[Vinesauce] Vinny - A Hat in Time Compilation

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would you look at this it's a new game it's called a hat in time and we're jumping right in gears for breakfast where's Kyra medic I wanted to see if there is a camera thing where I could change the you know it's funny just seeing the emotional reaction from chat about the word Kickstarter is like unbelievably telling of how many games [ __ ] up from Kickstarter they were reacting to your inverted controls not Kickstarter oh well you know it's funny I uninvited the controller so it's now not inverted so you guys just like you'd played yourself so I need a vault code for that ah bunch of unscrupulous people no scruples no no check it out though it's either that or Oh crikey Oy aye here's the only issue I do have from time to time this when you press the use button on an object that you nothing happens sometimes your character just starts head-banging also that's definitely not Mario cooking up some squids wait I can taunt you can you can taught with the d-pad or the opposite of taunt and courage I found a nice glitch you guys are gonna love this [Music] here it is space the final frontier [Music] these are the voyages of oh how we're done if you want to go Lightspeed you jump on a toaster kind of reminds me of Mario 64 in the sense of like when you do a mission the level changes a little bit the Mafia is not all that bad what the [ __ ] that guy just punched a kid in the face and I was to say they're not all that bad they're pretty [ __ ] bad boy Oh crikey mate Bobby oh boy Bobby not fully friends this is like [ __ ] meat Oh P&L custom then you got to see this custom FOV oh I know what you want you want this is this is this appropriate now PC gamers hey your fov is too small we need more yeah this is good yes [Music] have you not noticed that I'm basically a toddler Oh told you don't be saying [ __ ] like this thank god this hatch into space was sealed with wood that's right nailed nailed right in there I emailed the dev and I said I like I like game and they said yes there are a few devs well thank you for showing up bye I hope your game doesn't suck but so far it doesn't let's let's just say this if some of the devs were here for my ukulele stream I don't think I'll be getting a copy of ukulele to use it on the Orb machine to gain cute rewards cute rewards the last thing I want is something cute [Music] the dive in Mario 64 was on one of my or my favorites aside from tilt the stick from right to left very quickly the side jump tilt your stick from side to side come on it's time to go boom a side jump can we just look at this for a second here hi are you corrupted I am from a farming I've seen every corner of the earth and now I sell tiny pieces of my discoveries you may call me the bad seller for I sell and trade badges I can provide you with strong abilities and upgrades to your head if you have money of course you may call me [Music] you could guess the winning lottery numbers a second before they happen oh oh yeah freaking through that someone in charge said you couldn't use it to prevent minecraft from happening it's like we never met maybe I could go back in time and make it so that one the first time I saw you I put an umbrella across your face mush that mustache girl has pickpocket in half of your ponds oh okay I like how the meter only existed for that sight gag greetings user undefined user welcome to your home computing experience open application fun I like how fun and internet are two separate things bark you bark it is really quite sonorous sonorous sonorous Soner sonar sonorous you go through the gates and arrive at a grassy clearing there is a large Canyon here exits are north and south jump you try to jump the canyon it is possible it's possible you didn't know how big canyons are maybe that wasn't appropriately described right now so no one's allowed in her only insured for birds staff letting you in would be a liability don't even think about sneaking inside I have a question did the world explode did it explode are we still here we're here right okay that's good only birds allowed trespassing - 7,000 you would [ __ ] damn it - 7,000 Vinnie you have two pairs of sunglasses on oh so I do oh oh god damn it from a certain angle that horse looked like a battle droid Brad you're right here oh it's bird Elvis magnificent study this trophy is everything I desire it sounds like the we shop music you guys are right did you not know there was someone in the room I see is it true inner beauty an innocent soul with a heart of gold [Music] you tell by the double sunglasses I caught to say though I disagree I think penguins are fine actors you've not seen March of Penguins or is it march of the Penguins they were great oh thanks aim with the [ __ ] Scottish owls is the picture darling you have to look classy and funny step right