Wall Street Trapper, Him 500 talk big money!!

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moving from that [ __ ] yeah i believe i like cali though i ain't that's what you talking about i just told him i said bro and i just i came out here and i just realized like the conversations the conversations yeah yeah man like you in atlanta you know it's a dual place but everybody look alike when it comes to what they doing yeah we live all right so what's up everybody ladies and gentlemen it's your boy mike rasheed this is the lions elephants podcast my man party tour body over there as usual we have very very special guests uh uh this evening we have my man wall street trap trapper we have uh mr him 500 aka marcus barney how you doing sir i'm good boss we're good i need to know i've been trying i try to search the internet to see the meaning of him 500. okay can you please explain to myself and to the people what that means him as in like you know his imperial majesty like i'm him okay and the 500 was always fortune 500 trying to be elite top of my class top of whatever i'm in i want to be the top at it so the 500 stands for that's that you know fortune 500. that's where i dig it i like that i like that so so for these uh some of these people that follow me that may not know what y'all do i want to get into a little bit of what y'all do because it's very fascinating we live in a very man what a time to be alive right now you know um we were talking earlier about how a lot of people uh use the pandemic to really catapult themselves and be creative and make money and do a lot of things some didn't but you guys are masters in a specific space right so let's talk about what y'all do uh so me wall street trapping man um so my focus was on investing in the stock market right um i think it was it is a untapped lane for us in various different ways um but the biggest way is we don't understand the power of it and then the second way is we don't understand the vocabulary and so because we don't understand either of those we just stay away from it not not understanding that this is one of the most powerful wealth building tools that has been around for generations if we look at just america as a whole especially white america right jewish ameri like their wealth at least 80 percent of it is tied in that market right and so when i learned that while i was in prison i was like yo like it reminded me of the streets it was identical it just was instead of gangsters getting killed and going to prison like they we will shooting ties and they went home every day making six seven figures even if they lost money they still came back the next day and built and so i was like damn like the game i'm playing is different like i'm risking my life i'm risking my freedom i know the end to this like there is no ceiling nobody who i know that was a real gangster i can say stepped away from the game and won dead or prison nobody won right and so after doing my 10 years in prison then after coming home getting found not guilty on a charge getting another charge overturned it was like okay so we know what the end result gonna be here right like i understand it i see it so now let me use something different um and then this [ __ ] just made sense to me it was identical to what i was doing and so i just really locked in on it um and i became really good at it because every everything that i did in it i compared it to the streets so for me i took uh the language barrier down to where i i made the game winnable for me right right and so um everybody around me i knew had the same issue right like even when you in the streets like people just have this this bad unders like you always you don't want to be in the streets right it's just something it's an avenue that makes more sense because what happens is you see everybody around you going to work and you're like well [ __ ] they still struggling i don't want to do that right and i'm not the best ball player and at the time like you know i'm not a rapper so like the streets just look the streets as well as that i'm making money um all the street dudes i know they they're getting all the girls that's where the power at right so that's it was a viable commodity you buy it you sell it and make more profit and yeah it's it's people don't like but it's entrepreneurship it is and it's raw it's fun it is you know about it if you think about it it's like i feel like it's a pure form of entrepreneurship and what you learn because you become the ultimate risk taker that's it so when you get into stock market or legal things a risk nah insane a risk that's what i listen that's what i'm gonna say all the time i'm like yo for periods of my life i was risking it life and freedom if all i can lose is some money here end up yeah that's it so if all i can lose here is some money that's no risk because the the reality is if we think about it money is never really an issue we all know how to go get some money if that bill is late you know how to go get some money to pay that bill right so the objective for me was like how do we stop playing defense and start playing offense how do we get on the other side of the game right how do we get from survival mode to winning and so what for me with the stock market is um that was major for me because the fear of losing money was never a thing for me even in the streets like you understand that i can get a bad pack that still got to go i got to go on somebody else's hood and sellers man right cause i don't wanna jeopardize my clientele i gotta go in somebody else's hood and sellers like that's another risk i'm taking and even if i just break even to get another pack i'm cool with that right right so the idea of losing money like it i ain't tripping on that right right so the stock market just was one of these places where like it reminded me so much of the streets and another thing too about being from the streets like the reason why most dudes can't leave the streets is because you need something else to give you that same fulfillment right so the reason why you can't leave the streets you go work a job because now it's like yo like i ain't one i ain't getting the money i was getting but two like i'm locked down here right and so when you for me i sold cars like i used to get cars from the auction buy and flip them that reminded me of the streets anything i could depend on me like i'm with that right right because now there's no cap on what i can make true the losses can come but again the streets prepared me for that um and so this game gave me the same thrill that the streets gave me so now i just you know dig in on it much as i can every day i can and man i love it man i love it man all right so real quick before we get to uh marcus if i understand correctly you met a guy in prison and taught you the game the stock market right mm-hmm so he didn't necessarily teach me the game what happens is people plant seeds and we nurture the seed right right so what he did was so i did 10 years in prison for a tent murder on robbery and i had just got in a fight with two of my homies right so we fought all night so i'm in a cell with this white dude and this was around the time where i realized that this 1999 so i realized that all white people hadn't come in contact with black people that blew my mind so he he had this look and he was just like yo y'all playing the wrong game now mind you i just finished having a fight so i'm like the what right like what you talking about bro i'm still there so now i'm like well like i'm about to whoop your ass bro like what you talking about because i don't i don't know how i'm matching that with ignorance right right and he was like nah man look i don't mean no homies no disrespect bro but y'all feel you y'all fill this place up and it tells me that something is missing here and so i'm like man if well if if we plan the wrong game and you ain't here with me then what game you playing right right and so he told me something that was important he was like okay so i'm in here for embezzlement and it was 2.8 million dollars he paid restitution of 8 million and kept 2 million 800 000. i mean he kept paying us a restitution of 800 000 and kept 2 million so i'm like are you lying so one thing about prison is you can always see a person's paperwork all right so let me see it now again i'm in prison i'm on a temporary rob so i have a red band and so he has a federal band which is red white and it's crazy like it's in prison like the federal band like kind of like a hierarchy like you know some [ __ ] that everybody don't know are you playing a different game than us so he shows me the paperwork and i'm like damn how do i play that game right and so he didn't really teach me stock mark when he told me these little rules along the way i was gonna sell it for 45 days he says uh wealthy people learn how to stop trading time for money they start letting the money work for them and they learn how to give an immense amount of value to people that part i learned later and then the next thing he said was wealthy people buy stocks start a business and then own real estate so because he told me stocks first that's what i gratitude that's what i gravitated to first and so i just spent the rest of my 10 years learning about it researching it listening to warren buffett and that [ __ ] sounded like chinese to me in the beginning but what happens is again i made the language i broke it down to what what it sounded like and what i can relate it to right right and that relatability factor like in the streets in a good company stock market one they have a good product in the streets in order to be a good hustle you have to have a good product right and so the next thing is how do i brand this business right so marketing and branding um for a successful business is great because you know business some businesses buy their brand names called a brand new moat well for a hustler like if you got a good product and a good service that is a branded name blue magic branded you know what i'm saying the next thing is in a great business has more low operational cost which is key right to the business seeing profit so a good hustler you're going to learn how to break down operational costs right so for me i always say i like to use all four corners of the bag right so most customers they use two corners of the bag no i'm gonna use all full cone i'm using the two corners and the two that flip over right so now i can get four pieces out of this thing than you than just two little operational costs um understanding how to not have more debt right so some hustlers like if you spending all your money and all you got is re-up money i'm gonna go further than you right so it was just me understanding these components and it's more right but me understanding those things and saying okay cool like this reminds me of this right that reminds me of this and so once i was able to put it in that language like i can listen to it all day every day because now my brain has already broken it down as i hear it in real time right of what it reminds me of and so that also now made me look at gangsters different i started telling myself like the real games is where the suit and ties and they go to this thing every day so the what i've been bought to believe is gangsters are really pawns in the game like i don't want to be a pawn i want to be the pawn that goes to the other side and graduates to be a king a rook or a bishop and now i can play the game on my terms right you know what i'm saying that's what the market just meant to me because the people who run the market actually move the world around at least the u.s economy around and so we can play that game and get into the ownership game and we can take uh just well building to a whole different level man man i need to give a step very impressive it's a it's almost a miracle that you had that time and of course it's so unjust that you went to prison and was you know overturned later that's his own bag of worms but that time where you develop that understanding i think that's the missing point because i think a lot of people if you explain it would agree that guys in the streets know more about business than your average college graduate who went to school for business because they're actually doing business right they're doing it and like you said there's all these angles that they have to consider whether they know they're considering them or not you just had the time to make the connection between how the parallels work and how you're able to now apply it into a whole new world and it's taking you you know farther than than most people would have ever expected i think yeah often like people always ask me like yo if you could do it all over again would you i'll be like hell no yeah right because that gave me time i was able to go through different states so remember i go to prison at 16. right so one of the best