Vietnam’s Aquaman!! SPIKY Sea Urchin and Seafood FEAST!! | Surviving Vietnam Part 7

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Sep 14 2020 🗫︎ replies
i've had it many times at japanese restaurants but you've actually never even eaten it no i'm perfectly a virgin to sea urchins try it out last time on our best ever central vietnam bike tour andrew and i ended up in the coastal city of natran we're going to the coast for sure it's going to be something from the ocean something that swims i toured a mega-sized birdhouse are they going to hit me oh my god and we both ate one of the world's most expensive foods this is what i've been waiting raw bird zest soup the flavor is in the storytelling behind the food i like it today we run out of bro so now we're heading into the ocean i'm so curious how many fishing farms are there here not far from the city exists an entire village on the water home to those making a living off the ocean we brought the net all the way up you can see there's about a hundred of these fish but this way of living and this way of eating it's nothing like you've seen before andrew and i are on a mission to blend in this guy's got like gills or something i don't know how he stayed down there for so long earning our key and go and getting our sea legs so we're both doing what we want to do this time yeah that is teamwork only finally if we don't fall apart first i have you on my show and you ruined my show i'm bringing the reality to this no before all that we're in the city of netrang ready to fuel up before shipping out let's eat well good morning everybody here we have a dish special to this area it's jellyfish noodles andrew huh this popular local delicacy has been offered in this restaurant for 38 years jellyfish noodles made simply with vermicelli jellyfish fish cake fish balls and fish meat all joined together with a steaming hot savory fish bone broth i didn't even know jellyfish is something you could eat have you had this before joining our meal ciao experienced local tour guide for eat like a local mom across from him miss tan vice president of this region's tourism board and overall jellyfish noodle fans this is her favorite noodle soups when she was young around 10 years old wow fantastic oh god oh yes so this purple stinky shrimp paste it's mandatory andrew i can do yours too no no no no too little a little bit of chilies some fish sauce and i'm going to give that all a nice mix i want to try just straight up jellyfish i've never had this in my life let's do it that's a fun texture it's just taking on some of the flavor of that really rich savory broth right it's just got kind of a crunchy texture to it yeah it's kind of like a gummy bear like a gummy bear but without any flavor okay one more bite a little broth little bone she asked is it good it's really good it's fresh super savory for jellyfish noodles i thought this would have a lot more jellyfish but it's not just about the jellyfish it's like all the flavors of the coastline mixed together right fish noodles fish sauce shrimp paste like everything coming together in one bowl 35 years since you've been here how have you seen this city changed just a couple decades ago this region was nearly completely undeveloped now it's a destination known locally and internationally for its natural beauty islands and beaches and of course their unique regional cuisine yeah train really keeps a very important role in the tourism pictures of the whole vietnam yeah one of the big reasons we want to talk to you is because tourism has become such an issue right now because of corona it's basically devastated the tourism industry if you look at may last year to may this year international tourism is down like a 98 and so for a city like nijang it's especially devastating because a huge amount of these businesses depended on international tourists so the question is what is an enchanting tourism board doing to bring back tourism to this been stolen city me little by little piece by piece until i'm complete so first of all the government have the information to every single hotel's tourist company house to face with the pandemic make sure one hundred percent that's nia tran is safe now and then she would like to share more the plan to announce the friendly and safely destinations so they can welcome the tourists back first of all the domestic domestic and then popular everywhere for international tourism for a while even while this video was being recorded vietnam had kovit 19 under control it seemed like it had been eradicated from vietnam altogether cities like the chang had even begun the long journey of bouncing back starting with domestic tourism unfortunately after this recording another wave of covet-19 infections hit likely due to illegal border crossing from china we know it's tough times right now what is your hope for the future vietnam has already won once going head-to-head with the virus i believe they can do it again this is going to be one of our final cards i mean this is our final experience this says today you're going to experience the not so touristy side of this touristy region experiencing the people food and natural beauty that put this place on the map expect to get wet [Music] we're here just a little bit outside the city of nichang and this beautiful beachside village and uh we're with aren't my men here dude sir how are you doing it's in ciao it's hot good very informal landshake this is mr t father to a family of six living in a modest home close to a pristine beach that's