Black Millionaire Masterminds - Episode #121 w/ The Circle Of CEO's

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realize that you haven't been somewhere so you can't tell somebody how to get there people can't believe and see your vision and dream you need to get around people who already believe in the vision and see the same thing that you see potentially even if you're not going down the same exact path they just know it's something down that river i'm ready are y'all ready i need y'all following me real quick all right all right i now want to bring to the stage some people i have a whole lot of respect for first and foremost is one of the most influential people in atlanta hey look man we're about to get into this conversation man i think what you guys are doing is phenomenal and um i think the first question is how did this come about you know i mean i know the story because some people think it's you know like some some r b groups they were put together like drew hill it wasn't like they were organic they came together like that so how do we get the circular ceos going me and jason was friends first me and jason were friends uh what 19 years now met at a telemarketing spot you know making seven miles an hour you know what i'm saying we just became best friends since day one and uh i met the second person i met was marcus at the masters of the game with e.t what's the matter with the game it's uh there was a group of people that uh e.t and cj hand-picked all across the country uh 20 or so entrepreneurs that have mastered their game and he put us all in the room you know what i'm saying and um you know i always tell people to talk about how important it is to get in the room and that's how i met four of the five of the ceos him at the conference uh i met him at the philly conference e.t again and then i met him through uh jason at another networking event and we were the masters of the game and he was the masters of the game as well so y'all remember so y'all were in the room y'all connected this magical much like what's going on here just absolutely just like this just like this you know what i'm saying and uh it was really organic though you know i'm saying how we all kind of got together for the certain ceos literally just a lunch we literally uh went to pasha in atlanta one day and i think it was three of us was me you and marcus right yeah and then uh i think marcus told neil to pull up and then justin like called us randomly like what y'all doing y'all at lunch i'm about to pull up too so him literally making that call like yo i'm about to pull up on lunch with y'all and we just had such an amazing conversation that day it was a it was a powerful conversation and the shooter came and we filmed our first video and it went viral and at that point we was like yo let's let's go ahead and uh put this together for sure so can somebody tell me what the circle of ceos is actually yeah vote marcus it was a lunch date let me say let me say let me say how we really had to come we had to come up with a name so as many of y'all saw we went to kroger one day and um decided to give back to the community you was there um and all the reporters and things that make sure they just kept saying so who are you guys who are you guys and we were just like marcus we just started naming each other like y'all ain't got no name it was just too many names it was like it was annoying like trying to give five names that's really why we had to just make it a thing because of cnn and everybody else like who are y'all so we was like all right now you tell them what the original name you want to call us ceo cartel ceo cartel all right so let me i got to tell you real quick i know where that name came from okay so me justin maddie maddie jay and coryell we were putting together like a mastermind it was called ceo cartel that's where i got that from i feel like i did i did make it my name though i didn't make up the cartel we go we was going with it and justin said but i think we probably should clear that with like matty jade he may have bought the domain dave got the domain and we called maddie j and maddie was like no i got the domain and i use it and i use the llc so we couldn't use it uh but with the circle of ceos is that a lot of times it's just like everybody that's in this room we was just getting together masterminding everybody could add so much value to each other and then just commodity about being around people that's that's striving and building a business and building everybody building empires we was really just masterminding and hanging out with each other it was that's really what it was about because like me me and uh jason both married neil married right we spent a lot of time in our business and with our wives but we don't really get that the brotherly love to just hang out and just shoot the breeze and talk about business talk about life talk about relationships we don't get that so that's really what we was really doing at the masterminds it became ceo circle once we put the name to it because then we started putting actionable plans that we wanted to do so as we started building out and what we wanted to do building our plans and everything that we was going to do it it turned into the ceo circle and now we have like you know we got a conference coming up um june 19th and that's where it came from but originally it just came from us building and just you know being each other's accountability partners in life and everything like that just really having that commodity amongst each other and neo i i call neo the conductor man uh he moved to atlanta from philly and really just started putting on all type of events and i don't know if it was there was no agenda he's like yo i'm just going to rent out the bowling alley and he didn't ask nobody for no money in my head i'm like all right i got some i got a little stuff i want it i mean you just yell yeah everybody just just come on out and then we we did this thing where we uh we still play every wednesday we play basketball and he just brings people together like what's the importance behind why why do you do that so often i just like having fun like my life is just fun like every day i wake up i get to do it there's no strategy there's no philosophy behind it no there wasn't no logic i just like to get around uh people who are you know going places and i think it's a lot of synergy in the room like this is why this conference is so important you get to be around people who are thinking like you most people you go home they can't understand why you would go to miami and be around other like-minded people who also invested in themselves so i'm always conscious about who i'm around because it's important like whoever you surround yourself with you're going to become that so i like to i like to put rooms together i like to put rooms together where we can add value to one another and help people get to the next level someone said it backstage yesterday i forgot i don't know was shot someone said it maddie but conversations change compensation like the people you're talking to they're going to be directly correlated with the paper you make right everybody i talk to every day they're all getting to it they all making it happen why uh i choose that so you got to choose who you talk to right and that's justin always say whatever you tune into you turn into so i'm very conscious of who i'm constantly around but i like bringing people around because i just see a lot of great things happen when we do that but what about the person that they are they're here in this room but they're going to go back to their city and they don't have the right um it's not the right environment right their friends aren't on the same path as them would you advise them to take the information and then give it to their five friends who aren't on the same path or do you find a whole another group or what's the so it's two things um you can create you can create your own group in your city create this group with people who want to get to like everyone in this room should go back start your little mini group of people who hey i'm hosting this event come through we just gonna mastermind and build you come you come if you don't you don't but most people don't miss out on the opportunity because it's not a paycheck tied to it i tell people all the time most people miss out on opportunities because there's no paycheck tied to the opportunity so you got to one start your own room and then you got to be going to events like these joining communities like this constantly doing this because it's going to make you better so i'm sorry i'm gonna add a bar to that um the crazy thing is yeah we had that first mastermind at pasha but originally we did the same thing y'all did we got we booked the ticket booked the hotel we went to 10x conference and outside of the conference i don't know who i deal it was but we had a mastermind that's the first time i met marcus first time i met neil first time i met josh first time i met all these guys so before we had the actual sit down we went seek information got together same thing we're telling you all to do this is exactly how we came about we went to somebody else's conference we was way in the back somewhere sitting down but we saw each other and we was like yo let's make the night let's talk and we just started building from there so it's it's power and proximity like you said like if you in the room you don't have to people don't have to look like you you know what i'm saying go find somebody that works like you go find somebody that thinks like you you know so we're so caught up in what this person got on or his swag ain't like mine or he from a different you talk different none of that matter when you're talking about business and sharpening your tool you know what i'm saying so one i want to say one more thing too let me a second um that's good that's good i'm gonna tell you i'm gonna tell you all the actionable steps y'all gonna take is that right now all it takes is for a post in the in the facebook group that we all belong in right we're all apart everybody in here is a part of the facebook group start dropping what state you from because when you build your group of five don't build it off of popularity don't build it off of where you're comfortable at build it off of people who trying to get to the destination because a lot of times people make the mistake and they try to take people with them that somewhere they haven't been yet and they don't believe right the worst thing you want is people on on you're trying to put people on a boat that they're trying to get off of right so they putting holes in the boat trying to get out and