habits i i had in prison was reading right and that's the one thing that we don't want to do like reading is something that will open you up to so much because information changes about the lab information changes the conversation once you change the conversation you change the compensation once you change the compensation you can create a new realization right and so prison allowed me to change the information i can have different conversations i can't talk about stocks if i don't have the information so prison allowed me to sit myself down for 10 years and intake information that i normally wouldn't have took in remember i'm 16 when i go to prison i go to to upstate at i'm 18. so from 18 to 25 i'm learning a new skill i'm learning a new skill that's a long university you feel me that's a master's degree i mean where i'm from we call it college anyway exactly it's college that's what it is if i'm if i'm on the street i don't have time to sit down and read at that because i'm in survival mode every day you're busy you're doing every day i don't have time to sit down six eight hours a day all right boom i get off from work i come out of the field i'll come off the kitchen i hit the weight pile and i'm reading because they're watching something on tv all like that i don't watch that stuff man i'm not a movie dude i'm not a sci-fi guy right so i'm not watching tv i'm reading i develop that it's like you're working out i developed that muscle right and so now it became normal for me it became my habit i created that habit so when i came home from prison i still had the habit even though i was hustling when i got out of prison i got back to hustling because now i got to make money right right but i developed that habit of let me read right quick man let me let me spend an hour to read right quick you know an hour of reading the day will change your life oh facts bro you know my sons they have to re i give them 30 minutes though 30 minutes a day you got to would you reach today that's part of y'all you have to yeah and and so once i understood that um it was just there for me now don't get me wrong i came back home i went back to the same environment um so i just got back in the streets mm-hmm you know what i'm saying got back to hustling prison you went back of course of course almost the same as before or of course yeah well because what happens is you always have a plan so you get punched in the face mike tyson's greatest quote to me everybody has a plan until you get punched in the face and it's not the adversity that that uh mows the man it's how he responds to it right so i got back in the streets i get found i guess the uh narcs kick my doing um eight pounds a week ten thousand dollars a 223 a glock 100 x pills like i'm back in it but i was investing at the same time right i was like i'm gonna use my street money to help me get out this hole right um just trying to always out think the game um but you can't out think the game you can't outplay it you can't it's r it's i heard this quote from simon jackson that said a rig game is fun to play right and i know it's a rigged game but it was what i knew and so what happened was after i found got final not guilty on that charge because they kicked in my door with no search warrant so that that's called fruit of a poisonous tree so everything is inadmissible um shout out to my lawyer man because i went broke getting him but now money well spent yes yes i know about that yes so it was like okay what do we do now so the next thing was i started robbing hustlers because i was like i was part of the game like so og told me one time he says that anybody who goes to work every day a working man is off limits but if anybody sells a nickel bag he fell game and because i had been someone who got robbed before in the streets and i played executioner i was like cool that's what it is until one day i was on the other end of it again and my homie god bless his soul um it was a seven minute position he said listen i can't stop you from shooting my homie but if you shoot him know that you're gonna be laying next to him is it worth it i'd rather you just go let my homie go we move on god was with me again dude put the gun on my home and let him go i would say i'm here today i told my homie at the end of it i say bro i'm good i said i'm beat i don't did 10 years i didn't beat two charges i don't bend it i don't got shot at him did some [ __ ] it's time to move on to another phase bro this ain't it you know mike told me a story about this uh it's in the documentary as well i think uh though i'm not specific talking about how although what landed him in prison was not just uh and for the time he was in there and he had to go through this process of fighting and had to be on the run and how to you know really do a lot it was it was needed it was it was something that was part of it yeah it was it came even though that incident that ultimately triggered it wasn't right you know it wasn't it wasn't fair how it went down for him it was a result of the life he was of course yeah no i don't most people who've been to prison i can honestly tell you that you if you sit back you'll say this is only a byproduct of what i had did previous right right so i like i know the stuff i was doing right and so even for me to get found not guilty for me to get another charge overturned by the supreme court for me to be in that situation my homie and then me not get killed at some point a light goes off and said yo like i don't want to meet my karma mm-hmm you feel me let me start let me let me let me let me put something else let me sew some yeah let me shift it let me plant different seeds mentor told me early on one of my my early mentors he told me if you get pulled over for running the red light don't take it as weather or stop sign that is just that stop sign take it as for granted how many stop signs have you ran back because if you ran this one you've ran more in the middle of the night when you're going home and you know nobody's around and you're blowing through stop signs it's it's it's the habits that we create so sometimes like he said when he went to prison and and had to make the adjustment that's the consequence for the things that he didn't get called for that's when you start to realize everything that happens and go okay i was comfortable once i did it and got away with stuff i was comfortable so i keep doing it then when you get caught you go i don't know if this is worth it or not he just was blessed enough to get out of that situation yeah but it's how many people in our communities how many people that's out there now that may have got away with it and they only they know that they don't want to do it they just don't have an x around yep they don't have the extra strategy they don't they don't got the 10-year overturned case that wall street trapper gonna have right so they never gonna meet that guy to tell them this and then get a second chance to go execute on it so now the goal is where we sit at and it's to a point where the people who are there need a way out well this is your way out this is when you look at even with me right my best friend died committed suicide we moved to atlanta together we moved to atlanta to be entrepreneurs we broke partying he couldn't handle it i didn't know he was broke i was saving a little bit more money than he did he committed suicide that's financial literacy nobody told us how to manage money we was making three to six thousand dollars a month sharing the apartment i thought we was okay but he was going out all every weekend party having a good time his license got took his vehicle for his transportation little company got took he committed suicide put me in a real vulnerable situation i went through depression went through a lot of things i never forget coming home rest in peace and mc hustle i looked out the window in my headphones i don't remember the funeral ceremony i remember seeing him in a casket other than that it was a bling coming home looking out the window and nip said get rich or get sent to the police station at that point nothing matters then the gloves come off that's the same thing so i went through stuff and we had to take the gloves off i started making money doing you know doing things and i ended up putting myself in a bad position the company i was working for i partnered up with with the owner we did a move i took the fall for it for some damn cell phones well in the mix of that i lost everything when i lost everything i started looking and going out and built several different businesses now and what's the main component of why my business is struggled my main component while my business struggle was i didn't have financial backing we none of us come from trust funds so we always had to fund ourselves and keep ourselves afloat and comfortable or else our back is to the wall and i learned about credit so then i started learning how to actually utilize credit and started figuring out okay let me focus on credit before i start another business let me focus on putting my own safety net behind me before i started business and i figured out how to make money off of credit so now i turn i started making six figures off of leveraging credit the game change and the whole time i think about and i look back and i always go damn if somebody was there if i had an example of somebody that i could relate to i see people online all the time but is it somebody i could relate to that could have convinced and relayed this information to me in this way my man probably still be here but because our mentors didn't show us that my mentor come from the same community they couldn't teach me they was uncomfortable going in banks people in the streets my older family members they are comfortable credit what's that i'm now the goat for that they come and talk to me about it and they still get frustrated and be like man can you just do it for me and i'm now i'm the teacher and instilling it's nothing i can do for you if you don't grasp the concept you'll never be able to grow right so we get into the difference i didn't use credit until 2015. it was like i was a person that didn't exist you know street life cash everything other people's names i didn't until you know like sean was saying i had to fight some some major cases and um once raised my hand yes yes yes be a normal citizen now yeah i'm saying so yeah that was interesting and i had to start nobody wanted to give me nothing you know what i'm saying they still don't yeah it's the fact that it matters that a lot of us a lot of times we get confused about the banking system it's not set up for us to win it's set up for them to win explain that like let's walk us through that when you go when you look at banks right and you look at the structure of a bank they want to hold your money and don't give you anything for it right they want to invest it use it only thing that good for the banks is that hey you can keep a paper trail and now we can track where your money came from it helps you deal with the government mm-hmm right and then once we start getting into where i come from it's like yo your money's insured up to 250 000. well when we get above that then what do we do okay so my money sits here gets 0.001 percent i get no benefit for even using my debit card none versus i use a credit card i got over forty thousand dollars in reward points now today i saw your post today yo crazy right a screen shot i used to go to work for wells fargo to make thirty two thousand dollars a year in sixty days i made forty thousand dollars off of my credit card off of using it six ninety days it was with two cycles right i've made somebody's salary off of having good credit understanding how to start using this system in my favor but back on the banks the banks will hold your money invested in things this is why this relationship is so strong because the banks is going to go put the money in different places whether it's understanding stocks and different investments in different companies wherever insurance so many different ways where they invest the money at right we can do the same thing if we understand it and get the resources so my goal now and that's the thing that i really key in on is bringing the resources back to us understanding hey you can make a million dollars a month but if you can't keep it it don't matter you can make a million dollars a month but can you do it properly and benefit and use the bank to make more money can you make you know a hundred thousand a month i tell people it don't matter if your overhead is sixty thousand you make forty thousand most of us take it down to a realistic level is making between six to ten thousand a month and majority of it get ate up on overhead that's good six to ten thousand that's a good month but the overhead right but then even if it's four thousand and they got an overhead of 3200 they profit eight hundred dollars a