(FIXED AUDIO) Big Staple Ft. Danny Gonzalez & Drew Gooden

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hey guys welcome back to the podcast today we have two fantastic guests drew gooden and danny gonzalez uh they're very funny youtubers looked them up on youtube watched their [ __ ] uh and i believe drew has a podcast as well it's called little stinker radio hour so if you search youtube you'll be able to find it there this episode was hilarious it's really fun talking to them but before we get started i wanted to let you know uh some of you probably already know noel and i are doing eight shows in late march uh in phoenix samurai i don't know it doesn't matter they're all sold out except for we just the tickets went on sale this morning or i guess tuesday morning for uh the second show we're doing in san francisco so um if you want to if you live in san francisco or in the bay area and you want to come watch me and noel uh make dick jokes for an hour on stage then um the ticket link will be in the bio or on my twitter or something you'll be able to find it and if you decide to come then that's great we'll see you there and if not then enjoy the episode all right welcome back to the podcast uh this is insanely chill and today um we are that's mine yep so everyone's there for a second yeah we're just gonna turn yours all the way down yeah that's cool actually yeah do you guys wanna just you can take it from there yeah i might just head out grab great grab some yeah grab a bite meaning to talk to drew actually yeah hey danny how are you doing good man how are you pretty good are you gonna who's hosting i'm now i'm confused i've i was gonna host we can all host okay sure welcome back to the podcast guys today i am joined by uh danny gonzalez aka young face that's me and um drew gooden aka the only person who makes videos absolutely not only youtube at all yeah the only pro which is actually insane still to this day i cannot believe it's frustrating though because i feel like i made a really good website yeah and no one wants to use it and it's it's great yeah well people are using it to watch your videos but no one's making them it's so easy to upload and that's what that's what drives me crazy it's like you just click a button you throw it whatever you want it's such a fantastic platform i think everybody sort of just wants to sit back and admire it rather than use it right they don't yeah they don't want it yeah it's almost intimidating you've built so many features yeah how long did it take you uh an hour i'm really good at it took you an hour to build all of youtube well i first i bought the domain okay and then i was like how'd you think of the name well because because youtube i just seemed i don't know it just makes sense yeah yeah that's true like people ask me all the time like what does it mean it's like i don't know you know what it means right it was your too it's your tube which was already taken you know so i got rid of the r it was going to be yourtube.com but it's like well you know i tried our tube yeah i also taken my tube yeah my tube just sounded like uh perverse youtube.com who wants to see my tube yeah it's like yeah that doesn't fly with people so youtube uh nice and simple and yeah you guys should you guys want to you could use it if you want i don't think so yeah no i'm good thank you bro it's really cool though yeah you don't like it i love it yeah it's fantastic i watch your [ __ ] all the time thank you so much yeah i just i don't i don't really want i feel like you guys you'd be good on the on the platform so i don't know thank you but i'm going to be saying that i think so oh thank you yeah what's what kind of sick you got i'm just kidding you know can't post on youtube sick kind of just been written oh yeah i can't get out of bed yeah man yeah that's going around right now i also feel like the site is cluttered enough with how frequently you post you post almost once every month yeah i would say about one and a half videos per month the last one you did like a like a flashback like three weeks ago yeah i feel like was that all because you didn't post for that long yeah it's so dumb that like if i don't post for a little bit uh i have to i feel like i have to like justify it or make up some ridiculous excuse yeah um but then i realized also i made that intro and it's exactly like something danny did a few months ago he was it's like the same thing in my apartment and he was i was like so what are you working on he's like oh it's this little bit where i like drink a beer and then pass out for three months and i'm like and i was like oh [ __ ] he literally did that like yeah but uh i got his permission you know yeah you got his blessing i did a joke i said i was the first person to do something someone was like that's drew gooden's joke and i was like being first is i'm the second person to be the first to do whatever it was yeah yeah the first and only person to do that joke yeah and so am i yeah so i also like i just started a podcast uh in my ongoing attempt to just kind of do everything you're doing it's working like i saw what you were doing and so i was like oh i'll do that yeah danny saw that i was doing what you were doing and then dan was like oh i'll do it are you doing podcasts too uh no we're just talking about youtube in general the commentary stuff oh [Music] like more comedy videos i tried vlogging for a while nothing worked and then yeah we all did that drew mentioned that in one of his videos like when vine died we started trying to do like videos that were basically just longer versions of vines yeah sketches where i'm playing both characters and like yeah kind of funny but there's nothing there's nothing to really latch on to it's like a minute and a half it's like oh that's funny and you just i don't know youtube's the best when it's just like they feel like they get to know you you know you just [ __ ] rant about something for 10 minutes yeah you still have like vine type stuff in your videos that's why i really like them because you like yeah i try to put skits like in the videos which are great yeah cause i like i still i feel like i'm good at that and i feel like there's a place for it um and if you mix it in with something you just gotta roast something around that right right right so people come for the right yeah you're good at yeah yeah exactly like eventually i was just like this is what i like watching the most yes same exact thing i would like h3h3 i would watch all the time it's like oh well i'll just i'll just do that yeah yeah cause i feel like nobody really even watches like comedy sketches on youtube anymore that's like that's not that's not really even a thing i mean there's there's like smosh and like the huge channels that already did it but like at a certain point like yeah it became impossible for you to grow doing that yeah i'll watch jimmy's jimmy tatro oh yeah he still makes [ __ ] great sketches yeah he's funny but it was weird there was like a golden age for sketch like the good neighbor times and that's when jimmy was like you know his videos were getting crazy amounts of views yeah i mean that was like you're watching them the other night yeah i i rewatched them so many times they're just so [ __ ] good dude yeah they're so good have you seen the movie have you seen kyle's movie no bear i watched that yeah i loved it yeah it was really good i thought it was incredible it's really good it's really like weirdly endearing he like builds this like world around his character that's like but it's like i don't know it's just like his character all of his characters like from youtube put into one too yeah it's like yeah okay i'll check it out yeah i've heard nothing but good things about it yeah yeah i love what some of the stuff they're doing on snl too like they have one that's called like the house have you seen that it's it's just parroting like reality tv and like every like little every little moment is like they cut to the talking heads and they're like yeah yeah a drama you know it's like it's just it's [ __ ] ridiculous oh yeah yeah it's but you guys haven't seen it so yeah yeah no but it sounds really funny yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah what did i say the words you said were funny yeah yeah yeah yeah okay thanks i almost prefer the description i might not even watch it yeah you don't don't watch it i'll just keep describing it so it's on tv that's that's kind of what uh i don't know if you ever saw the real bros of simi valley i did yeah yeah that's kind of what they wrote into that too it was like nothing was happening but it was still dramatic yeah you know what i mean like where are we gonna get [ __ ] cops yeah it's funny to just overreact yeah something's so small yeah but it's so true of like the real like actual reality shows it's like she said what yeah yeah i thought we were gonna have dinner here but now i'm hearing from mike