they gonna sink the boat so what you want to do is realize that you haven't been somewhere so you can't tell somebody how to get there people can't believe and see your vision and dream you need to get around people who already believe in the vision and see the same thing that you see potentially even if you're not going down the same exact path they just know it's something down that river right and if they believe it's something down that river and you believe it's something down that river then damn it now you've got somebody who's gonna roll and push the boat with you versus you telling your friends that don't believe hey i know we can be successful as entrepreneurs and this that and third they're like well you ain't did it yet understand they don't believe because you have to come back and show them proof later you don't lose you're not losing love or losing friendships but understand you gotta leave people where they at and go do what you need to do then you can send a life raft back so so just i wanted to ask you based on what marcus said you wouldn't advise somebody to be the savior of their friends to be the one inspiring and motivating the group of people who aren't inspired because that's their circle yeah i think it depends right uh i i was always told you know you you change the people you're around or you change the people you're around and so that really hard yeah change the people around or you change the people around and so what i've done is everything's organic and i think you just you you be yourself and you do you um sometimes it's necessary to take a season of separation from people i call it taking a vacation from people where it's just like you know what i still love you you're my friend but i may have to disconnect for you for a little while but i it's almost like a party right like if somebody's like oh my my partner party was lame i'm like yeah but you was there too right so add it to the label so you kind of add it to the laminator so if you're like in my city nobody wants to do this well you live there too so maybe maybe you could change something that you could bring something together because listen atlanta we've all been here but you look at it there's been a shift over the last probably 18 and 24 months but a lot of the people have been in the city and so what it means is you probably have people like this in your city you just got to connect with them you got to come to the events tune into the people that are tuning in to the right information and then yeah like i said if they don't if they don't change then you change the people around you but uh like marcus said sometimes what people are trying to do is they're trying to just go to somebody that's like at the top already it's like you know and let's just say for instance you're at the top i'm dm you hey dave we got to get together i'm like well you know maybe right but you know my one of my mentors asked me this he was like we've all been told that you're the average of your five closest friends so he said what you got to think about is if somebody's at a high level of income why would they want you to be in that five because by default by them associating with you their value goes down so it works for the positive but also works for the negative unless you can provide some value and so what i've learned to do is just hey i stay in my circle i grow myself i improve myself and then when the time is right those opportunities to present themselves i love it alex yeah that was good that was good i want to know the um the effect of social media because i would imagine that obviously y'all went to that conference right yeah did you guys see each other's content like stuff that you're posting before you actually connected or did it another way around no no no um i think that we are we was familiar with each other you know like the entrepreneur circle we know what everybody doing how are you familiar how do you get familiar with somebody well jason put me on to justin you know what i'm saying a while back how did you meet justin i met justin jason how did you meet yourself i've been doing justin since he was a kid really right right him and my wife go to the same kingdom hall i want to say something too though so he put me on it justin i started following justin justin didn't follow me back at first right i was i started making a little bit of noise he then followed me after watching me for a minute i never forget he dm'd me he's like yo bro i just want to introduce myself to you i see you out here moving and shaking i don't know you know i do something different than you but i don't know if we could just link up and just see if there's any synergy in it any synergy there and i was like yo you know what let's do that so we met he came to my office and buckhead and there was no intention like no like pre-determined of what we were going to accomplish we just knew we needed to be in the room together and let's just talk tell me what you do i'll tell you what i got going on and let's just see if there's any value that could be be exchanged and we've been friends ever since you know what i'm saying so i the crazy thing is i've seen i think i saw y'all kind of in the same way like you meet somebody before you meet him in person you kind of see what they got going on right so you probably saw his page was like yo this is pretty cool let me follow right or like i know um neo you you really moved through these social media streets in terms of adding value for somebody who just doesn't understand how to create content or how to brand themselves online what would it would be some advice you would give them for where they're at right now yeah i mean just add value really uh i think something that marcus and i stand on is just value content but now if you're good at something start sharing as much free value as possible so they can begin to associate you with that person who adds value and as an expert in the marketplace so start posting you said you said some great keys up here about posting multiple times a day using those three different posting strategies so that would that was a major key that i would suggest but i would really say start adding value start putting up pictures start putting up videos and just giving everything you know away for free and then also what i do is similar just how can i add value if i know you got something going on i'm trying to see how i can complement what you got going on and i don't want nothing in return there's no arterial movement let me just see i can add value and the universe is going to pay i see a lot of y'all do this too there's a question for me personally in terms of the lifestyle marketing you know can somebody give me the philosophy behind that because i was i was really gonna just get on a plane just cuz i don't know if it works what is it like you got that talk to me about marcus this lifestyle market you can't hide the money huh the money can't hide the money you can't hide the money listen i'll be hiding the money a little bit i mean i you know nah but this is this is what happened is that it's a misconception of lifestyle marketing and somebody who reaches their dreams it's as growing up in the community of certain things that we want in the certain things that we desire right and as you reach different pinnacles you start to your taste buds start to change right if somebody only ate pork chops they would assume that it tastes like steak until you eat a ribeye you don't know the difference right it's the same thing that goes on as we start building businesses and we start making money the things that we've seen as kids we they say make a vision board and put everything that you desire on that vision board when it comes to fruition people say oh that's lifestyle marketing to me is accomplishing my goals and my dreams of what i set out to do the things that i aspired that i wanted to have right nobody says nobody i don't i guarantee on nobody's vision board does they have a quote of i'm going to get rich and and and only buy black people's t-shirts you know what i'm saying it's not there it's the house it's the business that they want it's gonna be something financial it's gonna be something spiritual health-wise everything is gonna be there what happens is that live the life that you want to live everybody doesn't want flashy cars but i tell people if you do i came to miami three years ago and rented a ferrari and when i posted the picture of the ferrari i said what's your dream car my dream car is the wraith i didn't have a reef at the time i couldn't afford a rave but i could afford to come to miami have a good time and rent a car and see what that experience was like and so when i started getting in the thing i like cars so i started renting cars driving nice cars and building my business right as i'm building my business once i got to a position to be able to buy a rave i went and bought my dream car so you didn't use it as a strategy to attract people it's just a snapshot in your life where you're at right now the thing is this right is that the lifestyle is that we all want everybody wants to live a certain life everybody people are attracted to a certain lifestyle i'll tell you this is that nobody's going nobody's gonna go if you see a homeless person on in and they give you advice you're not taking it as as solid advice you're not gonna go live by it right but they could have came and said the same thing mayweather said yesterday and you'd have been like oh man i'm out of here you know what i'm saying but because he's reached a certain level of success it's different and a lot of times people want to give people advice and it's like yo if we both live in an apartment and we both waiting on on this this stemi check to hit what we in the same boat run the same race so sometimes it's like listen i'm willing to go and chase my dreams are you willing to go i'm willing to accomplish my dreams the same ones that you have i'm willing to go so some people if you go rent a car in miami imagine it's people that can rent a car in miami but they won't get on the plane to go to miami they won't be like okay i'ma rent it right because it's like oh man it's faking it fraud or this that the third but inside they want to do it they want to have that fun they want to know what it's like to pull up and get out and valet and it's a different experience right so it's the life that you want to live some people want to tie you made a shirt that said i want to tie 100 make a million tied a million make a million save a million times boom imagine that if somebody goes and and they're taking pictures and they say yo i'm tired i'm i i tied a hundred thousand to my church today right