Battle Of The Sexes | Mike Rashid | Melyssa Ford

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yo what's that oh not yet we're going live yo all right we live now are we live we live uncle t are we live highlight your boy anyway i just like to make it clear that the female was here on time she was here early actually she was here on time yes i was ready to go and so we were not waiting on we were not waiting on the female just only when you you know you had to get coffee and use the rest of them that's that's it just had to wash my hands make sure everything technical things we needed to clear up okay but anyway welcome to lions house and elephants podcasters my good friend melissa ford how you doing melissa i am doing amazing mike how are you i'm good i'm i'm excellent yeah you know it's always good to have you around i haven't done this podcast have i have i oh [ __ ] you haven't nope you haven't that's great we did training stuff we didn't we didn't do the sit down that's crazy okay you're popping my cherry so so yeah so um you know a lot a lot's been going on with you um let's talk about the elephant in the room if it's okay i should what is it good mom oh my mom yeah i know you was very close to your mom yeah um you know i wasn't it's mother's day you talked about her a lot i did yeah so mothers and daughters they have extremely complicated relationships you know um because a lot of times mothers place all of their unfulfilled dreams and hopes and whatnot on their female child is there some sort of competition between mothers and daughters in some kind of weird way i i can't answer to that because that's definitely not the relationship that my mother and i had whatsoever we were we were we were very very different in terms of um how um extroverted and you know how extroverted i come off and how social i am and you know um just my lifestyle is completely different my mom was a very very simple woman she had very simple wants very simple needs she had a very small group of friends she had her hobbies she canadian no my mother is russian and norwegian so she actually just became canadian maybe 10 years ago like her citizenship you know um but my my mother was just was a very very simple woman um and she was she was very stoic you know she wasn't a very emotional person um and a lot of times i questioned whether or not she she loved me or cared about me because um it's not like she was very warm and didn't you know embrace me and hug me and show me a lot of affection um but you know in hindsight her parents you know didn't do the same thing um my father were you close to them no my i never met my grandmother um she died when my mother was 15. so there's that my mother lost her mother when she was 15 years old um my and my grandfather was this big russian bear of a man and there was such a language barrier between the two of us so that i could barely communicate with the man and he wasn't the loving and and affectionate and hands-on kind of father to my mother so it just that kind of mentality do you have any of those characteristics hmm i'm tough i'm tough what does that mean tough what does that mean i'm tough be because i have to be i'm a i'm a single woman who has been um you know who's had to survive and probably one of the most misogynistic businesses um industries in the entire world right um you know so you have to develop a certain cut a kind of exterior um but when you get beneath the surface i'm soft i'm pink i'm vulnerable as hell i i have just started to embrace my vulnerability as being a good thing and not a a detriment right um but my mother's passing just taught me all of this stuff it taught me um one that i everyone has an inner child and a lot of times our inner child um is dysfunctional um that it has a lot of issues that we as adults either don't want to address or we know it's there and we keep sweeping it under the rug that's what therapy's for right um and shadow work and you know we'll talk we'll talk about that later but my mother passing made me realize if i don't start taking care of myself but taking care of my mind and taking care of my heart i was always about you know hyper vigilant self preservation and that's it i had to tell myself the most horrible things in order to shield myself from the things that people would say about me you know unsolicited um things that people wouldn't this is because you're in the entertainment industry and you you put your time sometimes it's just being a woman you put yourself out there yeah and then you sometimes you have to deal with just people being people right yeah and you know like i'm i'm i'm not special like it happens to it happens to all of us that does you know it happens men women it's not a gender thing um one of my favorite parts of studying psychology was this when we started talking about perception you know and how it's like this iceberg where you just see the top of it you know just above the surface of the water but then below it it's huge you know and perception changes over time and it changes by way of bias prejudice life experience pain love grow like you know life throws a lot of growth opportunities at us it's whether or not we want to accept them you know see that's interesting everything i look at certain things like stress right and suffering is like some of my best attributes my best friends like bring it right and it comes from being you know i'm a thinker right you are and it was because i was a only child grew up alone um i had my sister but we didn't live in the same household and you know i was good at school i thought a lot right so when you're an intellectual person has a lot of fear and fear is a an uh an intelligent attribute it keeps you safe right people with no fear ah do whatever risk assessment and die fast right so i had a healthy amount of fear of a lot of things because i thought every scenario right so but as i got older i started becoming defiant to the things that i feared and then i started going towards the things that i feared and it started with like like bullies in school like dudes that were like bigger scary tough looking because i wasn't a tough looking kid i was a sweet innocent looking kid right my nickname was angel right i couldn't know if i believed this it was angel it's tired of my stomach for a reason i was not the angel but that was the name perception so you know boxing is boxing it's not fighting right it's fighting is scary right so however once i was like you know what i'm tired of this and start fighting things change right but oh the things that look scary ain't scary and you know you're going to find out it's because they look scary so people run from it speaking of other people but that's you can equate that to everything in life things that are scary to deal with we don't want to deal with it right we like i don't want to deal with that [ __ ] yeah it's like it's it's ostrich syndrome you know like sticking your head in the sand um because you don't want to deal with the problem like here's here's one of the like you know strange behaviors that come to find out a lot of people have i thought it was just me but i used to have a really big issue opening my mail i [ __ ] hated opening my mail because i didn't want anything well no no no no not that i couldn't confront the realities of adulthood you know and i being in this industry image um you start to kind of like create this idea of who you believe yourself to be and you know and and you start to promote that i that maybe who were you in your mind maybe you promoted through like non-verbal communication and and to me about myself whether people agree with me or not i feel like i portrayed myself as an extremely composed and poised woman at all times i refuse to let anybody see a crack in the facade everything was perfect um and my life was great and there was no you know like i just that's that's just it like i i had a great life right it was a i was a [ __ ] mess like i had no credit i had no credit cards right um sometimes i didn't you know like this this business is is is fast and fleeting um you know entrepreneurship is a very scary thing because there's really no safety net um like there is like you know if you have a corporate america job 401k plans and pensions and that sort of thing see that stuff is scary to me i i don't relate to that world exactly i it doesn't it does not fit square peg round hole you know so but one of the things that you know is no longer like a irrational fear of mine is like opening my mail because i didn't want to be confronted with the with adulthood you know receiving bills responsibilities i just wanted to make it seem like i was a fully functioning adult without actually doing the work you know um and that's that that was your bully that was yeah yeah responsibility that was that was my ostrich you know sticking my head in the sand um kind of you know thing um you know amongst other things that i chose to try to ignore about myself that so let me let me grab on something you said earlier you said that you know you've been through a lot of [ __ ] in the industry right it's an extremely misogynistic industry and i don't i don't disagree with you on that so all right the topic of today's discussion is battle of the exes right so you've dealt with you've dealt with um some you know situations i'm sure that are not ideal you and i talked about one in particular that we don't need to go into it made me upset right but do you feel like there is some kind of battle or some kind of power struggle or anything between male and females men and women so a battle of the sexes basically yeah because i i think because it's something that i i kind of dismiss but when we really sit down and unpack it is there is a lot of people that feel that like it is right i think that i think that right now more so than ever there is a massive disconnect between men and women um but i don't wanna i'm not going to lay the blame solely at either gender's feet i'm not going to it's collectively it's collectively is all of our and but we also have to take um responsibility and ownership and accountability of why it has become a problem for all of us you know and that i think is attached to um our expectations i think that each and every person you know whether you're male or female really needs to do a deep dive into what they what their expectations are of somebody else coming into their life what they expect from that person to do what they expect from that person to be what kind of money they make whatever the case is like who is this person that's going to be your everyday you know i'm saying and we always talk about well what do you bring to the table kind of thing that is that's a very legitimate question absolutely um and i think that social media hell yeah i'm gonna blame social media for creating like exorbitantly ridiculous you know expectations in people um i think that we look at social media and we see especially with celebrities we see these curated [ __ ] lives these people are anomalies you know what i mean like you cannot you cannot apply the success of like migos and cardi b like you got to scale that what's interesting about social media is powerful right and it's created a whole new and this is no not to women right but it's created a different type of woman that is pieced together and they all look alike you remember like i remember when i was a kid it was somebody on my floor that had down syndrome right and it used to blow my mind that every kid with down syndrome looked the same right there's women now on social media and it's because of social media because everybody see what they see that all look the same are we talking about filters or plastic surgery plastic surgery and i don't knock it right to each their own if you want to do something to make you feel more confident and more happy about yourself do what you got to do but it's bizarre because they don't i don't even know if they realize or care that they are all looking the same right and it's not an attractive look to me to me it looks like a transgender person you know what i'm saying because that's typically who's gonna go over the top with the boobs the hips the lips the tanning all of that stuff right so when i see a woman like that i'm like i don't know what that you know i stay clear away from it and i do think that to be so easily guided to do something so extreme because of what you're seeing on social media they wasn't doing this before social media so it is social media that's the denominator that's that's the the differentiating factor between then and now conditioning absolutely um you know it's it's very much it's very much like a pavlov's dog kind of situation i don't know that story okay so pavlov's dogs um basically it's classical conditioning um so uh he it's it's association with sound um and and reward okay so basically ring a bell dogs would start to understand that when the bell was wrong they would get a treat and so they would start to salivate when they heard the bell because they would be anticipating a treat right the same is with social media and blogs and when you put women you know celebrities influencers and you highlight them as you know goals and you consistently put this look you know this aesthetic of a woman on a pedestal and she's surgically enhanced whether she admits it or not um then you're going to have the masses looking at this and wanting it because it's a sense it's a it's something to attain you know it's like a it's a goal post so if i get that then i will be equal to her whoever she is you know what i'm saying and that's nowhere close to the truth what you end up having is a bunch of women who a look a lot alike because it looks like they all went to the same plastic surgeon b some of them are maimed for life or die because they end up going to plastic surgeons that just got a license to practice maybe a year ago and don't know what the [ __ ] they're doing um you know it's it's frightening what people are um subjecting themselves to in the you know in the pursuit of quote-unquote perfection but it's nowhere near what perfection is the thing here's the thing though the pursuit of perfection which you said that's heavy right okay now i'm insecure about xyz and we all have insecurities yeah for one that say they're not insecure about anything is a lie it's not honest right right so i can fix this right so that allure is enticing it is very appealing and i can't be mad at somebody for doing it right and i do know people who has been enhanced and is very tasteful right so i'm not i'm not mad at the people that go over the top to each their own right it's just interesting yeah you know it literally feels like a whole new breed of people or race of people are being created you know what i mean so all right i mean a lot has happened since the since social media was created it's been around for like what 15 more than 15 years like myspace or whatever but it's plastic surgery no no no no i'm talking about i'm talking about social media and yeah but instagram really propelled everything and made it more of course because it's because it's visual right you know like the apps it's visual marketing is very easy to use and it's instantaneous correct you know so it's it it's what we were talking about before we started this we were talking about addiction and our reward centers in our brain it's a [ __ ] dopamine hit you know what i'm saying which is why we spend so much time on social media why we're reading a whole lot less books why audible is even is successful because that's how we're you know able to even digest information at this point because we have to hear it rather we just books wait what the [ __ ] you know what i mean but social media um has not only created a sense like an abnormal sense of the pursuit of perfection and what the idea of perfection is but it's also turned us into massive consumers for materialistic [ __ ] well that only and i'm speaking generally that just con that you know contributes to a lifestyle that not only is it like unattainable but it's also um it's also got an expiration date like and it also is meaningless right but there's something even more sinister than that that we are consuming this is bad information or negative information right so there's people that i see that i'm cool with but the content that they put up is constantly complaining about the government or fauci or biden or trump or whatever right and it's like yo okay now what and it's become their reality and they have they've developed big followings off of this right yeah and it's like you're keeping people in a constant state of of of of grief of fear of anger right low vibrational low vibration and i'm like yo that's not the vibe right right the vibe should be but it's their vibe but it shouldn't be right but who should say so i'm very i'm gonna tell you why it matters to me why i care i was gonna say i am very cautious about using the word shouldn't because shouldn't implies that you know better than somebody else you know and certain things i do i'm gonna be honest with you listen i know you mike i [ __ ] know you yeah here's the thing all right let's identify a problem all right this is wrong okay now what okay and this is wrong too and i'm gonna prove to you how this is wrong right when does that stop it doesn't stop now this is wrong okay if you identify something is wrong there's a problem somewhere is there something you could do about it yeah some of the things that these people are talking about is not anything they can do about it right so what do you do how do you pivot out of that and make it benefit you because that's what we all should be doing is enhancing our lives my thing is this [ __ ] focus on yourself right activism right i saw your pokemon it's right here i had a uh a sister um reached out for some advice some business advice and we met up and we're going back and forth and she had two young children right so i'm just collecting the data as we're talking i need to know i need to know as much about her to really give her ample or you know advice or information that's going to benefit her right so she told me you know how much money she had saved she told me her marital status which was single she had two children a son that was one right i said okay so she's telling me about this business idea we go through that right this is what you probably should start