that he wants to go have dinner somewhere else and i just don't know what to do anymore yeah so someone sent me i'll get people sending me videos all the time you know you should react to this as you can just react a lot of times they're like very funny and like a lot of the [ __ ] that i react to now are just [ __ ] that people will send to me and somebody sent me this one it's from the show called like bad girls or something have you ever heard of this girl's club or just bad girls club maybe it's a reality show i've heard a bad girls club is that what that is a reality show yeah okay yeah and and though i don't think it is i think it's a clip from an older episode okay but some girl like puts hot sauce in the uh oh and the orange juice or something no wait she puts hot sauce in the juice as a prank not a prank but as like a vindictive thing to like get back if some girl was being a [ __ ] to her revenge yeah that's hot sauce she's like you put hot sauce in a juice yeah put hot sauce in the juice she's like don't [ __ ] with me or something like that she's like okay well i'll show you and she just goes and just pours all of it all over her bed the whole the whole thing of juice and then to get back the other girl goes back to the other girl's bed and pours like oil and like just like the most disgusting [ __ ] all over this chick's bed jeez it was really one of the most absurd two minutes yeah and i was like this is what reality tv should be this is great yeah just two people getting back at each other ruining each other's beds and then guess what she poured on her yeah thing i poured oatmeal on her bed after that yeah i'm really gonna get her this time i'm gonna pour gasoline on her bed she's gonna smell like gasoline i think i just broke your chair oh it was already broken sorry i meant to warn you about that well have you seen a waiver or something just sort of like squat your entire time slam the leg in yeah yeah yeah there you go and then just don't lean back on it sorry okay those chairs are yeah it's just my chair's posture we did that when we got these we were like oh we want to like we want to you know we we've like got a little bit of money we don't want to do the ikea thing i feel like we're outgrowing that a little bit so we're going to go like but there's no like mid tier furniture it's either like crate and barrel and you're spending a million dollars on a chair or it's ikea and you're spending three dollars and then there's like a couple companies that are just more than that and that's one of these companies so they look a little bit cooler but they're just as shitty all of them broke like right away they're just like not even glued together they just like put the wood yeah yeah um i want to say hi to uh greg and the little stinkers yes thank you right hello greg hey greg hey little stinkers thanks so much for watching by the way the song greg it's bob oh thank you yeah i spent seventy dollars on that spiderman costume so i hope i hope so yeah we were actually talking about this the other day like just from vine and youtube like all the props we've bought for like one thing and they just sit in our closet have you had i mean i guess you didn't really i never i don't you're never really into prop comedy yeah yeah yeah yeah like one i have like a a powdered wig i bought from like a thrift store or whatever because i had like a there's a store in orlando called colonial drugs and it's just like i wonder what that's like and it's just like it's just me wearing the wig like i can i get some meth you know it's like colonial drugs i don't know and i've had that in my closet for like two years don't know what to do with it just like i don't know wait for halloween i guess i guess so but then something else will come along yeah yeah yeah that's true um i want to buy some your greg merch yeah i don't have it yet how you don't have it yet well i start i i i'm using a new service now and i like changed the design a little bit but i haven't actually ordered any yet so i just start because i'm using teespring now so i know it's like a good service and it'll turn out okay yeah so i just ordered some so i can't wait for it to show up but i've seen everybody else getting it you don't even have your own merch yeah they're getting it before you yeah you get to see it yeah is teespring good like what it what yeah i mean so i was using like shopify before and doing everything myself which means i had to do like customer support and like in case you know someone typed in the wrong address i would have to do all that [ __ ] myself and people were like emailing me and i don't like that so teespring you can just like set up the store on there and they take care of like everything oh so they do customer service and everything yeah yeah and they take like a cut of whatever uh yeah yeah just like the production cost or whatever and then you decide how much like your profit margin yeah yeah that's dough yeah and you so you sell staplers yeah frisbees do you still do that uh well i sold out like really quickly and i could have like bought more but it's not super profitable yeah it's like i'm shipping everything myself so it's been like a [ __ ] ton of work so as soon as everything's sold out i was like well that's it it's it was exclusive so i sold out of uh i had staplers i sold out of frisbees cups with just like a little sticker on them but they were like shitty like plastic cups uh right now i actually actually got something for you it's uh my fridge no way yeah i've got a bunch of these so nice slap that on your fridge [ __ ] yeah it's got an original quote by me it says this is the best magnet i really like this magnet and it is the best drew goodin 2014. yeah you said that in 2014. yeah it was prophetic you could say wow i just kind of knew one day i will have my own magnet mark my words thinking about it as if you already had it yeah it was just i was very confident back then i kind of just knew what i was doing and and it's a little stinker absolutely merch yeah that's that's the thing i put on everything i printed out a bunch of stickers like the staplers they just they're just regular staplers from bulk officesupply.com and i i i just how much how much does it take to buy 75 staples yeah a couple hundred bucks okay i don't know i mean i made my money back but uh it wasn't like the most profitable thing but yeah then so i would just like i bought all these stickers that were custom made with drew good or a little sinker approved merch just like i just wanted to be as shitty as possible and i think people just buy it not because it's good but because they just want to be like in on the joke yeah so yeah i just bought a bunch of those put a sticker on and then with the staplers i would i would tape one staple on top enjoy your compliment so you have to take it off and like put it in which is like impossible to do but you know yeah one staple that's a good [ __ ] deal though absolutely there's only staples yeah staples will run you yeah yeah exactly that's where they get you yeah staplers are cheap and then the staples like a thousand dollars for four staples yeah big staple industries they're taking over there yeah they are a staple dude this guy's full of conspiracy are you yeah staples running everything dude they're all big stable related theories office supplies related yeah like you know what i'm glad we brought this up actually just an hour of big staple conspiracy theories it's out there man yeah open your eyes how did you come up with little stinkers um i think i don't even know it was like the dumbest it was like i was doing a video was like responding to comments or something and someone i think i was like it was like i think i was doing a little sketch where i was brushing my tongue i don't even remember what it was and then i just called i called people little stinkers it's like it didn't i don't even remember like that's how insignificant it is and then i just decided you guys are the little snickers from now on because i called one person a little stinker and it just took on like at first i was gonna do like the drew gooders the drew goodners kind of like as a joke like so bad yeah yeah but yeah and then i went with good nurse so bad yeah good it would have been good it's just because like jake paulers i know how the [ __ ] did he say that to himself one time and then go that's the one yeah at least logang is like kind of clever yeah like yeah but like jake paul and i'm not going to lie honestly his maverick merch is it's not bad like it's very nice like it's a unique design where jake paul is just like in jake pauler is my name yeah you know yeah one of the shirts is just like his signature on a shirt yeah yeah i don't know really i think so yeah there's one that's just called like the signature hoodie and it's just like his like 140. he's gonna buy that and steal his identity yeah just start writing cheers exactly dude why does why is