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water cut and now we're gonna try it out cheers every culture and every chef interprets ingredients differently especially when it comes to seafood i love that it's just a hundred percent pure fish and it's so warm in my body last time we were introduced to the giant phobia prepared two very different ways by a vietnamese chef then by a friendship when you scale it do you pour super hot water on it absolutely not i want to keep the skin and the flesh today we're back at it i want to see how two new chefs from different parts of the world why did you squeeze it prepare one of the world's largest clam species we're not gonna eat that right one ingredient it's not dressed up it's not seasoned two vastly different styles you don't know what is it but when you eat and you say oh wow it's good up watch guys i'm going to be saying that pretty soon but first let's meet our meat welcome back to another video we are here once again at kalisa food this place is specializing in premium seafood imported from around the world last time i rocked up here i can't lift it with one hand they helped us get our hands on this giant tasmanian trap costing 780 today you know our focus is the gooey dump they have some huge ones here i mean the biggest you've ever seen but first look at that the crystal crab this comes from nearby australia you have a more active one this one already gave up on life we actually tried this before man absolutely delicious i feel bad saying it right in front of them kalisa has over half a million dollars worth of seafood just waiting to be adopted into their forever home look at this mfr look at that he's like glow in the dark orange legs like a glow stick at a nightclub that was exciting on to the actual food we came here for let's go this is one of the world's biggest clams these are beloved around asia for one big reason first off it's pronounced gooey duck can you guess why second of all it does that jesus christ i wasn't ready for that wow even though this creature is beloved here it turns out they don't come from asia at all these suckers come all the way from the usa's northwest coast among burrowing clams they are the world's largest they bury themselves several feet underground and just hang man they're not bothering anyone oh my gosh this guy can live up to 140 years that's before gravity was even invented i'm not sure why they scored out water gotta be the worst defense mechanism ever a little spritz of water it's kind of refreshing actually did i just do that the gooey duck is loved all around asia especially china that's why we've come here is a multi-award-winning restaurant featuring authentic cantonese cuisine chef he's about to dismember this member and i only trust mr lee to handle my 150 dollar friend it's almost 2.2 kilograms big yes oh it's losing weight right now it's leaking chef you could take it away okay so he has to go in with basically a paring knife the gooey duck does not enjoy that per se and oh it is much softer than this part down here so he removed the testicle no i don't know he removed the guts essentially what is in there i'm told also that you can eat it but today we are not next going in the hot water i think he wants to loosen up this leathery part and perhaps trip it off yeah it's slipping off the skin looks insane it looks like when a snake sheds its skin that i think we're not gonna eat that but maybe they fry it and make it into little chips it's so fascinating to see what is inside these creatures we should probably look up the wikipedia on this animal at some point so what lies inside my phallic friend inside its neck there are two siphons they suck in water containing plankton filter that for food then squirt the excess water out another tube right now the chef is chilling the meat i think that's gonna make it a lot easier to cut through the body part goes back in the water somehow this is gonna become sashimi i don't know how i don't know if he knows how oh no it's happening right before my eyes oh that's remarkable so he's cutting these very very thin slices that looks really cool of the gooey duck dishes they make here straight up fresh and raw sashimi gooey duck is the most commonly ordered oh there's more wait is this gonna be sashimi too yeah this is the body this is what was contained inside the shell so far the texture seems to be quite a bit different it's much softer it looks smooth and silky chef reveal huh and some guy such skill can we try the neck just like this okay okay it's really interesting it's a little bit briny not fishy at all and a bit sweet the texture itself is kind of crunchy though i want to try it with a little bit of this soy sauce oh delicious just a little bit of soy sauce kind of washes away any brininess it's delicious i love it this other part i'm not so sure about i think we'll just eat it plain oh okay [Music] well there's so many layers to it a little spongy a little crispy and it feels almost like raw liver so it tastes like what it looks like it feels like what it looks like [Music] our second dish this time he brings his work to the water there is more than one way to prepare the gooey dog coming up he's gonna make a stir fry chef take it away first only using the neck