over here let's take okay put on a smile and stand still please don't move [Music] let's see how the picture - darlin you move the piece is ruined how could you we've gotta fix this ugly mug shot up with some old fashioned photo doctoring here take these markers and turn yourself into the most stylish fashionable young lady what really okay look I got this [Music] perfect let's slide this picture into your passport you just call me Eleni in time please wait a minute are you telling me it's mental I can imagine the developers like who is this crude human being we gave this game to is is he ok medically why does he shout balls in a weird voice when he dies what's wrong with him oh oh slot machine was up well here's Berg all I made the bug it's a match you've identified a relic from the strange planet speedster comet detected [Music] it's not a snack I tried it tastes like fabric okay this game is this game is hopelessly cute [ __ ] cut damn this game warms my bitter heart so we'll do that this was gonna be a one-off but the game won me over No listen I'm sorry Roomba here let me let me make it up to you see but give me smooches smooches the smooch button was added literally the Monday before the game launched really of course it was all right I'm playing like [ __ ] trash right about now so we're gonna we're gonna play less like trash oh [ __ ] now this game captures so many little things that I just I love that it does this just so many little distractions oh it was a trick Julie zombie ghosts [Music] you decide now this is where cuphead begins yeah [Music] wait no I need that you feel exceedingly empty inside truer words have never been spoken [Music] we want to die [Music] they got what they wanted and that they died doing what they loved the most dying plug your ears now you can only hear vague mumbling this bassline is like kind of stanky I mean that in the best possible way [Music] drums are nice too the way they're mixed like the way they sound the feel that plus the bass bro the phone sonnet sir like Cocozza Manjit a bunch Boop oh I'm making up words now but yeah Mangia means eat cut so on Giorno biblioteca hmm minions which even the name the word minions gives me agita or toilet of doom here let's let's do this one okay so spoopy mansion [Applause] oh my god I was just talking earlier about how games don't scare me that got me [ __ ] got me [Music] oh okay oh I see I had to close the piano okay why that was such a difficult task for me [Music] holy [ __ ] compared to that sound [Music] yeah she probably heard that too whoa Oh Stan did you tell Joe Sunday towel oh [ __ ] well so I love the way that snow looks that's really nice I don't know why just a minor detail like that and the light of the stark lighting too unlike the floor could you imagine not playing this game because of some dumb reason [ __ ] raisins man it's always them California Raisins ruining everyone's fun take me for a spin rumba [Music] holy [ __ ] ah gettin me dizzy there is no Pepe Silvia I go to the mail room dude it's lettuce for Pepe Silvia I can't find it by Silvia I have to go to bed [Music] then if you use the computer and type boobs something special happens okay well internet search enter search term [Laughter] achievement unlocked why Cabaye Mike oh I was cool at least the game was self-aware enough to be like Oh glitch glitch reset illegal jump Operation reset player location would that it were Skyrim be stuck in there until you reload your previous safe green its link time look guys Zelda I was told there's an easter egg oh oh [ __ ] mustaches rule I told you about haunted mustaches so I'm gonna need that hat [Music] no hat I have know how oh [ __ ] yeah this is this is pretty good [Music] I don't understand I think the potion has to hit him oh my god this is [ __ ] crazy blue-blue thing [Music] now you can turn blue [Music] [Music] well [ __ ] I hate this no no I don't like those shockwaves [Music] there's one oh you have to search for the real one I'm in like full total concentration Wow god damn it and as soon as I wasn't I took damage [Music] no damn it [Music] how do I know which ones real how do I know which ones real [Music] [Music] gotcha all right let's see the terms get out or just get out you get out just get out someone in check called her the queen of japes I like that [Music] you got your soul back you feel relieved energized in just the usual amount of empty oh I need my hat's back douche bag I mean Satan friend Satan friend date 12 this guy I do his dumb jobs and then he tries to double-cross me I beat him up and now he just wants me to go away but he also like can't make me so whatever okay fine but your house sucks so if you were here last time I finished spoopy world and then I kicked the guy's ass you know the big bad depo L is asking me a pizza question on how to make a good pizza honestly I really have no idea I've made a