month you do eight times twelve that's what they have to live off of it's a few thousand dollars a year profit to live off of meanwhile if you had good credit you can eliminate your overhead you could eliminate paying for groceries you could eliminate paying for car insurance you could eliminate paying for toiletries and now you're more profitable in life literally using a credit card to replace and do things that you were already going to spend money on it's just understanding the systems and understanding how to do it and accumulate reward points and really maximize what cards you get that matches your lifestyle because like i look at like when i talk to the youth it's like yo you like nikes you don't need a uh elaine bryant credit card you need a nike credit card or a credit card that has a relationship with nike that the reward points convert higher and give you free sneakers so now when you spend the money that you're going to spend every month instead of getting your profits and going buying you nikes you go get free sneakers i got 40 000 right now i can go buy me designer clothes or i can go invest now i can make the bank's money work for me triple i'll do both you see what i'm saying now i'm with trap and i'm telling wall street trapper yo break this down to me and you talking about dividends while i'm getting dividends off the bank money so now i'm taking reward points from american express making purchases redeeming my purchase with reward points and making a play and being able to invest it in the stock market now i'm winning three times off of one credit card and i learned that from you too though because i don't even use cash anymore like i must i'll be swiping you know what i'm saying i use my credit cards all the time because you know being with him he made me realize like the points are money you know what i'm saying like i think i don't have that many like he got but i'm close to like a million you know what i'm saying and just using points and i just be stacking up on them and so another thing too about the banks um i i created from a while back i said how to make your bank a trap house right and what happens is we use the banks we like for me i invest in i have a thousand shares of jp morgan chase and i'ma show you some power in owning stock in the bank that you bank with right so this is one of the things i did before i get into that i remember i lost my debt my my business credit card and so i called chase this was right before the pandemic and i was like yo i need y'all to mail me out another credit card and they was like what is it's gonna take uh seven days and i said listen i own a thousand shares at this bank do i need to call jamie dimon and tell him in the next shareholder meeting that i'm having poor customer service i promise you no lie i got the card the next day that power of ownership is powerful but i owned our own jp morgan chase and then one of the things i love to do is i tell people that own enough shares in the business to where the business dividends buy you another share of the business or multiple shares and then what happens now is now we own the bank the bank pays us dividends to buy more shares of itself then we now roll into what marcus teaches us we now can go to that business which i go to jpmorgan chase i get 25 000 business credit card with them and so now we use the bank to have ownership in the bank we use the bank to buy us shares of itself and then we learn how to get the funding from the same bank to use that money to start businesses whatever whatever whatever we've now turned the bank into a trap house you feel what i'm saying and then the business credit card gives you so many reward points global entry yeah now you getting access into lounges when you travel you get free food you get free drinks you get perks on upgrades if you understand that once you get a certain status amongst a certain credit card you can match that with other hotel chains other airlines car rentals so now you're getting free car rentals and like we traveled when i was real serious with just straight credit car hacking i was going getting mustangs and and suvs for six dollars a day just because i understood the principle to eliminate overhead and i want to drain this relationship of every reward and work that they have because everybody tells us to get good credit but they don't tell us what to do with it and that was my whole concept was what do i do with good credit now i understand that i can go and i can get vehicles three or four vehicles at a time put them on touro most people say cars is liabilities my team we didn't keen in on turning liabilities into assets so we can i can leverage my good credit and you mean tell me i can go get an eight thousand dollar eight thousand dollar vehicle a chevy traversa uh uh echo right these different vehicles put them on touro and they profit me 12 1400 a month it's a 300 400 car note but it's making me 2 000 a month and i can go get three or four cars at one time from the bank see bank of america will allow you come get them on your business and allow you they'll approve you up to a certain amount and you can get multiple cars so you can get three or four cars and you can put them on touro now you're actually generating cash flow meanwhile we went to school for them to tell us to go to work to make forty thousand sixty thousand a year it's really man it's really egregious the school system you know we were talking about this earlier today how you know you go to a university you're taking courses that have nothing to do with your major right so what is this really for you know and i like to play it safe when people ask me for a bite should i go to school i'm like yeah you know that wasn't my route i'm like yeah because i don't know your hustle i don't know right right right right right but i'm getting to where it's like no you shouldn't yeah you shouldn't i tell people no yeah yeah if if you're over 25 27 no especially that yeah 18 to 25 i only feel because i'm gonna tell you something relationships relationships networking and maturity i guarantee that was our point from earlier guarantee every mistake majority of mistakes you made was between the age of 18 to 25. you you me 18 to 25 is the most dangerous time in an adolescent's life why because now we're looking for money we're looking to find ourselves we don't have no real guidance and we have no discipline because most of us don't come from disciplined homes i tell i use an example in my with my students is that i say listen in life we we we we're great we raised up with teachers and football coaches and and and parents that saying you can be whatever you want to be but they're cradling us through so as we coming through i say make it like football when you come through the hole and they pushing you through saying you got it you could be what you want to be you imagine running through the hole and you going and then you hit 18 and that coach that said you could be what you want to be your parents everybody go hands off and now the world is slapping you with stakes now they're hitting you on the back with bats and hitting you with ropes and what is those ropes that's financial responsibility that's financial literacy that's discipline to stay the course and stay focused on what you want to do that's fighting temptation of being broke that's sex that's drug that's partying now all of these things are hitting you and everybody that was there as you were coming up is gone and they can't do nothing at that point you look and go as i'm gonna fall victim to one of them that's the own that's why i say college helps because then it gives some kind of structure guidance of at least let me get to an age where now i can know not to make the mistake i fight the temptation of bareback sex so i'm having kids early that i can't raise and properly a parent i'm fighting the fact of drugs and drug abuse and and or either drug abuse or selling drugs i'm fighting the fact of breaking the law doing things illegal to get ahead because i only want to be better and i want to make money it's financial crimes all of these things happen based off of money sex drugs and irresponsibility that's the most dangerous part and that's the the king and then you make a mistake there that could set the tone for the rest of your life unless you're a juggernaut that's going to come and make the adjustment and then you correct it and let your testimony you know let your tests become your testimony that's the part where i look at and i say college is necessary there or some kind of organized structure to help with discipline if you haven't already had it all the way up yeah we need to just we need to carry the the youth a little bit longer to develop that maturity and i think that that's the best version of college i mean currently if we go back 50 years 75 years a little bit longer even college was not for everyone it was people who had like an intense desire for academia for studying a subject now it's literally babysitting but they make it four years long and hella expensive can i correct one statement i mean i don't tell everybody not no to college college is necessary for doctors lawyers different people right but to make money i tell people no if this financial reason why to go to college i would start to go to college because i want to make more money i just want to correct that statement because it lives if certain certain fields and expertise you have to go to college it's mandatory when you desire to do something and go to a certain level right but don't go to college and say i'm going to college to get a job or i'm going to college to help me get into this industry to make money yeah because college itself is an industry people i gotta say that's the biggest that's that's where america makes the most money next to pharmaceuticals college yeah education is college because it's not it's not really that it's literally just babysitting and keeping people in a place and collecting money off of them because if it was about the education specifically we would be making moves to try and make it free yeah uh just like how school is free we use tax money for that and it's paid for entirely you just got to pay for your lunch that's what it is you know you think about it people go to college four years eight years and then spend the next 20 years trying to pay it trying to pay it that in itself egregious we hear the horror stories you know from time to time of student debt that seems to never be able to be paid off it will never be you guys probably hear even more but i feel like you guys are really setting the stage for a whole new generation of people uh you you and others who are focused on teaching financial literacy and helping people like avoid these pitfalls that like you said if you fall in the wrong trap you may never get out yeah they may not have the hand up and out to get back on their feet life just might knock them down and they might stay down and then just get stuck in a life that you know was not meant they could have had a different life it just they didn't have the right circumstances for it what's what's important though is like when you were in prison your perspective was different i've been there and you know how it is people just first of all everyone's in the no one's supposed to be there i'm not guilty i shouldn't be here yeah right so when you have that kind of mindset you're not going to get better right and then take it a step further all right because this i'm a bottom line person okay like when things suck for everybody it doesn't suck for me thanks calm down we here we go out here so let's make the best out of this so for people to really grasp that and grasp the concept that life is literally what you make and just believe that because it's so corny but it's so true you'd be surprised like listen y'all like this man did 10 years in prison this man is now a multi-millionaire he developed his skill in pr why he had he had to sit there he had to he wasn't going to break out yeah he had to do the time so yeah he armed himself with knowledge and information to be able to come out and live the life that he wants that the american dream that's the american dream you you said a key word there was perspective right my father went to prison when i was eight years old he get out 2027. right when i when i got in trouble i said that they don't got nothing he's saying giving them an ip address that said i did it it's nothing concrete that said i had any involvement it's all speculative and he said yeah that's true but they arrested you and let you bond out and they let you go home they gave you the ability to get your freedom back it's your responsibility now to keep it and two if you get away with something that you played a part in the worst thing that i see people come back and forth is is because they think they can do it again that's what put people here and if you think that