You are RUNNING OUT OF TIME, This is What You NEED TO DO About It | Wallo267 on Impact Theory

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growing up in the ghetto i always had to get approval to live the proof of the thing the proof were to be accepted that [ __ ] don't mean nothing to me i just i just feel so good like i think i'm in my i think i'm at my best my the best feeling possible but i'm able to feel something and be able to react with my emotions and and to be able to embrace what i'm feeling and to be able to cry i love crying on the aspect of life it just feel good because i'm letting something out and i used to remember when i used to be filling a certain way and i couldn't let it out because of the environment that said that wasn't cool or it would be soft [Music] i hope you guys enjoyed the episode brought to you by our sponsor blinkist go to impact theory to get 25 off a blinkist premium membership and a seven-day free trial all right enjoy the episode everybody welcome to another episode of impact theory i am here with somebody that is going to make your brains leak out of your ears this guy is extraordinary he is the one the only wallow267 walla welcome to the show my man thank you for having me tom dude it is so good to have you i am obsessed with people that have a no bs no excuse mentality i read your book which we have here the mind of wallow267 for people that don't know your story you spent 20 years in prison which seems impossible every time i heard it i thought okay he got a 20-year sentence but there's no way he actually did 20 years but you actually did 20 years i did 20 years which is crazy you write a book and i want everybody to understand this is after coming out of jail for 20 years and this this was the part when i heard this in the book i was like i know why he's as successful now as he is it's a direct quote all things you put in your mind of why you can't win or why you can't do this oh they racist oh this oh they hating that's all [ __ ] make it happen let me tell you something every key to every closed door on this planet is right here in your mind all you got to do is believe in yourself and stop bsing stop making excuses it gives me the chills rereading it now it really gave me the chills the first time i read it how after what you've been through growing up north philadelphia what gave you that insight that that insight to me is the difference between success and failure if you blame other people even when it's real even when somebody is actively [ __ ] you up if you focus on them and what they're doing and the things you can't control you will lose but if you even when someone is [ __ ] you up you focus on what you can do what you can change what's in your control you will win but that that insight is hard where did did somebody say something no it wasn't really about somebody saying them it's just about once i was sitting in my cell and i realized that i used to i used to chase the police what do you mean i used to chase police out there like in philly i was a guy that used to do a bunch of dumb [ __ ] and weighed the police down yo come get me because chasing police literally waved them no no just doing so it was like i can't blame the homies because they ain't got nothing to do with this i can't blame like when we go through something we always looking for somebody to blame for our existence in a [ __ ] up place no i paid for this train ticket to here i paid for the train ticket i got on the train it was many stops before that i could have got off no i went to the final destination i arrived here in jail oh let's do it i got to do this now this this is my reality okay how did i get here wallow i wanna i'm gonna push you on that because your punch line is so powerful but it gets more powerful the more people know about your story so when was the first time that you were locked up uh june 30 of 1990 i was 11 for a couple days 11. yeah i was 11 philadelphia north philadelphia uh philadelphia county i got arrested for robbery and then a week later this was on a saturday the saturday later i got arrested again and september 19 1990 i got sent away for a year st michael school for boys uh i did a year there came on a home pass back and forth got came home once i finished the year got arrested again went back for another year and i just was in in and out of the juvenile facility for five years okay so now this is the five years of your youth yes did they ever try to help you teach you a useful skill i became what happened was i became they put me in a habitual offenders union so i never forget it i had this uh probation officer named ruth marcus she was a lovely lady she always tried to help me in every type of way she was real communicative with my mother and all that she always tried to help me then they took me away from her i got this other uh uh probation officer named denise villetto i think she wound up turning to fbi agent she was no [ __ ] joke uh denise was denise was something different denise wasn't no joke like and even with her being no joke she still she's had conversations with me and i think she wanted me to win she's not i ain't gonna say i think she wanted me to win a lot of times when people bring run down on us and bring us that and bring us that friction we freeze up and we think they [ __ ] and all that to me at the time she was a [ __ ] but when i think about it as i got older you know she just really she just really was trying to see me win you know and uh but i was in there in and out five years and then out that juvenile system and then when i turned 17 i got locked up with two robberies two firearm violations and that's when i got 19 after 52 years combined in two different sets and and uh like it was just like damn and then when i went to jail i'm like over the years it took some time because you grow you're growing in here i realized hold up i spent more time incarcerated than i did free on this planet [ __ ] me up that [ __ ] me up like i'm saying i'm sitting in a cell i'm like oh this this is some crazy [ __ ] so you just like all right cool i gotta figure this [ __ ] out now now what is the reality of the [ __ ] what did i do to get here really fast i want to talk about that moment because so so far it seems like you have a litany of things that you could blame from uh culture determines what is cool you're just trying to fit in you're an impoverished neighborhood it's a neighborhood notorious for crime so you're already put in that there's sort of generational poverty issues all to take into account there's a system that is not exactly preparing you for anything i've heard you say that the juvenile system makes you feel at home in the penitentiary it's like a training school yeah that john was so trained there is a list of things you could blame you're still not blaming them for the person right now that is subconsciously or consciously spending their time focused on that stuff i want to understand how how you think about there are real things that are [ __ ] you up they're real yeah but it still doesn't help you to focus on those and i want to know what it is you've learned about life because you're a marketer like you you figure out how the game works and then you go i'm not going to judge it i'm just going to say this is the best way to play it and that's what makes you so interesting so what was the key insight about how how life works that made you go even though i have reasons like these are