couple but only through red bib blumpkin apron and it's you know it's ugh it's all good it's kind of it's cool it's been ok so I kind of know how to do it but it's it's not like I'm not an expert at it so I can't really answer your question because I don't know how to make a particularly amazing pizza I just kind of blunder my way through it I know how to eat pizza and I know where to eat pizza I like how people are calling me a fraud Italian like it's it's in our bones this is a true story but it is the destiny of all Italians to make pizza on a weekly basis it's not just like a genetic thing it's it's actually destiny like it is written in our in our Bible what's the name of the Italian Bible I wonder the spaghetti the brush hole yeah the mercial you are truly by hero oh thanks it looks like you're wearing a disguise I like the one in the back who's basically in a tee pose so when a chat recommends that the Italian Bible be called the holy cannoli yeah that shouldn't make me laugh but it really does what name uncle [ __ ] I see I see this is the kind of uncles sisters maiden name I would expect from a fellow Express owl can you decipher the scientific formula for me it says the cake is a lie I see the solution is obvious Thank You fellow Express owl hello Federal Express owl do you care about security I care about security a whole lot yeah should not be going around telling information to strangers it could be a security risk I don't want anyone getting into my runescape account help your daily life become more secure what is your favorite combination of letters and numbers [Music] and see I see is also my favorite combination of letters and numbers which body part of yours are you the most ashamed of fellow express our p NS XD are you i don't you better get your doctor I already got the achievement when I search for boobs on the game's internet if you weren't here for that stream just don't worry about it but the listen the chat told me to do it [Music] time solving outfit this is deep purge snake my name is deep dish that begin believe even more this is Dennis [ __ ] giving me that it's like how I would voice the line the conductor is voiced by Xander mobis the smash4 announcer yeah he's done a couple things he does a pretty good Scottish accent man the conductor is now an available suspect oh cool this just became clue yes good yes [Music] [ __ ] is talent available suspect you don't say ya chats going mental right now cuz I'm not playing the game the way I was intended to they're going mental I think I spent more time reading chat than actually looking at what to do and then when you guys were like your sequence breaking Vinnie what are you doing it just my brain was like what god what am i doing yeah what am i doing and then I just just logic went out the window that's the best answer I can give you not that there needs to be any answer sometimes stupid and that's it the little girl had the ugliest penis oh my god this is what you've done tonight should have been at Vinny turns chat off night there's been no advantage I don't know I kind of like sawdust I can't I can't let this happen I just couldn't let it happen hoody has been saved [Music] the victim is now an available suspect way wash yeah I believe that if if there wasn't an there was in fact a shanking said shanking was done intentionally by someone I was not supposed to dislike I'm being very vague on purpose but the point is I think it was too embarrassing to say I was I was stabbed so fell on a knife I was in the kitchen and the knife was there on the floor and I fell in it right above the shoulder below or right below the shoulder blade holy [ __ ] anyway oh [ __ ] now I'm an available plot whoa plot twist let's just say plot twist [Music] but what is and had kids hat burger lollipops space candy bars I'm a matter who's the Meritor which one are you dead protect and serve at all costs we've got eyes everywhere and we saw nothing what you looking at me for picnic I had to do it or the voices wouldn't stop yeah it's obviously that you can't blame a dead how all I mean you did it y-yes it all makes sense they saw the Express I will all by himself a lonely victim in your master ski heat society and it's rapidly increasing progress of transportation use straight down the first passenger you saw his body weight like a mannequin with blood spilling everywhere and the smell whoa yurina demons the chat were the inner voices you made me do a chat one by one like an honorable thing for blood how it happened wasn't it you retired in cold blood actually I'm fine he just stuck this fake rubber knife on me and told me to play dead it's actually right no matter who you choose so I no matter which path I would have chosen it would have been the same outcome again proving that the destination is less important than the journey [Music] [Applause] remember it's not about the destination