Myanmar’s Unseen Street Food!! Hidden Gem of Southeast Asia!!

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victim number one skewer once I picked up the pigs utter do you know pigs have an utter [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] for me a real travel expert I can say Myanmar is the unspoken hidden gem of Southeast Asia though tourism is picking up year by year Myanmar only gets one-tenth the tourists of its neighbor to the South Thailand follow him this means more rasgulle let's go an unspoiled experiences holy [ __ ] Myanmar is made up of dozens of tribes all with their own unique culture and unique food there's a whole face of a pig looking at me our journey starts off in the country's biggest city Yangon alright Jung Hwan is definitely a city of street food so far everywhere we've been whether it's just going down the sidewalk Market on the train is Street food everywhere here and one day I should have someone just ray tracer all my hair off street food here has been influenced by all of Myanmar's neighbors India China and Thailand Yangon ends up being a melting pot of all these different cultures which you can even see in the cuisine today we're hitting the most unlikeliest of places going deep undercover on the mission to discover the best street food in Myanmar's most action-packed city [Music] let's go eat [Music] this train is a relic harkening back to the British colonial times which lasted over a hundred years ending in the 1940s these days the Yangon circular line is the city's most affordable mode of transportation carrying over 100,000 daily commuters [Applause] guys good morning from Yangon hi there a mania right now we are on the train this is a loop that goes around the city we're starting at central railway station going just a few stops to a nearby market so what we're gonna do now is go around the train and try to find some food that we can try right now [Applause] crazy this guy's driving the training it's so relaxed I've spotted a food down here let's go inside these train cars workers monks and school kids are a captive audience / vendors selling everything from eyeglasses to cool so right here she's got some mango and then she's putting some kind of spices on it how much 500 okay boom super simple super easy let's go for it classic super sweet really sour fruit and then they've mixed it with salt and chili powder so it's got some kick you know what I'm talking about a young cow a young cow that means yummy thousands of vendors make a living this way hopping aboard this mobile market then darting from car to car squeezing through passengers and serving up customers a trip to Yangon isn't complete without touring the city by train and letting the food come to you if I told you I knew what this was I would be absolutely lying I know it's up hon some kind of Indian inspired after-dinner mint almost oh you got a phone call Oh everything okay at home he's doing the double leap he puts on something white yes whatever that is yes oh my god what isn't it is that tobacco tobacco so here it is we need some tobacco you got laughing at me I know I'm doing it wrong I don't think you're supposed to swallow it it's like chewing tobacco in Myanmar I got a little buzz going right now it's like minting perfumey it's very intense I don't know how these guys do it hey thank you there's no box jojoba [Music] we've arrived at key min Deng station just a few steps from key minting market were there serving up some of the best street food this city has to offer but first I can't resist the warm welcome of a fried Burmese doughnut so we just got off the train right here they have some fresh doughnuts she's offering me one mingalaba galava it looks like a fried doughnut with soy sauce that would be my guess oh there we go home kiss mmm cuz I got fried dough that was molasses a young cow I don't even know this lady she's so nice I said well that looks good and she's like eight nine one two oh my god it's heavy got it okay okay have a good day I hope you saw all those doughnuts but then you should maybe when you walk out of this shot that all those guys okay bye well I did a good thing today [Music] this is one of the city's best and most unique bazaars to explore no one knows when it started for sure for this place has been around for hundreds of years carrying everything from fresh produce to fresh chicken and classic BM our street okay it's going really good so far here they have something called a cone so it means mixed salad but they have so many different individual ingredients right here they have some bean sprout fried up fried shrimp cakes assorted noodles and then even more toppings here giant pink rice balls you see those this vendor stall is called single ladies I don't know what that's their status personally but they do have some of the best fried salads you'll find anywhere this motion faces looking at me and saying sorry buddy I gotta do it yeah okay one shrimp oh thank you you speak English choose your topics and they could cut into strips and mixed with a combination of cabbage tamarind sauce fish sauce dried shrimp powder chickpea powder chili powder turmeric garlic and onion oil [Music] it kind of reminds me of Thai food in the way that the greedy ins themselves are beautiful but eventually they just kind of cut it all down and splash it with a bunch of sauces and mix it up and then by the end it kind of doesn't really look like anything but it tastes like everything does that make sense mmm it's salty it's by seen so many in textures the noodles are just noodling into what you would expect from a noodle but there's a lot of little