Vietnam's Seafood NIGHTMARE!!! Extreme Food Tour in Saigon!!

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have you seen the movie aliens there's an animal called the face hugger that's what that looks like well let's eat Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam most populated city with over 8 million residents this is the place I've called home for three years so when it comes to food I thought I'd seen it all but man old man was I wrong are people really eating the head what are they eating that today I'm on a mission to uncover the most unique most remarkably bizarre cuisine this city has to offer have you ever had bat wings no now you'll know what bat wings are but I'm talking hidden culinary offerings that even the most well versed local foodies have never even heard of you know what isopod is from a porkers ghibli bits to a deep-sea nightmare just pretending it's a little human baby this is bizarre food in Vietnam [Music] we're doing it you win welcome back to the show yeah am i saying your name correctly yes you win yeah you may remember my friend you went from the time we had goat hotpot with plenty of goat utter oh we're in a market right now what market is this they say so market here in the heart of Ho Chi Minh City's most bustling district this traditional market remains nearly untouched by time locals come here for produce and fresh street food today we're starting out with a peculiar favorite durian sticky rice from soy hye-young the only catch is the durian the fruit they're using happens to be the smelliest fruit you'll find in all of Asia I didn't actually experience this on tall as well into my 30s and so I had only heard scary terrifying things about it but the first time I tried it I realized is delicious and I don't know to me the smell is not offensive its intense but not bad you know in Vietnam this one is the king of food people they only love it or hate it nice nose it's also in the middle I love it yeah this one too it's were super ripe this treats charged with sticky rice that's been cooked with green beans giving it a yellow color top that with a huge pod of ripe pungent durian before diving in you got to peel away the durian flesh and combine it with the rice let's try it out Oh oh that's super yummy the actual taste of the jury and it's just very fruity and a Melanie but it's got some stink to it and when it mixed with a sticky line if Malins know isn't it yeah I feel very balanced today our plan is to go throughout the city and we're looking for some kind of uncommon food you mean like it's not a foot see it's gonna be exotic for me it but is it exotic for you or no pork penis that's like a daily item for you no no no no not really what about an isopod I said what No okay so I'm gonna say it's pretty exotic for you too we did it I love the durian sticky rice it's a great combination but this is just appetizer we have a lot more to come our first taste of the unknown we'll start here who Hale gene a favorite for locals a nightmare for pigs for years the owner miss bin has been pleasing crowds with her delicate delicacy okay how are you doing she's good you've got a really unique menu here can you tell us a little bit about your menu and how long you've been doing this so she's been doing it for like 20 years menus here have like more than ten items so she has the penis the bowels and on the part of the big does she have testicles what is it that people love about penis so first it's very special like everyone can get that it is very cheap but in the path is not really popular now thanks to the Internet is getting more and more popular so people keep coming back well listen thank you so much for taking the time to answer all our questions and I can't wait to taste your penis the dish is marinated with a local spice blend then it's deep-fried until cooked through she tosses on okra and Morning Glory and serves it with green chili sauce and tamarind sauce I gotta say I look at this presentation and I'm blown away everything I listed already in the voice-over is right here and like six toothpicks cuz they assume that you're gonna share with your friends not sure though this is all for me I'm gonna try just the bare penis first oh we take the biggest Wow [Music] I already punchy and it's not only meeting with my attendant right yeah exactly I'm gonna get some okra the sides are very nice but we're not here for that we're here for the beam yes I feel like I'm eating a chicken neck mm-hmm and it Matt it'll be better if you add some more sauce into it yeah I'm gonna soak this up and try it out with a little bit of sauce on there here we go mmm the fish sauce is so spicy and sweet from the tamarind I love it overall if you would think about it so much if you're picturing what it is you're not gonna have as much fun point is don't think just chill coming up deep sea monsters that will literally hunt your dreams but before that we're going here welcome to follow vut this streetside dinner spot is run by mr. Nguyen who inherited the shop from his mother it's so popular among the locals that they usually sell out in