if you beat it then will you feel that you can do it again and don't learn from the mistake that you made so figure out how not to get put back in here and reset yourself so you don't make these kind of mistakes and make this habit see because it hasn't happened before don't let it happen again don't make that a habit and my perspective had to look at it and go if i beat this and fight well i think i'm invincible and i can do it again of course it would give me something whether i know or not subconsciously i would go yeah or i pay my consequence and have to deal with it for the mistake that i did make i had to live with that my perspective changed that's why i was able to move forward and that's why i was able to move forward and when i speak to people is always listen how are you looking at the situation you're in today do you want to change it how do you want to change it are you willing to take accountability only way you change is if you can have accountability for self and mistakes that you made i'm gonna i'm in a position right now where i want to learn how to make more money i'm struggling i want to be a better father analyze the mistakes that you make and don't blame nobody else analyze everything that you've done wrong and correct that to be a better person and if you can correct that before you ever make a dollar if you can correct your perspective and your accountability yourself your life will change because when you get in the business and something don't go right you're quick to pivot and make adjustments based off of what you control i remember when i got found not guilty it was one of the most exhilarating things ever um i've been held at gunpoint a few times been in a few shootouts but nothing compared to when i got found not guilty but it also installed this bravado in me you know what i'm saying like that's like getting found not guilty is probably one of it's one of them things man what did it give you because i got a story about mine yeah so when i like first pocket snoop walking out like first i was like i remember going home and just sleeping for nine hours because they deliberated for maybe five hours um that's torture yeah it's torture so you got a trial i went to trial oh man yeah on my on my on the case where they kicked in my door i went to trial um did they try and settle beforehand no they wanted it the reason why they wanted it too is because i had again i had already went to prison for a tent murder on robbery so i'm gonna be honest with you the weed the pills that was there wasn't even tripping on that the 223 and the 40 with the extended clip and a beam we got you bruh that's an automatic convicting fellow with a firearm and because of the caliber of the 223 i had went to prison already i shot the dude with the 220 with a 223 so for me to have the exact same gun and then have the 40 with an extended clip and a beam i remember them telling the people in the jewelry that i was a trained urban assassin i remember them saying that and i remember my lawyer telling me before court like listen they're gonna say some stuff do not make any outbursts in here do not do that and the minute i heard i was like i want to say you [ __ ] liar you know i was saying but i couldn't but i remember getting found not guilty and thinking man they can't [ __ ] you know what i'm saying but then the reality i'm a praying man even when i was doing wrong i always was a prayer and i prayed and i remember hearing a voice like i got you through that you know what i'm saying because it's not very often that you can get off on fruit of a poisonous tree it's not often um and then for my my second choice i got overturned um we cobbed out to 10 years probation and then it got overturned under what's called the crosby plea after we um got that overturned they stopped anybody in louisiana from using that right it's because it said that i only copped out because because they wanted me to go to trial back to back i could not do it i didn't have the mental capacity to do it um and so you can't use it anymore but i felt like like yo i'm i'm like once you get fined i guilt you just feel like ugh like that's kind of like the ultimate thing in the streets like surviving a gun a shootout against shot and getting found not guilty that's the next level that's a whole another status for you you know what i'm saying and so i was like all right hold up like that's where perspective came in i had to step back and say bro like you was blessed to get out of that you know what i'm saying like let's not take that for granted right because what happens is once you beat the charge you like the streets reward you for that one for being solid yeah you're a hero you're a hero like one you stay solid and two you went through that whole process most people don't go through that process most people in the street before they even say trial it's like yo who cannot tell on well i signed a paper that yeah you know what i'm saying and so i felt the kind of bravado about that and it was humbling for me to be able to step back and say nah man like you can't keep beating the system it's not it's too mighty yeah it's a mighty yeah you can't keep beating it and so again being you know fast forwarding my whole mission now with investing in the stock market i started this just to talk to hustlers my whole objective was to talk to dudes in the street if he was a hustler he was a stripper if he was pimping he was prostituting we all spoke the same language right like i'm not looking at a prostitute no different than i'm looking at the pimp like we all in the same game hustling together it's all love right because you learn to respect all hustles and so for me it was saying i need to start this i want to do this because i won't teach us how to get out the streets because everybody's not going to get found not guilty that's a fact right everybody not going to get a charge overturned one you now become a target for the police once you beat the system and you get found our guilty and get a charge overturned like they know who you are we're going to get you we're going to get like you because now you're broke most people when you fight a charge it takes everything you got bro before my when i had my case they they went ahead and took the liberty of throwing me in a gang unit and i wasn't in the game right like excuse me and that is a 10-year enhancement on your sentence so if you have a uh a robbery in which descendants two years you're doing 12. um okay so i had to have a trial to prove that i wasn't in the game that that ate my entire retainer yep i had to start over i didn't yeah i didn't know how it worked i'm like yeah well i already paid you but no this is for one so but but when i i so my i didn't go to trial right um i initially ran i went on a run because they took me out of that gang unit but they kept me with the gang prosecutor who was just evil just evil and uh you know the nature if you read you know how it is when they write everything up it's horrible rit yeah right every bullet is a a charge right every little thing and they make it like that to scare you into a fleet of plea yeah so and typically ninety percent of that goes away yep so they're they're just like 10 years 10 years i'm like i have no priors you know that right this is defending my house like what are you talking about right so it was getting closer and closer i'm like i'm like bluffing i'm like let's go to trial right right i'm not i'm not taking i'm not going to accept 10 years [Laughter] it's like my kids will be teenagers yes so i i ran you know and that's not the i wouldn't recommend that for anybody it's not the right thing to do but it's what i felt i needed to do that in itself is a different life man it was it was i felt like it took all my joy all my happiness right so i'm out and uh every day uh i was on i was a future for seven years that doesn't happen cats get caught immediately yes or they they hustling to get caught doing it it's always my my uh my my mother sent me a message said baby just know that when they catch you it's gonna be worse yep i said i'll take my chances yep i did the math in my head real quick though before i say anything like i'm not going to prison for 10 years i didn't do anything to warrant that right right i can't see that happen i'm not doing it so i left and you know that [ __ ] was rough it was like i'm stripped down to my soul money gone like rep this was this was the cold part so y'all need to stay out the streets because the streets has no loyalty facts the people that i was putting jewelry on when they came out of prison putting up in apartments i'm buying you know getting a party bus we we go out i'm doing the most all at all times right none of them they they laughed they oh that nigga's done they celebrate it and what looked like my demise you know what i'm saying because you know weak people can't they can't let their nuts hang around strong people mm-hmm so when you go down bro it was the it was a bar that was that part was one of the hardest things that because and it wasn't like i wasn't even sad i was enraged you know what i'm saying and it was moments when i wanted to go back to that state and pop up on people's doors like [ __ ] my life [ __ ] up my life but [ __ ] their lives up too you know what i'm saying and i'm glad i didn't um but that period you know i had to i had to deal with that those emotions you know what i'm saying and then and i had to really like ask myself are you a bad person are you the person that they're making you out to be well this is your time to prove it what i'm saying so your boy was literally homeless and this was not long it was like 10 years ago nine years ago so i had to humble myself and and i i sold drugs but like big top you know what i'm saying like from the west coast i was sending hundreds of pounds to the east coast to down in georgia and up in new york detroit and this is a whole selling my [ __ ] and depending on who i got out there depending on how much if i get it get it back at double at 2x or 75 whatever so i went from having everything to being homeless yeah that's the worst when you just kind of in the streets already and you homeless it ain't nothing yeah but when you have a life and you're the guy that [ __ ] was rough and i had to swallow it punch that ego i had to swallow it bro and i got a job i did all kind of research the ncis do this flag my passport do the irs show anything if i fill out the paperwork for a job because i wasn't going to get a fake id that would be even worse so i'm figuring out how i could do this because somebody told me a good friend of mine he said hide in plain sight um and that's what i did i got it i said all right got a job oh cool you don't say everything i even left the country mm-hmm there's certain things that are flagged and what my charge was not it doesn't get flagged by ncics so i'm making these moves and i'm living my life and uh i'm like [ __ ] they must don't care right right i'm training people that's what i think training people and my content started getting more and more popular and i didn't want it to i'm like [ __ ] because initially it was just my clients and my content and i was using putting videos up on them or whatnot to get more clients and it was working every now and then i like put myself up doing a workout right and they were loving it i'm like [ __ ] maybe they don't care and then my clientele happen to be cops oh cops and military dude they just love that rough train that hardcore training i'm like this is crazy right so then i started getting really popular youtube everything i couldn't stop it i'm like well let's see what happens but every day every day i had a dark cloud over me mm-hmm captain like i could never laugh too hard mm-hmm they'd be like what are you laughing at you they might be at your house right now mm-hmm every day so when there's one fateful day um me and my boy chai was sparring we at the gym and my dog was a puppy we was done i took him outside to take him for a walk and the dude walked in the gym it was just weird he didn't belong and i got used to my level of surveying areas is like cop level you know cause i had to be i had to think like them i could tell you a undercover cop anywhere to this day i know where they at you know so i had a uh this dude walking it was just weird i spoke to him like how you doing man he was it made him nervous that was weird sheriff's car unmarked sheriff unmarked unmarked u.s marshals the cavalry what's your name you tell me facts so the guy was a gentleman though because the marshalls come hard but he was a gentleman he said look because he'd been on my case for a while trying to i was always like a couple days before ahead of them you know by the time they figured it out just seven years later so he said look man you're a good person you do a lot of good for a lot of people just get this behind you and move on with your life