your social security number on your [ __ ] merch i don't know i thought it was cool i don't know i never i don't know anything do you guys not watch my videos you don't even have to buy the merch to see it you can just see it on the website over on the website [Laughter] you're the you you guys are the chodesters right yeah how did you get the strongest family on youtube well that's not true yeah but that's true so well don't look it up but he's the strongest army on youtube yeah we're we're the fastest growing channel i think i'm actually the only family on youtube well so that's not true either i feel like we're all just kind of taking each other's brands we're all just but it's fine you know i i came up with that in in the video that i was dude that i did making fun of logan or jake paulers because he was like we're the strongest family and all that stuff and i was like this is so [ __ ] weird yeah it's like manipulative calling of course yeah families because kids are like where are they it's like no we're not oh yeah i remember you saying would you believe it would you ask your grandma to like buy your merch yeah yeah yeah that's how i mean that's how my parents have stayed my parents they bought my merch because i was like i set up an ultimatum i was like guys you want to be a part of this family gotta buy my merch yeah exactly i don't care that you raised me or whatever yeah that's why i don't have parents anymore yeah they they would not budge r.i.p yeah no ip they're dead now um so what um did you produce the greg song yeah you did yeah yeah um i think most of the because i talked to you about that ramsay pack that's on what the [ __ ] drew it's my time guys the poster didn't help at all yeah i really thought the coach grabbed some uh paper towel i bet you're glad that i put that thing on a coaster though look at that yeah actually you saved my ass there guys i'm very clumsy um this is why i just do things by myself um you know yeah you should probably stick with that i should thank you so much i'm so sorry i just got so excited i was like i've never had water before what do i there's so many things i could do with it and i just got carried away he's been staying at my house for a week and i wouldn't let him have any water he's i'm just so thirsty it's really danny's fault when you think about it i guess so yeah i'm sorry cody what i'm sorry because it's his fault starving and withholding water from me so um that's what i was going to ask you actually is uh we'll get back to music in a second but why are you in l.a that's actually what i mentioned well i've been with you for a week and you don't even know no i have no [ __ ] idea no i'm just here i was like what can i do to sabotage cody i could uh ask for some water and spill it all over his expensive equipment so that's why i put him on my on my instagram story he put me on his we hoped that you would see it and introduce your podcast and then he could spill water all over your audio equipment wow so it didn't work though it looks like yeah yeah yeah yeah foiled airplane got a little bit of water left though you actually thwarted your own plan by putting the thing on the coaster i guess so yeah your thoughtfulness got in the way of your own evil plan yeah or is this still part of the plan he's not going to tell you this this guy's an evil genius you know i think we're still good yeah i think we're still good i'm just [ __ ] nervous [Laughter] do this to the microphone hey like we're telling secrets to each other i don't think you can hear us dude guys i'm i can hear you clearly he's bluffing um well i guess to answer your question while i'm when i'm in l.a so i live in i live in florida and everyone here it's funny because i'm sorry about that it's not that bad it's really not that bad orlando is fine i live in orlando it's like the hip part of florida if i lived anywhere else uh i you could say i'm sorry i'd be like thank you so much i appreciate that um orlando's not that bad i'm just here to hang out with danny and uh this worked out perfectly you know the timing of this actually i went to um i went to a show the other night you know regal joe yeah yeah he hosted a show with that's it was called boys night nick oh yeah he was in it yeah victor pope cole hirsch and casey frey was still goddamn funny was it great yeah and really last night i went to the show on friday but then last night i went to a party at nick coletti's house oh yeah and it was insane everyone was so shit-faced why didn't they invite you well yeah it was you know the text would have been nice but you know totally cool that's where we all got together to plan what we were about to do oh gosh yeah you are there so we're going to spill the water about 15 minutes in yeah and then nick coletti smash your life yeah the water is really inconsequential yeah you're going to beat the [ __ ] out of him after the waters yeah the water barely does anything but it just distracts you yeah yeah lays the foundation mm-hmm um was uh did nick do stand up he did yeah was it good yeah well it was yeah uh yeah he seemed i think they all seemed a little nervous i don't know how experienced they are but it was all it was all so funny that's great how many people were there uh they sold out it was kind of a small venue i think probably 50 to 100 nice i don't know i'm not good at i'm not good at gauging the amount of people yeah i'm terrible at that yeah something you should know i think that's i feel like that's everyone though yeah you know i mean you're either stadium five or eight hundred people yeah i don't know you look at a stadium be like oh there's like five million people there easily yeah it's like eighty thousand yeah yeah but um and then cole did this whole cole was it was amazing he did this whole like steve irwin kind of thing he came out he's like cold animal connoisseur he was like really excited to show everyone like his bow constrictor and he pulls out the box and it's the it's not there and he gets a call from the police it's like the snake is on the highway and it's been like run over and he's like is it okay and then like he's been run over hundreds of times and then they're like and then like they in the background like kind of muffled that the two police officers are talking to each other and they're like well we got to get rid of the snakes like what if it's still alive i don't want to just hear gunshots just be safe just to be safe and then shoot him like a hundred times and then and then he hangs up the phone and then this because he had already been playing like this goofy safari music and he's just like he's so upset his snake died and then the song just picks up right it was so funny yeah i so it was like character stuff it was yeah he was he was the most like character everyone else regal google joe hosted it he was like this drunk clown so it was regal joe's always a character i think you've seen him be himself yeah but he hosted as a strong clown everyone was pretty much just themselves but cole was like this animal guy that's great man i feel like we gotta i feel like people should just do that [ __ ] more like yeah throwing of throwing a 50 to 100 person event is like relatively easy i think is nothing yeah and they sold out in like an hour yeah so yeah it's great everyone gets paid a little bit they get to practice stage stuff in like in front of a comfortable environment because yeah yeah everybody likes you anyway so it's like i don't have anything to lose yeah yeah yeah yeah they're gonna laugh even at the kind of the okay jokes yeah but yeah that's dope and how's the party afterwards it was it was yesterday yeah really it was it was it was insane i mean i i don't i had like two beers in four hours yeah i like to go to these parties and just observe because people get shit-faced so oh yeah yeah i'd be one of those people for sure you would yeah well it's probably for the best you didn't go because i was out until like 4 00 a.m you asked if we wanted some beers for the podcast and i woke up like an hour ago it's a little challenge for beer yeah i didn't go to the party okay he went to a separate event i had to go to a birthday party wow we get a person yeah he has friends you guys get invited to [ __ ] cool yeah what did you do last night yeah did you just kind of hang out i went to something too okay i went to somebody's apartment i played foosball oh that sounds yeah that sounds really fun it was fun okay yeah yeah yeah it does sound fun what are you saying like that it was a good time yeah it genuinely sounds fun i'm sorry if it didn't seem like i thought it was okay because it kind of sounds like you're being so i'm sorry your night kind of sucks did you think it was fun i thought it was awesome i found out i'm a little bit better at foosball than i thought i was okay so successful i feel like every time i play foosball i find out that i'm way worse worse than i was hoping it's even possible to be