Landing a Kodiak Airplane on a Slippery Mountain Runway | Bush Pilot Flight Vlog

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welcome back to the vlog and welcome back to another beautiful day here and we whacked Papua New Guinea my name is Ryan I'm gonna be taking you on a 35 minute flight from Wewak out to mala Mun to Papua New Guinea and it's just nestled right in the edge of the mountains so be flying across the sea peak planes to get out there so let's go ahead get started and be on our way big man ders on our are the fuel pump on and our lows start everything's coming up oil pressures coming up the ng is over 14% I introduced our low idle then our ITT is gonna start coming up I'm just watching the trend of it to see how fast it's coming up and see if it looks like it's gonna go under the yellow or not but it didn't never has it always gonna watch it so generator on alternator on ox bus on our PT tracker is on there prop Ford alright we've got eight hundred eighty pounds of fuel on board today and my cargo is 429 kgs right so what I'm gonna do is I've got two seats on board so I'm gonna come down here so I've got two seats so I've got six seats off so minus 76 kgs from my equipment I'm 85 with myself in my bag we have 880 kgs and I have 429 kgs of 880 pounds of fuel and 429 kgs of cargo so the number I'm looking forward is this Pakistan cargo pound that's what I put into my GPS it does all the calculations converts everything between pallets of kgs if you're wondering the GPS only allows us to put in pounds of fuel on kgs alright get our taxi light on our head now and all for our flight following been a 26-7 november tango kilo taxi Roman endured one again November tango kilo we wax all Abunda what POV November tengo que lo all stations we wipe one two six seven codec trophy for tango kilo backtrack in runway one zero four two parts of the south not above 8,000 all stations we whack alright checking out to my left and my right don't see any traffic and I just said there was no traffic but I check anyways strokes on landing light on and pulse light on as we do come onto the runway so the place that we're heading out to you today Mall of Munda runway is like a rock kind of like shelf and it does have grass on it but it's super slippery every time I go out there seems they didn't have a lot of rain last night so again today will be super slippery so something I'm gonna be keeping in mind is just hydroplaning how much water is actually on it it is a little bit of a slope but for some reason the water just sits on top of the ground even though it's on a slight hill so stay tuned to the end so you don't miss out watching me more or less slide down this mountain runway but yeah it's a 35 minute flight out there so just a quick little hop all right fuel cap and selectors are done I'm going to go ahead and leave my toes on for takeoff and our flight out there in case I forget for some reason our controls are good our switches pretty good I'm gonna check my weight we're 6310 right now so rotate at 59 and come back in at 69 I put need to set up our beer F for that so alright flaps are set indicated and verified for non 50 knots by the first taxiway we will Ford boy verse heavy braking flaps up kind of pull off shut up if we are going off after takeoff pitch 485 consider EPL consider feather left-hand turn to the beach 80 full flaps emergency bud and make my Mayday call one two six seven alright igniters lights the bypass done SAR is done we got our flight plan in there 32 degrees on the ground so 1594 15 40 ignition condition but torn a fuel ant harnesses checklist complete rotate 59 all right set up my torque at fifteen forty and as we get going it can use the rise their speed is alive there's fifty nine and rotate I'm pitching to about the seven and a half degree mark it's gonna give a nice ankl of climb out and it's gonna get me over 85 knots where I could start reducing my flaps does that reduce the flap no this is gonna want to come back down I'm gonna have to get a little more back pressure maybe a doula vote Rama has Auto trim I said they give it a tiny bit more after the Auto trim and over 90 knots we're gonna go zero degrees of flaps and climb out at around 100 knots I've got a full right rudder trip in right now and because this does have quite a bit of torque pole to it as our speed is gonna increase I'm gonna start reducing some of that right rudder trim as we are climbing out right now that I'm at an altitude don't bring my prop back down to 2,000 rpm as I do that my ITT is gonna also just drop on down from 740 drop down to 720 if it's set up properly but clearly mine was not so I'm gonna go ahead and bring it down another 10 10 degrees Celsius down to 720 all stations we wax November tango Kela departed runway 1 & 0 outbound track 1 9 & 7 on climb $8,000 we record today 1 2 6 7 November tango kilo departure look cool avoid that particular departed we wax zero Niner I'll climb not of 8,000 estimating all of my de 4 5 let's don't Deloitte awesome chicken VHS 1.5 and Brahma will be six five Niner eight one two eight five or six five three eight all of an ANOVA particular so he just gave me two different frequencies the first one was the HF which is what we're gonna set up in here on our actual GPS the second one was our VHS I should say and the second one was our HF which is what we set on this little device down here so hf v f PG doesn't work awesome it works something is awesome but some days it just doesn't work at all so I prefer to use my VHS as much as I can but that's some days you can't get that either so alright now that we're far less out of the circuit we're going to go ahead and turn our landing light or taxi let off