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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/prtj1617 📅︎︎ Apr 05 2022 🗫︎ replies
[Music] what's going on dude what up let's get it going let's get it going greetings and salutations is the volume turned on uh yeah we're live we're left yes the audio is live live from miami the participants are now live the earners are coming in the building tube is in the building what's going on y'all get it going let's get it going let's get it rocking be back glorious day glorious day crazy day in the stock market everybody's running around crazy right now trying to figure out what's going on with gamestop what's going on with express what's going on amc phone was blowing up all day apple reported their earnings 111 billion stock goes down it's a dangerous game out here man it's a dangerous game out here yeah you see you got comments i can't see nothing i don't even look yeah hold up i can't even see that everybody my boy boss is in the house what up kid that's my guy he show love every monday every monday he locked in shout out to everybody that's locked in compton's in the house what up cali what up yeah yeah shout out to everybody out there man that's uh been rocking with us from day one so i'll tell you about iwata university this is going to be exciting exciting class we got um the big boss man yeah yeah shout out to him 500 man he just got off of his million dollars worth of game interview crazy that was that was dope make sure you check that out if you haven't checked that out yet um so yeah yeah yeah it's a lot a lot going on we always always got to give you the best high quality when it comes to eyl man you see we in a special location right we got something big big big big big oh man things to come they saw us last night where so on instagram with that other one another guy who has a pretty big network shout out to joe shout out to joey shout out to joe button joe button uh network man shout out to them dudes man shout out to alex superman shout out to joe button bro we got ian outside two days in a row that's an accomplishment that's a fact that's an accomplishment itself shout out to our bro ian that's a fact man get it get on waiting for the for the good brother him 500 to jump in here so we can get the lights going and and uh get it rocking um let's talk about some housekeeping items while we waiting for yeah 500 to come in uh [Music] tomorrow actually matt matt just text me can't forget that shout out to mg the mortgage guy um house hacking one-on-one mentorship class tomorrow so if you're part of the um home buyers blueprint you know that you're part of those mentorship calls so um tomorrow's class is house hacking 101 so um shout out to everybody that's in there taking advantage the real estate market is going crazy um and uh yeah that's something that you know we're excited about so shout out to mg then we have orientation what day's orientation saturday this saturday yeah i saw that i saw the flyer for it that was yesterday i said oh this orientation thing is big time shout out to janet um shout out to uh tina shout out to angel shout out to everybody that's helping get that together man orientation is a dope i i don't think i've missed one yet i've either popped up if i've been there for the whole time um and there's there's always learning that can happen inside those orientations it's a nice breakdown i know a lot of times people come into the university and they're like yo there's i'm the new kid on the block like where do i go so if you're one of those people like where do i go yeah this is the place you need to go to find out how everything works inside of uil university they do such an amazing job the presentations of fire and um yeah man so this saturday at jan is it 12 give me the thumbs up if it's at 12 saturday at 12. and real quick one 1pm 1pm 1pm real quick before we bring marcus on let's just talk about gamestop because we made some plays today and then they shut it down let them in the group chat huh you know let them in the group chat well i'm ready i'm gonna give them a preview alright give them a preview give me a preview so yeah let's talk about that gamestop situation it's been going crazy we definitely put some puts in and it was crazy because when we put our puts in um like 20 minutes later td ameritrade a bunch of other brokers stopped um allowing people to actually trade uh gamestop um so it was like we got it in just in the nick of time so we'll see we'll see if it works out yeah man it's after hours i think it dropped 114 yeah it's picked up some now now it's like down to like 40 okay so um the momentum has actually picked up a little bit but yeah yeah yeah yeah so they were trying to spend all trading on it for 30 days there's like some man he's in he's in he's in yeah he's up at 292 now we're gonna keep eye on that all night there you go there you go the big boss man himself yeah shout out to youtube thousand on the check-in make sure you hit the like button let's let's get in you good bro just uh unmute yourself cut your camera on and let's get it going let's let's let's rock out there you go oh we and we recession blue yeah you know you know we got to we got to i didn't want to go bust down tonight you know point point dexter poindexter tonight so um yeah i see it in the chat already so how you guys doing out there um as we jump in the night you want me to just get straight into it yeah now i'm gonna give them um an introduction of what's going on here so but first and foremost um thank you thank you for joining us man i know you're a busy man these days man you're running around you you're making it happen man so congratulations on everything you got going on man the million dollar worth of game interview was amazing um our interview obviously was amazing sleepers for suckers interviews amazing so um yeah first and foremost man congratulations man keep educating keep leading the way and um keep inspiring it's very very important hey you're the big boss man now in three weeks you topped five bro top five eyl episodes yeah run it up running it up i think we had you at 3 17. yeah it's crazy i know what you got your eye on too i know the information i should i just tried my best like when i come on the platforms to just really educate everybody as best as possible um because one of the things i hate for people to get on somewhere and waste their time and they spend years um i mean a few hours and they get nothing but a whole bunch of motivation or just a story like actually giving people tangible things to walk away with is really what i pride myself on and that's you know gonna be the basis for the night too let's do it so let's so let's let's first and foremost welcome everybody out there and you in university of ui university ewy university welcome and everybody on youtube welcome so the people that's on youtube we're just going to give you a quick rundown of how this works so ewile university is a platform that we started over a year ago and it's it's an extension of the podcast it's pretty much like on steroids for people that want like more hands-on um experience and actually you know get to actually you know ask questions and uh it's a community so once a month we do what was called open enrollment and we kind of give you a sneak peek we like to show our work as trap would say like to show our work to the public so we don't sell itself yeah we give you we give you an open open house and you can check it out um so what happens is that for ebon university we have a hundred past webinars because every single week we do a different webinar with a different um instructor that teaches on a different topic so whether it's real estate whether it's credit whether it's student loans whether it's stocks every single week is different every wednesday at eight o'clock eastern standard time and then so all of that's archived so it's currently a hundred webinars right there and then we have a private investment group on facebook which is a community it's five thousand people in that um and people get together and they talk about investing it's um all kinds of infinity groups in there and it's it's a whole it's a whole accountability triad yeah so and then we also have a movie club in a book club and then once a month i do financial planning calls everybody knows i'm a financial advisor so i do one financial planning calls once a month we do bi-weekly real estate calls with mg the mortgage guy and what has been added this year to eil university is uh mg the mortgage guys home buyers blueprint which is over 15 hours of content in a hundred videos um so if you join eon university you get that as a member yeah step-by-step booklet to get your channel and women what we just announced on market monday so everybody including including him every time like we we talk about stocks and all that because they know we got we got the investment um group chat and uh we show we showed the guys our portfolio like yo put me in the group chat show me how to do this so you know we got so many requests to like yo how do like let me know your plays like the group chat so we're gonna do once a month group chat called investment group chat called where we just going um it's a free form me jamal troy our whole team and we're gonna actually just tell you the place that we're not we're not telling you to make those plays that's what's going on but we're going to tell you what's in our portfolio what we're doing what we're looking at um and we're just going to have a conversation we're just going to open up our group chat and um that's a million dollars worth of game right there if you saw in a portfolio if you saw that every every time we show