$10 Snail VS $120 Snail!!! Rare GIANT Seafood in Asia!!

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[Music] this thing is a monster oh it's so big and nasty [Music] snails in southeast asia they come in unlimited shape is that even a snail colors and most impressive sizes oh it's so big from slimy crawly creatures that are nearly microscopic that's it that's the food to behemoth ocean dwellers some of which are older than me today we're in saigon vietnam trying out three different snail experiences at three different price tags very affordable like 500 sales for 10 bucks that's a good deal very expensive i don't have to pay for the shell right all cooked up like you have never seen before yo are those eyes time to snail it [Music] the year is 2020. a pandemic has ravished the globe and there's only one food show left on the internet hi today we're scouring the streets of vietnam finding items that are both cheap expensive and somewhere in the middle in a series i like to call bang for your buck have you ever heard of bang for your buck yes i have today joining me on my seafood quest saigon local and snail enthusiast me fam my show or just the phrase in general the phrase in general we have a special series here on the best ever food review show trademark called bang for your buck also trademark not actually trademark please don't do it before me i'm saving up when you think of a snail you probably envision this slimy slow protruding eyes and a shell they can retract into in the face of danger in reality there are over 60 000 different species of snails it's a lot a lot of different snails found on land in fresh water or even in the sea so yes this is a snail but this is a snail too what's the biggest snail you've ever seen this shroom considered a shrimp the biggest sale you've ever seen was in the snail and also it was a shrimp yeah all right let's get out there and eat some snails let's do it first location for our most affordable level of snail we have come here this is a pretty typical seafood street food stall that you'd find anywhere here in ho chi minh city stalls like these are common in vietnam locals convene shoulder to shoulder over a tantalizing selection of these shelled gastropods cold glasses of beer and affordable seafood what more could you ask for the owner of this doll ms cook is a true snail lover she's offering more than 60 kinds of shelled seafood every night she sells over 200 pounds of these little guys as i look here i've never seen some of this stuff before some of it maybe i've seen on discovery channel and that's about it they have the swirly snails and some black ones and some medium-sized ones oh they even have horseshoe crabs could you pass me a horseshoe crab uh g uh g dot on uh this yes dress oh god i'm so good at vietnamese all right so check it out this is not a snail but super interesting it's a horseshoe crab there's quite a variety that she's got here we're gonna try some snails i've never seen before and that you absolutely have never seen before after we interview the owner it's doing good you have tons of seafood here i see one i want to try right now they're kind of beautiful they could be earrings maybe so this is actually mountain snail okay so i definitely want to try these quick questions there's some snails in my garden can i eat those they're only good for medicinal purposes medicinal person maybe i'll get high and trip out and invent the new tesla man thank you so much let's do it and maybe a recipe for the snails in my garden snail dish one stir-fried coconut snails with salt coconut snails got this name because they're found living around the trunk of coconut trees here she's coated them with chili salt sugar and the side of vietnamese coriander first location of the day first nails of the day looks pretty good they look like little black beans i don't even know how to eat this you puncture the meat then you pull it out [Music] you got it you got it you tell me you got it wow look at that such a big voluptuous bite i don't know how many of these i can eat let's try it out all right huh that's interesting i genuinely think it takes more calories to eat this than you get from the food so if you spend all day eating this you're gonna lose a ton of weight and you're gonna lose your mind so here these are the ones that she was telling us about mountain snails these snails were collected from southern vietnam's tallest mountain here they're grilled with a sticky sweet blend of fish sauce sugar and msg loaded with fresh green peppercorns so i'm doing my extraction now wow there's so much snail in there and so the little poop sack is at the end do you eat that usually i don't think you eat it yes okay you're right yeah all right let's try it out goes with the sauce really well the sauce is nice it's just a little bit sweet the sale itself it has more of like a mineral taste to it and the poopy part i enjoyed it i don't really like it i think you were thinking about it too much you were in your head about your poop our final victims tobacco pipe snails also grilled with fish sauce and sugar [Music] demonetized this looks great it looks meany oh yeah and it looks like you can actually eat the poop of this one you can eat the poop of all of them i'm gonna hit it with a little bit of fish sauce wow it's really good oh that's really satisfying it's so meaty i love it so we've had three different types of snails first one kind of a waste of time but fun second one tastes of the mountain final one super meaty together a great little nighttime snack so which one's your favorite actually this is um on top of my list and it's because it looks like a pipe it reminds you of marijuana that's it i knew you were cool i know i'm cool location two snail two this place is famous for its exotic seafood selection in fact we've been here before for some extreme eats before we order i want to reconnect with the owner exactly wait what'd he say he said