real legitimate reasons for me to just stay broken it's not a smart play why isn't it a smart play to wallow in that because uh it is gonna have me in the same place i'm gonna be in the same place i might not be doing crime but i'm still gonna be living a loser lifestyle because i'm a complainer i'm a you know i'm american complaining i just complain complain that [ __ ] don't work i ain't got time for that [ __ ] tom i got listen let me explain something to you tom i'm 42 years old just turned it a couple days ago okay bet is it big is it a big is a big chance that 50 now 60 maybe eighty maybe ninety percent of my life is going already i don't have [ __ ] time time is not waiting for me tom is not my friend and i'm not talking about your type of time i'm talking about t i m e time don't like nobody time hate all of us tom is trying to stay away from us you think i'm a waste the rest of the time that i got to be operating out here crying and complaining blaming somebody no i know why i'm there because you know why i was a guy it was plenty of people that i know that came from the environment that produced me did i come from that didn't go where i went so what i'm complaining about oh this happened oh i was living here what about all the people listen i know more people in inner cities that's law-abiding tax-paying citizens that never did nothing wrong that's living their life to not do this criminal now um they might over report crimes in my environment through the media do television so you see it so it makes it look like but what is it like 1.7 million people in philadelphia how many of them people you think is criminals not a lot it's not a large percentage so i'm like hold up i can blame artists i ain't got time for that because you think i got i got 10 years to be a blamer and a complainer you know how many you know how much time and energy people spend the average person and i'm just doing a ballpark figure they spend years and [ __ ] years maybe a decade complaining bitching and whining and still nothing changed i could be using that time to change my life i could be using that time to embrace the reality of life in the reality of the [ __ ] that i'd done to put myself i paid for my ticket i got on the train it was many stops that came i didn't get off at them stops i went to the final destination of the [ __ ] that i was living in i enjoyed being that i was married to the streets of philadelphia i enjoyed that dumb [ __ ] so i had to okay i went through the process of that dumb [ __ ] i grew up i evolved from that now it's time to live now it's time to just be out here on a journey through life experiencing new things new ideas exposure and that's what i realized i wasn't a lot of us don't expose ourselves to new things new ideas we're not open open the different open to change and that's what helped me i became open to all this [ __ ] and so i'm like okay damn that's different let me try that damn this oh let me jump out of a plane damn let me do this like some real [ __ ] and you know and like why i'm here i'm living this [ __ ] out cause when i'm gonna tell you some real [ __ ] time when i [ __ ] die it's gonna be a party in that [ __ ] graveyard because my tombstone is gonna be playing music and bouncing all around that [ __ ] graveyard i'm not gonna be laying dead because that dash that's between the year i was born in the year i die that [ __ ] is gonna be break dancing off that tombstone cause i'm leaving all that [ __ ] here i'm leaving it here so it's like why the [ __ ] should i complain i heard you say once that you only die once but you live every day i live every [ __ ] day you see what i'm saying you think about that that day that you die once see a lot of times people put living as just one big thing there's not no one big thing it's things it's days every day you're doing something [ __ ] different think about this 50-something months ago i was sitting in the cell waiting to go to child standing for count now i'm in the hollywood [ __ ] hills with you think about that i walk right out of here and i look at the whole the whole l.a i could see every tired part of la every movie i ever seen everything i ever seen is right down in there think about that [ __ ] man i'm out here doing what i want to do you know uh you know we go from prison to closing multi-million dollar deals and doing speaking all over the come on man [ __ ] it you know why because i wasn't i wasn't going to be a victim of self see a lot of people be victim myself this victimization is self victimization oh what i mean oh this is happening why this is doing to me oh i'm black oh i'm this i live in a ghetto i'm i'm the [ __ ] i'm i'm i'm from deep in the ghetto i come from the ghetto tom but i'm out here making [ __ ] happen and i got to show these young kids in the inner cities of america or kids period not just the kids but i focus mainly on them because they still sponge they're still impressionable they're still trying to figure out life and like a lot of times adults they be locked in already on what they want to do they just know how to disguise the [ __ ] that they claim that they want to let go of they just know how to put a different uniform on it kids they're growing up they're impressionable and the imagination is everything and that's that's something that's very important in my journey my imagination yeah so this idea is really powerful one thing that to lead up to that so people really let this one hit when you say it the inner cities break most of the people that it touches every now and then though someone comes out and they come out so with so much velocity it was like for them trying to escape took so much energy and they built so much enthusiasm and intensity up that when they shoot out they go really far you can look at somebody like jay-z for an example now prison breaks most of the people that it touches yes but the people that survive again the same thing never going back they build up this energy and that escape velocity is [ __ ] crazy part of the reason i when i first started researching you i was like okay he got a 20-year sentence but there's no way he did 20 years and the reason i couldn't reconcile it in my mind that you'd actually serve 20 years is you were so positive energetic enthusiastic focused on all the things you were going to make happen there was no sense of loss or mourning it was just like at 20 years a long [ __ ] time man no but see you got to understand this i wasn't in jail i was in yale i wasn't in prison i was in princeton i wasn't in the state pen i was in penn state how the [ __ ] do you think like that because you know why i took the time and i say okay this is time for me to you know educate myself it was it was this book place that we used to order from come r hamilton's i think it was out connecticut somewhere and he's you'll get books at probably like twenty dollars for like three dollars so i used to get a lot of books i used to read i used to read magazines all the time i used to i used to study the [ __ ] out of marketing because what i used to do is i used to always watch commercials i remember one of my sellers like why the [ __ ] you always watching the commercials and outside of the commercials i used to watch anthony bourdain the reason i used to watch commercials so much was because i was always fascinated with like hell when i went to mcdonald's that burger ain't never [ __ ] looked like that so maybe start right then i realized