What is a High Value Man ft Fresh & Fit & Mr Organik

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Again I admire Mike, however I’m going to have to disagree with some of the stuff he says.

He talks about dead beat dads etc and how we should hold men accountable. The thing is, society already holds men accountable that’s why we have the term “dead beat dad”.

1- If Mike spent 4 weeks going to family court, he’d understand the plight of men trying to work to see their kids, and how the system treats and dehumanizes them.

2- Mike talks about how men are responsible for single mothers. But he forgets the data that at least in the Black community, 80% of Black women are having babies with 10-20% of Black men. While the majority of Black men are single, childless, and make on average $40K.

So clearly it’s the women making the poor choices in men. Mike really needs to understand this. The majority of men are decent, the majority of women are just impulsive.

Still mess with Mike but he got that one wrong.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Marketingmavendji 📅︎︎ Sep 16 2021 🗫︎ replies

Watching it now and I love this conversation more than the NO Jumper one. Alot of knowledge and bro talk. I do want Rollo and Mike to meet because I did see the post that Rollo made one time about Mike being a Blue Pill Alpha. I thought they met before for him to say that but... nope lol. Really hoping Myron gets then 2 together off camera.

Fresh? I was happy to see Fresh talking more and giving his voice on the topics. People think he's useless.... he showed his knowledge & value. Hope he keeps improving on that on their show

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/BadManSaiyan 📅︎︎ Sep 16 2021 🗫︎ replies
care about you so i was you know we already talked about course content man yeah you just yeah you you let me know my god whatever you want to happen to me yo we live yo what's up youtube world your boy mike rasheed very special guest oh my brother's fresh and fit and an extra special guest we got vip in the house mr organic what's up everybody having no fear mr organic it's here it's my pleasure to be here with the guys yes sir yes sir so look it's a lot to talk about yeah i'm saying i don't need to preface this and that um we want to touch on uh what constitutes a high value mail right um we can touch on you know you guys specialize in talking about dating and things of that nature so we want to dive into that we got some differences of opinion that we could dive into you know what i'm saying and um which is a beautiful thing yeah it is that's normal yeah for those that don't know me and mike are good friends man like we talk all the time we disagree but that doesn't mean you can't be friends with someone when you disagree on things i disagree with everybody though yeah i'm just a very surreal person yeah that's a real friend that can go against your thoughts and give you his input he's trying to improve you and also you know y'all add to each other dialogue that's a beautiful there's no hate just like what i'm saying different of opinion when people agree with everything you say is some yes man [ __ ] going on and we we got this thing called like like if there's an idea concept we want to roll out all right let's put let's pull holes we got to make it hater proof we gotta when we present it it's got to be airtight so that's the nature it's kind of like a sport to like where can we where can i find uh some some some vulnerability in this concept you know i'm saying we talk about it and if there is then we we sure it up you know what i'm saying so if you don't care for y'all out there listening if you don't care about your friends you're not going to do that you know i'm saying if you care you're going to try to tighten them up man it's true yeah all right so so we'll start down here what is a high value man so high volume man there's many definitions out there you know from different channels different people but for me personally high value means you add value to people that um are close to you and away from you meaning for example your value to the marketplace could be a product or service or just you as a human being being motivational as other people people's lives and it could be monetary value it could be like you know just giving an inspiration but the point about the fact is that like you're you're your best self and that that presence is alone as well to people's lives for me personally so it's the mindset thing mm-hmm yeah it's organic um i always base it off a couple like main seeds i feel like i feel like mentally you gotta have i have value financially physically and then like spiritually so you have all those four in sync then you're a high value man like you can't think your high value just because you got money i don't add up like what that mean you can't just be physically fit and think you do really doing something you still lacking in other areas and then your spirit spirituality your your mind got to be strong and how you perceive yourself and others around you so all those things got to be connected i feel like and of course you know um how you treat others too you just can't be belligerent to everybody around you gotta treat people in a great manner the better you treat others the more they're gonna treat you better and put you at a high value so the same way you perceive yourself you want others to perceive you and if they don't then you keep them from around you and a high value man controls his environment so yeah you need those elements for sure i dig that uh so i got like three main components and then there's like subsets as well but i won't go too too much but uh i will say the three main components are uh your money right so i would say financial security and beyond security to have abundance right okay financial abundance as a high value guy and then fitness physical fitness the degree where you're in shape but you also are aesthetically pleasing to a degree i'm not saying you got to look like you know on the cover of men's health but you should be looking good where if you take your shirt off at a beach people are like all right this guy works out right um and then and then game which uh you know a lot of people have different uh interpretations and or definitions of game but how i would break it down is basically what it is is social awareness female nature adapting to the said situation in the modern day dating marketplace and putting yourself in a position where you can get the commodity that you want from women without necessarily giving up all of your resources so like i would say let's be honest most guys they want to get sexual access to women right but what do most guys do they lead with their wallet they spend a lot of time they spend a lot of money and they might not even get the box but i would say if you have game you're able to get the box without necessarily giving all of your time attention resources whatever just because you're able to read the situation is this girl high interest is she low interest and then move accordingly if she's low interest you move on to another girl she's high interest you can see that with the body language you got the social awareness and then bang you make you make it happen so that's what i would define game as and then uh and then i would say basically having like a network of like other guys that respect you and admire you um because you know your network is your net worth you know uh you know hell i'm in a room right now with a couple of millionaires and i wouldn't be here if i wasn't you know bringing some kind of value as well so having other peers that are high value is also very important as well okay i dig that i dig everything y'all said it's funny because i sent a text to a bunch of people that i respect this morning when you sent me that topic both y'all sent me the topic y'all said at the same time yeah and to see what their breakdowns was and i'm like [ __ ] i'm learning so much just from the homies right and then i went and looked at because we're we're talking about this because you know kevin samuels kind of made it popular what i'm saying and then so i went and listened to his breakdown right and and i respect what he said he's like look this is my opinion everybody's gonna have their own perspective but this is how i see it right so this is what he said he said six principles he said one money he said making around ten thousand dollars a month and that's suggested to like atlanta so of course if you're in l.a it's going to be 20 double that 20 30. you're saying you're everywhere is going to be different but right i said okay and then what i respected he said two it has to be consistent right like five years of you consistently making x amount of money right yeah because you know performance over time i'm like i respect that you know what i'm saying yeah that's a heavy one right three group acceptance so what you said like basically your peers um you know they want you a part of the squad they want you in the conversation what i'm saying uh four i guess it kind of goes with number three a network of other high-value men so other men that meet these criterias were all in counsel with each other um five visibility and what he meant by that he gave a breakdown of like this guy is vp of this bank this guy you know all these high position jobs or positions and then another guy's like well i'm just an entrepreneur so it's kind of vague and ambiguous you can't really like you don't know where you know what i'm saying and i can attest to that because when i was in miami bro [Laughter] so many yeah is everybody like what do you guys do like nobody it was very vague i didn't feel comfortable everyone calls himself an entrepreneur i didn't feel comfortable right now even girls yeah yeah you gotta have some type of title that you stand on yeah what is that for right what exactly do you do because listen my life i used to be on the other side of legalities so you know the the stuff that i dealt with i don't want nothing to do with nothing illegal so when people are like moving certain cars with us whatever yeah and it's unclear i got to stay away from that right that's around facts and then number six the last one was utility usefulness to others um if the person's in demand you know what i'm saying if their presence is felt when they're around and if their absence their presence is felt as well i'm like yo i i really [ __ ] rock with that no that's that i didn't i never knew those principles but damn those are potent right there yeah yeah because thing is no one's gonna call themselves high value actually high value people have to say it for you right so bragging about it saying oh yeah i'm high volume i'm just saying that i'm alpha who does that bro right people tell you that off rip it means you're actually high value right he'll say this too oh go ahead no no no um what what because uh and i always say that like uh you don't you can't necessarily uh attribute yourself to a value the market dictates your value men we're the creators right we whether we create a product we make an invention we work for a company and we create something men are typically uh based on what we create right and then the market dictates our value and we're compensated as such someone that makes a lot of money pretty much you can logically conclude that person brings value to the market to some degree where people are trying to pay for his service or his expertise to a degree and with men the reality puts us where we need to be as far as like what our value is but the thing with that's funny women when we bring them on the podcast all the time they say i'm a high value woman and i'm like well a high value woman does not exist without a high value man crowning or a high value woman because there's no attributes it's a queen yeah so like i look at it like the ultimate consumer of female beauty is men so you cannot sit there and call yourself a 10 if you don't have a guy that's high value by his side like if you don't have his last name are you really high value so i would say the market dictates a man's value like what he creates and what people how people view him and respect him his name is legacy and then a woman's value is determined by what caliber of man can she attract and if she can attract a high value man then bam now she's a high value woman but you know i find a funny woman say well i'm a high value woman no you're just a higher earning woman but a woman's value isn't necessarily determined by the values she brings to society if she makes money that's great for her it doesn't necessarily make her more sexually attractive yeah versus for men and this is what people gotta understand it's just [ __ ] different yeah right we're very different different different deceptive you know we nobody in here is looking for a woman with that makes a lot of money yeah it's a plus but i would love that but i really don't care it doesn't it's not a concern it's not a consideration and i'm gonna go back to it's funny i ran across uh this channel on youtube it's actually pretty dope it was uh i forget the guy's name but they were like doing loyalty tests okay seeing if your girl would cheat or whatever where she goes that's it yeah shout out to you yeah yeah [ __ ] is dope so y'all check them out so now granted everybody is young right but here's the thing a 23 year old woman and a three 23 year old man is not the same right the man really like 16 17. hell yeah when i and and i i'll use me for an example when i was in high school the juniors the seniors were not [ __ ] with us their boyfriend is out of school with cars you know that's like seven eight grade [ __ ] yo right certain places and even when i was a young man like like my son's mother like she's younger than me but she was dating nba guys like rich dudes i'm in my early twenties i was intimidated by her because i know i can't what can i i can't bring that into this fact where am i gonna take her like my car why you know i'm saying so i never even tried to spit at certain girls at certain ages because i'm like i'm not there you know so anyway back to this show this [ __ ] was [ __ ] hilarious it was sad too because there's some broken hearts yeah there's a broken heart but each and every one of these girls that was agreeing to go on a date with another guy the other guys are more successful than their situation in their situation there's no success at all it's like just regular 23 year old [ __ ] right so nowadays uh 23 year olds are making millions oh hell yeah but you know it's a lot that's not right so anyway um when i was young that [ __ ] wasn't happening unless you was like in a dope game you know a little little technical but anyway we're live guys too bright right now yeah you shot you shining yeah it's all good do a lot so so do it live anyway um you know i'm like yo fellas take note like one of the girls said the guy's like why did you do this like [ __ ] you yada yada she was like bro make more money damn i'm like she's white she's right right so so like like in kevin his [ __ ] the number one thing was like money right and it's like money does not determine your value yeah by itself right but that [ __ ] is very important it's important what i'm saying and i feel like because me um when i was a like i don't know 14 15 i'm listening to a tape from minnesota farrakhan and one of the things that he said he was like just delivering a message to young men and he was saying you do not deserve the pleasures of a woman's breast if you can't take care of her like i remember that because his [ __ ] is geared towards like yo marry somebody you know what i'm saying yeah but take care of her right yeah so that [ __ ] has always been locked into me yeah like what do i have to offer this woman yeah yeah i'm saying so i never i agree with nobody time you know i mean so i feel like this that that show right there should have been you know for guys to see like all right [ __ ] all of this you 23 24 trying to be in a relationship build your foundation right so that's where you know i'm saying that show was very telling because every literally every one of those situations the dude didn't have much going for herself but the dudes that they were going to cheat with right did i feel you on that because um even when i was younger i probably did mess with a lot of like girls that have money and [ __ ] and use them for money you know slang and dick but um it only lasts a certain amount of time so like money does bring you stability in a in a real bad than a business really got some money or something going on you can [ __ ] them but they gonna leave you for somebody else yeah it's only so long you can long-stroke them before they find somebody but but it's only it's i guess it's a matter of what are you looking for right if you're just looking to smash like because i did too like i i've done my thing yeah but when i got to a age of like but there were certain women i'm like that they ain't going they don't they're not they're not going to waste any time no just to have sex and i'll say this too to double that because y'all both brought the fantastic points with you saying that you know you should you shouldn't be able to enjoy a woman's breast unless you can afford it i'm a firm believer that if you want a traditional woman then you need to be a traditional man you know what i'm saying both ways so if you want a woman that's gonna cook and clean and be feminine and submissive you should be a dominant man which being dominant from the male perspective does incorporate being able to provision and then from what you were saying uh organic which is 100 true if you let's say you got gaming you're a good-looking guy and you pull a chick you know even though you're broke right that will you you know you can still get sexual access and everything but are you going to be able to maintain and keep her probably not because she's going to break loose it never fails it never fails so that's why i you know because it's so important to have everything and here's the thing they're going to break loose with dudes that ain't as good looking as you yeah can't sling dick but provide security security and that's the facts i feel like us as men we know on a certain level like okay if i'm on this level i can't talk to that chick because she's way better than me in terms of like what she can get like i hate about your