Create Your Own Bank - Episode #163 w/ Marvin Mitchell

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they didn't want us to vote not that long ago right they didn't want us to conjure in groups not that long ago they didn't even want us to read learn how to read not that long ago you really think that they want to teach you wealth creation strategies is going to take your family to the next generation look are you a coach a consultant a service provider or a course creator listen you want your clients to pay you three thousand to ten thousand dollars for your program you wanna stop nickel and diming you want three to ten thousand dollar clients listen i got a special gift for you okay this is from my friend my buddy and a coach of mine he helped me make thirty thousand dollars a week my first time making thirty thousand dollars a week i had six 5k clients okay he helped me listen it works even if you don't have a big following as a result his program has accumulated 250 million dollars in revenue for his clients do you want part of that listen there's a personal endorsement from my boy no cap i'll show you the receipts you get free access go to or text proof to 904-447-5274 all right let's get into the episode hey look do you have a job that you hate you got a nine to five you're unhappy you're living paycheck to paycheck i get it i get it have you ever tried a real estate getting in a real estate game no you haven't gotten to the real estate game because you think you need a whole bunch of money you need perfect credit you got to go to school get a light take a test get a license and then you can practice real estate the good news is you ain't got to do none of that my man mitt215 has been teaching people that are brand new how to get into the real estate game and start creating generational wealth okay he's even got some students that are making tens of thousands of dollars a month while they still have a job part-time in real estate listen do yourself a favor you need to go to 925 forward slash social proof he got something special for you okay he's going to teach you the game mitt2159to5 flipping.com4 social proof or send them a text message 410-883-9317 it's time to change your life okay make sure you holla my boy mit215 all right let's get back into the episode welcome to another edition of the social proof podcast where we find dope people that did really really dope stuff and this is a conversation that i'm excited about um people becoming the bank oh man it's cold this is about to be crazy bro so i told you when i came on i'm about to share with you some stuff today that i only share with my most affluent clients bro because i know that most people that listen to this is probably not gonna take action only probably about five percent of people are going to take action because most people don't want to read and they don't want to understand like how to do this but for the people who actually catch on to this and for the people who actually go out and learn how to create their own bank we're talking about an addition of extra millions in their portfolio over the next few years it's going to be crazy bro let me ask you you don't have to be like super detailed or like what does your portfolio look like to be the bank like how like what do you have to have to be the bank that's going to fund other people to be the bank the thing is to beat a bank bro you don't have to start off with a with a huge portfolio automatically we're talking about people leveraging the money that they're already saving just saving it in a different place so that they can maximize that and leverage it and never stop the forward momentum of their money so like me personally you know i've been doing this for about a decade so i got like i got a few million but i got a half a million dollars just in my bank that i loan out that i that i leverage that i buy real estate with that i do churro businesses with that i do amazon businesses with and i don't have to stop my money from actually my money never goes down it's crazy it only goes up so what happens is if i have a half a million dollars right i don't spend it i borrow against my money i borrow from my own bank because of that i leveraged it that 500 000 continues to earn compound interest and i just pay my bank back all right because i don't understand it i got mad questions in that i know that that's just a teaser because we're gonna get into it yeah that joint just i go to the bank and i borrow money but you borrow money from yourself because you are the bank and that is definitely some so people don't ask you like yo let me hold a couple dollars you actually lend them from your bank so it's it's a lot of plays this one lending money from my base okay hold on before we get into it okay we got to talk about this marv right right right now i'll get so deep into the questions that people like what's his name right so marv i got how do you introduce yourself typically good question so um so marvin mitchell you can find me on instagram marvin mitchell official and uh what i do is i own a financial practice so i was the youngest person at the age of 21 owning a financial firm the youngest african-american ever owning a financial firm really um yeah i opened up my firm in the midwest uh it's grown right now to where in 2016 i was named as one of the top five financial advisor strategists in the nation by retirement advisor magazine so i've taken this and i've taken it to the masses at first it was only this information was only for the most affluent people but over the past couple of years i said i need to take this out to my people so i've been taking the same information that i got multi-millionaires using over the past decade now i'm teaching ordinary people how they can also do the same thing and become their own bank were you always good with money no actually no i actually started um i'm the first person in my family to go to college we grew up poor i was homeless when i was younger my mom had me when she was 15. my dad was in jail my whole life so we never we never ever ever were we were always poor in my family my mom didn't even have a high school education my grandmother didn't have a high school education so when i graduated from college i moved on to texas to attend law school at texas southern university wasn't even thinking about money the reason why i started thinking about money is that my grandmother who worked for the same job for 30 plus years she actually um she got sick with cancer so when she got sick she told her financial advisor that she could not afford to lose any of her money and that financial advisor put her into some aggressive things that she lost half of her money when the stock market crashed she had no long-term care insurance which means the medical expenses tore the rest of her money away now she was somebody who was strong independent she never wanted to be a burden on anybody so she felt like a burden when she basically went broke before she died and she died poor and because of that i said i'm never going to let this happen to anybody so i began to study everything i could about finances i began to read every book i began to go to every conference i began to talk to every strategist i could to figure this out and i self-educated myself and i got all of my licenses at that point and then i started working at wall street for a couple years when did you get your your degree in law did you get i got my degree in communication but you went to law school and i went you don't have to you don't have to have a law degree to go you don't have to have a law degree to go to law school no see here's the thing this is what i tell people community did you all know that all right that was just me you know okay okay communication is everything bro like literally that's the highest level of value that anybody can provide is the ability to speak in the ability to communicate i agree if i can communicate with you and keep things simple i can transition that to anything to law to finances to anything so first i want to learn how to communicate once you learn how to communicate then you get your specific skill set that you can communicate to guys that make sense okay so i knew that and then plus the communication degree was a lot easier than a law degree yo actually i settled on communication because like that's what everybody said right it was like telecommunications because i was trying all kinds of stuff i was like all these classes are mad hard right right and then one of my dumbest friends he graduated i said oh i'm gonna do that then right right and i mean if you can graduate and i still didn't graduate but yeah so you go to you go to law school you get your communications degree yep and then you start working on wall street i started working on wall street was the job so i worked at edward jones right i was a financial advisor for edward jones right this is this is what how you know the education crazy though because you got a communications degree and now you're a financial advisor you don't have to get a degree in business no you don't this is how you know the education system is just i'm gonna say some stuff about the education system right but this education system is so screwed up right because i remember i was competing against somebody who had went to watch you they had a degree in finance they had a 4.0 they were what do they call it magna [ __ ] laude whatever that's called right they had all of the credentials they worked as an internship in a financial field meanwhile i had a communications degree working at wendy's right so so i go in so i go in and basically bro they they wanted to know this is what communication is so critical they say why why should we give you this position and you're working at wendy's they literally said this to me and i said let me tell you this because i'm a hustler i learn i'm going to work hard i'm coachable i'm going to listen i'm going to do everything that