it was the advertising agency that was then i started studying advertising agencies running up who then i started studying i read a book called damn good of rights by george lewis one of the great admin of his time they did the uh the tv show mad men it was about him this dude was an admaster so i'm reading this book i'm learning about nanosecond messaging and all this stuff i'm really realizing the color red is the most powerful marketing i'm just studying commercials i'm looking at things and i'm like so the whole time i'm in here i'm just reading i'm learning i'm laughing and one of my homies said man why are you the happiest [ __ ] in jail i said yo man i know why i'm here like [ __ ] i'm not here i'm not innocent it's sorry to anybody else i know why i'm here i know what the [ __ ] i've done i know why i'm here but i'm not gonna be mad i gotta listen i'm trying to i can see the end of this [ __ ] i'm looking at the end i'm chasing into the tunnel and when i get there i'm gonna be on point so it was like but but when we talk about imagination let me tell you something as a as a kid your imagination would be endless oh i want to fly i want to do this i'm telling my unbelievable imagination imagination is destroyed by family members others people kill ideas you got idea killers out here a lot of times these kids they can't grow into what they want to grow in because they they live in environments where their ideas is beat up and whereas though they gotta suffocate their ideas and somehow they care their ideas and they bury the ideas because they don't want to get laughed at it they're ashamed of it so by me going to prison from 17 to 37 well you know experience life lived experience life will [ __ ] destroy your imagination if you're adele if i was out here and i probably live had a kid went through different relationships jobs this whatever i was doing got shot whatever might happen it started to deteriorate your imagination by time i probably would have hit 27 i'd have been done i'm dreaming i probably have stopped dreaming about me going to prison what it did is it froze the imagination that i had so when i'm in prison the whole time i'm not living the life that most people be living and beating them down and wearing them down and becoming jaded and getting their ass kicked by life so when i come out 37 i'm still in there reading all type of [ __ ] and then when it was 2000 and you know 2013 i got my hands on an ipod touch and a wireless hot spot in jail and when i got that [ __ ] [ __ ] i came alive that's when i came alive when i seen technology you can see the potential i've seen the potential and i realized okay these people don't understand what's going on i realized the stars they couldn't see what you [ __ ] no humans i'm looking at it and i'm looking at the people from my environment i'm like yo okay i'm in my cell i'm on social media i'm going down now social media the timeline everybody is battling for attention attention is real estate attention is the new currency so everybody's battling for that [ __ ] so i said okay you see this athlete that's why they're watching cause you're an athlete if you ain't an athlete why would i care if you're not a girl that's half naked on instagram why would i care if you're not a rapper why would i care that's what the average person say i realized that social media gave it this gave everybody a stage but a lot of people don't know it's a stage to introduce people to their ideas their outlooks of life or whatever and i also don't know how to capitalize on it so there's an interesting part of your story you're coming out of prison you don't have two nickels to rub together and you've got to find a way to get local businesses to let you be basically their pitch man so that's already impressive but what i did was i went to these businesses and i just did it for free to get my proof of concept i had to get listen i had to show you i had to have some proof so i could take the proof of concept and be able to say when you go on my page and to be able to say oh my god i'll just be able to say tom might be like oh my god i seen that uh that that commercial you did at that rib [ __ ] i want one of them how much i never forget it was it was a place it was you know home healthcare's place uh they paid me like my first check it was 500 to do is to do a commercial form and when i shot in an iphone or an iphone yeah i just went there tell me my friend to hold the camera i said hold this camera and i just did it and it was like it was out of here like i'm telling i did it for 500 but when they called me that was that was the first time i really charged him like 500. i'm like oh [ __ ] i just was out of jail not that i'm like oh [ __ ] there's a market for this and then i just start charging and then the prices start going up for 5 000 1500 and it's just walking up on somebody you tell them you got a business all right that's how much it costs i'm looking at i'm doing my research on google finding out what's the price point okay this is the price point so boom boom boom boom bang okay that's how much i posed to get oh i opposed to get a hundred dollars for ten thousand followers or whatever how did you figure stuff out when you didn't know how am i supposed to charge like no no i'm google man i'm google i'm google listen i'm an alumni i'm telling my google university and youtube i went to the universities done my them my colleges i got a degree i got a degree in information from them two places that's the easiest tell people what you thought when you first heard about google though i lost my mind i thought i thought listen the kid i'm walking in because you're in prison for a long time at this point i'm in prison so the young kid come in i knew his pop family whatever he telling me like yo uh it's this thing called google and i'm like okay yeah yeah you could look this up i could look up anything i was listening to him then when he said i can't even look up blue you say why the [ __ ] would you be able to look at me and i've been in jail all this time that don't make no [ __ ] sense i'm not that stupid kid i know i've been in jail i'm not that slow right cause i really believe so i went and i wrote it down in my book of life the book of life is something i wrote a bunch of stuff down that i got to check out when i get home from jail or things i want to do whatever so when i you know associate of mine give me the ipod touch and the white clear wireless hotspot and i'm doing the research and i went on google and i typed my name in and [ __ ] popped up i dropped the phones like oh [ __ ] the fed's on me they really didn't just ready to be a record for a cell phone in jail right so i'm just i'm just like i'm thinking crazy as [ __ ] so i'm praying i'm like oh [ __ ] this is real and it was over from there once i knew that i could go in here and research i'm like it it cut the middle man out like with me it was like okay i need like nipsey [ __ ] the middleman i don't need the middleman now because now anything i need to know i don't have to waste the time to ask you to try to that's just like um you know when you're voting or something back in the day you had to go off the stuff that you seen on tv about a candidate cause you would you gonna go to the library where you gonna find out where can you fact check so i went online you go online now you okay this is what this is about this and that's what helped me so much anything that i wanted to do i go