Most UNIQUE Middle Eastern Street Food in the GCC!!! ULTIMATE Omani Street Food Tour in Muscat!!!

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Ugh, why am I watching this while fasting? Now I'm so hungry.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/tropical_chancer 📅︎︎ May 23 2019 🗫︎ replies

Omani Halwa.. mmmmm!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/furiousmouth 📅︎︎ May 23 2019 🗫︎ replies
it's really starting to kind of congeal and meat starting to break apart oh it looks really nice welcome to OMA this country has a foodie identity all its own but before I landed I knew almost nothing plain it's one of the six GCC countries in the Middle East it's a peaceful country a lot of people are living together happily maybe that's why it doesn't get as much news coverage the major religion is Islam it's hot like really hot you rarely see people outside during the day and if they're getting food they just order from their car to get out why would you get out they're gonna come to us yes what's going on its economy thrives on oil but fish and seafood exports contribute to how do you decide what shark teeth you want ahmed of official oman travels has offered to guide me through his country epic reveal here it is the moment exploring the capital's unique street food it's probably three or four meters down into the earth traditional Omani cuisine I'm gonna drop it in three two one oh right in the middle and the rare desert food of omens been doing people oh god don't bite it don't bite me I can't do it Ahmed's mission show the world why they should visit OMA I'm gonna speak about people in Oman they're very welcoming they're very nice my mission show you all the uniquely Omani food we find along the way they used to be really sticky and now it's kind of moving as one unit like a slip and slide let's get started this is Omar and this is its capital Muscat today is all about unique Omani food in the nation's capital starting at the fish market right now we are in the fish market in Muscat this place is wild there's so much going on here all uzd has been cooking since she was a child she ran a food business out of her home and now she runs this place before opening today we're picking up some ingredients nice did you know that like nobody in the USA eat shark are you sure I would say almost nobody like less than 1% this happens every day like every day fishermen go to the ocean catch some shark and bring it and sell it and people just eat it every day do you know what kind of shark is this she says whatever comes in the ocean then just take it how do you decide what shark piece you want so as long as it's wiped me to snap guard it's edible we're looking for edible yes edible that's a great place to start we're taking a shark steak from here deep blonde stick oh yeah exactly that is quite a steak that is huge so that is the spine of the shark and then it's all just muscle and cartilage and then this thick skin on the outside [Music] you're a chef you're a restaurant owner are there a lot of women in Oman doing what you're doing now no I'll get my old routine so she's saying there's not a lot but they are there back in the day I like 20 more than 20 years ago the society would not accept for a woman to actually be doing all this kind of businesses all this kind of trade but now it's the society accepted it's been equal so women or men they're doing the same thing also the financial status reforms there's a need for the woman to actually work when both the the husband and wife are working they make enough money to hold the house and be living a good life so it's also just practical and both people are working there's more money for everybody exactly what is the hardest part of running a restaurant that's what we're doing right now that's great news with shark in hand we head to a restaurant where she makes up a traditional Omani breakfast she just kind of like pushes it on the pan and it absorbs to some small pieces of the dough it almost looks like a sponge or something but it actually does don't Rock hull or traditional Omani bread is made simply with wheat flour water and salt add in an egg and tea and it's the perfect way to start your day and then you put the egg on there and spread the egg around and then you got to be quick this is very cool very thin not many carbs at all this is the opposite of deep-dish do a flip we don't fold oh and then she tops it with Gabe super-thin bread it is very steamy still she's put some ghee on top I'm gonna take a big bite here we go um do you want some I don't should I offer you some of your own food okay let's try it out mmm oh that's nice the bread just steams right up from the egg a little bit of ghee flavor on the outside it's just really eggy and ready yeah girl okay thank you good yes but everyone loves bread I want to see what she can do with that shark right now we have this huge shark steak so tender now is that gonna go into a soup she's gonna make it with the rice all together the shark is cubed then seasoned with chili powder garlic paste and her own special blend of seasonings including tumeric and salt then she fires up a pot sauteing some onion and layering in even more flavors including whole spices like cinnamon let all those flavors get happy with each other in the pot and toss in the shark we have our big shark pieces in here it smells amazing is this on your menu you know I want to make for something different you know online you don't see another country next yogurt and tomato sauce then a whole lot of lemon juice for its much-desired souring effects toss in some fried potatoes fresh bell pepper then the rice the rice is compressed down as she prepares for the soon to come flip hit it with some cilantro little bit of ghee then a quick smoke sauna made by tossing a hot coal into more ghee give it a minute and finally we're ready for the flip okay let's see it this high-level advance flip move on the head off the shoulder oh my god and then nothing to the platter whoa that was stunning look at that that looks delicious there's a little bit of shark left we have even more bonus shark and some ghee thank you so much lunch is served including a second shark dish beginning with your hands first of all this dish what is that again the dry shark yes made into a salad so they stirred fried it into a salad dry shark salad start with dry shark I'm gonna throw it in this is a trick oh there we go that's pretty good super assault team trying to see food iam you can't really tell it apart from other types of dry fish it's not Sharky you know I want to take this home for later