High-Priced EXOTIC Seafood in Asia!!! Only for the Brave!!!

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so i want to make a deal with you to make it fair i'll take one out but you got to take one out too [Music] there are millions of creatures in the ocean over time generations of curious eaters ice are slime and innovative chefs have developed outrageous recipes from some not so typical seafood fish is a delicious food the testicles are yummy but eating this way isn't always about taste and nourishment it's believed some of these creatures of the deep are actually superfoods containing special health benefits you won't find anywhere else in asia people always want to try something rare and then they think that it's going to help them some way without help it might help them howl today we're digging deep into the world of unusual uncommon oh it moves frequently unseen seafood now that's either a mouth or a uh at the end of it yeah from giant rare albino-looking crabs i don't know why they even put the head here there's something in there vietnamese want to say that you're crazy that you left that behind to a blue blood potion that comes from these living fossils it's nice it has shrimps in it time to eat twin welcome to the show yay i'm happy to be back it was too long hitch okay that's a long one it's getting awkward no no we're at dundong restaurant it's a new spot but it's quickly becoming the place to go for seafood lovers in the neighborhood with dozens of live seafood options from the usual to the exotic today our focus is really exotic seafood what does exotic mean to you we are looking animal or taste weird you're not that adventurous of an eater are you no no no what are you least looking forward to today i don't like anything but a little squishy little strange yeah oh my god okay we'll see we'll see about that [Music] when it comes to seafood in asia freshness is key chef hello thank you for having us here the menu should be on display alive and kicking how long have you worked here fish snails clams he has 10 year experience but work here two years octopods shrimpies even soft shell turtles you have many different seafood items but one has caught my eye in particular i'm looking at it right now the crystal crab what is a crystal crab it's white like a rare albino crab but it's not that this off-white pale crab is actually a species only found in the depths of the indian ocean this crab is from australia import to vietnam it's not as big as a king crab but it's still impressively sized how much is the crystal crab 2.5 million in vietnam so over 50 dollars a pound it's carapace or for those who skipped crab anatomy its body shell can grow up to seven inches and the whole dude can weigh up to five pounds that means lots of meat are you sure it's a lie i think you're just moving its legs around with your hand i don't know what is that it's alive just a little weak well it looks dead to me um do we get a discount oh wait oh oh it moved oh it moved all right it's coming back to life the crab is cut in half coated in flour then deep fried why do you think it's so expensive are there any perceived health benefits he said the meat is good there's no health benefits i thought this whole video is going to be just very like actually it's good for brain tumors i know so the meat is good oh that's good first dish sauteed crystal crab with garlic the chef stir-fries minced garlic in hot oil adds in a mixture of chili sauce msg sugar fish sauce and garlic then crispy pork fat then the crab now the second dish sauteed crystal crab with pepper sauce stir-fry minced shallots with plenty of peppercorns add a mixture of soy sauce oyster sauce msg seasoning powder chili sauce and ground pepper then the crack [Music] what am i looking at here which seems like a lot of work okay i don't want to make it any funnier but you have to suck on it that's the rules okay [Music] what do you call this as a pepper yeah peppa sauce look at that piece the claw for me i'm curious that the meat is going to look different usually it's going to be kind of orangey inside like you would see in the king crab and these crabs use skin whitening like really pale it doesn't have any of that orangey color on it try it out clean heavy oily it feels a little bit different from a normal crab like a normal crab leg can be kind of stringy and long but here these bumps it creates like a different type of texture and more pleasant when you eat it i still wonder why they've wiped me or the crab let's try this one this is the garlic one oh my god we certainly paid for the garlic as well that's a lot of it you pay i mean it looks so wide that it sucks like fish the meat actually looks different i haven't seen any other crab that has this kind of bumpy musculature like this one has [Music] it's super good i like the second one more it's incredible it's clean it's tender to be honest the crab is so good on its own i don't think you need anything extra now i understand why it's expensive it's good i thought there's going to be a lot more like story to this i'm kind of sad though because in vietnam it seems almost anything you eat has some incredible backstory some kind of like myth that goes along with it and here he won't even lie and make up a story yes i'm looking for delicious seafood sure i want to find seafood with mythical stories and a long list of health benefits attached maybe i'm fishing in the wrong pond we've come to the next location and this is really what we're looking for the only thing is twins a little bit afraid of touching these little creatures i don't like anything that a little squishy little strange yeah oh my god let's see if we can get her to do exactly that ah twin twin eye [Music] in here you'll see two different types of sea cucumber oh that's like yeah what do you think that was like a piece of wood it was a rock nope