Giant Dinosaur Meal!! Eating ONLY Animal Tails for 24 Hours!!!

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we're about to enter the crocodile cage luckily he has a big is this a sword oh it's just a stick okay in today's modern protein paradise some body parts get overlooked what why is there liquid in here this series is an homage to the offcuts body parts that in the west might get thrown in the trash i feel a little sick last time we discovered tasty heads wow this is nuts this is like an anatomy class and now it's all about tails this isn't even something americans could be freaked out by because they wouldn't even know where to start nobody's sitting at home making memes about animal tale foods until today until today [Music] today we're on a hero's mission showing that these underrated animal parts have the power to rise above they got texture there's collagen it's an inexpensive cut and nowadays there's more chefs using those odd end pieces in their cuisine four foods four shots cooking up dishes that are not just tolerable it's basically vegan but crave worthy it's just love on a dish and delicious are you ready i'm ready are you let's go pumped go joining me today california native and esteemed taco chef calvin sincho m how you doing oh you are tall how tall are you a meter 50. almost as tall as you i know with a little bit of help meet the very sweet and the vertically challenged miss home owner of this here food stall the street side eatery that sells over 175 pounds of pork per day your height has absolutely nothing to do with what we're here for today today is all about animal tales and you are serving some animal tales here the pigtail what is this dish she simmers the tail for two hours and that makes it tender and juicy then she adds it with a copious amount of special noodles which gives you today's magic dish pigtail noodles it starts with blanched thick rice noodles oh is it the one in the picture no what's that huh guys he doesn't know top bills with pigtails chopped into medallions out of all the delicious and yummy pig parts that we all love why the tail in our case they've even included some whole tails thoughtful oh she goes nose and tail on her dishes but the tail has the best flavor she says then scallions fried shallots and finally the broth [Music] the color of the tail itself is a little disconcerting i mean it looks like a cadaver right can i be honest with you i am not looking forward to this dish really yes but this whole series is about proving to people that these off cuts can be truly yummy which i think after eating this i might change my mind okay i hope can we try this broth first yes you can oh a lot of flavor comes from the fried shell is that what makes it a little bit sweet you see them floating around all over the place let's try these noodles we're working our way up to the tail yes we are all right how's your good noodle that's a good noodle i'm changing my mind right now the broth is great the noodle is great how could the tail not be great now usually people are just going to eat these thin slices here but we have big fat tails i mean yours has a nice arc to it very desirable this one is chipper like a puppy that's happy to see you oh let's go for it okay here we go that's pretty good changed my whole mindset for two hours she cooked this and it got to the silky savory consistency it's got a little bit of protein fat and then thick skin so the ratio of textures is interesting it's like a rolo but with bones in the middle bolo bolo today we're going to be witness to some recipes neither of us have ever seen before but here in pigtail it's a great start i'm feeling very optimistic i'm pumped i'm pumped i'm pulled i'm pumped i'm pumped i'm very pumped i got the last word though oh look who's that punt our second tailed dish brings us all the way to spain gentlemen cheers cheers cheers well at least to a spanish restaurant serving traditional spanish foods sangria it tastes like spain it tastes like apples and oranges yeah from spain cooking for us today chef toronto thank you for being here today he acquired his cooking skills in spain and a colder version of spain known as canada right now we're doing a series that's focusing on nose to tail dining this episode today is focusing just on animal tales so far we've had pigtail here we're going to have oxtail but can you even think of any other animal tails that could be eaten period i would say horse thing horse tail i think you can make a violin bow out of a horse tail i don't know if you can make food out of it you know think of anything it's a tough category because there's not a lot of edible tails out there but one of the most famous edible tail dishes out there is the oxtail soup did you grow up with oxtail soup it is a very common dish in spain linked to bull fighting history so you go around any city with a bull fighting plaza so you can find them there very easy and they're amazing you went to canada yes so i'm curious do you notice a big difference between the types of meat people are willing to eat in spain versus north america there are some cats that you help people in north america that they don't even know what is that they're evolving i'm not saying that it's not us not involved just remember mcdonald's started in america