somebody's gonna say man you should do that in quiet if you're really getting it you should do it you should do it on the low this because i'm telling you it's the issue with lifestyle marketing that people get like turned off and think that it's negative but how is it negative to do the things that you want to do how is it it's always some kind of negative to something so my reason being with the lifestyle what i'm saying is that what people talking about that's right man live do what you want to do right there tell you x y and z do what you want to do be who you want to be and if you want to drive nice cars go do that go to go to somewhere and rent it before you can buy it once you can afford to buy it then buy it and then what you do is like it's people out there that desire and want to live the same life that you want to live so when you come to marketing it's your marketing your lifestyle lifestyle marketing is marketing you if you go to church every day the national lifestyle marketing you're gonna go to church every day if you're going to market a flashy lifestyle private jets and cars because that's what you want to do there's a market of people who get attracted by that if you want to go out and only support black businesses there's a market for that so your lifestyle marketing is living what you really believe in finding that audience when it comes to it so when when it comes to um i guess and i'd love to hear from everybody man um i guess starting with you josh when you go to post something what's going through your head is it let me show these people that it's possible let me show what i'm doing am i posting it because it's accomplishment i just want to share it with the world so i think i want to go through the rest of you all when you're about to post what is going through your head uh two things like uh i need to get your attention and then i got to educate you at the same time and at the beginning it wasn't natural for me to post at all so i had this thing on sundays where i would pay my my bills for the week every sunday so i didn't have to be thinking about it this was like years ago so before i could get good at like posting consistently i used to literally have to plan out every post on sunday so sunday i'm like what am i posting on monday what am i posting on tuesday what am i posting on wednesday and i got in the habit of like doing that consistently over and over and over again so now when i start posting it's like alright cool i gotta have something that you know can attract people maybe i throw in some my personality i throw on some of business acumen or an accomplishment or something like that and then i gotta throw some education uh to them because i want everything to be teaching people in some shape form or fashion uh when it comes to uh to my business but you know and why are you teaching um because i just try to help the next person because i think we live in a special time like our parents inhabits we didn't even have this when we was kids to be able to learn from other people i was just in a bubble like you know i built my business when i first started i had to go to gas stations and talk to people and walk up to them at the mall now i can do it on social media by posting a nice picture a nice video and now they come to you so it's like it's it's like i got to be able to show people that hey what i'm doing you can do two if you learn this stuff you apply these principles then you can grow too so i'm trying to get their attention but also educate them or entertain them in every post gotcha alex man yo mentors are so important man you know what i'm saying because i got some of the best advice i got was um when i met cj man 2018. he looked at my page and he was like i'm going through your page and it's cool you know what i'm saying but um it's like 50 lifestyle 50 trucking so okay cool he was like yo i need you to do 90 trucking 10 percent lifestyle 90 trucking 10 lifestyle she told me to do so i was like okay that doesn't sound fun but whatever right and um toy it's a tool yeah yeah for sure so i started doing that right and um i was just being transparent man like i love being transparent on social media and just showing like behind the scenes what i had going on you guys remember like when i had 2015 when i was really starting to get heavy on there with nobody talking about trucks it wasn't really cool but um i just enjoy showing like behind the scenes of an industry that a lot of people didn't know about you know real quick i'm sorry can we give him his flowers real quick because literally how many black people got trucks now or the possibilities that's ninja this is like history book stuff i'm sorry [Applause] not for sure but i'm you know i'm gonna take too long but it's funny because i had ups and downs of trucking right and i showed the entire journey even before i started consulting i was just showing my journey when i got the first one when i got the third one when i lost like a few of them to accidents when i launched drivers when i had to revamp my company like i just showed the whole process and it's so funny because i realized that the the reason that the consultation and my courses are so successful is because people literally go back on your page i got you up to seen somebody like a pick from five years ago like it's like weird as hell like yo why you like a picture five years ago but what i realized is yo people really doing they they homework on you you know what i'm saying and um yo just um making sure like if you look at my page now you'll see like a revamp you'll see like it's like a whole new page right now yeah and i just decided man since you know they blew me up man the people like really blew good energy up so i just decided in 2021 i'm just gonna give y'all game or game on games so if you go to my page you know what i'm saying like yo i recorded over a hundred videos literally a hundred videos just giving y'all nothing but game on the industry and um you said you you recorded and posted or you like you batch no i flew my camera crew right my marketing team they're from australia i flew in the camera guy he spent a week with me at my house and i just i just filmed for an entire week i got enough videos to post for the rest of this year this is i'm just giving y'all a game and i tell people on time if you feel like you're giving away too much game um you might not know enough man [Music] what's up you might not know enough you know what i'm saying so i just thought like if you see if you go on my highlights if you see how much stuff i give away i always joke and say imagine what's in the uh paid course so nah just just value man i'm just here to serve man i'm here to serve my instagram i'm gonna say i'm gonna say one thing too oh go ahead y'all clap for me i clubbed it out clapped it though thank y'all i want to say something to what you were saying is how many people in here like y'all know y'all gonna be successful like no no no it's a week no don't believe it i think this side said they know they're gonna be successful a little shaky right if you know he's gonna be successful check it out check it out if you know you're gonna be successful if y'all go back through everybody's page you're gonna see a story line and so what i was doing like when i was broke like if y'all go way to the beginning i got this picture i'm like in a uh a spa and it's like black bad i'm dark sanding this earth in the shadows and i thought that was relaxation i thought that was lifestyle marketing but it's there because now like alex said you can see like the transition and so what i was doing even when i had no money i was like i'm writing this story so when y'all go back y'all gonna see that this whole thing was real and so some people are worried about starting where you are but you gotta like you gotta say this is like chapter one and then chapter two is when i make six figures and then chapter three is when i make six figures a month and chapter four is when i make y'all get what i'm saying so you gotta start documenting that process now like you know you're gonna be successful yes yes yes yes yes this is two weeks out when you're posting when you're about to give your audience some what's going through your head um but for one i don't post a lot your stories be lit though my stories polka dots you don't get from when i wake up you're gonna get every hour of the day in my stories um so you think you use stories more than the feed the actual yes absolutely i've been on instagram five years i got like 400 pictures i was telling him yesterday like damn boy you got five thousand pictures on your instagram 20 2800 whatever we different but i'll say this um and i use alex's example again i'm a true believer in building my business page so yeah i don't post a lot on my personal page but my business page is posting every three hours my business page has a half a million followers i spend ten thousand dollars a month on ads for my business page you get what i'm saying and in doing so like it's a lot of things in social media that a lot of people don't know like you guys might have a business but your business page might not be a business page like i had to literally tell alex like yo bro turn your page into a business page why so you can run ads alex had 4 000 followers at one point but he had videos with a hundred thousand views how because he got the right information and he learned how to do it so we feed our posts and things of that nature but that's those are the things that i do on my business page so my business page is popping you'll see us in the shade room once a week no matter what you're gonna see us on ball alert hollywood unlock you're gonna see me everywhere but it's not a job for me on my personal page on your personal i'd be interested in knowing and your stories how many views are you getting in your stories um when i'm on vacation we get down there 20. 