somebody the portfolio individually like yo shout out to portfolio i show portfolios more shows portfolio might they like yo bro just ridic how do i start how much do i need and can y'all just show me so that's been the consistent thing so it was like yo let's just open it up man let's just open it up so everybody can see what's going on and the best thing about it is like since it's an open forum i know people are making moves out there too that can help us and so it's like yo it's back and forth now we build it as a community because there's some moves that we don't make like we heard on market mondays the other night young man ash was like yo i like this play and so i'm like yo bet we got to go research that so that's how you build community it's not just like yo we're going to give we're going to give it's going to be give or take it's like all right oh i didn't know about that thank you for putting me on now we gotta go do our homework so yeah it's gonna be dope marcus let me ask you for everything i just named what do you think a fair price for that value is for everything you just named yeah on a on a one-time buy or yeah i don't know probably about five thousand that's i will price it at like a five to seventy five hundred dollars that's a fact man we don't we're doing a 72 hour sale for that 75 off 500 500 we letting it go so uh i'm about to give him a couple thousand dollars worth of info right now they finally get a couple thousand dollars worth of info right now oh man so yeah man we put that link in there like i said we're going to do a 70 72 hour sale 75 off but first and foremost let's let's get into it i know the good brother um got a lot going on so marcus we ready we're ready to be educated yeah bro i'm gonna make you the host and so whenever you're ready i'm gonna switch it back so we don't have to have a split screen all right all right all right all right so i'm hope so listen you guys how you guys doing um as you guys some of you know some of you may not my name is marcus morning also known as him 500 and what i do is i teach financial literacy right there's a lot of people in the community and we're getting more in tune when it comes to financial literacy when it comes to credit when it comes to investing and things like that and my thing is this a lot of us i don't know if you guys are like me but i grew up in a household where i didn't come from people who had money right like i was born homeless you know the typical story comes from the ghetto know that every the story that most most people come from from our community and what happens is is that we don't come from a trust fund but then we also don't come from a a long line of education right we don't come from a long line of people who have been educated properly and so what happens is is that we grow up misinformed and we grow up with a lack of resources so we're missing two things we're missing resources and education inside we have all the drive that we need we have all of the the motivation the charisma we have everything that it takes to go out and make money and that's why a lot of us thrive in different industries but a lot of us get left behind if we don't have you know certain things like being an athlete or being a rapper if we don't got that and so what i looked at growing up i wasn't that so me not being an athlete when i looked at i said okay well what can i do i started learning business when i got in business i was able to gain traction i was able to gain a little bit of success and whenever the slow season would hit right most businesses have a slow season or people just have a rough time and they have a slow period a rough period and what happens in that period is usually we go into a financial crunch because we don't have anything to fall back on right so most of us don't come from trust funds and so understanding that i don't come from a trust fund i don't have anything to fall back on all i have is the capital i was able to raise i started looking into credit right and so i started figuring out well how can i use credit because it's no it's no way that it's out here and it can't be an actual resource right because i was trained i don't know if you guys would train like me right now just let me get a check in the chat is that dropping one in chat if the things that you guys were trained on was hey when it comes to credit the only thing it's good for is buying a house buying a car and using a credit card emergency purposes only and get gas with it right that was that's the level okay looking at the chat i see a bunch of one that's right and so for me what i look at and see is that i'm not the only one that came up miseducated about when it came to credit so as you guys seen on the eyl episode i gave you guys a lot of jewels and things that you can do by leveraging credit right but what i didn't do was break down a blueprint for you to be able to go out and get some money right see we only had so much time but now we get to go in the lesson mode so tonight i get to actually share with you guys a few tangible things where you can go and get money um so that way you could build your own what is what could be called your own trust fund right that's just me what i call it not literally a trust fund but build your own trust fund and that's my goal is that if we don't come for money at least somebody give us the blueprint so we can go and get some money right once we can get it if we can properly use it and be properly educated on it because don't get it don't get me misconstrued for one point credit is very dangerous okay it's a dangerous game and the reason why it's dangerous is because we don't have the education on them nobody told us that you can hide your credit card utilization so you don't pay interest right nobody told us that you know how to monopolize and actually gain off the reward points and the rewards uh and the reward systems that credit card companies actually have right most of us go out and we operate off a debit card and i ask people all the time i said listen if you're walking down a dark alley with ten thousand in your pocket and you know you're gonna get robbed do you want my ten thousand in your pocket or your last ten thousand in your pocket most people gonna say i want yo ten thousand in my pocket i'd rather have mine at home well guess what that's the same thing that happens when you use a debit card versus a credit card right every day on the black web people are being victim of identity theft identity fraud and what happens is is that every day when you go out and swipe that debit card which with every penny that you got in that a bank account right you put it at risk to be compromised meanwhile with a credit card you put the bank's money right do you think if if fraud happens against american express do you think they're not going to get it right they gonna go get their money back and do what they need to do or they can take the loss right 10 000 could potentially sit us out of the game for a real long time and really influence people's lives if they bank accounts get cleaned out and they got to go you know 60 60 days without their finances right without their actual income without the money that they had in the bank so that's my goal is i just want to educate people and listen when it comes to leveraging credit right be mindful of it um always always always don't go over your over your means right meaning if i teach you tonight how to go get 75 000 right and you haven't proven yourself like if you got a business that you have a t-shirt company and your t-shirt company been producing five thousand dollars a month right don't take this credit card and overextend yourself okay don't take a credit card and overextend yourself to where it's it's it's more in debt than what you've been actually making because you're still going to make 5 000 a month so you just have to be mindful of it meanwhile let's get into it so listen banks right a lot of us are familiar with banks like navy federal okay a lot of us are familiar with banks like navy federal and i tell people all the time navy federal is cool um because they'll give people with a 680 660 building credit with no negative history they'll give people credit cards right here goes a backdoor method for navy federal so blueprint can i give him a blueprint can i get him here let's do it floyd's yours um i'm gonna give you guys a blueprint to clean your credits so we don't gotta sit here all night and do it i'm gonna get in the blueprint for free um to clean your credit and how to clean like a 24 hour transient method the same thing i did for the mwd uh audience i want to do the same thing for you guys uh and that way you guys got the blueprint but now i'm giving you the blueprint on what to do after you get your credit together okay so when you're building let's just say you don't have a super strong profile okay and if you don't have a strong profile what you're gonna do is 660 680 that's no negative derogatory march you have to remove the negative items so this is if you got 100 payment history um you know two to three inquiries at you know you have super strong so you have a year two years history you'll be okay for navy federal um at least three or four accounts positive accounts in your credit report uh just and no derogatory marks i'm showing you how to remove derivators and you want to have your credit utilization under nine percent right preferably if it's at 15 20 on with navy federal you'll be okay you still get approval okay so it's what we're gonna do with navy federal a lot of times they tell us that you can't get a navy federal unless you're a member of the armed services or you come from your father was right let me explain