it's about the murders you made along the way gravity is a little weird I mean we're on the moon [Music] it's like I entered a cheat code [Music] remember cheat codes in 64 [Music] the Nerds remember cheat codes [Music] you appear to be distressed my penguin friends [Music] fan club oh my god this Bank of fan Cubs if only they were baby bears you could call them fan Cubs this cooking show hosts have a terrible track record of getting angry and swearing on screen try not to use the p-word okay don't say PE ck I already used the P word in the previous level it was ugly even the biggest celebrities happy now tell us darling what kind of condiments do you like on your tuna sandwiches look at the mouth on this young girl as soon as you came the 40 bold ones watching TV notice what [Music] no it's look at that look how many points I got Peck [Music] going from maximum fame it's time to stage a fake death and then rise from the grave please do not lewd [Music] [Music] jeez man you think this disregard for safety would be good for movies but I just watched it like a [ __ ] car blow up a Briscoe Susie's new movie and they were safe it took them hours to make sure everyone was safe this [ __ ] Scottish bird conductor Pinguino is a [ __ ] madman it's not really a penguin Oh is he right here super some pure platforming almost a little mayro style oh [ __ ] hey band owl band with what [ __ ] kind of train is this [Music] mistakes were made [Music] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] I don't push I don't understand do I have to what do I have to do all of them have to get all of them activate all okay I don't know I guess I thought I could cheese it no cheese here oh geez oh geez oh geez [Music] oh you made it indeed time [Music] I'm just gonna play the level wait you know what whoever wins wins don't get in the way of a band it's funny if I read the chat it's bad and then chat yells at me for not doing the game the way they want me to if I don't read the chat it's the same thing I don't I can care anymore you hear me I'll Peck and care [Music] yes good nope no no no no don't knock into me don't knock into me heck [ __ ] banned please hello I just saved the day I saved everyone from exploding and my band is still beating the [ __ ] out of me [Music] fireworks should not be homing missiles we really need to put a ban on homing fireworks okay that goal accomplished i won the annual bad movie award once again this tiny and significant movie prop I can probably sell it on eBay for dimes and nickels yeah this guy sucks - yet expecting mode or something go soos get eight ahead I never want to see your ugly mug again I won you that award [ __ ] [ __ ] pecking jerk [Music] here we got what you you again out here you know back out in space dot rot oh no shits all [ __ ] up Vinny should I drink a soda pop no I would not recommend a soda pop it's too late for that it's nighttime you don't need the sugar trust me trust me what I ever steer you wrong me a broken husk of a human would I ever steer you wrong virtual friend vineyard Oh Binyah Binyah cos do you like sprite Vinnie I don't drink soda if I can I mean this is coming from a bias so when you ask me for Vinnie should I drink a soda pop the answer is no I don't drink soda pops the only time I have a soda pop is is when I'm at Six Flags because that's the right that's the right time for it but yeah soda is just a weird thing for me because it I used to drink soda I will avoid it as much as I can I'll still have it if it's really all there is left at a thing or whatever I'll have it I'm not really saying good words right now but you know what I mean but yeah strangely whoa strangely I'm okay with having a soda after riding a big fucked-up rollercoaster and that's about it any other time I try not to okay back to paying attention thank god the game is a little generous when it comes to locking on to these wires it's been an extremely helpful that's not helpful very much so let's see if you say something with enough conviction you could make it sound real it'll get done when it gets done do what you got to do someone I just said I love you son I'm sorry that you had to say that okay yeah $6,000 that would that would probably upset me that would definitely that would upset me yeah but the difference is I would probably only ever lend out like ten bucks like I'd give more but lending not so much ten pecks badly stacked boxes my favorite industry my favorite company then he so you'd give me $1,000 but not lend me 11 it depends on how close we are and it depends on the reason couple hundred bucks a little toward your my my life my back waxed Oh God you know rules one smooth back now this is dankey kahng country oh I don't know why I did that that was a prop let's see what's going on over here I don't know if that door was the way berrak guess we'll go through the door there is no door the