i can to take this company to the next level and besides that if i can make it flipping burgers when it's hot i can make it knocking on doors and being a financial advisor and meeting people communication communication right so it didn't matter that i worked at wendy's and i got by the way i got a c averaging car one i won like an a student you know what i'm saying so i got that job over somebody who who has a 4.0 finance degree at one of the top schools in the world because people want to know can you connect with people can you resonate with people i don't care how smart you are right so i started at edward jones and i was drinking the kool-aid you know i was learning a lot thought that i would never leave the company because i'm making six figures now and i grew up from wendy's to six figures just like that bro let me ask you was that a shock like a lifestyle shock well let me tell you about mindset bro because i almost didn't do it and what i mean by that i was working at wendy's and when i this is the craziest story i got the job at edward jones and my mom and my and my rest of my family it was like you know what if you take this job as a financial advisor it's commission only what if you fail they said what if you fail and now you're giving up a job at wendy's because they was about to give this this sound crazy right they was they were about to give me a promotion bro they said we don't want you to go so we'll make you team lead if you stay yeah so instead of no i'm your whole dollar i'm dead serious bro so instead of me making at the time it was like eight or nine an hour they were going to start paying me 12 oh wow so i'm like damn i'm giving up 12 an hour but if i fail my licenses and my tests i don't have a job at all it didn't occur to me that if i failed it i could just go back to wendy's and get a job it didn't even occur that you were already failing bro at wendy's well i was so poor that it didn't even occur to me that i was already failing right so i literally i kid you not this craziest thing i turned down the job at edward jones i turned down the job at everett jones i didn't want to disappoint my people i felt like i had to i had to work and then one of the og's at wendy's had a conversation with me he talked i had two jobs i worked at wendy's and also worked at a little part-time job at lowe's it was actually one of the guys at lowe's who said bro you're 21. if you fail worst case scenario you could come back and get another job so what go for it and because of his conversation he actually is funny he became a client of mine 10 years later wow after that so and he remembered the whole conversation so i ended up taking up the position because of that now i own a multiple seven-figure firm and now i'm like basically i have a 180 units of real estate i got amazon businesses churro businesses and all of that and i'm changing the world in the financial industry when i almost chose a job at wendy's crazy right mindset is like yo people like they they because it sounds so cliche like you got to change your mindset but that is just think you're yeah yeah how you approach it right like you're thinking about that's crazy right and if it wasn't for that one person that came into your life to say yo bro what's wrong with you yeah what are you talking about yeah you would probably that's why you got to that's why you got to understand don't underestimate who's watching you don't underestimate the one person you speak into their life i know a lot of people they look and they they want all of these followers and don't get me wrong having all of these followers are important but if you got 20 people listening to a lie that you're doing don't underestimate the power that you have over that one person yeah that's listening to it and you do every live and you do every communication as if you're speaking to one person you're going to change or change their life because that one person who spoke to me which is one person not only was i able to change the world based on that but he became a client and i'm able to help him financially 10 years later so it all revolves around the clock you know what i'm saying so treat every conversation as if you're speaking to somebody that's about to change the world i like that so working at edward jones and this is a financial firm so i'm working with a financial firm i was an actual financial advisor so i had an office and i'm doing good now my family is like man you got edward jones you got this name behind you you were poor and now you got edward jones my mom hadn't been she was 15. so it was crazy like i'm working at edward jones and i'm thinking that i would never leave but you got to keep in mind the reason why i even started in the financial industry was because of my grandmother so there are two reasons that made me understand that the financial industry was corrupt and that it needed to change and that i needed to make the change the first thing i remember this um like like it was yesterday i had one of my clients he was a 60 year old person my grandma passed away when she was 65 so she was a 60 year old person and they came to me and said marvin i cannot afford to lose any of my money and i said same thing same thing my grandmother said and it kind of came back full circle i didn't catch it right away and i said well it's gonna go up and it's gonna you know don't worry about it it's only a paper loss don't worry it's just a loss then they looked at me and said the husband his name was walter he looked at me and said no i don't think you understand we cannot afford to lose any of our money and i said well i don't know what you want me to do because we're investing in stocks and bonds and mutual funds that's what we do so he actually began setting me down and taught me some game on some strategies that he had learned so when i was we're old man this is a 60 year old man because he had been reading books and all of this type of stuff so i went back to one of the general partners because i'm actually in the same city of where the headquarters is i spoke to one of the general partners i said does this exist they said yes these strategies exist but we don't know what was the strategy i'm gonna get into that i'm gonna get to that so just know that there was some strategies right right so he said so i'll pay attention make sure that y'all hang in there we're going to get to these strategies so i said so i said um does these strategies exist they say yes they do exist but we don't offer them i said well why don't you offer them they said two reasons number one it doesn't pay the firm enough revenue number two they said we're not about to train 14 000 advisors on things that we don't offer we want to specialize in these certain things that's going to put people at risk so that we can collect our management fees so they were very honest with me but at the same time i realized that i was doing the exact same thing to some of my clients that that person was doing to my grandmother years ago yeah and it was it was a conviction right it was a conviction because i was like i can't i can't continue to give advice that's contrary to why i even started in the business so i left and when i left bro i didn't even have a plan i left just out of straight conviction everybody thought now imagine they thought i was crazy that i left wendy's now imagine how crazy they thought i was that i left a six-figure job at edward jones they thought that i was really crazy nobody like said it was a good idea but where did you leave for like what was the i understand but like did you leave and say i'm gonna start my own firm or you're like yo i just can't do this to people i'm out both i always wanted to start my own firm but that kind of pushed me to it pushed me to it and i didn't have a plan it's not like i had my own firm mapped out at the time i said i'm gonna leave and i'm gonna figure this out so i'm gonna commit first and i'm gonna figure out the rest later it's basically what i said because let me tell you the the story that led to the breakup did y'all catch the bar i'm going to commit first yeah and figure out the rest later come you gotta commit first and figure out the rest later bro so what i did this this is what happened so it was a 45 year old who came into my office he had just lost his job and he said that it's a blessing that i lost my job because now i'm going to be able to do what i always dreamed of it's a blessing to discuss i'll be able to start my own business so i said okay well let's talk about that how are we going to do this let's talk about how we're going to do this he said well i got a couple of ideas he said well first idea i was thinking about taking money from my 401k and i said okay well if we take money from your 401k the system don't have you set up they have you set up to work until you're 60. so real quick um so 401k i think i understand it well i don't understand it right but i just know people who have jobs have it and there's money in it let them have a job like that like so a 401k is where the the system let me talk about the system in a minute but the system wants you to save in a 401k so you can defer your money not pay any taxes and then you take the money out one once you can 59 and a half if you take it out before then you get penalized so it's something that do jobs put money in the 401k or they can't show they can't you're putting your own money in the 401k but some jobs offer like a match which they'll match up to like let's say six percent or something like that so that's the benefit of it i got 401ks i got four ones people got 401ks okay all right so he said i want to take the money out my 401k i said well bro if you do that if you take the money out of your 401k not only are they going to tax the mess out of you like 35 but they're also going to charge you a 10 penalty because you're not old enough to do it yet because they're controlling your money still so that's 45 percent before you