can I just put it here oh I still have by the way I have some shark left I was gonna give it to you as a gift I would appreciate it a lot thank you so much she rehydrates the shark making it soft again chop-chop-chop dumped new ball onion salt hello salty onion meat the shark key limes mix mix mix add lime juice and boom dry shark salad alright so we try it go for it mmm good it tastes like candy fish salty it's super safe yeah insanely salty sour rehydrated shark meat we really like sour food though why is that I've noticed that strong flavor everyone appreciates it so sour is a common theme in Omani food just sour and spicy but not too much spice that would cover up the flavor of whatever you're cooking we're gonna jump into the shark here scoop it up get up in your hands like this yep use your thumb haha push it into your mouth Cheers amazing there's so much going on here I mean there's a rice the shark and then the salad on the side with tomato and onions really sour here we have a big chunk of shark all Oden it's actually good yeah why do you say actually I did not think it's my first time what was your first time eating shark yes it's very soft it's tender but not flaky look at that look at this it looks like a chicken breast [Music] we have a ton of street food left to cover starting here we have reached our next food destination and what's going on I do see a mound there's a mount and then if you turn around you'll see there is indeed a restaurant there welcome to foodies the owner is an absolute lover of food and today he's showing us the most unique selections from his menu starting with whatever is buried here so he's got some plastic gloves so he doesn't get the dirt dirty right now he's kind of like a paleontologist about to uncover a nice big delicious piece of lamb underneath this plate that is gonna reveal everything oh okay that was that was a good reveal it's like a big metal tube just using the earth around it to insulate it keep it warm and inside a bunch of rice lamb or SIA lamb rice and spices have already been cooked together but what makes this dish unique is its texture it's really starting to kind of congeal and meat starting to break apart oh it looks it's really nice and cool sound effects to sound schleppy I like it it will eventually break down into something not resembling rice or meat but a congealed fusion of both guys we have stumbled upon their second unique cooking creation right here it's like a half barrel underneath these got water it's kind of like a sauna for chicken this is river rock chicken but not everyone can decipher which rocks are best for cooking what do you look for in a good rock in a good cooking rock flat like you already told me that yes these river rocks are made hot and used to cook chicken and mutton the reason the coconut rocks is because the chicken is gonna catch its flavor what kind of flavor is that though what is the kind of earthy flavor is this an Omani thing or like a you thing really is that where you grew up yeah so you brought kind of the food cooking style of your childhood and you brought that here to MU Scott yes yes incredible I can't wait to try it out oh my God look at this beautiful platter we're about to have an epic reveal are you guys ready oh there's more stuff epic reveal here it is the moment Oh what this was rice and mutton now it looks like hummus it looks like hummus and then is this like olives or um you should try it let me know what you think this is it's hard to say for sure it feels a little meeting some kind of body part there we go I'm gonna go so like intestine and some stomach inside yep is that right yeah job man it's like I just won the weirdest kind of game show in existence little organy tastes like it's been boiled for like five hours Oh Joey I like it I like the flavor the texture not so much but the flavor yes I feel like this is the most mysterious thing so we should save it for last I want to try some of the chicken to see if it's really rocky it served on this hot plate they've cut open some parts already oh wow the breast comes right off all right let's try them mmm dude that's some good chicken I'm so sorry I ever doubted you how did you know I doubted you it was pretty clear it does have a river II taste to it which is different than earthy you know it's like kind of a fresh well water and it's just a hint of flavor from the rock here this is kind of what we've been building up to so what you do is you take some put it in a bowl shape dip it in the oil you just dip it into rendered cow fat exactly aren't you trying to die dip it in some beef let's go for it that's so hard to describe that texture alone is so goopy it's nice though half solid it's half liquid have guessed if I teach me chemistry right now it's almost like a solid gravy like you chew into it but nothing happens it just stays there and then the fat oh my god it's like dipping it into the spirit of a cow so good it's like cow butter [Applause] [Music] so today we're looking at some unique dessert made in Oman in Oman only it's called domani halwa and we're gonna go check it out how do you feel about it honey this is like Willy Wonka's factory for Omani people and today we got a golden ticket to go inside yeah absolutely hold on we could say a couple more things um one important thing might be what's hawa hawa is a dessert made of the base of Omani sugar this dessert is mixed with different kinds of nuts and these nuts are good [Music] halwa literally translates to candy it's eaten during many occasions but especially as an offering when serving guests right now we're gonna see how it's made it all starts by mixing water and Omani cane sugar right now we are here with the owner of the factory sir thank you very much for having us here today he appreciates you coming to the factory anywhere where there's big pots of boiling stuff I love it this starts with the base of sugar this is cane sugar right they get it from a city called Bala the sugar kind of cooks becomes this almost like molasses texture so it's been cooking for two hours now just keep in mind the fire they using to get up all of this is not gas they're actually using wood [Music] next they slowly mix in walnuts almonds than Oman eg Oh so he just whips it around the edge immediately is changing the texture really making this slippery that smell of this glorious Omani clarified butter in the air it is so good guys have you seen out the texture the way this won't globs no they used to be really sticky and now it's kind of moving as one unit like a slip and slide so this is a family-oriented kind of factory