guy do you guys really know that though yeah because i know i never did i was going out to the moses back when i was like younger like even coming to america when i first came here i knew i'm freaked i couldn't get a body i did it like threes and fours and fives that's the most i could do when i level level up as a guy money confidence and and finances it's okay you know what now i kind of go out there and actually provide some value to girls other than just like you know some dick and that like you said earlier it retains a lot longer than you getting a dick all the time it's a more meaningful connection because like when i think back when i was younger yeah i i've always had fun right but it was certain types of girls you know what i'm saying they might have looked a certain way but the conversation is a little like whatever you know i'm saying but when you wanted that higher value that hype and this value to us like dope conversation with a woman is valuable to me yeah and really understand yeah we would just sit up and talk all night that was a vibe you know what i'm saying from back then even to now so very important you know yeah but when you're listen i i had a a girl that out we were [ __ ] super tight she really liked me i really liked her but she was from a very prominent family and i'm like i'm a street dude like they ain't gonna accept me like so i never wanted to even waste her time and that because i know i was gonna [ __ ] it up at some point and she's gonna hate me we're not gonna be friends no more you know what i'm saying so we stayed tight but i kept my distance i never took it to a romantic level even though i wanted to but i had that kind of awareness even with myself because i was listen i wasn't ready to be in a real relationship for most of my life you know what i'm saying and um so i didn't certain people i just never wanted to like i just don't want you to hate me and i would say that like look this is not going to end well you know what i'm saying track record i'm saying so i kind of kept my distance from certain people because of that you know what i'm saying but i had a lot of self-awareness at a young age yeah because what i've noticed is that um women are always trying if they can they would prefer to get a man that embodies all these components but unfortunately most guys don't meet the metrics of having the money being attractive being confident you know having all being uh you know arousing at the same time being able to provide that security so what i've noticed especially in today's dating marketplace is what girls do is they kind of get their fulfills needed by sorry their needs fulfilled by different men so they got a sugar daddy here that provides the money and security right in certain experiences then they got the guy here that might be physically attractive but broke and a lot of the times you know age like you mentioned before is typically correlated with like you know their value so like i always say like you know girls get mad at me when i say it on the show but like a 18 year old guy is like the equivalent of like a 45 year old woman you know what i'm saying like it's like it's like they're both fairly useless to the opposite gender you know a 45 year old woman is no longer she's not going to be as attractive and uh as and fertile as she used to be whereas 18 year old man hasn't realized his potential so it's the same as just that like the tables turn as men get older and women get older and it's like it's almost like inverse you know men got to create their value women are born with and they got to preserve it so but you know when we get mad when i say that but it's the truth like a 45 year old woman is never going to be able to compete with a 21 year old girl 21 year old type you know like i've always i would never date a woman my age right because i'm like for what like we're not the same right and here's the thing when a woman is and for the ladies listen out there don't take this no way generally speaking when a woman is like 30 31 32 still single personally i don't really want that yeah people should have a good amount of experiences right but you probably had too many and you you know what i'm saying and i don't want to deal with all of the [ __ ] that comes with that 30 something years old and you're not locked down you know what i'm saying like how so you know it's a it's a lot to that and people got to be cognizant of that one thing i do like about what kevin say is like actually i'm gonna take this back to minnesota farrakhan because he was always like look don't be [ __ ] on my life just get married you know i'm saying because i'm gonna tell you why you have a lot of these [ __ ] women who are in their 30s because everybody's just [ __ ] around yeah yeah i don't know what i'm saying and we put a lot of [ __ ] on women but it's a lot on us too yeah i'm saying speaking of it i want to segue to something that we talked about the last time y'all was here yeah sure the pregnancy [ __ ] yeah because we'd be we'd be debating me and my my guys i'm like yo i just i don't agree with this [ __ ] right so all right so to refresh everybody we was talking about you said bovia said if a dude get a girl pregnant yeah she don't want it right you finish if she doesn't want it she don't want it no no he don't want it uh-huh but she don't want to get an abortion then what oh he's on the hook it's it's it's she could she just men have zero reproductive rights in the west so so she could have she could have the kid and he he's got to be pay child support like he's [ __ ] but y'all said that it's so unheard of yes yeah so my argument is yeah so uh because i got a bunch of hate from feminists on this i said if a woman has a child right and against the man's wishes or whatever it is and she chooses she has pro-choice then she's got to be pro-consequence too and if that guy doesn't want to stick around and help the kid that's on her because she should have picked better say [ __ ] you and the kid and i pay the money so yeah all right like you don't exist yeah cause i said no like i made my decision like where are you going so i i blame i blame the woman because she laid with that man and she decided to have the kid because she women have so many different points of exit on in the whole pregnancy situation where they can get an abortion whatever and even if they live in a state that doesn't allow it you could drive over the border to another state most of states in the united states let you get an abortion fairly late into your pregnancy so you know you can you can make the move happen and my thing is if you're gonna be a single mom and you choose to do that then you gotta be willing to accept whatever comes with that as well right all right it sucks for the guy like i personally don't get me wrong like you don't think it sells for both so my thing is this i i think that the guy like he should support the kid like it he should do it but if he decides not to the woman's got to be ready for that is what i'm trying to say and then she just got to do a research because look how many single mothers out there you know what you're getting into you play this game you sure you want to die like it kind of like repeat the process for example a lot of these girls like this sorry for the most part they're from other single moms so it's like oh you know what i could probably do it too but yo you've been through it already why you can do it to your kids look i get it it's also the guy's part as well to an extent but you have control so this is your chance to say hey you know what maybe this isn't the best option for me because i got stuff going on my life i'm not gonna be a good parent by myself maybe this isn't the right guy because he doesn't want to do it let me figure it out but other than that it's kind of like okay you're gonna consider the cycle and it's like is it ever gonna break probably not and one last thing i wanna say too since women have a hundred percent authority on who gets born in the united states and western world in general they also have a hundred percent responsibility with said authority i always say uh like a shout out to our boy rolo like like uh you know authority always comes with responsibility to some degree so you can't have 100 authority and then say well i only want 50 responsibility because the man really has no say-so so it doesn't make sense for you to you know say oh well i'm the only one that can universally make a decision on this well then you gotta universally accept the consequences with it and responsibilities right rollo that's the the old white guy right yeah yeah yo this [ __ ] right there so everybody did a video about me right and and i i not not watch right i watched some of this [ __ ] i'm like he did the first 20 minutes he's trying to like create a aura of he didn't say this directly but he's like don't respect this guy just because he's successful that's what he was doing to his people he's using joe rogan as an example like joe rogan okay yeah maybe he got 100 million from spotify but where's his character i'm like what are you saying you know what i'm saying and he and he kept saying like trying to write me off as some guru like a tony robbins or whatever right i would take tony robbins fang or unfortunately you got damn right 100 but he's writing me off as somebody who like like like a preacher like i have a doctrine and i'm selling that to people and it and that's all i do like he's like he's like well what does he really do and it's like yo i do a lot like i have actual businesses like structures like facilities like you know what i'm saying i sell millions of dollars of product and i have been doing it for years you know what i'm saying and i get a lot of people in shape like i do a lot right right so like i know that's your yeah guy and look no knock to him i know he's doing his style of content is you know other people's names and images and you know what i'm saying because i've never done that right playing with the algorithms and i'm not mad at it it's a strategy that works you know what i'm saying but it's like people like him should because he kept saying i don't know who this guy is then find out before you talk about you know what i'm saying because it was because he's not a dumb guy right he's intelligent so he's he was [ __ ] on me with an out so it didn't look like it right but he was doing it you know what i'm saying and i'm like bro you you're you're positioning yourself as this authority of masculinity right but you're not even masculine like in my eyes i'm saying you know long hair soft shoulders you know what i'm saying and no disrespect if that's your guy like that but i'm like you're not like talk to me reach out i'll put y'all together man i know you guys real talk because i know him and i know you you guys would would get along real talk like uh i'm gonna bridge that gap and make that class see i would never um do what he did yeah i would not it's i'd rather you say like [ __ ] this guy i like that i respect that [ __ ] but don't like you know speak intelligent and all of this [ __ ] but you you're constantly trying to like in a sly way throw me under the bus you know what i'm saying to your people preaching to your own choir you know what i'm saying see so we'll make the collab happen man like i think i'm getting really careful okay i'll get along really but but hold on think about what he's saying he didn't come to him and say yo bro or do some research he said i've made a video about him so i get it yeah so we got to say i get where mike's coming from and he kept saying i don't know this guy yeah yeah my but that video looked like it's my video you're not in the thumbnail at all it's me it looked like it was my [ __ ] you know what i'm saying like and that's that's just an interesting strategy that's cool with mike too so it's kind of yeah i love both of y'all nothing to do listen we're gonna have nothing to do with y'all you know what i'm saying but people like that is interesting to me you know what i'm saying it's like it's a there's a high level of insecurity in that kind of behavior like [ __ ] this in shape handsome rich guy who cares where's his character like why are you calling out these positive attributes of me but saying but but yeah but but so what you can't listen to some you they kept saying this you can't listen to him he's a natural you know yeah okay came from the bottom and okay i don't have that story it's like it's like you don't say it's like what are you really doing here why are you talking about me period like what's it to you you know what i'm saying i think the principle you're trying to say is like if someone's always been good at a certain task they can't teach you the fundamentals but you've been why why not though but you can right because you know like that's a perfect example it is but hold on i gotta debunk uh argued that because think about this right a guy likes to struggle and you struggle as well man you weren't always like this successful you were at the bottom at some point but it's like i got it's always been at the top it's kind of like how can you tell someone that's been at the bottom how to make it because you know how the top feel because you can still look at the bottom at the top look i can look down there i can tell you how you get up here but but it's both but bro hold on hold on i've been in the bottom no no i i know you haven't that's why i said you should do some more yeah but people don't know that yeah but you two organic yeah but sometimes a guy has always been like a trust fund baby how can he tell you to be successful that's why that makes a lot of sense so that's i think that's what well here's the thing though but he says he said right i didn't listen to the whole thing but i heard enough he says okay you got the story come from the bottom and got successful right okay you just acknowledged that i was at a place of not like like i wasn't in a high position forever right whether you knew that or not you're saying this right but you can't listen and he's just always been there it's just it's it's it doesn't even go you know i'm saying it cancels out what he said right so it's just interesting that is a high level of insecurity he's insecure about me right why because i am you know you speak about masculinity i'm very masculine people know that you know what i'm saying i'm a dominant guy like all of the [ __ ] that they talk about you know what i'm saying i'm that right and it's cool it is what it is everybody got their their powers their strengths so i'm a real representation of it i don't really know this guy so i'm not going to say he's not right but just a my brief observation he's not you're saying and no that has no reflection on you guys so i'm not putting we love both of you guys and i'm gonna put you in touch i think you guys will have a great conversation man it doesn't have to be on youtube or nothing but i think i would have a great conversation i got a question though organic what's up do you have that same type of like um approach people talk about you like for example you're tall successful right i'm saying sturdy right masculine as [ __ ] yeah i feel like you guys are targets because people want to be like you but but they're not yeah so like he probably has the same thing his whole life people always had like underlying hatred for us for no reason and we go out our way be good people we're not trying to smash you we're not trying to embarrass you because we are who we are we're confident we know we didn't get here we know we're doing to go further yeah people take that a certain way we boost people's insecurities because we boost our own confidence so you go through that all the time as one of these type guys we are um like when i said i never was at the bottom it was just my mentality myth um financially yes i was at the bottom at one point in life but how i move how i carry myself i never was at the bottom because everywhere i went i got treated like i already had millions of dollars but in my own life i know i didn't so i had to fight through that so i always had you know all the girls and all that [ __ ] but of course like i said it's only so long you can [ __ ] a business with some money got some lot going on it's only i've been there there's only a certain amount of time you can do it so yeah i knew once i got always told people hey can't nobody [ __ ] with me unless i got a hundred million dollars so once i got my millions now i'm unfortunate because i already had everything else so yeah like you already have that confidence in you people take that a certain way you know i could say i'm the [ __ ] on the [ __ ] all day i love myself and people hearing [ __ ] you [ __ ] you you ain't [ __ ] you haven't talking right right it's crazy how it works one thing that i say all the time because i'm like you like listen i was homeless for a hot second right so but i i didn't ever accept that [ __ ] i don't know what [ __ ] it this is what oh no this ain't comfortable i got to get out of this [ __ ] right so bro right now i'm good but i'm still not comfortable right i don't think i'll ever be comfortable right but so that and i said comfort is the killer of ambition it is so yeah listen the reason i started back fighting in 2018 was because i'm like yo i'm gonna get soft i have no adversity i need some [ __ ] i need an enemy right i'm saying i need that hell yeah i got to get up you know big house crib you know what i'm saying this is i was in northern uh scottsdale i'm getting up that's that area found yeah i had to get up five in the morning go jogging like i don't need i don't want to do this [ __ ] but i'm gonna do it because i don't want to be soft you know what i'm saying but anyway so i always say [ __ ] average right see he's saying [ __ ] all that that's what it was i'm like listen and then people people like well there's averages for a reason like yeah you're right but so what right you don't have to be average you don't have to be or you can be it's fine and that's the thing i said it's only it's fine no one's a bad person for accepting being average i would never say that right i just say [ __ ] that for me simple and people around me because anybody around me that that i see that could do better they'll tell you i'm annoying to them because i'd be on their ass i like yo why don't you oh yeah here's the other thing too bringing