even get it so he said okay well can i borrow against the 401k i said no because you're not at the job anymore once you leave the job you can't borrow against the 401k plus you want to be careful about borrowing from the 401k anyway because if you do they're going to penalize you um i'm sorry if you borrow from the 401k you lose your job they're going to tax all of that and penalize you anyway so then he said well i want to take the equity from my home because i got some equity in my home and i've been paying extra payments so i know i got a lot of equity in there so the problem with that is you don't have a job anymore so now when you go to the bank and you say i need to get my own money for my equity they're going to make you fill out a 25-page application and prove your income that you're getting in right now and if you can't prove it they're going to say we own this money now you can't get that money so it was so many loopholes to him getting some money to fund his business that he gave up on it and decided to go back to work and once i realized that happened i said this system has us set up for failure i want you to think about this on system chance so the system basically says we want you to go to school right right so you can learn how to be a good citizen yeah we want you to get this education and we want you to graduate from high school and once you graduate we want you to by the way you're getting this education from people who've never done what they're teaching you to do absolutely then what they're telling you to do is go to college and we want you to get student loans so that you can pay for college so you can learn a skill set so you can go work for somebody else then when you graduate finally maybe you did grad maybe you did all of this school maybe you 50 60 100 000 in debt now you have to get a job and you and you're a good civilian in a work community so you can pay off those loans you got to work so you can pay off their loans and now what we want you to do is we want you to fund your 401k once you get this job and by the way you can't touch that until you're 59 and a half we want to control you until you're 59 and a half so one day you can retire once that we knew that you worked for 40 years and then you could finally start living the dreams that you have you see what i'm saying broken broken system that's the thing it's not even broken it works perfectly it works perfectly for them exactly you also got to understand for us people say well why don't we understand all the wealth creation um information like some of the other communities you got to understand they didn't want us to vote not that long ago right they didn't want us to conjure in groups not that long ago they didn't even want us to read learn how to read not that long ago you really think that they want to teach you wealth creation strategies is going to take your family to the next generation no we got to do this for ourselves we got to educate ourselves and this is some of the things that i'm talking about because once i knew that at edward jones and i realized that the financial system was an affiliate of the educational system that many of the financial advisors we're broke they're advising people on something and they don't even have any money they're not even practicing what they preach once i realize that i'm seeing all the financial advisors filing bankruptcy i said you know what this system is broken i got to get out of this system so what i did was when i left i said i need to go out and i need to study what the affluent people are doing i say screw the financial industry right now what are multi-millionaires doing and how can i teach those strategies number one how can i become their strategy because i don't want to be one of these financial advisors not practicing what i preach let me ask you edward jones were you make six for your job but were you well off financially or did some of those old habits kick in because you don't know how to handle money well here's the thing bro i was doing okay but you got to understand i was making six figures and i thought that i had to be extremely frugal which means i was following like the dave ramsey mentality at the time which means i needed to drive a super old car for like 10 years right i need to live in a small small home that's like less than a thousand square square feet i need to do all of this eat ramen noodles and ham sandwiches just so that i can save some money this makes me feel good because i i i don't agree with that but no i'm about i'm not as rich as dave ramsey so i can't say what he says at all so i i i believe in letting money flow exactly right so i buy stuff that i want yeah but i have the the hustle to go make the money to pay for the stuff that i want i didn't understand david that was actually keeping me in a scarcity mindset i can't talk about it man i was thinking i actually thought that it was good but let me tell you how horrible it was because when you start to think about i can't afford it i gotta save every dime when you start to think like that all the time your mindset the universe you attract more of it of things that you can't afford so you feel broke even if you have money you still feel broke because you have that mindset and you say that i'm gonna snap out of it one day but i'm telling you i have clients that are multi-million dollars because they saved all this money they're frugal they're only spending forty thousand dollars a year and they still feel broke that mentality is still there they never got rid of it so what i learned is by me spending a little bit of money and by me actually taking care of myself and making myself feel luxury like i got my rolex you know what i'm saying now you got the rolex it's a little bit different that's worth like three of these just for context but my life i'm gonna tell you when my life changed i see i'm driving to four tours i had been driving it for eight years i said you know what i'm gonna do something different i'm gonna go out and get a range roll i went out and got a custom range rover paid 160 000 for this range rover didn't think i could afford it at that time but when i got this range rover every single day i'm riding around in luxury peanut butter seats it reclines in the back it got the ice cooler in the front massage seats it does all of these different things i'm feeling good driving my range rover every day that mentality every day was sticking with me i went out and i ended up making that's the year i ended up becoming a millionaire that's the year i spent i planted the seed for 160 000 by the way i wrote most of it also my taxes that's a whole nother thing but that year bro i went from making about 160 thousand dollars to making 1.8 million dollars in one year why because i trained my mindset to think abundance versus not enough and get this one year later i went out and i got a lamborghini six months later i went out and i got another lamborghini so now i have two lamborghinis i got a range rover those liabilities are actually getting or not liabilities at all they're assets because i'm renting one of them out on turo making about fifteen thousand dollars a month that's actually paying for my range rover hey hey slow down hold on hold on what's making you fifteen thousand one of them bro it's eleven hundred dollars a day my car note is only thirty six hundred dollars insurance is five six hundred dollars it rents out on average twenty days per month you do the math on that it's twenty thousand i'm paying about five to six thousand dollars to my broker so i'm totally hands off they have the car in miami i barely ever see the lamborghini you know what i'm saying it's making 15 so when i got my first lamborghini get this that was the plan i got my first lamborghini and the plan was actually to rent this out but then i called it the green goblin i got this green goblin and i'm rolling around in it i was like there's no way i'm about to rent this out this is mine this is staying with me so i'm like i'm gonna get another one so i can pay for this one so so again it's a mindset thing lamborghini i'm going to get one it's a mine hold on okay okay so we ain't even talking about creating your own bank yeah i don't know i'm stuck on the shiny stuff right now great right right you have the lamborghini and you just you found a broker where do you live i live in st louis missouri i'm trying to move to atlanta that's my goal so you bought yeah come on we need you here yeah yeah the lamborghini you have a broker in miami right right and they rent out the car right it makes about 20 000 a month right minimum yeah minimum and you bought this you bought the first one i'm paying him 30 and they make 30 keep it in his warehouse yeah and they already have their clients all built up and all that kind of stuff they're always rented out i'm not doing anything i'm just collecting the chips but you only got that car so that you can drive your other lamborghini and your range rover for free and surplus yeah because here's the thing man when i first got my lamborghini again it was to rent out and rent it out but then like i noticed that i got this lamborghini but my inbox is popping right now this mentorship i've been trying to promote because you're single it's popping or no no no not popping like fathers no no no i'm not not i'm not talking about that i'm i'm talking about the what i'm talking about was popping bros i had a course i had a mentorship that i was offering i had started two months before then i had got six people signed up for that mentorship that mentorship was five grand program i had six people signed up for it that's it i got the lamborghini bro in my inbox 28 people that day said i'm ready for the mentorship i'm ready for the mentorship do the math on that what's 28 000 times 5 000. i paid for half the lamborghini in one day after that i was like there's no way i'm getting rid of this lamborghini let me give me another lamborghini this