20 000 yeah but during the day like a regular day it's like 15 10 15. for some reason yeah okay neil i want y'all to say write these three things down when you're posting quick question cause i'm i'm curious to know uh how many people here since you've been here you at least posted 10 stories raise your hand make make some noise if you posted 10 stories only you that's pretty good how many people posted at least a couple times on your page since you've been here right so the idea everyone should be posting so when you're posting they capping yeah i know the camera some of y'all captain so whenever when i'm being a practice reader okay i just want to i'm taking the game right now okay go ahead neil said post so there's a couple of things right you want to educate and inform and entertain like when i'm posting those are the few things that i'm thinking about how can i educate somebody how can i inform how can i entertain and for me how can i inspire because for me i need people to understand for y'all who do or do don't know me my dad been in jail since i was two kicked out of high school college far from ten jobs from west philly i need somebody to think like oh crap if nehemiah can do that with no credentials no college education no father no nothing that means i can do it so when i'm posting i'm thinking about that individual who's looking at this like oh crap that dude came from nothing was able to make this happen i can do that too everyone here you have to get good at sharing your story you see we say we're sharing stories all day i'm trying to inspire and educate people on everything that i'm doing and when you begin to do that you're going to gain trust from people people are going to want to do business with you but a lot of you are doing so good at what you do but no one knows what you do so it's like it's if you're not using social media to your benefit right now you're you're you're losing time so i'm going to say that again make a point today to post make it a point today to share stories making the post today to just start letting the world know that you're here and you're here to stay so one good post recommendation everybody here should do a reintroduction post because none of you guys are going to return to your city the way you came you're going to be better you're going to be smarter you want to make more money you're going to be living a certain type of life so you need to allow people to get to know the new you because 2021 is your year i love it yo yeah i need to i need you to talk real quick because i don't know if they if they caught the infomercial strategy but ever since i've used it i've seen my income jump yeah so can you walk through that real quick so most people is not going to do it uh because i'm posting too much like marcus said yo bro you posted i don't care me hurt i don't i don't one i don't care what no one say i'm gonna do it i'm gonna do what i want to do in general but if every night i could post this for three times four times and wake up with extra thousand two thousand do that for me it's worth it so one of the things i recommend people do is go ahead anybody seen the infomercial before they've been running them our entire life on tv i'm assuming because they're generating billions of dollars no one is going to keep running something that doesn't work so what i'll say every night you could just do one or two posts a night selling whatever your product is overnight people are trying to get better at night they're trying to get out their situation at night they're trying to just see what can i do tonight so a lot of times i wake up like yo i saw that story i woke up and i just had the bite so i recommend everybody just post a few times overnight we use assault we use hootsuite so you don't got to manually do it you don't got to stay up all night and post like it posts on itself and then in the morning you are comfortable say that app again uh hootsuite and you can use a so our va do all the posting and then she do all the archives so by the time we wake up it's gone so overnight it's like if you were asleep you didn't see it anyway but those people were up you know you get paid and i caught i called you the other day because i sent i think i sent you a dm and uh that's some new stuff bro yeah no yeah because you got to get that game i sent you i sent them a dm and then like almost like a questionnaire popped up like yo do you want to do you want to buy my e my e-book or something like that i called him immediately i said what is going on i want that right can you share yeah so we all need to know i'm looking right at me i'm trying to laugh at somebody's shoes he's sitting at a table across from me i text neo yesterday i s he did not have his phone in his hand and it texts me back automatically i said and you looking at him what you doing out here yeah the game come on completely no so for me i get a lot of dms like i'm sure everyone do right so i'm trying to automate as much stuff as possible so now when you come on my dms like we got a software that we're using where it responds to comments responds to stories it's called what i'm saying it's the software that we use i know what you said it's not called you can't even you can't even get the software that's why you can't even get it so don't it's on beta test so anyway responding to the company are you building it you're building this yourself no i didn't build it no i didn't do it uh somebody don't let this man question your death man you see how you do it right here so we get these answers more of the stories the software do all the work it responds it answers it's a bot it does respond to comments responding stories do all that work so for me if i'm getting all these dms that's not being responded to now they're being responded to gotcha so i want to auto as much stuff can i use it or i got you bro thanks i appreciate it all right so um marcus um the question is for all of you what i'd be interested in knowing is the journey in numbers journey in numbers so i don't know how far back you can remember or if you feel you know comfortable sharing neo tucking your chain that's hitting the mic okay give me a so um um yes i don't know you know if we can remember back 2015 then 16 and 17. because i think it's important to like know the journey right i don't know if you're comfortable sharing you know what's going on right now in terms of financially but anybody i'd love to hear the journey because i think people think it just happens overnight nah so um it's definitely you michael it's definitely you yo i was hoping it wasn't i knew it was too you looking at me i'm tough um over the years what happened was i remember starting out starting my business and i was playing it was just like something to do on the side and i said oh well you know i really can do this and the goal was to make a hundred thousand dollars a year i don't know where that number comes from but i think everybody has that goal is that we make hundred thousand dollars a year we're successful what year was this where 2015. 2015. yeah so god lee i'm going i want to make a hundred thousand a year so i'm trying to figure out how to balance it and i'm sorry last question how much did you make that year or like where was what was your situation that year where you wanted to make 100. 2015 i probably was making about thirty forty thousand probably about forty thousand dollars a year i remember just six years ago you were making 30 40 000 yeah and then i turned it up the next year and in 2016 i started working harder but i was only you know it was it was me so i'm like yo i don't i did different kind of businesses and hustles you know when we growing up we was doing some craigslist and stuff like that from marketing stuff started getting obsolete and so i started learning social media and putting stuff on social media so as i'm running my business at the time i'm still you know invested in real estate you know trying to go out and buy properties and just flip my money right and um i started getting close to about that hundred thousand dollars a year in about 2016 and it was okay and in 2017 i started discovering like trade lines and and start how to leverage credit and i'm starting to figure it out and it it started to grow and i go i was trying to get my credit together to build other businesses and invest start helping people with credit to be a side hustle to kind of start helping me make money since i knew what to do i started making money off of it i started doing trade lines and i y'all know y'all know the story right it's like bro if i'm making over six figures doing this i ain't going nowhere so i continued to kind of like still play with real estate that's all i knew like real estate we had a tax office um my credit repair company so this is what i was doing those things that i can control so then i started it was a hundred thousand and it started going up to like two to fifty so i'm like okay i'm at a real good place um what year is this about 2017 2017 2018. so about 2017 2018 about a quarter 17 it started getting it started getting good it was okay so you know real quick i just want i want y'all to like if you're following the story 30 40 how many well i mean you don't have to raise your hand but a lot of us make 30 40 000 with the right information a little bit of work ethic in a couple years we can get to quarter million yo that's like 10x your income yeah 8x 10 extra income no matter where you are right now and that's why i just want to go through these journeys because i believe everybody was there at one point and if you can see it from the stage and say oh i'm at that marker now at least i have something to chase okay i'm sorry go ahead so i stayed there um for a while i was stagnant because life was it's good right where i come from life was good i owned i own my own home he had like investment properties i was able to drive nice cars i was able to take my family to disney world you know life was good i was okay one of my friends was like he showed me somebody on instagram on private jets and stuff and i said is that i'm like excuse me what the is that right i'm looking going damn this look fun right so i'm like i never thought about going like having fun with like the flashy stuff my thing was nobody knew i drove nice cars at home but i didn't want to tell nobody what i was doing like i hit a lick you know what i'm saying like ain't nobody else getting money like that that i knew so i was like yo life is good i ain't telling nobody so i'm looking i'm like okay we go to the conference when i met alex right now i'm in the room literally alex alex loved to tell the story i love it i would tell it right um i went to masters of the game these dudes is like what i'm well my goal was they was making it a month how much was masters of the game how much did you master the game was a thousand dollars a month twelve thousand a year twelve thousand a year two thousand a year thousand dollars a month but they had to pick you you couldn't just sign up and pay to be in that they had to thank you they had to pick you right and so i did my application i remember having a conversation you know i'm gonna shoot the breeze with the best of them so i get in boom and i'm in there and at this time i'm probably making about two hundred thousand a year and i'm going these dudes i'm making fifty thousand a month sixty thousand a month one dude got three estates multi-million dollar estates three of them and he was like yeah i just don't got time