something and do this now because putting it on your leisure and the videos get 100 200 000 views i gotta act now so everybody that's watching live y'all got about a 24-hour window 72 hours before we might you know ruin this i'm going to be honest with you guys but the backdoor method to get a navy federal was this you can literally call navy federal and tell them hey listen my grandfather was in the military my grandfather was in the military he passed away i don't have any of his information they'll come back boom boom boom and when they come back what they'll do is actually let you in boom now you're in you don't need anybody's references you don't need to to be in the military that's the backdoor method now with navy federal is infamous for giving 15 to 25 000 in credit cards right you can go with the go rewards card 15 to 25 000. now side note and you know disclaimer navy federal randomly gives people one thousand dollar approvals okay you're gonna roll the dice right so what happens is is that most people 15 25 randomly you may get a thousand if you get the thousand call in and ask for a reconsideration if they don't give it to you just maintain it for six months and then call in and ask for increase right in six months when you ask for the increase they'll bump you up dramatically okay so don't feel you know uh like you lost if you get a thousand dollar inquiry i mean a thousand dollar limit you're gonna get bumped up eventually okay and that's navy federal most people are familiar with navy federal that's your backdoor method in i'm gonna give you the blueprint to clean your credit okay so that that's one bank but what people don't know is that uh some people familiar with navy federal but a lot of people don't go out and research other banks right people don't know that there's other banks out there like fidelity alliance credit union and first tech credit union okay so with a lion i'ma break it down to you a lion is another credit union that you have to gain access to well with a lion to gain access they're gonna ask you hey are you a teacher hey are you this right you're gonna go no no no they actually about 10 different qualifying questions to see if you can get access the last question is going to ask you well are you willing to make a donation to a charity of our choice you can make a donation that you want to put in right so i tell people donate five dollars you get access to a lion credit union a lion is going to give you another bank that does 15 to 25 000 that's all for using the lion okay and so what i want people to do is get familiar with that is because now that's two banks so if let's just say on the loan you get 15 000 right this is off this call you're gonna need your credit to be a little bit stronger than navy federals is but they're not super strict okay but then the next one the next move that we have is fidelity okay so with fidelity you have to open up a brokerage account okay you open up a fidelity brokerage account and once you open up the brokerage account you're going to apply for the rewards visa card right away so as soon as you go to fidelity open up the brokerage account you apply for the uh go rewards visa immediately okay but with this understand you must have at least a 7 30 on experience okay and transunion so you need to get a 7 30 credit score on experian and transunion if you have a 7 30 they're going to give you another bank that's going to go 15 to 25 000 and it's not it's based off your score your credit report doesn't have to be super extensive i had people get approvals um 18 000 with only about one and a half years of age on their credit report so that's another bank that's fidelity that's three banks that you guys can go to that's going to actually give you guys 15 to 25 000. if you guys roll the dice right and do 25 25 25 at 75 000 right my point is this though the key to it is be respectful of the credit cards if you're not super you know on it already you don't know right let me explain something credit cards have a three dates on a closing on credit cards right they have your due date they have your closing date and they had which is your statement date and they have your reporting date right so understand this is that you have a due date that's the date that your credit card is due then you have your closing date this is the date that's your when your statement closes that statement date what that does is whatever your balance is on your statement date when your credit card closes that's going to report to your credit card okay that reports to your credit card now you have your reporting date that's the date that they actually report to the credit bureaus what we want to focus on is the statement closing date okay on the statement closing date what's important about this is this when your credit card closes that's what's gonna report on your credit card if it closes at zero dollars oh guess what happens your utilization on your credit report shows zero dollars oh if you pay your credit card off before the billing date i mean before the due date and late if and let it stay at zero throughout your closing date um throughout your closing date what's gonna now happen is now you paid your credit card off within a 30-day period so you're not getting really hit with a lot of interest right and it's reporting that zero percent utilization if you keep it there when the when the um when the actual credit card closes okay [Laughter] you could change your billing and you can change your due date once a year okay um with some banks some banks let you do it multiple times so i'm gonna tell y'all this right i'm just y'all just gotta pick up what i'm putting down on this one right if i can change my billing date and due date that means that i can set my statement and closing date so if i got two credit cards i'm setting one this way i'm setting one over here okay when i set them apart now when this one closes i can use the money from here to pay this one when the money closes when this one closes i can use the money from here to pay this one right the goal is that we just have to understand how to bank work we have to study and do our due diligence a lot of us don't actually want you know go out and just read the fine print or call the banks and ask questions right the banks work for us they're using our money right they're used they're literally using our money that's our bank you can call and ask any question how anything works that you want i don't care how redundant it is i don't care how brazen it is call and ask the question all they can do is give you an answer they gotta look it up and if sometimes if they give you an answer call back and ask somebody else the same thing with navy federal if they don't let you in hang up and call back and get the next rep till you get in right that's the same thing that i explain to people about when it comes to cleaning your credit you do not want to send in a letter to remove misspelled names and addresses when you can call in and get it removed over the phone we don't want to waste time you know but the thing is that pick the phone up and call and start reading right everybody gets everybody's probably had a credit card or even a bank card and you get the bank card put your bank card off and nobody goes and reads the fine print on the paperwork that they get nobody has thoroughly went through and read every single page that come with a with a bank with a debit card or a credit card to see the benefits and perks to really dissect it and grow from it so i gave you guys three credit cards to go apply for that can give you 15 to 25 000 and i slick just told you guys how to hide your credit utilization i don't want to go too hard because all night and you know it's just so much that's possible and let me explain something business credit right business credit you can get when you build your credit report up i'm gonna run something down to you right is that when it comes to credit and business credit a lot of times people go out and think that they get a business credit card and they get a business credit card for five thousand ten thousand right let me explain to you why you got that limit right you got that limit because your your personal credit wasn't built out properly right if you learn business credit you can go out and get uh three to three to three times the amount of your largest credit card right so i tell people this never go get a secure credit card because you don't want those little limits never you know when you building get a secured loan instead when you're building your credit report out but once you go out and acquire credit cards grow your credit cards for like six months to a year every six months asking for increase when you go to get business credit you can start up a new business and go get business credit but and it'll be based off of your personal credit report so if you have large lines of credit on your personal credit report guess what happens now you get larger lines of of business credit so instead of going in there and saying oh yeah i got this 500 secured credit card on my credit report and these thousand dollar limits no i want you guys to go out use the banks that i just told you go out get 25 000 limits now after you let those season for a year and properly structure your report once that report is structured properly you go out and you see why my mentees are able to get seventy five thousand right they're able to get seventy five thousand dollar business credit cards hundred thousand dollar business credit cards and people go well how do you get it the issue is nobody has the patience to build everybody wants something overnight we want to microwave success right you've been working 