it back to women uh you know at this point me and fresh have interviewed hundreds of women and the you the universal answer is if you ask a girl what do you want they're not going to describe an average guy to you they're going to describe an above average man probably the top 10 they try to reconfigure now because they've seen your show but yeah they try to switch it up but like but like yeah because we do the delusion calculator and like and then we put up the delusion calculator and it shows that like it's less than one percent of what they're uh four out of five cat bags or five out of five cat-backs so like girls are slowly kind of starting to realize that okay maybe this guy isn't as prevalent as i think but what i tell the guys is there's nothing wrong with being average but if you're gonna be average just understand most average women aren't gonna think you're worthy which is unfortunate but that's the the globalized sexual marketplace woman feel like they deserve a high value man yeah it's [ __ ] insane the world itself because they especially got a fat ass they deserve and that's what i'm saying that's big factor that's a virtuous thing it's about ass like oh yeah come on for sure it's a normal thing man and you go through different stages of life and the older a lot of these guys get they'll start understanding more you know what i'm saying and when you get to a position like where we at it's like you get it like the lower levels because you've been there you know what i'm saying and you have some kind of self-awareness like like you said i knew that or i got this bad one she got bred i got a certain amount of time i'll be able to complain you know that you know that you know that's what it is you know what i'm saying right but some people they they complain like man women think that they deserve and for me i say they do right the ones that do do women are they like a high volume man we be coming to catch but end of the day we still want to cash for bad [ __ ] right yeah so they still really the catch on the low we just can't make them know to me they are yeah because here's the thing like i think the men are the price personally we are we are but we are we doing more but what is it for though like i don't want to spend my life with y'all feel good there you go i want like like like my chick like my woman my queen yeah she's so [ __ ] dope to me but she doped to me because she recognized me for who i am yeah and she gave me that respect that like everything that people complain about but they don't get from women they're not feminine i get all of that right but i make sure i'm at a level to where you you comfortable you you feel safe you feel secure you know what i'm saying and she gives me the most feminine energy ever you know what i'm saying so you know and she lets me be a man for real you know what i'm saying so and i tell guys all the time so i said like yo don't got a lot of chicks i know y'all be saying like do what you got to do to smash i'm like nah don't because here's the thing this is why i say that like really embrace reality right so if you went at a level let's say you want two three four chicks right but you got a lot of this one uh first of all it's a lot of energy that you're wasting right and a lie is a lie right it's a it is not i i find like it's karma that comes back with that [ __ ] you know what i'm saying and i listen i grew up thinking that like a lot of women like be honorable with men but not with women you know what i'm saying that's how i used to like i would lie my ass off right hold on and i remember i was asking you one time i was like having just a lot of [ __ ] up [ __ ] happening i'm like bro i'm doing everything right this years ago you think me lying or women like is it karma you know what i'm saying my people like everybody grew up like nah bro that's that's not even of course the thing but lying to a person is lying you know what i'm saying it's allowing filth to come out of your mouth something's not true it don't it never feels good to lie i remember when i made that switch and stopped doing that [ __ ] keep in mind i'm working on myself trying to be a better person but also trying to be you know financially stable and all of that [ __ ] right when i got to a certain position and i started telling girls like yo i like to have two girls sometimes mm-hmm and they'd be like okay okay yeah yeah i'm saying and and then you know just got i got deeper into like okay this is making my life way easier so it got to where i would uh meet somebody and [ __ ] starting to get serious and maybe they would just assume that that's what i'm on you know what i'm saying like you do you want to do we do tell guys to be honest though about like what they want with girls just they got to deal with the consequences of that like if you tell a chick you're going to have to share me or you'd be upfront and direct you're going to get rejected a lot in life you got to be top level to do that for the most part yeah it's not for everybody it's not for everybody you got to be you got to be a top level i'm saying an avenger to do those we can't be honest with girls because we're at some level but most guys can't be because if the place would go who the hell are you telling me you want two girls get out of here but why should they be doing that though you ain't deserving they're not on this level right shouldn't they be working to get on this level so they should be but they won't they dig they did well okay what are we talking about we're talking about just just hanging out with a girl or we're talking about a guy having multiple women we're talking about a guy just want to smash okay oh yeah you got to lie oh you got it no no you got to thank you yeah look look i get it you know okay so this is this is let me do this one real quick like the zip always use because i did it a hundred times and i did both ways and every time this way always worked they're coming over i live 30 minutes away i want to come over what we're going to do and they were like if you think we're having sex i'm not coming what you're going to say you know what you want yeah okay i'll answer that answer no we're not doing nothing you know listen it was funny to me one girl say that i'm like okay i just said okay right that never not happens right it never doesn't happen but you can't say oh you come around that's not lying i'm just like okay if if it was a if that conversation was to be extended yeah i would stop stop with that you know okay what i'm saying is like excuse me you think you're gonna [ __ ] or you're not you gotta say one of the two certain things you can't see i would love to but if you don't want to look you don't want listen listen a woman ain't coming over to the crib if she don't want to smash right it's not a thing but you can't they don't say that you say this yeah i don't think that's that's not a lie this is what i'm talking about a lot yeah like having two chicks are you talking to anybody else no okay that's a lot so we agree then because right we're the opinion right if you were to check and you want to be uh with a bunch of tricks just be single or do your thing right don't lie to her and say oh you're the only one yeah you came live yeah yeah okay yeah yeah you gotta be trying to tell guys not to lie about that where are you the girl because and the reason why we say that is because like if you lie about that what we've noticed is that women don't hold l's very well right so if she thinks she's the only one then she finds out you got a normal bad news yeah that's when the craziness comes up you're gonna have all that stuff a lot of people that hate you a lot of women ate you like listen i'm not even bragging but everyone in my past we got good relationships yeah yeah i'm saying me too though and even when and when when um like me and my girlfriend together and people started seeing it girls with girls from my past hit me like oh damn okay she cute i like what's up you trying to hang out with us maybe like is it cool i'll talk to my girlfriend i'll let you know i'll just be just to see and i i'm not even interested in it anymore but it's like i know where everybody's at right and it's still open communication if i wanted that but here's the thing i love my woman so much that like she has to be involved you know what i'm saying not that i need that like not that she's like all right this is how it's got to be that's what you want personally that's what i want yeah i want you i want you to really [ __ ] know that i'm i'll never lie to you and you can rely on me and that gives you so much more freedom so much freedom the best thing that you could be for somebody is [ __ ] 100 percent honest damn for them to know that they can always get the truth out of you and that's like look i want to spend the rest of my life with my woman right so i want her to have the utmost confidence in me it's real [ __ ] i just want to do it i just went through it as you all know i had my girl before and i i wasn't with her at the time but now i'm back with her and um that's all she wanted was that security and that truth and i have my freedom to move how i want to and and it's nobody's business outside of that when almost we got that understood and i treat her right and she has no no no like like scaredness around me or am i leaving or am i doing something bad to her we got that honesty and understanding you got you you've got pure freedom with a good this is this is the importance of br spinning it back to the topic about becoming high value this is the importance of having your money on point at some point and having social awareness and game because if you have game and you understand female nature you'll know one of the concrete tenements is hey girls we'll share you if you're worth sharing you know what i'm saying if you're such a rare commodity that they understand that however girls will share you under the context okay am i the main one do you love these other chicks no i don't okay cool it's just sex all right i'll participate in it so but once you get yourself to that certain level you're able to kind of dictate these terms which is why we tell guys work on yourself because when you work on yourself everything else gets handled because the women are a byproduct of your success versus like making the women the the goal of your success see i typically when i'm going into a relationship i'm not interested in menages for the sake of menages i want legit two wives i want real companionship i told my woman that right but as we developed i'm like nah i just want you you're good with just you that's crazy and it's real [ __ ] i never thought i would be on that but i was like yo i just want i'm cool i'm like you know what i'm saying you give me sh cause she see when you qualify yourself i always talk about this a woman really she she elevates you help elevate you to what that god status yeah so treat you as such they can get into that 105 percent when you're performing at a hundred percent that's true like yeah ever since i got back with my girl it been angled like million billion dollar opportunities coming out of the [ __ ] woodworks i'm like [ __ ] like see i'm your lucky charm like my [ __ ] your ears exactly i'm like it's it's shocking to me right like when i got back when her energy just connected like that i'm like damn yo i'm not gonna lie bro even dealing with multiple girls is a headache bro man well talk you finally especially when you got a bag bro you find one good girl bro i got your back bro that means bro because think about this right we're successful here on the platform i try to expose you yeah happened to you yeah there you could trust her yeah at that point look let's say you got a business meeting and you know you got laundry to do food to be on the table she got you for sure focus on on that meeting and you got left let's stress your life girls oh well you've got time for me this one that's like it's a headache bro yeah yeah it did like if you like an influencer like say versus me like look at me i'm a spectacle right for the most part but i really got a good foundation but women that use you as the prop they come to my mansion they taking picture they see all the cars they taking they do the drive they're taking the a picture of the drive they're getting all these take a picture of the the statues and [ __ ] i'm getting used now yeah i'm a [ __ ] lame to me and i'll say this what i'm saying all right god damn then they try to expose you on bro yo you this was my dog bro it's like yo that's fresher's dog i'm like trying to tell you like you become the truck like go ahead baby drive the car you need to get there like this i turn the [ __ ] up weaken that bernie that's how you want me god damn this is the thing too i think another part of like again game goes so far beyond like you know having pickup lines and you know knowing what to say in context everything it's identifying what type of woman that she she this woman is that you're dealing with and adapting to the situation and acting accordingly so for example let's say shirts and stores let's say you have a woman right that it's very obvious that she's what i would consider like an extractor right she's a chick that comes into your life and she wants certain experiences she wants a certain type of lifestyle she wants to document her stuff whatever you know i'm saying you already know how you got to move with that girl you can go ahead and get the box but you got to put yourself in a position where she can't necessarily finesse you like you know that this girl's not really going to add value she's just going to come in and take and then you got to make that relationship temporary but then you got another girl that'll come in and she'll add that's the girl that will make you go from 100 to 105 102 which when you're a high performer that one or two percent extra is huge you know what i'm saying so so i think another part of game also is being able to deal with the woman identify what type of vibe she's on what type of energy is on what she's trying to do what her end goal is okay this girl is an extractor cool i'm not going to invest too much into her sexual access only and then you know get rid of her whatever it is and have your fun and identifying these kinds of women is very important you know you gotta you gotta you gotta filter them out when you become a high-value guy you just can't have the buffet no more see what i'm saying that's over with it's overweight you're gonna go to jail bro you're gonna get robbed you're gonna get killed here's the thing with people i try to explain to people too it's like once you've had so much you don't want it no more he's like don't it's not too much come with it it's not fulfilling you're getting used you're the one see what you say right there when you've got a bunch of girls but you've been through experience like yo bro this is not worth the value it's it's kind of always fun in the moment but yo what are they really getting from this right nothing when you find one good girl bro i'm telling you bro like real talk after being in these scenarios whatever this arp content it made me realize you know what not able to properly vet right it would be a waste of time i guys learn from my my mess up like you know girls will come out and say oh i'm pregnant somebody else like that i was like i already knew what type of time she was on i got everything saved whatever so if i need to come back out and you know and protect myself i was and i was able to do that but just understand when you deal with a certain type of woman right like you would need to put yourself in a position where all right i got receipts you try to come out with sign i got it which i luckily thank god i was prepared from my prior experience what i used to do for work he was a goddamn fbi i was documenting everything so i was like i'm ready in case she tries to come out with some bs but but you know you just got to identify the woman put her in that category and then okay this recreational use only okay this girl could potentially be promoted to helping me out with something and then this girl is maybe just casual so i think being able to like put women in certain boxes just like because women put men in boxes when a girl first meets you at the first minute or two she signs you up all right this dude is a trick i'm gonna put him in the trick box okay this dude's hot i'm gonna bang him okay this dude is cool uh but you know what he's not really that attractive i'm just going to have them help me move when i move or help me fix [ __ ] and like girls put guys in categories i need dudes to do the same thing with women put them in categories well guys got to know too i'm going to tell you this from experience and you guys and i know mike devlin could understand this too have your friend now when you're broke yeah you're not gonna be feasting on them don't think you'll live like hugh hefner when you got some money i'm telling you it's gonna end up terrible for you have your fun now while you broke i know i did man once you get some money you gotta settle the [ __ ] and you down and don't leave with your money don't leave them with that the bag comes with balance right it only goes and when you leave with money they don't respect it anymore facts they don't respect anything but how cool you used to be that [ __ ] evaporates once you leave with money you're like bro real talk right back in the day when i was working a regular job i was feasting bro yeah two three a day easily nowadays with the podcast and [ __ ] we got going on bro dude i just want one you get a lesson one or two two i'm cool with it and that's it because it's a headache bro and you never know what the angle is is it do you really want me do you want to write in the mclaren right i don't know what you really want okay so question question for y'all yeah what is the primary message that y'all are giving your audience for you on your podcast i would say uh you become you get your life together with your money fitness and understanding female nature yeah not to get the girls but so that you don't tolerate the inevitable [ __ ] that that comes with dealing with women because since women are fickle flaky creatures in general and their moods change by the minute you know i'm not saying to sound like an [ __ ] or whatever but women are very different they're not as emotionally stable as we