Viagra Oysters and Vietnamese Sandwiches!!! Insane Southern Food New Orleans to Saigon!!!

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[Music] what kind of oysters are these these are back well okay does it really work oh you have to try it to find out [Music] last time in New Orleans we explored the amazing diversity of cultures that make up Cajun and Creole cuisine how many different generations of people have come through the Italians the Irish the enslaved people the fridge that Spanish their cadence and all that together and we have a cultural gumbo but there's one country whose impact is much more recently in honor of people in Vietnam I'm gonna put sauce on line already very sauce to sandwich these people would hate me for it but I love working with food Bonnie fries is gonna be loaded fries they can be killing me I don't want this moment to end a large Chinese population came over has refugees after Vidya Nam war so there's an interesting via Creole that's happening here but also at home in there Vietnamese culture the similarities between Saigon Vietnam and New Orleans are shocking both are on a coast both hot both have a love for seafood especially oysters oh that is legit the best oyster I've ever had look at a history of Cajun food and also Burmese cuisine you see the foundation of friends people find a lot of things and spices that they recognized including these single person baguette sandwiches in New Orleans it's called a po-boy that is beep heaven right there and the Vietnam it's called upon me and make me so happy to know a place like this exists these days the vibrant Vietnamese flavors at restaurants like New Orleans owned by me boys are catching on big time but we'll also discover how Cajun cuisines influence made it all the way back to Vietnam is it ok if we don't put cucumber it's like the one food I hate so pack up your fresh herbs in your carry-on luggage today we're going global for Vietnamese food [Music] it would be really easy to miss this place tucked in beside a gas station this restaurant lures in hungry patrons from near and far with flavorful Vietnamese baguette sandwiches known as the bun me we are at Fani boys how long have you been established here almost about to be three years Peter wind is the owner of bond me boys born and raised in New Orleans his parents who owned the gas station next door wanted him to sell po boys but Peter opted for the bond me I live in Vietnam I know what upon me is what is the difference between a po boy and upon me forefoot boy you get the classic traditional Dixon's wear every fraction of our toys sir you get lettuce tomatoes big as a man well for by me it's very layered as then you get spikes you get a little bit acid from the pickled carrots the brightness one is cilantro the fresh spring cucumber then you have the very rich meats inside I know people love the cucumber I'm not gonna have that of an awesome menu it's hard to narrow down what I should try it but you said the bun meatball call yeah you know regular call car you get it in like a stew and then you have the bread you dip and you eat it with a bread but I kind of combined that with something in the ones that leave you somewhere here it's all real sweet debris so we'll be three is pretty much a roast that you cook it all the way down so it breaks apart and you have the gravy in it so I do the same kind of concept with the ball call cook it down and put in the funny before I sit down and eat Peters bonhomie creation I need to do something real quick the for the Bonnie Boys start making my bomb meatball call I've decided to fly here to Vietnam to Ho Chi Minh City to witness the birthplace of this dish let's check it out let's go Saigon many say this is the city where Baja originated and this street side restaurant has been bringing the bulk all action since 1975 their family recipe has been maintained for decades and today I'm gonna get it people like many dishes in Vietnam there are no shortcuts it all starts here piece by piece chopping up beef short ribs and tendons they're giant fiery pot begins with cooking oil then adding lemongrass ground onion garlic and ginger then a mixture of the enemy's curry leaf and five-spice powder this is what gives baja its rich orgy huge once the air becomes so aromatic that you can stand it toss in the meat searing it then eventually building a broth by adding water sugar and salt [Music] pink gets removed then the tendon which means a less time to cooked and thus gets its own spa treatments so right now the tendons been boiling for about 20-25 minutes we're gonna open the lid and reveal that now we already have this amazing broth here that cooked all the beef and I believe like that deep rich color now it's is permeated all of the tendon is nice and orange and now it's hidden from your view that's for me to look at not for you I'm gonna try it out fresh from the bra oh wow it's so fatty and like has a certain kind of springy chewiness to it that your teeth slowly slide through it I love the taste of that so much longer my wine with the beef intended complete they continue building the broth adding in carrot and onion and piles of seasonings until they've achieved perfect balance the final dish can be served with noodles or eaten with Vietnamese baguette bread so this is the hall this is almost like gourmet level Street food if you can call it that this boy here I think they super-sized it for me a little bit but this is $35,000 less than $2 for this I mean come on here you can see the beef it is completely saturated in that broth try it out oh it's so delicious it's so savory on many different levels it's not like oh it's so tender it's falling apart in my mouth but it has a certain kind of elastic chewiness to it that's enjoyable and then of course some more tendon my buddy Kyle Lane he told me that a lot of people here kind of like that chewy texture when they're eating meat and it's not so common in the US but I like it so here we have the bun me the bread so you can just dip it or you can even do what I would like to do make a mini sandwich look at that all that beef it's what get it soaked in even more sauce let's try it out [Music] so if this is what ball caught is like here in Saigon in Vietnam I cannot wait to see what they're doing in New Orleans let's check it out back to Peters kitchen he starts on the bread and ball call then slathers up the bonhomie bread with creamy mayo now the main star generous portions of all call with its gravy then jalapenos pickled carrots and daikon and fresh cilantro this is gorgeous first of all I love that he somehow put a Vietnamese stool essentially into a sandwich and it is extra sloppy it's like a Vietnamese sloppy joe now and then here borderline looking better than the bun meat they're freaking Bonet fries do you remember Bonet oh and then it all becomes inflamed yes this is a fiery roasted breakfast that's bony here in Peters kitchen he's brought the magic of Bonet to french fries funny fries is gonna be a load of fries it's baked gonna be killer fries that get topped with grilled thin slices of steak along with caramelized onions creamy zigzags of mayo and