foosball's also just one of those things where you're like no one's ever like oh yeah people are like well you want to they got a foosball table they have a foosball table yeah you want to play i guess yes yeah nothing else is happening yeah and also like i feel like no one's ever like really good at it it's not something it's like pool you play the wrong person in pool they're gonna kick your ass if someone is really good at foosball you're like why the [ __ ] is this what are you doing you practiced this yeah this guy was way too excited to start playing foosball he's driving all of our ass foosball tables yeah i got oh thank god i've been waiting to [ __ ] wear these puts on that helmet it's my foosball gloves puts on a football uniform yeah this isn't a contact sport brian well you know what are you gonna do this is my this is my only thing i'm good at i gotta gotta milk it yeah it's the only thing i'm gonna believe me i've tried other things nothing else sticks ping pong pool no no no it doesn't work yeah did you ever want to do live stuff um yeah people ask like i i know i i think i would be good at good at stand up but it just scares me and i know that's such a like it's like yeah i should just grow up and do it you know i've done improv before improv does not scare me at all because it's like you take classes and you practice and you're with your friends and the expectations i feel like like everyone knows you're just making it up so if something's kind of rough you can kind of like laugh along with the audience and be like yeah but stand-up has this expectation of like yeah like he sat down and wrote this this is going to be good and if it's not then it's like why did you do why did you choose that joke if it's not then it's he sat down and wrote yeah exactly yeah so i don't know yeah you guys have both done stand-up before though right yeah yeah i've sort of stopped doing it but you were good scary well thank you you're really good okay his writing works really well for santa but i think yours would too like just like misdirection [ __ ] i think it's great yeah yeah yeah i do like it and i love doing live stuff in general it's just i don't know i've been focusing so much on all the other [ __ ] as i'm sure you have you both have that it's just like it's fallen to the wayside but yeah right i'd enjoy it you've been doing live stuff though right you did a yeah we did um oh yeah what are you doing with noel yeah so we did uh we did a live show basically basically my agent like called me and said hey we got you a spot like at this place in downtown for like in a week it's an hour spot do you want it and i was like i can't say no to this but i'm what the [ __ ] am i gonna do i haven't no i have no material nothing i have five minutes of material max yeah i'm just gonna stand on stage and stare at the audience for the rest of the hour so i was like all right what's like an easy thing we could do all right we'll pitch it as a live podcast and we'll just we'll do that noelle will come with me yeah um and so that's what we did and it ended up working really well we basically like sort of planned it so it was like half like we had like our bits sort of planned out right we knew we were gonna go but then we left a lot of room for like open conversations right yeah and like interaction with the audience stuff like that it was like a casual hour that was still like pretty entertaining i think i hope but people have it it wasn't like the show yeah yeah they they just showed up yeah yeah it's like why did we buy a ticket yeah we paid money yeah yeah that's nice we had like a safety blanket where people were like well it's going to be a conversation for an hour yeah right you know it's not like and you can kind of surprise them with yeah kind of yeah well thought out stuff so uh we did the show and it just like it went pretty well so my agent was like well do you want to start to tour it and i was like yeah if we could sell tickets then 100 i would love to do that yeah and so they set up shows in phoenix um san francisco and san diego and anaheim and so we were like all right let's let's try and we put them out on sale only sold out in like 30 minutes that's all of them so now we did a second show each night and those sold out in like an hour too dang now we're gonna do two shows per night which i'm [ __ ] scared as [ __ ] are you doing like the live podcast thing still yeah yeah it's gonna be a little bit more prepared i think like we're going to plan it out then we have like a solid month to write something it's going to have like a narrative and stuff like that are you going to perform many songs uh no i don't think so you could do this weird last time we like played a song and we just like sat there yeah i was gonna say you could do like we're gonna lip-sync one of our songs right yeah yeah kind of like what magcon did they don't have any music so they come out and dance to other people yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i think they'll play probably like a solid half an hour of lip syncing oh i think for sure yeah i mean yeah before half an hour 40 minutes something like that right and then oh we only got 15 minutes of pill well yeah any questions any questions yeah uh what's my favorite song to lip sync to well i can tell you how would i show you yeah yeah just yeah uh i love musically musically is great speaking of musically my man paul zinns zimmer my boy what the [ __ ] was that like meeting that dude let's explain what exactly went down yeah so uh if you don't know who paul zimmer is he's like a musically star i think he has like six million actually hold on i took the funniest screenshot of of a paul zimmer instagram post this morning that will explain exactly who he is okay this is this is him showing off his abs his abs oh my god comment your name letter by letter that's what all of his captions are comment your dog comment yeah your favorite color letter by letter it look he looks fake yeah he doesn't even look like a person do you think he's had plastic surgery i don't know i'll hold it up to the maybe you can see it's just pausing or showing off yeah absolutely yeah yeah his abs just go to his instagram and spend a couple hours on there yeah he's just this like ultra [ __ ] boy but like in the weirdest way yeah musically star i don't know and so i made a video about him like sort of making fun of his music please but more making fun of his instagram comedy videos which are just like the weirdest [ __ ] and then his vlogs which are just even weirder it's like his vlogs are like someone you'd find who has like two subscribers who has a very like not social media life like very boring like he all he did in his vlog was like go to the mall and show off some presents he got for christmas it's like the type of person that wouldn't have a following making vlogs right but he's got like i don't know how many subscribers he has on youtube but he's like very not a ton on youtube but he's got like a couple million on musically yeah and his vlogs are just like the most boring [ __ ] ever and he's just his personality is so strange yeah so i made a video basically keep talking by the way yeah i made a video basically just like making fun of him and then um i made another video about this other kid who makes videos about how hot his mom is on instagram and that [ __ ] was weird by the way yeah so his mom so after i posted that video um his mom started commenting on all of my [ __ ] because she saw the video and she didn't like one of the jokes that was in the video because apparently i went too far so she started commenting on all my [ __ ] and like tweeting at me like how dare you we're gonna we might sue you for defamation like sort of insinuating that and so i was like freaking out this was like a few hours after i posted the video and so i i dm'd her and i was like hey i'm sorry like i tried to like be like playful about it i'm not trying to like tear you guys down i'm sorry if like i hurt your family and stuff and i'll take the video down if you really want me to and she just dm me back call me with her phone number and you're like oh [ __ ] yeah i was like uh okay this this woman's just gonna like cuss me out for a half an hour if i call her i called her and she she picked up the phone and she was just like hey danny we loved your video like we just didn't like that one joke in it but we think you're hilarious and i was like okay uh i don't really know what's going on what yeah so she like she was like we what like we watched your video like five times over and over again and we really like it we just want you to cut one joke out of it because it's in bad taste and so i did you can like cut things out of youtube apparently oh by using the online editor yeah the enhancements tab on youtube uh so i just cut that one joke out and then they were totally fine with it and they were like if you ever want to make a video together let