to sell them i go [Music] i'm i'm going home they were heavy and i'm not i'm not ready to be in this room i got work to do but one thing i took out of it like i tell people is this watch when you go in rooms be selective of what you take out you don't need everything right and so i always go in rooms just to take out a handful of things i need a few pieces of information and a few relationships one of the relationships i took was this one one of the pieces of information i took was if you find out a way to feed your family and you don't share that with another man you selfish it took me months to do it though i wasn't telling nobody my life was okay if i tell you what to do you're gonna mess it up for me it was just that was realistically my mentality so when eric thomas said it like you can't be selfish tell somebody else what to do and i i looked at it and then i remember um 2017 december i had my daughter right when i had my daughter i was just like because when i was at master of the game my wife was pregnant so when i had my daughter and i looked at the fact that she came home to a home that we owned i felt a sense of pride looking at my daughter being able to do everything with her i was prideful and i go damn what would it feel like if i couldn't do this for my child so at that point i said okay i'm willing to start helping people and so when i started helping people what my goal for the year was became my goal for a month so i started making a hundred two hundred thousand a year when i started serving people and people started getting results i started making two hundred thousand a hundred thousand dollars a month and i'm going whoa this is different it scared me i'm like i remember calling myself scare you listen y'all ever got scared like the money started got scared let me explain it i i remember and i'm you know i'm a worker so i'm like i remember doing all my consultations i'm in the office and then i'm doing all my my mentorship calls and my wife's like you think you're gonna be coming home at midnight nine thousand dollars a month i'll come home tomorrow you know what i'm saying and hey you know where i'm at you can see it i'm on my story sean i'm in the class in the office right and i was making 90 000 a month out of an office i probably paid 150 200 a month for it right still got the office right but my business started growing because i started serving people and i realized that i was helping people and i was making 100 200 000 a year when i started helping people become successful and and better serving them i started getting better served by the universe it went from a hundred thousand dollars and i started making a hundred thousand a month i remember hitting at two hundred 000 a month but i was at a stagnant place marketing value content just one of the reasons i kind of started growing my business started growing because of neo and then we started having mastermind calls about systems and i realized how can i better help more people what do i need to do to get my business in front of more people well me i was doing my mentorship everybody all my mentees had noticed that when i was doing a mentorship doing my life calls it took up all my time alex will call me and be like damn you still doing all those calls i need to automate that and i'm like nah i like connect with the people talking to people and i started realizing that my waiting list was so long it's like yo bro it's it's a few hundred people sitting here waiting and you just gotta keep telling them no like y'all gotta wait y'all gotta there's people in here that know y'all got denied and was like you gotta wait till next month right and i'll go okay i'm gonna change it i just had to put the systems together and putting the systems together being able to serve people helped me take it to a whole new level and i i think i'm seeing the journey from 30 000 uh you get some information then you get in a room and then you start doing well and then you get in a in a room where people are doing even better and then the systems and then the relationships and then serving but i think everybody wants to do it all right now and because they can't do it all right now it's so frustrating that they quit and say you know what let me just drive uber won't speed up the process say it again quit won't speed up won't speed up the process journey so about six years between 30 000 and today round of applause on that six years yeah so in six years in six years i went from thirty thousand dollars to a eight figure business an eight figure empire 30 000 to eight figures in six years is that possible for you does he have anything that you don't back in thirty thousand yeah yeah i wanna i wanna do mine in a different way i think it'll be important so i've been a full-time entrepreneur the last 14 years i don't know another way like i i don't know 401k fill out an application i knew none of that stuff and i i say to my friends i talked to josh just my wife and like the first seven years in my business i've been doing things i had no business doing like what i had a fruit truck i did junk remove what i did moving like i did all type of stuff and not saying i didn't have no business doing it but that's all i knew at the time because i didn't have a mentor i didn't have nobody teach me about credit i didn't have anybody teaching me about real estate i didn't have any of those things so in those seven years was the most you made in those seven years prior like so i had a demo company so we were getting good contracts like 60 grand sometimes but because i ended up getting a mentor but probably like a hundred maybe if that were a seven year period meaning not not cumulative yeah like some years might have been 100 some years might have been 20 some years might have been third i'm okay i'm that guy i'm okay with you giving me 30 grand a year and i'm working for myself and getting 40 grand and i'm working for somebody else like i'll take i'll take less all day because what people got to understand is you control your time like that's the most you it's not replenishable you can't get more of it once it's depleted you can't yo let me go back to yesterday real quick you can't so it's so important that people got to understand what can i do to control my time even though i make less so just to give you an idea those first seven years i was just doing a bunch of stuff because i had no mentor so what i tell people yo try to find a way to get a mentor as quickly as you can that's why everyone is here for marcus right get a mentor as quickly as you can but start learning skills like i talk about trucking i've been around forever options somebody told me oh options been around i don't know how many years options have been around but none of this stuff is new under the sun so we got to find a way how can we get there quicker but when i when my income really started to change you remember when we was hovering around the same amount of followers why you keep bringing that story up man you be bringing it up no you brought it up just now i didn't mean it like that but i didn't mean it like that but i started investing more in myself and more in my personal development so my income changed as a result of me getting new information oftentimes we don't get new information because we're the smartest people in our team that are in our circle so you are never going to grow if you're the smart if you're the smartest person on your circle you're not in a circle you're actually in the cage so for those seven years i was in a cage because i just didn't you don't know what you don't know so my journey over the last four years has grew crazy but i'm constantly investing in myself so pretty much seven years of kind of just doing this and that whatever i think can make me some money then you get a mentor and then the next four years explode what did that mentor say and how did you find a mentor it i had multiple mentors still to this day i got 10 i got mentor in every area of my life one in this business one in that business you can't get everything for one person essentially so i go here to learn a bunch of things my friends are my mentors i call it friend tours i learn from everybody on the stage because you do something that i don't everyone here does something that i don't do so i can learn that from you right so i say that to say um it really started changing i really start making personal development a a core focus i go to events every month i don't even feel like my wife seven months pregnant i just went to vegas i didn't feel like going to vegas but i realized what one piece of information can do so when you start putting information like information changes situations that that crap is real if you use it that's why me and joshua we go to every conference we could go to we don't miss one but that's why we start generating more income over and over and over because we're learning something that other people don't learn i love it i love it y'all taking notes y'all know i'ma ask y'all what y'all learned today right at the end of this y'all do understand that right okay good so nutshell you get there a lot quicker with the right information that's supplied most people won't apply it though that's a fact that's a fact this is two weeks out that's a quick story on the journey you ain't always been rich right now so my 2015 looked like this um i had a trucking company i've been in trucking for 12 years prior 2016. 