label reads ticking clocks you think of one being advanced and shiver please do not let hat kid be in pain are they laughing about penises again oh god I just died just [ __ ] a keyboard real mistakes were made real mistake doors I mean you know I tried tried to cheese it a little bit and you guys weren't kidding this is a very long level this is a very very long level I mean I really don't mind the game is really fun and a huge part of that is the game engine and the controls being so good [Music] anyone else getting like kind of golden is vibes from this music I lied about the game engine [Music] no reflections no purchase whoa it strikes you that this might be the gaudiest most excessive thing you've ever seen it doesn't look like there's an easy way to take it with you either shame Jesus Christ this room some some girl conductor the crows murder on the owl Express okay that's just straight up the Blade Runner font all aboard it really is though I'm not kidding take a shot once upon a time on the science Express in a land in a world in a man a squirrel [Music] Oh only ow it's a [ __ ] grinder risk of getting cut this summer aids this evening Phil Collins will get the help he needs in AIDS you know like people to help him get around his house because it's old old basement dear yeah this last tame piece is all mine if you want it you're gonna have to take it from me cold dead hands [Music] well [ __ ] gladly [Music] all those lackeys are here throwing tomatoes at me the portal marrow to total marrow [Music] the knife it's slice it dice they love it they love it look at look at this oh [ __ ] where'd you get cars from isn't it about time you [ __ ] off [Music] for that health what really ever since yet arrived on this planet these timepieces have been fallen from the sky I can understand what's right the loss of a ward for tea dear I need just one time please to fix this mistake I just fear just one time peace no greedy yayoi-san sir I just did a single one and you're wrong here no if you want this same piece back so bad come and get it [Music] what is this device the bomb this time it's attached to you instead of me lovely teen I love that owl just hanging off the rafters the mad cut that he is I'm sorry I didn't choose you DJ but if I did that you would have been the villain too [Music] I'll [ __ ] the prey [Music] I love the the bomb defusal kit a very technical very very profound [Music] [ __ ] off [ __ ] off I can't see what's happening I don't know what's going on anymore no don't change the camera there's healthier [Music] thank God what is it with me clutching the [ __ ] bosses in this game holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] [Music] day 19 what is it with people on this planet double-crossing me I'm not dumb it's the last time I get involved in show business for a long time only the hub okay [Music] open up I'm here whoa whoa whoa no no no vini woody what in the name of grant Christ hope is this level [Music] [Music] I think they're going for yeah they're definitely going for like a mood thing [Music] definitely didn't expect this from this game [Music] we will climb the holy mountain horizontally oh we can make my new heart horizontally time stop death is inevitable your time is valuable press the left trigger to slow down time that's a little morbid though I mean the music in this game has been really good throughout one of the time rifts someone informed me starts out like a Chrono Trigger song the forest song and I didn't even pick up on it but it really does whoa invisible thoughts [Music] oh my god oh my god please what the [ __ ] I'm having some technical difficulties here [Music] turns out it's a lot easier to get stuck over here than you think oh I can jump on on that oh whoops it's okay lag can always be blamed black that was my favorite part of growing up I was talking about the online games I played when I was younger during The Killing Floor stream if you missed that one and yeah that was a staple that was a staple of playing online it is it still I haven't played on like a lot of online stuff recently [Music] yes still all right yes it's all a gladdie still telling jokes when hot chocolate is no longer hot it's just chocolate and that's not accurate there's not enough descriptors to make a cold hot chocolate work it's very disappointing and cold hot chocolate come on that doesn't sound good I saw a discount aisle like clearance aisle in a premark and I realized this whole store is just a discount clearance aisle did I ever tell you guys about the hot chocolate sorry hot cocoa story of when I was at my my aunts house not aunt my aunt it was a very very harrowing experience and I didn't drink hot chocolate for a year or two after that but all right well here's what happened I'm gonna tell you [Music] damnit so it was really old hot chocolate and [Music] the the powder didn't look right but