i was like man thank you but in my head i'm like ain't no moving on yeah right about to be in the box so i go through the whole process and it was bad it was because you have a what's called the foj of fugitive justice enhancement so my bond is now a half million dollars right i got to be extradited to another state so they had me in the max security everywhere i'm at just like come on guys like this is over the top you know right so uh i finally get in position to bond out and then i hired a fire as attorney shout out to mr russo yeah guys yeah love you to death and he was so confident and it felt like my first day meeting with him i'm like so what do you think what's your strategy he's like just beat this [ __ ] like yeah he was so confident yeah yeah like what do you worry for yeah like you don't know who i am yeah so so it was a year of uh going back and forth and that [ __ ] is just stressful yep so every time every month getting better and better better and better better and better then he got to where they dropped it they classified it from one crime which is almost the worst crime that it can be to one underneath that and i'm like okay but do i have to go to prison he said well there's a danger tag on it so yeah like can you ask him to take that off he's okay they took it off that's it it was that easy can you ask them to take that off and they took the [ __ ] off i'm like wow so i said i'll take it he said no no i want to get the stone all the way out yeah so i said look mr russo i appreciate everything you've done i just need i don't because i don't care about a job you know i don't care about a felony i just want to be done with this because my life is still i can get in trouble anything can happen before this is adjudicated and it can be worse you know what i'm saying so he's like all right you say so so they offer like three years of probation and anger management something like that so go down for sentencing and the judge you know they can they don't have to accept the complaint and this judge was mean she was the scariest day of your life but they said they have to accept that plea i can't run now there's none i got to just write it out all right mr king if this was being this this is a very very uh peculiar case if this was being adjudicated closer to the time that this happened you'd be going to prison right now but it wasn't and the courts see that you're not a criminal get out of a courtroom what yeah i get in the elevator by myself and i'm uncomfortable yeah because i'm so used to having that dark cloud seven years yeah and it's not there it's like i needed it it was like a comfort is where does that sound i was so used to having that it kept you on yeah bro so now and this is the thing i try to tell people all the time during that process that was a year if people were i couldn't show people specific videos training videos of mine on youtube where my wardrobe changed because i had a big ankle brush that a gps bracelet is different than a regular ankle brush it's this big right metal metal all the way around it you walk it cuts into your skin you got to plug it in the wall five hours a day right you gotta sit i gotta sit by the wall five hours a day right you drive by a greyhound or airport they call you from the thing talking [ __ ] disrespectful too you guys and i'm a i'm an alpha type of dude right right right what the [ __ ] are you doing at the greyhound like what the [ __ ] just driving by just driving by the store yeah so so uh so at this time that was very crushing and depressing so because at this point i built up a very good life with businesses you know what i'm saying now they came and got me and i'm like what a idiot right so i wasn't i was depressed but that's a natural thing that happens but i didn't sit down to it kept on my youtube videos i would wear boots cargo pants and tuck it under so you couldn't see the ankle bracelet i didn't stop progressing my career in my life i kept proceeding like i had no problems you know what i'm saying and that's why i try to tell people that's why i'm the wrong person for somebody to give an excuse to yeah no for sure i had so much pressure on me every time i walk i feel it should be so you've built your brand during that during the year as a fugitive and that like for people watching what i what what i just took away from that is that sometimes it like they say your success takes a shot at you what you gonna do now become unsuccessful right you think about it and that that room is that a lot of times we don't have the pressure to go out and work so they don't go and do it see you got put under pressure before you was comfortable whatever environment you was in doing what you was doing you was comfortable doing it so you were comfortable living how you was living it made you uncomfortable but it expanded your vision that's the part where like you wouldn't be here if that didn't happen now you look back at everybody who turned their back on you in that trying time the people who you looked out for the people you was comfortable with it showed you and revealed to you the universe has a unique way of revealing who's who and the thing is that i tell anybody that when you watch this is that when something gets revealed to you and the universe shows you believe it the first time it's not a time for a second time you feel who's who and from that when you create and you take that as a learning experience keep moving forward sometimes we see things and don't take action you was forced to take action trap was forced to take action i've been forced to take actions and do things because i couldn't go back to work couldn't work a nine to five it was not in me but now we look and go we're in a position that it made us tougher but we could have took a major loss and wouldn't be here to tell our story we have to like our communities and people who are up and coming learn from it and just have that grit and sustainability really out that without going through the problems because it's harder it's harder and we still got to deal with that pain from that because it's things that you lost as friends and people that you really loved it's like man we probably could have had a better relationship could have did more but it's so much that gets strained and you can't like when i when i really take inventory on the people in my life at that time and i'm like [ __ ] this person [ __ ] that person but then i had to think about it i was the leader back then like i'm a leader now like i've always been a leader or whatever stage of life i was in but i'm leading them into darkness so how can i really be mad at them for not hanging around long you know what i'm saying when i really hit rock bottom you know so uh the anger that i have for them is gone you know what i'm saying and not that i want to spend time with these people because i still look at actions and it's like what have you done with your life you know what i'm saying i was okay so that that that's one thing right there but i have no anger no hatred towards them but i use my energy to like really try to like communicate to the people that listen and this is why i'm glad that y'all are here because y'all have a wealth of knowledge and information and tactics actual tangible tactics that people can use to better their lives right and i be trying to teach people certain things too and just on a personal level because they follow me the the training baits demand you know what i'm saying it's that's the low-hanging fruit but it's so much more that i try to give people you know in terms of like that grit without being arrested without you know what i'm saying because there's certain things that you can do to really toughen your resolve your spirit just figure out how to suffer but in a way that is beneficial for you and learn how to deal with that stress because dealing with stress is our best friend yeah 100 we are you're gonna deal with it stress test you're gonna deal with it right and any type of stress makes you stronger it is what it is so when we can learn how to really be resilient towards to stress and sturdy man life is easy no for sure um one of the things that uh helped me just recently uh i would advise everybody to try to go skydiving didn't y'all just do it oh yeah bundy okay but i've been skydiving yo jumping a little bit different you gotta be tied up man they're both crazy so um i i went to dubai uh and the first i called i talked to marcus about it uh i went um scuba diving inside of the aquarium in dubai and i always said you get better when you get uncomfortable be you get comfortable being uncomfortable right you get better because life will always put you in an uncomfortable position right if you ever think you're going to be successful at anything and it's not going to be uncomfortable you will be faced with a rude awakening correct right so i go skava die i go i go scuba diving and there's about 15 sharks in the tank um but on that journey um one the first thing was the pressure to my ear so one of my ears popped but this one it didn't pop so i'm feeling that pressure yeah it was it was like really got in the deeper you go it gets worse right your head gonna explode oh my i was like god damn but it wind up leveling out and then once that leveled out a shark bumps me i tell him that he was like nah bro he like oh so in the first one of them comes in front of me and i'm like damn like i'm really tripping right now you know what i'm saying um and then you learn that sharks are blind they only see you when you up when you're up close and they don't attack the way that we think they do so one of the things they tell you is not to make sudden movements and don't if a shark is above you don't blow the bubbles right and so for i don't want to figure out why not to blow the bubble right right so my god cool and like when they're in front of you don't swim just put your hands right here so i'm like i'm cool i pay attention to that and then as i get down to the 152 feet which is the bottom of the aquarium floor um i look to the side there's four sharks just looking at me wow just looking at me they just swimming they in neutral they just hear and i'm like damn i'm tripping yeah i mean but it just brung something out of me yeah i'm like oh this is that [ __ ] and that's when i'm i got and if the man tells you like keep your head on the swivel like always pay attention to yeah because they move like like they move like sharks move in a different way usually when one moves there's another one really close behind so if you make a move and one hits the other one gonna hit like it is no second guessing it so when no one bumps me i look i'm like what the hell and he goes past me he's like i felt like he was trying to check me you know what i'm saying but and i said that to say that that was adversity that was an uncomfortable situation for me but that uncomfortableness made that that much fun it made me enjoy that that much more the same thing when it came to that really propelled me to say you know i'm about to jump out of a plane right so when i do the skydiving the next day i'm 15 000 feet in the air and i'm like yo this is crazy like what the hell why did i decide to jump out of this perfectly fine plane right and so instead of having a one two three jump the dude goes one and we jump right catches me completely off guard and at first i'm like does she do that because people are trying to stop themselves most people it's in your it's in your mind one two three i ain't ready right right so he's like all right we're gonna go i'm like and so you you feel him yank back the first time and i'm like okay in my mind you think one two three he goes one we gone and i'm like yo why did you do that man like i'm in my mind like what are you doing why are you and then i look at them like once i realize i'm not about to die right it became the most powerful thing i've almost ever did in my life because i'm looking at dubai and i'm like yo turn this [ __ ] up you know what i'm saying like let's do something so we do that we go down and we do some stuff and it's just it's amazing but you overcome that i'm i'm comfortable with getting uncomfortable right and just and that that helped me in so many different parallels you know in my life and it's for every tough situation you face if you are if you've built enough enough skin in world thought to get through on the other side it's going to add something to your armor and you start feeling like there's nothing i can't do and so now when i look at him as my sparring partner when he say he's about to hit a new level it tells me to crank it up and when i say i'm gonna crank it up i know that in order to get to the next level i am going to face some type of adversity that i didn't plan for but i've built up so much wherewithal and i have uh i can go back into my muscle memory and think about the things i went through to get me here this wasn't