but cutting it into thicker pieces apply a flower coat and flash fry for a few seconds do the same with the mushrooms then blanch it together with celery stir-fry with exo sauce a classic cantonese condiment made of dried seafood chili peppers onion and garlic i'm very excited because i've had gooey duck before in fact i've had cantonese prepared gooey duck in guangzhou but i just had the sashimi i've never had anything like this the texture the flavor should be all very different let's start by scooping up some food that's from my team later and this is for me pardon me wants to like build up to the meat but most of it is actually just meat oh how about this i'll eat a piece of vegetable oh it's a really yummy sauce and it reminds me a little bit of oyster sauce all right so that's enough build up right time for some meat whoa you hear that this is a good drinking food can i tell you that flavor is delicious the texture is what throws me off the most this is what makes me sad about my homeland you know in the us people aren't so used to different textures and honestly they're not very accepting of textures that are outside of like chewy crunchy done i mean if something in the u.s was like this i don't think people would like it the taste is so delicious it's very sweet this is what's great about food from china is they just have such a diversity of texture they know how to layer flavor but they're all about funky and different interesting textures too hit it with some more veggie um before the meal is complete mr lee offers his last dish prepared at my table what is going on here what's in there that's just problem actually the broth is made by cooking down everything on this table including dried scallops chicken feet pork jinhua ham dried orange skin chickpeas and a freaking chicken i don't know why but it must be done this way this mixture stews for 8 hours then everything is removed leaving behind a sleek golden flavorful broth oh it smells yummy it smells like pork and chicken he's got a ladle here he's filling it with bean sprouts putting in some of this thinly sliced gooey duck and he gives it a little bit of a dip and then pours it out oh it's too much of a dip oh a little bit more of a dip oh no too much and now it's just right thank you chef so um these are like a baked rice sheet that is some good sheet so i'm going to put a little bit of this on here most awkward bite ever but okay i'll take it this little cliffhanger [Music] is the chef watching me eat i just get self-conscious sometimes [Music] oh it's really delicious such a mild broth the bean sprouts adds kind of an earthy note but really that gooey duck is such an interesting malleable creature because every way you cook it every way you prepare it the texture changes a little bit here when it's just in a hot broth it's quite tender and quite soft so what we've seen so far is a kind of a traditional cantonese take on this ingredient from here we're gonna head over to a local vietnamese place and see how they take the same exact ingredient but prepare it completely differently let's go [Music] our final destination sifu a 75 year old establishment right now i'm with chef vin hi hi how are you i'm good our gooey duck will be handled by the owner chef vin chef i'm very curious guido it's not anywhere close to vietnam why do people here like it so much for myself and for a lot of people guru duck is one of the best sashimi best texture and flavor today you're gonna be making four different dishes including a dessert guri duck dessert that's right he spent six years studying the culinary arts in the usa lightly poach it in medium heat water then brought that knowledge back to vietnam i shuck it in ice bath right away combining high-end cooking techniques with traditional vietnamese flavors you see after poaching in water it's just go off like that like a search and take it off a club or like a like a surgeon let's take what the stars are here is the black hole back hole i mean it looks like you can put quarters in there and maybe get a coke out of it chef finn slices the gooey duck differently for each dish noodle shapes cube shape and even sashimi slices which look different from what we tried earlier one of the dish is noodle make of gooey duck you don't know what is it but when you eat and you say oh wow it's good up for the appetizer he uses the noodle shaped clam slices with a little bit of pomelo little bit of mango coconut onion slice this is drow ram and this is mint grilled up and little touch of lemon and we're gonna sauce it with the special nook jam and mix it up real well toss it in a coconut yes fried potato this is fried already yes are you fine it's good to eat oh and finally we're going to put some watermelon foam [Music] i'm gonna go straight down do a noodle pole [Music] what do you think that's awesome you like it no don't it's interesting the gooey duck just becomes another element in the dish it's adding some flavor to it and some great texture but it kind of works well with everything else in there it really reminds me of like a papaya salad in the central region it's like one of my favorite foods in vietnam these tiny like little fried potatoes it's so crunchy when you bite into it and then it just kind of disintegrates great