with yada yada yada yada then she mentioned a non-profit i said okay trying to raise money for that tell me about that i want to go into the neighborhoods help out the hood whatever okay all this is great and i'm just like why that's not great to me why because she didn't have much money saved right and you have a one-year-old right okay hold on you need to be an activist in your life right and in your children's lives exactly so far too often people want to help the world help the world help the community but we are the community help yourself right and help those who need you do everything that you have to do to put that little man in the best situation possible and she said but you know he's a he's a little kid he's gonna grow up to be a black man with all these strikes against him i said stop stop he's privileged that's gonna be a black man like that's going to be a black man okay so you're you're right you're trying to get her to do a mentality shift but it's not even for me it's not even a tactic it's real right it's real right that guy he has the world at his disposal okay potentially okay well let's let's go back to the girl because realistically what happened was she sought your advice because she sees it's it's it's easy to read to see why she would you are a serial entrepreneur you are clearly extraordinarily successful everybody knows it everybody can see it your level of discipline is is un i can't [ __ ] believe it you know i mean it's like it's it's a it's very um like it's pretty incredible a lot more men would get further in life if they had your level of discipline because i see that you'll be like [ __ ] will always be there i need this i need that i need this bag i need this bag i need this big i need this big i need this bag but going back to the girl you have a very pragmatic way of thinking about things and whether this has been developed through your experiences in life this is the lens in which you look at the world she doesn't look at it that way right you know what i mean and i just try to shift perspectives with that yes but you have to like i caution you to say to label something as being right and being wrong because there's one thing that i cannot speak in anymore and i've always been very like hesitant um to even speak in in this kind of way and that's absolutism where everything is an extreme yes an extreme no and extreme white extreme black extremes because there's no room for gray and what we all are is we are human beings and we are inherently flawed all of us and we always have room for growth you know so even though she's thinking that she wants to you know what you think is spread herself thin she's not looking at it like that she's thinking about like i am we are all one okay but here's where i disagree okay now certain things there are absolute truths there are empirical empirical truths right and in this situation you have look at the whole frame right the notion is we should all like each one teach one help the community that's the notion right that's fine i have no problem with that so but that's not for everybody it's not for people that's not in position to do that you shouldn't be i have people in my life that i care about that are on the front line fighting yeah but still hit me up to borrow money and i'm just like this is weird right this is weird that you're out there when you could be home working or or making some money you know what i'm saying you need that like right so i feel like it's just it's not you're not a a valid representation of that kind of leadership you know what i'm saying because leadership is this from my perspective i mean this is my perspective right one who has their lives together okay for one right so how can you give counsel if your [ __ ] is all fragmented you know what i'm saying if your lives are together if your life is together you probably have your finances in order your health's in order your affairs are taken care of right so okay now not necessarily your cup runneth over why not uh because i uh for for as long as i can remember friends have come to me for advice and i dispense incredible advice that part i do know i'm i know what my gifts are i have the gift of articulating thought in a very eloquent fashion i'm very well read um i have a lot of life experience and i'm also um very um sympathetic to the human condition you know what i mean so so the fact that you you have fluidity and creativity and your thought you're an intelligent person but does that alone qualify you to be that kind of a leader no not necessarily but i will say like in terms of leadership as a quality of having all your [ __ ] together not necessarily you will you will find out behind the scenes everybody's got some massive massive struggle most of the times that we're trying to hide from prying eyes of the of of the masses well in this day and age i i kind of disagree because i'm gonna tell you like my leader has his [ __ ] together yeah right and had my leader not had his [ __ ] together he would have been exposed this man's in his 80s he's almost 90 might be 90 by now just had a birthday um he's gotten cancer and beat it you know he's a picture of health um articulate he's a solid person there's no scandal in his life you know what i mean um nothing to be exposed everyone can be exposed when they have skeletons right and i'm not saying this guy is perfect or anyone's perfect right but just having your [ __ ] together on a baseline level i feel like it's a prerequisite of leadership that's me though and i'm the same person though that when i was younger i would bounce around from church to church trying to find you know let me see what they're talking about over here and i'll it would be a pastor just dropping wisdom but i couldn't [ __ ] with him because he was fat right and people look at that as oh fat shaming like nah he's preaching from the bible part of the tenets of the bible is the ten commandments there's a couple commandments that's very obvious like gluttony that should not be a glutton okay so that's one that he can't control because he's he's fat he's overweight so all of the things that i can't see i don't know in his life i don't even trust because you couldn't even control the one that's visible right so i don't trust you there's gonna be so many people who are not like you know in the healthy bmi that are gonna freak out about it that's fine but here's the thing because obesity and and is not necessarily a gluttonous issue is it not no how is that so body composition we're not all cut from the same cloth but how how is being obese not a glutton issue unless you have hormonal problems let's take that off the table medical issues how is that not a gluttonous thing obesity has literally been defined as a disease at this point that's fine hold on that's fine yeah there's a lot of diseases mm-hmm let's see hiv is a disease a virus then aids is a disease right uh people can be promiscuous unprotected sex whatever contract hiv the first time you ever have sex unprotected okay that's true but let's say let's say commonly like people would get it being promiscuous right let's let's just throw that out there let's just make all right let's say that that's the case right okay forget aids if aids is not uh you know all right all right forget that okay obesity that is obesity being uh considered a disease you still have to take a lot of it takes a lot to get there it doesn't just fall upon people i don't think so i've i i think obesity falls upon people i think that some people are genetically predisposed to certain things and obesity is definitely one of them so do you think that people are genetically predisposed to overeating i yeah absolutely absolutely i think that there's i think that i think that there's certain things that can happen within your body chemistry specifically hormonal that set that literally sets your body up for failure that's what i think happens to eat especially especially being a woman where i could wake up 10 pounds heavier tomorrow you've never but you've nothing you've never been obese though you know you know what that means i have i have never i have never been obese but i have it's it's my body i've never even been close to being obese you're you're critical of yourself because you're a woman right and that's normal everybody is but to be obese is a is a big deal and that's not something that just creeps up on people there's choices salads cleaner food ex pairing it with exercise or no mobility no exercise fatty foods sugary foods fried foods i will i will say this that being from the standpoint of being a woman and our hormones having complete and total control over our [ __ ] lives um and especially the fact that like i'm over the age of 40. things have definitely changed that are completely out of my control a lot more work though you know it is so much more malicious you look you're perfect you're perfect right i'm in perfect looking at a woman you're perfect right i'm imperfectly perfect okay so you're not even close to being obese yeah so so i understand what you're saying as being a woman and hormones in this at a third in age it's a real thing but that doesn't contribute to obesity obesity is overdoing it it just is yeah and then now you're diagnosed with obesity it's a disease but that doesn't mean that you didn't do anything to get that disease i think i think that we will i think we'll table that one all right for another for another conversation we'll table that one and we'll actually have like a you know like a kinesiologist nutritious like we'll get a panel over here i'll kind of feel and they can they could and they could break that they could break it down yes i'll leave it alone okay all right but going back to the we were originally talking about the girl and perception and how she wanted to feed an army and you were like you could barely feed your son so yeah you know we were talking about absolutes absolutes and she's absolutely in the wrong right for negating um her children and even herself for other people okay so that's going to be a hard one to convince me otherwise because you know that little kids are so precious and they deserve every opportunity possible for them to to be happy to thrive comfortable and smile and and thrive right i think that i think that it's maybe one of her challenges might be that she wants to she she doesn't want her soul identifier to be to just be mother that could be something that what do you think about that that is something that she could be wrestling with i never had children so i can't speak to that still an observer what do you think to that as an observer in a child as an observer yeah i was i had i was a child um and i was a neglected child and so i can say from the mentality of the inner child that was neglected and kind of abandoned at times by her parents um i wished that they had been there i wish that they had given me so much attention that i didn't know how to ask for uh five six years old why the [ __ ] you asking your parents to give you attention you know like please love me pay attention to be be with me so my opinion which doesn't mean [ __ ] it means a lot it is because i say this and i'm cautious when i give my opinion about something i have never done myself is that when you have children you negate the the um your choice your ambition to not necessarily ambition that is your sole priority everything is secondary that human you brought into the world is your sole priority to love it and and help it grow help it thrive and help it become a contributing member of society that is my opinion do with it as you as you will your opinion is is pretty much in alignment with reality because the way i am with my children i am never comfortable or settled right because i'm always concerned with my children's well-being what they're doing right now what are you working on right so and i don't see myself ever being comfortable or settled until they're adults independent don't need me good people in society and happy right that is my goal right that's what i'm working towards yeah and it's very difficult right because for me it's got to be it's a fine line to not spoil them and make them rotten but also giving them comfort and trying to put them in the best position possible to be successful right so and there's a lot of tests that i had to go through as a young youngster that they don't have to yeah it's not even possible for them to right yeah so i see different is interesting melissa because i see like my personality parts of my personality in each one but there's a certain grit that i have and i had that they don't have right right and it's cool that they don't have it but i know that grit helped me a lot you know what i mean so yeah i mean characters definitely not developed in the [ __ ] sunshine it's developed at our hardest moments or our most challenging moments but the reality is is that you and i probably had to grow up really fast because of whatever circumstances for me my parents were both working parents i was a latchkey kid i had to take public transportation at at an age where i think it might have been illegal like what the [ __ ] um you know um a child being alone um but you shouldn't want your kids to have to have that internal sense of [ __ ] strength that we had i would give anything to be able to have had that that freedom to just literally like just walk off the ledge of something and and feel like someone was going to catch me like i didn't have it i had to be hyper vigilant from a very very unnaturally early age and it and it and it coursed all throughout my adult life and let me tell you something i'm [ __ ] tired i'm tired which is now which is why now i have chosen after my mom passed away to really really learn and understand the concepts of self-love and self-care not a [ __ ] ikea weighted a blanket from ikea you know and not like instagram memes and bubble baths and lots of wine and stuff really doing the hard shadow work to uncover the parts of myself that i deem to be unacceptable to be viewed by society or just the parts of me that just were unattractive or whatever the case is and learn what they are learn why they are that why they are the way that they are and embrace them you know what i mean um it it has been it's become it's it's it's a it's a form of survival for me at this point right you know um but i say all that to say that let your kids be children i don't i don't think we really had the concept of what it was like to truly be a child right you know so you're right yeah right because i put a lot of pressure on elijah and i'm like look son i know it's hard for you to understand this right now but your childhood is going to be the shortest period of your life and i need to stop you you don't even have to tell him that i promise you don't even have to tell him that because he's going to figure it out right i swear to god you can't just there's just certain things is certainly getting kicked in the teeth no no i kind of want that but he's insulated from that this is this is my thing right yeah so you know we live in we learn we go through things we pick up certain tactics and we know right so when i have this little guy coming up now i'm like [ __ ] bro you can oh my god you're going to be a billionaire right but you got to do this yeah you got to do that he may not want to do these things right that i'm asking him to do right but it's like if you can just understand what i just know yo like if you how about let me just ask you this serial entrepreneur idea factory you think it it ha you manifest it you make it happen you have made millions of dollars you're like ridiculously successful what if elijah or you know your daughter whoever um one of your children said dick wanna just uh you know like um work at mcdonald's i just i want to i want to be average i want to be regular that's fine i don't i don't know about that i don't know if i mean if somebody being genetics go wrong here here's the thing my children are very intellectually complex so if someone came to me and said that they might have a real firm position that they're standing on and i'll let them ride it out okay maybe it not like might not last that long they'll see how hard life will be on but maybe they'll figure something out and find happiness in the simplicity of life right because that's a thing too i see different levels of simplicity i got a homie um big tony that tony's a smart dude very successful he started he's an electrician by trade he started his own company and he's doing big mansions for famous people politicians you name it and he had a big team and then he quit doing that yeah he saw all his trucks scholar get rid of all his equipment to be a cop right and i'm like bro why'd you do that he says look i make i own my house um i know when i'm off yeah my vacation time i got good benefits i got retirement i know when i can spend time with my daughter and my girl what do i need and bro like i'm not sure i was like yo i envy that yeah i don't have that that i don't have that right you don't but i envy and admire that in him you know people think that it's all about being a millionaire making all this money it's a lot of stress with that [ __ ] yeah and you know and that brings that i think that that's a way back um to you know double back on the conversation about the battle of the sexes you know and the reason why um you know the disconnect between men and women you know like there's uh there's a lot of podcasts right now um with uh people that whose conversations capitalize off of the um divisiveness between you know not even necessarily um uncle kev you know obviously he's one of the most major ones right right um you know but then there's also um the podcast you just went on fresh fresh and fit fresh and fit um and then there was also even though he didn't have a podcast but this [ __ ] was always in the car derrick jackson i'm sorry i'm sorry um but the guy that yeah that had like 15 million mistresses you know what no that sounded like judgment i apologize no that's not it he just was he he got caught out there um but his wife is standing by him he represented something that he wasn't living right uh if if i because i don't know [ __ ] about this sort of but nothing about this guy but then he comes out with this book how to heal together without hurting each other and i'm like so was this all like a publicity ploy