it was made anyway and I drank it there were like little bugs in there there were like little grub grubs or mealworms or maggots I'm not sure whatever they were I don't remember that was a mess me being a child I didn't really know what was going on and then I realized okay something's wrong and then looked into the powder and saw that they were a bunch of not alive weevils in there true story [Music] my aunt I don't think she knew she just thought like well why would hot chocolate go bad that was a normal thing in the civil war wash [Music] there is a hiccup in there there is a couple there's a couple oh god I have the hiccups [Music] the [ __ ] [Music] oh man I'm ok I'm alright I'm making feral noises but I just I meant to just laugh and it turned into a bizarre hiccup combination go inside the waterfall huh where am I going in the waterfall [ __ ] gonna be a big gap in the middle here no just at the end I'm going to assume that this thing achieved Nirvana the last frame is Kurt Cobain Krist Novoselic and Dave Grohl hanging out okay but where's the twilight princess princess it works this picture okay now you're gonna experience this the same way I did which is say there's like a one minute thing that you need to see right now okay now without context obviously it doesn't have as much power and it doesn't really I mean you did if you if you don't understand this in context there's no way it's gonna make any sense out of context now picture me finding this when I was like 20 randomly and well here's the picture seeing that with no context and be like what [ __ ] what is this [ __ ] right so that was that was me that was me like 20 21 and then I kept thinking about it like you would think it would just go away it would be like a weird random funny and then that would be it but I would continue thinking about it horizontally horizontally [Music] [Music] lava cake that's cool wait a minute you mean to tell me I'm bad at video games get the [ __ ] out of here health oh yeah well I see that treasure - looks like a Kern they'll be great to do [Music] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] Twilight Realm this really is Twilight Princess but [ __ ] I am gonna be doing all of that game [ __ ] I might be seho instead this hoe has a cube [Music] oh my god of confuse my brain broke in that segment it doesn't sound too hard no but it wouldn't be something I'd want to do live goddamnit no wrong way we wrong way wrong today nope I hope you enjoyed that I didn't it's legit right next to the Bell I don't remember where the Bell is though I don't remember where the Bell end is look behind you [Music] follow the green flags okay oh I see I see thanks okay hey I guess that's the big Bell right there I see it now that's cool good job Ben good job right that's stupid laser that laser was not worth how much it cost and someone warned me some Rando in chat when I was talking about how much I wanted the laser they were like you really don't want this I was like of course I do why why wouldn't I want the laser it's a laser and you can charge it and it sounds cool and then there was the incident that happened just the other day [Music] yes good please do more of it yes I turn into a [ __ ] [ __ ] when I play platformer games okay I consistently consistently do the weirdest [ __ ] oh no cloud also your peckin baby shouldn't be watching the stream this is an 18 Plus stream okay sure there may be some sensitive subject matter like birds being destroyed by laser beams but you have to be a fully first of all are you even legal flying age are you oh a number of people are telling me to die in chat oh oh I live dead that's worse than peck [ __ ] I might be [ __ ] stop saying [ __ ] this week I don't know what the [ __ ] is wrong with me oh I want to hear this in action [Music] oh well then Joe kabuki [Music] I guess that would just be banjo-kazooie [Music] [Music] yep [Music] game is very generous I would not want to have to climb all the way back up that there's a lot of different you have a lot of power over the camera without having to do a fuckload of work it doesn't get stuck okay never mind it just got stuck all right a little bit it gets stuck a little bit whoa what the phone the middle peck peck peck okay now this is um every comic book hero movie in the past ten years I do that a lot don't I Vinnie why do you call him cran and oh that's a story that's been explained many many a time but it was a friend of Mike and myself I was not there playing smash brothers melee on a small television I believe this dude I mean he was a friend he's with draw boobs you know what's a floating brine that that person was trying to read the character didn't know which character was and thought it said Crenna know or it might have been the douchebag guy it might have been the road guy that said what's the character's name is it cran and Oh what is it Lee so yeah