now you remember to shake his hand you didn't do it last time [Laughter] last time i was eating your delicious iso pods since that video got posted has there just been an explosion of isopod sales here might he has like a few people asking but they're from abroad so they can't really come back yet but you're like in turkey or something and you're like be there in 12 months do you have any iso pots we're not here for isopods today today it's all about snails what is the most expensive snail you have that one can i pick it up no okay all right sorry i want to touch all the food but it's still alive so it feels more like an animal right it's a pet basically it's basically a pet until we put it in a frying pan oh that is heavy whoa that's crazy so this thing is absolutely alive it's a giant conch punk it's a common name for different types of big sea snails usually with a spire shaped shell usually they're between 6 to 12 inches long or wide and they grow up to 5 pounds when i was in the bahamas they also have conch they love conch it's very popular there but they would take out this little long translucent piece that was like the sexual reproductive organ of the kung and you eat that alone raw and it's supposed to give you uh superman powers it gives you everything it can do everything do you guys eat the reproductive organ of the conch [Laughter] you've never had any customer made that request if you want he can serve it to you yeah if you can find it we should eat it okay all right let's do it conch is steamed for 20 minutes the giant sea snail has just been steamed from here my men you just pull it out or is it will it dump out oh the same thing that happens to me if i jump in really cold water happens to this nail if you put it in really hot water it's just kind of not you know there's kind of two parts a more dense meaty part and then that loose part which one is more tasty he said the head tastes better it's got a bit more texture so cool i believe you han m okay let's eat today's kong will be cooked two ways first stir-fried tonk start by scissoring the dense conk meat into bite-sized medallions [Music] in a hot wok saute chilies garlic and lemongrass then add water and a blend of secret sauces once the conk absorbs the flavors add veggies [Music] so here we have it the biggest nail i've ever bought in my life and they've made two dishes here i think we should try the dry one first it is so thick and dense almost like uh what do you call those really dense oh it's on the tip of my tongue [Music] scallop it's kind of like a scallop but it's not a scallop is it a food yeah it's a food it comes in a shell in a shell abalone yeah let's try it out oh spicy it's oily it's almost just like you just put some salt and chili oil on there and also the more you chew actually the more flavor you taste the flavor explodes you got to be careful it doesn't explode too hard and blow your teeth off that's happened before yep what in the actual is that i think that's part of the head oh no oh yo are those eyes these are the eyeballs okay i'll eat the head you eat this bite of eyeballs cheers that bite was a little bit weird also chewy but kind of gummy overall these flavors are great though it just kind of tastes like chili oil which i like [Music] our second dish steamed conk with ginger in a wok the chef makes a broth with scallions ginger and spring onions flavored even more with fish sauce msg and sugar add the conk and finally garnish with onions leeks and cilantro wow these parts all look a little bit gnarly yeah oh that's a stomach part okay here we go oh i like that very much the look is a little intimidating but actually the taste is good it's very different yeah really really soft i would say these two dishes complement each other very well so location two snail two a winner [Music] antennae my man manager at this joint here a pleasure to meet you this place is unlike anywhere we've been today it's big it's beautiful it's glamorous welcome to wooden way restaurant a high-end seafood paradise it's the ideal spot to flex on your co-workers swiping the company card for fresh exotic and extraordinarily giant seafood that is still moving can you tell us a little bit about this restaurant who comes here besides you know rich people like us my name is so during the week you have people that are here to drink and then on the weekends you have more families you've got this huge aquarium what is going on here it's a fish it's crazy uh this one what is this oh yeah so this is called up yakbang and english name is mello mello melomelo is a very large sea snail typically found in the seas of southeast asia their huge shell is often used as a tool by fishermen to bail out water from their boats therefore it's also commonly called a baylor shell this thing is massive usually they try to hide in the shell but the snail it's so big it's become arrogant it's just like letting it all hang out and it's super healthy super healthy oh it's like uh aphrodisiac aphrodisiac yeah for men so not for me cool i'm gonna go hang out with some other dudes who also ate aphrodisiacs and high fives yeah high five each other we are in the kitchen the snail has been pressure cooked for the last 10 minutes and we're gonna reveal it right now so he's got the tongs he's gonna hit the ice water right away boom hit some ice water so now the not so easy part of taking it out he's got a scissors here kind of trying to pry it out oh he's making some headway this part is not easy he's got the focus of a madman he's going to get it out you can do it you could do it go in all right it's hour 12 of surgery right now there's something in there still clinging onto the shelf oh he's got a hand on it it's almost out [Music] there it is oh it's missing a little bit there's some little part still left in there oh i think that's the poopy part that part is huge remember early in the video when we ate the little poopy part now it's huge you