is mine yo people people look at you different bro you'll feel comfortable spending money with people who have money exactly and the thing is i'm thinking to myself i got a custom range rover i paid a hundred and sixty thousand dollars for this custom range different though that was my dream car i didn't even never even thought about a lamb until i got around y'all atlanta people but i'm telling that that was my dream car bro but but the lamb is different the lamb is different do i need a lamborghini you think you got to have a lamborghini bro you got to have not only that bro the first week that i got the lamborghini i got invited to this um to this lamborghini club president of the lamborghini club of my state of missouri invited me to it i'm talking about surgeons doctors um business owners these people that this mentioned i got access to all of these people so it's so much more than just having a lamborghini so what is a lamborghini in my mind symbolizes it symbolizes hope and i'm promoting i'm not getting any affiliate i need to be getting some kind of affiliate for this but get this this is when i knew i needed to keep this another reason why i knew i could need to keep my lamborghini i'm driving i'm pulling up for some gas this whole episode i ran out of gas two times in a week because i didn't realize how that mug can eat some gas right right now i left the mansion party on the highway ran out of gas on the side of the road it was embarrassing so i'm at the gas station and this guy he comes out of a truck he had just got here from africa he said he was from um no i think he was from haiti so he got here from haiti and uh he says bro do you mind if i take a picture with your lamborghini i said yeah go ahead man take a picture let me want me to take the picture for you so i've taken a picture for him and then i said bro go ahead sit in have a seat sit in he said okay fine i said i'm gonna sit and he said i could sit in it for real i said yeah go ahead sit in it so he's sitting i said rev it up you know i'm letting him rev it up recording him the whole time i stole your car he couldn't he cut it he could have but get this dude starts crying bro he starts crying and i'm like what's wrong bro what you crying for he was just like i just never imagined that i would be able to just sit in a lamborghini and rev it up like this is my dream this is my hope and it's like when that happened it's like man this this is a symbol of hope for people people tell me all the time that i never thought my thought of myself as somebody who can have a lamborghini but you're a normal person i feel like i can now you know what i'm saying so that symbol of hope man that that really really got to me man because i'm inspiring a lot of people somebody that grew up poor homeless daddy in jail my whole life never around got a business got a lamborghini if i can do it literally i came from the hood if i can do it anybody can do it bro all right anybody out now we got to get into how to get this lamborghini because i think my i'm just now writing shout outs out to lauren she's uh i got a cfo yeah yeah yeah and um she for one my books were all over the place yeah yeah okay i mean i'm not afraid to say it but uh all over the place i didn't know what was going on i know how to make money yeah and i i know how to keep money but in terms of like growing the money that i have and having it structured and streamlined because i didn't what i didn't realize is that organization yeah can help grow your money bro how would you like to organize how would you like to know how i actually paid for this lamborghini with none of my own money nothing nothing down also how i how i also got 180 uni um real units of real estate doing the exact same thing amazon business is doing the exact same thing like that's what i want to make sure you know like i don't want you to go out and get a lamborghini and spend all of your cash good because i'm gonna get one good thank you i'm glad thank you we got to break some stuff down i'm going to teach you some secrets of the ultra wealthy bro this is what i wanted to talk about that i literally have never launched released this information to a crowd like we're about to do today i literally only keep it to my most affluent people so i'm about to go ahead and drop the game so let's go let's go all right so i'm gonna talk about three different types of people when it comes to money the three different types of people are your savers let me go back you got your debtors then you have your savers okay and then you have your wealth creators those are three different types of people when it comes to money and they're the mindset is different for each one the debtors are the one that's always in debt you got it right the debtor is always letters we got in the room yeah yeah all right nobody got nobody gonna release their stuff but you know what i'm talking about they're in the rat race these are the people that dave ramsey speak to susie ormond speak to they're speaking to the debtor because they're saying your goal should be to be debt free to not use debt just be completely debt free etc so my question to you is this this is my problem with that if your only goal is to become debt free if you think about it your only goal is to be at zero there are homeless people on the street right now with no debt that's in a better financial situation than you they have already achieved your goal but they're not living like you're living so your goal shouldn't be just to survive your goal needs to be how can i thrive and how how can i become a wealth creator we're not looking to survive we're looking to thrive so the next person bro is the it's the well let me talk break down the data so this is what the debtor does they're going to go into debt then they're going to spend their life paying it off they're going to go into that again and they never get back to zero but then the saver they're in a lot better position because they say we're not we're not going to debt we're going to save our money and we're just going to pay cash for everything that we do and that sounds good right i'm not in debt i'm paying cash but let me tell you how to save the saver is actually not much better off than the debtor talk to me because i got i got i got flame the other day i told people that if if they use a bank issue debit card yeah you're financially it just shows financial irresponsibility and they if every and it was probably all broke people wrote like they'll say it was going out like what do you mean you got it these these were the debtors bro these were the debtors so here's here's what you do the saver they spend some years saving cash let's say you save up a hundred thousand dollars then they want to go out and buy a car by depreciating that i said they paid 40 50 grand for the car and now they got to spend some years building that back up and then they pay cash again so their cycle is up and down up and down up and down the problem with that is they keep interrupting the forward momentum of their money it can't continue to go up if it's constantly going up and down and up and down this is a key principle you finance everything that you buy whether you know it or not even if you're a saver you're financing everything that you buy why because either you're going to an institution and you're paying somebody else interest or you're spending your own cash and you're losing the interest that you could have earned had you not spent your own cash say one more time say one more time say one more time either you're going to a financial institution and paying them percent six percent interest like a debtor or you're spending your cash and you're giving up opportunity costs which is the opportunity to make the five or six percent had you not spent it so if you kept that hundred thousand dollars and you were earning five to six percent you would have made the same amount of money that you would have paid the financer i see you see what i'm saying so what we want to do because once we spend that cash it's gone and lost forever it can't return you got to build it up again that's why we don't want to use our own cash right you've heard of the term other people's money now i'm going to show you how to create your own bank this is how to become a wealth creator so what the wealth creator does is that they never ever ever stop the forward momentum of their money their money continues to grow uninterrupted for the rest of their life they never interrupted now when it's time for them to go buy something they're going to buy something just like the debtor or just like the saver but what they're gonna do is they built up enough money in that plan and they're actually gonna borrow against their own cash this is what i mean by becoming their own bank and when you let's say i got a hundred thousand dollars and i want to make that same purchase i'm talking about a hundred thousand my wealth creation fund okay i got so what is a wealth creation fund the wealth creation fund is what i'm about to talk to you all about that's a way that you can actually put your money into a tool that's never going to stop the forward momentum of your money got it talk about that next i want to make sure that people understand this concept because what happens is you got a hundred thousand if you borrow fifty thousand dollars against your hundred thousand dollars you haven't spent that hundred thousand the fifty thousand that you borrowed is completely tax free the hundred thousand dollars is still growing as if you never touched it because you use your 100 000 as leverage and let me ask you is this the concept of life insurance it's going to be but not just any life insurance i want to break that down because many people when you think of life insurance they end up going to all of their brokers and say hey i heard you could do this with life insurance can you help me 95 of agents that deal in life insurance don't really understand