if something like that [ __ ] I think you might want to ask Mike about that because I thought I had I thought I had the story and then my corrected me on a detail and then now I'm now I'm confused again go damn it I tried to connect listen to the [ __ ] Oh it really is that easy you just have to take a little damage what the [ __ ] whoa whoa whoa what the [ __ ] [Music] like my character jumped the wrong way I mean you know I'm well and truly upset when a duck begins to give birth on the stream day 24 what the heck was that all about those nasty plants file flowered and infected the big ghost goats or something all I know is they got real angry and things got real storming it was bad time for everyone let's hope they can't infect ghosts holy [ __ ] I'm gonna need that so please give that back oh hi link well these cats are [ __ ] [Music] yes I'm you know what the funny thing is I know that the cats are there on that occasion I said to myself okay there's gonna be a cat what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna run past the cat with all expediency and I'm going to [Music] going to not even bother with the cat cat was too quick and this is how you cheat the Mafia it's not too hard oh yeah no I need I need a vac ban right now [Music] well you [ __ ] oh [ __ ] right they're following me um hi Nintendo fans Reggie fils-aime here and I'm here to tell you that we've listened and we finally are delivering melee HD is on the way everyone loses their [ __ ] afraid of monsters was better I heard about afraid of monsters I have not [ __ ] a monster but I would like to wait a minute this isn't the right way is it time rift purple is this correct am ia man am I in the right spot didn't I do this already I did half of it oh right I got upset right I got pissed off and stopped Paquette Oh pack doing a lot better than when I was tired also hypo you did the animations for this game right so high pose and chat hi pose at dev for this game I found out that hypo made a vine sauce animated in SMF sfm sfm a couple years back it's the one where I'm scout from tf2 is used to represent me which is pretty much the same exact thing and I think now is a good time as any to show it you like how Nintendo hired someone named oh yeah yeah the power she want to bet this guy's not even [ __ ] qualified this Bowser guy I bet he doesn't even know [Music] well my name is Mario Luigi that's your name so what you legally had it changed to be Mario Luigi well no I was born this way my mom's family name was Luigi and my dad's first name was Mario so they called me Mario Luigi and we here at Nintendo as you can imagine are thrilled to have someone on our staff who actually knows IT whose name is Mario Luigi we think the fans will love it we really do think our audience is gonna love it what do you mean exactly yeah what are you talking about well you know this is Nintendo Wii you know Mario Luigi Mario Brothers he's subtitles never heard of them but my brother Luigi he might have get in here Luigi Oh what Nintendo oh my thought they made playing cards Mario oh they make video games apparently there's some guys called Mario and Luigi that are in the video games lead you oh my god Mario oh I can't believe it this is a dream job Mario and then Reggie's like you're hired you're in Yuri what do you mean you're in look just because we was sanitation for a few years doesn't mean we piss peddlers okay it's really good yeah my compressor was I was using a different compressor ice ice at a much more nasally I can imagine that being like you know you sent that to the team you're like this is my resume and they're like hired but wait a minute what's your first name I posed like my first name is hat what's your last name kid you're definitely hired but I don't have any plans to do anything pikmin related any time soon that was almost a Jeff Goldblum into a sentence he ends a lot of sentences like that oh it's me shitty Jeff Goldblum I can't do it Jeff Goldblum impression but I fancy myself you know someone who can do it so I try and it never sounds like him but in my head it's it's a perfect one-to-one Jeff Goldblum a peck but why is the word Peck so so filthy öhlins it's got to refer to some lascivious sexual act ah goddamn it the new trend is pecking first there was dogging but now much like birds getting together for a peck in the park I don't even I don't even know where to take that I can see the recreation on the news just like you know it in turn dressed up like a bird with a big cardboard nose or beak pecking at the speed of sound finna peck Oh new catchphrase Vinny slow the [ __ ] down no alright [ __ ] mustache girl I knew she couldn't be trusted from the very beginning [Music] that mustache didn't even look real to me everyone's waiting to meet mustache girl just just wait right here we'll just skip ahead a little bit while we're waiting in line all right