Street Food Bosses of Hong Kong!!! Inside the Kitchens that Created Hong Kong Cuisine!!

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when I was a kid I visited Chinatown in Chicago and I saw in the window hanging dogs and hanging chicken and it freaked me out Hong Kong the food the language the people hello most originated from China more specifically the Cantone region home of Guangzhou this whole region is famous for its unique breakfast offerings and one-of-a-kind succulent roasted meats and you know you could eat an entire figure but this is Hong Kong and here they do things the Hong Kong one from extreme dim-sum you've never seen before this is like the nike pumps of the chicken's foot and I'm gonna eat that right now two body parts you didn't study in ninth grade biology where's the guys blowing into these today we're diving face-first into the culinary traditions and restaurants that helps shape the food culture of Hong Kong [Music] [Music] oh right now it is morning time tons of people eating dim sum being parted around t being drunk welcome to Lindholm tea house this place first started in guangzhou over 100 years ago finally expanding to Hong Kong in 1996 it's one of the oldest dim sum joints in the city man this place is good in some literally means like dishes made from the heart sort of make and so that this sea house we're doing very traditional dim sum when it comes to food in Hong Kong how much of it is Chinese and how much of it is unique to Hong Kong majority of our time we do eat cats eat Cantonese cooking is one of the eight Chinese culinary traditions and one of the most international of all Chinese cuisines due to the large number of Cantonese immigrants some of the most popular Cantonese cooking methods are steaming wok frying and most of most of all we're trying today is a Cantonese right now dim sum is a type of traditional breakfast and a favorite among Hong Kongers it starts with tea this meal is all about the tea really so you for it for people first days a most senior person on the table so your brown flour am i older than you definitely then the food comes to you steamed fried baked they've got it on my hitless today two of the most unique dim sum creations I've come across first pig liver Shuman slices of blanched pig liver are seasoned with salt sugar ginger and fried garlic oil then placed atop assume on a Chinese dumpling filled with pork and shrimp paste next steamed a chicken feet with black bean sauce this unusual gelatinous treat is poached and deep-fried then boiled for an entire hour both get a heavy dose of steam until they're piping hot and ready to serve here we are what is this the quail egg you mine oh this acrylic on the top so the base is the same for it mushroom and terrific it is land sea and air in one dish wow it's like up Cantonese breakfast in one bite don't you call that texture of that shrimp it's got some density to it yeah it's like a mattress a springy mattress oh I got a chicken foot many places you go to an asia and get chicken feet they're still pretty tough especially you gotta vietnam really chewy where's your a monitor mm-hmm what's up with these phone those fries damn bones 95 percent debone here they steamed it this skin is kind of swollen up it's saturated with water and with sauce and it just peels right off I nailed it this flavor is fantastic the texture itself it's kind of sticky you can feel a lot of the college in and akin to that and then what I eat the pad now yeah you it's so delicious what I've never seen in a dim sum restaurant before it pig liver show mine this is not as one biter Oh hahaha liver okay [Music] it's nice it's like a liver paté except it's hard just a hint of ginger not gamey at all but it has that certainly that organ flavor to it I want a munch some of the show mine now you like the fake one better or the pig this one is new I mean there's like a lot of iron to it well this is a great texture I have a little bit of fruitiness right but it's not sharp I love it super unique when you walk by here what is the first thing you see as you enter the restaurant all of the hanging poultry right so for the longest time I never tried any restaurant like this because of seeing chicken heads and duck heads and it's probably one of the biggest mistakes of my life this is loon key restaurant opened for the last 40 years they are masters in the roasting arts using methods unique to Cantonese cuisine roasted duck chicken suckling pig it all happens in the tight space of this kitchen sir how long have you been here oh yes oh my god you speak English meet the barbecue master he has a saying what starts well ends well this Chinese proverb is the reason the pig keeps its shape from beginning to end why do people love this so much do you ever feel bad about that they're baby pigs and they didn't experience enough of life they sacrificed their life to give us good food so we appreciate it absolutely and we are gonna