not yet lost its luster to development or tourism meaning this is an ideal place for fishermen to do what they do best a lot of the people living on the coast they have some kind of job in the fishing industry and seafood is hugely popular here we can see that in our little breakfast we've got some sticky rice and on top what is that actually i think it's caco like the same thing we made the fish sauce out of in the first episode it does smell pretty fishy but uh it's pretty neutral exactly just laying drew talking about gaku they stir-fried with chili put on top of the sticky rice well what i've learned this trip i flippin love sticky rice there's not enough of it in the world and in vietnam aggregate oh it's really pleasant you didn't kill the bones at all yeah bones are pretty soft it's another type of thing where the fish are like half food have seasoning to bring the rice to life so the rice is more exciting i like it a lot it's really good food well we don't actually know what we're doing today yeah this is his daughter she thank you yeah come on what's going on here i much prefer her to me gentlemen this is the final day of your journey congratulations on making it this far but you're not finished yet where you're going today your bites will be of no use probably the water today you each must catch your own food and contribute to a family feast i knew it you decide who catches what and we'll see you at the finish line hi um first of all thank you for being here second can you help teach us how to catch stuff today [Music] he doesn't seem that interested actually so he's saying he's gonna go down to the water you can even go into some of the small caves and catch the lobster oh lobster would be great if you wanna stay on the boat we're gonna get some sweet but fifty percent andrew i feel like we've been going head-to-head a lot this trip in your face sunny side listen if you want to go on the boat you go on the boat no no i want to go in the water well you really want to go in the water it feels like the more adventurous thing to do wait so we're both doing what we want to do this time yeah that's great perfect teamwork final here a village like no other dozens of part-time homes on the ocean they've got kitchens they've got bathrooms but their purpose is as a type of ocean farm aquaculture like agriculture but on water fishermen store fish or lobsters here before selling or they fatten them up feeding them sometimes up to a year before the fish go to market so he said this is fish with around five six months old he catches the babies and then rears them or does he buy the baby you have to buy nursery fish to put it in here it's around two dollars per fish of course we won't be eating any seafood from mr t's farm today that would be too easy instead andrew and i are heading out into the open ocean and attempting to catch a meal for ourselves i am here with mr t but with a little help we are the go team we got the fisherman's son and we've got you of course do you have any fishing experience um actually my dad is the fisherman all right but i never fished before oh okay at this point i'll take whatever help i can get have you caught squid before by yourself so can you just make me look good please to the best of my knowledge we are here to catch two things lobsters and sea urchins and ti minbap that was fast right here he's got a tool it's designed to look like a little shrimpy with a ton of spikes okay so it's ooh be careful i cut myself in theory it sounds like an easy plan just knock it in i'm gonna feel a lot more confident once i have some of these bad boys inside this net i can't go back empty-handed not this time not again out here okay we're gonna get in beside sun wind water and the boat that feels good you've got nothing you're gonna fish and i'm going to watch you and learn okay so please uh show me show me your ways you want to plug something to eat from the ocean you better develop your own methods quick or you're going to go hungry therefore out of necessity a tool like this is born in a new skill acquired this guy's got like gills or something i don't know how he stayed down there for so long this isn't something they teach in books but knowledge handed down from generation to generation he gave it a nice toss and then he starts to reel it in he gives it a tug and then he waits again oh look mr t just made that look real easy i'm a little bit worried about this look how sparky these things are i did not expect them to be moving this much so far we've been fishing for about 49 seconds we've not caught anything you have to be very patient oh the best way to learn mti is to get hands on okay so i've got the rod i've got the spool go [Laughter] [Music] oh you know what go all right good give it some line let it sink right now andro is in the water he has a better chance he's looking the fish in the eyes give it a tuck we want the shrimp to act like a shrimp these squid are going to be like whoa what an elegant realistic shrimp i'm going to eat that now even with skill and plenty of patience luck is a major factor [Music] that's my first net full of sea urchins the trickiest thing about it i think is uh trying to swim with the net in your hand but i've got to admit it's pretty fun there's plenty of this down there sometimes good fortune smiles upon you and sometimes oh what is this oh that's just you know that's a lure that's the lure okay she flips you the bird so feedback how was that like this level jesus is my first time take it easy kid all right let