the easy path right so in order to get to that next level i'm already understanding that this is not going to go according to plan how do i adjust along the way it's not about having it figured out it's about being able to just on the fly right there is no figuring there is no there's no rulebook you get out there and you you make it happen yeah i always say i is this term i say i have no i feel the walls mm-hmm it's dark i'll go around that dark corner i'm cool with that you know like sean i drug sean out with me to we we go feed the homeless right like go in the slums you know what i'm saying so at night and it's like let's go the first time i did it it was me and my son right and he was like uh seven and um you know we in some grimy areas just me and him and he's like dad he's like pulling my sweater because one dude popped off the the bus station like a a a wraith like a ghost you know what i'm saying he looked crazy and something like i was like i just did the math in my head real quick i'm like if something's to happen he needs to see this because i'm trying to do something out of right kindness and we'll see the dude was so happy he gave him a sweater gave him some food he hugged me i didn't want to hug him but he hugged me i hugged him back and my son was like i told him i said so we don't we don't live in fear that's not a thing you know what i'm saying when you're doing the right thing it's nothing to fear what i'm saying so that that's something that i literally live by you know what i mean like i don't fear anything even if i fear it i don't fear it nobody will know i fear and i'm gonna walk into my head my chest out you know what i mean so that's that is a tactic man and people finding things to stressful things even training is stressful it's hard you know what i'm saying jogging if you don't like running it's hard burpees is hard i program it in my my stuff because i'm like i know this is tough it's going to toughen y'all you know saying about losing weight or whatever this is for for this you know what i'm saying um let me say this dude the new burpees you came out with it's crazy oh yeah yeah that is bananas [Music] but see that was that see that that's all it comes from like when i was locked up i still worked out yeah we figured out okay what can we do here broomstick against the stairs yeah you stand on the broomstick we've been yeah you know what i mean all kinds of different things it's just that creativity it's like i i have a no excuse policy for anything so okay you don't have a gym access to a gym you don't need it you get a beasty workout with your body and right here you know what i'm saying and and we provide people with that so that's all from like you know it's interesting man like you know a lot of us come from um undesirable uh places and and with meager uh uh life's standards and you know growing up you feel like people look down on you and like you're disgusting how dirty it is you don't oh you don't even have this and it's like yo this is beautiful what we got yeah we living just like when we went to haiti these people had nothing they weren't tripping you know what i'm saying it's like you got to really look at people when they don't have much those are the gyms those are the gems those are the people that you really like let me get close to them learn something from let me get close to them because the brain their brain is thinking in such a creative way you know what i mean and so much beauty comes out of ingenuity i i always bring it back to rap music to people rap music for those who don't know a little history lesson come on man it started in the 70s it was a people usually black and latinos in the hood who didn't have access to or couldn't afford music lessons you know uh they like music their parents had the records you play one record over here and another section of the record over here like artists that's going to fly you know and then the mc or the dj everybody scratch your hand whatever you know and that's how this [ __ ] started and now it is the biggest there is no there is no genre of music that had the impact that hip-hop has had on culture and on this world you know what i'm saying so that came out of people who didn't have fancy instruments and instruments are beautiful i'm not [ __ ] on that but didn't have that those things they were just scratching up their parents records mm-hmm you know what i'm saying so it's like it's a lot of beauty and in that void in places where people don't have [ __ ] you know what i'm saying oh yeah let me let me say two things um one thing you said is about fear i have this acronym i created finally exiting average reality right finally exiting average reality you know what i'm saying and what happens is no matter what level you're on i feel like once once you get comfortable that becomes the average right that's your average level right and so in order to overcome that fear and all of overcome that average you have to take yourself to the next level right you have to say like what is next what how can i be better like i never want to get comfortable right because once you get comfortable you lose that it factor right there's a reason why lebron spends a million dollars a year on his physical um regime eating working out because he knows if he gets comfortable i'm just agreed i'm one of the greatest then there's always somebody up and coming and if you get too comfortable you can't if i'm not going to give you my spot you got to take it from me right that's why in boxing right you can't just you can't most times you can't just out point the champ to get the belt you got to beat him right and so you can't get comfortable um so i always say that with fear um never fertilize the fear you fertilize the field by feeding it saying okay it's dark i know it can happen in a dog i know this can happen you're fertilizing it right never fertilize the fear the next thing was when you talked about um those people in those um impoverished parts i when i was in africa man i was in um tanzania so we say tanzania that's completely wrong and people get on you about saying that like that and i remember i was taking my covet test to go to kenya and uh while everybody was in line taking the test there was this guy man he was just sitting on a rock and you can tell you know he didn't have it right and so after i take my test i go over there and i walk over there i walk by him he's just sitting on the rock and he's reading he's just reading so i woke up what i say man say excuse me king i say um what are you reading he says documents i said um you know what what kind of documents he said i just i write i just write a lot and i keep tabs with what i'm doing i said oh cool cool cool cool and i see behind him he has like his shirts and stuff hung up so just two and two like he's homeless or he doesn't have a crib or something so i say where are you from he says i'm from the mainland so in tanzania tanzania there's the mainland and there's the island so i say uh how why don't you go back he said i haven't been back in like three years i'll say why is it because i can't afford to get back so i'm like damn you you can't i'm like he's like nah he said but i'm not worried about it i'm like why he said because a traveling man this blew my mind he said you learn more and travel than you can in a book the more you learn and travel he said that's what i'm reading everything i learn as i travel i write it down and i go back over it so i says i said so what have you learned right he said my favorite thing to learn about is philosophy so i say why philosophy he says because it's the study of questions mind you this is a man sitting on a rock yo real talk he said philosophy is the study of questions he said the more questions i ask in life the more i will learn and i can only ask those questions as i travel because as i travel i see new things and they create more questions for me to ask wow this is a man sitting on a rock yo and i said damn i reached my pocket he said no you don't got to give me i said nah nah you just fed me i said you just fed me i give him like 20 american money he says now i'll go home wow now i'll go home this this is enough for him to take the ticket to go home yo that chain like that moment like that moment i will never forget that he was just sitting on a rock just washed his clothes he's sitting there he just reading through the book that moment changed me man and so that that just to go into what you said about because there was no stress it wasn't oh man i don't know how i'm gonna get home he was like i would get there like he's like i got kids i got two kids i got a wife i'll get there i'll get like there's no stress there life over there is so different wait it changed my life man so different i did four weeks in full countries man it changed my life man definitely i was watching bro and i was like you know i wish i was there you know even just to stand amongst the pyramids just to be in that presence you know what i'm saying that was different that's that's i wanted to bombard so bad yeah i want to be so bad i'm sitting there and i'm like i got a little trap hat yeah she was like yeah i'm in dubai i've seen the last 10 hours i can leave now yeah yeah and i might i gotta you know he was like we were skydiving i'm like i went skydiving one time yeah he didn't even know i've been skydiving right i'm like i'm i'm watching him just go and i told him yeah i've been skydiving and the only time i he was like it was exonerating he was like man i want to go back and do it again seven times and i'm sitting there like nah i did it once and i was like nah i'll never do it again unless i did it in dubai just because of the look that was the only reason i have no desire to do it again right he enjoyed it scared the [ __ ] out of me like i'm like that jump out was like yo cool or the whole time down i'm just thinking how's the ground gonna feel so i was thinking like yo how does it feel when i hit the ground that was it right but i'm watching and i watched him in dubai and i'm just looking and going yo it's just the travel going to like you said the pyramids seeing them at africa you know i haven't been to a few countries myself but it's different it's just you know what you get when you travel you know how it feels so when you see somebody traveling yeah i'm like man i know what that's like yeah like i'm sitting there like now i want to go were you with people or were you alone i was dolo yo i figured out i did everything on the fly i had no agenda i had no itinerary um when i went to tanzania a company brought me out there to do two master classes on investing one on um wall street looks like us now which is a title that was something i created then the next one was on family sop something else i created and um they they pay for me to come to um tanzania and do that with them from there i was out there for six days from there um i booked every well my team booked me everything i had no itinerary i wanted so in mind you it's coming from where we come from you know like that whole thing was just different for me i've never left the country let alone my first time i'm in africa by myself by myself real me and i'm just i'm literally figuring it out as i go like every day was a man what are we gonna do today man i that was a sense of freedom because even in that month i didn't even worry about my business i told my team like don't call me don't talk to me about business i want to enjoy this whole 30-day trip i don't want to worry about business i don't worry about nothing back home um nothing i only called my daughter then she asked me to bring her a lion back but that was it so like in every country man i just got a feel for for something different i will say that tanzania was important to me because it was the first place i ever went in africa um being in an indian ocean i jumped in that water i felt like my spirit got cleansed and everything kenya nairobi i had it picked me up a little bit because they moving like they doing a lot out there but the shift truly happened when i hit egypt i had been studying egypt for years while i was in prison again knowing about it as kimit knowing about the history knowing about the culture knowing about what we built right and so my favorite black man of all time is malcolm x and i understood the pivot that happened to his life when he went there it's crazy how things align because i wind up praying in the same mass that he prayed in and i didn't know it until i looked at the picture said to adam i said prayers with muslim brothers over there that changed me in a whole other way going through the pyramids i mean all like yo like this this is phenomenal right going inside of my and then seeing the first pyramid that was built the step pyramid by king dozier right i'm looking at that and you can still see the whole you see the pyramid and you see the whole layout like it's still