fried bits in there and cabbage manky a little bit crunchy they put in some toasted chickpea powder which actually just gives it a really nutty flavor I thought it was crushed peanuts at first place not on the side a soup made of dried fish garlic fish sauce bottle gourd and tofu skin try that out that's good I don't know how common this is here but it's like mouth kissing an angel its salting they probably have some msg in there but it's like this next level of savoriness then that mellows you out and you need some more adventure you come back to your noodles they work together you may notice here that many people mainly women and kids wear a yellow white cosmetic cream on their face some say is for protection from the Sun while others wear it as a decorative makeup it comes from this plant Tanaka wood it's been a tradition here for centuries and it's just one of the features that makes this country so unique boom market pho tour continues here I think these are tapioca balls I know can I touch her balls look at these it looks like fish roe it looks like salmon eggs but this is part of the desert down here these are the noodles that go into the ROE hanga mohinga mohinga it's the national dish of Myanmar it's unofficial but everybody knows a fish soup made with rice noodle I think the normal noodle for the mohinga would be the normal vermicelli noodle but I want to go with the flat noodle tossing chickpea fritters and the rich complex broth look at this broth I mean it has everything in there what's it up in there fish flakes onion bulbs banana stems eggs and it's getting this color from chili powder there's turmeric there's some lemongrass in there too the smell is office bell charts so this is mohinga nah bro hanga it is the unofficial national dish of Myanmar but everyone kind of knows it's like the national dish and when you look at it you can see why it has everything let's try to mmm super savory nice soft noodles what's most unique about it is the broth once it's in the bowl it's not even a broth anymore because of these chickpea fritters that have been fried and it makes almost like a chickpea sludge in the bowl check out this bite a little bit of a egg a little bit of broken down critter some noodles yeah buddy next this is a golden heart cooler a dessert sweet soup made with sticky rice tapioca balls strawberry jellies honda noodles lots of ice and finally coconut milk I'm gonna get a bunch of these tapioca balls it looks like fish roe almost look at that are you looking at it guys look at it why are your eyes closed to look at it mmm going on mmm they're so robust Oh Nina put bread I like they poached the desert in the same way as like the main noodle dish there's just so many layers to it there's so much in there so many surprises basically right in front of us we have every kind of pork you can imagine the local name for this dish is doko which literally just means to skewer in the middle of China town's food hub this popular style of pork preparation has been a big hit here for a while this stall has been open for only three months but goes through over 2,000 skewers a day in the middle there's kind of a boiling broth going and then all around it we've got chicken eggs sausage intestines skin meat liver ribs they've got everything solid huh okay all right so right now they're scooping up some of this bra everything is gonna kind of taste like this a little bit mmm they're super hot rich poor keen a ton of fat it's like oily at the top guys I hit the jackpot immediately I picked up the pigs under it big breasts to me or like the mammary gland okay listen try dough mmm okay yeah ready ready good very good it's so juicy and just exploding with porky flavor I love that can I have some of this what is that sausage sausage yes okay oh hey sign language so that means sausage this is sausage that's been made with the intestine and then it comes out looking like that it's like a lollipop Oh super choice ringing okay she put one more in my dish man what is this what did you give me it's just him let's try it out one of the best ones this one kind of softened what she tastes like breakfast sausage was very nice [Music] they all have a pretty similar taste because they're all just kind of hanging out in the same broth but from piece to piece the touch term the amount of fat the amount of Criss penis all that kind of changes Jesu bomb you've outdone yourself amazing a young cat a young cow I am calm aside from China one of Myanmar's major culinary influences comes from India this restaurant has been around for over 68 years sir thank you for having us this is your father's shop yes my father's shop we serve chicken barbecue mutton barbecue but you also serve testicles yes go testicle go testicles yes [Music] is that an Indian dish it's not an Indian dish it's more like you know home could type most of customers they love to try you know go testicle and beers and alcohol all right perfect you sold me grilled goat testicles marinated in turmeric masala chilli powder salt and fresh lime YUM I don't know what my producers think of me but they go oh you're gonna love what we got prepared for you and young gone testicles isn't it great it's great here we are let's just jump into it they actually look pretty good they look like they just look like testicles yeah first of all check out the springiness here oh I think it's gonna be good you can eat it a few different ways I want to just go straight for it to begin mm-hmm an illuminating aroma that draws you in oh [Music] pretty good super fatty it kind of just tastes like an overly fatty pork sausage we got some burrata look at