Don't be DANGEROUS and end in TRAGEDY carrying 2000 Pounds of Cargo

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๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Gerry1of1 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 10 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
welcome back to the vlog and welcome back to denungate papua new guinea uh we're here at a 398 meter airstrip and heading back to garoka so let's go ahead and get started there's on fuel pump on low start [Music] it's over 14 i'll flip on my fuel just because i'm on a side slope and i don't want all my fuel draining to my other side introduce my fuel over 14 and it's coming up nicely today system test okay at 673. our generator on prop board our v2 on once our amps start coming back down we'll throw our alternator on in our aux bus i feel caps and selectors are good turn betty on for this one take off we're going back at 10 000 feet we got 553 kgs on board today we got that all set into our our load calculator two seats off 553 kgs 550 pounds of fuel so the number i put in is 11.60 and it's 63.70 and it says 63.70 so we're good there all right so we're here in papua new guinea right above australia with the blue dot and we are heading back on over to garoka it's a half hour flight over there so no dramas today let me get uh lined up so my fuel isn't draining yeah it's a 10 slope pretty decent sized hill actually i think it's probably about 14 for the first half but because the bottom is kind of flat and goes back up a hill it evens itself out at 10 percent where's the 8819 or november tango kilo taxi all stations did not get one two three decimal niner november tango all right switches and instruments are good except for we got to get our weight 6370 so rotate 50 i rotate 59 come back in at 69 if we had to come back in for any reason cups are set indicated and verified at 20. our trim all set up for takeoff and our abort is pretty much breaks release unless it's the first cone otherwise we're continuing on after takeoff pitch for 85 consider epl consider feather we'll go down the valley to the right 80 full flaps close to the ground emergencies masters and crack my door alright ignition all of our lights are on bypass we are at 5 000 feet today 24 degrees 1380 1330 for 1380 chin condition flaps 20 fuel and harnesses 1380 rotate 59. all right fork is set there's 50 55 and there's airborne barely climb out at 73 for a minute for itt at 740. around this we got a couple of acres as well as just kind of turbulent air so i'm just going to get my nose back over and get up to 85. looks like the valley is just absolutely stunning today we have to go this way a bunch of clouds here but i think it's clear right behind me so i'm just going to go around this mountain and then start my climb up right over 85 we'll go zero to 10 degrees of flaps correction and then over 90 and climb we'll go zero and bring our pop back to 2000 rpm once we've got settled in around 100 knots then we'll bring our itt down to 720 for our climb we're just going to do kind of a slow climb all the way around here right at our best rate of climb a hundred knots and we'll go ahead and call up for our search and rescue more sb 861 november tango kilo estimating 1-4 [Laughter] estimate time 1-4. [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] they're wanting me to check to see if a helicopter has landed a goose app because i'm going to be going right over top of it it looks like these clouds are a lot higher than i thought so let me make another turn all right i'm not sure where that is but i'll go ahead and give them a try one two three decimal niner november kilometer november tango kilo one two three decimal niner papa hotel november tango kilo one two three does one minor all stations to foreign november tango kayla departed to nugget for garoka passing 8 000 on climb amended 1 2 000. all stations do not get all right wasn't likely i'm gonna have to go to at least 12 000 potentially 14 000 to get over top of these clouds because the ridges are 9 000 and they're a few feet higher than that i thought it was a little bit more clear over here but i think it's filled in since there's a plane that wrecked over here going through that pass over there on a really crappy weather day i believe and um the unfortunate story because the pilot he lived through the wreck he was penned in his airplane because of his load had come loose not sure if it wasn't tied down correctly i don't actually know all those details i just know that he was pinned in his airplane and was able to get some phone calls out and whatnot so on this flight back because i'm also flying coffee here and underneath as well i was just going to talk to you guys about our procedures for tying down our cargo because there was actually a kodiaq that just wrecked out in guatemala just recently and i don't know i'm speculating here maybe that's not good i'm assuming you know what that happens but anyways um just from the pictures that i've seen it looked like the load wasn't properly towed tied down and after takeoff what had happened