20 years making 30 000 a year but when it comes to credit you wanted to give you 300 000 today but your job and what you work for hasn't delivered that right you have to have patience build your credit report out properly structure it properly right let it grow give it some time don't expect it to get i'm giving you guys gyms that you can go and implement now for the personal side but when it comes to business it's a little more of a process because you have to build your report out and you want to let those credit cards season right and you don't want to get you're not you don't get automatic denials if you start applying for credit um within a six months of applying you get more denials when you got new accounts in the last six months so build that report out right let that report build out once you let that report build out then you guys start looking at business credit and now you get larger limits but take your time it's not a rush thing don't rush and think that hey i need to go get this i'm gonna get this tomorrow hey it might be a year process but in a year process you want to go from getting 25 000 in business credit or getting 125 225 000 in business credit that makes the difference so that's my lesson for tonight um i gave you guys three credit cards i told you how to hire utilization uh and really you just want to build that report out and then i know we're going to take some q a that's going to get me deeper into some more topics yeah yeah first and foremost thank you for that man um that was a lot the totally just through this dangerous man he's the most he's the most dangerous he's probably the most dangerous he's top two maybe not true yo i told you bro remember i told you talk to you maybe not too much most dangerous people on the internet tell y'all man if they come for me man y'all better protect me i'm telling y'all so y'all better ride for me right what nifty's no yo when dudes get locked you think they call for pills man they calling us yo we don't we got we're gonna uh we're gonna we're gonna go on the question answers wait wait but uh before we do that uh everybody on youtube uh if you can hit the like button that that greatly helps the situation so there's almost 4 500 people on your toes marcus man it's this the big big big show the big show it's gonna it's go after a week there's gonna be like 60 000 people that see this video man yeah it's a lot eyl man eyl is uh you know it's a prestigious situation man and uh oh my gosh marcus marcus marcus always delivers he's one of these people we never got to worry about so we're going to go right now as question and answer so once again if anybody wasn't here at the beginning of the situation this is a preview of eyl university we do this once a month we call it open enrollment every every week we have classes we have a hundred past webinars and we have a movie club we have a book club we have a private investment group on facebook mg the mortgage guys home buyers blueprint is included in the ui shout out to mge on the check and shout out yeah and um what we also included yesterday was um access to our group chat once a month we're going to be doing group chat called notorious investments we're going to talk about our option plays that we make in our stock plays all of that so this is to show you exactly what's going on 75 off of ewil university is the current discount that we're running which is 500 total for the entire year um and that link is pinned and then also also for him 500 i know everybody follows him and that they're pretty you know well versed on what recession proof if you're not familiar with session proof it's his community where he actually talked about his mentees that's what he was talking about his mentees where he actually has like you know these kind of calls but and more in depth and videos and all of that and then they go on trips and it's all it's a whole process and um when he came on the episode if you know we did that five hundred dollars off for uil that website is r p x e y l dot com and that's a special discount that is the cheapest place that you can get his program is on is um on that site in conjunction with that so thank you for that i'm gonna put that in the group chat also but let's get the questions this this is another one this is this is like this is what really separates the wild university from just a regular podcast because you get to actually ask questions so there might have been something that we forgot to ask that they like y'all should have asked that so now now stay tuned yeah let's let's get it yeah let's see uh eating we coming to you i'm mute yourself you've been unmuted you know how this works no fridge breaks it's not the time for that hey how y'all doing appreciate you guys thanks for uh for doing this this is incredible uh hold up bro all right marcus had a quick question um how can we get credit for to purchase a home is that possible so for the down payment that is so if you're going out to purchase a home and you don't want to put on put your own cash for your for the down payment okay you're about to go off oh listen uh man y'all picked a good one uh so one of the things that you can't use a credit card to make a down payment right because they look at your credit report to check your debt to income ratios and they want your balances low but what happens is you know if you look if you literally if if your utilization doesn't show they can't see it right so if you understood what i just said like uh about literally your utilization with your credit cards with switching them if they can't see it then they then it's zero right or five percent so the goal is to make it to where they can't see it so you want to pull the money off of one credit card so if you got two credit cards for 25 000 you're gonna take 25 000 off for one and when it's due you're gonna pay it back right and then you're gonna circulate it when this one is due you're gonna pay it back so now it's showing at zero so both of them are reporting at zero they can't even tell that the money is gone so that's literally that's uh one of the things that you can do when it comes to pulling the money off uh i mean when it comes to buying a house using a credit card is that you're going to be able to pull it that way just make sure that your utilization doesn't show so just watch your credit card see when it reports your utilization and know that okay it's reporting on my you on my actual closing date and then i know okay here it needs to be at zero this date and then it needs to be at zero on this date now they can't see it so you took 25 000 off and you're good to go appreciate that appreciate that uh let's go uh steve you've been on muted mute yourself you hear me yeah we hear you steve what's going on bro thank you guys for everything i'm a big fan i'm gonna get straight to it so marcus uh i was at the gym my bad so this this question is from my guy he's getting his car his car repo cause he just purchased and got tired of paying the he got ripped off because he was in a bad situation now i read that if you voluntarily uh repossess your own car the only thing that happens is that you still get hit with 10 100 points to your credit score now to fix that 100 point decrease would you wait till it hits or would you go ahead and um block the credit used to to see it if i make that's up here um no so volunteer involuntary repo is going to show on his credit report as a repo and it's not a certain um it's not a certain points that it goes down um it'll be based strictly off of his credit uh profile and how it's built so it's not a certain amount of points um that hey it's gonna drop 100 points right and that's not that that's not true what's going to happen is is that he's going to get a repossession on his credit report and then he has to deal with that so it's no way to block it um he can you know fight it but with it being so fresh and so new with it being fresh like that i don't think i wouldn't get a car back and take the repo just because i know the damages that it's gonna do to my credit uh but it's not a hundred points that he's going to lose he's going to have a re uh repossession of his credit report and whatever you know happens is is going to happen so however much damage it takes he could take a 200 point it could take a 30 point it i don't know but he's gonna get crushed especially if he's already missing payments he's getting crushed as well so can you use your method to fix it once it hits his credit score he can but um i don't tell people i'm more so if you already got the negative items on there then fight them and we can you know try to remedy the the report but i'm not one that's going to ever tell you hey you're a little repossession hit your credit because it's possible you can fight and get it removed sometimes it takes a year to get things removed after credit sometimes it takes two sometimes it don't come off and you got to pay so it's not oh yeah guaranteed things are going to come off that's never the case um he can he can try to remedy it but it's never the case that it's going to come off and especially all three credit bureaus appreciate you steve appreciate that appreciate that don't repo that vehicle don't don't get your foot don't get your car repo mac we coming to you i haven't seen my boy in a minute macintosh we coming to you i'm mute yourself you've been unmuted what's going on what's going on guys thank you for everything i have done for the community uh the question that i have for marcus is it a good idea if you pay your credit card and not use it or you have to keep using it if you like pay it off and then don't use it so like yeah that's a good question so like if you have a credit card