us know so we like planned to make a video and then the day before we were supposed to shoot she called me and she was like hey paul zimmer's gonna come too if that's cool and i was like holy [ __ ] i get to meet paul zimmer yeah i was like ever since i i found paul i just like wondered what he's like in real life because he's just so weird but so eventually i got to meet him and he's very strange in real life as well is he yeah he uh well it was it was also weird because me and laura went to go shoot with them and we got there first and then paul and his girlfriend got there next and i had had no contact with paul because i arranged everything through michael gilligan's mom so this was like our first time ever interacting was like us meeting together in real life and having to wait for the other people to show up so we were just like making small talk yeah it was really weird the weirdest thing was like it's sort of like i don't know they're sort of like robotic in all their videos like they're just like everything's very formulaic and then we were just sitting making small talk and and uh paul was like so where do you guys live and i was like oh we live in glendale just like a few blocks north of here and uh they're like oh he's like what address no no no no no but so like a hush fell over the conversation and then his girlfriend goes so where do you guys live and i was just like in glendale just like a few blocks north of here and then they both go huh like they like like they totally forgot that we like it was literally the question before that and then they said it again and still did like even after i said the exact same thing they didn't realize they had already asked it it was real it was like a twilight zone are they robots or something yeah i don't know they're like aliens super weird i feel like they're like robots on xanax so they're like not even good at being robots i don't know um robots yeah well my my observation with like michael compared to paul is is michael and his mom are more like in on the joke like they know that their stuff's bad and that's why they were do they i don't really think they know their stuff is bad but they don't know why they're like we're just gonna keep doing what we're doing and i think yeah i don't know yeah but they seem like okay with you roasting them because it's like all press is good press or whatever where paulo i think seemed a little bit more hurt but he was trying to mask it during their like interaction i don't know like the the [ __ ] where he like got up and like like was that that was a joke right yeah yeah yeah he was making a joke but that wasn't something that was like planned or anything i sat down and i was like okay so i'm just going to ask you guys a few questions i did the little intro and i was like i'm here with paul and then he just like leaped over the table and kind of punched me yeah it was and that was like the most energetic i saw him the entire time because mostly he's just sort of like yeah and then all of a sudden he just like snapped it's like i said some sort of word he's like a sleeper cell agent i'm paul i'm paul [Laughter] yeah and then jamie says like the safe word and he snaps back out yeah yeah yeah that was weird how old is he he's 22. he's 22 years old apparently no like like michael's only 16. i can understand he's not very good at making videos or whatever and he doesn't really understand how to make jokes either but like paul knows what he's doing like he knows he's old enough where he understands that he's pandering to like 12 year olds and he's not very funny but he's just showing his ab to get girls to like very yeah i mean i'm not one to like hate on someone's body or whatever but if you're gonna like show it off like that right yeah weird it's a weird stomach yeah i don't know i'm not one to body shame well this kid's stomach is [ __ ] weird though this kid's got a [ __ ] up stomach yeah dude yeah like get surgery on that [ __ ] [ __ ] freak like goddamn like no like i'm really like supportive of all body types but this body type like just grosses me the [ __ ] out people always ask me they're like do you ever meet these people in in person like do you ever see them at a parties and [ __ ] and i'm like not really like i've never really i never pictured myself doing something like that lopez that's it oh yeah yeah yeah that's right yeah but he he was he was like he's also a little self-aware about he's very self-aware he knows exactly what the [ __ ] he's doing he knows exactly what people think of him yeah well i was so shocked when she was like do you want to make a video together because but i guess that sort of made me realize okay they sort of know that their videos are cringy that's why i asked them in the interview that i did with them like do you guys know your videos are cringy and michael was like yeah kind of and paul was sort of like no not really i was like what are you talking about yeah what does that mean yeah people and he watched my entire app by the way yeah he watched my entire video and still didn't understand i was making fun this guy really likes my videos yeah he just keeps talking about me so he must like me yeah yeah was the mom weird in real life very eccentric she's super nice um just very like uh momager like she was sort of controlled the entire thing michael was very quiet um yeah pretty weird um dynamic yeah it's a weird family dynamic like pimping your kid out online sort of yeah yeah and like it's yeah you could sort of tell that like that all the hot mom [ __ ] was like her idea because like even when i asked michael like how do you come up with your ideas he was like me and my mom just like come up with him yeah and then his mom is like controlling everything so it's like okay oh so it's like a pageant sort of mom yeah it's like you know yeah but the 2018 version of that yeah it's instagram comedy man that's weird that's weird as [ __ ] i i can just imagine him like because his images are all like photoshopped weird like his eyes and stuff like that you know what i mean it finishes an image and sends it sends it to his mom his mom's like oh no you're your eyes aren't shiny enough you know what i mean yeah 12 year old girls aren't going to respond right to this one michael you need to make those things like it's weird it looks like it looks as long as fingers are too yeah do you think he photoshopped his fingers to be longer no because he they were like that in real life i made sure to check out his fingers yeah oh he's got just lanky fingers yeah like what the [ __ ] no that's the longest finger i've ever seen like tim burton it looks like his eyes are marbles yeah just glossed over yeah weird yeah he's just dead yeah he's been dead seven years good job and like his skin is like you can tell it's like been blurred yeah yeah very bizarre very very bizarre you ever worried you're going to run into someone that you've um like that injury or whatever her name is yeah i i don't know i i guess speaking of weird yeah involving their dynamic right seven-year-old son uh can you act like you really want to [ __ ] me um but then the twist is you want to [ __ ] another adult woman yeah and he's just like okay mom um i was so happy you did a video on that woman i've yeah i've seen her [ __ ] i'm just like what people have sent me those videos before yeah yeah yeah i think like i as i've like grown on youtube i feel like slightly more responsibility like i see [ __ ] all the time and i don't want to just be like this guy sucks this person sucks i i know i know because that's gonna have like an impact and people are gonna go to their profile and like bully them and stuff it's like so i try to like with that one like i was kind of just kind of making fun of her but then again it's like she's not doing it it's just weird you know it's like don't you know um but yeah like i'm i am terrified of like getting confronted by anyone i've made fun of and like you you told me the story of like just getting the text that says call me i would have just blocked her and that would have been it yeah you had the balls to like follow through with it and then to go meet them i would have just [ __ ] my pants in the car like sorry guys i [ __ ] my pants gotta go home yeah yeah and then in that video when i was like i feel like i'm gonna throw up like that was like i really was like almost shaking like waiting for that yeah i was like yeah i would have been [ __ ] scared yeah you know they're weird as [ __ ] they could have just shown up with a gun and been like don't ever make videos about it yeah see this ab yeah you don't want to [ __ ] with me in this ab i can curl up so fast because of this ad yeah yeah yeah man i would have been scared as [ __ ] meeting those people but they yeah i don't know like i feel like everyone takes it pretty as long as you're not like this person [ __ ] sucks right like people like take it pretty you know if you try to make