appreciate it very soon so what is suckling pig aside from not being the most popular dish among vegetarians it's a young piglet that's never eaten solid food only subsisting on mother's milk these are generally served at special events the one we're getting today costs over $100 the entire pig is first sauced up with sugar salt Chinese five-spice and some other ingredient they won't tell me he applies a concentrated sugar vinegar mixture and cents piggy home for 30 minutes what does it take to be a proper barbecue master Thank You daughter use your hard dedication I usually use my stomach and then I get to be in trouble so more the heart than the stomach finally the finishing touch hand roasting ensuring each square inches evenly cooked chop chop chop and then put it back together again this is what I love about the style here not only do they keep the head they embrace the head so you're like that was definitely not a chicken or a fish this was a pig yeah what is your favorite body part here do you know skin is the biggest organ of the body yes did you know that from Grey's Anatomy and there's some bone on there you know just eat it and then just have all the bones come out after it's all crunchy a little bit fatty mmm that's like pure fattiness it's super rich super crunchy you can see here some rib section any bones on the bottom just kind of peels away this is really it's all about the skin and the crunch mm-hmm it's so compact I don't think there's any pig farms here right yeah all this is being imported from somewhere where do you think this pink grew up so this picture up Oh senchan you dip it in the sugar is that eatable I brings out the fattiness of this yet whoa I feel like I'm eating like a sugary bacon oh good evening it was weird that we tried to order a whole pig no don't judge that's what I need in a restaurant so how much you think we'll finish oh my god I'm gonna bring this back with me on the plane our next location right here listed and Michelin guides best of the best in Hong Kong Yuki restaurant has held its ground for 60 years with roasted meats that are quite literally to die for we are right now in the goose roasting room right okay why should this family-run restaurant was started by mr. Wu Chun Yong now it's in the hands of his daughter what is special about your marination and where does that recipe come from ah my dad my brother all the time thank all this one how to cook this one how to cook and then just put this for that just from here yes from farm to table everything is kept in the family ensuring the highest level of quality from the goose Ling to the dinner plate each goose is stuffed with a mixture of sugar Chinese five-spice salt and dried shallots the bird is soaked in maltose water to help give it its golden color but before roasting this gaggle needs to hang in a drawing room for six hours now it's time for action each bird is placed in the oven with precision three ovens ten Birds each the rest must wait their turn you can upset the heart okay after an hour they look like they just spent a week on the beach in Cabo chop chop chop plate and eat we've had an amazing time already taking a look at the restaurant here thank you so much welcome let's eat oh what an honor so I'm getting a little bit of everything here yeah she wants you to taste it different textures don't use my hands yes can be oh yes is so badiy tons of protein skimmer Cheers [Music] that is to die for it is rich like a fine chocolate except it happens to be a goose there's a little bit of a chart for like a hint of smokiness deep savoriness somehow very complex flavor that is outstanding so this is the wing you can see some protein underneath but honestly it's all about this skin here it's some of the most saturated and juicy kind of explosive skin I've ever tried on them or so ritual I've always wanted to ask all the experts say that is there a difference between a boy and a girl juice you got told me you say your problem oh there is a difference so if it's a boy it has more meaty flavor but the meat it has a more of a texture but if it's a woman the meaty flavor is last but it's more tender what is this one boy it's pretty tender today it's a sensitive boy maybe this is one of the best Birds I've ever had in my life no doubt how did you find this place most locals will come here after the height they lay their youth yoga technique oh yeah Cola how you gotta eat it here she's saying I got to eat these angles that's a good angle [Music] before parting ways with this city I have an opportunity to try one of the most unusual ingredients I've ever come across around me to an aquarium yeah you want a fish what is this place this is a hot pot place this is happy together hot pot restaurant how happy you'll find out soon this place is new only one year old but the tradition of friends and family gathering around a bubbling hot pot goes back generations I heard we're gonna have some unique ingredients for