WARNING! Stressful Rain Storms AHEAD | Bush Pilot Flight Vlog

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welcome back to the vlog and welcome back another hot one in Hoskins Papua New Guinea name is Ryan and we're gonna be flying from Hoskins out to a bush location today and hopefully it's not raining when we get there so let's go ahead get started cuz I am burning up here cause system test okay thank you alright I'm just watching my ITT and my ng as it comes up just like that everything looks normal watching the rate of the needles coming up that's what I watched more so than just the numbers initially watch the numbers and then I watch the rate and then I watch the numbers after that I am getting a late start to my day today it's 1:30 in the afternoon now I was hoping to get out of here at 8 o'clock today but one of my brake lines was damaged and I was losing fluid so we had to fly another plane away from Goroka two hours out here with a new brake line and we just swapped that out so I'm getting a late start to my day but that's okay alright feel your caps and selectors that are good the brakes do feel even now controls are good awake today is 5560 so down here we are gonna be rotating at 55 and come back into 64 60 full on the V Rev and at 55 more rotate at 8,000 feet I believe 8,000 feet of another airplane that already taxi down there so I'm gonna go ahead just use the taxiway here and start my role that way I could test my brakes make sure they are a good XC light is on their left and right particularly good do a couple more oh they should not find a hotel you wonder what he feeds Ellen tonight's crime initially photos to freeze it for football pee breaks feel really good nice and firm and even on both sides do you know the tango taxi Hoskins oke all stations husbands what to seven times more one could hit another penguin Kobe taxiing to a moke Oh found a track q40 not above 8,000 all stations awesome alright we are clear on the left we are clear on the right we just did the airplane takeoff so having everybody else always be that factor coordinate one no Becca are dipp'd you need to stop in the runway or four not 15 knots by this taxiway that we just pulled off on order to do full reverse heavy braking flaps up cut off pull off and shut off if we are going off for any reason after takeoff we're gonna pitch 485 we're gonna consider EPL can I consider feather pitch 480 full flaps close to the water or to the beach whatever we can do and masters off hit our emergency cracker door and probably just make a call to alpha November hotel because he is gonna be the one I can make sure that I can get ahold of all right jumping the board is done ignition know what is on bypass and lights this is good we've done our taxi call and I'll have to do is once you get lined up a little in my flight plan I forgot to put it in some ice volcanoes out there for a good view all right and we keep all of our play plants saved in here but we don't have to manually put them in every single time we fly out there right ignition condition flaps 20 fuel and harnesses checklist is complete which is right there pretty-pretty degrees out so fifteen twenty two fourteen seventy fifteen seventy and rotate fifty-five all right here we go there's 1470 major speed is alive there's 50 content here there's that Ivan rotate the ground really quick when you're sea level on light alright so the water is right right there and I have a life vest on today so I'm gonna just put then well I think this I'm just gonna go ahead make my turn now I'm cleaning out my ghost coastal climb we're heading out right over there between that nice little hump I will just oil off the coast until we're up high enough right now that we're about a thousand feet I'm gonna go ahead and start reducing my flaps over 85 knots now we're over 90 climb in through 95 Bay goes zero bring our prop back down to 2,000 rpm that's gonna bring the ITT back down to 720 which will be our ITT I'm out it's just a 30 to 35 minutes flight out to Moke where we're going and rain showers have been kind of going through and out the whole day so hopefully when we get there the rain showers are not raining when we get there and show make it a lot nicer it looks like it's pretty nice out that is quite a bit of cloud twelve it but I can see a lot of underneath so forth and likely inspire just rain showers that are just going through but it's right kind of flooded up next at the bottom of a mountain so it's always much the very very first place that actually starts raining all right I've got my all tender set up at 1 0 1 3 and a half the set up my secondary at 1 0 1 3 I don't think I'll be needing that because I don't think I'll be having to go antsy today at all but there's a slight possibility on our descent or getting out of there on our way back so more than likely I'm not gonna stay at 8,000 the whole way out there and probably rather get down below it looks like maybe around like 3,000 feet or even 2,000 feet will allow me to stay underneath the clouds the whole way just so I don't have to go through all these really puffy clouds on the way down I can just a VFR all the way which would be more enjoyable always right now the word leveling off I'm gonna go ahead and bring my ITT and might worked out so I still have my takeoff torque I had a break might to work all the way down to 1250 foot-pounds of torque and as I bring it down also I was starting to push on my left rudder so I take out some of that right rudder draft that I had and just for takeoff that's why torque comes down to around 1250 around 1250 right at 12:15 so nice you for and I'm just gonna look at my ITT and make sure that it also follows 700 so 40 much of it alone open angle chubby pretty much any time it's over 13,000 feet is when my ITC is gonna be a factor I want to actually fly by and keep that right at 700 be just a parted this is hopin to getting here we just departed out of Hoskins here and we are about track on this 0 5 2 so we're coming out here to a ymk and 5600 is our company ayah par lowest safe or out