original everything around it and he built it on upper egypt so he had the the smart to say i want the world to marvel at this the first one it's the first one in egypt it's the step pyramid like he had the so if he went to his um emote if people don't know like emote was the first multi genius in the world right so he goes to the true father of medicine the true father of medicine the first person to do a brain surgery the first person to do a uh amputation right and so he he bill he goes to me says that and so just the mindset to say i want to build something that the world will marvel at he build in in upper egypt so egypt is broken to upper egypt and lower egypt and so he builds that and then for me to do that for me to then go inside of these tombs where you see the hieroglyphics and i'm just like i'm blown away and for it not to be for it to be a hundred and it doesn't look like what they not at all not at all and then for you for you to think that it's a hundred it was 107 degrees but for it to be cool inside of those tombs like there's air conditioning you're like how the shafts right yeah you like how right you like it's brilliant it's every it's 40 degrees cooler inside of those things see here's the thing so we had that part of the world commit uh where's nubia at inside of um it's not far it's right yeah but these places in ghana were like the cradles of like wisdom right so you familiar with the comedic mystery system yes it was the edge it was the 40-year you bout to fall asleep 40 years a 40-year educational program right science mathematics and and philosophy philosophy and mysticism [ __ ] and you know you know in in america the western world our civilization is based off of greek philosophies greek teachings and the greeks were they were solid but their teachers were us yes now not one of their scholars ever did a full course of not of learning and commit none of them so it's very it's partial knowledge right so the question is what was lost like what was it what was lost yeah you know what i mean so these brilliant methods of getting air and light in and they were using diamonds yes prisms yes like storing sunlight all day and you know what i mean just it's stuff beyond my i don't we don't even you know they sacked and they destroyed our library all the libraries the universities all that right to stifle for people to not because they had to justify yeah the uh colonialism like these people were barbarians they've contributed nothing so you know there's a little history lesson for y'all so these these structures were destroyed these libraries are destroyed all of that wisdom is destroyed so it's it's it's egregious that we don't even get that we get partial knowledge so we don't we'll never know maybe no is the the wisdom of those and why why geographically they're located where they're at they are they are that's and that's for a reason too like they are geographically the pyramids are set up like they align with the stars and like um and for these people to be able to chart these things yeah you know it's it's i got a similar story uh i want to share with you um you said when you went to the mosque and you prayed with them there when i was in the uae i pray with the brothers in the mosque too and i would go as often as i could and i was praying five times a day but sometimes i pray at the crib but i will go as much as i can as i could and i know all my prayers in arabic you know i just i can't translate it though salute you know what i mean but so it was more of a meditation for me you know and it was like it it really changed my life in a in a profound way because here i am in a room with a bunch of men who just want to be good people yep you know what i'm saying and we're taking time out of our day to postulate and to submit to the will of god right and you don't have and you're praying five times a day you don't have time in your mind for foolishness you don't have time to lust yeah you don't have time it always corrects you right those things don't even come into your mind and you know i came back a changed man you know i'm still changing i'm everywhere every day you know and i ain't perfect none of us that was a huge acceleration in my progression of being an upright person you know and it's a lot to that man and it was it was so when you're telling me that story i i felt that i remember that and that that'll never leave my mind in my heart you know yeah evolution evolution um of us as men it's an everyday process um we talked about something about before this we talked about the man will get judged on his ability to provide yes right we talked about that right and like women get judged off how they look and all that but men we only get judged off one thing and that's how that we can provide and i think one of the things outside of that that doesn't get looked at is the nature of the man itself writing his belief system his faith right his ability to think through situations right his ability to uh withstand adversity right we know that gold is tested not by how shiny it is but how can it withstand the fire which is how real gold is tested right and so for man it's the same way and for me not to just i know we're talking about financial literacy we're talking about some things now we're talking about just like people yeah and i think that the thing for me is the ability to connect to something bigger than yourself is what helps define and ground you as a man because what happens is every day man is you're going to be tested especially if you're going out here hunting you say that all the time every day i gotta hunt right so we out here kills we gotta go kill something every day to hunt that comes with something as you go hunt there's hyenas there's cheetahs there's so many other different predators out here so how do you get tested and that's that system that you're grounded to that's what helps you get through anything as that alpha male as that meal like in africa there's the messiah tribe and your your level of manhood is tested once you can kill a lion right what's your acronym for fear again finally exiting average reality i think that's like directly in line with what we've been saying there's a whole community um that would advocate that the circumstances are the way they are and that we have to just navigate them not not that we can change the reality there's no room for that in some people's mind and we're like not with that just completely cannot accept that to the point where almost like if you can't get past that we're fundamentally different and you have that's okay it's okay for you to be like yeah you just have to go do that over there because we can't even talk anymore because you've already put a limit on how much we can achieve and change and grow we can't speak anymore that's heavy like what's the point of anything we're going to talk about yeah i'm going to be surprised everybody can't go that's the hardest part as a leader as a man a woman and as a human or can't or they won't go they can't go they can't because you have to make a decision that this boat gotta sell with or without you and the only people i want is the people that's willing to paddle and go up this up this creek and a lot of times people get stuck and the fact of i got friends who don't believe in me or they don't see my vision and not realizing that they're not harming you you're harming you because you allow them access to you when you deny people access to you and realize the only people i want to go is the people who want to go up this river the people who are willing to go why because if i convince you to go you're not going to roll you're not gonna want to use the paddle because you don't believe that we can achieve what's possible and that we can change this sick reality of where we've been stuck at so we sitting here on this little island with a boat in front of us and paddles and we're going and that water moving too fast ain't nobody came back or it's not possible for us to be wealthy it's not possible for us to run businesses our parents been sitting here on this rock we might as well sit on this rock and be accustomed to throwing roxy and getting our little fish out that we can eat and only eating from the shallow part of the river right when you realize everybody can't go i specify and stand on it i don't care what you look like i don't care where you come from this ain't a black thing it's not a white thing it's not an asian thing you're not a mexican not a jew the fact of the matter is that if you have vision to be better and to want to change you can do it you're welcome to come i don't care if you look like me and we come from the same place if you're not willing to work you can't come and some people are better left in the ignorant state because we have to focus on those who can make change focus on the ones who can when we get to where we focus on and we're working with people who understand it then they have impact on the ones who they can change who are going to look at them and say okay i see that you did it i think i can do it the ones who say we can't or it's not possible cool just stay there eventually you change or eventually you die but we must go and if everybody can pick that up like he said fear changing your average reality we can go now it's a reality now we're moving so when you look at everybody here 90 or something like that of of millionaires was self-made so majority of people not coming from trust funds and coming from wealthy families most of the new millionaires were self-created those are the people who believed that they could that's why i sit around the people who believe they could and i believe we can and we're going to keep doing it it's just a reality to it trapped in said it you don't even know trap just said this he set us up for some now because i can't un-think what i what i think it was something different about being in these countries mike is talking about it going studying the different philosophies i said man we've been to go around the world in 30 days [Laughter] we're going around we're doing seven city seven days tour educating after that spiritually educating for ourselves it's brotherhood let's take a flight bro 30 days we're gonna go around the world we're gonna take 30 days and go to every single place that we can around the world go around the world in 30 days and come back and go back to work yeah can't uh can't see it i am so glad y'all came today man that's a blessing for both of us really it was this was so much more than i expected hmm you know what i'm saying for real appreciate that king so you know i think so too because we do have the opportunity to be around a lot of a lot of cool people but being cool doesn't mean everything and making money doesn't mean everything either for sure but i i really believe that the work that you guys are doing is setting the stage for something big a shift and a shift in the future yeah and opportunity and like you said it's not a it's not a white thing it's not a black thing it's not any any type of color thing it's it's a circumstances versus possibilities thing and you're shining light on the ability of anyone who wants it to go after it and get it we've been trying to outline that for people's health right we've taken that approach and that's where we've been living that and trying to do everything possible we have our own stories and reasons about why that is inspiring to us to try and get people healthier but you guys are doing the same thing in the financial space and that's why we have to be together because these things go together hell yeah you know your health is wealth and and sometimes you've got to have money to be able to create the right circumstances for yourself to be healthy they go together hell yeah it's important it makes it easy it's important for our audiences people who are all in on fitness but don't have anything going for themselves otherwise and don't have that financial literacy yet to get that and vice versa vice versa it's both a struggle right yeah it is i don't have a problem making money that damn 30 day challenge almost died right and i'm like yo my head is spinning i'm laying on the floor going these burpees after this and i'm going yeah it just sounds so easy and it's a struggle that's something i struggle with right and that's why when i connect with him i'm like okay i'm going to purposely build relationships with people who have mastered that because now i know i have a struggle and a problem that i have to overcome see okay you made the money now fix that yeah and now it goes um this is harder yeah right because now mentally i've done this like he said it's no excuses it's just the same way i've been able to master financial literacy master business mastery and growth in this i have to mastermind you have to make yourself uncomfortable yeah by eating things you don't necessarily like mm-hmm eating less of what you like what