this it's a special way that you have to fund it it can't be ordinary life insurance so that wealth creation fund is going to allow you to borrow against it it continues to compound it continues to keep growing and you can pay yourself back now here's the thing you can pay yourself back because if you pay yourself back you increase your borrowing capacity for future projects but you don't have to pay it back if you don't pay it back it's simply going to be subtracted from your death benefit when you die oh okay that makes sense so you never have to pay it off so so get this so let's talk about how you build this forward momentum how you build something that's never going to stop the forward momentum of your money i've used this wealth creation strategy again i use the my down payment to fund my lamborghini and i just paid just paying it back i use it i have 180 units of real estate when i went out and i got the real estate i didn't spend my own cash because i want to keep as much of my own money as possible i leveraged that and borrowed against it and started to pay it back just like i would pay back a bank let me just kind of um break it down make sure you understand it's like so let's say for instance you got um ten thousand dollars in the you'll show us how to structure it and all that right right 10 000 in this wealth creation account you say i need 3 000 of that right to put down on something a car or whatever so you want to go buy a cheat card for turo yes yes so you take 3 000 you borrow 3 000 against the 10 000 that you have right the 10 000 is still there but the institution is giving you 3000 whoever's holding the money yes they give you the 3 000 at what type of percentage rate it's only like four percent so like four percent but but you also are making more money from the growth of the insurance account so essentially it's paying for that interest for you what if i told you for one dollar i will introduce you to hundreds of entrepreneurs every single morning this week from all across the country you'll be able to talk to hundreds of entrepreneurs and i'll coach you i'll coach you for a dollar this whole week and i'll introduce you to some of my successful friends for a dollar this week would you would you take part in that well go to the because that's exactly what we're doing here okay the only organization that gathers entrepreneurs every single day for the betterment of entrepreneurship okay every single day monday through friday we gather we're growing we're learning we got a book club have you ever seen hundreds of entrepreneurs reading the same book every single chapter every single day we're growing together okay you need the environment to grow in the a dollar i'm going to give you all this for a dollar if you want to stay great it's 79 a month after that if not no obligation you can leave whenever you want all right the i'll see you in the morning so if you pay in four percent interest but the wealth creation fund is earning five or six you're basically making more than the interest that you pay in so the the wealth creation fund is a higher interest rate than the money that you have to pay back exactly always most it's very rarely that it's not god you just got to get the right company what if all things are the same right does it still make sense your wealth creations run is four percent yeah you're you're gonna pay four percent of interest on the money it still makes sense let me explain why it makes sense so let's go to that same scenario you got ten thousand yep you borrowed three thousand yeah from it so because i borrowed the three thousand and i didn't spend it i'm still making interest compounded on ten thousand yes it's continuing to grow so if i'm making five percent on that money the next year i have ten thousand um what's ten percent of that ten thousand five hundred dollars if i didn't do that and i went out and spent because you gotta understand you're making that interest on ten thousand not just a three thousand if i didn't do that and i went out and i spent my three thousand dollars in cash now that three thousand has gone and lost forever and it didn't have an opportunity to compound in that ten thousand dollar i see so in the four percent of the three thousand which i guess is a hundred and twenty dollars right you you'll pay a hundred twenty dollars back i mean you'll pay pay 120 but you made five hundred off to ten thousand sitting there you see that's how okay you see that you never understood that and the longer you have it the more bigger that gap gets so now imagine it's a hundred thousand dollars yeah and you've used this over and over throughout the course of the last few years so you've went out and you've got airbnb businesses you went out and did this you went out and paid yourself back now it's continue to compound this at 100 000. now imagine you have this system for 20 years now it's a million dollars and now you're making compound interest on a million dollars and now it's crazy what you could do with it bro i never understood it so right so what's happening is your money is continuing to grow uninterrupted that line never stops so we want to keep using it as leverage for as long as possible because it's like it's like a snowball effect because it starts off slow but then once it starts going crazy you can't stop it it's rolling down that hill nobody can stand in front of that because that momentum is crazy now you got a million earning interest then you have 2 million earning interest i got 500 000 in my cash value wealth creation i've used that thing over and over and it's 500 000. had i used cash i probably would have had 50 000 right so you use the okay so n is tax free what you mean no taxes the interest is tax-free the interest is tax-free to borrow against is tax-free it grows tax-deferred i'm never paying taxes on that money when i die the death benefit is tax-free it's all tax-free so actually it's a way to shelter your money from from taxes as well that's what mitt romney donald trump you can hate on them all you want to but hey they found out a way to pay less in taxes through real estate in through these life insurance types of funds that's why you have jcpenney who started the jc penney's all of their stores using the same concept walt disney from disney world look it up walt disney started disney world by borrowing against his policy with this same concept so this isn't something new it's a secret that's been hidden for decades think and grow rich all of those people you know they know about this concept they've been using this concept for decades but the government wanted to take it away because if you hired all of this money and shelter that shelter into this cash value guess who don't get tax revenue government the government right so they actually came out with the 401 the 401k and the iras and stuff that's not that old it's only been around since the 70s and 80s bro they did this to say how can we recoup some of our money to make sure people are paying more taxes remember the government never does anything if it's not going to just benefit them god when they when they come to you with a plan and say this is to benefit you you better believe that they're really underlying long-term benefiting themselves when they say we want you to save in your 401k because you're not going to have to pay any taxes it's going to be deducted from your taxable income guess what they know that that's going to continue to grow and their percentage and they're staking that pot keeps getting bigger and bigger and bigger and they can raise taxes they control that money once you give up the control they don't control it when it's in these types of policies got it okay so you don't just do a regular life insurance yeah what is the what's the policy so you ever heard of um by term and that's the difference you ever heard of anybody to say that that's what a lot of people everybody sure is my wife she's she does i don't understand it's all so let me give you that i wanna i'm gonna tell you the type of life insurance you get i'm gonna give you a really quick three to five minute lesson on life insurance we're not first off before i get into this i gotta make sure that i'm gonna give you all the cheat sheet on how you can create your own bank i'm gonna give you a cheat sheet so on that cheat sheet bro it's called it's called um um the banker's cheats nah let me let me make sure i want to make sure i'm giving you the right information i don't want to give you the wrong thing because i got to make sure this is such a valuable conversation there's so many things that we just don't know about money and when i was telling people you just got to spend money it was just me off of experience and i can't explain it the come on let me see the the bankers so the bankers the checklist now when you go to you will be able to download for free is it oh is it up now no it will be up by the time that about the crowd i'm creating it just for you bro just really just for the show this is just for the show so you can't get this unless you listen to this podcast gotcha i love it so when it's launched it's going to be there the what you'll be able to do is download a step-by-step guide on how to create your own bank completely free right i love it i love it that's all you got to do now once you sign up for that stay around because there's going to be an opportunity for you to get a book called becoming your own bank so stay around for that and we got a couple of special good gifts for you so make sure that you go but that's completely free the what are some what are some things on the checklist things on the checklist is well number one how much money do i need to create my own bank where do i go who do i talk to what do i look out for how do i know if my agent is somebody who can actually help me to create my own bank uh how do i leverage against it how do i actually borrow against it what are the steps that i need to take what are