bypass or in an engine Inlet back to normal Auto bypass and our igniters are turned off and I'm just gonna pitch for I usually just do B Y just because I like to get up and out of the kind of humid air up to the hotter air bruise climb on a Kodiak is 115 knots is what we use and the Y is gonna be 99 knots VX is gonna be 73 knots with 20 degrees of flaps oh I climb out just a V Y 99 knots gets me up to the altitude as fast as I can and then it starts cooling off and dying from the heat exhaustion and which actually does help with fatigue levels as the day goes on I'm gonna put this little map here well point you I am putting this little map this moving map as we go out out to mala Munda some of you guys had wanted to know what kind of charts we use and stuff we do have kind of whack charts a little bit different that of the US and so I'm gonna just follow along with bread cup so you kind of see exactly where I'm lying and exactly where I'm going so if I keep zooming out you guys can see we have this chart just overlaid over top this is for flight and what I've done to get this in here is we had about five charts that were all scanned or really high res or taking a picture of in the front of the computer I put all those together in Photoshop and then geo synched it all together so that I could use it okay the autopilot on so that I could use it in for flight I imported those maps into for flight so we don't use these or like like we're not flying by these we fly everything off of our GPS this is just a really nice visual indication and also just sometimes if it's poor weather and you're coming into a valley you're not sure if it's this river or the next river over this is a really quick way to just say oh it's the next river over and here's where my airplane is and it's verifying what I see here is what I'm seeing out there as well oh if you guys do like this map leave a comment down below if you guys think it's kind of annoying to have it in the screen also leave a comment down below I would like to hear your thoughts again I'm making these videos for you guys so if you guys don't enjoy them all then I'm gonna change something so that you guys do enjoy it all right so I need to set this up properly because I have the wrong place and there there we go now it actually looks like I'm going where I'm supposed to be going up my flights today I've got a pretty normal day today and some of you guys have asked water normal actually Dave looks like for me so we start work at 7:00 and I took off at 8:00 and I should be finishing around 2:40 today on all my flights so I've got 683 nautical miles for all of my flying today so to give you a reference that would be if I took off out of Los Angeles and flying east I would basically give about two-thirds of the way through New Mexico I just went in a straight line so it's a third of the way across the US if I was just going a straight line across from LA all the way over to South Carolina basically alright that beep is let me know that it's 200 feet for to go to my desired altitude of 8,000 feet oh this is my autopilot when I was climbing I had my vertical speed but as well as my health my altitudes select but together and then this is gonna level up which is doing right now at 8,000 and then I have it on heading mode right now because I wasn't I took off and then I wasn't really connected to my actual course oh I'm just flying my heading but then I also have it on nab GPS so once I it I don't know I'm fairly close probably like less than a mile by a half a mile which I have now point nine miles from actually connecting to my course it's gonna automatically connect and make all the turns actually connect up with my course all right we are at 8,000 feet now and my air speed is over 130 indicated so this thing pretty much just flies around at 130 knots indicated oh I'm gonna go ahead and bring my power lever here get back and my torque is gonna come on back to 1250 he's gonna come on down you see around most of our plans we have three of them usually around 686 so this was running a little cooler than normal and I got to bring my prop right back down to 2,000 rpm then I'm just gonna verify that my fuel flow is under 320 because we do all of our play planning with 320 ounce of fuel per hour so if I was flying low out here then I would basically have to reduce my power so that five fuel flow is just right at 320 you guys are wondering what I actually fly out on most of my flights I might just show you today I'm just flying I'm just flying out a bunch of cargo for some local people out of all upon death so we've got something like ramen noodles we've got coke we've got so those are just like the essentials we've got and fish things like that so just basic stuff I'm going out there to pick up someone and bring it back but on my loadout they're just bring us some of this stuff as well we are now 20 minutes out and I'm just gonna go ahead and go over my strip chart with you guys elevation is 2,000 a 150 feet so what I can do is set up my altitude select here and that wasn't foot above so I can go 31 50 there 3100 and what if I wanted to do it if I could actually get it exactly what I want is I can hit my timer reference and calm down here to my minimums which is what you'd use if you're shooting an approach but what we can do is you could set up 500 feet your Farrow 500 feet up of your turning final if you wanted to and then Betty would say minimums over your headset and remind you that you're at 500 which is really nice if you are in a place that doesn't have really good visual with ending indicators showing you exactly how are you on your altitude where exactly what a turn so this one is a bit odd because so if you're