is the pilot lost control plane crashed and he perished so i just wanted to take today and talk about our procedures on how we tie things down um so that we know that we're safe if we're in an accident we don't want our load to be coming forward and either killing us because we've got 400 kgs right there probably 900 close to 900 pounds of of cargo um yeah so anyways once we get up over top of these clouds we'll go over that all right just passing ten thousand almost now it looks like just over ten thousand maybe ten to five will actually get me through this so that's good actually it looks more like twelve thousand i could probably get through there i know i can get right through there that's just in the wrong direction so we'll just continue on up to twelve thousand then i can squeak over top and then head back down to ten thousand so yeah i wanted to cover what we do for our tie-down procedures for securing our cargo and this is something that i think that even if you're in general aviation you fly around with your family and stuff i think this is something you need to be aware of of your own aircraft and how you tie things down to make sure that you are safe i mean nobody really thinks that much about if they're in the case of an accident but even if they were in the case of just an aborted takeoff they had they went off the runway or whatever else or they had a flat tire on landing and pulled them off it's good to be thinking what is what is all my cargo going to do in the case of an accident or incident so our our tracks that we have that our c-tracks go into it's one of these little melting points um is rated for a hundred pounds so for our sake because we use everything in kgs that's roughly roughly 50k november tango kayla go ahead nana for the next zero five minutes to build up my autopilot on for a second so he departed out of here he's flying down here so he's going to be going that track right there just to give you an idea where they're going anyways like i was saying each one of our tie-down points is rated for 100 pounds or right around 50 kgs or it'd be 46 kgs if you're really anal about it but anyways um so yeah basically what we have is our kg so that's roughly around 400 kgs uh actually no it's not that is one two three four five six figure that out what would that be we got six bags of coffee roughly around 50 kgs each that's around 300 and then i've got maybe another 50 kgs with that so that's 350 so we'll just divide that by 50. so i need at least seven tie-down points for that load and right now i've got eight tie-down points for it so that's how we know that we have enough ropes for it um for each one of our loads oh two i mean if you were in an accident you've got your g loads and stuff like that you've got that to account for but honestly if they're rated for that amount then that's what they're supposed to be rated for in the case of an accident but who knows that's what the kodiak airplane flight manual suggests or recommends or determines what those are actually rated for it looks like i'm just going to have to stay at 12 000. i'm at 12 30 right now heading back down to 12. now that we're over top of this ridge turn our paws back on because there isn't any mountains close by actually there is some right down here and and betty might yell at us our gps thinks that these mountains in front of us are a little bit higher than they are so a lot of times she'll say hey train ahead train ahead even though it's well well underneath of where i am but another thing that we do as well as we run our way in balance uh we're required to have a weight and balance check on every single one of our flights and so let me show you how we would do that we have the aviation weight balance app [Music] i think it's like five bucks a year or something if you just have one airplane we have a few so we have i think 15 bucks a month and no i'm not sponsored by them it's just the app that we use so we're in hilo today um and i am with all my gear today i've got my cameras on whatnot with me so right around 90 kgs and i've got my seats on board for row two but i've taken my seats out of row three row four and row five so that's why i have minus 26 back here so my front pod um we've got about 100 kgs underneath that one as well as 100 kgs in the second pod our zone two which is this zone right here right behind me i don't have anything there it's just two seats so that's just gonna be left empty and we said we had 350 kgs right behind all that so 350 and it's spread out between two zones so we're going to divide that by two so 175 per zone oh yeah there we go then the app cargo shelf has four seats on board uh those four seats i took out so there we go and then i had 500 i took off with 550 pounds of fuel you can see in my envelope here it's still well within it's terrain ahead terrain ahead i mean they're not anywhere near i mean they're well well under a thousand people on me but it thinks that they're higher you can see yeah see it looks like i'm going to hit a mountain but there's yeah no mountains anyway so yeah i'm a little bit more towards