marcus and um you it has a zero balance but you're just not using it at all will that hurt your credit or should you use every credit card that you have so like no matter what you're going to want to balance it right well see i teach i teach people how to get 15 credit cards with five inquiries so it's i i teach people how to balance to kind of rotate it because what's going to happen is you always want to use your credit cards right it's no reason that you you shouldn't so to answer your question use it right 100 um if you don't you know put every expense that you can on your credit cards right not only for the reward points but to increase the limits right now if you don't have a business you're not looking to invest in anything just put all your personal expenses on your credit card once you start putting all your personal expense on your credit card your credit card limit grows right so then whenever you get in time of a need or you actually need to go on and you need a resource you have it and it's larger right the worst case you want to sit on a 10 000 credit card and since you're not using it the bank shrinks and go oh well since you don't need it we're gonna shrink your limit down to three thousand so you always wanna use it and increase the limits and just put all your personal bills on it um and really just grow it like that if if you got charge cards which are based off of like your american express platinum those are based off of your spending habits so if you're trying to grow that limit and you don't have a business like one of the things i did was man here we go so i started doing uh working with business owners right so if you got good credit a lot of times people who own businesses deal with a lot of cash and one of my guys worked in for a watch store right and he worked for a watch store and he explained to me hey listen a lot of times when we buy these luxury watches back we buy them under priced and since we i'm underpriced we probably got a markup of about three thousand right so what i did was i said well if you can do a three thousand dollar market can we split it he was like yeah i look i so we did the first watch it like it probably was 12 000. i fight my car for it got to watch he was like i can have it resold within a week he'd been in the industry for forever so he resold it in a week we made three thousand dollars but what happened was i just got a twelve thousand dollar spend on my credit card also got the reward points and made fifteen hundred dollars over time we built that relationship out i ended up letting him just hold wanna uh i added him as an authorized user to my platinum and let him hold a card he helped me grow to my limit to where now i got a limit on my platinum at 250 000 because he was constantly spending 20 000 40 000 7 000 6 on watches plus my expenditures we grew the limit so i tell a lot of times people say never you want to figure out some kind of creative way to use it it may be not working with business owners i have another friend that has a restaurant and they do their food costs off of my uh off of my green uh american express charge card and they just buy food every single week for their restaurant well they help my limit grow so just be creative with the way that we use it that sometimes you may be the one with good credit but you have a family member who's cash heavy and they just deal with cash and a credit card would make their life a lot easier and then making your life easier helps your limits grow and now you turn around and you go i'm 300 000 up you know what i mean like i gotta realistically i got like a half a million on charge cards just from these two and you know it's just being creative and applying it so my my answer is no don't ever just let it sit dormant they'll shut your account down after a while they'll decrease your limits so just you know be mindful always want to use it and grow those limits because we need if especially if we're not cash heavy we want to have something to fall back on so marcus when they when they close it um does it negatively affects your credit score correct it negatively affects your credit score because you lose a positive account so just like when you pay your car off and your credit score drops well because you closed and lost one of your positive accounts because the the the number of accounts in your credit report drastically impacts your credit so when you lose that account it drops your score let me ask you this before we go to the next question thank you okay appreciate you matt um can you talk about business credit like um that's a big thing for people i don't think people fully understand like can you just talk about that for a couple minutes is like how to establish business credit because i know it is different from like establishing personal credit i'm not the super business credit guy i'm the more so your personal what we do with the personal getting into the business um i tell people though establishing on just on the surface i'm not going to go too deep um because i don't want to start the business credit questions but just always make sure everything is set up properly make sure when you go out and you said that things you want to do is have a 1-800 number right have a physical office address um make sure that matches get that before you set your llc up when you set your llc up your llc shouldn't say um you know your home address your personal cell phone number your personal email address right and that's the things that you kind of want to be mindful of because a lot of times you know you go to register your business you go for business funding and your email on your on the secretary of state is uh poppychulo6969 it's like yo yo how serious is this guy right versus marcus barney at it's a big difference when you're looking at it and you guys underwriting evaluating your your your business and how serious you take it when you actually have a 1 800 number right that is listed on your application and it's listed on your secretary of state it's all in conjunction so those things to be mindful of when you're setting up your business yeah that's one thing that we learned with our business credit too is that um you definitely got to have a separate number um and the address is important but it could be a virtual address um and it could be a virtual number google number um but that's something that we definitely had to learn the hard way well not the hard way we just learned it we talked about having authorized users so everybody knows i talked about how i was an authorized user since 1985 of american express when we had to apply for a business credit card my history with them is so long that we automatically jumped to a six-figure limit it was like oh this is great but that was because we had handled it respectfully throughout what my parents handled respectfully then when i had the card i handled it respectfully so make sure that your personal credit is in line too when you when you're trying to get a business credit as well yeah and that's something that um it's like you know one of these things where this is you know the beauty of the platform and people like marcus and just a whole bunch of other people online it's like uh all of this stuff is trial and error for the most part because you know there's really they don't teach it in school even in college they're not really teaching it so it's like you know um when we had ms business on talking about how to buy the car in your business name should talk about the gas car the gas card um that's something i just learned we got to get it and some people was in the comments like you don't know about the gas car i'm like no i didn't know about the gas card i didn't i'm sorry i know nobody taught me that like you know what i'm saying like i'm still learning i never act like i know every single thing but um you know this is so much information as far as credit and and you know just like you said personal credit and business credit two completely different things cars and and you know spending limits and all of this stuff is like how are you supposed to learn it like i'm saying even when he told us he was like yo don't you don't use your debit card anymore yeah every since that moment since you came to to the crib and we talked about that everything's been credited it was like wait that makes too much sense like this makes too much sense so i said we don't we're not ashamed to say like yo we're learning i hate the people that's always looking down on somebody like oh you didn't know that you know if we knew everything we wouldn't have we wouldn't have these conversations that's the whole point you know you know what's crazy is that we even with credit right is that i don't know everything right shout out to my uh my boy chris uh he dropped jewels on me and we exchanged like banks and different information i explained some of these to him he gave me fidelity like it's like yo i don't i can't i don't know everything people would think that you know hey this is your expertise you should know everything it's like no listen you know how many banks it is out here right i can't have a relationship with every bank uh can't know everything but i'm fluent and i learn from trial and error i learn from business going bankrupt right like i had a boost mobile store we got into the franchise game bad decision bad location didn't know how to evaluate it crush lose every lost all the income and that's what made me start looking in the credit that's what made me start going well i need something to fall back on i need somebody i can rely on so i can actually you know have somebody to ask because i can't ask anybody for money you know what i mean so that's that's