just a few hours thank you so much for having us here today at your restaurant this place is wild you've got like bucket full of every different duck part I mean I saw a feed there's gizzards here there's even dumped Hedy are people really eating the heads they again no Whitney what's special here is about this AV duck pant and what's special about this the way they cook it and if we taste different and better than they know away people cook it oh there's like many ways to cook a duck head yeah she's like either I'm just trying to tell you what do you say this isn't your average dhoka as you guys know there's thousands of ways to cook a duck head and this is like the most good one I've had fallout but I've had beef I've never had the duck one his mother is the one who created this dish so the way she cooked follow here is totally different from the men follow you have people follow also known as offal stew is a popular Vietnamese Street food traditionally made from cow or Pig organs stewed in a local spice blend and eaten with Bonnie bread here they've changed the protein using a rich spiced duck stock saturating every single part of the duck with their savory broth and I mean every single part well hi hi again I'm gonna do a little scavenger hunt throw out the ball and see what we got here this looks like some wing many upper pectoral this is a blood cake rice cake with glutinous right what like that I'm gonna try a little bit of blood right okay how about we dip into the ginger whistles okay Wow whoa that's perfection yeah the cake itself is like so meaty and hearty miss waterlogged with all that broth the fish sauce that has some chili in there it gives it some kick that combo is deadly oh and then here check this out what yes that's intense you can actually eat between the toes yeah have you done this before no well there's a lot of new stuff for you today yeah honestly it's a lot like a bad way let's try it out [Music] very fatty and soft it actually yes apart pretty easily and I'm mad that they have students like for hours to make me piss off the other skin is super soft really I mean it would take it a couple years to get full but I do like it oh and then here the freaking duck handed so they've cut the beak off no beaks then they cut the head in half and literally here we have a cross-section of a duck's head I want to dig in here and just pull out this brain all right Cheers creamy fatty yeah that's all there is to it it tastes like a brain you guys should know by now right is it your first time seeing those kind of head in that way yeah it was a little scary lettin you taste it yeah it's like a guy with a lot of tattoos but he's nice snails crab octopuses or even lobsters frequent the menu at most seafood Street food joints but here they're taking it a step further welcome to Tom Kang song one of the only street food stalls in the city that also caters to high-end seafood lovers who can't wait to part with their money and devour some giant aquatic creatures action hey how you doing let's get a quick pound oh thank you so much for having us here at your seafood Empire this place is amazing this is the guy who started it all mr. Hui started this seafood Empire seven years ago but in the last two years he's introduced new more exotic high-end selections why do you want to go into the high-end seafood and especially the super-sized seafood hey usually people have to go to the restaurant to try the high-end people so he want to be the first one who bring the high-end seafood through the streets off like this so anyone can easily fries speaking of giant seafood you have something here that is huge and it's also one of the most scary deep sea creatures I have ever seen it's called an isopod isopods also known as the cockroaches of the sea these are deep sea creatures living at the bottom of the ocean whose job it is to eat all the dead animals that fall to the ocean floor it's a weird job but someone's got to do it oh my god it's like a giant cockroach [Applause] they're huge eating this and when you look like out so you know rich people they like to try it's not a fillable ice cream so when they come here and they see this they definitely at the try this I can't wait to get so rich that I'm so bored I'm like I need a rare deep-sea species eating this strange food is a serious financial commitment for these two isopods the price is over $200 can she hold one really cool witness I'll take the baby thank you hahaha here you can see the whole isopod it has 14 legs far more than anyone needs and it's got this little like bin part like a shrimp and then it's got this armor coating I just know when I was on a fishing boat in Japan they cut open the stomach they pull out the contents and it was the worst smell I have ever smelled in all my smell history a few months ago when we caught isopods in japan the captain cut out their stomachs which contained a future ball of rotting organic matter that smelled so toxic that this happened here they don't cut out I'm told we'll be cooking and eating everything and I I can't wait all right today we're living a life of