for the specific wrote oh if for some reason I didn't have to go IMC for any reason I'd have to at least be at 5600 feet to remain legal on this so basically what I would do is I would fly out to Polk and then come back down here or decant rien and then I get dropped out to 2500 and now it pretty much give me my lowest safe that I could anything below that I'd have to be VFR so so my plant is now there is quite a buildup right over top of oak it always looks like it's worse than it actually is until you actually get there so it's best not to freak out so you actually get there because nine times out of ten it's different than the ones you actually start getting close to you like oh I can actually kind of weave my way through these clouds and it's actually not as bad as it looks all right just because it looks like there is some rain up there I can see kind of - really really dark on the ground and like a really thin outline over there that's using education of rain so I'm going to go ahead and bring up my strip chart now so I can go ahead and brief myself before I have to be mucking around and really low crap people are there all right so the elevation is 1,000 feet everybody got my descent foot in so it's gonna tell me but he's gonna let me know what my top of descent is length is 565 meters 25 meters wide and it is instead that the 4% slope but it's pretty much just a 2% all the way and then there's at the very end it's just a little bit of a hill so it kind of evens out as 4% but realistically it's just pretty much a flat looks like there's a load of a side slope at touchdown I was just out here last week there's a little slippery so that's something I am gonna keep in mind today I can't land with a four not tailwind if I'm completely full up but I'm empty today oh I'm not gonna worry about that although I am gonna go ahead start my just sent now to see if I can look underneath of this but it looks like there's just a lot of rain and it looks like it's just gonna be bumpy so 40 is 6000 right now so I really can't go much lower unless I have to say VFR what I think I'm gonna do is I think I'm gonna head out a little bit more to the coast if I can't just go around this stuff and then come in rather than having to go through that because it does look pretty crappy going more to this South really would be much benefit to be there looks like there's just a big huge line right there I did look at my windy app before I came out here and it was saying that in this little area there was gonna be some storms and then on the other side it was gonna be a little bit nicer so that's one over four so we're just heading up to the coast right now we'll just track up the coast and then back in and see if that works better probably what fun interesting thing about this place I'm going to poke is my airplane it's a 34 minute flight and if you were just to try to get out there basically my car boat and foot it takes four full days to get out there see it's been a one full day in a car not a car but yet the public motor vehicle really horrendously bumpy road out around to this area actually right here then you jump on a boat it's been a whole day waiting on the boat then you'd have a two day hike just to get into where we're going I'd only take 34 minutes so that is why we still use aviation a lot in gear Papua New Guinea now there are some there are some roads that go up that way that they use for like logging roads of stuff but the condition of the roads are just really not that great go ahead and call for me now let them know I'm gonna be tracking five miles off the right 4 3-6 6-2 to November tango echo request Mars they went east have a decimal 1 November tango echo request I don't think I'm gonna get him on that frequency but they're not only answering on the other one bars be 87 November tango echo I another one this is pretty difficult with HF radio Moresby 861 november tango applicants both the two bars may 6 6 2 2 november tango echo all right it doesn't look like I'd be able to get him but sounds like the only other traffic I have is alpha Thank You charlie which he just says coming in from it's not like tofua oh that was you there well it's not looking awesomely hopeful I've just about of the coast now there's quite a bit of lightning strikes and just a huge black cell and a right over top of where I need to go I'm hoping that it will open up just on the other side of this up here we'll see another thing I'm gonna do you're gonna let 6,000 feet right now I think we're going to do is just go ahead and descend down along the coast down to 2,000 feet that way I can see if I can see under I know I'm not gonna be able to go in at 6,000 feet because there's just way too many clouds so my hope is that I'm gonna be able to simply get down underneath up and take a look at it and see if it's even going to be possible to go and underneath the color if I just come back tomorrow who knows my holiday is already messed up so I can't really mess it up anymore oh just increase our descent rate down to 1,400 1,500 feet for a minute drop on down fifty thousand feet over top of the coast and just see if we can work our way up there or not bet flip our fuel back on so I'll forget that once my workload starts increasing drop down low and it is raining which or the likely it is that my workload will definitely be going up so I want to get as much stuff done now so I don't have to mess around with it everybody got my strip chart I'm gonna go ahead and bring it back up up here in case I have to just quickly look at it my runaway direction is runaway three four normally do this but I'm gonna write it three four just so I have to open that back up field elevation is at 2,000 feet I've already got that set in and we'll go ahead and set it for OBS here shortly so I can see a runaway and selectors are good my brakes still feel even I'm gonna go ahead and leave my brain awareness system on for now it does look like there's a lot of right there I'd do 180 actually a little bit coastline is right right now below me can't really see it but