the most effective ways to utilize this bank how can i go out and create passive residual income as a result of this bank how can i go out and do things like churro airbnb and leverage this how can i funnel everything through this bank so now i'm making money in two places at one time my money is working for me in the bank and it's working for me in a passive residual income strategies that i'm doing so i'm showing you how to do all of these things it's a checklist where it's going to give you a step-by-step process on how to have a path to prosperity ah i love it i love it has it been challenging teaching your family these strategies thankfully bro maybe they just see you as wendy's marvin you know man still i got people in my family that work in a business now they're working your business working so so they're hearing this every day so they're doing this for themselves now my mom is now an entrepreneur she owns her own boutique so when i say it can't be just about you another thing in this checklist we're talking about how do you go a lot of us are first-generation wealth curators so how do we go from a wealth creation strategy that goes beyond us where we can bring our family into the fold and we can have our kids set up for generation of wealth so we can be like the rockefellers right so it's a book called what would the rockefellers do we could be like the rock so there was a rockefellers and there was a vanderbilt they both were rich as hell they both had a lot of money the rockefellers what they did is they did what i'm showing you now they created their own bank for generation to generation to generation using these life insurance strategies i'm teaching now their families are still thriving today the vanderbilts didn't they didn't pass this knowledge on to the next generation they didn't set up these trusts they didn't set up their own bank they were broke out to one generation i'm telling you bro it's important to get these concepts so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna teach you i'm gonna teach the audience about a quick lesson on life insurance so let's just say you can get a 500 000 death benefit right on one end you only have to pay a thousand dollars for that death benefit on the other hand you have to pay ten thousand dollars a year for that same death benefit explain the death benefit i don't understand death benefit means when you die it gets paid off to whoever's left so let's say you got a half a million dollars death benefit um and you die and now that five hundred thousand dollars goes to your family tax-free okay all right so that's what life insurance is what many people think about life insurance that's what you think about you think about when i die they're going to get some money yeah it's such a it's such a a tough concept to understand because like for it to work i gotta die you know what i mean so i'm like exactly it doesn't work unless i die exactly i don't like that exactly that's what we're teaching you today we're gonna stop making your life insurance about a death benefit and we're about to make it a life benefit after all it's called life insurance not death insurance so how can we make it work for your life and that's what i'm about to teach you how can you hack into the life insurance system in a legal and ethical way not pay taxes and never stop the forward momentum of your money so you got the thousand you got the ten dollars so most people would say well i prefer to do a thousand dollars it's cheaper now when you do the thousand dollars what you're doing is you're buying it's actually a thousand dollars that a month or something of the year a year okay and i'm just making these numbers up right so don't don't say i gotta get a thousand dollars a year versus ten thousand dollars a year okay so just keep the concept alive not specific so a thousand dollars you're buying term insurance what term insurance means is temporary insurance which means that it actually goes away after a certain amount of time so if i get a 10-year term insurance there are no other benefits other than when i die my heirs are going to get that money and that and i have to die within that 10-year period because if i don't die and i still live after that 10-year period there's no more life insurance and if i die they get nothing so it's temporary insurance right the problem with that is if i got 20-year temporary insurance and then it's over and then i die they have no benefit right right he just paid all his money for no reason temporary most people think that the insurance companies make more money on permanent insurance but it's not true 99 of people are never paid out a term life insurance policy because 99 insurance companies only pay out 1 of term life insurance they're keeping that money it either expire or they cancel the term policy so the insurance companies are getting rich now whole life they're not getting this rich because you think about it that means they have to they're guaranteeing that when you die no matter how old you are they have to pay the death benefit to the heirs so when you're paying a thousand you're paying for term when you pay the ten thousand you're paying for a whole lot you say well i don't wanna spend ten thousand i don't care if it's whole like if if i'm spending ten thousand the benefits had better be good right well let's talk about some of the benefits tax deferred growth that money is shelter from from creditors nobody can sue you or come after that money it grows tax-free and you can borrow against it completely tax-free you can use it as collateral you can get disability attached to it which means if you leave your business or your job it could cover you for disability long-term care my grandmother didn't have long-term care had she did this it would have covered her long-term care so she didn't run out of money compound interest you could borrow against it to do other projects right you know what i'm saying and put the money back in so we'll use this as a tool this is not an investment this is a tool i call it the wealth creation fund right it's the wealth creation fund because this tool allows you the foundation to now go out and create create wealth so this is what all of the this is what you're doing now in the past you can say well this is all tax-free why can't i just can i just dump all of my money into this no why because the government put restrictions on it when they came out with the 401k other than that people wouldn't put money into the 401k what they said is if you dump all of your money into it in one year we're going to tax this it's going to now be a part of our system so we're going to tax it the same way that we tax the 401k we're going to penalize it the same way that we penalize the 401k we're going to tax and penalize the ira i'm just the same way that we penalize and tax the ira so what we have to do we have to meet what's called a mech rule mec means modified endowment contract all that means is that we now have to follow certain rules to make this tax free which means that we have to fund this thing for at least five years so that it won't be a taxable event right so that you can borrow against the tax-free so what we want to do instead of trying to get the lowest death benefit the lowest premium for the highest death benefit we want to flip that around because it's now about our living benefits we want the lowest depth benefit for the highest amount of premium so that way more of the lowest depth benefit for the highest amount of premium so more of that money actually goes into the cash value so now that you've hacked the system and now you have tax-free money that you never have to report even if you send your kids to college you never have to report that which means they might be able to get more scholarships and financial aid this is completely hidden rule 7702 is in the irs code you can actually read this this is actually hidden from the government now legally and everything really absolutely so this is what i'm talking about when i say if you know the game let me ask you a question uh david the first time you played tic-tac-toe who won you or the person that showed it to you the person who showed it to me why because they understood the rules of the game right you didn't understand the rules of the game once you understand the rules of the game and you understand what most people that are wealthy know that you don't know you can play the same game and you can win yeah or at least you can win some of the times right if what you thought to be true about money turned out not to be true when would you want to know about it immediately you want to know about it immediately so what i'm telling you is a hack a system that you can actually take advantage of create your own bank have tax-free momentum become a wealth creator create generational wealth never stop the forward momentum of your money have uninterrupted compound interest for the rest of your life tax free so what i am offering is for people who do want to build their own bank they say you know what i just want to skip i'm ready to build my own bank how do we get in touch with your office how do we do this right how do we just say how can i get on your calendar and your team's calendar cause i'm ready to create my own bank all you have to do is go to wealth that's you can actually get on our calendar for a 15-minute strategy session we'll show you how to do it how to create your own bank that's so that you can start to you know play in the game the same way they play in the game dang who told you this bro uh a lot of books bro a lot of books going out finding out what wealthy individuals are doing i wanted to find not just when i say well i want you to understand there's a difference between being rich and being wealthy right i don't agree marv okay that's your opinion i know let me let me explain let me okay you might have your own definition let me explain about that for this okay so this is the