right on there how do how do how do i do this or how to i'm talking about everything like i always get my youtube plaque and i was telling a tumor to mobasa i mean great great friend of mine i was from youtube i was telling him yeah i just went on there and just looked it up it took me a couple minutes god told me exactly what to do to get my youtube plaque my hundred thousand i went it was done i was there in a week it was that easy dude here's the thing that's really fascinating about you so one you've got this imagination piece you actually allow yourself to be childlike to imagine a world that's like understand that you're in prison there's nothing but walls and lock up and and just it would be all too easy to only see the heartbreak of prison and yet through anthony bourdain through commercials through other people coming in that i know you used to like pin them down and ask them a lot of questions about whatever people like you you let your imagination roam and i don't think it's as simple as oh well i was in prison that froze my imagination i think most people their imagination dies in prison yours didn't so you you fan the flames of this imagination you let that run well you got your book of life you're keeping all these notes but the key [ __ ] thing that i want people to take away from you is you never said oh but this isn't for me it was always i can imagine it and i'm going to go make it real in my life everything for me that's on this planet everything that i want to do is for me that's why it's here everything that you want to do you can do that's why it's here because it's about are you willing to put the [ __ ] work and when that person is you going to persevere to be able to is you going to stay down everything you want to do i don't i don't know what you want to do if you say damn i want to be a chef because you won't put in the work to do that you want to do the research is you want to study the greats or maybe not study degrees so you're going to come with some new ideas and new approaches to being a culinary and a culinary field chef whatever everything is out here for everybody that's why it's out here once you're able to breathe you got all the tools you need so yeah but getting people to understand that's really hard so my last company quest we had a lot of employees and about a thousand of them grew up in the inner cities and i remember one kid like my whole thing was trying to get them to understand like that what separates you from success is a lot of execution that's it nothing else matters like kobe bryant has one of my favorite quotes booze don't block dunks you can literally hate a person you can actually pay an entire team millions of dollars to try to stop this man from scoring a basket they have every incentive in the known universe to stop him but he's so good he scored 81 points in a single [ __ ] game so at some point your talent just shuts everybody down i love that about life now one of my guys came to me and was like yo tom this is crazy like you're making me rethink my whole life because my mom told me that the world doesn't want people that look like me to succeed he was a hispanic kid and i was like bless your mom i bet she's the most wonderful person on the planet earth but that is terrible [ __ ] advice and honestly it doesn't [ __ ] matter even if and this is like my obsession this is why i love your message even if the world doesn't want you to succeed if you're good enough they can't [ __ ] stop you and when you take out that middleman and you've got a device like this that lets people build [ __ ] like literally you're you're limited by your imagination and your work and that's it now i'm not saying that it isn't harder for some people i'm just saying that it is possible and that's what makes this collision for you of imagination and the whole world's here for me so [ __ ] magical everybody you know why number one the thing about the kobe thing like you were saying i got a lot of you know like with me one of my sayings is hey this is your marketing team let them work let me explain something to you you know what haters do they tell the world about you they're free marketing and what they do if you're if you really do if you really the [ __ ] out here and you ain't playing no games and i'm telling you kicking ass out here when a hater tells somebody about you and they go look you up and do something you got new supporters they introduce new people to you because they always talking about you so they don't even matter like he said booze do not block no shots yelling and hecton do not block no shots they're going to help you leaving the game telling somebody how you [ __ ] hate me so much or whatever is going on cool to me this is what we gotta understand everything you want is out here see to me the world is one big library and everybody's a book you got books on coding you got books on mechanics you got books on culinary you got comic books you got street novels you got crime manuals read your books wisely choose them wisely watch what books you read but every human being on here got a journey and they know something that you might don't know so it's like everything is out here but what made it even more possible is that that world that's a library i got it in my pocket in the phone they gave me they put a computer in my pocket they didn't [ __ ] up you [ __ ] up because that's the only thing i ever wanted was a phone coming out of jail i just wanted two phones i didn't care about nothing else why two phones two phones because one i could be listening to my music on another i could be recording myself you know what i'm saying yeah i'm a really emotional person like i love to feel i love to cry i love the uh just be soft i love that because i was neglected from that growing up in inner cities of america because i was taught how to be tough so now as adult i just feel good it feels so good to be able to cry do you get backlash on that from the streets no no i don't it wouldn't even matter i didn't i run my life not the streets you know what i'm saying like i dictate the life that i and i'm not looking for your approval to put to live i did that too much growing up in the ghetto i always had to get approval to live and to prove what to think the proof would be accepted that [ __ ] don't mean nothing to me i just i just feel so good like i think i'm in my i think i'm at my best my the best feeling possible but i'm able to feel something and be able to react with my emotions in it and to be able to embrace what i'm feeling and to be able to cry i love crying on the aspect of like it just feel good because i'm letting something go out and i used to remember when i used to be feeling a certain way and i couldn't let it out because of the environment that said that wasn't cool or it would be soft so it was just like that [ __ ] was that [ __ ] is like everything to me crying and just feeling it just feeling like i it's hard to explain but it's like to be to not be able to do something for so long didn't it grow to understand your emotions and your feelings it's like that [ __ ] is like everything i'm talking about that [ __ ] is everything to me and uh to be able to feel because i i never could feel at one time i wasn't allowed to feel when i was taught that that wasn't tough i mean you know so like that [ __ ] is amazing you know crying to me you know do you ever just want to be a better version of yourself a more confident knowledgeable