me try again better usually how long does it take sometimes it gets the squid around two to three minutes sometimes half an hour someday there's nothing oh no okay let me just bring it in we need to get creative right now andrew is catching maybe sea urchins oh good god maybe a chicken or a duck look we got food this is a catch and cook that worked out how did this happen this is surreal he's getting a lot of stuff down there i know sonny and i have really been kind of going at each other but i did great i hope he did great too this is going to be one hell of a final meal do you have any squid on the boat already kid yeah you do wait you know english yeah what the what's going on okay i think that we pretend to catch it and then we delete this conversation so my buddy andrew won't see it oh is that squid dead already yes are there any what is my shell i think we just do it i don't think andrew tug on it a little bit oh i think i got something on here really what is this what's going on i can see it really oh it looks like a real squid oh my god oh it's really heavy oh man dude i gotta admit i'm kind of impressed with sonny like i didn't think he'd catch he's doing really well what an amazing creature just a majestic did he throw a dead squid into the ocean and pull it back out man andrew we just got back from getting our contribution to this family feast what'd you get we've got heaps of sea urchins man we even got a lobster it went great that's really nice yeah and how did you go sunny side great as well we uh got a bunch of squid we got three no you didn't man what did you review the footage i saw it you saw the footage i thought the squid was dead bro you took a dead squid and you threw it in the ocean man oh i was busting my ass what do you want me to do i was with the 14 year old kid how about not fake it how about not reveal that i fainted on my show i almost died for this show it's not even my show how do i even know you really got those sea urchins maybe he just put him there for you no that was hard work i was super proud of my efforts and here you are i don't know catching frozen food um sorry about that uh i guess what we really want to know is just more about your lifestyle here how does it work you have this beautiful farm how long have you had a farm here uh can i talk okay it's been like a seven years already he's waked up quite early in the morning around five a.m and then he'll double check everything take care of all of the fish he's also go out fishing around sometime he has it sometimes he doesn't have anything sometimes it's impossible to catch fish right yeah it's impossible but you still need content for your channel yeah so fishing these days isn't like it was years ago all right so he's pulling up the net here it's a common refrain for fishermen around the world wow more and more effort for the same amount of fish you can see there's about a hundred of these fish the catch he brings in includes cobia barramundi trivally and queen fish what is the most expensive you have this is the lobster lobster is one of this region's most popular seafood treats getting up to around two pounds lucky for me these are on today's many along with andrew's catch of the day this is your first time catching the sea urchin but you've actually never even eaten it no that's wild to me he begins by cutting off all these spikes he starts slicing into the body and then he opens the lid and inside you can see all these little egg rolls so the stuff underneath is just not good don't eat it he squeezed some lime on there try it out it was really good really good it's not as smooth as i thought it would be i thought those eggs would just separate right in your mouth there's some true to it it's not fishy in any way which is kind of surprising [Music] uh here's the thing i've had sea urchin a few times i don't really like it to me it's rich and creamy and that part is nice but then it tastes metallic at the end on the other hand this is super fresh still that like rich creamy a little metallic i think it's pretty decent i like it nice work dude you are officially the best gatherer i've ever worked with gathered this is a live animal it's moving i think that counts as like hunting oh maybe it's extreme gathering oh okay i'll take that extreme gathering sounds like a decent compromise it's pretty epic cooking is underway first up grilled sea urchin set atop a fiery charcoal stove add scallion oil and let the fire do the work next remember the squid i cut these guys are cleaned and steamed the lobsters get a similar treatment steamed with a hit of msg [Music] when you're cooking in a kitchen in the middle of the ocean preparation methods are a bit limited but here our greatest flavor enhancer is the absolute freshness of this seafood [Music] gentlemen and gentle kid we have done it look at this what a feast i think we should jump into it where can we start can i try the sea urchin because we already tried the raw version and now this has been grilled it doesn't feel like there's a lot in there oh yeah it's become more condensed and kind of dried to the shell right i'm gonna try it out [Music] oh that's good and wildly different from the raw version it has a bold flavor not something you wouldn't expect to be joined with the seafood especially considering previously it was actually kind of smooth pretty it was creamy and rich but not that flavorful this is very strong yeah i like it a lot yeah how about these can we try these out so these are some lobsters he's cut up the lobster