your point where it's like well this is why i think it's weird this is why i think it's bad you know if they're i don't know yeah i told drew about this but when when i was just sitting with paul and them waiting for the other people to show up i was like talking to paul and i was like so like you saw my video right and he was like yeah i watched it and honestly a lot of it was really funny and i watched it you made some good points and i i sort of thought about it and i was like yeah he's he's right but can i really do anything about it not really but he could he could just make like he could just try a little harder i mean this is who i am so yeah it's like i've carved out this niche yeah in the industry i can't do it yeah do you think i want to do this yeah i guess it's a habit now i just i'm doing it right now yeah he can't control he's like a kick yeah every time every time i said paul like i'd be like hey polly back yeah yeah um yeah dude that the andrea girl or whatever she's just oh it's really weird she also i didn't even realize and i could have touched on this in the video but she used to be a porn star which adds like one extra layer to it yeah really yeah what's her name andrea spada i think she was like selena something celine yeah write that down i'm absolutely gonna google that after this yeah yeah just for like research purposes gotta just fact check you know that's it but there is such a it's such a fine line or like you got to be really careful like who you pick on yeah and how you do it right like which i feel like you guys do very very well it's like i'm not just like hating on this person and that's this is like the most dangerous like genre of of video because people want to do it just like we did we watch those bigger guys and we're like we want to do this style yeah but like people who aren't like aware enough will do it and they'll just they're [ __ ] mean like people like leafy and [ __ ] like that and you're like yeah yeah we're talking this is dangerous there's a lot of people have an audience and they're just [ __ ] mean yeah you know do you do you watch a lot of other like other commentators there's like a big community and some of them i just don't i feel like we all sort of like came up because like you watched him and i watched you and you yeah and so that's the like that was my inspiration but like there's like an actual whole commentary like section of youtube that like is just sort of like hateful and like you're not trying to be funny and they're actually like [ __ ] this person i'm trying to tear them down no i know yeah that's the thing that's the thing that i've noticed is that they're not funny yeah yeah and it's like and there's times where like like with this uh the logan paul suicide thing it's like it's fine to get on camera just be like this guy sucks you know and not really have like a humorous aspect to it but when they just find like like bad instagram comedy and they don't make an effort to make it funnier it's just like this is stuck this sucks it's stupid it's like i don't know i feel worse after watching your video yeah um i don't know i know it's it's i like i remember i was really nervous to post the one about grant cardone i don't know if you watched that one he's like oh the very vague yeah yeah the rich rich guy method it was just like he would yeah you just be like like what like what are you getting at like what's the point yeah yeah and he so i was like preparing this video and then i found out he was a scientologist and i was like oh no i was like i don't know if i can yeah do this like this that's a huge network in hollywood especially there's a lot of hollywood people that you know may not make fun of one of their richest members i'm after you yeah yeah yeah and he ended up dming me afterwards and was like i love your video let me send you my book and i was like i just let me send you my book yeah yeah okay yeah let me send you my book and the mysterious powder yeah yeah but most people are cool that like uh jay alvarez dm me after that the travel video i was like oh i'm watching it with my friends it's so funny bro oh that [ __ ] was so that was a great video oh thank you yeah that's such a good observation i feel like a lot of people have like seen all those accounts like that but i've never seen anybody actually like yeah and talk about how like this isn't something to aspire to yeah it's not a thing like it's yeah like every time i travel after like four days i want to go home yeah yeah yeah and then that place and being home is nice i like it i get to control what i eat i spend so much money when i'm traveling you don't have to speak a different language yeah you know you have to be like tolerant to like other people's cultures and stuff i can be a huge bigot in my home full of white people it's great there's no consequences yeah i remember noel was like he was like dude we were we were looking into going to going to greece santorini or something like that he's like if you look it up there's like two restaurants it's like the most boring place ever yeah like if you if you watch people's videos who go there they act like they're having a great time but they're not doing anything and it's clear that they're bored yeah it's just so funny but it looks great in the picture so people go [ __ ] ape [ __ ] for it yeah it's all about the picture yeah that's really that's all it's about yeah i mean that's why this [ __ ] is dangerous especially with like even that kid michael like you know there's 12 year olds looking at his page being like i want skin that clear and it's like no this is clearly photoshop yeah it's going to stick with all the things pepperoni fingers oh my god i want a hot mom with white hair yeah yeah did you see the the instagram like comedy video they made together yeah where at the end they had you wear the outfit for no reason i know like that'll just she's wearing your merch too yeah yeah i hate you i bought your shirt like it doesn't make sense yeah that was weird too because she didn't even buy my actual merch she went to like a custom t-shirt i know i got a regular though which is actually like a diss yeah having someone else's merch made so they get no money for it yeah such a great disc that she didn't even realize probably yeah the layers there yeah exactly covering exactly um i also loved just like the last thing about this that she's like walking and you're like scene goes on for way too long it's like 13 seconds of her walking to she's a brick house it's like yeah i get it yeah she's a brick house yeah it's like that she was a brick house in the last video too you get it it's you can tell that they don't really like put much thought into their videos because they're just like well this is how long i shot the shot for so that's all in the video yeah well you can trim these things and yeah like in editing yeah holy [ __ ] you know logan paul is starting a podcast you see that no why because there's no money on youtube for him anymore so now he's gonna do the podcast true yeah you better turn your volume down for that podcast it's gonna just be like an hour of him screaming yeah hitting network levels yeah it's clipping logan you gotta chill logan we have your volume turned all the way he's just out he's just screaming maverick yeah he's just screaming it he's just it's just an hour-long merch ad that's what that's what it's gonna be the logan paul merch podcast it's just describing new pieces of clothing coming out this one's really soft yeah really really soft this one's not quite as soft but it's still comfortable if you're listening uh on itunes you can't really see how soft it is but just take my word i'll hold it up to the there you can see you can hear it you can see yeah yeah oh my god what what of value does he have to say that he's gonna fill an podcast i'm just going to talk about what it means to be a maverick and how you don't have to fit the mold of whatever what society deems you know what i'm saying you can be your own person be your own mouth you know it's cool to be normal too yeah being being different for the sake of being different is not it's not really a good thing no yeah also like the whole idea of like standing out and being like stand out and be like one of these six million clones stand out and finally buy a hoodie with this logo on it yeah yeah yeah that'll really you'll really stand out with it it's so funny it's such a fun it's so ironic mm-hmm yeah stand out be a clone be a clown be what don't don't do don't be what society deems you to be be what i want you to be i want i want you to buy my marriage uh how's the music stuff going it's good um what were you saying about the ramzoid yeah yeah that that greg song i think i used like a bunch of [ __ ] from that sample pack that i really told you about this on splice yeah so do you use his sample pack uh yeah well so splice works like you can you get you pay 10 10 a month or whatever