the hot pot yes we're gonna do black beef tripe we're gonna do goose intestines and we're also gonna do with the fish ball you may be wondering what is fish ball well this is actually the fishes swim bladder the part that helps the fish float who knew you could eat that but this unique organ is as premium as sea cucumber bird's nest or abalone you can feast on the dried out version or cut it fresh from the fish in a pot they place half a chicken on a circle of melon along with bamboo cabbage mushroom yam goji leeks and Chinese celery once they pour in the broth and it comes to a simmer the meal may begin well we jump into this on the side here we have a bunch of crazy side dishes so much blood they think you need more what's this purplish one it's beef tripe so normally you see beef tripe white so but the natural form is black oh it looks purple to me sexy juice intestine and there's some like fatty parts in there the stuff from the intestine sure and then swim bladder it's very coveted it's very expensive for this one just for two of them is gonna be a hundred and eight Hong Kong dollar so about $15 it's so rubbery Averett I'm gonna put that in bloop there we go this is the fresh kind straight out of fish can we put that in too yeah Liu oh like life preservers okay so so what they normally do is they probably would poke it first oh okay yeah do you think okay so we could also eat the goose intestines that takes about 10 seconds for it yeah so when you know it's cooked is when it either changes colors or it shrivels up a little bit so mine's probably done I didn't - I mean that's looking much more cool texture I find sometimes hot pot in Asia can be equally about interesting textures and flavors at the same time and that is has a very unique kind of organic runch to it yeah organy crunch that's a really good term thank you so much so this is the stomach of the cow oh man it's so spongy that's fantastic you know and these aren't foods that would maybe scare people in the West but that's because they haven't tried it once they get over that or if they don't know what they're eating it's okay it's really in your head and here the taste of the broth is so rich in all enveloping that each ingredient kind of just soaks up the broth and then offers a different kind of texture this is my first time having a fish air bladder let's try it out that's a big piece right there hmm what do you think cool crunching and gelatinous but men I was pretty fishy it's like this fish had a muffin top and I just pinched it and then ate it I don't have a comment I have a second bite is better hmm my second bite just tastes like a thick lasagna noodle okay I like that I'm done with that now so remember this one from earlier guys it was super rubbery and now it looks pretty rubbery still and that is the same body part but it's now been even rehydrated even more mmm like that that just tastes like Oh dick yeah a Japanese fish cake but much more expensive Virginia I think we've done it we tried so many different and unique foods I learned today that a lot of food in Hong Kong it's about bringing people together you know having a reason to come around the table join each other have some conversation yeah people love to eat and chat that's what we do and even though the Hong Kong is hot all the time right during the summer all they do is crank up the AC and we even hot dogger in the summertime oh that's awesome Hong Kong these are the people who helped build the food culture of this city into what it is today a cuisine so renowned that it's been exported and adopted around the world at the moment there's no telling what the future holds for this city but folks here are strong and adaptable and these are far from the first hardships faced here whatever doesn't fold the people of Hong Kong will always ride away there's no doubt history is being made right now in Hong Kong if you're planning on visiting the city I suggest you enlist the help of Virginia and her tour company human with a chance of fish balls to make the most of your time from food tours to private tours and all to help you need navigating the city and be sure to check out our second channel more best-ever for review show four rock clips and deleted scenes that didn't make it into the show that is it for this one we will see you next time guys a breeze Oh oh dude of what a brutal situation brutal day
Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 3,325,999
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hong kong, hong kong traditional food, food, suckling pig, pekking duck, roasted goose, dim sum, best ever food review show, hot pot, fish maw, where to eat in Hong Kong, sonny side, Hong kong food, hong kong safe to travel now, hong kong safety, hong kong tourism
Id: xGxNMs2vytQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 16sec (1036 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 26 2019
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