the aft of the envelope but i prefer that way actually uh just because it's easier to rotate it's easier to flare if you have a lot a lot of weight up towards the front of the kodiaq it just is a lot heavier on the controls for takeoff for landing so i prefer it to be more towards the rear anyways that's how we do our weight balance on every single one of our flights [Music] it's crazy how much clouds have come into the ramu valley that's what this valley is right here it goes uh yeah down pretty much all of this area right here and lei is down in this air actually lays down here but nadzab airport is right in that area so yeah i mean we've got clouds as far as i can see looks like about that section here is just filled in with clouds and since i left garoka this morning so [Music] um [Music] [Music] contact tower one five no remember tango kilo when i was out at denunges this morning i shot an on-the-ground video so if you guys are interested in checking that um on the ground content out check out my patreon page down below i like to do little videos on where i go and just maybe share a little bit about the community and walk around throw my drone up to give you a little bit better of a picture of what it looks like on the ground it's it's one thing seeing you take off or land but it's another thing just walking around and kind of seeing like the houses that they live in there and a little bit about the airstrip or some um different hard things about landing at these specific places or things that are easy and whatnot so anyways yeah check out the link below if you are did interested get on the ground all right we'll go ahead and continue on our way down to 10 000 feet more than likely just with all the clouds here they filled in pretty good i mean it's only 10 in the morning right now but they filled up pretty good but you can see just the mountains just peeking through the clouds down there that's mount hellwig that's right down at the bennett gap i believe um so let me see that is right in this area that's mount helwig my plan is part to go there probably find a little gap to go in there and then over to garoka because this whole mountain range right here looks like it's fairly thick of clouds i'm sure that there's probably a couple little holes as i get closer because it always seems that there is that's the way mountain gaps work is that's usually where the brakes are in the clouds so like when i very first started flying here years ago like all these clouds they would stress me out because you're like crap i don't know if there's a way to get through like they look pretty like packed in there and filled in yeah even though it looks like it's completely packed in there never to get yourself stressed out until you get there and realize that there is nothing so you just continue on knowing that probably nine times out of ten there will be a way to get through the clouds [Music] even if it's in the afternoon and raining and crap there's almost always at least one gap to help you get through to wherever you need to go all right the chimes let me know i've got 200 feet more to go to get to 10 000 so i just want to verify on my autopilot that my altitude select is hit and vertical speed so it's going to continue down and then capture that and you can see this little holes up here it means that it is on basically on standby the vs is green so that means that's active coming down and this is will go green once i level up and now it just turned green and our vertical speed went away because now that we're leveled off at 10 000. all right so like i said i'm planning to come here to benna jumping in here and then coming around because there's mountains all right here that i'll go up to 11 000 so it's kind of a twist that will be coming in that way i'm gonna go ahead and start dropping on down to 9000 even i don't see a way to get through quite yet um more than likely i will see a way here in a minute there's a hole right there through the dirty water i could go through that way but we'll just go this way and i'm almost positive there's going to be a hole to the mini gap that we can get through but as i'm coming up to this then a gap because there's a decent amount of clouds out right now i can't quite see it but my thinking is when i do come up to go through a pass i'm always going to want to come up to it at like a 45 degree angle and if it's really bad or if it's bad weather what not actually slow down put 20 degrees of flaps in i'll actually slow down put 20 degrees of flaps in and slow down to 85 knots or 80 80 85 knots so that i have lots more time to think and so that i'm not getting myself in a position now that i'm low i'm slow and i'm low to terrain too so i'll never commit myself to go over a pass through a gap unless i know a hundred percent that i can get through and that it's safe on the other side and i've got plenty of space to maneuver around looks like i can just climb back up to uh maybe or ten five to get through right there actually probably just ten i could probably cut through right there but we're gonna go up a little bit further