uh starter yes bite 2 yap sung signature dish containing a flavor boosting sphere of peanut sauce on a clamshell along with marinated gooey duck last some price boosting precious metals i got a little bit of a taste in the kitchen and right now i'm about to receive my first course thank you so much let's open her up and maybe get a big whiff too [Music] oh it's like a campfire so rustic but my god look at this gold i love gold i think it's already inside the utensil i'm just gonna toss it back [Music] oh you wouldn't think you might not think it's like eating oysters and smearing jiffy peanut butter on there that sounds weird but here i love that that's super good this fear really like popped in my mouth and it's just full of delicious savory creamy peanut sauce and then the gooey duck it's just like this crispy texture with a bunch of smoky flavor intertwined among everything in there that is so delicious the only lament i have is that was my portion about five grams of food the more money you pay the less you get but flavor guys the dish is small the flavor very big now the main course this dish is made with minced pork slow cooked bone intended gooey duck and congee with planted flowers truffle flakes and ground pepper and this is our main course for today this is super interesting because this is kanji essentially it's a rice porridge it's been upgraded upscaled pantified expensified and seafoodified with that gooey duck but it also has i mean a real black truffle mushroom you can't tell this has been sitting in the kitchen for like three months under the sink there's like little plants growing out of it i'm gonna take my spoon oh that's nice [Music] what else is in there first bite surprised me a little bit there's like a hard cartilage inside i'm looking for the gooey duck [Music] found it it's an interesting kanji it's hasty or gluey has a different texture for sure the gooey duck inside a little softer because it's warm but it still has a bit of a crisp at the same time overall for an upgraded kind of scaled-up kanji super successful i think it's awesome and i love what he's done with the appearance of it from here we have one more dish and it's actually gonna be the dessert that's right there's a dessert made from a freaking clam first the foie gras hits the grill then the gooey dump marinated in coffee pairs with the fatty duck liver is the dessert similar to a real vietnamese dessert yes that is based on my childhood memory this cotton candy our final course right here the dessert very surprising something i did not expect to see all right it's kind of dying it's kind of fading the dessert that no one expected to see i'm gonna try it now it's a one biter oh my gosh oh no why does that work that doesn't make any sense we know that sweetness works well with barbecued meats right so there's something good about sugary sweetness with meat and with that smoky flavor but man it pairs together so well in a way you would not expect that is crazy and then just like that it's gone and then you wonder if it was a dream the whole time that was amazing there's got to be a way to order like 26 more of these overall i'm super impressed at our first location i thought they did pretty much everything you could do with gui dog and then we came here and then they put it in cotton candy it seems that this ingredient is as dynamic as the chef's imagination with this ingredient using it in a different way some utilizing more of its texture some more of its flavor and each one was delicious and unique in its own way i'm very impressed merge alert this is for all you head to tail adventurous eaters always down for trying something new no waste more taste only available to the end of march it's basically like the texture really changes depending on what you do what what you what you do with it what how you hit it with the heat the texture we're gonna cut it in different size different shape in order to not be so boring stars rectangles all right let's cut quiet it's so colorful there's pink yellow green it's like a pastel thing it's like a cool pasta i was doing really good and then i got lost there it's like a pastel box of crayons that are pastel colored saved it saved it there you go so that is everything you've ever wanted to know about gooey duck except for why it's pronounced gooey and not geo that we'll have to wait until next time that is it for this time thank you so much for watching we will see you next time a piece ah man gotta get me another gooey dump long and mushy wrinkly really fun oh okay stop
Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 1,428,202
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Best ever food review show, befrs team, sonny side, geoduck, seafood series, asian food, Vietnamese food, unique cooking, sea creature, unique food, bizarre sea creature, Saigon, weird creature, south east asian cuisine, challenge chef with seafood, Geoduck, what to eat in a geoduck, how to cook geoduck, chinese chef, vietnamese chef, GEODUCK SASHIMI, SOUP GEODUCK, Geoduck SALAD, GEODUCK COTTON CANDY, foie gras
Id: OzKIwpbv2a8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 21sec (1041 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 31 2021
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