liver pate chopped green onion and a sunny-side up egg as the cherry on top I'm gonna get some fries I'm gonna get some meat some onion Oh Bonet is one of my favorite meals in Vietnam and here they've taken that essence especially with all these onions and they've mixed it with these starchy potatoes also known as french fries so here's the best part check this out oh my god look at this just like classic boning you want the yolk to drip out onto all the other ingredients yoky beefy onion eat french fries mmm that is outstanding somehow they contain all the essence and spirit of Baja into the bond me let's go for it hmm and he's absolutely right it has some nice complexity to it some freshness sourness spiciness all together I mean there's a lot of heavy fried food in this area in general and sometimes it can be a bit much it can lack some balance it's the incredible contribution of Vietnamese food having these fresh herbs along with this more heavy kind of stewed savory ballpark on the side here we got some sriracha and we've got poison sauce in honor of people in Vietnam who love sauce more than any country I've been to I'm gonna put sauce on my already very sauce sandwich oh yeah take that down mm-hmm is there anything else do I miss anything anything else I should say I think I've been I mean I've been about ten minutes just kind of going on and so since I went all the way to Cajun country to eat Vietnamese food I figured I'd come all the way back to Vietnam to Saigon to try something with a Cajun twist this is Nikki she used to live in Texas where she felt in love with Cajun cooking so much so that now she combines the powerful flavor forces of both Cajun and Vietnamese cooking in her Saigon restaurants years ago a friend of mine introduced me to patient Vietnamese crawfish when amis people are very very creative what food so this is added their own stuff that cheap that tastes like lemon grass because characteristics of the lemongrass smell would tick away the muddy smell of the crawfish it's hard to know if good old crawfish throwdowns will have a chance to catch on here in Vietnam these days the government is restricting access to crawfish since they're seen as an invasive species just like the also illegal coconut works this however will not stop Nikki from bringing the heat today what kind of oysters are these these are back well okay does it really work oh you have to try it to find out [Music] I'll show you my viagra oyster as she called catch piled high with apple vinegar purple onion fig sauce raw quail egg shrimp egg flying fish egg and Cajun seasoning should I love about this I don't think you would find the quail egg in Louisiana in Cajun cooking so this is definitely like really cool fusion right here is there any strategy yeah I kind of sucked that cheese first and then it's not as chewing and until the tobacco's would pop in your mouth and you see it everything's running together more I know [Music] oh that is legit the best oyster I've ever had just kind of small enough it's just a little seafood eat little ocean essence you don't even feel the egg it's like the quail yolk just kind of a creamy and binds everything together I could eat about a hundred of these do you have a limit for people where you make them stop no they can eat all no one work no it's not I'm afraid to have to pay Nicky has one more trick up her sleeve the sandwich that's bringing the world together you know I went all the way to the US just to eat a bun me and now I'm flying all the way back to Vietnam to eat a Cajun inspired bond me remember this is in my nose Nicky's own crawfish boiling sauce does not go to waste this one is the thing that connect up on me and the main ingredient together oh wow it's not like crawfish is there crawfish in YouTube or just right now yeah it doesn't smell like crawfish it smells like shrimp right he has her own way of toasting to bond me torching it until it's crunchy and the room smells like fresh baked bread Apple what's going on there well a lot of litanies people would hate me for it but I love working with fruits I'll hate share Nikki starts by layering the bond me with slices of apple lettuce and stir-fry beef with onion I want everything to be valid so you have the hob and a coal and it sweetness and a little bit sourness then the bean sprouts and Nikki's own Cajun sauce which will give all this a real nice kick finally a bit of coriander brings it all together guys have you ever seen a bunny self stuff as this one the cilantro the bean sprouts they're trying to make their way out I'm not gonna let it so for me this whole adventure is about seeing how interconnected the world has become by way of food I think the more we mix and match and take the best of this part and the best of this culture and the best of this cuisine and put it together the better it is for everybody and we get new creations like this okay this kind of Cajun Vietnamese bunny I'm gonna bite into right now all that really has like layers of flavor when I was in Louisiana I had some po boys I had some fun me and if I had to choose one it's absolutely the bonding I mean for me the po boy would always be kind of OneNote just kind of salty man easy but something like this really has like layers to it there's texture soft meat crunchy apples something you might not expect but beyond that there's sweet salty spicy the herbs in there and then the sauce the sauce itself is what would be used in a crawfish boil order to cook shrimp seafood but it's really you need to pair that well beef mmm I love it guys what a happy ending to this video huh how about you know put down your rifles put down your a k47 and pick up a chef's knife let's all get in the kitchen and make some good damn food huh I live in Vietnam I happen to have a profound love for this place and its food but what I love even more is seeing its impact throughout the rest of the world from researching and shooting to editing and mastering our 10-person best ever food review show team works hard to roll out the highest quality travel food entertainment twice a week if you like what we do here please consider supporting our patreon patreon allows fans of the show to contribute a monthly sum and receive a load of extras like early video releases private q and A's and beyond to learn more about our patreon check out the link in the description box down below and if you can't give or don't even feel like it that's okay too we're just happy you're here thank you so much for watching I will see you next time a piece we do it we're good [Music] only bigger [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 2,141,169
Rating: 4.9205832 out of 5
Keywords: New Orleans, New Orleans food, Louisiana food, southern food, best Ever food review show, Louisiana food tour, Nola food, banh mi, banh mi USA, banh mi usa, banh mi boys, bo kho, Vietnam, street food Vietnam, Vietnamese street food, Saigon food, Saigon street food, Nola Vietnamese, banh mi Nola
Id: EA0dVo-Y23Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 47sec (1007 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 26 2019
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