you the fastest way to do it is to get learning my whole obsession is what i call abl always be learning learning about a new topic or skill revisiting one you learned about in the past or getting up to speed on something everyone is talking about right now can not only broaden your horizons but also boost your self-esteem and your success too that's where the blinkist app comes in blinkist takes top non-fiction titles pulls out the key takeaways and puts them into text and audio explainers called blinks that give you the most important information in just 15 minutes use blinks to learn about topics like philosophy history and science or dive into psychology health and nutrition or personal growth you've got thousands of titles and 27 categories of the world's best knowledge to choose from and if you're more of a podcast person they have you covered with blanks for podcasts called shortcasts blinkist has the wisdom from top non-fiction bestsellers and podcasts packed into powerful 15-minute reads or listens all in one app right in your pocket so you can learn anytime anywhere with blinkist two books from their library that i've listened to and highly recommend are start with why by simon sinek and the power of habit by charles duhigg trust me they have amazing takeaways for you right now blinkist has a special offer just for our audience go to impact theory to start your free 7-day trial and get 25 off a blinkist premium membership that's spelled b-l-i-n-k-i-s-t blinkist dot com slash impact theory to get 25 percent off a blinkist premium membership and a seven day free trial all right guys take care and be legendary [ __ ] man i didn't see that one coming that's that's sick like even especially in an era where so you've talked a lot about the bottom controls culture and so you've got these people that you were saying earlier forgotten but at the same time that's where our whole notion of cool comes from the streets hip-hop music all that so even if you're not from the streets the element of cool to want to be cool to not be soft there's something amazing about somebody like you being who has the bona fides of having been from one of the roughest neighborhoods in america having spent time in prison and come out okay and um for you to say that i crying is everything to me that's [ __ ] powerful i got a responsibility to educate the young people in a way because i'm exposed to more things and i know a lot from being exposed i've been in some big rooms i'd have been in some big places with some big people some big ideas some big environments so i think it's my duty to educate them on life and living as i see it on the next level and be as being exposed uh exposure is everything and that's why a lot of people can't grow because there'd be an environment and like where i'm from the ghetto builds walls i jumped over the [ __ ] you see i'm saying i was able to jump over and i'm trying to get other kids you'll jump over that idea what you supposed to be in this box of what you got to be in order to be whatever you think is cool or whatever cool is you you've got a really powerful idea in your book that you talk about which is you can't copy and paste your way to success talk to me about that in in the terms of that box of what you're supposed to be and how that sort of in and of itself is going to stop you think about this everybody got people that's interested in today's thing whatever you went to so you try to copy and paste you will see somebody say oh i'm gonna do that no no just because they wanted that they don't mean you gonna do that dennis rodman what i loved about him all he did was [ __ ] with people and he won that was his style that was his approach he's going to file you he's going to whisper some [ __ ] in your ear but outside of that he's going to grab a thousand rebounds and he was necessary in order to win he brought some real [ __ ] there he knew when he got on the court this is my position this is what i could do that nobody else can do that's why i loved him because he was just different he understood that a lot of people don't want to do that they want to copy and paste somebody else and try to emulate their whole situation and think they're going to win and be mad when they don't you know and that's the problem out here you can't copy and paste you know you got to figure your life out because whatever you're doing is going to be some people that's going to it's an audience out there for everything i'm realizing so you got to just stay focused don't be looking at nobody else too much how do people to find out like what their flavor is like so many people one of the number one questions i get asked is how to figure that out like hey cool i buy what wallow 267 is saying but who the [ __ ] am i oh you got to reevaluate yourself you got to have a real conversation with self everything is in here everything you need to know is inside of you um and you got to get to know you sometimes you got to you got to remove yourself from people places and things that's not just not you're going to allow you to embrace the reality and your individualism of who you are and that's that's what's important that's the most important [ __ ] ever and it's already in you people tell me how why is you asking me you know you you know your journey you know what's holding you back you know the horrors of your life you know the joys of your life you know who your parents was the house you grew up in what affected you whereas though you feel as though you stopped growing you stopped living you stopped dreaming what moment what was that go back and deal with that figure it out you know if you need a therapist do that whatever but you got to have a conversation with self about the reality of your journey and once you connect with that it's a wrap when did you stop dreaming that's a really powerful question yeah because [ __ ] stop dreaming in the imagination to die relationships have [ __ ] you up rather friendships or regular love relationships it's a it's a paralyzed and the end of relationships can become paralyzing because you doubt yourself yeah and it makes you do all type of [ __ ] now you're asking questions you asking all these questions person might don't want to be with you no more why i'm not enough oh my god now you're going to depression all you're thinking about all this [ __ ] uh you know y'all not together marriages all that [ __ ] that [ __ ] [ __ ] people up it's devastating to people oh was they cheating on me was i not enough did they want somebody else or that's why i say when did your dreams die what happened to your life where you just stopped and it snatched something out of you and you just start going into a different place you start eating a bunch of [ __ ] now oh laying there i don't want to let all this dumb [ __ ] when did that happen when did you dream like cause you know i'll hear a lot of times you got idea killers out here and sometimes the idea killers and the dream killers be yourself it don't be nobody else see nobody can make you do something nobody if they don't have no gun to you and no [ __ ] like that you're only doing this because you want to do it you know what i mean so you got to figure out [ __ ] you can have ideas you can listen to me you can listen to this person that person but at the end of the day you got to listen to self because you got to get up and figure it out every [ __ ] day while you're here and you can't waste your time if you waste your