landing on runway 0-8 it's a one-way strip so there's just mountains all on this side you'll see as we get closer and so I'm gonna fly I'm coming in from the north and I'm gonna fly overhead come back around fly over top of the field that way I'm gonna let them know that up there and that way all the kids are going on and get off the airstrip and the pattern is kind of you go and he just kind of follow a ridge let's go get closer you'll see what I'm talking about will follow this Ridge and so final is way out it's kind of like right after you turn face it's kind of like on your final leg or you kind of come in at an ankle and then just shortly turn right before completely final well if I do need to go around I'll brief this a little bit before I want to get closer just so it's fresh my mind it's pretty much kind of along the ridge and it's a really early committal so we're fairly light today so even if I was heavy I could probably go around just fine the very second of turning to lineup up my numbers and just right before the river just because I am light but if I was heavy then I would have to call committed way I want to make my committed is that we're committed to land because of the weight of the aircraft and because of how close the Train is the cameras don't really show exactly how close it is committed to land is be saying I have to land no matter what I have to land because I don't have enough power and mind of the do the ability to get out of the valley safely oh it's five hundred and thirty meters long four percent slope is just grass it says grass gravel but it is just grass but it's a really really hard it's like a really really hard ground so the water doesn't get absorbed into the ground very well oh it's extremely slippery and last night they had a lot of rain so just looking out there right now there's a lot of clouds out there I'm gonna go ahead and set up my top of descent so that I'm pretty minded wait I need to go down so I don't have to do the math oh I'm gonna come over here to flight plan my altitude I'm going to select 3,100 feet that's the outside I want to go to and then come down here to the V s target and I put 800 feet per minute and what that does is it puts a little top of descent mark and once I get to that point and Betty is gonna remind me top of descent and then I need then I know I need to go down also what I can do right now is head over to my Ox page and that's gonna give me my aircraft weight so we're 6,000 190 pounds right now we have 15 minutes so that's burning about a hundred pounds of fuel because we burn 320 an hour so actually with the less than that we're gonna do it at 6100 as our landing weight so on our chair down here 6100 is gonna give us closest to take off is 57 and landing is at 67 so I'm gonna put my landing speed my VF and as 67 all right my fuel is just a tiny bit out of sync so what I'm gonna do is just turn off my right fuel so it's only burning off of my left tank and then to remind myself to actually turn it back on is I'm gonna turn my timer right here ooh I would say about 4/5 and it's the distance it is it would be about five minutes so turn that and what that's gonna do is it's gonna make my little lured sing here flash when the timer goes out it doesn't ding I wish I could set it up to where it actually dings but it just says certain flashes so it's a good reminder for myself to turn the feel back on there have been wrecks in history past and you can highlight my improvisational director reporter : any budget where people have crash-landed because they forgot to turn their fuel back on even though they still had a few on their tanks so oh as I'm getting closer I'm still 20 miles out I do see a lot of clouds out there right on top of the mountain and like I was just saying there's a ridge it goes all the way along it so what I'm gonna do is I'm actually gonna fly to the opening of the mouth of the valley over here so I'm gonna Center up my book at my heading mode on my autopilot and the vertical tract crank it over about 10 degrees that was betty letting us know as to have to go down so I have a preset I want to go down to 800 feet per minute so more than likely I could probably get in through this way that's the normal way you go if you just go straight you kind of head it around the corner around a little bit but it's because the clouds are sitting on top of the mountains I don't want to head at that end and then not be able to again for some reason and then I have to go all the way back down to the other end of the valley to be able to get in because that's the opening that goes really really low for myself but then likely I probably could find a way to wiggle in but I'd rather just go for the first sure way I know that will probably work though it's like a 90% chance instead of like a 50% chance of getting in but that's what we're gonna do we're just heading over here to the end of the valley that's probably probably not even a minute to the flight so because I mean we are cruising at 160 knots sure speed adding an extra two miles your flight doesn't really add that much time pulsation of all about to 1 to 6 decimal 7 November tango ceiling 1-0 files to this short I just sent that 4500 a circuit i'ma follow up my dip board - [Applause] yeah I'm glad I'm going this way now cuz if I would have gone down there just looking at it the clouds just completely cover this heavy rain right on there very very tops of it or just really really talked about it's kind of hard to tell dark dark clouds and rain looks the same here alright my lord was just flashing just a second ago and I had forgot to turn it back on because I was busy doing other things so that's why I set that up and flipped it