and you can download like 100 sounds a month so you can go through anybody's like sample packs that are on there and just pick sounds that you like so i just yeah a lot of them are from the ramzoid pack and there's just like a [ __ ] ton of other artists and stuff that like upload sounds that they use on there i'm gonna do that yeah and it's nice because you can there's like drum samples but then there's also like synth samples that you can just sample like to be actual engineers too yeah which is nice yeah how often are you producing [ __ ] um i try to i try to do [ __ ] every day just like when i have free time just making beats and stuff but um i just started a new job so that's sort of gotten in the way of it oh did you well yeah i work for a corridor digital youtube channel oh yeah what do you do for them uh i'm like writing and editing for their youtube channel okay yeah and shooting with them nice yeah it's been really fun so you're not doing youtube full-time no okay no um that was like a that was an option and maybe i'll i'll probably come back to that at some point but um yeah i don't know i i really wanted to get the chance to work with them because that i've been watching them since high school they were like my favorite youtube channel since like high school really yeah and then um they just like reached out to me and we were we've been talking for a while so i just started working with them but yeah quarter digital core corridor corridor digital okay yeah that's dope where where are they located they're like in the arts district okay yeah how close is glendale to it's like a 30 minute drive okay yeah that's not too bad and you're doing youtube full time now really yeah yeah i was a i was working for a while actually i used to do like carpentry because i had no life skills i didn't finish uh didn't finish college and i just had like a my dad's friend was like you could do this and you know it's better than working at popeyes so i did that for a while and then i worked for thomas sanders for a while i edited his youtube videos for like six months really i know weird fit yeah you edited his videos yeah and is that something surprising did you know how to edit before yeah yeah i had only been editing with like premiere for a couple months because with vine i always did imovie and i refused to learn anything okay i was like no i'm not gonna learn you know but then like with my own i just started to learn premiere with like my own videos and stuff and then i had just enough experience and i knew him so i was like okay yeah it was like a full-time thing for a while and then i quit a few months ago and now i'm just i'll buy that youtube and i'm selling out now yeah dollar shave club squarespace oh yeah you got it you got it you got it staplers yeah you sold that big state big statement sorry guys i've got you by the balls dude i mean the little sinker has created a villain here you know yeah you by being there by there being so many of you now it's like i'm just like whatever brand will give me money i'm saying everyone just becomes what they make fun of you know yes eventually it just happens you know plus you got to make money well yeah that's really what it is um it's funny though like like i did a thing with like uh do you see my video about the team 1000 thing that jake paul is doing but no but i was going to ask you about that i never watched the video but i was going to ask you ed fluence yeah it's like the most blatant scam in the world and like i've only seen a couple other videos about it it's insane like you it's like it's like any of those like tai lopez kind of whatever things where it's like yeah you know like if you want to be social media famous then you got to do this like so many people become social media famous not learning from me but you have to yeah so it's fans watching so only seven dollars to sign up and you're like okay seven dollars you get all like hours of content sure and you pay the seven and as soon as you pay the seven like everything's locked you have to pay 57 more but you don't know that so to join like team one thousand is this whole thing so you pay seven dollars like okay i'm in and you click on a video it's like oh guys like you want to be part of my inner circle like i just promised a second ago it's only 57 more dollars and you just click one button because your credit card is already in there you click one button at that point they charge you again 57 bucks it's such a scam it's crazy and then you get to the end and it's like team 1000 coming soon or something like that click on the tab that says team 1000 and it's there's there's no information it just says coming soon and a smiley face so it's not even like it's not even a thing right now it's just these like instructional videos of like but the most basic [ __ ] in the world like he just it's like i get that he's busy he's too busy to sit down and like write all these tips but it's like they just turn on the camera and he's like so what i find works on youtube is like comedy stuff and like drama stuff uh pranks just like oh pranks oh why didn't i think of that comedy but it's crazy youtube yeah i was doing soap operas yeah that's why i wasn't i was gonna try comedy i'll try to be funny now thank you jay oh thank you thank you yeah but it's crazy because he he has influence so like his fans you can search team 1000 on on youtube and these kids are so excited like i just signed up i'm going to be famous now because they buy into it i mean so i what i did though was after watching some of his videos i was like like this is not it's like such it's manipulation but it's not even impressive he's manipulating children it's like i can do this [ __ ] too so i filmed a whole video like parodying his thing and i made like a premium little stinker club pay three dollars you join the club you get an email with like my 10 tips to success and happy and you get like a road map to the big stinker and it's just like it's just like a map of the united states and a dotted line from utah to florida i don't know and then and then there's like you get exclusive access to the nothing package and you click on mywebsite.com nothing and it's just like coming soon you know so i just like it's funny though because like mine also in a way is kind of a scam but i'm i can do it because it's a parody you know but also people know what they're paying for yeah anyone's forced to pay yeah i'm sure people will pay the three dollars and get the email and be like i don't know what i expect i got a couple people yeah seriously a couple people were like yeah i don't know what i was expecting thanks i guess one guy was like really mad he asked for his money back he's like okay i refunded him honestly you don't [ __ ] deserve your money back yeah i mean [ __ ] expecting something more what were you expecting yeah but i don't know um that's funny dude so yeah did you actually get people buying it yeah i got yeah really like 700 people yeah and i had to send all the emails myself so there was like a delay because i don't know how to set anything up like i in a perfect world i would it would have like they bought it and they would they'd get the email right away but i'd have to get like the order confirmation through squarespace and then like get their email address and manually send them all so it was also very time consuming um but yeah i got a bunch of people to do it it's just again it's like it's like with the merch they just like want to be in on the joke yeah it's like it's not a crazy amount of money also i think because i spend money in the video like i bought money to because i feel like that was the only way to make the video not just be like oh he's charging 57 that sucks bye yeah you know like actually buy it and see what yeah what people are getting with their their money and that's just [ __ ] yeah so i think people were like yeah like you paid money you know support it's just like a donation really you know i don't think anyone is expecting anything i just imagine people being like oh i just bought aldrew's merch i'm so excited to be in on the joke and then the merch shows up but it's like oh i just bought a stapler i honestly feel like that's what it is it's like it's a funny idea to buy it and then they get it it's like i don't know i don't know what i was expecting it's just a shitty statement i don't want a normal size i thought it was gonna be like jumbo or something it's not yeah at least it's not like a mini stapler it's like an actual set that'd be funny if the picture was like of a full-size stapler but you just sent them a tiny little statement yeah there's only so many things i can get away with though while calling it parody like some things are fine but if i did that that's yeah yeah that's just like well i thought it would at least be a big shape or like yeah there's a like a note that says [ __ ] you yeah something like that yeah i charge you 15 to be