i digress it ain't my business above my pay grade i don't give a [ __ ] you know but what i will see what i will say is you know let's because i want to go back to the fresh and fit podcast because i saw a lot of the comments and i was like [ __ ] calling you a simp i was like we'll get back to that we'll get back to this let's talk about uncle kevin the crazy part about uncle kev is and i'm going to say something that women are probably going to be mad at me for um is he's ridiculously intelligent he is that is an undisputable fact and you find that when he's on other podcasts right not not only that he just he comes from an advertising marketing and corporate sales background okay the decades of that kind of experience is and then it led into image consultancy work but for both men and women and high profile men and women all of this creates a repertoire where you've got him he sits there and he's got his tailored suits and he and he speaks in an eloquent fashion and he's highly intelligent um and when he's not on these when he's not on his own podcast he speaks in a manner that is very very conversational very conversational very practical very practical makes complete and total sense when he gets on his show same thing but the entertainment value kicks in and it's not fun just to watch somebody dispensing advice you you you gotta you gotta be a a disrupter which means kind of an asset to someone with an into a certain intellectual pedigree it's just hard to watch that right when he has the silly girls on and and just kind of bashing them right you know making them look silly so continuing on with him he speaks from the he speaks from the place where it comes off where he's way more sympathetic to men than women which is true because he is a man you know what i'm saying like i i'm going to be sympathetic to the plight of woman because i am a woman i ha woman i have had my you know my experiences with broken hearts and and whatever you know what i'm seeing like abandonment and all kinds of [ __ ] stuff has happened to me so when i see people kind of criticizing women for you know just just like i said the human condition of course i'm gonna be like yo get [ __ ] out of here you know what i'm saying i'm gonna find sympathy there he comes from oklahoma and he comes from a blue collar um working background like his family and stuff like that so he's gonna really really sympathize with the salt of the earth type type of blue-collar average work working man who is doing an honest day's work for an honest day's pay and that should be enough to attract women and but what he is seeing and i think the social media is definitely contributing to that is the fact that people have lofty expectations that exceed who they actually are it's not a man-woman thing it's all of it's it's everybody it's everybody so for for for from an entertainment standpoint i think sometimes he takes it a little too far you know what i mean that's number one and number two i was taught and number two he speaks from the standpoint of being a highly educated man you can only speak to people and expect and and they will they will understand you from the point of where their level of intellect maturity and and um you know growth character etc where they are you know what i mean so i can't expect you know me firing you know off a dissertation and a somebody in the third grade understanding with [ __ ] i say you know what i'm saying so i think that what happens i think that what happens is in the comments section guys that point right there let me energize a lot of a lot of a lot of guys cherry-pick from what he says from his intention and they apply the entire thing to their identity you know and and their their feelings of inadequacy it's a lot of projection happening not just with men but with but with the women everybody so let me let me speak on something um yeah when i went on fresh and fit you know i never heard anything about red pill blue pill all of this stuff with men whatever scent talk whatever right so i'm looking at comments and when they were asking me stuff about women they they were like when you're dating how many girls at a time like is one yeah like i literally that's what i want and i literally don't have time to be dating about i said i barely had time to date one woman right and i also i also hate the assumption that because you are a high value man just in terms of how much money you've got and how successful you are in your network and whatever that the assumption is you should be like nailing a bunch of [ __ ] like what is wrong with monogamy what is wrong with just having one person to god forbid grow your empire with what like cuddle up with big spoons here's the thing though be a chronological i have yeah they smashed a bunch of bees like you just said growth though correct and also experience right i seen a long time ago that this is not fun this is i'm getting nothing out of this i got to a point where i felt super lonely no matter how many girls i had right and i'm the type of person that could used to every day somebody i'm never alone right but i'm alone right you know what i mean so it's a very unfulfilling feeling yeah and you know what you just said like the most successful people i know are married you know and i know that if i was married my focus would be laser point sharp on all of my bottom lines right so it's some there's a power to that right and that's the completion like listen everybody got their own ideology for life and and goals for me it's man and woman right that's why i don't subscribe to the the man woman thing man versus woman or attack on masculinity or trying to make women feel a certain way because here's the thing now the red pill philosophy the actual philosophy is dope however what i've observed i'm not saying this is what it is no the concept has definitely been bastardized what i observe and you can read through comments and see the [ __ ] that people are saying right these guys hate women so the people carrying the flag of red flag of red pill hate women and it all stems from and this is from what they're saying getting their hearts broken women rip my heart out my chest and all this [ __ ] i'm like so [ __ ] that [ __ ] happens yeah that is a normal thing and here's the thing there's guys that really was like he he he'll come over to the i'm like look [ __ ] you guys are associating yourself with something that somebody came up with uh man woman relations all of the complexities that come with it has been in existence before this this notion of this pill whatever pill right so it's it's just silly to me right i don't fit into nothing i'm a free thinker right i i move how i want to move and i answer to my own rules i create my own rules they're mad at me for not subscribing to the rules that somebody else wrote i don't care yeah i don't even know it all and i don't want to know they they got a kick out of saying well he doesn't even know the whole thing about and i don't want to know i i have no i don't have enough space in my brain for that i got other [ __ ] i'm trying to i would challenge somebody to say okay so okay there's a there's a subscribe notion to this indoctrinated way of thinking and what the [ __ ] does it get you here's the thing all it does is make you mad they're not yeah guys are mad these guys in the comments are mad right and they're mad at me and they're trying to belittle me because their whole thing is because they have this idea about you it's understanding women right and they're saying i've seen today um it was a brother i can't remember the name of his uh his podcast excuse me my bro but i actually liked your podcast um [ __ ] was the name of his show he was a black kid and you know he just spoke about it and a little click baity it seemed like we were going at it because the picture looked all crazy and [ __ ] but he was very reasonable in his assessment of a video that shawna and i did talking about red pill but women really like whatever so but the comments were just silly right and it's like these guys in the comments they're talking about well red pill is all about understanding what women want now one thing the guy said and then they all adopted what he said they said well mike you never have problems with girls but look at you like you're a genetic specimen you're successful yadda yadda i'm like hold tight hold the phone real quick i was skinny as [ __ ] growing up my nickname was skinny right i was one i left high school at 1 30 right um when i was about i stopped fighting for the first time i think i was 23 i was 158 pounds right i didn't even get close to 200 pounds until i was 31 32 right so i was a thin guy all my life right but my confidence was this big right and i didn't have money on my life and they also said you know he he's a good looking guy with a great physique and he makes millions of dollars off of that yeah i stopped no i make money with this right here there's plenty of people in my industry that look better than me more physically attractive than me better physiques all of that they don't make any money and they're trying you know what i'm saying plenty of guys swole all of that don't they can't get a girl to save their lives you know what i'm saying so and i made money before this you know i'm saying so i've always put myself in a position of leadership with this has nothing to do with how look now how i look let's talk about that so i got into boxing at an early age i wanted to be strong i wanted to be a capable man right um and as i got older and older i just wanted to always be capable and able to protect and yada yada yada all that [ __ ] right so training and the way i look from training and the confidence that i carry from training and my self-estimation is high all that [ __ ] because of things that i'm doing to qualify myself to be a dope-ass man for a woman right these are not i wasn't born with these attributes these are decisions that i made right in my life to qualify myself to be that [ __ ] what you're talking okay go ahead so these guys they got to understand they're not going to coming at me they're saying it's not fair this is it no no this is the issue you're trying to make logic out of crazy that's that's your problem right now is you're talking about trying to save a couple people stop it i'm trying to give something stop it no no no i'm trying to give perspective and the perspective is this i'm black right mm-hmm i wasn't born with a [ __ ] silver spoon i was born in a gutter in brooklyn when brooklyn was real brooklyn rats bigger than cats that's where i come from the best style anybody from brooklyn know what i'm talking about cocaine 80s right i'm from that [ __ ] right my house that i lived in corrupted our whole block right like my life was a movie a bad movie a horrible movie right but guess what i'm still here right so so what i'm saying though is this instead of looking at somebody like me oh well you're just privileged or you look like no [ __ ] i work my ass off for everything that i got and i'm still planting seeds still right do the same [ __ ] thing don't don't come at somebody like me oh you only got girls because okay yeah that's why i got girls but listen there's fat because one guy was like whoa there's plenty of guys with nice personalities that don't have the looks that people are overlooking if he was rich he'd have all the [ __ ] there's plenty of unattractive [ __ ] with the bag that gets what they want that's a that's that's a real real vibe so if you don't have the looks get the money and you got the girl yeah that is no [ __ ] excuse your shortcomings with women is because of you not because of women you know not because of women i know you know what's so funny to me right now is like i i know i see why this bothers you because you understand you know your dimensionalism you understand that you are a fully fleshed out like you know three-dimensional i'm the prototype human okay i'm the prototype of what they're trying to become and you're trying to show them the way and they're not [ __ ] picking it up i get it mike i get it they're rejecting what they want do you it goes back to the shadow work it goes back to acknowledging all the dirty parts of our self you cannot change no one can unless you it starts with acceptance of everything that's wrong and everything that's broken that's 50 percent of of the journey is the acceptance and the acknowledgement of what part of you is dysfunctional and [ __ ] broken if you can't even get there you haven't even opened up the [ __ ] door to start so you're talking from the standpoint from from the mentality of a man who has lived several different lifetimes at this point you know you've you've you've been to prison you've gotten out you were poor and now you're rich like i was homeless you were homeless like you you're speaking from that perspective of of a of a very well-rounded and fully lived life and you're talking to probably some guys in [ __ ] basements wondering you know why [ __ ] don't [ __ ] want them but and that's and so they so they're gonna and here's the thing that has been kind of the bane of my existence you know since i've been in this industry is that the one-dimensional perception of who i am you know what i mean you are now experiencing what that looks like because you have all these guys that are like oh my god mike rasheed's the [ __ ] man and i hear this all the time yo micah she's the [ __ ] man you know and yeah he's the man who's that accident it's just how i thought it's like if i'm talking like a guy look through the man you know but it's just like but when you ask him why they think you're the man it's so surface and you hate that you hate that because you know you're not a surface [ __ ] you're well read you look for growth opportunities um and so you're like yeah i know this but this you're you're you're you're you're you're trying to preach to a congregation that doesn't give a [ __ ] and this is the manifestation of because no no because a lot of those guys that are going to find problems with women guess what they're doing they're projecting their [ __ ] dysfunction and insecurity on to women because they don't want to deal with what's happening within them what happened we got some light light issues up in your teeth light issues hello i'll let you boy here's the thing here's the thing um and i say and i say this i just have to preface this always projectionism is not just a man thing it's an everybody thing it's a human condition it just that's it right you know so i am not laying blame anyone's feet uh specifically yeah but i'm talking about the guys who just you know went from being fans to calling you simp on this podcast no my people that's not that was those are not those are not my people and you know what hold on and when in debate if you whoever goes for the personal attack first is the loser if you cannot have uh an engaging conversation and disagree with each other without personally attacking and well you ain't [ __ ] cause you blah blah right you just lost [ __ ] it's just a silly low-level uh vibration and that's it's just weird it's weird for someone to really try to come at somebody that's doing way better than them it's just weird you know what i mean he's like what do you want what do you want me to you know anyway i i seen another i want to bring this up to you i've seen um you know i like club i'll shout out the clubhouse um and i like to hop on there some good conversations that i've had i've networked with some dope people you know um so there's one room a couple days ago and i thought that the the name of the room was click bait to get people in there but they were serious it was it the name of the room was black men wish they had the power that white men had right and it was by black women and it was going in right and they all they all had that they all had that candace owens talk you know what i'm saying and i'm like wow and they're talking about one was like listen i don't give a [ __ ] like i'm not politically correct with all of the right words for people she wasn't attractive and she was overweight are we talking about the moderator here no one of the people talking that was talking when i hopped in she's like yeah i've been dating white men for a few years and it's been wonderful i'm like [ __ ] you've been dating them for why you ain't married then you know what i'm saying so so it's like and they were really going in and then a white dude hopped up and he was trying to go in in a cool way right like yeah which way like like yeah i did a i did a um i did an event with a with a nigerian woman and you know everybody's mad like what are you mad for i'm trying to help her and then then i seen him trying to get into like because you know club i was kind of delayed yeah i was the only dude in there but he probably didn't see me at first right i i pinned a couple of my boys and so so his first comments was one way then the second comment i'm gonna tell you so he was like you know and it wasn't nothing romantic with me or her but you know and you know i don't know man like i try to talk to if i'm trying to give advice to a black man about something and sometimes they don't want to accept it from me but i'm just trying to help them love it like like he's the savior right so he came back on stage when he's seen about three or four of us in there he was like yeah man i grew up in detroit and you know like white people more afraid than black people and like trying to flip it it was weird but i wanted to get up in there and say some things especially to the sisters and and i wanted to check him because it's like no we don't we don't wish we had anything that white white men have right i can't speak for everybody right i can speak on my circle right and myself and i'd like i i'd like i'd like a little bit of white privilege i'm not gonna [ __ ] lie that's what you got [ __ ] fantastic you know what white privilege is what pretty privilege to no no white privileges is is climbing the socio-economic ladder yeah right because i have that yeah i experience it right i remember one time me and t was talking i'm at the benz dealership getting some service or something and this older white gentleman serving me and can i get you some water sir i'm like dang bro this old white man over here it goes in but but and that's just one level and i've grown leaps and bounds since then so i've