yeah how dare you most of the world outside the usa and canada does eat nose to tail so i can't figure out why this hasn't caught on as a mainstream trend in my own country food distribution in america it's a very big box business it takes a lot of time for these companies to pull out those pieces so they much rather just get the prime cuts throw the rest into the mincer and say hey i can get more product per hour than to old school butchering where you go in and you get different cuts from different muscle parts i think he solved the mystery damn that made me hungry i'll starve you let's eat some oxtails too oxtail still start by dicing onions carrots and celery then the tail cut it at the joints those get seared on high heat to lock in the flavor then add in the diced veggies then the tail add tomato sauce rosemary red wine and water cook that for four hours until the ox tail reaches a fall off the bone level of softness it looks beautiful it smells phenomenal i could understand someone hearing oxtail soup for the first time being confused and possibly put off but when you just see it just looks fantastic it looks like braised morsels of goodness we just had the pork and of course that was cooked for a couple hours but it wasn't nearly as tender as this i mean this is like coming off the bone revealing the vertebrae oh look at that cheers i just went to heaven right now really good the sauce is glistening i mean do you see how sheen it is it looks fantastic the tail is tough it's untenable and so it needs time and it needs love and after four hours of racing all this connective tissue has just kind of melted down into the meat and it creates like this wonderful sticky texture it's one of the most satisfying beef products i've had in a long time when people think of eating animal tails this is usually the first thing that comes to mind there's a reason for that it's legendary it's delicious you just have to be a little patient and know how to prepare it properly yeah food takes time and love takes time food is love that's right before we can try the biggest tale you'll find in vietnam we need something else to compare it to so we've come here to get a little filipino tale mr dodong sir put her there how are you doing me mr dolong he comes from cebu in the philippines how do you say hello in tagalog will you show that you say hello hello hello hello hello hello this restaurant specializes in all things chicken roasted and prepared the filipino way how do you say chicken ass chicken food well that's what we're here for today chickens do they have a tail in the ass of the chicken you can see that you know really tiny yeah a tail of any size is the tail the chicken butt what is good about that the way when you eat taste something that's different from regular body so it's some variety yeah yes i grew up in the usa i didn't come across any butts of chickens my whole life do you think americans are missing out should we be eating more bunt yes i think so all right sir i'm excited to try your ass let's do it thank you thank you so much mr chicken's chicken butts are cleaned and marinated in their super secret distinctly orange marinade and grilled for only a couple of minutes more secret marinade and serve and okay here we are so here it's been grilled he's put his own signature sauce on top what do you think is in here i think there's gonna be a bone he said it's boneless well he said just eat the whole thing all right what she said she said enjoy your meal oh that's nice it's not even her food i'm gonna take a bite very cautiously i'm afraid there's something hard in there but let's see you gonna eat cheers no did i eat that no just kidding it is so fatty yeah very rich fog raw is similar in that richness so when you eat foie gras it just melts in your mouth this melts in your mouth in a different way in a more aggressive hostile might i say violent way there is some bone in there but it's soft enough you can like chew and kind of crack it up and get through it not a big deal i've had the chicken butt before in cebu the land from which he hails and it was much bigger and not cooked down as much as this so i don't know how long he's grilled it for but it's been long enough to kind of make it soft you know you can just eat the whole thing chickens have one butt this took a family of chickens that's tough to think about huh it's like 20 chickens right here we lost 20 bucks today you're behind me finally it's time to eat one of the biggest tales you'll find anywhere [Music] for that we've come here a crocodile farm that has over 5 000 of these meat eating reptiles right now we're at the crocodile farm we're about to enter crocodile cage and he's gonna help protect me luckily he has a big is this a sword oh it's just a stick it's a piece of wood crocodiles hate wood right right okay let's go i've encountered crocodiles in the philippines can i kiss him yeah oh my god in cuba we don't know and even this tube-shaped crocodile in florida no no no they might look slow and docile but they can be incredibly quick sprinting your way is freaking huge and taking a bite out of your thigh before you know it biting down with the force of a t-rex it's one of the most dangerous predators in the world i was right behind you all right you cleared them all yeah