one of the things but exactly what you said is that look man we don't know everything nobody can possibly know everything it's just we know what works we know how to get to the next that's that's it and a lot of times like what i'm saying today is this i'm giving you guys things that are actually things that you can implement now you know what i mean this is stuff you can implement now and take action on so yeah let's get a couple couple more questions yeah uh helena we're coming to you unmute yourself you've been unmuted what's going on hi hello how are you doing what's going on i'm good thank you guys um my first time raising my hand and i got picked yourself so here's my question it's a personal question for personal credit um if you have how is any hacks to increase your credit if you have like two you don't have any inquiries nothing on there nothing negative just high limits that's already maxed out is there any hacks you could do to like increase your credit while you're trying to pay it down anything okay yes but it's it's situational right because are you trying to go acquire new credit or what are you trying to go acquire kalima she's there hold on yep i'm trying to purchase a home so i want to purchase at home and that's the reason why i'm trying to get my credit up okay your credit score your credit score up or your credit you like my credit score her credit score is down because of utilization correct correct yeah so if you maxed all the way out um on those cards they're still gonna judge you off of it so to go buy a home you have to get those down right is there other ways if you were trying to do other things that you could build the credit yes you can add authorized users to help offset it to just make it look pretty um because it'll fix your utilization rate but when you go to underwriting you're gonna see that your cards are still maxed out so it's not gonna really help you um it would just help your score go up but it's not gonna be act something that's really tangible that you're gonna be able to go to the bank and say hey let me pick this money up right and so that's that's the thing is that with your utilization being there you're gonna have to get that utilization down so what you want to work on is at least trying to get you know getting it down to 50 on each one and then swap it and then try to hide it okay m500 we got 5 000 people on youtube right now the big boss man five the number five let's go please appreciate you halima hit the like button please youtube greatly appreciate it thank you no problem thank you lashonda we coming to you unmute yourself you've been unmuted what's going on hey good evening good evening all right i kind of came in in a bacon in the conversation so my question is it's like a personal question for personal credit my credit scores is at about like 7 50 760. um as far as my credit profile all i have on it is an auto loan i have no student date and i have one credit card so i came in when you was kind of talking about navy federal and fidelity and stuff like that so what is the day i should do to go and get like a pretty limit that's up there because i need to those yeah what um what you're going to want to do is i don't know if y'all want me to go back through that or catch the um you could just kind of get like a quick like a quick scenario yeah i don't need the whole just the gist of it what it is that you say it's the replay to be more in detail but with your score being where it's at um you don't have a lot of inquiries is that you got three different banks that'll give you uh 15 to 25k okay and so when you go in and get it is that navy federal you're gonna call in and say hey listen um i was in the military i mean my grandfather was in the military and he's not you know with us anymore unfortunately passed away uh and i don't have any of his information they'll grant you access a lion is another one that you're gonna you're gonna go through their application make a when you go through the application process you're going to actually um through a donation five dollar donation to get membership into their credit union and the next one is fidelity fidelity bank you're gonna actually make a brokerage account but once you make the brokerage account you have to immediately apply so don't make the brokerage account and let it sit make the brokerage account right and once you make the brokerage account you're going to go for the rewards visa card okay go for the reward visa cards you want to put your income when you do it put your income at 150 000 right and you either pay 2 000 or 0 a monthly on living expenses and that's what will get you so put 150 k as your income on there and your living expenses is between is is 2 000 or you put zero and that's what's going to kick you your large limit especially if you got over a 730 credit score and watch the um check out the replay when you get a chance because he spoke about a little bit more in depth at the beginning but um yeah that was that was a good synopsis and you know it's crazy i just thought about you know a lot of this stuff is uh it all plays together so when you talk about fidelity's um brokerage account and you know market mondays and we talk about we talk about stocks all the time and all that so now this is a play where you can actually combine the credit play with the investment play you go on to fidelity to set up a um brokerage account to to buy stocks to set up your ira to trade options whatever you want to do so now at the same time you can actually you know do the credit play and now you can you you know combine the stock play the investment play with the credit play yeah and i've seen somebody in the chat say you know with navy federal you can be a family member of them you have to be a son a direct family member meaning son or daughter and also or you can be a roommate with somebody who's in navy federal and use their access number and get and get granted access the issue is if you do something if the person you give access to does something to the left go max out credit cards and do something crazy it reflects on you and then the person who gave their access number can now guess what now they can get their account shut down so that's why i give my access number to anybody um i just give people a method they can get in on their own meaning whatever you do is your personal business is not attached to me so be mindful that yes there's other ways but i'd rather people get in completely on their own and stand on their own two feet than being standing on my shoulders and what you do comes back on me so be mindful when you think you're giving access to people you charge them and they go in and they use a cpn number and they get a credit card or something and they run off then your account gets shut down with theirs you ain't all good christa safety first we're coming to you chris to uh mute yourself you've been uh muted thank you sean yeah there's some things we're not uh i'm i'm i'm not here if you guys tune in and check out the eyl episode a lot of stuff and tactics i covered um on turning credit to cash today we teach you how to go get the cash and when you go back and watch the eyl episode you're gonna see exactly how to apply it and get busy from there so just check it out back on youtube if you haven't watched that earn your leisure episode 100 you're doing yourself a tremendous disservice potentially the biggest episode crystal what's up hi how are you guys good are we great how are you how are you i am great and even better that you guys called on me oh i love it where are you from baltimore shout out to beautiful thank you thank you so um hi hen 500 um i have a question so i have a a cap well what is it called a charge off and it will not leave for the life of me and i was wondering if you had any tips on getting it removed i've already followed your instructions for like um the secondary bureaus but it's still like not going anywhere and it's with the original doctor that tour so that's probably why but i just wanted to get your take on it you got credit karma yes log into your credit card as she logs in i'm in okay you in yes go to your accounts go to your view your whole credit report okay go to the negative account uh you mean the closed account go to that negative account that you want to remove oh the one i want to remove okay go to the account you want to go to the accounts tab and select the negative item okay you see where it says dispute on the bottom yep put that in um go to dispute um once you go to dispute now you should be on the deletion screen don't put anything um for ownership go down right and then it's gonna say don't put anything for ownership uh don't select any ownership so the ownership is going to be the first little block that's going to ask you to pick it's going to give you a lineup of a few different things you're going to put don't put nothing there go down below it right and put this count as in is involved in litigation go down below oh an additional comment no above additional comments it's like the one above is involved in litigation yep all right now additional comments i want you to put i have not supplied proof this is crazy i'm still there like yo university is he screen sharing university man that's crazy a million dollars worth of games you know yo aka him not them [Laughter] yo listen we we going there listen you there you put it i'm here i have not supplied first under the doctrine of a stop by silence unstoppable by silence so proof under the doctrine uh okay by silence comma engle heart right but i'ma spell it for you e n g e l h a r d t and then v period versus r even g r a v e n s in parentheses m o 281 separate spacebar capital sw 715 