are and their moods change all the time so since you're dealing with a creature that isn't necessarily stable you need to be stable in yourself create the best package you can and then a byproduct of that package is dealing with the women and the reason why i say is because women dealing with them is a numbers game in general so since it's a numbers game you might as well just make yourself as attractive as possible for yourself first and then a byproduct is you're more appealable to a larger demographic of women therefore increasing your likelihood of getting girls and then it's just like sales you know you want to be able to convert a small percentage and you're going to be wildly successful but chasing the girls is where you run into issues versus when you chase the success a byproduct of that is the women and a real quick story i'll tell you guys so there's this uh uh girl that i do when she lives out in texas a good girl whatever real chill and she's very attractive she's a model and she gets invited to these like celebrity parties whatever it is and drake comes to houston all the time he has like a chick out there whatever and uh it's very interesting because i heard this from a couple of different girls when he has his parties or his little private gatherings they'll only be like 5 10 guys but they'll be like 50 to 100 girls right and he'll just invite them or whatever and the thing she said is that he never talks to any of the women there but they're all there for him just clamoring for him and to me it's like that's like obviously that's an extreme example but that's where i want guys to kind of put their mind at that the byproduct of his success is the women are coming they're chasing him and he doesn't even pay attention to them he's more focused on the music uh you know meeting the other guys there the other musicians there and that's where i want guys to kind of be with that crazy abundance mindset like i'm successful when the women come at that he doesn't even talk to them so when you chase the success the women come with it yeah yeah and then i'll just add to that as well regarding guys and living life like think about this right life is not about chasing [ __ ] like let's let's bring it right we all want to get laid 100 yeah but being successful taking care of your family being uh healthy getting in the gym this is the part about being a high value man so to speak and that being said once you get these things like in rotation or you're working on it or you're getting it done packed then at that point you could enjoy life because now you're the point where girls want you guys want to be like you you can inspire motivate or you can either get what you want however having the rp knowledge of saying you know what i can tell if a chick is trying to finesse me marry me for my money right that's important because think about this right you get money you become successful you're a target now big time and real talk let's say you're not even a target you're a regular guy on the street some girls just want to use you you got to you got to be careful now not all women of course but some will so just having that knowledge being successful and working on yourself you can actually be a better man for your family your friends ain't for yourself yeah see all those components play very well until until when you get success because once you become successful and you already understand how women move and all that you can filter them better yeah you're not just [ __ ] everything and getting food and getting your plates rather still your identity or you know what i'm saying before the force yeah divorce money i'm saying you could filter them better because you went through those steps yeah so you know this type of girl is that okay i can watch it and i'll say this too one eye open get her uber earlier before i've been i'm already getting uber gotta work in the morning yeah you gotta be on point you know what i'm saying you gotta move like fbi man yeah yeah and there's one other thing i forgot to say too um the reason why it's so important to get your money on point and get in shape and everything else is because i always say accomplish well competence leads to accomplishments which then leads to confidence and that confidence makes you extremely attractive to women we've brought girls on the show the two things they always say i want a man that's ambitious and a man that's that's confident right right and the reason why is because the confident the confidence is a byproduct of that success and then they can feel that and when you have your money on point you just move differently i can't explain it man it's just a whole other aura where your outcome independent and women can women are very socially receptive so if you come in on this like this is how i am take it or leave it they can feel that and even if they're not necessarily attracted to you like that they're it's undeniable that they're going to be attracted to that aura where you're coming to her with this take it or leave it mentality which is so rare so many guys go up to girls i hope she likes me i hope she likes me but when you go in there like take it or [ __ ] leave it it's like damn this is rare okay this man is intriguing let me see more even if you're not her type she's still gonna want to kind of get to figure it out and if she doesn't it's cool you move on to the next girl but that trait in itself is like you can't necessarily it's got to be developed from real success and it's very authentic so that's another thing and then the other thing too i talked about on the last time was i think uh just to tie into what you were saying right i think guys before you get a serious relationship you need to have smashed at least 50 girls and the reason why that's very controversial people are like oh my gosh troops you're out here telling men to womanize and i'm like well sorta and the reason why is because if you take an average girl now a 21 year old girl versus 21 year old guy girls are running laps around dude sexually like their their their body accounts are higher they're getting more experience with the opposite gender and my thing is the last thing you want to do is have money be successful and then be sexually inexperienced because now you're going to get some boxes oh and then you're going to commit to the first thing that comes at you the first baddie and then you're going to get finesse you're not going to know anything and boom you're done so when you have that sexual experience you at least be able to tell okay this girl is a gold digger or this girl just look at using me for money okay this girl actually [ __ ] me okay this girl i need more time than better but at least you're gonna have that pool of experience that you can draw from be like all right this girl fits into this category i'm gonna move and women do it to us all the time it's just that uh you know women are way slicker about it you know they put guys in a category all right this guy gives me this utility this guy who gives me this utility whatever and i want guys to date like women yeah or you size up a ground do the same i think it all comes down to like having a good level of self-awareness yes yeah uh interpersonal intelligence right because like you're speaking about getting used listen use me yeah i want to be a utility to people in my world you know what i'm saying yeah and my woman's in my world use me right i want to be a useful person right because if a person is not useful they're not really valued useless yeah yeah and people can take you or leave you like yeah i don't care if you leave you know what i'm saying of course people that you rock with you want them to use your yeah but i'm saying like the random chicks that come in yeah but you you should have the type of self awareness to that that's a no yeah that's not even like people ask me like do you ever get you like it's not a thing for me like i don't even think those kind of people are comfortable around me you know i'm saying so you know i i don't know maybe whatever vibes or energy i put off i never encounter that you know what i'm saying so i personally don't know that that is one thing that i can't talk about because i've never i've never really dealt with that i'll tell you this um you're you're 100 right by that about that because when a girl meets you she could size you up and be like all right i can't finesse this dude but i could finesse this other guy so like you know i had a girl i'll chill with and you know she she's attractive whatever it is and um like with me she doesn't try to play that but other dudes should be getting them to take her expensive restaurants you know all this other stuff and shane she don't even really smash them or mess with them like that but girls know right away okay this is this type of guy i can't finesse him and i think that's a very powerful tool to have as a man but that only comes from that experience that confidence and then they just know all right this isn't the type of dude that's gonna spend ten thousand buy me a louis bank just because i asked for it like you know what's scary the guys that are out there right now the rappers and celebrities that are don't know this knowledge are not self-aware like that's something colombia right yeah face down a little baby in the car i'm like what the [ __ ] this little baby just calling her phone and she wants to use them for like bags and clothes i'm like but he doesn't even know what's going on yo come back to the state yeah but he don't care he don't give a [ __ ] i know he's not here you gotta understand that he says he does that on purpose so yeah it's a certain level like yeah you know there's been times when i'm not when i'm single when i was single there's a lot of [ __ ] i do because i want to like you know what i'm saying just to you know using what i have you want it all right but this is gonna happen you know what i'm saying and you don't i don't care like i have no attachment to it it's different i think it would be different to where if it was a person who's you know digging into their savings yeah and they really you know what i'm saying that's what i i don't happen because most guys like they yeah i look at it like like we we try our like we tell guys not to trick but i get like a lot of guys do it but it's like i always say like you know girls thrift strap with their bodies men their shop with their lifestyle you kind of want to it's going to sound [ __ ] up this is toxic advice but like you want to kind of dangle the carrot like yo this is a lifestyle live you could possibly be a part of it and then that's going to draw her in but then when she deals with youtube like okay he this dude ain't going to try to like he ain't going to buy me nobody i did that my whole life i still do that like my girl she's just now getting [ __ ] because she got to earn it like yeah i'm saying and i do [ __ ] for because you're my partner like what i'm saying i need you to we got to build together yeah right i just can't give you nothing for nothing yeah your main chicken yeah i'm insane with that like i'm straight dangling all this [ __ ] ferrari's gonna go for a ride you would come back smash get out of here yeah i'll get you a flight spirit [ __ ] because you brought up a good point like if it's your main chick yeah treat her well she's helping you she's supporting you whatever is your main girl yeah like to treat her right right because um you know she's at that point she's earned her stripes she's basically the vice president of your company she's the mirror of you so she can't be looking halfway that's looking all the way and that's the thing well like but randomly you have that one like it's for me it's important for other women to see my woman and be like damn yeah she's well taken care of yeah somebody love her you know what i'm saying so it'd be like everything i'm always like trying to level her up you know what i'm saying so that is the ultimate vibe but yeah once again like the stragglers all of that [ __ ] yeah the random [ __ ] is nothing yeah nothing there don't trick on the random girls man if you're gonna spend money on a girl it's got to be your main chicken thing the dudes that do it [ __ ] this one rich crazy that's the night yeah the rapper [ __ ] like that you can't really count that yeah they acting crazy that's part of lifestyle right but but for regular dudes with money [ __ ] it there's a lot of lame dudes out there oh there's a lot of lame people out there you know what i'm saying it is what it is a whole lot just it's scary though because like that messes up the whole marketplace it's like you gotta be up here does it though let's talk about that i hear that a lot yeah does it really yeah because it's think about this right the title comes from somewhere they didn't just come up off rip but guys are buying them buys trips all that stuff and it's like yo you gonna give it to me tuesday excuse me [ __ ] i look like yeah i'm not doing that [ __ ] you'll get trouble yeah that's the standard in my mind but that don't let's not know they just they're gonna run into reality at some point no no but think about it there's so many guys out there nowadays just like that that whenever rowan is like yo like what you said i don't think you're mistaken bro yeah you got to think about this when we talk about men in the top 1 5 one percent one percent right it's a tiny part of the population most men like i've heard the argument about like you know women they all want a man making a hundred thousand or more yada yada i'm like okay so they should it's not reality for most people you know what i'm saying and that's okay but they should want that you know what i'm saying is it would be weird for a woman to be like you know what the average salary is 40 grand a year i want a man who's making 40 grand a year that would be a weird uh ambition to have you know what i'm saying even though that's what they're going to get most most likely but it's just a weird thing to to aim for something so low you know what i'm saying i'll say because i see it bro like is reality is that's that's that's just what it is people most people don't make much money you know what i'm saying right and a lot of people aren't relationships so women are dealing with that [ __ ] it is what it is all it takes is one person that's high value for them to be with and it's like oh this is this new standard so it's kind of like i get what you're saying but the thing is one just takes one person like that to say yo here's the bag but what's the bad part of that what's bad about this because what happens you do get cause i've been through that before too like because i've been sturdy my whole life with that right but you would get backlash like you're lame because you ain't [ __ ] with money ain't doing nothing exactly they look at you like you're screaming and that's cool go about your you're go home yeah you have the freedom to walk out my door yeah but this is so weird like you looking at me like i'm tricking on you you're a [ __ ] ball yeah yeah it's fascinating that you're calling me this is your friend you don't have a car it's crazy though listen listen listen listen i had a girl that i used to date it's bad like a perf perfection you know i'm saying a black girl from brazil you know what i'm saying no that's a bad very tropical that afro curly hair [ __ ] yeah yeah just perfect right tomatoes so we were hanging out then we got to a point where we were like i could really [ __ ] with her now and she she seemed to be in a good in a good space so moved her out here and we chilling and [ __ ] is [ __ ] perfect so you know she's she wanted to do she bored instagram [Music] one thing that i despise is a woman talking to me about instagram oh girl don't don't do that it's not a reality you see my world like i'm busy i'm not doing that let's not do that right so anyway she came at me with something really silly right and this is one of them chicks that get flown around the world be on all the cruises by herself but but i don't i never cared because i know that when she run into a real one she's going to submit and she did she did but she had some some some some issues that she never worked out right yeah so she didn't have her way with this particular conversation and felt you know felt belittled or whatever but i wasn't trying to belittle her at all she just ran into reality and was feeling stupid yeah and she said these two words right two tragic words [ __ ] you oh [ __ ] i said your words have consequences for sure i'll talk to you later ain't no coming back i don't plan on texting calling i'm so sorry i was just stressed you said it you know and i thought it was fascinating because this is one of them situations where i'm sure she's ran over plenty of dudes and said whatever the [ __ ] she wanted to do right yeah and they accept that [ __ ] and probably apologize to her right but i like yeah i this is not you know saying so i'm like you have not a car like it's not like you can just say [ __ ] you and go to your crib right you're insane you what's next right what do you expect to happen after what do you expect to happen after this and if you look at another guy fly you out [ __ ] you a little bit and send you in your way too so another thing about it these chicks think because you got all these [ __ ] in your dm basketball players rappers and all that like you're somebody [ __ ] you're a bum you got nothing going on they just want to smash don't equal they just want to [ __ ] you baby you're not going to be with him like that and even if you are they [ __ ] all these other [ __ ] not letting you know and in in the end of the day you're going to leave with nothing with a couple bags and a blown out ass and [ __ ] they got a little stink on it that's a pre-cum i'm going to have that so so it's like it's like so i don't see that as a detriment to the market right right i see that this is all bad on her she's gonna have a hard time yeah so i'll say this because you guys are bro eventually she'll get it right because she she was almost perfect but you you you don't have enough control over your emotions to refrain your tongue when talking to a person that got you you got you still got more to learn those women are being thrown back into the marketplace and guys are like yo she's so beautiful i guarantee but i guarantee but i guarantee because what she wants is