the rich let's do this oh did you hear that laughs that was an ominous laugh today we'll have three unique isopod dishes as a first step the isopods are steamed up in a streetside sauna for 20 minutes after they're cooked through the real fun begins first the Hong Kong salted isopod this QT is cut into pieces then coated in flour and deep-fried for a couple minutes in a separate wok our sidewalk chef fries up garlic ginger leeks and chilies finally dousing the isopod parts in a load of salty seasoned goodness before we sat down I talked to the owner and I asked him to possibly offensive questions first I asked can we eat everything here you may be happy to know that yes we can eat everything except for you know like the hardshell second I said has anyone ever gotten sick he said no it's possible someone died but no one got sick they just well I think I'm just gonna start with this one so I'm gonna try to open this up once it's a big shell oh I just took it to the chiropractor what is in there that's me yeah I said that's me can I give you some okay just something okay thank you let's try it out yeah all right it tastes better than I imagined before well what did you imagine though you know when you've seen it and it look ugly this looks very in this matter well it looks terrifying so I don't know what that saying very much it's like somewhere between a shrimp and a brain really a brain yeah I want to come back to this head later or maybe never let's try this one next this two fried isopod with pork fat with a sauce so blazing hot it would burn your ears just to hear what's in it it's hot [Music] look at the insides of this one oh that's good quality meats looks like a lobster tail yeah baby attendez come to me the combine with the quantity of the broccoli this one is so good I don't know how they did it but that's really good yeah we have one more course here our final isopod dish is easily the most intimidating they start by cutting away the shell from the isopods belly then they toss it on the grill and top it with scallion oil and peanuts this is a shocker this could be the main course at a Halloween party no but I think it's look funny you know like lying down on the legs up to the sky a lot of peanut in your belly like scooping out some pudding get yourself a scoop wow that's a nice looking body I want to tell you something this is one of the scariest bites I've ever taken in my life really yeah sorry so you should be a little scared too because I've eaten some pretty weird I didn't find it milky yeah it's nothing I mean you should tell me about this after I did this sorry I was trying to make it more exciting there's a little bit of punk in there right we might just be in my head I mean we're eating out of the stomach of an alien creature my taste buds have never been more confused they're so out of place right now it's like they went to a Halloween party but they're the only ones that wore a costume but listen I think we did it this has to be the most unique food in Vietnam is this something you would try again if ahem moneyed and yes really because this is for rich people you know so you feel fancy you post it on Instagram all right listen we did a great job let's get this for take-out and let's get the funnier okay all right great Vietnam knows how to cook I never doubt this place whether familiar or foreign they always find a way to make it work kabobs and iran bond me in vietnam a lot of boudin sausage in the u.s. I live a lot there's one thing that connects us all it brings out the best in us showing that despite our differences you want to testify at the end of the day we're all people sometimes very hungry people so this is an ode to the part of life that unifies us all from researching and shooting to editing and mastering our 10-person best ever food review show team works hard to roll out the highest-quality travel food entertainment twice a week if you like what we do here please consider supporting our patreon patreon allows fans of the show to contribute a monthly sum and receive a load of extras like early video releases private q and A's and beyond to learn more about our patreon check out the link in the description box down below and if you can't give or don't even feel like it that's okay too we're just happy you're here holy cow what an episode that was I want to say a huge thank you to you in for joining me today um come I had a great time and I hope you did too guys we will see you next time thank you so much for watching a Greek all right well let's go I'm gonna get an enema I don't know I think it'll help [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 4,459,446
Rating: 4.8288074 out of 5
Keywords: best ever food review show, sonny side, befrs, exotic food, where to eat in saigon, saigon food tour, food in ho chi minh city, bizarre food, isopod, eating isopod, eating pig penis, durian, what to in in vietnam, vietnam unique food
Id: 6lCkSKn2SwY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 48sec (1068 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 01 2020
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