difference between being rich and being wealthy when you rich you might be first generation rich but you're not setting yourself up and positioning that money to last for generation to generation to generation when you're wealthy you have money now and you position you got all the the the trust you got everything set up you got everything outlined you got everything created you got your kids mindset right so you can pass this from on from generation to generation to generation i don't want to be like a football player where 65 of them get these million dollar contracts and then they end up broke five years later i don't want to be like somebody who won a lottery and they became rich and got two million dollars and within five years of declaring bankruptcy because their mind isn't right i want to be like the rockefellers where that money continues to flow from generation to generation to generation that's what i call wealth let me ask you this question too first off we can clap for that that's good i like that i like that appreciate it yeah i gotta ask your perspective on this because sometimes i'll be talking right right but eighty percent of all millionaires are self-made yeah you have kids i do i got a three-year-old so i i don't want to leave my kids any money because it it kills their chances for becoming successful because they don't have to they don't have to go through it learn and obviously not even necessarily um i feel like like we want to give our kids a head start right my question for you is do we prepare the way for the child meaning we give the child what they need to succeed or no do we prepare the the way for the child or do we prepare the child for the way meaning arming the child to go through like they have to go through this stuff my answer is both and let me explain so you prepare to wait for the child but you also prepare the child for the way so what i mean by that so the bible says a good man leads an inheritance to his children's children so first off we know that we're supposed to biblically i mean whether what you believe or whatever we're supposed to pave away now with that being said we would be setting them up for failure and disaster we prepared away and they weren't ready for that way it could destroy them like you said i 100 agree with that that's why what i teach people to do when i teach them to create their own bank after you create your own bank i believe in creating a trust right so this is a rockefeller trust that i believe in creating this trust all of that money goes into that trust but you can control that trust from the grave so what i mean by that is you can write in spent thrift clause that says that they only get this much per month or whatever but what i like to do even better is you set up that trust and you put this cr your own bank into the trust when you die that death benefit is going to go into the trust and you can set up a family bank and that family bank means that we're going to select board of directors for that bait we're going to have a whole or family organization around this bait now when that child is old enough and they want to go out and they want to start their own business because there's only certain stipulations and ways you can get this money we're not just giving you this money you got to write a business plan that business plan has to be presented in front of the family trust it has to be voted on you get to borrow some of the money from that family bank and you have to pay that back over time so we can pave the way for the next generation so we're setting your we're setting you up to go out and do something but number one you gotta you ain't just coming without goals and without a business plan once you get there you're not just gonna take this money we're about the same way that we set you up you about to learn to set the next generation up that's what the rockefellers do that's why our money continues to grow and get bigger year after year in generation after generation so what you're doing think about what you're doing you're paving the way but you also paving the mindset because they know they're not about to get this money without preparing their mindset to get it i like that was a really good answer i'm gonna clap for myself on that hey that was good that was good that was fine hey i need to go to if you if you're not creating your own bank go to wealth creation call and you need to get that you need to get that checklist that i talked about the you can get that completely free you need to download this our generation needs this information they need this information you owe it to your family and your family's family to get this generation to get this information so that you can teach it to the next generation fire yo marv i feel wealthy i'm so i said oh okay my my last question is so did i go get the lambo today yeah yeah how what what is the process do i do i get the proper insure like the proper insurance or yourself you know something else well first off like you help me you can put it under your business i can help you with that but one of the things they do look for is they look for something i just learned this when i got the lambo i didn't even notice they look at something called core credit even more than your own credit and when they look in their car parkour i'm from st louis over c-a-r oh cory i know i'm counting nelly right we do everything over here over there so so so car credit right which means so the reason why i was able to get my 300 000 lambo and i only had to pay 25 000 down which i borrowed from my bank the only reason why i was able to do that is because of the fact that i got the range roll for 160 000. they said well because you didn't just go from a 40 000 car to a 300 000 car you approve if i would have went from a 40 000 card to a 300 000 car it would have been tough to get it's that thing called car credit right okay so my whole thing is you know i'm not telling you to go out and buy a lambo but buy something nice because you can start to build that credit for yourself and then you if you learn the game how to write it on your business how to deduct certain things when i got my range rover bro i wrote i wrote off 160 000 i was able to write 160 000 off of my taxes for that year for that year because there's certain rules once you once again once you know the tic-tac-toe game and you understand the game that rules the ground joint right six thousand come on i know i don't act like i ain't financially went out here you got that man hey that's one thing that hey when trump created that i'm like i don't like you but i'm gonna go ahead and take advantage of that six thousand and six thousand times let me give me a that's my excuse for getting a range rolling absolutely absolutely don't be afraid you know i'll tell you what stops people people say this i'll tell you the quickest way to kill a big dream is to introduce it to a small mind so when you share this information with people that i'm telling you you're going to get people who are out here who are naysayers but you want to look at their financial situation and see where they're at if they're not where you want to be why are you taking advice from me right the way i say it is it's like the turtle in a giraffe right you're a giraffe you got a vision that's high above the trees because you got this long nick nobody else can see this vision but you right so the problem is is that you want to get assurance that you're making the right decision so what you do is you reach your neck down and you talk to a turtle and you say look what do you think about this i was thinking about doing this you think i should do it that turtle is not a bad person it's a good person but that turtle can't see as high as you can see so what's happening is you're taking advice from this turtle this turtle is telling you not to do it because i don't see it and you're like well if you don't see it if you don't see it then i guess it must be a scam it must not be right right but you got to understand the turtle was not meant to see your vision only you were meant to see your immediate never be here here's another thing the way that the giraffe works this is actually factual information if a giraffe sticks their neck down and they stay down there too long they'll suffocate and pass out because their oxygen was meant to go throughout their neck so when they stick their neck down and they stay down there too long they die and it's the same thing happening with us bro because when we stick our head down and we're part of a circle that that's not meant to promote our dream we're going to fall into that same place that they are we're going to die we're going to suffocate right where they are right where they are okay we can clap that up figure out the rest later this is about creating your wealth this is about creating your dreams this is about doing something that you've never done before you cannot expect to do the same thing and expect to get different results it just won't happen right you got to change it and if you're following common advice such as saving your 401k by term invest the difference guess what you'll get common results i don't know about you but i'm not looking to get common results and another thing you got to understand when you try to be cheap you're going to get cheap results you're getting people who are giving you the gain yeah they might charge you for that course but they're not doing that for them believe it or not they're actually doing it for you because when you pay you pay attention right there's no transformation without transaction you've got a transaction because then you take it seriously but then there are people out here saying well that's a scam that's a scam no the scam is an educational system making you get student loans so you can get a job and work for 40 to 50 years so you can go out and retire finally and finally live on listening you made when you were working that's the skater you