stability she wants to be a wife right right yeah so i guarantee her next guy she's going to be a little bit better you know what i'm saying because that's that's normal hold on i'll tell you this they may say you know what this stung a little bit but you know what someone else will take care of me nah bro she got to go through a few times i peeped out where she at now yeah and it's not that great of a situation it's not the worst but it ain't my level [ __ ] right but i'm sure she she's when you look at what she's dealing with she's up here right right but nice guy decent looking guy whatever whatever make modest whatever but can probably help support her right but she has to be humble to keep that and not because she's never really wanted okay so get this right now she's lower her standards for this guy right because it's not a lot of me's but in reality she don't really want him she don't really want him it is what it is people people don't want women don't want situations often they get into it long enough and then it becomes that's it that's that's normal because we be wanting a bad [ __ ] they want security right a bad a sexy [ __ ] is not the top of the list for a woman no maybe a uh 18 to 22 year old or older when you start getting back yeah when you start getting older women they need they want secure they desire security that's the most important thing because listen we already know life is hard right life is hard you know what i'm saying right so you know they want that security so yeah we see i i'm sure y'all see charlotte sound like damn that you know what i'm saying but look they secure they're stable right you know you know what i'm saying yeah they're so everybody here said something that like really great points and to to what because i see your perspective and i see freshman perspective and what i would say is the underlying thing here is now we just we basically live in a deregulated dating marketplace where the girls crypto dating exactly yeah it's 100 deregulated so like the girls can kind of do and do whatever they want because it's to the highest bidder right so like they can pick whoever they want and what happens is since we live in a d regular marketplace where they're in the buyer's seat now and they get all these offers from high value men well you know shoot them dms whatever a lot of women make the cardinal mistake of of conflating a man's sexual attraction with their relationship values and they think all right well i'm getting these types of dudes hitting me up these are the type of men that i deserve for a long-term relationship and what they don't understand is no these dudes are just looking at you from a sexual perspective only 99 of the time and but what they'll do is they'll conflate the two and think that it's the same thing so they have a higher perceived sense of value and it's it's it's you know i mean we bring girls on the show we ask them what do you think you deserve or whatever and they always put a guy in the one percent meanwhile they're not even average themselves so and you know there's online dating there's tinder there's a bunch of uh uh instagram whatever that have made women have overplayed essentially but the reason why it kind of messes up the marketplace is that and i don't want to say it messes it up but it makes it it deregulates it because now an average man can no longer necessarily attract retain and marry an average woman an average woman feels that she's entitled to an above average or a spectacular man in the top five ten percent of men and what happens is they think well the grass is always greener on the other side i can always do better i can always do better and this is why the divorce rates are high this is why women initiate 80 of divorces this is why most of breakups are initiated by women like women are more involved more interested now in a hedonistic pleasurable relationship with a man that's way above them than necessarily making things work out with a guy that's a little bit above them or at their level because they think well i get all this attention there's grass green on the other side and they compare their life to other people's highlight reels on instagram a lot of girls are slaves to social media i gotta push back on that a little bit yeah yeah yeah i think it's because you're in miami right so i got i have you know people in my life right who are i think high value high quality men high caliber men but they may not be performing financially on a high level just average right but they stand up guys and they got dope women and and i know them women is nobody with money can budge these women you know what i'm saying whether they thinking they might or not maybe who knows who cares but i know that these women are solid you know what i'm saying and you know if a man don't have the money right but he's doing what he can do you know what i'm saying but he's just a solid [ __ ] guy a stand-up guy that's a whole nother level of being a high value man that women are not just going to walk away from because security we're talking about security right yes security is more than just financial security is like emotional security physical security it's like i trust this man like this is i i respect this man like you know what i'm saying a man of respect even if you don't have all the money because i got friends like from my past that are [ __ ] solid you know what i'm saying that they just settle into whatever job they [ __ ] love it they got they know they time off they pay vacation they got owned their house and they good with where they at and i i admire that yeah what i'm saying because for sure for me my life is stressful but i like that [ __ ] right but for them this is easy you know and i respect that because they have a a very good quality of relationships with their people their kids whatever right and you know i know that it's a lot of people who are in that that average earning bracket maybe a little bit above or whatever but in that space they got solid [ __ ] lives no you can't yeah basically um because that that does work a lot because every woman is not in this social media environment right some are just really go to work go home just regular [ __ ] bad bad you are bad who is this baby yeah those are that a lucky dude got right that's a regular guy yeah right he should be scared but the scary part is that he's lucky so what i'm trying to say is that like even though these women exist no no no but she's lucky she's like she is lucky because she get caught up in this [ __ ] trying to find something like this exactly yeah exactly what i'm saying is that it's it's scary that finding these types of women is difficult is what i'm trying to say like if you if you take a very attractive woman right i always say the hotter the girl the less tolerance she's going to have for you know for financial ineptitude or you know lack of game awareness whatever like her tolerance level goes down the more attractive she becomes and or the bigger her social media following whatever and what we're saying is that all i'm saying is that thanks to the internet it's made the world smaller and a lot of girls think that they deserve better than they actually really do and what happens is since women think they could do better it ostracizes a large portion of men that would have been good candidates for that woman had she not had her nose in the clouds thinking that she's better than all these guys and we know we got the studies to show like with tinder like women find like 90 plus percent of guys is unattractive or below average and these are women that are like overweight and not the most attractive but that's what the internet's done it's just almo it's inflated their egos to a point where a lot of guys that are good candidates aren't even seen now by women and like you know maybe what but before the internet maybe you know girl would see 50 of the male population now she's only seeing like five or ten percent you know what also happened you know what played my bad you know what plays into that yeah that i always had to before i had my girl you know what i'm saying i was telling chick like a bad [ __ ] you get them on instagram you know what i'm saying you get them to the crib you probably slide them at night midnight you [ __ ] them send them home they come in like two days down the line you want to go to lunch and summer you see them in real life the filters are gone so what these [ __ ] don't know is i ain't seeing you every day in real life with no filter yeah so these rich [ __ ] you think you're trying to get they looking at the filters so once they do get you in real life and they around you a couple of times they realize you're not as bad as you look on the internet and you're annoying so these women yeah and you're annoying these women walk around and think because on instagram they look like that they didn't really like that you're not the same person that's on his instagram [ __ ] yeah who you think you are you're a regular bum for real like so that really plays psychological in these women's brains that these filters and adjusting their bodies they think they're that person so when a real person do get around probably hit them once or twice you get to look at them every day like baby you tight garbage you know what i'm saying so they don't realize that and it's killing late yeah they'll be playing the instagram game winning off instagram but they're not understanding why they're getting hit and sent back to the ocean because you're really garbage in real life you're not that's look at you you don't work out you eating [ __ ] crunch bars every day and [ __ ] see for me though it's like yeah the looks got to be there yeah sorry got to be i'm very very visual physical person but that's a prerequisite anybody i deal with to me is going to be very attractive yeah i need some conversation yeah i'm saying you was breaking it down on their show one time about like women that that that you know i'm saying you can really connect to and that energy and that [ __ ] is real like it's that's the realest [ __ ] ever i've had plenty of women that's dimes perfect tense i'm just like i'm i'm like this yeah i was bored yeah i'm not taking a dinner with my friends because it's going to be wack conversations yeah those guys and i'm sorry but part of part of for me personally part of the dope [ __ ] of of like the dynamic of relationships is that male female interaction and socialization and then a group of friends going out to eat yeah you know yeah get a boat for a day whatever we hanging out we're having fun talking like personality embarrassing exactly i'm proud repping good yeah so over my family like yo she's dope that's right though you know i'm saying so that's a whole component that you know what i'm saying it's got to be there and listen and it's hard it is hard to find it and i don't think it's sad that's just normal like i may find somebody repulsive right personality wise and y'all may [ __ ] vibe you know what i'm saying or vice versa so you just gotta like when you find that one don't [ __ ] around but it takes losing some of them good ones 100 percent to know what it feels like for the fire then like you feel the fire so you get to a certain you get to you know you get you get to a certain age or or level of experience you know like i'm holding on i got you you're going nowhere yeah but here's part of the message because like think about this right most guys want a bad chick and they're like yo she's bad on instagram like you said before person she know all that but when you get her do you know what it takes to keep a bad check and it's funny because they're like oh i got her now uh i'm gonna take her to crib whatever but to maintain these girls bro it's a lot bro you know the weird part about this is that like most guys when they get it they don't know what to do with it so that being said my thing is look find a smooth seven eight yeah cool with that good personality personality over everything a good connection and then you're good to go but like the seven eight that's that's subjective yeah it's like whatever you're good with that's all that matters who gives a [ __ ] with everybody else right right that's where people got to stop giving a [ __ ] what everybody else think that's what i'm saying she's got to meet like yeah she's got to meet a certain looks threshold but when you're vetting for a woman that's like going to be your main chick like the girl that like you know is in your life and you're like doing [ __ ] with like yeah she's got to be yeah you got to be lucky to get a supervisor i'm pretty lucky but you you have to be extreme looking to find a bad one like that and got a good personality you know your jokes and all that [ __ ] cause that [ __ ] is everything for people like us that yeah so hard to get so much stress everyone says trying to destroy us and we got to come home and she make you feel good she know what to say she know what you need you want to come on the piece yeah yeah people everyone wants a bad chick everyone wants a bad chick until they get one and they realize damn this is what's up but what's a bad chick though yeah you know you're you know you're i mean look at this physical physically i'm talking about looks like everyone wants a tank but then that doesn't that doesn't do anything for me uh yeah i had a story like yeah it was a chick from australia she's like usually my girls women come up to them like you're beautiful that's like what i happen to attract right this girl was one of them and the personality is like a rock sleep late i'm up early you know what i'm saying and then you know at az in the summer i'm in house by noon and i ain't leaving again cause it's hot and dying yeah you wanna die for real you know i'll be done back in hours and she's getting up like well you know you don't never take me i'm like oh my god so she was like just harassing like you need to you need to don't stop just don't do that you need to i look plug instagram i go to explore page oh right it's a lot of girls like you yeah yeah you're not going to do that and find a lot of me yeah you're going to find me i'll be back i'll be back in 10 years the world is full of beautiful women physically yes it takes more than that you know what i'm saying and that's what women got to realize is like look you got to develop some personality some character and also like the old school traditional [ __ ] treat your man good treat your man like a king right and he and he got you you you nitpicking and complaining and [ __ ] don't want to hear that we deal with that [ __ ] out in the world man yeah in fact when we come home i want peace that's the last thing we want to come come home i want last night i want peace but women are taught to be competitive to be a boss [ __ ] and all this other stuff and it's like it's like the advice we give the conventional advice that we give to so many modern day women in the west literally sets them up for failure because we tell them to act like a guy to be confident to be masculine i got something for you though i got something with that i just spoke on this on some content the other day we we speak about these modern women all the time yeah but modern men is creating these modern women straight up men are not masculine no more because men are not dominant no more men ain't holding it down that's why they these women got to go out and hustle their ass off and get this job and do this and damn i want to go to hustle up to pay for her own trip to tulum and show like that women are the ones ones that simulated it though i don't think so bro it's a void listen i've dealt tell me if y'all have dealt with this like i've dealt with many women that's just just me being a normal dude with them they're just blown away yeah yeah for sure yeah i've never no one's ever no weirdos it's like this is normal yeah i'm saying this is normal i will say though that like think about this right feminism started this yeah feminine feminism did not make men soft no men a lot to happen obviously there's a lot of like weak guys out there that don't know how to stand up to women but it's like think about this though right we i came late to how women treat us so i guess you're kind of both right it's watching what you're saying you're saying like and then men are scared to get me tooed and all that stuff so they calmed down and made a weaker week nah bro i don't give a [ __ ] because the me too [ __ ] is kind of new yeah men ain't been holding that [ __ ] down for a minute you understand listen men ain't been holding [ __ ] down for a minute like the era before us right like my grandfather's error was men right yeah that was men yup you know what i'm saying the error after that like my father's there and i'm not putting my father in this group but that era of men they think they pimps right you know what i'm saying they they they it is reversed right and i feel like men now like yo y'all soft like i deal with so many soft men they're just well you're intimidating i'm like why i'm just here i'm just being me men there's a void of masculinity right and that women can't take can a woman take your masculinity away so or a woman's movement i'll give my perspective on this so here's the thing it's both ends so what happened is feminism came women started to earn their own money be you know be more independent etc and men typically men are deductive problem solvers right so men okay problem i want to get sex what needs to be done to get sex okay uh tell the girl what you want let me let me uh adhere to this bs propaganda of i'm gonna be a supportive man i'm gonna be a feminist whatever so guys do and say and acclimate to the situation and adapt to get the sex so a lot of guys are under the concept okay well if i'm more understanding i'm more in my feelings i'm more and there's there's a whole issue you know you know you look at the music you look at contemporary culture you look at you know television like the simpsons uh family guy whatever they they show the man as a bumbling idiot and this is what a lot of guys in the west are growing up to seeing where men are bumbling idiots women are strong and powerful and leaders etc and then guys kind of feed into that narrative and they think well okay it's okay for me to be inept and everything and girls are gonna accept me and the reality is what society tells you is attractive actually is not