the layers of bread it's been kind of fried and then toss that in there got a little bit of just a kind of a myanmar salsa over here lay down to a little sandwich that's legit good when you do it that way you can't even really even tell what it is which is almost disappointing I'm one of the know for sure that I'm eating a testicle but I love this bread it's so doughy maturing and it's a perfect soul mate of this testicle Street food in this city isn't complete without a night session we've arrived Myanmar right on time just as they're putting on their Independence Day fair [Music] this place is packed with food games rides everything your inner child and other adult paid for right behind me one of the craziest rides I've ever seen it's not a roller coaster it's a man powered ferris wheel these guys it's like they're doing death-defying acts as they attempt to use their body weight to actually make the ferris wheel move around I'm not sure who certifies the ferris wheel and says like it's safe there's there's OSHA or Oh [Music] I mean you could hang out at the ferris wheel all night for this guy he's putting on a show it's nice this is a dish called mo it's like a little crate right here yes a rice flour batter he coached the pan he cooks on so scallions chickpeas hold it and then you get what you see here dude you're killing it boom the International Sign of you're doing a good job it's crispy oily I'm gonna try it out on paper then well that's pretty delicious but this thing is like a peacock it's almost no food it's a show or not a grower those chickpeas have been seasoned inside it gives it a nice little machinist joys it's almost gone it disappeared somehow [Applause] another food right here she's doing it right now this giant kind of cupcake tin it's already been doused with oil and then now she's putting the rice flour batter into each hole so this is a dish called husband rice pancake roughly translated but it may be it could be husband husband or wife wife you know it's a but what I love after this cooks up a bit she's gonna put in a quail egg some chickpeas some scallion and it's gonna be seasoned with crushed sesame seeds and salt oh my gosh check this out beauty Oh a finger test it's pretty hot but my mouth is wet I can cool it down what do you think hmm yes okay well really hot why this very um oh that's delicious so here's what you don't realize the egg yolk has not cooked all the way through so it's actually like kind of creamy and yoky when you bite into it and those lentils kind of give it a bit of a meatiness I don't know how that works it tastes very complete hi everyone's here in their pajamas I feel very overdressed right now this is something really cool they've got two different things one is this normal quail leg it's been kind of rubbed down with turmeric to turn it yellowy orange and then when you order it they'll fry it up right here this is like a whole grab bag of quail parts in one skewer there's intestine there's liver then on top this little yellow part is an unlaid egg so you'll see some of these are big and bulbous okay those are almost ready to go out and then some are tiny like this so these are the very beginning stages of egg development all of this it's like a whole quail experience on one stick I'm gonna start with the egg oh it's super yummy it's like a hard-boiled egg yolk silver salting oh I think there's a little gizzard there's no joining what they had to get like a doctor to butcher this bird right here just a little bit of intestine this is chewy no super strong organ flavor what's not to love about this [Music] our best ever me and Marco journey is just getting started coming up we're getting out of the big city diving deep into Myanmar country life we're all learn how to live and how to eat like a local guys look at this vicious lips now if those aren't some kissable fish lips then I don't know what are I mean it's a little small but hey guys before you go I wanted to read some of your comments TWA says great content stupid channel name Augusto ceilings says this is dumb you and your channel art Oh Patrick Bateman commented your stupid channel there's too much hate in the world right now the things you say matter so next time don't spread insults don't spread hate spread please do you think I was gonna say love no cheese spread cheese you could put on anything awesome this is a message so important that we decided to put it on a t-shirt that you can buy now [Music] [Applause] [Music] how's that I think that can all be cut together mmm one take all right good cut and be sure to check out our second channel more best-ever food review show for raw clips and deleted scenes that didn't make it into the show well guys what a fun day of street food and eating right here in the city of Yangon huge thank you to goo goo goo goo actually helped us coordinate all of our locations and everywhere we went today and for this whole trip you can check out her Instagram where she is posting photos and information about local food here in Myanmar guys that is it for this one thank you so much for watching we will see you next time a piece nailed it alright let's go yeah [Music]
Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 4,326,927
Rating: 4.8849745 out of 5
Keywords: where to eat Yangon, Yangon street food, Myanmar food, sonny side, best ever food review show, Myanmar, Yangon, Myanmar travel, Yangon travel, Yangon food in Myanmar, Street food
Id: MvvzAWbqt8E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 5sec (1205 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 08 2020
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