right so gets right here in a minute all do our Viera or go to aux page or five 405 guys ten more minutes of flying so another 100 pounds so 5300 so our landing is still gonna be just 54 knots set up our our gear a five-state 54 there we go I flip my landing away my pulse light on and we'll wait always sort out whether to get my bypass we're heading back the coast is I see some light shining through which means that there's a hole up here shortly so once I get past these clouds right here alright make sure we help you select is on yup there we go a lot better go ahead get Ike to work back up so here is uh here's what it was looking like just a lot a lot of rain in between where I was coming to where I'm going and now straight ahead of me it's looking a lot better there is still a line of rain but I'm hoping it it's just kind of misting where I actually want to go it looks like nothing left behind yeah it's kind of see it through a little bit further so I'm kind of hoping that the rain is just kind of gonna get going and I'll be able to squeeze my way in there do a quick landing and then jet back out of there before any stronger rains come so there's this mountain right here and that's kind of if at the base of that mountain and that's really where all the rain it always seems to start that 2,000 feet which is my pattern altitude it looks like my clouds are about that level so no issues there I'm gonna go ahead and turn Betty off now reactively because I don't hate to have her yelling at me late - then let we've already done now we can do our bypass and to do that case I do come through some rain heavy rain if we do open upon my ignition as well and I'll put up my pitot Heat's on that's just to help get the water so I've heard the pitot tube sent doesn't disrupt the airspeed indication so I've been told all right if we do need to go around at this place keep your left or right hand turn it says left on our chart but it can't be also a right hand turn there's really nothing there it's pretty much short final but do you need to go around it's gonna be power up its 473 knots left-hand turn or a right-hand turn out we're depending on the rain and stuff and reset my cork yeah my ITT is 744 best climb out my back up and try it again puffin harness we're still want three miles out I'm gonna go ahead and just set up my OBS now I said it was runway 3 4 it's gonna draw a nice little line so as I get closer if there is rain or a few Oh Shelly the mouse joining right thumb in runway 3-0 but it does look like the submarine directly where I need to go but it also just kind of worked this out I can start seek some like see-through like 20 or 30 miles as well so I think it's just going a little spurt so we should be able to get in to get out of there with no issues right now I'm gonna go ahead and something that Josh does on the other guys I'm fly with he sets up his minimums as his five forty five hundred foot the way you know if you are at the circuit and and he calls out minimums that means you are at just 500 feet above the field I think that's genius I really like that so I'm gonna go ahead and do that today just because I want to be able to keep my eyes outside as much as possible and if she yells at me that it's minimums I know I'm only 500 feet and that make note of that go ahead call them with an open circuit or is the 662 to November tango echo and the circuit mocha report after landing all right we say no I'm here and it does look like there is a lot of great right where I need to go what I think I've got to do is I think I gotta head to the south for see if I still around it I still have seven files to run ahead out this way just because I can see you know I have quite a ways out through the rain so it's not as heavy a train right here can't see anywhere over there and it's really thick rain or right we're actually if you need to go alright so it looks like we'll just go through this little tiny rain shower here then I'll make a right-hand turn back over there is quite a bit of lightning there so glad I went out to the coast and winter route that and more than likely that's what I'll be planning on doing getting back as well so I can see all the way through this I hope the camera picks it up or not but I could see a little hole basically all the way through another 30 miles so I know that it's pretty light rain right here even though it's heavy on my left and my right I can see all the way through so I'm just gonna go ahead punch through this a little bit of rain and then I'm only four and a half miles from the field now we're gonna go ahead make sure it's that bypass I have to go up deuce on a little bit heavier rain but my video heats put my prop or getting ready for the pattern all right so profit harness is done that looks like my windshield is leaking be good actually all right now that we're through the rain just sprinkling over here I'm gonna go ahead and start turning and hopefully I can get a if I feel what the rain is just a big line right there and it looks like it goes right through where I need to go so I hope it stops so many times at this place the range is pretty much goes right to the end of the runway thankfully on the far end so we could still make a pattern and get around so I'm just using basically my GPS just to show me where it is because I can't see it at all there's just tons of rain right there I think it's directly in rain right now but we might be able to wait a couple of minutes to a couple of 360s because this beautiful out here just sprinkling and then maybe get in right so my landing lights are all done got that done I'm gonna go ahead and put my a little slant bug at a perpendicular to where my Runaways already set up so I know when up are particular with the runway it looks like it's just raining pretty hard right there so we're just gonna stay out here for a minute or two to see if it clears up a little bit and maybe line up with the runway and see if I can't see what it looks like down into the rain all right I do see the end of the runway it's raining pretty hard right there