so what now you guys want to talk a little bit I'm gonna be doing a Q&A for the next three and a half hours while we wait in line three out of state there let's [ __ ] let's do this welcome to the inside of Corona Mountain jeez yeah my fellow criminals have not reached from the lava very strange [Music] [Music] No the hell it's your problem whoa well we got a band together burbs and hat kids low budget bullet guilt heck I can't wait to get to mustache girl she takes off her mustache and it's just the conductor [Music] whoa [Music] what the [ __ ] [Music] the conductor was standing in line oh well that's that's just a ruse dammit you [ __ ] you suck someone's about to get oh that wasn't a pattern on the ground that was in fact lava that was lava and not a carpet just trying to a goddamn speedrun hello do [Music] we're good good oh wow [ __ ] I need that [Music] that's come on oh come on now Chile has one of the timepieces I can still get home with 39 out of 40 oh [ __ ] never mind she's got a lot more than one yeah no she needs to go thought must be removed stop time oh yeah no I need I need a back man right now that kid doesn't even break a sweat and just smiles well I'm now sympathetic towards the Mafia now odd ones yet here I'm not [Music] big lot [Music] behind these people crooks criminals and you you help not really this ends now no they're next [ __ ] I need those where are you getting all these from [Music] get lost you heard them hat kid new emperor of Earth [Music] oh yeah have fun with your shitty laser beam I had that [ __ ] to go climb oh yeah now this is a boss fight I bet the bitrate is taking a [ __ ] on itself right now [Music] it's appealing it's annealing [Music] whoa [ __ ] I don't think that might be a glitch teleporter under the level now she's cheating [Music] oh she's killing the spectators the dead now those poor bastards the Canaria has to sacrifice themselves punch me with all your might fellow mafia it would have been great if they punched each other at the same time there you go okay well it's a shame I only have a maximum of four health oh no I'm supercharged tack hit now I have the power to rid mustache girls it's the power of love it's like the end of Super Metroid but with kisses and then suicide pacts [Music] disrespect talk this is the part where Chris Redfield shows up jumps out of a helicopter his arms swollen he's got muscle wings Leon is under his left arm the rotted decayed arm of Wesker is in his right and he rescues hat Kidd drop a timepiece down and lend the redheaded girl some time power to defeat the Mafia um I don't know I kind of you know kind of grew on the Mafia a little bit they grew and they grew on me yeah [Music] [Music] the kind-hearted mafia number one set a course for the Andorian sister engage [Music] [Music] don't leave us what don't you dare leave los let's watch a movie darling be gone [Music] space window [Music] so there you go there's a hat and time Pat kids a little bit of a sociopath isn't she so that's hatton time one now Hatton time 2 will be out in a couple years and there's gonna be five different characters each with thousands of collectibles and the only way you can switch between the characters is to get into the character changing barrel the collectibles will be grayed out unless you switch to the right character [Music] the Hat kid rap [Music] lanky kid funky kid tiny kid [Music] Diddy kid that doesn't sound I don't like that one that's a bad one [Music] my favorite oralists with spook world [Music] I mean then we're all pretty good but spoofs was my favorite Luigi there's someone there's someone named Luigi on the team that's how I got the job Mario [Music] yeah but I really loved this game this was the best 3d platformer outside of like say Mario that I've played in years really tight like collectathon with not a ton of collectibles just enough that you wanted to keep going like it struck a perfect balance cool characters memorable characters good worlds really tight platforming very good controls everything about the game was was pretty great and it was not a terribly long game it didn't overstay its welcome [Music] I recommend if you play this game that you 100% it because it's not too hard to do it's it's fun it's worth it world 6 & 7 will be free DLC is that true [Music] well when the DLC comes out I'll probably check it out and also I want to do the workshop eventually I have to I can't do it now because the review copy does not let me access the workshop so eventually there it is look at that beautiful save file it's so [ __ ] beautiful
Channel: Sapphachi
Views: 492,315
Rating: 4.9256802 out of 5
Keywords: vinesauce, vinny vinesauce, a hat in time, hat in time
Id: xoBfWV8uLbo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 43sec (6283 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 27 2017
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