comma 719 comma an input i presume that no proof of the alleged debt comma nor therefore any such debt comma you with me i presume that no proof of the alleged debt comma therefore any such debt comma in fact exists period all right now go submit if it doesn't say the i'll copy that copy that copy the comment section that you just typed out yep copy that just so you have it on your clipboard if you got to redo it and now um go through and press and submit and now if it doesn't say delete right then um redo it a second time because sometimes the system glitches so go ahead press submit okay it says continue but okay okay submit okay transunion is reviewing your dispute okay so let that sit um give us about five minutes to ten minutes if you don't um get a deletion notice uh come back all right okay all right thank you [Music] that was a moment i didn't want to say night i'm like damn kristen thank you thank you yo we said he was the most dangerous i told you he's dangerous man gotta keep our eye keep our eye on her before we before we end the call we're gonna go back uh it's 902 so we're gonna be rapping around uh 9 15 9 20. so we'll see we're going to come back to you before we end and see what happens uh all right chris so i'm going to keep you right at the top i'm going to keep you right up there dude it's dangerous man this dude is dangerous man shout out to empty the mortgage guy on the super chat check-in shout out to cash flowing super chat checking and shout out to the good brother credit dude child care yo denise we're coming to you i'll mute yourself you've been on muted live studio live live studio audience what denise what's going on yourself you better mute what's going on oh my god hello hello hello good evening oh i'm so excited oh this is awesome thank you so much um and great information just like dropping bombs um so my question is i heard the last episode that you were on marcus and you were talking about trade lining um if you could go over that a little bit more like how does trade lining work how can we make some money off the trade lining um that was very very interesting okay um with trade lines let me explain something is that i'm a clear a lot of times people think that like i teach people to start a trade line business and a lot of times people get confused and think that trade lines is only authorized users right but you have trade lines like uh my jewelers club is a trade line um rent reporters is a trade line right these are all things the trade line is just a positive accounting or credit report but when it comes to authorized users i tell people this is that if i've seen people in the chat earlier asking hey what do you think about trade line supply right the issue with that is that a lot of times people go out and buy trade lines to authorize users for people they don't know right and it's just complete strangers well when it comes to adding people to your cars there's certain cars that you want to use right i'm going to tell you like one of the banks to kind of stay away from is like a bank of america bank of america is notorious for shutting you down meanwhile american express to give you 99 authorized users and you get 99 authorized users but they don't report history right so it's a lot uh to really break this whole business model down but to give you a synopsis is that pretty much is that i can add you on to my card as an authorized user right so let's say i use a a card like citibank right i'm gonna give y'all work citibank um i use a card like citibank i add you on as authorized user i've had my card for 10 years plus my utilization rate is under 9 100 payment history when i add you on as an authorized user my history now goes on your credit report if i charge you 650 that's 650 but i got 10 slots available so if i have 10 slots available and i add 10 people that's 6 500 i'm gonna leave you on for 60 days and it's going to stay on your credit report for 90. the thing about authorized users is that you can't build a report off of authorized users it's kind of just like a cherry on the top to kind of help with your data points so you build your report out and get the accounts and then you use a thing like an authorized user to kind of help and strengthen your data points before you go out and apply so it's the thing that you add last so when you add a trade line last you know it's after you got your credit report together that's the reason why you only need to be on there for 90 days because in that time frame you need to go out and apply for the things that you're looking to acquire okay and now from there what happens is is that now i've i've turned my credit card from a liability into an actual asset because now i'm making money off of it now i'm making 6 500 every 60 days that's 40 dollars in a year right now i don't have to worry about going into debt i don't have to worry about getting a credit card saying am i gonna pay it back this this that in the third i'm literally using the bank's money to make money and i'm never going into debt right and you see a lot of people go can we do this can we do this and it's like yo listen you can't in in my mind right and this is just you know i'm being frank and honest with everybody is this i had somebody at me i was like yo i got a ten thousand dollar credit card i don't wanna you know in fear of losing it and i said well listen what's your utilization key you're not supposed to use more than 30 of a credit card right you're not supposed to use more than 30 of a credit card meaning if you're not gonna go over thirty percent you got a three thousand dollar credit card i just told you how to make 40 000 in a year you give me you see the benefit that how it actually turns into an actual asset versus holding on to a credit card for emergency purposes make the forty thousand put the ten thousand up cash and then what are we talking about we can move forward right and that's the the mindset that we need to have when it comes to you know actually turning liabilities into assets but to answer your question um is select cards that you want to use add people as an authorized user you never give them access to your credit card so that way you don't send the card to them you mail it to you okay you never give them access to the card so that way they can't use it and go run it up you put security um you put security questions on your account you also turn all your push notifications on on your app for whichever credit card you're using so you know just stay in the loop with everything that's going on and really watch the car but um you know i'm gonna tell you guys this is that every bank does not allow this so you guys have to be mindful i tell you guys like bank of america is one of the banks to stay away from navy federal is not going to give you 10 authorized users they're going to give you four so you just want to be mindful and really steady and learn the things if you can do your due diligence go out and really do research and um try to find what banks are good and that allow it and you can build from there or you know you can come come on the good side thank you so much for that information thank you i know thank you let's take let's take one more question um i saw somebody on youtube they had if you're having if you're in iwa university and you're having a problem getting in the facebook group uh email info or your leisure but you have to have your real name on facebook sometimes people's names is like john henry in real life but their facebook name is like eagle wood superman um so it's hard to iden that takes a little longer because it's hard to identify because we don't know your real name but um the quick solution is that it's just email info or in your leisure 5 000 people in that facebook group so um definitely want to take advantage of that if you if you have a member of your university shout out to all the earners in the chat right now they everything that that morgan is saying they typing in like yo i got that wait yo you misspelled something no we got this shout out to all the earners man there's so many to name they doing they think mark is copy and paste i'm sure they're gonna put this in the chat the most dangerous the most dangerous him not them biggest boss that you've seen thus far poindexter is this point dexter is this bus down nah we're on point dexter today i'm not gonna do it all right we are poindexter today we're on point dexter time la kenya we are coming to you on mute yourself you've been unmuted what's going on hello can you hear me we hear you perfectly where you from i'm from texas i'm in dallas texas love it love it so my question is i know i hear him talk a lot about um credit score utilization to get a card so if you have a credit score say it's 7 30 and you do have highly utilization and you have like funds to pay it down how should you approach that i'm looking to start a business of something of that nature does that make sense um can you give me a little more detail yeah so so say i have like a 7 30 and i have like maybe i have about five cards but say two of them are at you know higher say 80 utilization if i a stack of funds to pay um something down how would i approach that like what do you recommend one is that should you just go and pay like 50 no i'm gonna tell you all this and and be mindful um too it's depending on what bank you're with be mindful um when you guys let your utilization run high because when you start to pay it back especially in the times that we in now when you pay it back they can they might shrink your limits so you might go back and pay 50 off and they might come and say that's that's fine your new limit 3 000. uh thank you for the money and now you don't have