2015.50 gotcha he exposed me to trucking yeah he put you on the truck a lot of people don't know he exposed me to it like he's the first person i knew personally that was in it you know i'm saying but he yeah first meeting i'm sitting there with him but um so i was doing the trucking i was making six figures making good money um so to answer that part of the story when you say doing trucking like the 18 wheelers i had box trucks box trucks and i was doing like hard ass work like furniture yeah he was actually driving the truck driving out hooking up washing machines oh you drive the truck and get this right off the truck get out the back of this room washing so i did that from if i was a young stud you know i started doing it when i was 18. and when i was able to get my own truck under my you know my own authority at 22 or something like that i did that from 22 to 32 or whatever you know i mean so i just kept doing that um opportunity presented itself for me to um buy into a gym and i was like okay cool i do that i do both i got two trucks i do you know whatever so i started doing the gym and the gym was failing i hate to fail and i was having such a damn good time training people and seeing people lose weight i got addicted to the results um but i came to a crossroad where the trucks were failing without me physically being on them so i had to make a decision um to pick passion over paycheck so hold on you're driving the trucks then you say okay i'm gonna try to put it in hire some people to drive yeah then do the gym and then i guess both of them start teetering yeah so the gym was actually doing good but i had business partners and i took a salary 500 a week for the gym and like i say the trucks was giving me a hassle so i had to make i came to a crossroads where i had to go lead a gym or the truck so i had a conversation with my wife like i ain't getting back in that damn truck i think i'm dope enough of a trainer from the results that i'm getting from these people that i can crank this up but i need you as my wife to understand they're coming to get this damn mercedes tomorrow they come together outside the big lonnie we had to do some scaling back a lot of people scared of that though man a lot of a lot of people scared to take them else a lot of people scared to be in the benz and then you and your ford your mama's old car all that i had to go through that you know what i'm saying but i saw it was a little light at the end of the tunnel i just knew if i just kept going kept going plus i put my back against the wall so i say the hell with the trucks i pick passion over paycheck get my ass up five o'clock in the morning i'm doing the um gym thing right um but with me missing that lifestyle like i said i've been a boss i've been making money but for this one whole year i made twenty five thousand dollars that whole year four years of 2015 2015. and i was so sick and tired of that that i seeked out so much information that i was trying to do other things i seen everybody else doing i'm like if he could do it doper to him i can do it so i'm on instagram one day and i see a a gym owner that owns a gym down the street from my and i'm on his page and i'm like yeah yeah i uh then my stupid ass started liking pictures i'm like yeah he interested as hell i'm looking at all his pictures in the woods and you know what i mean i'm just liking pictures and he was like homie what up g bryant shout out to g my business partner so um you know long story short he told me what he had going on like i got an online program and i made i've made eight thousand dollars in a month before no he said i made four thousand dollars a month before he said together i believe we could make eight we both got forty thousand followers he was making four thousand he's making four thousand together we could probably you can at least double we can make eight so we came together we caught our program x uh ri 28 results in 28 days did a 28 day program and when we launched it we made eight thousand dollars i said oh uh oh that eight felt good and you didn't have to train nobody for that listen we just shot our videos and boom boom boom so i remember this to a t because the next part of the story is when i brought in um influencer so me and g we grew that business for the next four months i believe by 54 so we went from eight thousand twelve thousand nineteen thousand thirty six thousand so within four months we made thirty six thousand dollars but i'm the type person that's like all right this on fire throw some more gasoline on it let's bring the bills the whistles call everybody so i'm training jocelyn hernandez from loving hip-hop and johnson want me to go to the club and come on party birthday all that i ain't never do none of that with her but i did say listen i need your audience so sometimes people we got businesses and right you might have a business great idea a million dollar idea but you don't have the audience your cousin got a hundred thousand down followers but you don't want to split the pot with your cousin cause it's your idea show baby and like that well i didn't have time for that i was in a rush i needed all i needed all the smoke right then and there so i told johnson to play showed her the bank receipt she said i'm in so we was we made 36 thousand dollars before her the contract said we had at least make 45 000 the following month or the deal is off because we're going by 54 we know our numbers man we put johnson in the mix that witnessed 66 000. the next month we went to 120 000. and since then back in 2016 we've never went up under 120 thousand dollars but but but you left something out he said in 2015 hey wifey got to be comfortable with them coming to take these bends fast facts so 2000 2015 i made 25 000 the whole year 2016 we was making 25 000 on a boring ass friday big difference short period of time and i think people are only looking at a short period of time but they didn't see one make the decision and say all right i'm willing to give up this money i'm gonna go all in on this training they just see the years of you driving trucks pick up the load put it on the truck come back they don't see the work ethic that's been developed right over a long period of time i think a lot of people in the crowd are in that space of i'm i'm doing the labor and that's okay because it makes something of you because now now it's just a digital product if you use that same work ethic to that you're out of here facts i've always been a good worker like i've always been like the chart the number one like i'm always trying to be the best at work me and alex got close we working at a telemarketing job making seven dollars an hour but it was commission if you go crazy so some boys from new york they used to work two shifts and they used to with g checks yeah they used to make a thousand dollars a week yeah and i don't know how the hell i got into alex but it was a challenge of some sort this is how we became best friends right here a challenge of some sort and his cubicle next to my cube we like this and um the boys whatever the challenge presented itself and me and alex was like let's lock in we put them headphones on and we literally was making like 200 a day from seven dollars making that 36 dollars a day whatever it was we ended up making like quadruple that just locking in together side by side what's this like man like like snapshot of call center seven hour now like multi-million dollar bill what does that feel like i would like to stop my story from that first one go ahead go for it it's funny i'm sitting next to you and he was sitting to my left you know what i'm saying years ago while we were making seven dollars and now we had this little cubicle and we did we said to each other we're going we're going to beat them this week because they was always getting the most numbers in the telemarketing spot we locked in we said look this week we gonna lock it we're gonna do it and we did it we beat him and we made our first thousand dollars in one week this is seven dollars an hour job so a thousand dollars back then a week was like amazing to us you know what i'm saying but once that happened once i chased their blood it was over from there right so my journey man so from the seven dollars an hour to i'm gonna start with the uh when i first got in the trucking game in 2012 a lot of people know my story i fell on my ass like lost every dollar to my name because i had the box trucks and at that time the market wasn't ready for box trucks it wasn't a lot of volume for that type of truck so i lost 38 grand that first 11 months and i'm out of business i come back in business 2013 18 wheeler right i start with two starting to get a little traction i made a little profit it wasn't crazy 2015 is when i really started making uh some really really good profits the market went into a good swing and um i was making about shoot well i had three trucks at that time and i was making about 50 to 60 grand profit per year per truck that's when i began consulting once i started like making profits and um this is 2015 2015. so i scaled up two to 10 trucks it's on my page right now you'll see me on on it was a story where i showed all my trucks and it was like the big i got 10 trucks now right and that was 2 000 2017 the market went crazy for trucking uh i was talking to my accountant sam shot to my financial id i was talking to my account yesterday that was the first year i did seven figures with just my trucks right i didn't even know because we were just working so hard it wasn't until we did my tax returns she was like hey you know you did 1.2 i was like really i just was working i wasn't looking at the score but i wasn't really on top of my numbers at that point so that was the first year i made seven figures on paper with my trucks right so thank you so 2018 i did it again right this is all documented i did it again another another seven-figure year now i'm like okay i see what's possible in trucking like now it's time to take it to the next level but what happened was i was at 10 trucks at this point but a part of my fleet was on the operators a lot of people who are familiar with trucking you know what own operators these are people who own the trucks right they own their own trucks but they lease up under your authority so i don't necessarily have to buy the trucks but i can put them under my umbrella and i can make money with them i give them i get 20 they get 80 right so i had about at this point about five owner operators that made up my 10 uh my 10 trucks so i'm making at least a thousand to 1500 a week off of trucks that i don't own the driver had to pay his truck no the driver got to pay his insurance right and um and pretty much i'm getting a thousand and fifteen hundred dollars just really to just do payroll so um it got to a point y'all where the money was getting good but the headaches was rising for me meaning that these dudes you ever hear somebody say like yo nobody will run your business better than you i realized that these people were running up under my authority but they didn't care about it like i could they were getting tickets they were breaking the law uh one dude was smoking weed in my trucks like it was getting it was like a lot of headaches and this is at a point where my consultation business is getting crazy like i'm getting more clients but i'm stressed out dealing with my truck so i made a hard decision like you know what i'm gonna go ahead and get rid of all the owner operators so i got rid of them all money ain't good money right so i got rid of all the owner operators yeah i'm making the thousand to fifteen hundred dollars a week but y'all are getting tickets y'all are messing up my safety score and then y'all move on to another company and y'all left me with the with the burden right so i got rid of them then two of my trucks got into an accident my first two trucks that i bought i was so in love with these trucks it's on my page snoop my blue truck