experienced a fair amount of white privilege i'm not even calling white privilege white privilege is it's no white privilege is driving a [ __ ] fancy ass car not worrying that purchasing a fancy ass car is going to get your ass pulled off you know what that privilege looked like me speeding in my lamborghini 130 on pch getting pulled over he he immediately says i'm gonna write this at 89 because under 89 is not a not a charge it's a ticket then he's like i can't give you a ticket man i like this car too much that's i experienced that and that's an anomalous situation so listen no that's that's something that is orange county you've hit certain levels of status and having things things are different the big problem is not it's not black and white it's it's having and not having poor people are the most vulnerable people in this country i'm sorry i i'm black i know the issues i know we need our [ __ ] bag of reparations and i'm here for it but there's a lot of things that we can we can climb over there's a lot of barriers that we can climb over by us having our [ __ ] together and climbing that ladder because i'm gonna tell you there's so many trying to get close to me to like people who who may even be in better a bigger position than me but they see that certain things from a creative side is limited right so they're how can we let's let's do something together let's i'm just like hold hold tight let me you know what i'm saying so there is a certain level of black privilege and i don't even like the term privilege in for it to be negative right because it's been when people say white privilege is very negative right so i want to use black privilege i don't want it to be negative right so i don't know maybe we come up with a different word but there is a certain level of of brilliance that is displayed in the black that that is generated from black culture that you don't in this country that you find nowhere else in the world right and that's a real thing you have the continent of africa with more black people than anywhere they don't produce what we produce blacks here in america right oh that's because of colonization and the theft of [ __ ] resources and hold on hold on slavery that continues to this day um but here's the thing though here's the thing we've been beat up so much here right they've developed a [ __ ] monster they didn't try to and you greeted us oh the potential that we have because we're here they breeded us together right certain certain peoples right they've you know the people every black person that came through the transatlantic slave trade through that that voyage right or descendants of the people that came through that right you got to think about this out of every 10 people in the shanty lands that was brought out to the coast of africa the ivory coast to be put in the slave dungeons and castles to put on the boats out of every 10 seven died just the voyage being marched for days right seven out of ten would die the final the other three one or two would die so the ones that made it across you know how tough they [ __ ] are and those are our those we're direct descendants of those people right so we're a sturdy [ __ ] capable people we're still here there there's been atrocities committed to us right and we're still here we're not just here hanging our heads we're [ __ ] thriving now the media will make you you know focus only on george floyd or ahmad arbury or whatever [ __ ] and we got to be conscious of why certain things are being put out given to us right over and over and over do you mean like the the the stories that the media correct correct i mean let me finish let me finish there's so many dope stories about us overcoming and thriving that is never in the news never so one would think that it doesn't happen right it's just [ __ ] struggleville and that's not reality i know way too many people every day every week every month i'm meeting more and more people black people who's [ __ ] doing it and not in like entertainment or where their names will be real big and popular you know what i'm saying they're [ __ ] doing major things right and it's so it's so it makes me feel so good right so and most of us don't have the perfect upbringing you know what i'm saying we all a lot of us start out with deficits huge deficits like i did right so that tells that says a lot right to come from a deficit and [ __ ] thrive it says a lot you know what i'm saying i mean you know we kind of went off the the clubhouse conversation which i want to go back to but um you know the reality is that you know black folks in this country we are the descendants of kings and queens absolutely we are a strong people one thousand percent but i also think that you know you have constructed this bubble that you live in you know your world here um and it's a wonderful world and you're the king of that world um i don't think that it's you you have like a you you see yourself in situations that are kind of like out of control because it's not a poor you know or a rich thing you know i mean you live in orange county this [ __ ] is like this is this is red land you know i mean this is repub this gop they voted for trump over here in california this part of california um you know it is very the the median household does make a lot of money out here so it's like if this is your everyday existence if this is what you see every day then it's gonna infiltrate the way that you you know think we could look at the i think it was a princeton professor who was on his doorstep it was harvard or princeton i can't remember older black man and the cops were called on him it turned into a into a national debacle because this dignified black elder crazy educated man who taught at a ivy league school was treated no better than george floyd or a mod arbory it's not socioeconomics it is unfortunately and i'm half black and half white so i'm called a spade a spade it is a [ __ ] black and white issue it is i remember 20 years ago when i came to this country and i you know i believed that everything about the the us was like why has everything got to be a black and white issue you know i mean that's how i thought because i was raised in a household with one black parent one right white parent i was like why can't we all just get along i had this mentality and the longer that i've lived in this country i'm like holy [ __ ] this place is [ __ ] and it is black and white and it's ugly the politics uh the it's just not even just the politics but like well all right so tell me this i don't disagree to me what it looks like is an operation of fear white people being very afraid of black people and they want to keep them down they want to keep them suppressed they absolutely do i just read about these two honor roll uh students black kids in mississippi um and you know they were like top of their class you know like middle schoolers or whatever the case is in mississippi and now there's a recount because they can't believe that these two black kids would succeed at the you know high level of you know education that they did and that's that's that that's okay that's troublesome okay but however go ahead and recount it and and it's insulting nothing it is that's that's insulting why it is why why we can't be tired we can't be exhausted we don't have time for that we don't have time for that [ __ ] because if we like man this should keep happening we can't stop keep being excellent keep being great all right they just did had those high scores it's y'all turned two did you see that story about them kids right here y'all do it too keep busting they they their heads open with the reality this is this is a real thing melissa yeah the truth always reigns supreme when the dust settles what's right will manifest itself and it will it will stand now we've been we were all right you have people saying oh this africans had slaves too yep their slavery slavery is not unique to what happened here in the western world right however the level of brutality is unique um taking people acro from their land to one the other side of the planet is unique the whole setup was as evil as it gets right how everything worked out right but guess what we free now right what i'm saying is this and the reason this is a fact the reason that united states is a superpower right um and i was listening to louder on crowder right earlier today and i kind of like the show and he was doing he does these little um setups he go to a college and he kind of like to like upset people but it's really good content but he's sitting and being very rational practical and he'll say something like i don't know uh i watched one and said male privilege is not real prove me wrong right and it's just semantics right and it's funny and it's going to be people that can't really there's not on his in his level intellectually so he wins these debates but whatever it's entertainment right but he said somebody said well this was a white white man made this constructed this country and built this country for other white man black men built this country right this country was built on slave labor okay that's a fact right yeah that's a fact for free now hold on hold on i'm telling you why this nation is so powerful and so rich right and where we're at now so free labor right the product was cotton was tobacco was coffee right things that are grown out the earth so that's free in itself and then the people cultivating it and working it are doing it for free you know what i'm saying free labor was the backbone to the economy in this country at some point and it got taken away it's gone right that's not because black people just wanted to be like yo stop let us free man this [ __ ] ain't cool there's no there's nothing that can like truth is in reality always rang supreme like it always stand at the end of the day that's why things have gotten a little bit better and they'll keep getting better you don't think things have gotten better since the 1700s it's 20 hold on hold on hold on you don't think things are better since slavery days it's the age of in industrial well we're past the age of industrialism and now as we're in the end we're in the information and technology obviously obviously we're not we cannot have a conversation about progression and apply because we can't apply that to standard of living when we when slavery was replaced with segregation and jim crow we can't we can't have that conversation we can't read jim crow hold on we can't have that conversation when in when you know uh institutions were basically developed with with systemic racism literally built into the cement we cannot have that conversation when white people in this country first of all outnumber us population wise and two they have a couple of few hundred years up on us in terms of generational wealth that's why that conversation that's why reparations is always going to be a conversation but what do we do with that we have 10 to 15 to 20 generations of wealth having been built legacies having been developed some rockefeller [ __ ] and we never had that we we we are starting we're just starting to dust ourselves off and there's and there was a point to where we wasn't even we couldn't even read we was it was illegal to read i i understand it was i understand it would be black but let me i'm just it was vague when she lost i'm just i'm just talking about i'm just talking about progression okay but look look melissa it is is moving at a [ __ ] glacial pace it's moving to me that's nothing to celebrate who's to say who i'm not celebrating though who's to say what amount of time things are supposed to happen right there's no there's no snap the finger and now everything's fair that's not a real thing that's not reality i'm talking about reality i'm talking about bottom line right bottom line is a few hundred years ago we were we were legally slaves right okay that shit's outlawed they still found ways to do it right hold on hold on hold on they're still looking for ways to do it let me finish we're still looking for ways to do it but it got us it's got a sneaky it's not open right things change things are not it's not realistic to think that things are going to just snap and change and be perfect all of a sudden but things are changing and things are getting better for us you you you really don't see that you don't see things think about no think about george floyd right i think i think this country [ __ ] scares me derek derek shoving right 20 years ago he wouldn't went to jail i understand that but i also think i also think that he was a [ __ ] sacrificial lamb like he gives a [ __ ] about him it's okay i i i think i think i think it's okay he's in prison forever yeah and hold on hold on hold on he's already filed his first [ __ ] appeal that means nothing i want to get out no he's not i i do not think everything i watched before every day of that trial i could it was so airtight i wasn't even concerned when the jury read their thing it was it's not airtight you want it no no no from a from a legal standpoint you wanna know why it's not airtight simply because of all of the coverage he can literally say he can literally the defense can literally make the argument there was no way that the derek was going to be able to get a fair trial just basically that's fine the international recovery this is what i'll say this is what i'll say it's impossible gets a sympathetic judge it's impossible for that to know suddenly isn't it is it going to be a part of this it's not going to happen it's not going to happen we shall see i'll put money on it i will take your i'll put money on it i'll show you i will take it put money on it but no no let me say something let me say something about this whole thing right i don't i'm not naive to the issues that we have here but [ __ ] those issues those issues ain't gonna stop me from doing what i need to do don't think that you have those don't think that your men that you have a that you that you have a privileged mentality just based on how long how long have you had have you had two pennies to rub together in your pockets like basically most of my life okay right so and i've had dips i've had time periods of not having [ __ ] right so remember i used to hustle i used to live a whole illegal life making more money back then right then i i lost at all as i should have right cause i was doing wrong so i had to pay the piper i had legal woes fights with the government right and i had racist laws applied to my my situation but guess what i beat them shits right hold on hold on hold on and it wasn't nobody knew i was at the time it was no privilege there it was me doing my due diligence and me researching and showing this to my lawyer like look can't we do this hold up hold on hold on let me finish can we do this can we try this like why not this is for every like on black like so there's very specific laws that target blacks and latinos that i could talk about that got applied to me but i beat that [ __ ] right and i'm not saying here's the problem some people when they're going through the system they try to put a gang injunction on me that's what it was right most people now a gang injunction is a 10-year enhancement so if you rob the store and it's a two-year sentence you're doing 12 years because you're in a gang right most [ __ ] go to jails like they ask you what were you from and they tell them they say they're in the game right right it's a racist law it's [ __ ] up right because it don't apply to white boys but [ __ ] still are telling on themselves right okay so so we know this [ __ ] uh uh exists certain things exist why we can't play chess why we can't be smart like everybody else does here's the thing there's a lot of tactics there's a lot of things that that white people do let's say to not pay taxes or whatever we can do the same thing we can do the same thing there's no reason for us to not like like it's egregious to not be a millionaire these days because it's so it's so much access to so much information and it's not hard and right now the government is giving money away will it [ __ ] the economy in a few years maybe but right now they're giving it away to their people they're not used to black people taking advantage of this [ __ ] too right so here's the thing there's a lot of there's a lot of [ __ ] that exists in this country i'm fully aware like i'm hyper aware of it however what do i do with that information do i just talk about it all the time or do i dig my heels in and apply myself to advance in this world here's the situation mike is that what's wrong with that and and don't say it's me don't say it's a me thing nothing's wrong not a me thing yeah i'm not the only one doing this nothing's wrong with that i am and this is this this is something anybody can do i'm gonna say that one you're you're the exception to the rule i'm not i am gonna say that you're the exception of the rule um i'm going to say i'm going to say that the criminal justice system is set up to um incarcerate as many black and brown people as it possibly can i'm also going to say like the bail system the plea bargaining system let me stop you there let me stop you let me stop you let me stop you because i've been through the system the reason why the reason why i've been through this system many times the criminal justice system favors white people more than it does black people is usually because they have the money to ha to to have competent counsel where we are left with public defenders that are either inept or they are overworked they we are we are less likely to be given bail we are more likely to be encouraged to be to accept [ __ ] up plea agreements that land us in jail create uh you know create a felony record when we get out our civil liberties are [ __ ] like this this is the definition of systemic racism at work and when you're in disagreement and with your particular situation you know why didn't it work out for khalif browder like why didn't it work out for him like we there's so many khalif browder stories one day i want to sit down with you i want to sit down with you off camera and go through one of those cases and i'll show you why right because i i know the system i had i studied that [ __ ] like i'm a lawyer i could be a lawyer right now right but anyway here's the thing i don't disagree that all of that [ __ ] exists but so what do i just accept it or they put this gang