access to it um so don't let your utilization run high for a long time especially not right now while we in a pandemic um don't let it run high so make sure you kind of constantly knock that out but i would pay it down um if you got the capital to pay it down i would go ahead and chop it down because if you had a 730 with utilization your score your report is already amazing you'll be over 780. um with that being said what's your limits what's your um what kind of limits you got they range from 10 to 20. so you okay on your limits um i would knock them down and focus on them for about six months before going to buy for credit ask for increases um so if you got the capital knock it down and then ask for increases um every six months if you if you haven't asked for increase knock that utilization down right and so knock that utilization down and if you haven't asked for an increase in the last six months i will wait for about uh 30 days to 60 days after paying it down and then calling and ask for an increase with your utilization under nine percent great okay thank you i've never asked for an increase all right i think you have to appreciate you look in so um yeah i know uh marcus got a wrap so before we before we wrap it i want to just uh say a couple different things so first and foremost thank you for the game if you haven't watched if you haven't watched earn your legion's episode with marcus please please do that please re-watch this and the most important number for tonight is 500. so his his name is him 500. and um his recession-proof course cheapest place to get it on the marketplace is that's one if you watch the podcast he did a special 500 off and that includes um tell them what that includes what your whichever session proof includes so with my recession proof uh when you join a recession proof family recession is not like of course it's a family that you join and what we do is this is i teach financial literacy but my goal is to teach and empower leaders of the community that's looking to help other people right so i teach you how to go out and really clean and structure a credit report set up your own credit repair business not only that i teach you how to set up a trade line business right because once somebody gets their credit repaired and get their credit together then they need to actually learn how to build it and it's not all authorized users i teach you different things and ways to cover and use helping somebody build their credit and pay get your mortgage paid right these are the type of things so now you don't have to pay a mortgage um it's that so i teach you guys that um i also give you an ebook so some people don't want to pay for credit repair they just need the information so everything that i know i put in ebook form white labeled it so that way you guys can actually take it and put your own um your own brand on it right and now they have a do-it-yourself credit repair guide that you can sell so now you sell them an e-book i also give you a click funnel to sell the e-book that's already pre-built all you have to do is get somebody to put your graphics in your logo but i teach how to set your whole business up i teach you how to set up a trade line business i teach how to set up a funding business in the funding business i show you how to get 150 000 how to get how to go out basically and get 15 credit cards with only five inquiries um i also teach you business credit on how to get credit up to 250 000 with your social and without your social and then i teach you how to do this the the funding business right if you guys go through my stories on my mentorship i walk somebody through and i got them 191 000 uh with my credit card sequence it took us an hour and a half an hour and a half i made 19 grand because whenever you help somebody get funded you charge a back-end fee of 10 i teach you how to set that money up and ensure that you get paid not only that then i teach you how to travel for free i teach you luxury cars how to go out and get luxury cars and only pay pennies on the dollar right i had a i8 paid 1100 had it for six months right and these are the type of things like i teach you how to go and get um how to travel for free how to liquidate your credit cards because i know a lot of i'm teaching you guys about kind of um pulling the money and switching it um but we would have to have a whole lesson on how to pull the money off without assessing a fee or doing a cash event so i teach you guys how to pull the money off the credit cards that way you can you know go and invest or hydro utilization um these are all things that's included then i have weekly calls where we have somebody come and teach right so the thing is we learn how to get money and you set your businesses up but we want to diversify every millionaire has seven streams of income and so what i did was i had like my good friend alex he came and he gave the info the seven steps to starting the trucking company i have my friend justin owens come and teach how to actually get in and invest in how to do um forex wall street trapper he came and taught us how to get invested in the stock market how to break down a company and know where to invest so it's every you know we constantly teach different topics the next one is um the touro how to actually starting and scale the touro business profitable these are all the things that get taught in it so that way you can establish more streams of income you know and that's why we become recession proof recession that's bad so yeah that's the website cheapest price for that for marcus's course and uh once again we want to thank you and then like i said the 500 is a special number because ewi university this is what we do every single week we have a class in ewil university and um the good thing about it is that once the classes are done in archive so there's over 100 um past classes we do weekly classes and like how marcus walked the young lady through as far as like that's the difference people say like what's the difference between ui university and just a regular podcast where it's like this is actually interactive you get to ask zoom questions you get to get your hand held and all of that um of course mg the mortgage guy put together the real estate blueprint of how to buy a home and that's over uh uh 100 videos over 15 hours of content a to z that's included in ewing university um we have movie club we have a book club i have a financial planning call once to once a month and uh the newest thing is that we added our group chat our investment group chat so we're going to do zoom calls with everybody at uwl university and just tell you the plays that we're making give you insight to our portfolio and we're just gonna have a discussion hopefully we can learn we might be able to learn from somebody that's you know doing so we're just gonna have like a a whole like group conversation of empowerment investment empowerment um we're gonna let you know what we're doing and hopefully you let us know what you're doing and we're gonna put together some plays and we're gonna make a lot of money so uh so yeah so that's we letting that go that's that's 75 off for 72 hours that's 500 for the entire year marcus said that's extremely under undervalued i agree with him somebody just said in the in the comments um ashley alexander my eviction i just disputed has been deleted come on y'all are you know i'm the one the one that you're just the one that you just spoke to yeah no that wasn't the spokesperson i got kristen i have somebody else i got crystal right here she went kristen i'll mute yourself you've been unmuted what's going on what's the update hey so i just refreshed it i don't see any change yet but um i'm pretty sure it's going to come through at some point walk out of your log out log back in and do it again and do it again and it'll go through thank you krista thank you all right him i know you got to i know you got to go cause you got your your um your call so um thank you thank you for joining us this replay we're going to be available on youtube and we'll also put it on podcast outlets on friday so you can go back and check it out yeah last thing real quick i see that marcus shout out to marcus you put in the chat maybe somebody can uh take advantage of this and say all military people that are in here american express platinum has an annual charge of 550 that can be completely waived for military members so that's something that you know you could probably take advantage of check it out appreciate that marcus yeah for sure so all right all right guys stay for rocking with us we'll see you next week see you next month for this one club we'll see you sunday yeah book club joe ey uh mg the mortgage guy tomorrow tomorrow what's what's the topic house hacking one-on-one if you're in the blueprint you you're part of that mentorship program that's another thing real estate real estate mentorship program is part of the blueprint to ewal university so house hacking 101 tomorrow um make sure you check that out we got our orientation saturday and saturday book club sunday and book club is on sunday yeah so you know we always wait and then we'll see our money again for market monday so yo y'all take care of yourselves reach out call someone make sure that everybody's doing good
Channel: Earn Your Leisure
Views: 316,495
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Him 500, Recession proof, Marcus Barney, Credit, Credit to cash, Trade lines, Circle of ceos, Entrepreneur, Credit score
Id: gmaG_aPmtjo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 10sec (4810 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 27 2021
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