here this looks fantastic even better a beer boat just came and the beer is coming right now [Music] we're very happy yo so you don't take the whole tail he just takes like one bite at a time all right so give it a dip cheers [Music] that's really good lobster sound flavorful up yeah that one's like a real meaty flavor actually probably that mummy sweet meat oh really good well this is always good but i mean this is super fresh right over here cooking this is great we started off today in chang learning about how the pandemic has really devastated the tourism industry there here a good distance outside the city i mean is he even aware that there's a pandemic going on and if so has it affected his life in any way actually it does affect his economy because of the import export for example the lobster the price is going to drop down like one third super remote and still still affected i mean every part of the food chain seems to be affected in some way unless you serve bamboo red right the pandemic don't have much on him pandemic proof for the great moon in the middle of june falling up to life on the water is tough this is tough squid people here live now as many previous generations have grab a piece give it a bit of a dip so it's hard to imagine what changes in lifestyle the future may hold i like it it's been really incredible kind of seeing your lifestyle here how you live it's very different than other parts of vietnam and i'm curious you have a big beautiful family what is your wish for your children and their future as a father and as a provider mr t must decide if his son should continue school past the age of 14 or commit to helping full time with the family business he chose the family business but given their specific line of work and their financial challenges i'm not sure how much of a choice it really was going through the whole central region of the country known and unknown touristy spots in un touristy spots what's the one thing you learned that really surprised you just how quickly vietnam is changing like even in the mountains even in a time like with corona where things are changing at a slower pace at least i would imagine in these rural communities just the pace of change it's wild it's even like a place like this i don't know but i can't imagine this sort of way of life continuing for that long worst food best food from this whole trip worst food was pretty uh anything with bile oh is that the bile yes you think it's a fish sauce kyle is effed man for me the porcupine bile dish right i can't handle it right that is such an acquired taste but that deep violent bitterness i couldn't handle it oh what did you put in there it's so bitter and the best food you had the eel noodles all right that stuff was like butter it melted in your mouth the flavor was amazing i'm trying to think of how i can get back to bunwatcho just to try that again i really loved bees cooking in hoi an oh interesting great cooking but even better company mother nature's procuring there's no need for doubt it isn't mine hundreds of miles traveled dozens of meals eaten and a few very meaningful connections made eventually corona is going to be gone when corona is gone when we don't have to worry about it do you think hoi an will come back to life quickly depends on how much damage from corona but i would say that for the 21st century of course most people have enough food to eat you have plenty clothes to wear so what is your luxury travel as soon you already travel you can't stop yourself to think about next destination and there will be travel a lot more that is another type of food so you won't give up i've rediscovered what i already knew vietnam lies between the big population areas xin zhao fishermen in the places that are hard to get to yes they've greeted us far from tourist offices would you call these in your country andrew for daily conveniences that's still farming these things don't give up the journey is long and hard now we will tell the intestine but whatever effort you put into it wow i am very impressed you'll get back high and [Music] [Music] from researching and shooting to editing and mastering our 10 person best ever food review show team works hard to roll out the highest quality travel food entertainment twice a week if you like what we do here please consider supporting our patreon patreon allows fans of the show to contribute a monthly sum and receive a load of extras like early video releases private q and a's and beyond to learn more about our patreon check out the link in the description box down below and if you can't give or don't even feel like it that's okay too [Music] we're just happy you're here that is it for this one thank you so much for watching we will see you next time of peace all right how do we get out of here this is like a most precarious um we should take this boat and we should take the boat show me love show me everything that i'm living for [Music] you
Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 2,459,488
Rating: 4.9114399 out of 5
Keywords: best ever food review show, befrs team, sonny side, central vietnam bike tour, royal enfield, vietnamese cuisine, south east asian country, asian food, nha trang, what to eat in nha trang, JELLYFISH NOODLES, UNTOUCHED PENINSULA, STEAMED SQUID, Lobster, sea urchin, fishing village, catch and cook
Id: TCfepXZ-2cQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 19sec (1579 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 06 2020
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