time you to [ __ ] trouble because guess what i'm not wasting mine yeah no [ __ ] this whole idea of building yourself so as you're talking about people going through the end of a relationship and it's traumatic and it's got them asking all these questions in that moment i know why it's so dangerous is they're re-piecing themselves back together right so the end of the relationship sort of broke them apart they had a sense of identity as that pairing whether friends or romantic and when that shatters apart now they're like wait who am i really maybe i am a loser maybe i'm not worthy and so as they build back up that vision of themselves it's usually worse is there you talked in prison this uh i heard you in an interview talking about prison and you said you know something happens to your mind when you walk by a guy getting stabbed and tell the other guys yeah and i said i had to get tired yeah i had to go insane in order to stay sane that's why i protected my mind when i was in prison because i would have ran up against some [ __ ] mentally how did you protect it i protected it because i had to go insane in order to stay sane meaning i had to convince myself that all the [ __ ] that i'm gonna see during this journey of prison is normal if i didn't i was in [ __ ] trouble but didn't at some point you realize actually maybe that served me for a while but now i have to do something different or did that mentality carry you all the way through no what it did is i learned how to uh after a while i removed myself from a lot of people in prison a lot of things i stopped having certain conversations stop being around certain people if i've seen if i felt tension i wouldn't go to the yard or all type of [ __ ] so i wouldn't have to be exposed to a lot of more [ __ ] because in prison you could seclude yourself you don't have to go to certain places you could you know you could do your own thing and uh but it was a time where as though it protected me it really protected me because you know prison is a scary place and when i went first went to prison i was scared to death although somebody was going to try to do something to you don't know because i'm only going off the tv and what i heard and the the education of prison based off in the entertainment industry is so far off it's so much more barbaric on tv you know than it is in real life like people be in their mind and their business a lot of times but when that [ __ ] go down and go down you you'll see some [ __ ] but i'm saying that's that's how i protected myself it's like and then when it was time for me to go home i had to debrief myself it's like coming you know coming out of war or some [ __ ] this is different you know but it's like what did that process look like what did you actually do i de-program myself in order to talk to yourself understanding writing stuff down understanding processing remembering what i've seen understanding that that [ __ ] wasn't right whatever i may see them seeing everybody stat so it's like understanding certain [ __ ] and just like yo get your mind ready for the real world i started removing myself from a lot of things that as it was time for me to go home so i could prepare myself to embrace the reality of the real life reality of the human human connection and [ __ ] like that so you know that [ __ ] was that's what that was about and did you have like something specific in your mind where you like okay this is because you talk about the real world and i look at your business career and what you've been able to achieve and it's this is not somebody who's sort of making it up as they go this is somebody who's put a lot of research in who've read books on marketing who engages in their own branding who went you know walking around the streets selling merch understanding what it takes to sell like so when you think about the real world is it largely from a business perspective like when you say get ready for the real world what is that it's just it's not just about business that's that's just that that's not the biggest part of my life it's just about living like uh getting ready for the world world was just living you know uh meeting my family meeting them again because you don't like most of my time on earth i've been in institutions so it was like i know my family but we don't really know each other so you gotta it's a reintroduction to family um get getting out here and seeing things you know and just and just living you're working really hard to be successful what would you say is like the most important thing to live life well is it pursuing something that matters to you is it family like what is that to me it's just living when i say living i mean doing what you really really want to do like i realized that not wanting to need anything is having everything when you get to the point where though you're not chasing no more but i love the idea of taking a piece of paper sitting down in a notebook writing something down and saying i'm gonna start this i love to create new [ __ ] and i do it that day it's a day and he called yeah i need his uh llc i need his trademark i need this logo done boom and just get it like to be able to bring something from nothing put oxygen into idea of thought that's everything to me walk people through the process so you you do this you call somebody but like you had to learn who the person is that you call you had to learn about trademarks and copyrights like how did you begin to put this i read about this [ __ ] in jail religiously but when i came home what was so interesting i went to atlanta to wash my eyes what does that mean well when i when i came home a good friend of mine childhood friend is like a sister to me named nadia i used to call her when i was in prison and she was down atlanta and now they used to always say you're going to come down here while hey everybody say they're going i said no i'm going to come down here i always see a laying on tv i'm coming down the lane i'm coming today it's amazing down there right so one day i was in my grandmom neighborhood where i was born and raised and she ride past she said wally were you she jumped out she's like wow you got to come down the lane i said okay i'm gonna come down atlanta and i made these shirts called i said i'm gonna bring i'm gonna make some new shirts i'm gonna come down land up she's like cause she had a consignment shop on peter street and i said all right i'm coming down there he's like you can sell your shirts in my shop i said all right cool i went i created this this logo called atlanta versus the world trade market and all that but i wound up trademarking later but i took them down printed it up said i'm going on it and the reason i said i had to wash my eyes because i came back to philly and it's so poverty and it was so real and the violence was so on another level i had to wash my eyes coming home to this i didn't want to be penetrated by just what i was seeing i had to see some i had to see people doing good from the from the inner cities that look like me i wanted i wanted to be inspired even more so i went down atlanta that's why i say washing my eyes atlanta washed my eyes for me to say yo this [ __ ] is real people was making things happen they're winning they're successful and i and when i went down there i'm right there on uh peter street with nadia i'm standing in front of her shop and one of the greatest people i ever met since i've been home this is like a sister to me i meet