they've been doing a generation after generation starting with their grandparents the older grandparents from the 1940s that's a cardamom that's Cardinal powder cardamom goes into almost every dish in Berlin now they're adding the saffron water oh my gosh the smells in here this became insane it's part of them is extremely fragrant almost perfumey they just have a few more minutes left until this is finished but they're gonna keep adding in some more than speed oh boy oh my god how do you even transport something so goopy so he's taking this giant spoon it sickens with time and then they let it just cool a bit and then it becomes thicker and that's when it's ready to be eaten [Music] we are in basically the lobby the entryway of the factory here where they have a little tasting station set up for us and they have a little bit of everything here including a lot of the raw ingredients that go into making this halwa the whole mod that is still basically a mystery for me I have no idea if it's like a soup a taffy if it's hard maybe it's like a giant Jolly Rancher probably not that one no so we're gonna start with the coffee I'll pour you some coffee over here so this is a common greeting food someone comes to your house you need to offer them some coffee offer them some halwa just so you just scoop some oh it is it could be but it is goopy chunks it will separate it yes okay and then you gotta go around it like Bugs Bunny sawing through the floor oh look at that nice Hollis all motion shot here we go wait wait wait there's something special before you put it okay you do with your left hand pick it up with your hands big goopy still warm piece of halwa let's go for it oh I get well that's a lot to figure out it won't bite pounds of cardamom flavor a bit perfuming it's like you taste it through your nastya yeah I like it I like it on some people think oh he didn't make a yummy face he must not like it with this it's like I got to figure it out it's like putting a Rubik's Cube in my mouth I love that it's still warm look at that texture oh it is falling apart delicious I genuinely really like it man if they didn't have the almonds the almonds makes it for me I realized you like them nuts um not any nut but definitely deez nuts okay yeah let his toast here is to whole wad Cheers [Music] by this time you think we'd be done we should be done but we're not done we're here what are we doing Oman is hot at high noon I see very few locals risking an encounter with the Sun and really why risk heatstroke when you could just order from your own air-conditioned car what's special about this place this place it serves food with this special ingredient the one that's just right here on your lap you did Oman chips there are very specific tips cuz they're in 97 grams and there are chili flavor guys they were rated top in taste by themselves I've seriously never tried these I'm gonna open it right now take a look inside they're not just potato chips they're ready let's try some chips Oman oh that's a nice chip can we get a close-up on that chip guys we're doing a chip review in a car I would say it's kind of chilly flavored and kind of like sour kind of like top and taste I need a good chip you didn't a sandwich what is that what's going on in your chip sandwiches we've all made them at home and we've all never seen them on a menu anywhere here they're delivering chicken and chips sandwiches Omani style chicken shawarma cheese into someone would you like to have that yeah it is my favorite too impressive but then chili exactly how long does it take to make that three minutes to four minutes in the meantime let's bomb some music huh for sure it starts with a flat Omani bread a slathering of local yogurt then sliced tender juicy shawarma chicken all topped with omens famous oman chips roll it up toss it on the hot sandwich squisher and bang that's an omen chip sandwich hand delivered straight to your window alright this is it look at this it looks like a Christmas present I mean uh Ramadan present what kind of presents do you when you give presents I mean in the staff car though it just looks like an eat present maybe would it be a neat present possibly no but I'll take it as a present I like food all right cool was any of that offensive we're gonna put that in the video you can put it in the video right here you can see the chips inside tucked into this little pocket I can't wait to crunch into it no let's go for it mmm Oh roll chip Salman dude everyone likes chips in their food but no restaurants do that anywhere like at home all the time make a ham sandwich just put a bunch of chips in there crush it that's what they've done here basically exactly just you know the whole money style of that which is in a shawarma there's a load of wood chippy touch syrup the whole hall I'm kind of a fast food connoisseur I love that they're bringing the food to you this is my first time doing a food review in a car but you know what hopefully not my last no perfect guys before the video ends I would be remiss if I did not thank chips Oman for sponsoring this video and for paying me five million dollars to speak favorably of them it was my pleasure and so next time you know chips Oman amen thank you so much we had a great time absolutely if you are interested in coming to Oman my buddy Ahmed is running a tour company here called official Oman travels they offered ten different experiences here in Oman check it out the link is in the description box down below my brother again thank you I am stuffed I'm gonna go sleep it off also for you guys if you are headed to Vietnam I highly recommend a company called one trip one trip is the highest rated tour company in Vietnam doing tours from north to south in all major cities including Hanoi new Chiang Danang a.m. and Saigon you can experience food tours adventure tours and more piller more about one trip check out the links in the description down below I will see you next time a piece you want to say peace yes all right you can say it with me okay all right [Applause] [Music] [Music] girls in the shower by now
Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 13,953,479
Rating: 4.859334 out of 5
Keywords: oman, oman travel, oman food, oman street food, omani street food, oman chips, oman chip sandwich, best ever food review show, middle east food, middle eastern food, gcc food, gcc travel, oman safe, muscat, muscat food, where to eat muscat, muscat street food
Id: EPggj6MZNm8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 45sec (1305 seconds)
Published: Wed May 15 2019
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