oh if for some reason I did have to go around it'd be going right into rain and the Train kind of also Rises right there so then if we wait five minutes I brought an extra half-hour of fuel on top of all of our minimum so I've got plenty of fuel to make a couple of rounds out here before I have to head back yeah I could barely see the runway out there to keep at but we'll just stay out here for a little bit and we can't get it in a second yeah the rain is just so thick it's so beautiful here but literally like a half a mile from the end of the runway is where the rain starts so pretty much lined up right this minute with the runway and I don't even see it out there just so heavy it right there bad good bad so I can serve fuel I'm just gonna go ahead slow down up my flats and and then let's just set up for a hold out here oh I have been circling out here now for about 20 to 25 minutes and it's still not looking good I can see the runway every now with it but it's still at the end of the runway I mean I could barely see it I can get about a mile and a half from it the second but the rain is pretty much right up basically if I want to have is where the rain starts and the second I even barely stick my nose in it I can't see anything at all so I'm not even gonna attempt to get any closer than that so basically I just stick it in and basically I'm going parallel with the line of the rain going into it I wouldn't do that because there is raising rising terrain it's just sprinkling out here just barely and then there's just a line of rain so I'm heading to the right now I've got 2.8 article miles and I don't see a thing regarding the runway so it looks like we're gonna have to call it cuz I've got basically 24 pounds of fuel before I'm at my minimum before I have to head back to Austin honestly guys this is a reality unfortunately of not a lot of times but a few times I would say maybe out of a year it'd be you or maybe three times that this will happen where get out where you want to go and it just does not work no matter how hard you try to get it to work the rain just doesn't want to move there'll be times like I said it will sort of clear up a tiny bit where I can see the end of the runway but I I mean it's just I can't see the other two the runway it's just too much of cloud too much in rain to really do it safely right now flying with twenty degrees of flaps and around 85 knots and yeah there's about as close as I could get before the rain starts picking out and I don't want to get into those clouds not this low not this slow that's just a recipe for disaster Hank over all my way I don't even see it I've only two miles probably out of the runway and that is unfortunate anyways guys well I meant about fuel now so I'm gonna have to head back to Haas because it's just not working out today so sorry you guys just gonna actually see that landing maybe don't follow I will actually do that so anyways stay with me for a little because we're gonna be doing an IFR basically departure out of here what I'm going to do is get over a hundred knots get all my flaps up go ahead and set up my autopilot so that I can pull out my iPad and know I brought back at 2,000 rpm I've got to be at 5600 off this route right here see 2500 on this heading it's pretty much clear out this way so I'm just gonna go ahead and start climbing up the 5,600 that way I could punch through this rain right here behind me I'm gonna go ahead and set it for 7000 cuz that's gonna be my flight coming back and setup might work for 720 for the climb at 2,000 rpm alright we're now going IMC here but I could end I could see underneath of it all the way is that my heading bug is set up on the heading that is shown here where a hate to actually it's clear right here now so I can actually go out this way and stay far blass if we get far all the way until I get my safe altitude autopilot off I'd pitch up so I could get out of here yep a little bit here alright I am halfway up to my altitude so I'm gonna do a 180 gear reconnect to that same rack that I just took out that way over top of OCO be at 5,600 is my safe altitude back to Hoskins I want to likely up probably this is how it usually works I'll probably get right over top of Moke and be able to see it that's it now after I've made my call to go back but it is what it is but their mum fuels so I have to go back now go ahead and turn off or landing light we're gonna keep her bypass on I don't care my nighters on at my feet oh he done because it was more than likely we're gonna start going to rain here in about another mile and a half a little bit of rain right now but it's gonna pick up here in a second this is about where the bumps usually start all right Torchic seven thousand two hundred to go but anyways I have to go ahead and end of the lock here I'm sorry we weren't able to land there next time I will try to shoot the video of be actually going back there so tomorrow it looks like I'll be heading right back out there early in the morning and see if I can't get that same video for you so stay tuned for that one and thank you guys for taking the time to watch be sure to hit that subscribe button if you like this kind of content give me a thumbs up it really does help my channel grow and I sure do appreciate you guys taking the time to watch so have a good one
Channel: Missionary Bush Pilot
Views: 894,057
Rating: 4.8984346 out of 5
Keywords: flight vlog, pilot vlog, pilot life, bush pilot, kodiak 100, stevo1kiveno, quest kodiak, flying vlog, flight vlog pilot, cockpit view, cockpit view landing, aviation, missionary bush pilot, flying video, most dangerous airports, pilot vlog youtube, becoming a pilot, bush pilots papua, bush flying, landing, backcountry flying, fly, flight training, runway, plane landing, takeoff, fly with me, flight instruction, learn to fly, thunderstorm, bad weather, papua new guinea, atc
Id: _8pp0DXRsxg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 54sec (1794 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 10 2020
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