attractiveness the things that society tells you not to be toxically masculine dominant assertive non-agreeable these are things that actually make you attractive but we do so much to tell little boys to be more with their feelings versus telling them you need to be stoic and you know a rock and be more masculine everything else like that so i mean it's a combination of the two because no one can take your masculinity from you but we also definitely have like a female first society that indoctrinates men to be more soft and tells guys oh the female way of thinking and the female way of doing things is the correct way to do things and this is all over the west that's why so many guys i think that i think that that's more let's be honest i think that's more of a white america thing the like femininity really have an impact on people that has no impact on nobody in my family nobody [ __ ] that i know right nobody that's not even a thing right now what is a thing and what i see like broadly especially in our community is [ __ ] not handling responsibilities right [ __ ] being bums right you know you could be a tough guy all you want but you start getting older you know how many people i know name killer that was killers back in the day that's that's like you killer this you know what i'm saying remember 50 cent damn homie in high school you was the man that's [ __ ] real it's like [ __ ] is so cool when they're young yeah and they reach they peak and then there's nothing else there that that's in the black community people in a black community yeah bro almost happened to me you chased the cool more than everything else so you trying to be cool going out to see bnc and all that [ __ ] and sport now you know what i'm saying but you really go home you got to get on the bus so you got to park your car around right now right so you're trying to be cool but you're really not being successful right that cool crushes people and and i lived in a long life of being cool when i really like damn i really ain't got nothing for real then i adapted to really getting some success then it changed my whole perspective too that's why dad is so critical you know it's we we we have a lot of fatherless homes and that's why so many guys kind of grow up because i always say the father if done correctly keeps sons out of jails and daughters off of stripper poles and in african-american community let's be honest like a lot of homes are fatherless so you don't have the father you don't have that stable backbone to kind of teach you that society and basically your dad is the first line of defense right to let you know that there's consequences in life if you make the wrong decisions but when you don't have that and then the society has to correct you what happens you have a felony record you go to jail you know you become a award and say whatever it is so that's why a lot of why so many um young young black men are kind of they don't have a path is because they never had that father figure and that's not a woman's fault you know what i'm saying it's a man's fault i'm gonna tell you what i'm gonna break it down bro okay go ahead because all right so early we talked about how you know it's on the woman the man don't want it like it's on a woman yeah [ __ ] you still take care of that kid i'm saying you should yeah i'm saying because that's going to be a young black boy black man who going to be just a burden on society because of you because you don't want to put a rubber on you know what i'm saying it starts right there i hate condoms you know what i'm saying i don't like it because i don't think this is work but here's the thing but here's the thing if i if i if i get somebody pregnant and i don't want it yeah and they're like yo i gotta i can't have an abortion that just sucks yeah but i'm gonna do what i gotta do right you're a good man mike i'm out of there yeah i'm gonna do what i gotta do i'm gonna do what i gotta do because i gotta i gotta say yeah you got kids see i do so it's so different too when you have it yeah because my first son i told him i'm like well we're not we was young i was a parent as a very early age i said well we ain't together we ain't gonna be together we both we ain't got no money right we can't do this it's not a thing so okay and then a couple days later she's like you know what i had a dream of course it's a dream it's in my head and i might have something in my head like she's trying to she's trying to [ __ ] my life up she's trying to [ __ ] my life like i [ __ ] her right right my sister said she's been sarcastic so so you get married i'm like no saying why would you come inside of a woman you wouldn't you know what i'm saying right and i couldn't i had nothing i can say she's right you know what i'm saying so and my family is muslim so my sister got 15 kids her and her husband they're they're salafi muslims good muslims you know what i'm saying so it's like yeah marry get married yeah i'm like [ __ ] but i still handle my responsibilities right all these years and it was hard i ain't going a lot it's hard the rest of my kids it was born out of love right and i love my son my oldest son but that wasn't an ideal situation but i had to [ __ ] man up you know what i'm saying but see you're a strong virtuous man that's why i say it's on the woman you got to pick the right guy like but she got lucky with you listen i i had to in my head i was like i'm not i'll be a child support daddy i told myself that i don't i can't do i don't want to deal with this [ __ ] yeah i'm saying but i couldn't i couldn't i couldn't i couldn't look at myself in the mirror at night and be all right with that yeah so i did what i did i got questions that was on it was a hundred percent on me yeah right now if i was like man [ __ ] that [ __ ] let that [ __ ] do what he got to do he'd probably be [ __ ] killing people whatever you'd be a [ __ ] up [ __ ] just like what we're complaining about but here's the thing right like i had to it was on me it wasn't on her she's just she there regardless right right she's just a vessel with that baby come out of you know what i'm saying it's on us and this is this is the only thing the only place where we differ in not even opinion but tactics is like i feel more of a need to like check young men right because that's all that's on youtube anyway and they're like yo it's on you be a stand-up man a stand-up man you knock her up she don't want it you can say what you want to say but you got to look at yourself in the mirror at night if that girl's pregnant and you know what i'm saying and life sucks and that baby crying and [ __ ] we got to do what we got to do we're not animals that being said though question for the panel right so who in here uses condoms be honest i have before but yeah i'm in i don't need you i'm in a situation do you do it now 50 50. look it i should have done it last time [ __ ] come on man i'll get it i get it what's my name brother okay so get this right if you sleep with a girl right and she gets pregnant right right it's two parts two parties right but ultimately who has the last say she do so so yes i have played a part going raw but guess what the ultimate decision is up to her yeah i can't i can't i can't leave i can't let y'all when she's like okay i'm on birth control she's saying all that mm-hmm or she said i want to get a plan b and all that and she didn't do all that she's lying to you she's running she's a trap star you see what i'm saying now [ __ ] come on now that's funny because i i want to be very late i don't want to want it to be uh misinterpreted like what i'm saying simply is that if a woman sleeps with a man and she has a child against that man's wishes she's got to be able to eat and accept what comes with that now i'ma say this like personally me i'm gonna take care of the kid if i got to go pregnant that's me but i cannot put every other man under the same mindset that i'm on because a lot of guys are going to be like well if you're going to do it i had no choice in this so [ __ ] you you should though you should i i agree because you're a leader you have a space i'm going to say you should because people you're influencing over millions of people like you say you are a black man and i care about how they look at you yeah him and him you know what i'm saying well that's what i'm saying they should take care of the kids but they should but but what i'm saying is listen you have a platform right in which people come to you for advice yeah and they get it and they they go run with it right so you you're you're saying to me that you know that is very unideal for me if i don't want to have a baby with this girl and i got her pregnant she want to keep it but i must still handle my responsibility to take care of it that should be the message to these [ __ ] because they should be doing the same thing bro because look all of these dudes like when i'm talking about there's a void of masculinity because it's a void of fathers yep you know what i'm saying they don't know they don't know what to [ __ ] do right and look oh that [ __ ] crazy bro we make women crazy yeah let's keep it 100. if we don't we're weak we control like when you're in a relationship are you controlled by women no is the vibe of the relationship on her never know ain't never that's never the case it's on me crazy if it's if it's a lot of turmoil a lot of yelling is probably because i'm i'm allowing that [ __ ] and feeding into it you know what i'm saying because me personally i don't deal with that kind of [ __ ] i don't argue you know what i'm saying so if i'm in a situation i'm arguing all the time it's my [ __ ] fault i'm a dummy like i'm yelling with this girl right i'm out of my element or that is my element because there's a lot of dudes there's drama queens yeah what i'm saying so we always control that [ __ ] yeah so i understand that here's my perspective mine gains i'll take care of the kid and i tell guys if you get a girl pregnant you should take care of the kid because at the end of the day that's your seed you should take care of it shouldn't be a burden on society right however what i will say also is this for the women out there you need to pick your mate very selectively if you're going to have the child because at the end of the day what you're doing is when you have the child and you're with a guy he's under really no obligation unless you take him to court whatever to support you and help you with the child so the woman has to be intelligent and move right and assume like i just like i tell all guys hey assume she belongs to the streets until proven otherwise right like she's gotta a qualified you the woman also has to go in with that defensive mindset if she's going to let a man impregnate her and be prepared is this guy going to stick by my side and you got to pick a good virtuous guy because even though we're saying here hey you should take care of that seed and i agree with you mike you should but let's be honest a lot of guy or a lot of guys going to have that virtuous mindset like i'm going to take care of this kid no they're going to just leave and dip so i want the women to know that a lot of guys aren't going to stand by you and you need to adapt accordingly understand that guys that think the way we do aren't necessarily common a lot of guys are going to run run and we have this that's a show like look at how many single mother households we have that raise their kids so i want the women to go in educated knowing that if you're going to have 100 authority you need to be prepared for 100 responsibility and if the guy decides to stand by you with the kid then you'll have the 50 responsibility but you should never assume you're going to have 100 percent response 100 only 50 responses but you just gave a long breakdown yeah right to what for what women to expect right but here's the thing everybody youtube the demographics on youtube is very interesting yep it's 97 men on youtube right so all of our channels is the same right you know what i'm saying so you gave a a a a long uh very rational and accurate breakdown to women but not to men because that's mostly who's listening to you you know what i'm saying so even though we see nothing but women on your channel that's not who's consuming the content is dudes yeah that's just a fact like everybody's [ __ ] is like yeah on youtube right and this originally started just real quick this original debate started because we had a feminist on and she was trying to say something about single motherhood or whatever and i said well if a woman is a single mother and she ends up like living a tough life that's on her and that's how that debate kind of got started actually you were on that panel that day with that girl that's how i started i agree because i've there's girls that are just friends of mine that they got themselves in a situation and and we're talking i'm like so what you're going to do yeah oh i'm not getting an abortion whoa but y'all not even your [ __ ] ain't even tight like why would you do that yeah don't think this guy's going to be around but that's not right mike i know it's not right but that's reality right however for the dudes like let's say they get away let's say child support don't catch them right it usually does yeah it does it's good it does like this is what happened i know [ __ ] no passport no driver's license and you oh enough they take your eyes to jail yeah you know arizona they'd be doing roundups oh they do roundups they actively look for dead it's like a deadbeat dad [ __ ] for us arizona they don't [ __ ] around differently you're not gonna escape but let's say you get away from that karma's a [ __ ] fellas you know what i'm saying you don't want that on you yeah you don't want that on you and it's like when you have a lot when you got them dark clouds [ __ ] ain't gonna be good for you you're gonna you're gonna be capped on how successful you become it's true you know what i'm saying just not being able to sleep at night like knowing you got a kid out there that you're not supporting that's why i wouldn't be able to do it because it would be for my old self-conscious like like i have a child out there that i'm not taking care of so i would do it personally my iron gains i would do it right i want the women to go out educated understand you have 100 authority which means you need to be prepared for 100 percent like i said i always said i'd be like [ __ ] [ __ ] you in the kid but i still pay the money now [ __ ] yeah yeah so is that not enough that's that's fine like i guess at least at least at least that but i guarantee you if you had a speech you see a little man yeah you're going to be around yeah that's right you can't help it i give about five years though [ __ ] you better get just like we give people advice all day right what about you molding a [ __ ] dope ass human the coldest thing you could probably do that is that that is incredible you know what i'm saying yeah so and i understand if you don't have a c yeah you might not even know what that feels like but when you see it it it's like okay i got now i got a different that's your legacy i got a different type of motivation now yeah i'm saying see i don't want to move the goalposts but that's brill here most women use the kids of leverage though they want to get out with a guy whatever wait a minute i'm sorry so most girls use kids as leverage most well sorry some of them okay right and uh in this case like sorry to say most guys they want to just dip right you know what i'll try to make it work and then it's like back and forth that being said in a perfect scenario yes take care of your kid be there for sure yeah but sometimes it's this time this i don't know the numbers right i don't know like how many guys leave or whatever but i know there is guys that's doing their best to take care of their kids and the woman probably not giving them credit yeah right i know they're not letting me even know that i know i know that's the thing i know that's the thing right that's good and they're going to deal with that [ __ ] but i think that most dudes do want to take care of their kids that's what i'm saying because i see i know so many single fathers you know what i'm saying especially guys with good guys around me yeah i think i think i think that [ __ ] is kind of good you know i'm saying for the most part generally speaking um because i see a lot of like like things that are normal like there's always going to be them situations to where yeah she she hasn't he hasn't seen his dad in ever yeah that happens but it's rare you know what i'm saying i don't hear that a lot but i do hear it you know what i'm saying it's just you know people might be dealing with drama with each other or whatever they hate each other but they still both trying to see their kids and [ __ ] like that we hear it a lot but granted you know we deal with this all the time with it with our people people right right people guys that we help with so like we hear so many horror stories about that she doesn't let me let's see my kids she makes me pay this money you've always got to be like because i you know i remember one time getting a haircut man this cat in my house and not my current barber shout out to trippy that's my guy but there's a dude before him i'm just testing out barbers when i first moved back to cali and he was talking about oh i got to go to court i was up trying to get to see my kid then a lot of rapping and then he going down the line and [ __ ] and he said i'm trying to get my [ __ ] reduced the money i'm like how much you pay he's like nothing i'm like so i'm just listening and yeah i can't see him because i got a restraining order i'm like why oh man uh she said [ __ ] said i punched her i'm like i'm done yeah let's go yeah you got here you know what i'm saying that's crazy it's a lot of like i'll argue for you guys to get primary custody when we when when you hear about let's say toxic masculinity right i don't know what the [ __ ] that is but false term nah it's a lot of [ __ ] that be putting their hands on women we cannot listen i look this [ __ ] up right the numbers are staggering i've been incarcerated for a violent offense right you know you know how ninety percent of the dudes that were in there with some kind of domestic violence you know not the time [ __ ] down the street it's over a woman yeah so we can't act like men don't be doing [ __ ] up [ __ ] oh no of course i'm saying majority of the time straight up on that that show that was udl what is it called udy you you do what you you dy udy dude put hands on a girl on that on a little youtube channel [ __ ] i'll [ __ ] you up [ __ ] try to throw in the pool like it was a fight so and this is just on youtube yeah young kids you know i'm saying so it's like we can't act like dudes don't be putting hands on chicks and i'm not no [ __ ] feminist and i'm nothing i'm just a normal dude you know what i'm saying i love i love women you know what i'm saying i'm not silly about the [ __ ] but i appreciate women you know i'm saying i appreciate the homies too but i'm the fact that i love people i gotta keep it 100 with them like my [ __ ] you [ __ ] up i don't know if you did this [ __ ] or not but you need to fix it if you did we got to be like that with each other how many guys didn't do anything and go say you know what [ __ ] you [ __ ] you don't give me what i want yeah you hit me did that happen to you i know guys that happened to and i don't know i don't know anybody that's yeah right now for no reason i don't know anybody that that's happening and the thing is there's no there's no a consequence for them doing that they can do it i don't know listen listen here's the thing yeah that's that's gotta i know the system you gotta have some evidence you gotta have evidence i guess that can happen but that's a that that is a minority of do you think that happens more than men actually hitting women honestly i don't know numbers i can't honestly say i'm gonna tell you that's that's false but all i know is domestic violence is [ __ ] and i don't even want to sound like a [ __ ] activist i'm not but that [ __ ] is [ __ ] very prevalent bro yeah it is and in our community black women don't be telling on [ __ ] like that ever too because it's a it's a it's a they'd rather get smacked up here and there than to turn their man over to the police we just culturally that don't we don't do that you know what i'm saying but we can't act like that that [ __ ] don't happen they do and we should not be on that [ __ ] we should be protectors yeah i mean at this and this is why we tell guys like you got to have an abundance mindset like you should never be at a you shouldn't even real talk you shouldn't even be yelling at your girl and like getting it even yeah even that yelling at your girl you already lost you're like you have no control you shouldn't even like the violence thing isn't even in my mirror because it's like yo you shouldn't even be arguing with your girl like nothing is up for debate like okay you don't like it you should be able to walk away we talk guys all the time you become high value you become the best that you can be so that you have the power to walk away and the girl is going to have the fear and god that you walk away that's the worst thing she'd rather she'd almost rather you you know god forbid you don't you don't put your hand but she'd rather that than you than you actually walk away from her so that's why i went for a woman put her hand on me i'm like yeah even then yeah some chick hit me on camera and i was like whatever but like you guys should never be uh doing that but what i will say too is that even though it's not as prevalent there are women out there that will call the cops and say he hit me whatever hit herself or whatever and a lot of guys go to jail because when the police show up a lot of states have mandatory arrest procedures anytime they show up to a domestic call and let's keep it a stack the men almost always go to jail even though it was the woman a lot of the time that was perfect i had a situation where argument turned into cops being called yeah and i had to go yeah it was i was in and out and no charges no nothing yeah so yeah that can happen but i learned from that i'll never be in a situation to where i'm arguing exactly that's why you don't even know i'm not gonna be yeah and the last time that happened i locked myself in the bathroom i'm like yo if you don't calm down i'm going to call the police yeah right man you almost got to call the cops yourself wherever the call is but that's that's exactly right exactly but this is the scary part though guys like to see like because what professor's perspective is is that it's scary that you have to take these crazy precautions to protect yourself even if you don't do anything because you're carrying guilty until proven man intimidating yelling and tim men are scary bro yeah you shouldn't even be yelling yeah daddy take me to jail for a week i'll go [ __ ] yeah i'd rather be in jail for a week than my woman feel like she's gonna get [ __ ] up having that fear of me of any man you know what i'm saying i don't want that that's not this i say that for an enemy for ah you know what i'm saying that's not cool and i don't even want that for that i just my life is so [ __ ] peaceful now but it's never like we we we taking off the table how much terror women deal with man we taking that [ __ ] off the table bro and in reality maybe because i'm older i've seen a whole lot of [ __ ] but that's majority of the situation i'm not saying that's all man because where i'm from like people like that get they we deal with you know what i'm saying but it's a lot of [ __ ] that's just treating women in any occasion what exists i mean to say that uh violence against women doesn't exist is disingenuous it absolutely exists um it's just that uh for men my advice you need to get to a point where you have such an abundance mindset that you're not even you're not even arguing with your girl let alone raising your hand better it's not pointless yeah you should you should be like if it's like she's on some bs just like what you did she said [ __ ] you all right walked out very unfortunately that's how that's how it should be i and that works like you won it works even better you won i want everybody in the chat to have god bless you on your path everyone that's watching this [ __ ] right now y'all need to have the abundance mindset where if she even raises her voice at you or she whatever you look her dead in the eye all right you just leave yeah and then that's going to cause her more pain than anything you could do physical feeling because nobody could push somebody's butt in like a woman you know i'm saying but you got to know that [ __ ] and no like bring it down bro bring it down whenever [ __ ] get heated whenever i'm dealing with any woman even dudes like i go low okay that's very unfortunate but let's just stop now i don't want to say something that's going to be disrespectful or something i can't say but whatever but i'll go i'll go down you know what i'm saying because you get loud when peop two people yelling nobody's hearing [ __ ] facts yeah it's pointless it's it look y'all look silly amazing so yeah fellas meditate [ __ ] yeah something you gotta like like you said having that that abundance mindset but having that self-awareness yeah and like like just chill out bro just chill the laws are not in your favor they're gonna take you to jail it's not even for our of a a verbal altercation you can still go to jail guys so don't even bother bro don't don't yell at like just ignore it like the most powerful thing you do to a girl is leave her on scene if i'm going to keep it a thousand like you keep keep your read receipts on guys that's going to hurt her more than that if anything i learned now leaving chick-fil-a is even more important bruh like i learned from i learn from my mistakes bro you don't entertain the stupidity don't ever you being peaceful walking away is going to trigger her emotions even more i messed up right are you arguing with her yes back with you because that time that time when she said [ __ ] you yeah i said you know people's words have consequences and i left she's blowing my phone up baby i'm sorry baby plea baby i'm stressed baby i know that you're with me every year you know what i'm saying but i'm like bro i don't argue i don't chase i just replaced bro at that point look the stress of dealing with that i don't want an army hey you want to argue argue about yourself i'm gonna go over here you wanna argue but here's the thing too like it depends on who you're dealing with right like because i'm not quick to just replace you know what i'm saying this if my like if my woman got into that kind of manic hyper yelling [ __ ] like that and i distanced myself you know i haven't gotten to that point but if i do you know what i'm saying i understand i'm not as emotionally active as her right so i want her to calm down and think about that [ __ ] and we're gonna talk about it like you know saying let's talk about it and if i see if i'm dealing with a person that just ain't rational and they can't recognize that they should then i got to move on but if we could fix it because one thing that that that instagram and social media has done it made us too quick to walk out on [ __ ] you know what i'm saying and whenever we don't because i know me a long time i agree i'm a little bit uncomfortable i'm out yeah because i got a couple waiting i want you on this one anyway but that [ __ ] ain't cool i i had to i remember i had to recognize a couple years ago like well i'm dealing with something it's something serious [ __ ] all of this [ __ ] right here yeah because it makes it too easy to like a little conflict out of here right and then i'd be thinking about next we're like why the [ __ ] did i do that right and in the heat of the moment you with who you want to be with you go to something lesser because you ain't with her you got her waiting and [ __ ] so you don't you ain't feeling her like her but you're quickly because you fit in your feelings right now and then you're on this i think putting on ice is a good move though huh as a man i think put putting her on ice and going to the next one let her feel that pain for a little bit i think that's a good move as a man i don't know because it it it conditions you and i be telling i used to tell my homeboys when they get in like bro don't be like me i used to be damaged like just nonstop rotation you know what i'm saying and like that [ __ ] is not fly when you're uncomfortable like [ __ ] like i'm just bored with my girl i'm like i should temporary that [ __ ] go away write that [ __ ] out you know what i'm saying boring girls are good huh i said boring girl no no i'm just saying sometimes you know [ __ ] ain't all this this is not realistic she's gonna be here here yeah yeah so but i used to be so spoiled whenever i'm here come back like get somebody else to keep that [ __ ] high that [ __ ] is not real life you know what i'm saying i you can't sustain that you never develop a real deep meaningful relationship with somebody when you're easily icing [ __ ] and replacing them it depends on the situation doing that doing that is like it feel good that you you have the ability to do that but long term that [ __ ] is not fulfilling at all it looked like it looked weird you always gotta always got somebody different like you not stable i wasn't stable because that was that was me you know what i'm saying i used to always [ __ ] like i'm like i ain't going around my friends anymore because they i don't want them girl they're girls thinking that you know i'm a scumbag and i'm being a scumbag you know what i'm saying so you know that [ __ ] is just like depends on the guy i guess different paths of life because i'm not trying to settle down right now yeah but i think yeah that's that's right that's what you're saying for a long time like you're going to have to have those new to this bad [ __ ] right balance comes with the bag brother i'm telling you you get a couple more years you're getting your [ __ ] your money you run through all this [ __ ] you don't realize i gotta have balance to maintain his bag and make it grow yeah tell me that you've seen it from my own yeah i've done it bro and i was the most vigilante [ __ ] i ever met in my life and once i calmed down my bag got bigger when my balance got better it's a fact bro and people deal with you different when they see that you you that type of person yeah because people like us they're worried that we might take they [ __ ] 100 i'm saying they see you loving on somebody they okay yeah yeah that's some real [ __ ] bro [Music] people that are married have a better business acumen towards other people than people that are single you're right hundred percent you look at you know what he's married to we're on a certain level right i get what he's and it's a lot of when you're hopping around it's a lot that's a lot of energy yeah i'm saying that's a lot of energy bro i go light bro just having one or two are you cool with bro it's way better than having five i'm telling you the headache bro dog though you said like the more busy and successful you are getting you have less girls yeah but you have more quality i'm sure no question yeah where am i picking that well yeah now i'm getting more picky especially with this all this bs that happened before bro yeah i need to learn from my mistake man keep the proceeds be able to prove your case with some bs bro everything in my life is recorded i've never had that me too [ __ ] because i'm like oh is that right oh yeah yeah you remember this save all that [ __ ] guys yeah i'm like i'll be like here you hold it yeah yeah yeah that's that's not a lie tell them see all these cameras record it all the time but this sucks it's got to get to that point where dude's got a damn near have a investigative report every time you know oh you said this okay well actually this country is trump's vice president uh i think it was pence like he won't even meet with a woman alone in a room without a woman he is that it makes sense bro but also but also i feel like to me it's not scary i walk into every situation fearlessly because i i'm pretty good with people you know what i'm saying and i'm not no creep i'm saying you ain't gonna get no creep vibes with me you know what i'm saying and that's to me that's just a horrible thing to be labeled with i don't like being around him it's weird he's a creepy yeah i can't let me looking at me and you know what i'm saying i don't give you attention like that i don't care how bad everybody is i'm just i'm chilling yeah i i used to think i had a great judge of character and like a vet girls but i ain't gonna lie dog once i got to the status and had that crib and [ __ ] it was like three situations happened back to back to back that blew my mind i had no clue yeah one girl trying to steal my identity wow but lucky i'm so lucked up and people really love me thank god that the person is trying to send this [ __ ] to is a [ __ ] i [ __ ] with it right he's like man no mr organic bro yeah god like yeah another time a [ __ ] just left a tampon in my room for no reason like i'm hidden somewhere like no i expect that i expect that [ __ ] yeah it's like why is your panties behind this restaurant yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah bro but but i i do a sweet well back then and then i think it's important for us to understand that like no one's perfect when it comes to vetting you could have oh yeah you're gonna make your mistakes but we're getting more mistakes but we're actually more i would say better equipped to bet yeah we're not perfect right like i thank god i had all that stuff so when this bs came out i was like i was prepared but like but it's like but it's like it's like yeah man learn from our mistakes bro like don't smash girls raw and then pull out like my dumb ass like well he is mine for all young [ __ ] listening focus on you right yeah build your foundation you know make yourself a utility to your community that means useful you know what i'm saying and if you focus on you're going to meet girls here in their own away but don't focus on that [ __ ] right focus on you building your wealth because listen you know the argument about oh well most people are average it was average yep but you that one [ __ ] can step out of that [ __ ] that could be you so don't be like i can't and here's the thing let's say you don't make it to whatever status it is the fact that you're trying every day you're still going to be better right every day small incremental uh uh steps right and women admire that [ __ ] listen it's not realistic for everybody to make x amount of money it's not a thing right but and women would love that but if they they'll accept you if you trying they respect you that's that's the whole thing mission that's the number one thing though they take slow growth yeah exactly exactly ambition right and just qualify yourself to to really be that guy because listen i don't give a [ __ ] like i want to live with my woman for the rest of my life right so it's like think about that [ __ ] like you trying to impress the homies or you trying to impress your you want your woman your your wife or some some someday i'm sure not now but someday to look at you and be proud like yo there's nothing you can say about my [ __ ] like you know what i'm saying even your real friends gonna look at you like a goofy you know you got a good woman you're exactly doing it my [ __ ] exactly exactly that's happened to me when i had my old girl way back in minnesota time like i should be over there with my guys all night and i got the baddest girl in the city they like [ __ ] what are you doing here i'm [ __ ] i'm [ __ ] these [ __ ] what are you talking about they're like go home you got a home beautiful girl shut up my [ __ ] thought i was crazy and they were right yeah and i lost a legendary girl that time yeah and it's a fact stop trying to be cool for [ __ ] man be cool for yourself right goof for people that really love you and carefully they're going to tell you to go the right way right stop just just caught up in the hype and the real talk like the self-improvement guys is so that you can look in the mirror and be proud of what you see looking back at you real talk because like if you if you can't look at the mirror and be happy with what you see then you got work to do doesn't matter that's that's really that's the number one thing is you you can't even think about dealing with chicks or doing doing other stuff until you're right with yourself man i look you got one left to live right quality is over quantity i'm telling you right now bro after a strong point you