injunction on me [ __ ] it i'm about to ride this [ __ ] out my [ __ ] like [ __ ] [ __ ] i'm about to do [ __ ] 22 years what is that that the vibe and then blame it on like 22 years later or 15 years they finally let me out in 15 years oh this man was protecting his house and got 15 years of unjustly no [ __ ] that i'm not letting nobody lock me up for something that ain't just i'ma fight that [ __ ] right i'm not gonna lay down to it and i'm not unique in this i know other people that have done that's doing way doper [ __ ] than me right it we have access this is what this is what's dangerous to our people all right we have so many issues yep and is everybody else's fault [ __ ] that who gives who cares what whose fault it is right let's just let's just handle our issues let's fix our issues let's fix ourselves let's get our lives together that should be the message and that's the vibe i i think i think that that is the messaging that a lot that a lot of black people receive and i just think that i don't see that this is a canadian this is a canadian saying that the rules are set up against black folks in this country and they continue to do so that's just by observational standpoint remember [ __ ] my opinion that is what i see and this this is from somebody who had a lens of growing up in the most one of the most liberal countries in the entire world in a in a in an interracial household who now sees things for the way that they [ __ ] are because it's like it's it's a constant every day i was i mean let's scale back to something you said earlier and this is not my complete reality of me being in this bubble because i live in orange county because listen i'm in the gutter too you know what i'm saying i'm look i'll never lose my edge because i go back to where i'm from and i do a lot of [ __ ] how did you get there how'd you get to the gutter work my ass off no no no no no i mean like when you're going to the gutter right now like how are you are you go are you in your maybach are you in your all right however i want to go you know what i'm saying but so so so here's the thing let's say that i'm in my bubble right let's say i'm in my bubble right did anything was i given the means to be in my bubble was it not just my own hard work and grit i would never ever say anything to the contrary you are a like i said in the beginning of the show you are one of the most disciplined hard-working [ __ ] i have ever met it is admirable absolutely now what i'm trying to do is give my people a blueprint right okay now you're in you operate in the entertainment industry right i've been there before and i got out i'm gonna tell you i'm gonna tell you like my spirit they were trying to court me to be the next guy right i'll tell you about all of that [ __ ] after after this right big time director black director and there's some you know very famous black dude who what kicked him off was a movie that they wanted me to do however i seen so much grimy [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] hollywood i'm out of here i don't want to do this [ __ ] i walked away from it i walked away with my dignity right so life is still good now that world is [ __ ] disgusting i'm sorry it's grimy right it's a lot of ugly [ __ ] in it it's [ __ ] up now let's say that i am just isolated in this bubble in orange county my reality is great yeah now your reality is this entertainment industry with a lot of [ __ ] it's a lot of [ __ ] let's not let's not like act like it's not to to to no no no no it's one thousand percent a lot of [ __ ] and i have made it in the since so much life has happened to me in the last three years i have kind of send it out i tried to do everything that i can't find ways in which to create streams of revenue that are not right i want to help you with that because i remember we talked about even some people you were dealing with that it was just egregious like how they were treating you and i'm like huh yeah but that's that world yeah so a person's perspective is going to be skewed to a certain lens if this is what you're around right my reality is different because i have a different things that i see you know what i'm saying that's my decision that's my choice you know what i mean so i can go and get an agent and try to do movies and [ __ ] now like i don't want to i have no you know many people like yo you should do nah it would be cool but now i'm good i'm saying i'm cool in my little world my little bubble right raising my kids so and having my sanity and my peace of mind here's the thing there's uh they did studies in a hospital these people of a similar age it was like 12 or 18 people however many similar age similar types of illnesses right one side they had a view of a wall the other side they had this beautiful view of nature the people with the view of nature were covered like 30 faster same treatment than the people with the wall right so a person's what a person is consuming audio visually information people are around just straight beauty like i know when i was in miami living on a beach i woke up in a great mood every [ __ ] day like this is great yeah i was that [ __ ] on instagram like hey guys what's up man i hope you're having a good day exactly when you were in miami i've never seen him smile the [ __ ] had teeth right right you feel me but that's a real thing our our immediate reality is our world and it means a lot right we want we always want to like listen we attach ourselves to the struggle which is honorable right but what's most important is for you is you i don't give a [ __ ] and that's empirically absolutely correct you are the most important person to you because if you ain't good you ain't good for nobody right and it's the same with me i have people that very close to me that depend on me so i got to be good you know what i'm saying so i can't i don't i can't like i obs i'm able to observe all of the [ __ ] that happens and i know how to move it and bring back in what's important you don't know what you don't know until you know it you know what i'm saying and oftentimes people learn but what i'm saying is this i'm not i'm sorry my brothers my black brothers my latino brothers stop [ __ ] around stop [ __ ] around in the streets don't get in trouble because it is set up for us to lose right petty [ __ ] for us to do major time don't do petty [ __ ] [ __ ] humble yourself and go to school get a job i don't give a [ __ ] there's no job that should be demeaning to a man to making an honest living is never anything wrong with that you know we have to see we we we can talk about all of the [ __ ] that white people have done and set up but we not taking accountability for our [ __ ] like let's not get in trouble yeah but they shouldn't have to yeah you're right but we shouldn't do anything illegal we should try to now of course there's outlier situations to where we're not doing anything and then we get [ __ ] with but that is not a common thing you could take a pool 100 people and ask them all like how many times have you been arrested unjustly black people like i haven't we just see the horrible [ __ ] on the news and it's imprinted in your brain and you feel like that's just reality and it's not always reality i'm gonna give you an example my boy tony shout out to big tony back in the day when trump was in office i like hear a cop i said yo why y'all all like trump like what's the deal and he said he didn't really have a good answer but he said uh you know this is better with him like i said how he says you know unemployment is down i said i said how do you know he said you know the numbers i said bro you would not know if unemployment is down or up unless you losing your job or is people in the street begging at a crazy rate or you know what i'm saying you're just going off of what somebody said on on tv on the news a lot of this [ __ ] that people say we don't really know and they putting [ __ ] in your brain all day every day we consuming this [ __ ] this bad news [ __ ] the news i don't [ __ ] with the news at all see lights baby i don't [ __ ] with the news at all right because [ __ ] that [ __ ] if i do his entertainment whatever i don't trust them it's an agenda even when it's something for us like all the black lives matter [ __ ] and the [ __ ] whatever i take that [ __ ] with a grain of salt i don't [ __ ] with none of them they're tugging at people's emotions constantly why we gotta ask why right because in marketing the best marketing tactic is to target feelings right try to give some kind of emotional response to something they do it in church all the time right they get people all fired up and then pass around that collection bin oh hello media media companies are at the you know the mercy of advertisers they need eyeballs and so you know if it believes if it bleeds it leads so of course you know feel good news is not going to you know encourage people to watch people are going to watch because they are having a visceral reaction to what they're watching and usually your our visual responses are most like are usually our most negative responses you know so i mean this is everybody knows this you know what i mean people don't you know it mm-hmm everybody don't know it the general population are clueless the greatest the greatest they're just getting people just getting tugged along but but the greatest minds and the most you know well-rounded people can still fall victim to that kind of [ __ ] you know like i remember when um hurricane katrina hit and i would not stop watching the news for two weeks straight 24 7. like i was constantly watching and i was like oh my god i have to do something my fiance at the time was like what melissa what the [ __ ] like what the [ __ ] is watching all of this [ __ ] constantly what are you going to do and it makes me think of you know the girl the woman that you were talking about earlier with the sun and you know like what is she what's she going to do when she has a priority right here you know i mean um but it's like our our our i think the natural human default is is is to move towards the negative it just it really is a it is a consciousness i don't think so i think it's a society from a psychological standpoint i think that it is and i think that it is a conscious decision and takes effort to to find happiness or at least you know because i'm very careful about the pursuit of happiness happiness is a [ __ ] transient emotion just like sadness is that's why we can't you know sit and and stew um we have to you know self-correct right but like i feel like the goal is contentment that's way more manageable you know what i mean yeah i i agree with that but i think that like i said it is a conscious effort to to to choose happiness to choose light to choose positivity over negative negativity because it is so easy to do so and i'm saying this from somebody who was who had a very negative internal dialogue for the vast majority of my life and the amount of work i have to do to change it it's still the default is there the default to be like you're no good you you're lazy you're unmotivated what's wrong with you melissa it's there i have to actively be like [ __ ] go back to your corner and shut the [ __ ] up she's always there it's what monster are you what monster are you guys you chose a long time ago which monster you were going to feed and it is the positivity monster you refuse to feed the negative monsters that's why the [ __ ] is weak see i run into the negative monsters and like wha what's up [ __ ] that's me right in my own mind my subconscious mind how much work it takes for people to this is why get there a couple years ago i was trying to like just try it meditation just try it just try it let me tell you how and i i suggest i highly recommend meditation to y'all out there so so i had to do this anger management class some years ago right and the instructor would have us do this breathe he called it a breathing exercise right before his class right so i i do it at first i'll just fall asleep you know what i'm saying but then i would just really just try to do what he said just breathing focus on your breathing right block out all your thoughts right and didn't think much of it but i appreciated it so one day i'm flying back from miami um me my son and my girl and i'm dealing with some [ __ ] in miami and in california while i'm on a plane with this shitty wi-fi so i'm trying to fix a situation that i have nothing to do with that's [ __ ] up people are lying and [ __ ] like that and you know you're getting frustrated when you type something it ain't going through and you're like [ __ ] ten minutes go through i'm so hot right i'm pissed right the flight that's a five hour flight it felt like five minutes that's how how hot i was right i get off the plane i tell them y'all y'all walk just go i'm gonna meet y'all up there i was too angry to be talking to anybody right so i just stopped and just i like [ __ ] i'm gonna do this breathing exercise i sit in the middle airport i didn't give a [ __ ] how i looked and i just did it it was the time i really needed to do it and [ __ ] melissa like it mellowed me out so much and for like at least a week at least a week i felt so chill and relaxed and then i just started doing that [ __ ] on a regular and i'm looking it up and i'm like oh this is meditation this is meditation and it and i appreciated that he didn't call it that back then because i probably would be like ain't doing no [ __ ] meditating i don't need to meditate you know what i'm saying i feel like a few years ago we had a conversation earlier i don't meditate yeah i was like right exactly no for real so so it it's not easy it really help it's not easy to do right and i've been doing it for years it's still if i'm not on it consistently it's hard to get back into it that's why it's called practicing meditation exactly practicing mindfulness because it takes practice what it does is it helps you quiet your mind control it and and there's no you have you can't control nothing if you can't control your thoughts in your mind right and it separates everything and it gives you what it do for me it gives me gps for life for my decision making is a lot easier you know what i'm saying and it prioritizes what's really important in your mind and in your life right so i experienced that on a regular you know and every morning i go sit in 180 degree sauna after my workout and i do my mindfulness meditation in there you know what i'm saying and there's actual physiological and mental benefits that are proven through science with this whole sign of vibe too as well as meditation so i'm getting them both in one shot as well as me exercising every morning at 6 30. you know what i'm saying so these are these are tactics i'm telling people that will level you up it will level you up it will level you up and just like the guys that were saying well well he's genetically this and i'm not [ __ ] i'm when i don't lift i shrink up i'm thin you know what i'm saying uh i'm wiry you look at my sons that's my physique that's my frame i gotta do a lot to to to put on muscle but i i do it yeah you know what i'm saying that you don't look at a person like well yeah but you got muscles and you got money [ __ ] i work for it the muscle and the money you know what i'm saying okay so can i ask you like yeah does it bother you that they make the assumption that uh that people make these assumptions about you that like well you're naturally built like that and you do that you don't really have to put in effort and work that it just happens it happens it comes naturally through [ __ ] osmosis does it bother you because i feel like it does this is bizarre that people would think like that would would take that kind of [ __ ] and hit sin like you think about what you're saying bro you know what i'm saying so it's like that's not these same people should be looking to me for a blueprint because i'm no different than them at some point in my life you know what i'm saying don't be mad at me like i'm winning the game because i'm playing the [ __ ] to win right i'm not just existing mm-hmm so many people just exist you know what i'm saying and for those out there who's with it really listen to what i'm saying it's not a secret right it's not some tactics that i know that nobody else know right i'm telling you what i do and some of y'all can be like i ain't doing that [ __ ] okay but and i'm not saying that what i do is going to work for everybody but i [ __ ] meditate every day and okay so i you know what i'm saying like i fast that's a form of suffering do you go to therapy i have went to therapy i've done therapy you have long how long ago uh right before i stopped when pandemic kovic started yeah okay okay and it was cool however i have issues with it and i'll tell you why it's for a set amount of time once we get going all right next week i don't like that i don't like that it's uh the timing thing is just weird to me i don't feel like talking about that next week you know what i'm saying so and you know this person is a job too and this person was highly highly uh um recommended and she was good but it's just i think i think that that's the best part about therapy is that it is their job and that they don't have a dog in the race um that and and that you get to unload the ugliest parts of yourself the things that you can't even believe you're actually saying to a non-judgmental you know um here's the thing person who's like completely removed and and and isn't going to you know like recoil so i'm this person as well you gotta understand that i'm not the average person in that i'm not honest with myself i'm extremely honest with myself i think i'm able to walk through so many doors because i am so [ __ ] honest with myself right so my shortcomings i go to it and i deal with it you know what i'm saying what do you think is one of your shortcomings if you could be transparent about that right now i don't know i got to really think but listen listen i'll tell you i'll tell you my two my two big demons that i dealt with most recently go one was my relationship with my brother right there t right okay i would flex on them sometime i would get mad i would be short with them right and the reality of it is when i had to really sit and think about it i'm like yo we've been friends for 20 plus years you're older than me you're my elder you're a good