all right next time can i get a piece of wood too tan what's up my man meet my protector his name is mr todd the crocodile slayer oh never mind he said we can't call him that so we cleared all the crocodiles and now we can be here have a civil conversation with a little bit of danger is this a species that's native to vietnam this is indigenous to them kevin do you think that by talking more softly the crocodiles won't hear you i don't know but they might how many people die a month here come yes yes yes five how long has there been a crocodile farm here how they mothered 2003. he started with just two now they have five thousand that's a lot alligators are sold for not only their skin but the vietnamese now use the alligator bones to cure bone ailments ah look at how yes [Music] start by removing the tailbone [Music] the trick is to avoid all the fat so you don't get that gamy crocodile taste if you're out of crocodile powder season with chicken powder and throw it on the grill before this croc feeds us it's only fair that we also feed the crocs here i've got a chicken head on a stick they said don't put your hands out because it will bite off your hands [Music] i don't know if i like this idea that much do it for youtube [Laughter] i have the manliest scream after 30 minutes it gets coated with their homemade marinade oh fight it dude they're so fast i know and back to the grill it goes i don't know how you win this game mainly by keeping all your limbs oh my god that bite is vicious finally it's scissored down to manageable pieces and that's it it's ready to eat sorry guys no more chicken hedge we're gonna eat some crocodile tail a few i never mind that's awkward should we go eat we should let's go it's ginormous i've never had this before i have a few concerns on what this is going to taste like i'm not that concerned because the chef looked super confident he used a subway mayonnaise knife to play this they also eat the skin but i think we should eat the meat first and kind of work our way up to that when you look at a piece of pork you can't hold the skin of the pork the way you can do with the crocodile it's like string cheese the way you can peel the meat back you know that crocodile it's in this murky dark dirty looking water but then the meat is so pure and white i was gonna say supreme i need to stop saying in this climate it's not appropriate yes it is the meat is so white and privileged enough talking cheers [Music] for an animal that uses this muscle consistently to get through the water this has to be the most tender piece of meat i've had a long time and for being super lean it's quite moist there's certainly some porky notes in there i think it's something between pork and a fish that tastes like chicken i think that's what crocodiles are we're on the same page here we have the very tip of the tail we built up to this moment all right crocodile skin let's go for it [Music] it doesn't have a lot of taste to it not at all it is thick it's very chewy super chewy hard to get through almost like a gummy worm a fishy gummy bear yes overall very pleased today was a challenging day because animal tales are not that common for eating but considering we found these different examples throughout the day it feels like today i was living a fairy tale limitations push innovations when you see it uncooked it's hard to imagine you could ever eat it it's the same in the food world do you think americans are missing out should we be eating more butts certain cuts of meat like these tails are often cheaper to purchase why would you throw away such a great piece of an animal all that's required then is to creatively and carefully produce a recipe that brings out the best these offcuts have to offer this has to be the most tender piece of meat i've had a long time and the tail is certainly no exception from researching and shooting to editing and mastering our 10 person best ever food review show team works hard to roll out the highest quality travel food entertainment twice a week if you like what we do here please consider supporting our patreon patreon allows fans of the show to contribute a monthly sum and receive a load of extras like early video releases private q and a's and beyond to learn more about our patreon check out the link in the description box down below and if you can't give or don't even feel like it that's okay too we're just happy you're here guys that is it for today a huge thank you to kelvin over here you can follow calvin right here on his instagram page guys that is it for this one thank you so much for watching we will see you next time peace i'm gonna push you in the water oh don't don't even joke though is
Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 2,722,818
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best ever food review show, befrs team, sonny side, befrs, vietnam, south east asian country, 24 hours challenge, head to tail, trying off cut meat, animal tail, bizarre food, exotic food, unusual food, unique food in vietnam, PIG TAIL NOODLES, OXTAIL STEW, GRILLED CHICKEN BUTT, GRILLED CROCODILE TAIL
Id: y0E-cGIhcDo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 21sec (981 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 17 2021
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