want quality and look if you get quality you can become the best version of yourself which means fitness mindset finances all that man so real talk man is the full package yeah trust me because i i i ain't gonna lie dog like when i thought when i gave me millions of dollars i'm gonna live in l.a [ __ ] i was going feast on everything oh my i was so like they ain't never seen a [ __ ] like this crazy watch what the [ __ ] i do yeah and once i got there and got it i said i don't want none of that [ __ ] down too dangerous so trust me i'm the most vicious you've ever seen and they calmed me down and the only thing the cool thing about it is i'm sure you've had you did that yeah way up like i did too yeah and and it's like look i just want to chill chill like like quality yeah like the like i turn up for me is a group of friends couples one of y'all what or [ __ ] masters or you know what i'm saying that's that's survived for me it's a fact you never understand it until you get to these to these levels that that's the really way to go it sounds so good and gloria's looking on the outside and they're gonna be having gonna be like hugh hefner i promise you that ain't that [ __ ] is wack and it's whack to be that guy like just in the club like thirsty drooling and you got the bag you look stupid i have to go with girls i don't want to be that [ __ ] i prefer that yeah because guess what i prefer girls girls come to me anyway no i prefer that i like hanging out with women i i do i like feminine energy bro yeah look i get it i'm with the homeboys this is a good time time right but i need quality time with chicks bro i need that so hey let me go to the club hey i'm two three tricks having a great time merchants come through two bags out here cuz i'm going to miami tomorrow and i'm about to have a ball all right how about not the next month how long are you out there until sunday we'll come back on friday we'll probably come back on friday or saturday let's go come on yeah you want eleven friday okay without us come on wait are you back are you back on friday night we're probably gonna go either friday or saturday back to miami the food's fine saturday we're gonna get a boat and just kick it are we right on the boat if you're there bro you're my guy okay really friday then a lot of like nice young ladies are going to hang out you know but now but my woman going to be there [ __ ] a lot of people was like uh two weeks ago my baby mom that's my daughter it's like one of my best friends i'm saying that's a blessing she was here stayed with us we all stayed together you know what i'm saying went to the strip club hung out had a [ __ ] ball me my woman and my baby mom you know what i'm saying that's ideal that's tough most people can't do that that's that's tough but i respect that bro because because real talk like that that relationship with with the child's mother is important bro like you you don't you don't want the child to see y'all fighting or hating each other that's that's bad because here's the thing man like so that's like [ __ ] don't work out okay but that baby conceived out of love hopefully and you know it's like when you like people have baby mama drama for usually two reasons one they still [ __ ] with the girl but not keeping them 100 uh okay or two they not handling responsibilities yeah so if that's none of that's on the table we're good so you know in my life i just want peace with everybody in my life like you know what i'm saying because i think i live my life like this predicated on the fact that i'm going to die yeah my girl hate when i say this [ __ ] but i'm going to die yeah so what's important to me is how you how you how you y'all last interaction with me yeah i'm saying i prefer for that to be pleasant and positive so if i do that tomorrow like damn that was a man that dude was cool i'm gonna live forever you know what i'm saying because there's a lot of people that [ __ ] up when he passed away like the whole community was there and no one could say anything about granddad integrity honest stance show love to everybody family because we're going we're going to die one day we're going to die oh he was a scammer he was this person always nice genuine and a father to his children yeah that's what i would say that's part of my thing is like you know my stuff is gargoyles and all that being hard but i'm fly at the same time with the wings i'm chilling but don't play with me um but on top of that the immortality part is that the people you affect and what you leave behind once you're gone i'm not gonna live forever but my name and my legacy will so what i leave upon my man is gonna keep me alive forever and that's and that's one of my look at someone like like nipsey hustle right the reason why his death hurt so many people was because he interacted with no one could really say anything bad about him because he had done so much for the community he helped so many people so his name lives on way past his his passing so i think it's very important to leave that positive impression on people i like that you mentioned that because you could die tomorrow and if you have some kind of issue with someone or whatever and you you didn't squash it like you don't want that last memory to be oh we never squash it and then that you know that that guilt and that res uh that regret for the rest of their life you know so that's a good point yeah but i have like yeah you know it's people in life that um i always try to clean [ __ ] up right and i had uh a friend that i mean that was my dog right and then we had a period to where [ __ ] just got weird you know i'm saying i was like man [ __ ] that [ __ ] i'm just not you know what i'm saying and you know but i like people that were if you've ever been that like in my life like that like even if we ain't talking when [ __ ] with each other i'll never say [ __ ] that [ __ ] [ __ ] that person you know what i'm saying because i have real love for you at some point you know what i'm saying and that [ __ ] be real so i hit him about the blue [ __ ] maybe about a month ago like bro i don't know where we went wrong it sucks but you're my guy and i miss you you know what i'm saying so no wrong admitting that bro everyone there's nothing that's big to do that and i and i felt i did nothing wrong right but i said i said if i did something i don't know what it is and i apologize you know you got to tell me you know what i'm saying but i would love to chop it up with you just to catch up you know what i'm saying that's hard and then he hit me back like oh bro this is great let's let's talk and then he wanted to like try to like it was nothing there really but i didn't even care right we good we good now you're saying we talk every day now and that's that's how and even my friends my homies like every now and then like you get up you getting a bro i love you [ __ ] you i'm saying yeah it's dope you know what i'm saying because that's important man we need that especially for men you need to try bro like you need like when men especially like you need a a team of guys that you can confide and you could talk to because we tell guys on podcast all the time you tell your personal problems to other men not to not to your girl like that you know what i'm saying like you could tell her hey i gotta handle whatever but like the details of like something that might be compromising right you want to handle that with other men that can actually like know where you're coming from they understand that mask and burner performance and they can help and advise you so yeah i think that's that's important instead of hating us you push each other up help each other make money yeah together i wish it was like that i feel it's like that it's just like we just got to be the exact same many of us that get together right so once we get away from us then the rest of the people we're around it's like i mean you got to worry about them like you can't just walk around this [ __ ] on all day yeah they're going to try to get us you know their own people going to be the first one to jump out there right but she it's see even with that it's like well my life is like look i am a one-man army you know what i'm saying and i feel like some people know that but even when i'm over i can't lie bro when i move around when i'm in delilah or wherever bro i always got somebody in there of course and nobody knows whoever i'm where they have no idea right but just i'm a one-man army right and i got a lot of people i'm important to some people so hell yeah can't [ __ ] happen to me you know what i'm saying but even with myself like i do all the things that's necessary for me to walk around with my strap you know what i'm saying and i know i don't handle my so so even with that like if a brother do try to run i'm like bro it's not going to be good for you every time but right but it's not they don't reflect us as a people you know what i'm saying it's just look it's unfortunate some cats just they they so corrupt they so morally they feel like they gotta resort to that that's some [ __ ] i would never i'm like even when i was in the streets robbery that was not a thing yeah i'm not doing that like you know what i'm saying i did good business with [ __ ] you know what i'm saying i was robbing my plug i never did i never did bro and my plugs bro my plug i had a i had a paisa i didn't have to deal with a chicano i had a paisa bro he was my guy and one night we all went out together he gets jumped it's a legendary night rose in scottsdale i knocked out like four people protecting his ass right because they was hating on him and after that he started giving me the work at cost beautiful things and it blew my mind a little bit up that was a good move right there i like that bro it was it was it blew my mind right but even before that i just did good business with and like people i respect like big meech right his name was good business bro he was sitting like the mexican mafia was like yo bro i mean the cartel was like yo that's our guy that was there he did such good great business people think that this is negative but drugs are becoming legal right it's silly that we even have to deal with that [ __ ] but you do good business wherever whatever side of the law you're on that that that's just the character of your person you know what i'm saying sometimes sometimes people do things that are illegal and we pay i had to pay the consequence meat's paying his [ __ ] right now but but his name is [ __ ] solid that's what i'm saying yeah so that's what it's about because i just drove fear from my crib and that's crazy you said that because i just said that in my video that's going to probably in this video i saw a big ass billboard on the skyscraper with his son playing him on stars right with the big guys yeah like he had the billboard in atlanta but he got a [ __ ] i remember that [ __ ] though that's crazy i was in atlanta around the time i was like yo these [ __ ] no that was crazy it was nice think about this bro the biggest drug dealers well i got an interesting perspective well after you guys go go ahead with a billboard yeah and they were they was pop culture yes they were still there still is still trying to do that and now that i guess it's out like people know what i used to do like i had done like complex large-scale drug investigations before you know with cartels a lot of other stuff and the one thing i will say about the drug game is you know people would be ripping each other all that other stuff and when you do find someone that you deal with that is honorable yeah that like that dude would have that plug and have that line for years you know what i'm saying because the drug game is from the investigative standpoint i know this from my training experience in the past that like most people that you wholesale to whatever they want some grammy [ __ ] they take it they don't pay you blah blah blah you lose the product whatever so when you do get a guy that's paying on time that gets you back your money on time whatever that dude is set for life and he's the first one to get the product so it's very interesting that we're talking about this from different perspectives and angles because usually i was in barbados there's some rum punch it's interesting how we're seeing this from different perspectives but yeah i could definitely say if you did good business you would you would be the one that got the work first and everything for the best prices listen bro i've been parts of investigations before you know what i'm saying always find out after the fact and it's funny because i'm so like how i stay if i sense [ __ ] doing illegal [ __ ] i'm way to [ __ ] away from you right yeah yeah yeah and this is after this is after all of this [ __ ] that i dealt with so and the last situation was with in miami right with my old business partner and the dea the the the the manager over that investigation he contacted me the day that they went and got him at like after the fact he's like sorry man you were you're a casualty to his [ __ ] and but he started giving me the details and [ __ ] and you know we were investigating youtube for a while because we thought it was some kind of connection with arizona and but i'm glad that they see i wasn't you know what i'm saying lucky bro so lucky bro so so but he was like he had respect for me usually you're a good dude man like so y'all are watching y'all are sitting on phones yeah i know and this guy was a bona fide scumbag he is a whole part to him that i didn't even even know that the cop is telling me yeah and he was talking about him with such disdain like he hated him right and it's like y'all are sitting watching people i'm sure that um how hard people start trying to prosecute people have a lot to do with how much y'all like that [ __ ] you know what i'm saying yeah i mean some case agents you know definitely hold resentment towards their target and they go extra hard or whatever and they have a personal animosity but the best way to do is always be objective and like look at everybody but you know when you're doing a case like you know yeah yeah like you're gonna you're gonna have some personal investment in it and you're gonna want to get them and everything but like the best case is typically it's like when it's objective and you look at everybody the same that's how you put the best cases together you know especially with these like because drug case a lot of times they're big conspiracy so so u.s marshals they become hard i mean yeah so they're they're in charge of like um yeah we're typically serving warrants and like uh getting getting fugitives and stuff like that violent right yeah that's okay so that's if you delegate the warrant to them they came for me oh [ __ ] okay and gentlemen gentlemen right he came i mean they can't yeah all right what's your name i like i don't know you told me you know right yeah but he was like i know i know i got you he said look man this is exactly what he said he says because they've been trying to catch me for me yeah yeah he says man you're a good dude you do a lot of good for a lot of people just you know get this behind you and move on with your life you know what i'm saying and i was like thank you you know what i'm saying he took me down to the substation he came in he brought my phone in got pen and paper pen and a pen and some paper says here get the numbers in the number two i'm like man thank you so you know what i'm saying like i was yeah i had to i had to pay the piper but i still lived as an honorable person yeah i'm saying and the thing is had i not maybe [ __ ] would have turned out different for me and i'll say this too from coming from that side like your job is to take away their liberty not their respect you know what i'm saying like you're not gonna you know what i'm saying they're still human beings you gotta you gotta still treat them with dignity so even when you know we would pick somebody up if they're respectful i was always respectful like are you hungry once sunny blah blah i'll go get some from because they can't leave their nutella kfc yeah so yeah yo all right you know i've been trying to wrap it up for a minute but we having a good cause yeah we're about to get a body but we got to do another episode to talk about some of the for sure the [ __ ] some of y'all you're dope yeah yeah yeah it's crazy too because you're interesting real talk like that's why me and organic are so cool because like uh like obviously this before i came out what i said another side like being organic were literally on opposite sides of the law at a time like i did the exact same crimes that he was i investigated the same crimes that he was doing so it was like funny uh but that's why we're like opposites but we're like the same too so that's why i'm so tight with him but we could definitely have that discussion right there you know what i'm saying that area yeah and it's a thin line but y'all changed though like that's awesome successful entrepreneurs yeah like yo like this is the way to go like y'all are successful entrepreneurs like you guys changed like you guys didn't just like oh i'm going to continue to be in the streets like nah y'all turn your lives around and this is what is what guys this is what look we all want to make the positivity good path we want them i want to make it we're not bad people but you know certain scenarios and certain things and you know at the day we learn from it we grow from it and we become better listen uh listen what i used to do was illegal back then and it's not anymore so it just tells you a lot right there okay what i'm saying is not illegal anymore okay so yeah all right yo hey y'all thanks for tuning in i'm looking to you like this camera thanks for tuning in [ __ ] love y'all i'll let y'all later all right later guys that was a good show man no that was a really really good interview what cases what kind of case
Channel: Mike Rashid
Views: 59,161
Rating: 4.8986454 out of 5
Keywords: only fans, veronica, veronicaperasso, veronica perasso, mike rashid, onlyfans, sunny lane, optimus, onlyfans horror story animated, truly, onlyfans review, onlyfans song, logan paul podcast, impaulsive clips, life hacks, podcast guest
Id: 69vIoCMh9Uk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 128min 12sec (7692 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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