person you're always here right like you're reliable you're a good [ __ ] father you're you've never done anything foul to me i feel like a piece of [ __ ] right now for how i've been with you please forgive me for not being a better person to your better friend okay right that was one and the other one was lying little white lies right yeah like no i don't know i didn't see her no you know what i'm saying and i realized how egregious and how ugly and filthy that is i found so much love for myself that i will never allow filth like that to come out of my mouth right people that i interact with that i deal with i care about so i will not disrespect you with not being honest right and i love myself to not do things that i feel like i need to lie about right so god forbid i'm drinking and driving and i get pulled over and they're like yo what you know i pulled you over i'm gonna be i'm gonna tell them yeah i get it you're my bad i don't drink and drive though so that's something i don't have to worry about but that keeps me in alignment like we give ourselves rules be honorable if you're going to be honorable to anybody it should be yourself i care about myself right because i'm the source of life for people that i [ __ ] love wholeheartedly you know what i'm saying so so yeah i'm a little bit different i i have when i have demons i deal with it those would and i've been dealing with [ __ ] for a long time you know what i'm saying and trying to fix people that i've hurt reaching out having an honest conversation and not justifying the [ __ ] that i've done you know what i'm saying i do that kind of work right and i've been doing it and i'm not perfect maybe i just can't think of what it is right now i'm being honest with you i just can't think of it right now but those were the two outstanding issues that i had and and we walked down those paths we dealt with it you know what i'm saying yeah okay i was just uh curious as to um you know when somebody assigns themselves the position of leadership um it kind of begs the question of you know like keep in mind i don't put that on me by any means where does it come from leadership yeah like you know the notion that you like in fact the fact that i live my life and people choose to follow okay people choose to gravitate towards the concepts that i put out and the things that i was gonna ask do you think that that might have had like an effect on you in terms of i gotta live up to this role no well no well besides that do you think that that might have had an effect on you in terms of maybe ego um i gotta be honest with you i've had an ego since i was in i don't know sixth seventh grade because i was a boxer yeah nobody else in my school box i was thin and small but i could fight and then i used to i love working out so you know we didn't have testosterone yet so we didn't look like [ __ ] but you could still get strong so i was stronger than everybody didn't look like it so a lot of that [ __ ] gave me a lot of ego from back in the day so i've had a healthy ego for a long time long time okay okay and i'm not one of those people that dissolved his ego right i've been there and i've encountered my ego right i don't deal with people with ego i would never deal with you with my ego i would never deal with t with my ego or my children or anybody i care about ego is when it's time to [ __ ] hustle when it's negotiations work [ __ ] hustle [ __ ] business [ __ ] that [ __ ] gets me far in life right if i didn't employ tactics of the ego i don't know guys it's okay you guys go first like nah you're gonna get ran over you i'm saying because i'm coming [ __ ] like so yeah i i know when to pull them ego equals strength yeah for me yeah strength confidence and a silly it's a silly type of confidence to a unrealistic confidence that's my ego right you know yeah yeah um that's interesting my ego is big enough to go make me bench press 500 pounds that's double my body weight that's silly yeah you know what i'm saying i can't get seriously hurt doing that but my ego made me go do that [ __ ] yeah i mean i got ego yeah but great risk great reward yeah i am i ask these questions of just kind of like whenever i get into like a conversation about you know just self and existentialism what's your concept of ego um i think that with ego ego acts as a blinder ego just ego creates that absolutism way of thinking and can lead one to believe that they are the moral authority on the way in which one should live their life and they and they and they use that and they apply that to others of you should be and you should be and you should be i mean like i think that you can't be like you can't be a leader like um joel olsteen or tony robbins or you know just pick one out of the air and not have an enormous ego the two go hand in hand with each other not to say that these people do not have you know um good intentions and and other incredible attributes but it takes an enormous ego to believe that you are the guiding force for the masses oh yeah for sure you know what i mean um and in that way it's so funny and ironic because how can altruism kind of exist with ego you know what i mean like it's it's so here's the thing this is how i manage that right the whole altruism aspect and is that egocentric oh you're the i'm the one feeding these people right so when i first started feeding people right the first time i did it um my father was talking it was like thanksgiving or something i don't know what it was maybe it wasn't and every week this particular day he's missing and i like pop what have you been doing mm-hmm and he was like i was doing a the soup line or soup kitchen some [ __ ] like that i'm like really i'm like why you didn't tell me he's like i've just been been doing it for a while it was dope so um um one year i had uh um like this is when i was living in arizona and arizona in the winter is cold right yeah the desert's [ __ ] freezing right so all out of my merch i had a bunch of hoodies that was like the print was off or whatever defective so i'm like yo send me all of the the [ __ ] up hoodies just send it to me so christmas day i'm not big on like big family [ __ ] on holidays because i don't like holiday food i know it's weird but i don't i don't like overeating like that i just don't it's not me and i just want to be in my own body with my family which is my children you know what i'm saying so elijah and i we went we wanted to go and give out these hoodies to people that was outside it's homeless so we went and did that and it was dope right so then i started doing it more often and then one day i was like [ __ ] it i'm gonna do a video and put it up and then people you know they were going going to town like oh who's better the person that does that in silence or the person broadcasting into the world and i was like [ __ ] who's better what's important is people getting warm clothing that's outside like why don't you think about that so then it but it did make me think like who do i think i am showing people this kind deed right am i one of those people because i see people filming themselves handing somebody money i think that's a corny as [ __ ] disgusting it's like bro get the [ __ ] out of here so but my intent was to show other people like yo this is easy to do right it don't take a lot of effort or money to go out there and do something kind for people right so so i i had to think about it is that egocentric like i'm the one to help like i'm the one to help and at the end of the day it's like you know what maybe but people are getting help you know what i'm saying you know there's a lot there's things now that we do that nobody know about like there's a move that that me sean and mark just made with the company to you know something very charitable that we may know we talked about the other day and we're like nah let's not post about that [ __ ] like [ __ ] it and the only reason we would would be to bring attention to the organization right but we didn't say nothing we might but that's not even a concern it's like let's just help right and i'm with that vibe i'm with that energy you know what i mean so um but yeah i mean i can't lie i've donated to people's gofundme and made sure my name was on there you know just so people could see i helped like that's ego yeah right so um you know maybe it is ego and i'm not perfect you know what i'm saying but i don't think but i don't think ego is always bad you know it's how it's used you know what i'm saying okay agreed and how i deal with you and with anybody else i care what is with love right even if i'm just sitting having a conversation with somebody that i just met right they want some advice or whatever i'm still if i'm taking the time to really talk to them because there's a lot of people you know i talk a lot but there's a lot of people think i'm quiet because i just don't feel i don't want to when we met i was like who the [ __ ] is this dude we were at uh boxing jimmy you know his boxing gym hollywood hino shout out to hino um and uh mike was sitting there at a table and i was working out and i was i didn't even notice him you were just sitting there at a table like on your computer and i did a double take i said who the [Music] and i was just like um and i thought to myself i was like i've never seen him before and it's like i it's rare for me to have like not seen especially out there in beverly hills what is this guy um and then you got in the boxing ring i was like ow and then i looked up your instagram i was like oh who the [ __ ] is this guy and then come to find out that some of my friends who are not on social media at all they they get on youtube right they're like oh my god she's the man okay cool um you know so i you were quiet as [ __ ] so i can see why people think that you are naturally just kind of like a quiet person i think you're like an extrovert extroverted introvert you know what i mean yeah um but see here's the thing only children like us we had to learn social skills right right you know like we had to learn to [ __ ] talk my grandfather used to be like oh mike they'd be like he's so quiet he he's not shy he's like a frozen piece of meat he just needs time to thaw out that's funny but here's the thing like i you know i need to melt around people i'm comfortable with right there's a lot of people i'm very quiet around and they don't get nothing out of me but if you're getting some out of me i care about you you know even like like some of the young guys are coming around i'll be making fun of them we cracking whatever but i care about these [ __ ] you know what i'm saying so uh i'm a lover i love people you know i'm not yeah and i i i have a great love and adoration for the opposite sex i know we we're talking about the battle of battle of the sexes we could bring it back to that and i'm gonna say it like this listen guys like whether you subscribe to red pill philosophy or not this is something new to me that i just heard i never knew this existed life is way more dynamic than that right so you'll never see me saying i subscribe to this right because i didn't even know that [ __ ] existed until a few weeks ago right so but y'all gotta realize like listen when somebody's telling you the tactics right versus somebody actually living the [ __ ] life make a distinction i'm not my income has nothing to do with advice you know what i'm saying how i make a living how i live a good life right i put i produce incredible products and services for people right so and we can get into that give you a whole mastermind on that for free right i am a person and i'm talking to the young young men right because a lot of young dudes look up to me and they look at me in a certain way right is is alpha as [ __ ] right something that i never put on myself that was in the hashtags over the years dan he's out for his [ __ ] alpha's [ __ ] like [ __ ] it we make a company out of that right um you know women yep i've have i've had my i've had pick of the litter like all my life and that ain't got nothing to do with money right and i wasn't buffed back in the day he was saying because that was they were talking about that on the other podcast today that wasn't the reality i put myself i use my brain right and i deal with people in a certain way and i always find myself in a dope position in life right so but when i was young i played chess i did all the weird [ __ ] that you know some would make fun of me for doing but it's cool now right i did a lot of [ __ ] that the average dude wasn't doing and i tell some of the homies now like like shout out to my boy miguel was talking earlier but i was giving him some advice the other day about yo he's young he's smart and he's talented in marketing right and i said you got to stop don't be where everybody's at in the common spots like where i go like say for instance to train at lifetime it's like older successful people and they're so intrigued by me i said they would be intrigued by you too because you're young and so what do you do and and so you want to be don't be in all the common places where everybody's at you want to be a boss at some point you got to do what bosses do they make bosses you know what i'm saying so and i have legitimate legitimate connections that i made in the sauna that is putting like one of my companies in grocery stores you know what i'm saying this is the [ __ ] you see on on billions on movies and [ __ ] you know what i'm saying it is real life if you put yourself in certain situations and positions don't chase women don't do it don't do it and y'all can look through my videos i've been saying this [ __ ] for years right when i was a trainer just a personal trainer at this gym called metroflex i notice man girls like any girl walk through the gym everybody like oh [ __ ] it wouldn't even be a hot girl but it's just like it's like in jail like any woman that worked there it's like oh [ __ ] so i told him i said look i'll call the meeting it was for one guy in particular but i made it about everybody so he didn't feel singled out i said look guys stop [ __ ] with the girls here right i said if you if i'm [ __ ] with his client it ain't gonna work out and then she gonna stop coming it's [ __ ] up his money and this one and that one and you're making a reputation bad because everybody already think trainers are creeps right because [ __ ] creeps but let's break that like where you do not [ __ ] when you lay your head so it's like if you take this [ __ ] serious take it serious and i never [ __ ] around like that now i have dated girls that i've trained before but they had to really press the issue you know what i'm saying and it was something real it wasn't like oh i just [ __ ] somebody up i'm not gonna [ __ ] my money up so so don't chase women qualify yourself to be in a position to where you have a bigger pool of women to choose from you know what i'm saying or they have access to you so when you [ __ ] broke what are you what kind of woman you really what do you have a conversation about drugs you know earlier and alcohol and wine consumption and you know addiction and stuff like that but like you also have to you know really understand that we can form codependency issues with people and with sex you know the vast majority of us and pandemic totally expose this have mental health issues the vast majority of us nobody's [ __ ] exempt somebody's working on something at all times you know and some are worse off than others um and the reality is the that a lot of people are in relationships that are unfulfilling but it's a codependency issue you know what i mean um or the need to use other humans as masturbatory tools honestly like literally like just you have sex with just to have sex with a body and it's not about the person right it's just about like not wanting to jerk off or use use toys or whatever the case is so you know it's just like that that that false sense of i'd rather jerk off than be with somebody i don't want to be with like that false sense that false sense of intimacy but that's you that's you like you're a different person i don't want to deal with that [ __ ] there's a there's a lot of people where their drug of choice is codependency on another human being physically being there physically you know being in their company touching them and you know sex and and whatnot in order to avoid their what their real problems are you know their um dysfunction or their lack of ambition you know like i keep referencing the human condition it's not a man thing it is not a woman thing it is an all of us thing we all have things about ourselves that we're trying to ignore and hide and disguise and whatnot it's up to the individual to like really do some contemplation and introspection you know but that's growth not everyone's gonna get there not everyone's gonna get there not everybody has the tools to get there and you definitely are not gonna reach everybody no matter how much you want that's you know i'm not trying um i'm not naive i know you want to no no i don't i'm gonna be 100 with you i don't care what people do just to keep it 100 right now i will i feel the the least that i can do for having people tuning in to me however many people watching this feed right now you know what i'm saying i appreciate them so i will give y'all what i feel like is the best information that i can give you know what i'm saying but if you don't take it that that has nothing to do with me i don't give a [ __ ] that's on you yeah you know what's crazy is um i don't know people probably won't believe me when i say this but um i've been celibate for over a year and a half i believe that and um you know like people you know it doesn't matter what people say um i know the reasons aren't because i'm saving myself well kind of sort of now but the reasons why i became celibate was my mom got sick you know a relationship ended pretty much at the same time as me discovering my mother had cancer i thought he was going to be there for me and he did the complete opposite um we'd been dating for seven months i thought that this was really going to be the guy i had we've been taking our time it was a totally different relationship from what i what i how i perceived it because you know i wasn't initially attracted to him he wasn't like um you know he wasn't like one of my stunners you know what i mean like he didn't have he's not like he like a [ __ ] ton of money