"Walter the weather man" | Spark of Insanity | JEFF DUNHAM

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so while you guys have been married a long time oh yeah ups and downs in every marriage he ever been in any marriage counseling yes would that do for you look at me I'm happy come on all of the results of the counseling well at the end of the dole there are two folks who thought I was an ass and I'm paying both of them but you are happy to be here oh sure better than last week last week yeah Fort Lauderdale Florida we were there you didn't like that no why not everyone in Fort Lauderdale Florida looks exactly like me I swear it's like one giant nursing hall whatever Fort Lauderdale's where they taped a lot of those girls gone wild videos that's only during spring break oh the rest of time it's girls gone saggy necks girls gone senile and then it's just girls gone you didn't like the weather there either oh my god even in the middle of winter it's human as hell and hot as hell we got there I took a shower on Monday Friday still not dry I swear I lost on my ass yeah you said the weather changes too quickly yeah I know it changes fast everywhere else in the country looking forward it's ridiculous what are you talking about oh my god I was standing there on the beach in the sunshine having little iced tea I looked over and I go who look a little cloud about three and then there's later the locals are hanging onto the palm trees we love it here yet dumbasses I say leave it to the Cubans in all right so you want someplace a little cooler yeah do you remember oh we went to Green Bay Wisconsin yeah incendiary it was negative 20 with the negative 30 windchill I get on stage every night nights say you people are idiots did you know the borders are open pack up your suburban and get the hell out another thing Green Bay Packers Stadium what's it called limbo for your Lambeau Field no roof hey how many weekends during football season is good weather in Green Bay that would be none note to self build a frickin roof we have the technology you talk to the locals in green they order they say we're a hearty people bunch of frozen dumbasses my god alright Walter what about you what you don't like this humidity you don't like the extreme cold you want someplace warmer and drier yeah how about when we see an August we're in Phoenix August II in Phoenix Arizona your agent is immoral he was a hundred and twelve three days in a row what all the locals say but it's your dryy screw you um bonfires are dry heat you don't see me stick of my ass in the one of those your ass is on fire it's a dry heat I was in Florida I gotta learn not the second loss all right did you enjoy being in New York City oh I loved New York City good yeah I was great we do shows in that Hatton about midnight we get back to the hotel 1:00 a.m. I lay my head on the pillow and listen to the sounds of the city sentence if she had a costume she has two DS on her chest first green card you see my other speak
Channel: Jeff Dunham
Views: 15,473,150
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jeff Dunham, Walter, Mean, Old, Dummy, Ventriloquist, Jeff Dunham: Spark Of Insanity (TV Program), Stand-up Comedy (TV Genre), Stand Up, Comedy, Comic, Funny, Humor, Hilarious, Comedy Central, Weather, Florida, New York, Green Bay, achmed, all over the map, america's got talent, arguing with myself, bubba j, controlled chaos, dvd, family, grump, jacques, jose, keel, laughing, marnell, melvin, merde, minding the monsters, movie, muslim, peanut, puppet, spark of insanity, stand-up, sweet daddy d, trump, tv
Id: qcAq6fRADzI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 11sec (311 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 28 2015
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