can throw it away dude we'd probably be fine without that congratulations okay no high fives if you zoom in close this would actually be its eyes or intending it uses something around here to see where it's going obviously it wasn't that good because it ended up here i'm going to put the whole thing on the scale and see how much actual just straight up cooked snail meat do we have here i don't actually know because i'm not facing the scale how much it is 1.1 kgs of meat that is insane well i got trust in these guys here the kitchen crew they're going to make it into some delicious food and i'm going to make sure they don't put this part inside let's eat stop that armella mellow will be prepared two ways first stir fry a hot wok is doused in oil garlic and chilies margarine salt sugar and msg then a very generous portion of snail once every piece of the snail is coated it's time to eat so let's talk about this over a kg of meat does it make you uncomfortable i gotta admit i'm a little intimidated you should be i was in the kitchen and it was disturbing how much fecal matter is contained within the snail it's like a toilet pole which dish has the poop this one let's build up to the poop dish okay this is a climax yeah the climax here we've got a mound of pure snail meat the meat itself looks the same kind of just an opaque white but there's like this leopard print on the outside it looks like a confused middle-aged white woman that's trying too hard all right i'm gonna just kind of reinvigorate it in the butter here let's go for it [Music] oh wow delicious flavor very rich with the butter the way it breaks apart it's like beyond chewy i think that's all there is to this one over here a snail salad dish two the chef chops all the odd bits into biteable chunks this includes the organs and also the semi-digested contents of its poop sac that would be a horrible thing to have to waste add all that to a shredded mixture of banana flowers vietnamese coriander and [Music] onions okay take a look at that that's a whole horn yeah horn is the right word for it cheers cheers mmm that one was pretty pleasant i mean no strong flavor uh what else is in here papaya peanuts and just a dumb amount of meat i think we do a little salad a little bit of snail oh way different everything here is so tender also the way that they prepared it is the right balance yeah it does bounce this is more bold spicy in your face and this is a bit more light overall i like it the only parts that freak me out are the ones that look like a body part when i feel like i'm looking into a snail face looking back at me like you could have prevented this and i'm like with the views and he's like i get it the views the views today we had three different snails at three different amounts of money for you which one was the best value for the amount of money if i had to pick one i would say the most expensive one why is that the best value it's the whole experience from seeing it in the tang to cooking it and to having it on a table like that it's totally totally worth it oh we can't say that for me the expensive snail is totally the right choice for the amount of money yeah for me the one that i thought was the best value today is our first location just like classic vietnamese street food so many different options super delicious super affordable to me for sure the best value small snails you know the ones that don't weigh over a pound they're pretty awesome they have nuanced texture and a bouncy springiness that's fun to bite through it's like beyond chewy giant snails more or less have the same super dense meaty consistency in each bite the texture is kind of addictive though but they are a spectacle that can't be underrated look it just went back in the shower oh that's crazy whether you're choosing big or small the experience will always be well worth it best ever food review show bandanas for you and your entire extended family now you can finally stop the sweat on hot days or important job interviews you can cover up your receding hairline you can pretend to be the karate kid you can lead a summit on climate change you can hide from your responsibilities you could hide that embarrassing tattoo or you can look like the world's most lovable food review show host wow for each order you will receive three bandanas in three different colors red black and white this is a one of a kind unique design you will only find on our website visit our store and check out all of our merch at shopbesteverfood.com from researching and shooting to editing and mastering our 10 person best ever food review show team works hard to roll out the highest quality travel food entertainment twice a week if you like what we do here please consider supporting our patreon patreon allows fans of the show to contribute a monthly sum and receive a load of extras like early video releases private q a's and beyond to learn more about our patreon check out the link in the description box down below and if you can't give or don't even feel like it that's okay too we're just happy you're here hey guys thanks for watching the video thank you tony can we have a little awkward handshake you made it awkward guys that is it for this one thank you so much for watching we'll see you next time peace all right uh we got another pound of snail we gotta eat it [Music] bye
Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 6,603,583
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best ever food review show, befrs team, sonny side, vietnam, saigon, asia, south east asian food, vietnamese cuisine, vietnamese street food, where to eat in saigon vietnam, travelling in vietnam, ho chi minh city, giant snail, expensive snail, worth it, bang for your buck, cheap vs expensive, CONCH
Id: oam0XbTFkyo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 27sec (1167 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 20 2020
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