like it just it wasn't that he's a good guy he was attractive intellectually to me and we could have i didn't have to dumb myself down i got i got to flex my full cerebral capacity with this guy and that was such a turn-on to me you know growing growing up um and getting like you know becoming mature and so when um when my mother's cancer diagnosis um when i told him about it he did not react the way that i thought he was going to and he basically just started to back away gaslight me a little bit while he was walking out the [ __ ] door like i was imagining things which is really i think is another level of cruelty to do to somebody when the they are completely concerned about the person that gave them life that they might be dying i think that that was another level of cruelty um and so my mom just continued to get sicker and sicker and and whatnot and then she passed away and i literally have felt like just a head you know i call it dead from the neck down you know my body has literally been transporting my head everywhere because i'm in my head constantly i'm just up here i'm trying to compartmentalize i'm trying to heal i'm trying to acknowledge i'm trying to contemplate i'm trying to be interested i'm trying to do so much stuff that requires it takes so much energy that i had nothing left down here you know and so just recently you know i was in costa rica you know um people would say i was like posting thirst traps i don't call them that i i call those body appreciation posts i appreciated it thank you but it's the first time in my life where i'm looking at myself without the critical eye that i once [ __ ] used to just kill myself with i'm now looking at my body like god damn [ __ ] you sir you're a survivor and you are cute it's it's like i'm i'm starting to reconnect to my body you know whereas i've just been a walking head for a year for a year and a half and so i'm appreciating the connection coming the feeling of connection the sense the sensation of connection coming back um but so much time has passed in which i have not shared my body with anybody but now i [ __ ] just can't now i'm just like well i last this [ __ ] long so it's like and i think i honestly feel like that's the best case scenario because here's the thing this is this is what you know and it took me no but wait hold on save that because one thing that i did learn on this journey of pain like and mental [ __ ] anguish and just and just having to sit with myself is i may have had standards and i flexed the [ __ ] out of those standards you know any guy with me has to do this and be this but i had no boundaries i didn't realize that there was a difference between the two learned that late in life you know boundaries and standards like with your situations with the guys you was dealing with um you didn't have boundaries in terms of what boundaries boundaries in terms of um in terms of uh letting letting it be known i'm not gonna i'm not gonna i'm not gonna show a grown ass man how to love me you either you either want the job or you don't but i'm not going to express something that is um just you know disturbing to me you know like or bothersome to me as as behavior then you wouldn't no no i i wanted to be so cool i wanted to i i never wanted to be perceived as needy and then i realized you know with my mom passing away there's a difference between needing and being needy you know what i mean i need i do need i need love i need affection i need companionship i need these things and there's nothing wrong with the fact that i need this stuff but i somewhere along the line i got this warped sense of thinking about neediness equaling being equal to clinginess and that i viewed as very unattractive because i was like no i'm i'm tough i'm strong the composure that poise you know what i'm saying but no and that vulnerability of needing someone is highly [ __ ] attractive actually yeah but i wouldn't i i just didn't see it that way you know the reality is this i tell you this all the time if a woman is clingy needy whatever that means she [ __ ] love you she's into you and no man is gonna be bothered by that right unless he's just not into that but i also equated neediness with clinginess and jealousy and all these negative characteristics that were not the i didn't i did not is jealousy really negative it's and for people to act like oh i don't get jealous like or you're weird or you don't give a [ __ ] about nobody mm-hmm i do mm-hmm i'm not gonna go and trip the [ __ ] out i'm not gonna act on it you know what i'm saying just like we people talk about hate there's a person or two on this planet that i hate i absolutely hate okay i'm not gonna go kill that person i'm not going to do anything to them i won't even communicate with these people but i hate that's that's a that's a real thing i'm not going to act like oh just because somebody said oh thou shall not hate or whatever i'm like what am i supposed to feel if somebody done something horrible to someone i love or to myself you know saying [ __ ] them if i grow out of that then i grow out of that but yeah i hate like a [ __ ] yeah well yeah no i i don't see no i personally don't see nothing wrong with that with jealousy just like there's nothing wrong with happiness and being excited about people or whatever this was this was my this was just my my journey of growth right you know um i said you you've you man you got so much the fact that when your mother got really sick and you dealing with that relationship [ __ ] at that time that crushes people one of those and i literally just recovered from my near-death car accident i'll say this show you the last three years of my life this is what i attribute the attributes of leadership to it's people that's really been through [ __ ] yeah and they still here yeah you know what i'm saying because you got perspective you got you you can speak from a position of experience you can speak from a position of pain and suffering we are not there's no strong or powerful person that has not experienced pain and suffering right suffering stress whatever is it is so important and the development of one's self is especially trying to be a powerful person right yeah you have to go through that the nature of stress is to strengthen right but we got to deal with it the right way right there's a different type of way to deal with stress that ain't cool tripping the [ __ ] out cutting tires or whatever the [ __ ] right committing the crime because you stressed out drinking drinking yeah you know but um you deal with it the right way and it sounds like you did it seems like you did i know not everything's perfect but i i i always like i said i get very careful on on using subjective words like i did [ __ ] the right way you know because my way was just my way and for me where somebody would do something different and that would work for them so i just i get i i just caution i i walk around with caution you know constantly inside my head of applying judgment i check myself really quickly just because of everything that i've been through and how harshly i have been judged past and present i choose not try my best not to do so um but you know like kind of going back to like the whole you know celibacy thing um it has allowed me also to like realize to realize the whole boundary issue and the difference between standard and boundaries and realize when somebody really actually is interested in me because sex is off the table it just is right now it is it's off the table so how are we how are you going to communicate with me how are we going to communicate with each other what what are our interests and do they line up with each other you know what i'm saying and so and then and then just going back to the whole the overarching theme of what we were talking about battle of the sexes it has allowed is allowed me to like kind of clear away the detritus inside my brain and and and that's a that's a good word that's a good word um it has allowed me to do so in which i view comment sections um with just a different lens and reading between the lines of what people are saying and sometimes people will be there's people in there that will be making a whole lot of [ __ ] sense and then somebody comes along and writes a two [ __ ] word sentence like or it just said simp and it's just like deflection um and and reduction um you got [ __ ] problems man you know what i mean like that's that's all you could come up with when this person gave a well thought out response to what what just happened in the post simp do better you know oh you got me you got me you know but um yeah it's uh it's we we ha collectively we need we i don't know what the [ __ ] we we can do to fix this but like i said earlier our our expectations have become warped by what we see on a regular [ __ ] basis i have a thesis okay and i wanted to hear what these women in the clubhouse talk were so they were basically singing the praises of white men and interracial dating i'm not going to say [ __ ] about that because i'm the product of it however i don't care however you don't have to [ __ ] on black men because your experience might have been bad women will [ __ ] say with the quickness how many black men will [ __ ] on black women to say i prefer this you can have whatever preference you want but you don't have to [ __ ] on anybody else just to say this is what i prefer this is what i like this is this is a this is people that how can we have the same complaints about each other and but this is this is that self-hatred that was taught on plantations right so we can get into that just a little bit right so you got to think about you're into psychology you had the house [ __ ] and you had the field [ __ ] right so the house [ __ ] some of them are related to the the the slave master the owner of the house or you know they're very docile and agreeable and and compliant so they get a little bit better treatment they're in the house a little bit better food and their job is to tell on these [ __ ] in the field right it was a survival it wasn't they just hated each other but they had to maintain their position right so and in the field they were like [ __ ] them [ __ ] in the house right you were sellout you were a sucker you this you just you that in the third right but look i guess i have a little bit of empathy for them feel them house [ __ ] i'm a field [ __ ] throwing through i don't even want to be in the house right if i'm in the house cuz i'm trying to get close to mass of the choker's [ __ ] neck you know what i'm saying i don't even give a [ __ ] about the house i'm out here with my [ __ ] right so anyway there was a lot of divide and conquer like when you hear the term cracker right people think that's a derogatory term towards white people and it's not didn't it have something to do with cracking the whip cracking the whip it wasn't whites they was having other blacks with blacks right this was a brilliant yet evil strategy that they employed i just watched antebellum and i'm like oh god divided but don't be though it's history it happened it happened yeah it happened so so there's a lot of that that still exists of self-hatred hating you because we look alike you know what i'm saying and the the person think about how people gravitate to people that appear to be successful on social media i just like that person maybe they'll maybe they'll talk to me maybe they'll give me an idea or maybe they'll [ __ ] do some content with me something people like success right and you gotta think of like you said we're a few hundred years behind right so the successful you know white success is looked at as like the gold standard to a lot of people right so they're attributing themselves to that attaching themselves to that and then you have like this candace owen situation right which is just a very interesting situation and unfortunate because she wasn't always the way that she was you know you mean her um uh ideology correct yeah so yeah because she got some attention on that side and ran with it and i see a lot of people on social they get some attention somewhere and then that becomes who they are she took it to the next level and these women sounded like just clones of her and that's fine i don't give a [ __ ] go for it and you know what because here's the thing black people man or woman that [ __ ] on your own people to appease white people those white people do not respect you they might use you they might it's cute especially the blacks that go hard on a conservative commentary right it's like cool be a conservative but why you [ __ ] on everything black that that's weird right but they're propelling you because this is cute this is sexy see a black man said that george floyd was a criminal see see you know how many people sent me videos of these these these coons like [ __ ] on black topics i'm like senator tim scott and like like like a lot of [ __ ] but like non-blacks that i know would send me videos of black people [ __ ] on black issues like see it's not that big of a deal it's not like yo go all right thanks thanks right thanks you straightened me out because i had no idea even though i'm black and dealt with [ __ ] all my life but anyway so those women they weren't i shouldn't even brought it up because it's so they're so irrelevant to me and people like that are not taking serious in the world you're a beast with no nation you know what i'm saying you're just floating around and that's a that's a listen i want to dispel the notion of race altogether however because it's a construct created by the europeans and colony uh colonial times and race has changed you know saying people that were this or now this and vice versa but we do have uh identities that people associate themselves to right and until that's gone these people like that are beasts with no nations you know what i'm saying they they they have no allegiance to anything and those kind of people are not respected when snitches be telling the cops all the info yeah you're going to get your deal but they don't respect you you you're a beast with no nation you know what i'm saying so they have their own issues to deal with you know what i'm saying i don't even want to unpack that [ __ ] because i don't even i really don't even understand that world episode i don't even get that [ __ ] right i will i would want to do that with one of them or all of them here you know what i'm saying i would love to have that conversation and i would be very polite and all of that [ __ ] but just get stitches i'm kidding that too the jazz snitches but anyway um but look we've been at this for down in four hours no three hours and 29 minutes i think that's the time right there so that's how long what do you say okay i was like we could have been doing this for four hours yeah but it's getting it's getting time it's about time that's crazy okay well but look this is dope i love talking with you thanks me too i love female energy you know what i'm saying yeah like there's a lot of dudes out there that be mad about female [ __ ] but i love being around women it ain't even about sex it's not it's not about that i love the dichotomy and the the interaction it's man and woman you know what i'm saying that's that's life that's we have each other you know what i'm saying the human existence our species homo sapien sapien is successful as a species because of cooperation we need each other we need each other we literally need each other right yeah so the divisiveness is is just it's disturbing i have no um desire to be mean to a woman like i'd rather be mean to a dude yeah a tough guy you know what i'm saying like i see people being tough guys to women and i'm like that's weird yeah when i when i when i hear when i hear you know people say uh you know that there's an assault on on masculinity and women and and women get everything that they want i'm just like do you know how long it took us to be able to legally vote did you forget that right now legislation is being created to control our reproductive rights and before anybody says anything about abortion that's not even what the [ __ ] it's about it is about having governance over your body imagine people came along and said told you what you had what you could do with your body oh i know where you can't when you're in jail so it's like that's what it's like it's literally like trying to you know imprison us within within the space that we [ __ ] occupy like it i i i just i cannot i can't get over it listen i've it's frightening it's so scary it's very uh handmaid's tale just like a woman being uncomfortable walking down a certain street we're met as men we're never in that situation never that's not a thing never like the exhaust the exhaustion level that a woman the average woman has from being hyper vigilant about her personal safety where where she is at what time of night it is what she's [ __ ] wearing what perception of what she's wearing is and who it says she is um you know the the assault um that this you know legis legislation being passed on the governance of our bodies um the uh it is it is [ __ ] exhaust it's exhausting being a woman sometimes i promise you exhausting imagine imagine somebody basically saying yo i like you you know like a guy hitting on you and you try to turn him down you're like you know oh no thank you who the [ __ ] you think you are a [ __ ] i have friends that have been spit on i have friends that have been physically assaulted i have friends that have been like maimed because they turned a man down do you know how exhausting that is to constantly have to think uh so strategically all the time so whenever guys talk there's an assault on masculinity i'm like that's that's just a don't [ __ ] listen listen okay okay okay if if somebody feels that their masculinity is under attack i mean i'm not going to say that you don't feel like that i've never felt like that in my life i've asked my friends my close associates none of them they all think it's weird as well but if that's your reality that's your reality it is what it is but is under on your masculinity may be under attack but in a whole is not like i don't see that by any means this is a man's world like literally tons of songs in america united states let me find my phone i'm gonna put something up it's gonna trigger some people [ __ ] it all right so it might be on my computer though but let me see there is united states