this is a sea cucumber there are well over 1 000 species they come in many forms colors and sizes i talked to the owner he said picking it up by hand not that dangerous what do you mean not that day he just didn't elaborate that's all he said so i'm taking my head away i hate you it's a lot harder than it seems right i don't know what to say most sea cucumbers have a soft and cylindrical body what are you feeling right now why am i here with a length of 4 to 10 inches they're found slowly roaming the ocean floor is it moving is it trying to bite you no he said they have big teeth i i kill you right now here this restaurant has two types much more spiky underwater right one red and one white oh it feels so weird it's so solid okay very visual this is like a nightmare oh my god it's like when you mix cornstarch with water it conforms to the shape of your hand oh true have you done that no we're at nachang seafood restaurant opened four years ago by owner mr fuller put her there thank you thank you he prides himself as a cucumber cooking pioneer i've had sea cucumber before in guangzhou and in korea and it was already dead and it was small and green it looked like a pickle but here you have two very odd species so he said uh he's been selling this for one and a half man only oh that's it yeah but the reaction is amazing he said and he said if you can eat it raw then the nutrition that you can get is like double double nutrition yes i love nutrition the red sea cucumber will be made into sashimi that means it's simply sliced raw you talked about the nutrition i'm curious does this food give any special health benefits first it's carefully cleaned this one is good for all types of people the skin is scrubbed down with sea salt until it's nearly unrecognizable first one the men is going to help to improve your sperm they cut both ends and remove its cucumber guts for a pregnant woman it reduces red levels then wash it again with a mixture of cinnamon chives and other herbs this can help the baby boost the health better slice it up then serve with their special chili sauce you know what i like about these health benefits it's equal opportunity there's something in it for everybody the sperm are pumped they'll pregnant lady more babies coming out of the womb like in this kind of a problem i love this show now he's bringing over this monster sea cucumber it's their first time ever cooking this one the chef chooses to sauce it up first it's cleaned and prepared the same way so he said this one is the richest nutrition in all kinds of sea cucumbers what do you think it's going to cost then the chef cuts it into thin slices that are boiled with msg sugar ginger and pineapple so he said is 1.5 million per kilogram and this one is about one and a half kilogram when you weigh it is that before or after it pees a bunch of its body weight out i wanna okay he said yeah ken 2.5 the seat cucumber is stir fried in a hot pan with ginger mushrooms and carrots add water then season with oyster sauce soy sauce sesame seed oil sugar msg and tapioca flour to thicken it up [Music] and boom the only kind of cucumber that it's okay to eat cucumber from the sea have you ever seen a food undergo more of a transformation than what you see here it looks like something completely different where's the big one go it's that cute well here this is kind of spiky red one yeah sashimi did should you try it just by itself yep i don't know [Music] why is it expensive it's like salt water together with um regret it's super salty and briny like the tastes of the seed let's put it in this sauce how it's supposed to be it's got chilies and other fun stuff cheers really spicy but that's a great flavor once you put some sauce on it you don't taste anything for the sauce it's a good idea to taste it without now you really appreciate it right yeah you appreciate the sauce overall i like it fun texture people come here to eat intensely flavored kind of strange exotic seafood and a copper sick buzz over here it's really pretty fancy they have asparagus they have mushrooms i'm gonna just get a whole chopstick full of these suckers cheers [Music] oh ah it's really dense it hurts my jaw it's nuts because it's so thin you can see through it like less than a millimeter thick and it's still like breaking my jaw yeah i have a feeling they're working out the recipe on this one let's get him over here emma this was a first attempt at cooking not just a new dish have you tried it but an entirely new species is it supposed to be that hard wait wait like today because he tried to make sashimi out of it but it was too hard then he put the slices in the pressure cooker that's why it's a little what would you do differently next time so he said next time he would steam it at home for like 40 minutes and then he would chop that up later cool i applaud the culinary vision i like this one and look forward to trying the more refined version of this dish in the future cheers guys next we're diving deep getting a taste of this prehistoric sea creature today we're going to try something i've never had in vietnam a living fossil seemingly unchanged since before the age of dinosaurs it's right behind you do you want to grab one me i'm talking about the horseshoe crack okay yeah oh it's kind of cute look at those lamps yeah it looks like a cockroach like yeah like a big bug that just crawls on the ocean floor oh my lord and when you turn it around your shell being protected from enemies horseshoe crabs are commonly eaten throughout many parts of asia i've tried it once before in thailand with my hero mark wiens they're even served by street food vendors like this in vietnam there's quite a variety that she's got here but here with 15 years of experience in the seafood business this restaurant is approaching this prehistoric snack in a whole new way what's your method what type of