and um ice cube was my little white truck right i named all my trucks about rappers right so y'all listen man my consultation starts blowing up yo right klein at the client testimonial after testimonial and now i'm down from 10 trucks to three and i'm like man i'm like okay should i go ahead and buy more trucks but i was like right now i'm serving i'm helping the people already i already did seven figures i said you know what let me just focus on the people for a while and take a little break i bring rob on i duplicated myself what's my three core principles in business y'all master say it again master duplicate is scale right so i duplicated myself around that was the best decision i made in my entire life y'all because now he was able to take our fleet but also take over my dispatching service so y'all i started the dispatching service now i got all these trucks that i'm dispatching for on behalf of other trucking companies and i'm making 10 off of the gross so from there i went from five trucks to now we're almost at 100 trucks on my dispatcher service right so think about dispatching this like what an air traffic control person is to um airplanes right they handle the day-to-day operations the negotiations um they the pickup times pick up addresses so literally it's like a concierge service to save my clients time everybody that gets in trucking ain't got time to be booking lows and dealing with drivers all day so we solved the problem so we created this dispatch service and now i'm dispatching all these trucks and i hired people up under me so now i got 10 dispatchers 11 dispatchers that work up on the rob now this is the best money i make right now this is one of my favorite money right now because i'm helping people the more money i get the clients the more money we make so i was on live the other day david and um i did the math finally and off all the trucks i did a 10 commission that's when we get paid i get my dispatchers four percent i give my cousin who runs the whole operation for me two percent to oversee everything and i get four percent so i'm making 20 000 a week off of trucks that i have no liability for right so that's that fire hey y'all so check this out right so multiple ways to skin the cat i want y'all to understand you have to diversify within your industry first before you start jumping into other industries and that's what i did right so i got my trucking company i got the dispatch service i got the consultation company now i got the courses now i ain't never talked my numbers before in public yo leave it up david right i never touched my numbers before so listen y'all um i went from doing one-on-one consultations and i was charging ten thousand dollars a client had a waiting list in october in february of 2018 i had a waiting list so december at ten thousand dollar client because i would only take five to seven clients a month i met e.t e.t and cj told me hey look we love what you're doing we see what you're doing but you're stretching yourself then in order for you to reach the masses you have to put this stuff online i'm not a computer person i was terrified by doing this i'm like am i gonna get the same results but i did it i spent six months in my room me and my ex right shot the v i spent six months in my room we put this course together y'all keep in mind it was not another trucking course online anywhere it wasn't a blueprint it wasn't nothing for me to copy right pioneer y'all pioneered it was enough for me to copy i literally had to battle myself y'all october 5th 2018 we dropped the portal it was a complete blueprint on how to get into the trucking industry but i'm only just getting into the game on how to maximize and stay in business that was my goal y'all my first month we did 29 thousand dollars right i caught cj hype like yo bro we did 29 000. he's like okay that's cool [Laughter] right if you know cj oh for sure right he wasn't impressed he was like that'd be the he said that would be the smallest amount you ever make in a month again kept serving kept serving i got another phrase i want to see who really rocks with me in here right now if you over deliver you'll be what you'll be overcompensating y'all i just kept at it i kept adding value i kept adding stuff to the portal results started happening testimonials started happening y'all we went from getting our quota was 15 signups a month me and b laughed about this every day our quota was 15 sales a month we just wanted 15 people to sign up a month um so we went from 20 dollars thirty to fifty thousand a month um right now we're averaging anywhere from seven to eight hundred thousand a month off my courses wow y'all can flap a little harder than that i need you to clap like that's you giving the numbers to your business but that's that's why i like the story because we got a snapshot of someone making 7.50 an hour with a little bit of work that work ethic focus i remember a couple years ago alex was saying i think you know people's in his ear about real estate he's like ah not right now all right all right shout out to purdue card if you're following the story on how he's like i have to let go of a stream of income i have to let go of a stream of income to focus here jason said i had to let go of a stream of income to focus yeah i don't know what happened in 2016 but god lee like my albums came out i think some things have changed position just knowings talk to me um and it's so cool because i know the story like i mean we i think i met when i was 17 18 18. it was funny when i was on stage i was just telling jason i was like dang we getting old bro cause i remember we was kids you know in the audience looking at the people on stage like oh my gosh they make six figures i know that's crazy like hey make a lot of money um my story was a little different uh but kind of similar to neil i didn't go to uh to college uh i went i just got kicked out oh you got kicked out what did you keep down for i never stepped up hang around the wrong people i can't get kicked out of anything anybody up here go to college i went for a little bit like get a degree i went for 30 days yeah so i think i think what's interesting i think it was interesting hold on nobody you ain't going marcus huh you graduated i win i would just go only play back when he graduated though somebody graduated go to class i think drop out look at y'all i think i think it's crazy because if you look at it all of us if we were to go into the job force today would only be worth what eight dollars nine dollars an hour based on what damn i never thought about society yeah that we're worth and so my philosophy when it came to entrepreneurship was even though i didn't go to college i still needed education and so my approach has always been a lot of people go broke spending money and trying to save i went broke investing i went broke invested in myself so it's times now like my bank account will be at nothing but i got money you know what i'm saying and so i had this philosophy that even younger i was like i would be making 500 a week a thousand a week and then i go buy this you know training i need to go spend a thousand dollars to go get some i'm like dang that makes no sense at all but i had this approach of like most people are spending a lot of money for college and they're not making any money for what four years some people six years and so i took that same approach with entrepreneurship so i started off in network marketing when i was 18 years old then i started doing door-to-door sales so i was doing stuff like 18t verizon i got better with my communication skills taking rejection having tougher skin and then i started a business to business sales company that was my first states to make and i was like 21 it was my first taste making fifty thousand sixty thousand a month that type of deal um and then so at 21 you're making 50 000 a month yeah i mean gross in sales you know but you still got gotta pay people you start learning stuff about business how much did you get to keep i was 25 30 000. yeah i was still i'm still doing good um but uh then i started a carson and that was like my taste of like real structure so we had 30 employees we had the cubicles we had i mean we would have to make you know almost 20 000 a month to make zero uh because you got to pay employees you got to do all this kind of stuff but i had this approach of like i'm still going to invest into myself all the time it's always been a philosophy because i always knew it was going to work i don't i don't know if anybody here knows that that's why i asked the question because i think you got to know it's going to work that's the only way some of this stuff makes any sense and i'll throw out another thing to y'all if y'all don't plan on seeing this thing through you need to quit now because if you don't see it through you'll be better off having a job working 40 years and getting retirement the only way you get the payoff if you see it all the way through that's just my personal belief right and so i have friends they went to school you know they did the college thing and they ended up with a phd power high in debt right and i just got it took a little second yeah for sure i didn't go to college but i still got an mba massive bank account you know the the mindset the mindset through this whole process was i've got to stay consistent because here's what i used to do i would start something i would do okay and then i would switch and i would start something i'd do okay and i would switch and so to me it's almost like planting a seed and you you plant it for a couple months you dig it up and then every time i dig it up what i got to do i got to start the whole growing process all over and so what i realized i was doing a lot of different things and i would look back and i just had a whole bunch of holes of stuff that i had dug up over years i just never let something sit and let it plant and so i made a decision um me and my buddies we had started our own network marketing company in 2014 uh within our first year we had a multi-million dollar company we did extremely well and i was listening to everybody's story and what's interesting is all of us had to make a leap embed on ourselves and that was me in 2017. i found out one of my business partners was trying to do something behind my back and you know like when you break bread with people and you sit down with them do stuff with their family know their kids and you find that they're trying to do something behind your back i can't i can't rock with you no more so i made a decision i was making good money and uh i was like i'm out i sent my email sold my interest in the company and i started from zero like it wasn't your business partner built a multi-million dollar company right and you left i left yeah started from zero and uh started doing what i'm doing now and uh that was my i was excited because i was free i could do what i wanted to do i wanted to do it i have nobody checking on me it was no restraint and uh literally 90 days i hit like 10 000 a month and what year was this you left your partner's coming in 2017. 