i'm saying getting up early whether start out with a walk bro yeah a two-mile walk until it you're gonna start running it because it's going to be like it's too easy you're going to be walking faster until you're running you know what i'm saying i've seen this time and time again you know what i'm saying and it would the glory of that of you transforming your body would be so great oh yeah i'm saying like me i'm in shape there's nothing near yeah i'm saying i can get more in shape but who cares what i'm saying like like the the the listen it's a huge correlation from what our gut and our brains like it's a relationship between our stomach and our brains it literally is physically right and you're operating on a very high frequency just imagine if you shed the excess how high you're going to be operating and vibrating bro this is your second the second brain right right but it really was your first brain and if you look at you know evolution single very single cell organisms had just a means to for food for light or whatever you know what i'm saying so it's all it's very much so connected you know what i'm saying so bro you will be billionaire status as soon as you don't say straight up you know today july 27th what are we doing man it starts today like what are we doing you know what we doing there's no excuses what are we doing we're gonna get started what are we doing yeah what are we doing with it and and that's that's that's the part and this is the power of i'm going with people who want to go i'm getting on the boat with people who want to go accountability sparring partners people who are better and experts in other industries and that's a that's something that i know and realize i got a problem with so now as i tell people to challenge and i challenge people to make good financial habits and financial behaviors to strengthen now i'm held accountable publicly at that that now on july 27 you made a commitment to focus on your health 30 days from now we see what it's like that's the fact that we just six days keep that going here's the thing let's say 30 days in that 30 day span you do good for 10 days big deal the next 30 days maybe it's 12 days it's not an overnight switch because that's unrealistic exactly it's unrealistic but over time and and the younger we are when we get locked into it the better because when i was a trainer in the gym there was it was sad man people who doctors are sending them to get a trainer it's too late it's technically not but the older people get the more unhealthy they get it's just they can't make that adjustment you know what i'm saying it's just very it's too hard so getting like this is something that we all need to be addicted to because it just enhances our quality of life that's it he just turns up just now man i watch billions that's my favorite show okay i got my i got my team studying it my students okay they're studying it you notice axelrod and chuck they both work out you meditate both of them work out train and meditate and meditate you know what i'm saying yep that's a huge staple in both of our protocols you know what i mean uh meditate sauna like all of these things that make you suffer yeah but i actually do i got a sign in my house chirotherapy i've been doing that i got a son and a gym in my house okay so i don't i don't right everything you said the meditation room then it's there all of that it's just i'll go down and go into my office 30 days bro you listen listen bro we on it you owe it to yourself so i was taught meditation in anger management class he didn't call it meditation he was just saying his breathing exercise and then one day and i was like i was at an age where i just accepted it like all right i'll try this i would just fall asleep or whatever but near the end i was like oh this is kind of cool but i didn't really put two and two together so one day um i'm dealing with i'm on a flight from miami to here and dealing with business [ __ ] on both ends with the shady wi-fi so i'm trying to communicate this to this and it's not going through fat i'm just hot like people lying and [ __ ] so we get off the plane the five-hour flight for like five minutes that's how hot i was right i get off the plane i just stopped in the middle of the airport i didn't care how i looked and i just i'm gonna do my breathing exercises i'm [ __ ] pissed right now and bro like i sat there for like i don't know maybe five minutes and it gave me like two weeks of peace no no cap bro so then i started doing it for real and i know the benefits of it and it's hard to do with busy people because we're busy to take five minutes out of your day it's kind of like [ __ ] i gotta i'm gonna just do this first stop saying stop the brain from thinking and working you stop it it's so beneficial it's so beneficial man like once you do it once you tap into it you want to like yo i i owe myself at least five minutes a day you owe yourself you give yourself you are you you're a hunter you are hunting for your tribe you owe it to yourself because nobody else is going to give you that peace for five minutes no one can give it to you only you can do it for yourself yeah you we all owe it to ourselves trust me on this meditation it's a game changer it i feel like it gives me like gps for all my decisions for life like i get it okay i should do this you know what i mean but yo it's getting late definitely man i appreciate y'all so much for coming out like wow i got y'all information linked in the in the description y'all make sure y'all check them out follow these brothers wise beyond i can't i don't have the words to quantify what these guys got man and um i i signed up for your program i'm signing for yours too i haven't went through it yet but i'm going to do it and yours i'm going to actually do it right because i don't know what i don't know everything you know what i'm saying but the stuff that i did see in yours i'm like yo this is [ __ ] tangible anybody can do this one right here right you know i'm saying like there's so many things in it that you can big level to small level make extra five thousand ten thousand dollars a month like it's you know what i'm saying so it's a lot of value there and i used to judge people who do programs yeah because i knew a lot of people that's just like their business was just teaching people giving advice only you know what i'm saying like what have you done though like what have you done tangibly but i've met a lot like not just y'all other brothers too that is legit and have legitimate programs and courses and i salute i subscribe you know what i'm saying thanks and um and i need to get more savvy with the with i got you bro let's do it with the stock market one thing though about that of course because we as as core sellers a lot of things get questioned about people selling courses right me myself i pride myself on always becoming a better businessman so the things that i was teaching when i started are completely different now see it's not like my program like recession proof you understand that it's not just a financial literacy it's so many things about mastering the internet whether it's content creation whether it's how to do a webinar and launch your business because people can't launch businesses they can't start businesses running ads is something that's foreign language but a business doesn't exist without advertising and marketing correct so that's tall and it starts to become fundamental for everybody to have to be able to take it to the next level but myself i have to practice and do the things that i teach people go how do you make a hundred thousand dollars in a day i go this was my blueprint to make 100 000 in a day advertisement facebook as instagram as digital products that i provide you with or how to create your own digital product if you're in another industry i was doing it off of webinars i'm now getting ready to build out and launch a product and i'm trying to show people how i've made a million dollars in a day before and people go what that's not possible let me receive to prove and this is the formula for a year of build out and how much was made prior until building up on this day now i'm in the private jet industry aviation i own a jet people look and go well what's that benefit everybody else well guess what success leaves clues so as i build this out i'm showing everybody what we do how to elevate how to make more money how to go to the next level and i think that it's now becoming more acceptable for people to say let me just learn from somebody else's losses or else take three or four years five years to go figure it out and learn but when somebody has had exponential growth and so many different relationships that everything starts to come un in-house you go now i can cut my learning curve in half because he like yo nah dividends like this like he says dividends like i i never touch stocks until him say yeah you buy enough stocks and things that you believe in to where the dividends can buy you more stocks and now you got a continuous snowball effect it's not what you finish is what you start that these this is the information that now goes yeah i'm a course buyer oh 100 oh yeah i'm a horse buyer i just spent we both in masterminds it's been 55 000. yeah it's not that we're going to get something we got a flower next week right they ain't no astronomical they got a blue magic pill no they have more things to elevate and help me take it to the next level that i didn't think about it's just improvement on improvement and it's a it's a tangible pretty a transactional relationship i paid for information to help me become better and the information that i need not everything i take the information i need implement it get better that's it and just like we can go to college and do years now we can cut the learning curve and go learn straight from somebody who actually does it and that's enhanced by the internet right and if we don't know how to monetize the internet then we lose correct so every everything is needed and when you we see people that's like experts it would be foolish for me to see a micro sheet and everything that you've been able to do with your brands the different formulas and the the different workouts and every how you integrate it in your industry vertically everything with fitness you do or have i can look at that business model now that's a fact and go i don't got to be in fitness to mimic the business model that you have that's a fact i can be in financial literacy and credit and do it you could be in stocks and do it and just learn business structures a lot of times that's the key to success is the ability to learn and a lot of times people want to get walked through and they lose the ability to learn now we make it easy to learn because we speak in your language we make it digestible we come from we talk to people who understand what we're saying and we did what you have to do because we were standing there right and then you pick it up and guess what you now have a responsibility to turn around and educate your people if you look frowned on people who sell education you're selfish and you will never pass that education on other people because you you don't have a willingness to learn and be a student and then turn around and say okay i do have a duty that it's people that i know who probably should be watching this podcast or watching this episode and they're not watching right now but i'm watching and if you picked up any tangible jewel then you now have a responsibility to go back and tell people who could benefit from it who are willing to listen and willing to execute you have a it's your job right and that became our jobs now it's like we learned a way out since we figured a way out if we get out and don't go back and tell other people that you just got to go this way to get out then we're doing a disservice to our community and everybody who we leave behind yeah yo brain mind-blown now the value the the the wealth of knowledge you guys have and and not just the knowledge the the implementation of it i mean y'all are living examples of it you know so you know salute roses flowers smash all the accolades you know what i mean um very happy you guys came down straight up exactly coming back man definitely coming back man we want to encourage all of all of our people who are watching to tap in tap in check this out advance yourself the same way as you maybe you got the workouts on lock at this point maybe you're still working on that too but no matter what you have to attack all areas all areas of your life be solid completely solid all right and we outta here appreciate that man dessert you
Channel: Mike Rashid
Views: 137,445
Rating: 4.965055 out of 5
Id: -WvdY9RNK08
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 108min 51sec (6531 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 27 2021
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