shea m lost and esquire i'm sitting here in front of the shop and i hear this lady sitting here talking she tells me yeah and she was talking about copyrights and i'm and i'm air hustling our conversation i was supposed to be but she was loud i think and i was i think it was cool for me to be listening to our conversation and she was like yeah because the trademark i mean she was saying something about copyrights or something so i knew she was a lawyer by the way she was talking and how he was handled again because they got a she was getting somebody it was it was it was a big artist too and she was making sure some business was done so when she stopped us excuse me i said uh can i speak to you for a minute she was like yeah i said uh and i'm figuring like this is an ip attorney i already read about in prison for the ip attack because i knew about trademarks i used to read books on copyrights trademarks and patents that was the thing because i understood you know to own something you got to have your ip ip is everything in this game you know that you probably got a shitload of trademarks so she walked up we did the talk i'm like she's like yeah i'm intellectual property attorney i said yes i've been looking for you she said you don't even know me she from cleveland you know she got that she come from the same environment as i do so i'm like okay i said can we can i talk to you help and she said yeah what you're trying to do and i show it in my page she's like yo i think what you're doing is great i am telling i'm only home like not even 90 days i don't think like two she's like she's like i think what you're doing is great i said yeah you know um you know how much is the train but she said just call me i called her right so he said what is your trade i said i want a trademark my name wallow267 i want a trademark there's always money in philadelphia because i thought it just rhymed as always sunny and philadelphia there's always money in philadelphia you know it's the idea of encouragement like go ahead make you some money you know everybody want to make money we're not going to get that i want to make money everybody want to make money so next thing you know i called us i want to do she said listen you don't have no money to pay me so i like what you're doing i like what you got going on my brother was in prison i love your attitude i love your energy i'm going to do this for free her name is shea m lawson out of atlanta intellectual property attorney and i said what i said she kept saying her phone like she crazy because she charged this and she want to do this for free who she done it and ever since then i always got her and then i got i blew up and i was able to pay her he got three dollars out here you know i was able to pay her for what's name and to this day she called me the day that's like a sister to me she's one of the people that believed in my journey and that's how i understand but it's like i knew from reading the books and all that stuff okay gotta get a llc gotta and i still learn a lot of new stuff gotta do this let me get this okay once i get llc bang let me go and get the bank account bang i got the tax id number take this to the bank let me get it let me start operating off this card so for taxes all this all that stuff so you know you just it's just easy and anything i don't know i just google there's always somebody on google see google i got so many friends on google that i never met that just be telling me stuff that i want to know when i google them and i just get introduced damn that's my friend now this guy he told me how to set up my shopify he know his stuff but she know so it's like it's easy to find the [ __ ] out man but people was like don't want to learn it like i want to know it if i pay somebody to do something for me i also want to know what they supposed to do so when i pay them i know what the results are supposed to get right so it's [ __ ] it's easy it take me like if i wasn't doing what i was doing i'd probably be my company i'd be a setup man set your whole [ __ ] up in a day you know go and go daddy look for the name okay it's impact theory oh damn somebody got that they got that but they're not doing the same category as what you're going to be doing they might have been back there oh damn when we turn this e into three i want it's always i'm always thinking of a way to try to figure this [ __ ] out so we can have that universally the same name social media all the way around i don't want to be changing it that always drives me crazy too when i see a brand and a name is not universal everywhere it's like yo why is your twitter name different from your instagram it's getting harder and harder by the day yeah that's why you gotta find unique names and write a bunch of names down when you got an idea literally the so i'm obsessed with this idea of people learning the rules of the game like that if if they're going to put something on my tombstone it would be this tom explained to me that there is i'm having a biological experience so understand that you're in a body and that body [ __ ] with your mind yes and then the other part is there's rules to this game and if you get good enough booze don't block dunks like that's what i want people to get and i remember the first time i heard the way that 50 cent was moving and like the vitamin water deal and that with his check he trademarked a bunch of terms and [ __ ] like he got that original deal and i was like this [ __ ] like he knows how to move and when i hear somebody like you talk i'm like i really hope people are paying attention you had the insight to learn about trademarks copyrights all that stuff to actually get in and do that stuff and therefore you have ownership over the the ideological uh real estate in your life and i i am tempted not to tell this story because i don't want other people to do it but i had a kid recently he bought tom bilyeu.eth and i thought well of course tom billy nobody knows what dot ether dresses are like it's the world's smallest subset of humanity but because i talk about my involvement in crypto and i talk about my involvement in nfts this kid went out and bought tom bilyeu.eth and ethereum yeah so i reached out to him and said hey i'd like to buy tom billy.eth for years though now this [ __ ] goes i'll trade you for two calls spread out over six months with you and so he had that [ __ ] on tap like he knew exactly what he wanted he knew exactly why he picked that [ __ ] up and so i agreed and so i was like dude i charge dollars for my time so for this kid to get that much of my time what would have cost me like four dollars is crazy so but he understood the rules of the game that's the point and when you understand the rules of the game you understand how people are going to be moving now all of a sudden you can do things that other people can't do but having somebody like you with your pedigree saying this is how you win like that to me is how we begin to pull that next generation forward because ultimately my thesis is all the societal change in the world will never do what will happen if each individual takes responsibility for themselves and says i'm going to learn the rules of the game and i'm just going to play it better than other people that to me like is that but you know what you know you you you know what i understand tom a lot of people hear rules rules has always been a bad thing in our life so when you even say rules to the game it's like