on you you push an exceptionally homophobic agenda and this is why you're banned in multiple countries I just can't think how a normal person would go to a church and he already knew that I believed all that when he came to this church right and look if people are gonna go behind the back and backbite and be a Judas and make railing accusations this is what's gonna happen of course there are gonna be repercussions for how you conduct yourself within the group this group actually meets more than a few markers on the bite model thoughts feelings and activities are reported to superiors discouraging individualism and encouraging groupthink compartmentalizing information into insider versus outsider doctrine and many many more the guy invaded the church came with an outsider doctrine and was ostracized because of it any dissent is met with hostility now I understand if he wants his people to have unified thinking that's most definitely a sign of a cult and I'm gonna call him out for it but that's not my biggest issue here my biggest issue with this whole thing is how he publicly shamed somebody like this he's trying to teach a lesson to everybody around if you have a dissenting opinion keep your mouth shut or you'll get torn to shreds just like this guy was it's how you use shame fear and guilt to manipulate somebody there's also encouragement for spying on other members and if he was sending these private texts to other members letting them know his thoughts and feelings about these sermons then the fact that this was reported to the pastor tells me that they're spying on other members and they're also reporting their thoughts and feelings to superiors I agree it's definitely fishy business but there's still a few minutes left of the video and it seems like the bulk of the important stuff has already happened I wonder what else there is and it's okay to disagree and I don't want and look I know I already know that there's people who are gonna go out of here and lie about me and saying oh yeah anybody who disagrees because they're Anderson gets thrown out anybody who says that is a liar oh yeah I'm not true you do not get thrown out for disagree you get thrown out for going behind people's back and trying to split the church every few key people just for defending the pastor but it is technically true that people will get thrown out of your church for disagreeing with you you just didn't like the way in which they disagreed and explosive outbursts like this because people are talking about you a public figure without first coming to you is indicative to me of someone who's worried about that opinion so in your position it's best to try to make sure that everyone agrees with you on major things within your church so that you don't have to face that reality if your opinions on the Bible are in fact truth then they should be able to withstand scrutiny of any kind especially amongst your own congregation not strictly from the bottom up you declare to your church that the only way that they can bring these disagreements with your message is not amongst themselves but with their leader that to me is a giant red flag as we saw here disagreeing with the pastor amongst yourselves we'll get you reported to the pastor and will cause repercussions also if somebody in any organization that I was a part of said that we should get the government to mass genocide a percentage of the population then I would immediately hold issue with that and if somebody was trying to defend the person who made those heinous statements then it would certainly behave me to rebuke that individual who's defending such disgusting ideas well you know what he insulted all of you because he said that everybody he even used the word everybody is just quoting pastor Anderson and they're not okay so he is talking about the sermon he held about LGBTQ people I also absolutely love the fact that he's uh Narada Klee using the term sodomites but there are some interesting implications behind that I mean think about what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah they were all murdered by naming people in the out group as sodomites there's an underlying message that those people deserved to die that is disgusting is it any wonder why the detractor in this church called his message wicked and evil he's actively dehumanizing these people and in this video at least there's a subtle implication that they deserved to die although from what you tell me sir us he does have sermons where he flat-out says there's more of that language about the church being in a battle it's more of that us-versus-them mentality and I think he just admitted that the police have shown up at his church more than once this is the kind of narrative that Jehovah's Witnesses use sometimes when talking about how they're oppressed or persecuted how everyone's going to be trying to murder them in the end time oh so you're okay with that f-word being censored but you don't censor yourself when you use the other much more insulting one excellent I think the only reason that he's okay using the other F word in this situation is because that one specifically dehumanizes his out group whereas this F word is one that he's not allowed to say because in his group it's a nasty word and I didn't invite people to come here and their pajamas every Sunday morning and go around telling everybody what a bad preacher I am without even having the guts to one time in a year one time come up to me and say pastor Anderson you're preaching false doctrine that would have been the right thing to do but that that would come from a heart of sincerity but an insincere heart just wants to go around and stab him back you listen to me let me tell you something if people are texting you how bad I am you should bring that to my attention and I'll do the same thing for you it's not just because I'm the pastor if somebody text me how bad you are the first thing I'm gonna do is come to you and let a did you know that that you're being accused of X Y Z that's just ethics right that's just common courtesy under normal circumstances that might be the most ethical thing to do but there are circumstances in which texting people behind their backs is the most ethical thing you can do even necessary what if you're in an abusive relationship in many cases abuse victims can't just solve their problems by talking to the abuser they have to talk to other people for help and in lots of cults you can't solve a problem internally typically the cult has some very specific agenda in mind and they know how they want to go about achieving their goals if you speak up about something you don't like you're probably gonna be cut loose like a dead branch also I'm not a fan of the way he's framing his criticism he's saying he's being criticized for false doctrine but the one he's talking about involved innocent people being murdered this isn't a doctrine issue it's a decent human being issue I think it would behoove me to also point out that his underlings like Ken Hoeven and Matt Powell have very similar rhetoric in regards to this exact issue and they all agree on what should be done about LGBTQ people skyla fiction was banned on YouTube for a short period of time because Matt Powell one of Anderson's underlings was talking about this doctrine about sodomites as they so eloquently put it and spreading lies or slander or just you know the day that they think that the preaching is evil and wicked somebody needs to tell me that and you know what if somebody comes and I'll make a covenant with you if somebody comes to me and says that you're evil and wicked I'll bring that to you because we shouldn't be backbiting anyone in the church but least of all pastor so we shouldn't be stabbing people in the backs but if somebody stabs somebody else in the congregation in the back it's okay as long as they're reporting it to the pastor and you shouldn't stab the pastor in the back because he's obviously elevated amongst everyone else like this happens like once every two or three years right am i telling the truth okay so you just happen to show up on that Sunday morning all right you know and honestly this whole week has been like this you know we're getting persecuted on all sides but you know what I've not yet begun to fight a man so this is a once every couple of years thing but your entire week has been like this this doesn't seem very consistent anyways that's the end of the video it's pretty scary considering the fact that there are actually children being raised in this a lot of them agreed that's why I brought this to you Colts are kind of your thing I wanted to make sure that the sky is as exposed as he can be the best way to filter out bad ideas is kind of with the light of day at least that's how I see it anyways thanks for letting me take part on your channel telltale of course now get the off my canvas oh shoot right anyways that's all I've got for you you guys should check out Souris he does stuff almost every day he's also got a series deconstructing some of the propaganda that Anderson's organization puts out he's had Bionic dance Aaron raah and a bunch of other youtubers over there to collaborate on that series so check him out also check me out on patreon and all social media all links are in the description as always any last words insert end a video tagline here [Music] you
Channel: Telltale
Views: 42,853
Rating: 4.8838096 out of 5
Keywords: youtube, telltale, jehovahs witness, jw, ex jw, cult, bible, jesus, god, suris, atheist, steven, anderson, steven anderson, shame, fear, guilt, undue, influence, mind control, attack, steven anderson uses shaming fear and guilt against his congregation
Id: juNVA1bp9gU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 36sec (1356 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 27 2019
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