is a christian nation it's not supposed to be supposed to be you know separation of church and state but this is a christian nation right all right with it being a christian nation some of the tenets of christianity it shows how you know women are valued in this country in the world in a good part because it's not just here women are treated like [ __ ] everywhere so uh even in africa where are we from it's not cool like you know what i mean [ __ ] be on some [ __ ] right but these are quotes directly from the bible now i don't i don't look down on religion per se right it's the scholars it's it's the way that things have been spent you know what i'm saying highlighted and you know if let's just take christianity for instance and all religions all western model all obedience authority religions are guilty of this of just just really making women second-class citizens um you know the first book of the bible eve [ __ ] it up for everybody you know every notable story of women in the bible is negative eve she [ __ ] it up eats the forbidden fruit when guys hold that's the only thing you gotta do you could do everything it's such a juvenile story right now uh samson and delilah she cut his hair took his strength right it's all of this [ __ ] that women did women did women did uh so this is from here's a verse from there's like pages of this [ __ ] first corinthians 14 34 35 let your women keep silence in the churches for is not permitted unto them to speak but they are commanded to be under obedience as also seth the law and if they will learn anything let them ask their husbands at home for it is a shame for a woman to speak in the church okay woman's sorrow genesis 3 16 unto the woman he said i will greatly multiply thy sorrow in thy conception in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children and thy desires shall be to thy husband and he shall rule over thee um so women got blamed for the fall but god so he multiplies their pain right and the the amount of time of conception in nine months right and then the ex exorbitant pain right so they're not taking into consideration that humans are weird creatures that have abnormally large brains evolution hasn't caught up to that yet down there for y'all right so and evolution takes thousands and thousands hundreds of thousands of years at some point our brains grew exponentially when we found fire you know what i'm saying and started using fire to cook and cook meats and food and unlock nutrients in them and we developed this robust cerebral cortex we have bigger brains percentage-wise for our body size than any other animal that's why child labor is painful there's going to be a point in time where it's not going to be painful but it takes time right for adaptation anyway but that's the that's the explanation right um this is hosea 13 16. samaria shall become desolate for she hath rebelled against her god thy shall fall by the sword their infants shall be dashed in pieces and their women with child shall be ripped up um ecclesiastes 25 13 give me any plague but the plague of the heart and any wickedness but the wick is wickedness of a woman ecclesiastics 25 22 uh of the women of the women came in the beginning of sin and through her we all die get the [ __ ] out of here there's verses about women being raped and if the man is not your husband you got to marry him like it's silly [ __ ] right and this is the tinnettes of the united states this is the foundation right this is the basis of this book so so let's let's just quit [ __ ] maybe i hate women maybe i don't like girls you know what i'm saying but knock it off with the [ __ ] there's no attack on masculinity there's no war between men and women we [ __ ] need each other i have dope women in my family my mother my stepmother my grandmother my sister my sisters i'm sorry i'll be damned if a [ __ ] talked to them crazy you want to you have to you have to talk to me crazy you know what i'm saying straight up so we protect women we don't intimidate women we don't puff up our chest and woman and talk down like that's [ __ ] silly when i'm in a relationship i'm like yeah my woman's the boss ask the boss i don't have to i don't have to flex flex my dominance on my woman that's [ __ ] weird i'll flex it on a dude right if that's what we're doing we're being animals because flexing on a woman is animalistic right i will flex on a guy how about that if i need to get some [ __ ] off me i can't yell at you i'ma punch a dude in his face what i'm saying right if my woman cheated on me i'm gonna punch the dude he did nothing wrong i'm i'm i'm saying i'm saying yeah that if a woman cheats on me the guy has nothing to do with it but i'm punching him in his face because i can't punch her and she's gonna see like that's what you that's what you're cheating on me for [ __ ] like that i'll just [ __ ] with you i ain't [ __ ] around like that but but i'm just saying though that energy that tough guy energy towards women is that's not my world that's if y'all want to apply that [ __ ] i think it's kind of productive women are going to be protected all life comes to women you know what i'm saying yes and [ __ ] want to act like women ain't important and here's the thing though too with y'all y'all got to knock the [ __ ] off too here's the thing i was listening to i was on clubhouse and i was in a conversation and they were talking about how you know just treated like [ __ ] yada yada i can't go to i can't go out and meet a guy like this and this and this i'm like look you got to elevate listen to what you're saying elevate your situation you really y'all know a lot of women know when they stepping into some [ __ ] but they keep walking into the [ __ ] right don't be in those kind of social settings for one for two refine yourself right women qualify yourself for the type of husband that you want and i'm going to keep it 100. like scantily clad posts on the ground is not conducive to a honorable man i wouldn't like that bothers me like i've dealt with that [ __ ] i'm just being 100 with you because what it looks like is this is advertisement it looks like advertisement i'm keeping it 100. everybody i know is on the ground doing the most that's kind of a patriarchal way of [ __ ] thinking i'm a man how can i not think like a man um i mean but yeah so yeah it is patriarchal but i don't know there's a difference between patriarchal and um and just a masculine way of thinking but that's what patriarchal means no patriarchal is basically is like the condemnation of that's not yeah listen no no society society has led women to believe that our entire existence is is based around male validation let me let me let me let's just let me give you this definition definition patriarchy a system of society or government in which the father or eldest male is head of the family and dissent is traced through the male line next definition a system of society or government in which men hold the power and women are largely excluded from it next definition a society or community organized on patriarchal lines okay so there's no condemnation but yes condemnation in the sense of like in that situation a man makes the rules and you can't tell me that you're in situations or relationships with men when you're making the rules okay is that is that is that honest okay so let me ask you a question okay let me ask you a question um my body appreciation posts does does all of that disqualify me from finding from being with a man that i deem to be on my level i don't think so however what happens after y'all are together are you still we live here appreciating i'm kidding still doing body appreciation posts um i have no idea because i'm still trying to figure out if i actually want to be married but think about that though you think like let's say me and you were dating right and i'm like oh this kind of sting like where you post that but with that with that because i'm gonna be honest with you yeah i would not appreciate i dated a girl before that she was doing that [ __ ] before us i'm like she pulled me in that was debate yeah but then afterwards i just thought that she would stop posting like that mm-hmm but she didn't right i'm like yo who do you post that for like what is the desired outcome of this post right it was just like stars like she uh because she can't say or she can be honest i just like the attention right or i don't know i'm advertising right so you know that that was something that i dealt with and i realized it didn't scar me like some of these [ __ ] guys but i realized all right i won't be in a situation like that again so if there's a situation to where a woman that i'm interested in is posting you know sexy photos on the ground not mad at that but i'm like what happens when we're together though right i wouldn't want that let me tell you why i just don't want that i don't want i don't want that [ __ ] i don't want my woman looking like she's average like like all right guys this is you know what i'm saying so whatever what if you're what if your woman um hat owns a bikini and a lingerie line completely different okay let's run it yeah but be a boss and have other girls doing it too i would prefer that okay but if it was like something to where we're making money you're making money yeah it that's fine but when i ask the question like what's the desired outcome of this particular post and you're like uh young zayn it's weird yeah no i get it i get it i get it it's uh listen my aunt you know she had she she made a comment to me you know texting me she was like so you know um melissa yeah because think about it [ __ ] she was just like do you think that like you're giving off wifey vibes i was just like how patriarchal of you auntie jill okay because because if that theory is to hold water then jlo kim kardashian um you you name a woman who has like made a career off of her physicality and sexuality then then no man should have married her and taken her taking her seriously a little bit that's a little bit different i know these are three or four women right out of a billionaire just no just in general just in general and i'm like and i'm just going to make any subjects they make mad money off that [ __ ] and i and i'm also like i'm like it's subjective like what you deem to be you know something that will clutch your you know make you clutch your pearls well you're like 65 years old like you come from a completely different generation i'm not 65 no not you i'm just saying though i agree with her i agree but it might be a subjective thing as to which post are you talking about you'd look at a post and be like she's in a bathing suit she's in costa rica it's she's by a pool contextually this [ __ ] this photo makes sense that makes sense to me and that could be a photo where she's just like but but but they're all but that's not there that's not but that's not your potential husband all right no i know i know but it's but i'm just saying i'm just being honest and i think you know what i'm saying right men we would look at it like oh oh damn that's your girl yeah okay yeah all right aren't you nothing it's like it's weird what i'm saying so i would prefer my woman to not post like that moving forward right you know i'm saying if you do what you do i don't judge i don't give a [ __ ] you know what i'm saying oh your girl did porn like i don't give a [ __ ] cool she freaky yeah i'm not that guy he's judging this [ __ ] but we together [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah we tighten this [ __ ] up saying yeah i'm tightening my [ __ ] up yeah so you tighten that [ __ ] up yeah we'll we'll see how it all pans out i i literally have no idea like i said i'm still like my body's still waking up from from from permafrost i mean so i'm still trying to like make the mind-body connection having a good time that's dope though i love that for you that's dope you know what i'm saying so and that's growth in itself as well yeah so do that [ __ ] and also i and also i'd gained i'd gained some pandemic weight the scale was about to tip 170. hey listen as long as you're in the right places we ain't trying it's not in the right places i mean it was it was booty thighs cat it was titty it was too you just mentioned all the right places i was having i was having [ __ ] knee issues i was getting wounded walking upstairs places i did not like it i didn't know are those not the right places to be hey it was it was i didn't know this body i didn't know this body i didn't want to get to know this body so i decided to really take matters into my own you've been doing it you i see you killing this [ __ ] yeah my shoulders on [ __ ] look if you guys have that's cupping i'm agony you know but i had to set goals for myself and also the pain was another way to connect mind to body again that's it right you know um so it's and i'm just i'm really into it here's the thing like with relationships some people just dating hanging out and ain't ready for nothing serious like are you young as [ __ ] well guys listen women mature faster than men yeah i do right and there is more of a sense of urgency for y'all to mature faster than us as well right so that's a vibe young men we we're not in a position to be trying to lock nothing down in our early 20s mid-20s you know what i'm saying we got to get our lives together we got to get our lives together before we can really bring somebody into our world it's irresponsible to bring a woman into the into your world if you can't really i'm not saying you got to pay for everything i pay for everything because that's what i want to do right and i don't want most marriages in america end in divorce and the majority of those are because of financial hardships i want to just take that off the table off top right we deal with other [ __ ] right so that's my reasoning but i'm not saying you got to pay for everything a guy right but you should be able to hold it down you know what i'm saying and so it's it's really irresponsible to bring a woman into your world in a meaningful way if you can't do that if you can't do that like just don't don't waste your time yeah and here's the thing a lot of these guys that complain about women and [ __ ] all women so [ __ ] up oh look at instagram in the center like look let's keep it 100 we make them like that i've participated in that i've participated in her going she [ __ ] crazy bro yeah it's because because the [ __ ] that i was doing yeah and maneuvering and you know what i'm saying listen there's a total reward system set up for bad behavior we we set the tone in a relationship it is what it is if you feel differently then you're the ultimate beta male if the woman is controlling the pace of a relationship so a lot of these guys that be talking that [ __ ] just don't have any life experiences but the reality is i've never been in a situation where a woman is dictating the pace and she's [ __ ] it up i yeah it's always been me now i've dealt with an extreme one extreme to where it was like a competition with me and that was so weird and like i can't i'm not doing this i'm not about to start yeah i'm never trying to compete with my man and i've never i've never tried i don't want she was so dope i don't want to be there me and her was so perfect on paper i want a partnership good together yeah that oh that on paper [ __ ] is [ __ ] but nah but it's a thing it's a consideration right but we were so dope i was into her and then what happened but that tough guy energy i'm like yo well then you guys i told i said look perfect i said you're [ __ ] dope but until you realize your issues and you deal with it no one that you're attracted to is ever gonna put up with you she couldn't say nothing because it's real you know what i'm saying has she tried to go fix herself i don't know that's on her like exactly i've been i've never dealt with what i dealt with with her and so i'm like all the way checked out yeah you know what i'm saying and i i would deal with the [ __ ] like over like like [ __ ] i would need to record for people to really see what i'm talking about over and over but it would be so bizarre i would assume that she's [ __ ] fixed to like got it together and i would like let the the connection rekindle and it would not change she couldn't help herself some people cannot help themselves with certain types of behavior because it's been going on for so long and it's not checked right her previous was a a [ __ ] the dude was a [ __ ] so she kind of became she developed certain characteristics because she had to right because she there was no masculine energy around her she you know what i'm saying yeah so but that's you i'm i'm not i'm not nobody's therapist you know what i'm saying so i'm like i'm cool i i feel you on that note however i would like a glass of wine and a [ __ ] steak so i'm about to get my lioness on uh i don't know what steakhouse is near here but we about to find out all right that's what's up so this was fun we got to do this some more way more often absolutely and i've said this before but we got to stay connected because it's good vibes out here it's such good vibes you're in the mothership right now you know what i'm saying yeah yeah you can comment you know what i'm saying you got a new video in here i was like you know what's happening gotcha we got our dyson sphere right here we're harvesting all of the energy from our nearest star i'm just waiting i'm just waiting for cerebro to be brought out yeah it's all about the vibes it's all about the vibes but thank you thank you for coming down making this journey of course it's like coming out of town for you it i mean yeah i should have brought an overnight bag it was a journey that's what's up we're about to sign out appreciate all y'all that hung in for all this goddamn time a couple hours in but we could do two more hours but we're not right absolutely so we'll let y'all next time okay make sure you subscribe you like share all of that good [ __ ] now i'll let y'all later like for real i'm starving like i i wanna i just wanna like shove a potato just right
Channel: Mike Rashid
Views: 271,212
Rating: 4.9553723 out of 5
Keywords: Mike Rashid, mike Rashid king, mike Rashid boxing, workouts
Id: XQ10_HUzQ4U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 163min 50sec (9830 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 11 2021
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