ah that's a bunch of time i can't do this i can't do that not understand it we're just talking about application how to apply to the things that you say that you want but the word rules everybody like oh my god no a rule i can't do this no we're just telling you how to apply yourself to the next level how to set yourself up for ownership the game now as you know it is about ownership more than anything in the world this dude said let me say let me go on uh go daddy and pay 11 a year to leverage time i'm going to get time on the phone for 11 a year he bought that off with godaddy for 11 about no doubt it's only like eleven dollars a year for the for a domain name and he got how how much of service is that how much of service is that he uh all together so for me he'll get two hours of my time which would be six figures so yeah he turned it would have been probably four dollars because it's a dot ether dress so we turned four dollars into about 150 000 ownership yep on all he did was took a couple minutes he he stalks your life said damn i got to get the time oh i got him got him yeah it's [ __ ] clever because he know the rules this dude just knew the rules regular how old was he he looks like he's in his mid-20s young kid too look at this he under he he know the rules and that's what it's about and you're going to give him you know six figures about four dollars because you know the rules but one thing is is words words scare us words they're they're horrifying and that word rule is horrifying so people don't want to do it they ever say oh let me pay you to do it for me we don't know if it's gonna be done right because you don't even know the rules and know what's supposed to be done you know what i'm telling you that i've done for you so it's a game changer so you know nobody want to know the rules i enjoy the rules yeah i mean that that to me is a big part of what makes your story so fascinating is just how much time you've spent learning and that you learn with such enthusiasm there's one of my favorite quotes is churchill and he said success is the ability to go from failure to failure to failure without a loss of enthusiasm and when i think about your story i just man it's really incredible that it didn't break you that you know all the different things you've had to go through you're so enthusiastic and you're so positive and upbeat which one makes people want to be around you which is another thing from the moment you walked into my house you've been energetic enthusiastic positive like engaging and that's that's really a part of your secret sauce i see some of the most angriest [ __ ] on the history of life i think i haven't been around some of the most angry as [ __ ] and i'd have been around some angry people and they enjoyed being around me in prison because i'm just always talking [ __ ] like you know i was the guy that used to run around jail talking [ __ ] like not in a threatening way but like in a funny way joking about [ __ ] whatever and i'm telling my i know so i didn't have some old heads when i was in prison that can be in and i'm coming and the top five angriest angriest [ __ ] in the history of life but they and i realize they age you it beats you down it uh depletes your energy is worthless why the [ __ ] should i be a part of that when i i'm breathing and i got a chance out here i got to take advantage of every breath while i'm out here and i got to take advantage of my time while i'm here because i don't believe we're going to be here for long think about this there's a good possibility that in 30 years me you might be out of here tom think about that we might not make it to tonight that's what i'm saying so why not live it out why the [ __ ] you think i'm gonna be sitting here hey that [ __ ] age you and [ __ ] you up it [ __ ] your heart up that [ __ ] [ __ ] your liver up just being angry so it's like why should i do it i'm just going to live you know yup walla man i cannot thank you enough for coming on dude no thank you for having me [ __ ] yes thank damon john too yeah hey thank you damon john my listen i'll listen i love damon john damon john dm me out of nowhere say listen man we got to get together send me your number and he just been tomorrow came down to the inner cities we walked around interviewed him he just been always great to me always lending the hand and and he introdu he exposed me to different things man he gave me exposure man i love that guy man you know no he understood you seen it early respect to him he bet on the right horse yes but dude i think the message that you're bringing to people that you're living which is way more important to me than if you were just popping off about it but that you actually live it you're out there building businesses you've got your bar stool deal which is [ __ ] crushed congratulations no no listen one thing about them uh that i loved about them they under they see it they understand what's going to happen tomorrow a lot of people don't understand what's going to happen tomorrow because they don't study yesterday but they study it shout out to erica and dave dave p everybody over there uh jen everybody over there is doing anything gas i'm tama deidra the whole staff over there at barstool they get it you know so you know that's what it's about thanks man dude thank you for everything you're doing i think it's [ __ ] brilliant no thank you for having me in this [ __ ] this extraordinary house in the top of uh what's this where was we at top of hollywood the hollywood sound right next door to this guy this guy's [ __ ] he's killing it i'm telling i go right outside his slap box with a hollywood sign he's killing [ __ ] out here man this is real life man thank you for having me tom i appreciate you man anytime you call them come on get ready get ready i'd have you back any time brother yes thank you man guys i'm telling you this is somebody that is putting it to use a lot of people can talk not a lot of people are willing to do and this man does and the fact that he has all the excuses in the world that he could lean on and nobody would blame him he doesn't because it doesn't work and he has made millions of dollars out of prison he spent more of his life in prison than out and yet he's still out here making an extraordinarily successful business business says it's really breathtaking i hope you guys learned a lot and speaking of things that will help you in your journey if you haven't already be sure to subscribe and until next time my friends be legendary take care if you're never gonna forgive him then you're the one taking the poison pill hoping he's gonna die or he's gonna be affected he says you don't forgive him for him you forgive him so you can move on
Channel: Tom Bilyeu
Views: 243,145
Rating: 4.9455218 out of 5
Keywords: Tom Bilyeu, Impact Theory, ImpactTheory, TomBilyeu, Inside Quest, InsideQuest, Tom Bilyou, Theory Impact, motivation, inspiration, talk show, interview, motivational speech, Wallo 267, The Mind of Wallo 267, interview show, success, prison, jail, blame, excuses, Philadelphia, Philly, City of Brotherly Love, street life, complaining, ghetto, rags to riches, marketing business, how to start a business, successful business, branding and marketing, North Philadelphia, prison sentence
Id: Dw8a_dmEOT4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 27sec (3327 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 06 2021
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