know it's crazy because i i for sure died talking to small-minded people like i feel drained and i just feel like yo why for one why am i talking to you but two right right right i leave the conversation less assure of the idea that i had that they don't even they're no i don't even have the idea they don't have the capacity to do it and they're coming from such a narrow mind look man i got to do a quick um commercial real quick i need you to close out with something super strong okay even though you've been close and i was so strong on all episodes but uh yeah yeah i got to pay some bills real quick um paying bills by myself this episode is sponsored by the morning meetup the the only organization that gathers every single day for the betterment of entrepreneurs you're familiar with morning meetup i am bro every day subscribing bro it's 400 plus people on the couch every single morning monday through friday we have a theme for the month and every every call monday through friday that we do supports the theme for the month so right now we're on content creation we might be on i think we're gonna do wealth building next month yeah and i think i did a millionaire mindset a little while ago i think i want to bring that back too all millionaires brought them on i've been watching you what you're doing is crazy bro you giving you basically that information is so low cost bro i don't even know why you won't raise your price but what's happening bro is it's helping it's literally helping me to change my mindset some of the things that the people the guests that you bringing on this stuff has been crazy bro nice man i'm i'll be trying to tell them man join a morning meet-up just gotta go to the morning and the only difference standing between them and success is a dollar yeah that's crazy invest a dollar check it out see if you like it okay all right so yeah go to the but marv thank you so much for coming man this was uh very enlightening absolutely i um you know i'm just kind of thinking through like my own financial strategy and i'm like there's so much that i don't know yeah and i learned a lot today but how much do i not know even after i learned it today we only scratched the surface bro because we didn't even talk about the different types of wealth creation policies man we got what we're going to do hold that we ain't going to do it now because we might for this so we got a patreon group yeah yeah and it's kind of like behind so everybody can watch it i just don't have 100 000 views or whatever but there's a patreon group that gets like the behind the scenes so i want you to talk about that we're going to spend an extra 10 minutes after we close this out and we're going to talk to our patreon family cool with that i'm cool with this what y'all need to do i gave you two things that you could do two actions that you could take today the first action is to go to download that checklist we're giving you the game step by step by step and stick around and see what's next we got some surprises for you as soon as you get that download for free the second thing that i want you to do is i want you to actually do a call with our team so that you can begin to set up your own strategy you can do that right away as well all you have to do is go to w-e-a-l-t-h just so you know i'm from st louis when you go there you're going to talk you're going to be one-on-one individual we're going to talk to you and help you to align your own strategy and tell you exactly what you can and what you should do to move forward and then you're going to have somebody that's going to work with you until you get it right until you get it set up so make sure that you take advantage of those two things and also follow me on instagram marvin mitchell official i'm constantly dropping tips on how you could create your own bank and be a wealth creator and never stop the forward momentum of your money i love it marv i appreciate you coming through man um there's somebody watching it right now the old marvin they work at wendy's oh yeah i'm their server right now and they're watching and saying yo i i get it i need to i need to i'm gonna take the steps i'm gonna get the checklist um but they they haven't taken a step what would you say uh to somebody somebody encourage them yeah i would say go out and take action and do not be afraid to fail fail forward in fact in fact i believe with john maxwell he wrote a book it says sometimes you win sometimes you learn not lose sometimes you win sometimes you learn you go out there and that one failure that you have is gonna it's gonna be basically just the setup for your step up it's gonna put you into a position to win the next battle see you're looking to win the war you don't care about winning every battle you fight every battle but if you lose that battle you haven't lost the war so take the energy and do it there's something that i say to all of my people i said there is no plan b there is no plan b it has to work i believe that you should burn the ship go to war don't take any prisoners go out and claim what is yours and do it or die trying burn the ship don't let anybody stop you if they're stopping you burn this ship and move on you gotta win this isn't just for you if you don't grow to your biggest capability you're actually ethically prideful you're prideful because there's so much more that god gave you to accomplish and you're cheating life by not giving access to everything that you know so go out and do it and don't be afraid to grow i love it i love it listen we can't close it out no better than that i do got a quick question real quick um i wanna i like making predictions on the podcast okay so i want to know where you see yourself in the next five to ten years so that we can watch this five ten years later and we'll say yo mark said he was gonna do it i'll tell you what this is crazy cause i'll tell you what my plan was five years ago and i just saw it come to fruition this week right that five year plan worked out so my headquarters was in st louis and i said i got to be a national brand i got to be a national company we went nationwide we now got a tv segment in atlanta we expanded to florida all of this has happened so in the next five years i see us having a national presence in all 50 states i see myself creating an army of individuals that want to learn how to be an agent to teach other people how to create their own bank and i'm going to personally train you to create your own bank so we can spread this message to the whole world so that our communities can be empowered and our communities can be uplifted i see myself starting a school that school is called success high school now in that particular school we're not it's not going to be an ordinary school we got to change the whole educational system what we're going to do in their school is we're actually going to they're going to come in dress to impress every month they're going to have a million dollar entrepreneur that's going to become a spit in their game there's two major projects that they need when they go into their freshman year the first project is they have to have a community service project the second one is a business plan we're going to develop that community service project and business plan for all four years so by the time they graduate they have a business and they have a community community service project so even if they don't decide to go to college they can go out and be wealthy right away so that's my plan bro in the next five years be clear about your plans be clear about your goal see he just asked me what do we expect the next five years you got to understand that i've already thought about this if you haven't wrote down your goals if you never envision it it will never happen so if you haven't wrote down your goals you need to manifest that is speaking to existence because the bible says speak those things that are not as though they are as a man thinks in his heart so is he death and life is in the power of the tongue so if you're not manifested and you're not speaking it it's not gonna happen so you need to make it happen and write it down bro there it is man listen we cannot close it out any better than that i don't got no nothing else to say do yourself a favor okay first off uh follow marv okay gave you all the tools um go to the website get the checklist uh book a call with them um i'm i'm definitely gonna poke a call with you because i'm gonna get myself together um uh go do me a favor go get you some social proof okay go build something and i need you to do what marv and everybody else on this podcast is doing bringing it right back to the community say this is what i did so you can do it too alright that's the only way our community grows all right we are out of here peace peace out all right look i know you're enjoying the episode but i got to tell you finally you asked for it and we created a patreon okay we created an inner circle we have amazing stories amazing information how to's from the episodes the only thing we're missing is a community so it's about that time we put together a patreon we put together a community because we have to have conversation around the information so even this podcast we're listening to right now there needs to be conversation i want to hear what you got i want to hear what you got like let's throw some stuff back and forth and because we're like-minded we're all going in the same direction when we connect connecting a community we can connect on other stuff outside the community because we're building real relationships okay so check out the patreon we got three tiers i don't care what tier you join um the support is um the support is appreciated
Channel: David Never Sleeps
Views: 58,584
Rating: 4.9327254 out of 5
Id: XmzM4Sy_qP0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 20sec (4460 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 02 2021
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