just so i can show you guys what the banana gap actually looks like what i've been talking about yeah i can actually go through at this altitude it looks like right straight across from me so if for some reason this doesn't work then we'll just come right back over here and pop through at nine thousand all right so here's the gap right here i was mistaken that's hellwig i thought this was hellwig but that's my auto see they all look kind of the same when you have clouds so like i said this is uh open like i thought it was going to be right so we're going to go ahead and start our descent down to basically 5800 feet that's where i want to enter into my face um because i'll be coming it basically straight in as a base all right always nice and open dude good morning romeo's one five miles products passing one two thousand five hundred on five five two three zero sending the clearance four port policy and all right so this is the been a gap right here nice little hole to get on through then probably uh maybe 500 feet below me or so is right where the tree line is we'll just fly on down the valley today it's a nice day there's barely any wind so there's no power lines here across sync rates pull up across the valley so that's always nice too sink rate pull up doesn't like when you go down over 2000 feet per minute sink rate pull up shrink rate yes i hear you doesn't sound like she's saying shank shank rate a couple motorcycle rides up in this valley i put these hills right here with a couple of trails that are just absolutely incredible views this valley is always a really nice valley to fly up some really really pretty views here in papua new guinea but pretty much every valley is a really really pretty view here in papua new guinea so we'll basically have to wait until we get closer to garoka let's just pop over top of this hill right here wait till we get closer to garoka because of the mountains are so close they're not going to be able to hear me the transmission is not going to go through the mountains very well so once i get to be probably around six miles is where i can actually call him before he'll actually hear me we're just eight miles now let's start up our checklist those selectors are good our toss is turned off our vref will get in just one second um we'll be landing at 6 200 pounds so 68 for our vrav money and uh report left-based traffic november 10 kilo estimated but you have to report one five miles involved from kilo is seven miles to the bena gap six thousand copy and pound sierra delta fox trot and uh your circuit two zero all right under 140 with the engine and let the bypass or landing lights up the foxtrot it's coming back from caribou i believe done a video going out there it's a nice place i used to go out there all the time and they have to pick up peanuts and stuff but beautiful beautiful flag going out that way all right if we need any go around power up 20 degrees of flaps pitch for 73 maneuvers required and reset torque to 740 on the itt our prop and our harness are done and now we're into the goroka valley bumps it's always always bumpy it doesn't have to be like three knots of wind and it will be bumpy in this valley truck down november tango kilo three mile right base three five right right three five right all right let's bring our power back looks i'm just picking him up sir delta foxtrot he's going through the call call now degrees of flaps hey money a little fast but i'm at the altitude that i want so i'm just gonna pull my power back kind of level off and start bleeding off my air speed 500 hold down my altitude as much as i can do full flaps checklist is complete and turning final all right 68 knots on final three knots tail tailwind and sinkers right over the road always right there full of hawks down in front of me and above me thank you so much guys for taking the time to watch uh my video if you did like it give it a thumbs up leave a comment down below sure do appreciate it share it with all your other friends if you like consider subscribing if this is the kind of content you guys like i put out a video on wednesdays and on saturdays as well so thanks so much for taking the time to watch and welcome to garoka and shut down all the lights are on aux bus generator all right guys thanks again you guys have a great one see you next time
Channel: Missionary Bush Pilot
Views: 225,543
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: flight vlog, pilot vlog, pilot life, bush pilot, quest kodiak, flying vlog, flight vlog pilot, cockpit view landing, aviation, missionary bush pilot, flying video, most dangerous airports, pilot vlog youtube, becoming a pilot, bush pilots papua, bush flying, landing, backcountry flying, fly, flight training, runway, plane landing, takeoff, fly with me, flight instruction, learn to fly, papua new guinea, cockpit landing, png, approach, airplane landing, airplane, flight, emergency
Id: iDcwoeXAmQ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 45sec (1725 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 07 2021
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