2017. uh hit tinker in a month and like 90 days it was quick but i had a lot of things go along the uh the process i ain't get into that right now because i realize i can't go there right now right but uh um but i got a lawsuit with him a whole bunch of different things in this journey um and i made a decision that i was still gonna be investing my mentor told me he's like we got to go to dubai proctor event it was a couple thousand dollars and i went there and it was one thing that i took away from that event and he said you got to send love to three people a day that was bothering you and i don't know if anybody here got like a like a grudge with somebody or like you know somebody kind of motivates you a little bit but like i'm like yo i was doing stuff and i was like i'm about to kill him on this because low-key i'm petty you know what i'm saying like i don't know i don't know if anybody knows somebody paid like a real load really good at you know being petty but i've developed you know i'm saying i get better at it but i didn't realize it because at that point i didn't want to send love right and i was i was like i'm not praying for this dude i'm not wishing them well and uh i did it in that year i was doing it's crazy i was doing the same work i was doing the same you know traveling i was doing all these presentations but i realized my soil wasn't right because my heart wasn't right and if your soil is not right nothing's gonna grow from it talk about it and so i had to get me right inside and so i'm saying this because some of y'all may need this because you're like yo i'm doing this stuff but maybe you got some jealousy maybe you got some envy maybe you got some hatred maybe you hold on some stuff from a childhood or a bad relationship and your soil is just wrong and so everything you're doing even though what you're doing is right when you're putting it inside of you it's not gonna work because your heart ain't right and i always believe that sometimes it's not just the hard work but it's the hard work that you got to fix and so i had to fix my heart uh just being transparent with y'all that year y'all that event was in january i was making 10 000 a month january by october that year i was making over six figures a month just from that switch and i was like and i was like man i thought i was driving myself by holding on to it and then what it made me think about was how how how much was it costing me to hold on to that envy that jealousy or that that anger it was really angry i was like i was going to show them up and now i'm just like at peace and i sent them love and so what i would say is like listen for you all like invest into yourself go out go all in on you because that's the best investment you can ever make everybody else up here has invested hundreds of thousands into themselves into their businesses and to their brands and you can't get rich trying to be cheap you can't most people they they do that they they they want to make a million dollars or 700 000 or more time but they don't want to invest in stuff like this but then go apply it and so whatever this guy drops whatever he promotes whatever like i would continue to invest because what you're gonna notice is every level and that's what i did just like in school y'all know that everybody didn't go from ninth grade to temporary everybody go from 10th grade to 11th grade everybody to go to college and then from there some people didn't graduate the same thing is going to happen in any environment you're going to have some people that start out and then some people ain't going to make the leap to the next level but then there's going to be people that do and they become multi-millionaires and then those people they invest they get better and then it's gonna be another leap and i know some people won't do it but some people will and they continue to elevate and so what you all are seeing here is people in their individual lives every time it was time to make that leap they decided to do it and you know we're just proof that hey if we can do it y'all can do it too look man i want everybody to uh kind of get a closing word together but what's really cool is if you look at the stage and you kind of take a snapshot and close your eyes you kind of think back of you know six years ago marcus making 30 thousand jason's losing his car i neil's on a food truck somewhere and i know the story where he got money coming in but not really profiting right you'll you'll see justin going through a lawsuit like like really really take like really think about these stories and the timelines where it happened and i need you to look at your own timeline and i believe it'd be important to identify like finish the timeline so your timeline might end at 2023. where is that look what does that look like but you're somewhere we got to stop making the excuses we've all been through some crazy stuff so um we we want to uh if i can get everybody to kind of close out in uh 30 seconds just give us a word and then we'll take a picture and uh we'll give everybody a chance to um stretch but yeah i'll say something real quick it's just this one yeah because the weekend in the market is just his thing first of all y'all shout out marcus for putting this whole thing together right yes sir [Applause] y'all just got the game and he brought all of his friends to give you the game i i hope you all really understand what's happening here this would be like this these are history makers here so you guys are going to take a picture and you'll see these people on the news imagine watching um bill gates or steve jobs at a conference years ago and he's sitting there with his friends chopping it up imagine saying yo i was there i remember i remember i seen that how was that recession proof 2021 one more time marcus barney please absurd yeah legend appreciate that so uh starting there i think i think uh what i would say is just be grateful for what you have uh but make room for what's coming and so that means i'm grateful for the house i get the car that i got whatever i have but at the same time you got to make room for what you want so like man some y'all got to clean up some stuff you got to get your house together you got to get your closet together because like if if you're going if you're going to have a new car you got to make room for it in the garage you got to be space forward if you're going to have a new relationship you got to clear out some stuff you got to make room for it if you're going to have better finances some things you got to clear out and make room for it and so what i would say is be grateful now for what you have but make room for what's coming for sure it's alex um i would say like man stop doing what's popular stop doing um you know what everybody's doing what it was cool um i went against the grain y'all i went against the grain and i did something in an industry that wasn't popular that wasn't sexy um you know and it worked for me i gave it a shot and it worked for me and i just say like whatever it is that you're good at do it and just become an absolute beast at it become an absolute beast at it man you know what i'm saying and um just just just don't worry about what everybody else is doing because you can take something you can own it and you can make it yours man and take it to that next level that's tough yeah jason um it's quite obvious from our stories that nothing grows in the comfort zone right we always had our back against the wall before we just struck gold or before we just hit that home run you know what i mean so um my favorite quote is you might want to write this down stealing my um focus on you until the focus is on you like everybody did the same thing everybody locked in and they focused on themself marcus said he down there hey i'll be down here tomorrow we have to focus so my advice to y'all is to focus on you until the focus is on you hey i love it i love it it's the visa yeah i want to just end i want to actually end with an activity for my everybody stand up real quick all right and one of the most important things you probably could do is affirm positivity over your own life um because you're gonna go out in this world and so many people going to tell you what's not possible so many people going to tell you what can't be done and for me over these last 14 years i had laser focus vision on i'm going to make it happen even if i don't know how i'm going to make it happen so i need you guys all to understand that your current situation is not your final destination where you currently are that's not where you'll always be so on three i need you guys to repeat after me and i want you to take this activity and start doing it every day affirming positivity over your life right so on three and i want y'all to say it like y'all mean it don't worry about who's around you because whatever you focus on that's gonna happen right so on three one two three i'm powerful i'm powerful i'm a leader i'm a leader i'm a believer i'm a believer i'm an achiever i'm an achiever i'm recession proof i'm recession i'm recession proof i'm obsessed with your time i'm recession proof i'm recession brew it up for your stuff y'all [Applause] all right look i know you're enjoying the episode but i gotta tell you finally you asked for it and we created a patreon okay we created an inner circle we have amazing stories amazing information how to's from the episodes the only thing we're missing is a community so it's about that time we put together our patreon we put together a community because we have to have conversation around the information so even this podcast we're listening to right now there needs to be conversation i want to hear what you got i want to hear what you got like let's throw some stuff back and forth and because we're like-minded we're all going in the same direction when we connect connect in a community we can connect on other stuff outside the community because we're building real relationships okay so check out the patreon we got three tiers i don't care what tier you join the support is the support is appreciated
Channel: David Never Sleeps
Views: 199,968
Rating: 4.9586844 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 25sec (5065 seconds)
Published: Fri May 07 2021
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