food do you make from this yeah ah so he can actually grill that on open fire and then second one you can drink the blood but before that an oceanic appetizer there it is oh it's cute this is a velvet slipper lobster because it has like a little carpet growing on it why do people eat this okay cause it tastes good yeah because it tastes good because it tastes good yeah it tastes good that's great and that's all the reason you need it doesn't have to do something for your junk right guys the velvet slipper lobster is cut in half and put on the grill to roast over hot corn that's so cute cute enough to eat of course it's seasoned with a mixture of chili sauce garlic chili cilantro fish sauce msg and sugar and that looks gorgeous beautiful [Music] look at this if you do it right it should just peel all the way out chef have you ever done a cheers with your customers in the kitchen no first time ever cheers yes wow you nailed it damn it was so good first of all well the sauce you put on there it's got a great spice but the texture it's different than a lobster tail right a lobster tail can be kind of tough sometimes this is nice and juicy tender perfectly done they did a great job really nice well done lemon enough with the snacks it's time for the real deal horseshoe crab prepared two ways first raw blood jello finely minced boiled shrimp and herbs then the chef carefully extracts the blood from the crab all the blood is here and it's quite remarkable cause it's blue like weird alien blood from the sea creature take a look at this like the sea cucumber this blood has some surprising medical benefits the difference is up to four hundred 000 crabs have their blood extracted each year for use in modern hospitals right here we have a bunch of chopped up shrimp and he's going to put the blood on top of that he's kind of making sure the blood kind of seeps into every nook and cranny and crevice of this trip at some point it's gonna harden a bit like a jello would you try this blue blood it's nighttime and our strange seafood finale is upon us dish one is on the way wow would you look at that do you know what that is no that's horseshoe crab blood ah yeah it's blue i've never seen anything like it should we grab a vine do you drink the water of course that's like the whole purpose horseshoe crab blood is extremely sensitive to toxins from bacteria oh yeah some parts of it are sticky like a lugie so it's used to test for contamination when manufacturing anything that could go inside the human body shots iv drips and implanted medical devices okay i don't know how to be wild huh cheers so what happens when you eat the blood directly actually nothing your body treats it like any other seafood blood jelly really salty very salty they didn't taste like blood yeah because it's an animal from the ocean i've had something similar that was made from lobster and everyone is like are you sure that's not ocean water are you sure it's not pee but does p become solid like that no i don't think so and if it does go to the doctor there's something wrong with you i admire you that you're taking another bye i'm just watching you these two grilled horseshoe crab eggs these guys are roasted like their lobster friends before what's great it's like there's no muscly type of meat ah there's just this egg between this membrane and the shell right now the egg is covered with scallion and peanut it really it smells like a little bleachy from the body is that safe to eat i hope you guys dig your spoon in and kind of pry out some of that egg let's try it ready [Music] huh it's a little bit like a chicken egg yolk stronger than that and a little bit like a rubber tire and then it really sticks to your mouth yeah i didn't know what to expect but it's fun but it is weird it smells strange huh yeah everything's strange about it overall i like it i can vibe with this i think this is perfect for like a group of people you get to see something creepy it freaks you out it's great for instagram which is super important these days it looks insane seafood might look scary this really looked like a giant cockroach unfamiliar this is like a nightmare it could even be ugly but let us not be so quick to cast judgment based on appearance alone much of what you might normally skip over actually tastes pretty darn good that's great and as an added benefit some of this stuff even packs some impressive health benefits i think it's gotta get better the more you get used to it so get out there and take your own taste buds for a ride now i understand why it's expensive it was good best ever food review show bandanas for you and your entire extended family now you can finally stop the sweat on hot days or important job interviews you can cover up your receding hairline you can pretend to be the karate kid you can lead a summit on climate change you can hide from your responsibilities you could hide that embarrassing tattoo or you can look like the world's most lovable food review show host wow for each order you will receive three bandanas in three different colors red black and white this is a one-of-a-kind unique design you will only find on our website visit our store and check out all of our merch at 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Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 2,158,074
Rating: 4.8963962 out of 5
Keywords: best ever food review show, befrs team, sonny side, vietnam, asia, asian food, where to eat in vietnam, vietnam travelling, saigon, exotic food in saigon, exotic seafood, bizarre food, weird food, food increase health benefit, crystal crab, australia crab, SEA CUCUMBER, VELVET SLIPPER LOBSTER, HORSESHOE CRAB, Blue blood jello
Id: zZWHueQsHzw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 39sec (1179 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 27 2020
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