back on now my fuel is even there's autopilot off caution terrain oh yeah station terrain and we'll turn off our cause it does look like there's maybe some rain in the valley we'll see let's go ahead and put this on the bigger map so I can see a little bit better does look like there is sprinkles up there we got a 4% again if we do need to go around our up to 20 degrees pitch 473 left-hand turn out once we get closer we'll see how far we can see up down there except for OBS for runway 0-8 500 okay this is the wrong Valley I've got one more to go nice my false Valley okay so I just up over the next hill so that's really good cuz that is yeah kind of raining in there we got one more valid you go once I get up to the river you guys want to fly the same flight on your home sap or something I'll leave it with this same flight and my patreon page giving you like the altitudes that I flew out here at and the direction along and I put some maps and some church the things on there as well so you guys can actually apply this as well so if you are interested check out the link down below in the description alright selectors ant freaks are good cause is turned off our V rep we've already set up it flipped it back on 67 knots are landing light is on our pulse lights on and our bypass isn't or near separators that bypass looks like our belly is perfectly beautiful awesome okay so a fork see we've already talked about our prop and our harness or eight miles out we'll get that in just a minute we'll get our star as well here shortly so our valley is sunny and this with some scattered clouds in here oh I got down with us below pattern altitude just like get underneath those clouds now we're just climbing back up to 3000 or 150 feet and my runway is at the end so here I'm just following there's a river up right now and we'll follow the river all the way up and it will go right by the airstrip pulsations of all Mundek of everything Kokila is in the circuit mullah bandha I'm on HF Penang 6 5 3 8 November Tango kilo November Keiko kilos at the circuit follow Banda cancel SAR rate so like I was saying a little bit earlier is you can see up here off to the left and all these mountains around here all the clouds are just touching to the tops of the mountains and there's absolutely no gaps under them so I'm really glad that I didn't go all the way down there try to buck around and have to come all the way back around again it's completely clear above so I could have gone an 8,000 and then just dropped all the way down in but that's just a pain to have to do that so all right we're over top of the field now eerily so we've got our star done we're gonna go ahead push our prop forward we'll do the harness here shortly and reduce the power to about 800 foot-pounds of torque and that's once we get 800 pound of torque 10 degrees of flaps it's gonna give us really close to around 100 knots which is more manageable speed for the pattern Oh 67 on final 77 on base 87 on downwind ten degrees of flaps 138 knots all right it definitely does look wet I was just out here last week and it was super slippery I'm gonna try to touch down on first coats in which is a very very first count so the end of the runway next set of cones looked to be actually a little bit before that right with a dark our pile is is where I'd like to actually touch down which is just a tiny bit before the windsock I don't see anybody on the runway all right harness is done flaps to go gonna go 20 degrees of flaps now because this pattern is a bit odd on 287 knots go on 2,800 feet turning face on 36 2600 which is the say 20 2700 at that hill because this again this isn't really quite your standard pattern alright slowing down to 87 here's 27 hours 87 nearly lay down to 77 and we'll do flaps full shortly all right we're 500 feet above the field at this point we go straight ahead over the hundred it's gonna be a really short file so I'll do full flaps now a checklist is complete I pretty much deal with they went 67 over hi thirty file or not still with going to 67 they for not so uncommitted to laugh all right it feels pretty nice people standing out there all right gonna go put my flaps back to 20 degrees hey guys if you enjoyed that video please give it a thumbs up I really do appreciate you guys help my channel grow and it gives me helps the algorithm a lot if you guys do give it a thumbs up if you guys leave a comment down below it also really does help my channel grow so I really do appreciate you guys doing that thank you for taking the time to watch it yet again and have a great day and there's a bunch of little kids out here today always everywhere we go there's a whole posse of kids now it's getting slippery right turn our blowers off landing light off strobes off aux bus and pump generator alternator that's below or beta go ahead and cut off below 38% go ahead alright guys thanks again for taking the time have a good one see you next time
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Views: 2,239,141
Rating: 4.9296093 out of 5
Keywords: flight vlog, pilot vlog, pilot life, bush pilot, kodiak 100, stevo1kiveno, quest kodiak, flying vlog, flight vlog pilot, cockpit view landing, aviation, missionary bush pilot, flying video, most dangerous airports, pilot vlog youtube, becoming a pilot, bush pilots papua, bush flying, landing, backcountry flying, fly, flight training, runway, plane landing, takeoff, fly with me, flight instruction, learn to fly, papua new guinea, cockpit landing, png, approach, airplane landing
Id: n8R9iTkthes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 27sec (1767 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 20 2020
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