scolded at by your hero you come up with all these like t-shirts and [ __ ] no matter what you order it just sends you a note that doesn't [ __ ] yeah yeah if you order multiple things though it's a lesson you know you're buying [ __ ] merch it's an invaluable lesson yeah exactly that's a life lesson don't buy people's yeah save your money thank you for the 26 [ __ ] for everything you buy we'll also send someone in need a note that says [ __ ] you oh by the way oh my god can we curse on this no no no i have to go through and and bleep out every single one of those yeah what the hell man god damn it i'm sorry i'm you [ __ ] idiot well you just gotta do that one yeah you're useful no i can curse my kids you only believe yeah yeah yeah my guests can't curse our sponsors are very clear they don't want any of my guests they like when i curse it's my brand guess come on yeah no way this is for kids guests are for kids all right cody's talking cover your ears this conversation doesn't make sense i'm only hearing one side of it the adults cover theirs every time we talk yeah and then they talk to each other afterwards fill in the blanks i was thinking about that joke that we had when we were doing the camp unplug about like the stinky phone or whatever oh yeah what was that i i don't we all had to pull our phones out of that briefcase yeah right i just said like should we all pull him out like this ew stinky i don't know why it was funny and then like in the background of whatever video you're doing yeah i think i actually am doing that in the final thing i'm just sort of like walking around like this with my phone in the background yeah i just thought of that for some reason that was the first time we all met yeah i think of that every time someone's like oh you should collab with cody co and danny gets i was like i did yeah yeah yeah for a few seconds we made the one ghost vine yeah i have a very very good vine great vine it took us like 30 takes to do i know we messed up so many times like the easiest line in the world people still quote that to me yeah i am not afraid i am not a [ __ ] yeah it's a good quote yeah we also had that bit where we were like pretending to take pictures oh my god yes we would like pose like this you guys never posted that though did you i don't i don't think we could get it to be funny yeah yeah we couldn't like oh i thought you couldn't like get like an angle that like made sense yeah i mean like you know it's like a really hard like prank to like i think is one of those like like a candid vine yeah if it was like a party and it panned over and you just saw two people that you like panned over and there was no one there but yeah it's like a skit it didn't really work it's so it's such a good prank we should go out and do that to people on the street when vine too oh i'm sorry yeah there's no camera camera on the turn around you're gone was that real i thought of a hater a prank i want to do [Laughter] i wanna i wanna make a youtube video someday where i have a meetup somewhere in la but i hire like a doppelganger actor to go with me instead people notice cause i get people send me like pictures of people that look like me a lot i know i have like a constantly tweeting super duper common face so i just wanna know how easy it is to like find an actor that looks enough like me where people will like see him and be like i guess he looks kind of different in real life but it's a lot taller than i imagined yeah that'd be really funny i love that idea but you just got to find the right person yeah yeah because everyone looks a little bit different i mean michael gilligan is going to look way different in person i mean as you know then he looks in pictures but everything yeah his fingers were way longer yeah but like your fans are going to get there and they're they probably if it's a good enough doppelganger they'll be like oh this yeah hey danny i'm a big fan they're gonna be so swept up with emotions you know they're not i could hire like another actor to be laura too to like come with me and yeah yeah a fake dog to be peanut it's like a golden that's not even retriever yeah how's peanut she's good yeah she's so cute how married life oh it's nice yeah yeah yeah you're married right yeah yeah yeah i mean it's it's honestly it's not too different from just living with someone that you were already dating because yeah but now i wear a ring every day and then you get tax breaks yeah i'm supposed to yeah something like that yes i don't know yeah i don't know i guess i should know i just filed my taxes yeah yeah uh like a year ago we've been living together for a while yeah she because we did long distance your movie recording yeah yep keep going uh yeah we met on vine um i've told the story well there they go oh lord there they go well see the camera's not even recording so his um to set up his headphones fell um anyway yeah so we we met on vine she lived in arizona i live in florida and we dated for a while long distance which is the worst but we got through it and then she moved to me i proposed her and we've been living living together for like a year and a half and it's the best you know we're just best friends it's it's awesome you got a girlfriend yeah i got it she's in there she's in my room right now oh really yeah yeah she's chilling okay okay i just thought it would just be us through here so it's kind of i feel like you kind of lied to us oh sorry yeah sorry guys time but yeah i didn't know there was a girl no i mean it's still the boys well there's a girl here no but you know sometimes the boy's time she's in the she's in the room can she hear her i i ordered her to stay in the red yeah so you're in here i mean you got to lay down the lawn yeah exactly yeah down the law with your woman yeah i got it i mean it's she she trusts you to like guide her in life and it's like so how are things going with her now that she can't hear us yeah no um honestly yeah i feel you no i'm kidding it's amazing she basically lives here now so yeah that's great um and so that's the first one where do you live you guys here as well oh okay okay yeah you're not married yet though not married no okay yeah interesting yeah i didn't know this guy was a sinner yeah it's like do you want to leave yeah i can again i can hear you perfectly i just don't really like his attitude okay it's his beliefs i feel like he's been kind of an [ __ ] doesn't kind of happen diss me on my own podcast that's good i feel like yeah i feel betrayed you know it's like i didn't know i just still got water again can you give me more water i'm thirsty not all failed to drink all part of the plan so your girlfriend like helps you out with youtube [ __ ] right uh like she's like in your videos all the time uh yes sometimes she is so funny and but she's and i've admitted that i mean she's not ashamed to admit she's the worst actress in the world like she'll say something really funny and i'll be like okay i'll put on the camera and and she says it again like a robot so i have to be like i can't get carried away like writing a thing for her yeah you know so it's better to like we do a podcast now together so we just talk and she can be naturally funny not have to worry about like saying a line perfectly how's the podcast life it's fun we've only done a couple um the the first one we like talked about long distance we had like a whole thing planned out and then the second one is like all right we're gonna do it again and it's like oh shoot we don't have anything to talk about yeah that's all we know that's all we know so yeah um but it's fun it's it's we just talk and joke around yeah yeah it's it's pretty much the same as your podcast yeah you know it's just like talking about it's for the it's actually called insanely chill it's very chill with drew gooden um yeah that's weird yeah i'm gonna be starting insanely chill too soon yeah i feel like well that's my podcast you're going to call it insanely chill that's my podcast yeah that's [ __ ] that's his podcast thank you for defending me okay yo you're not going to call that though i'm actually the only one with the podcast though which is insane yeah yeah they chill insane oh nice yeah thank you that's my name in my podcast that was a good pun yeah yeah oh that's the name of my podcast oh that's the name of your that's the name of my podcast well stop copying me dude stop copying me okay okay sorry so we agree then we agree to stop copying each other okay yeah can you no [ __ ] damn it are you gonna start a podcast uh i've thought about it for a while uh i'm just way too worried that i don't have anything to talk about for an hour yeah i don't know enough about anything run out for sure yeah yeah after a while i was like wow this is hard i actually filmed one by myself thinking like it doesn't need to have a structure it's just like a just like a loose conversation basically with the audience and then i hate i was like this was so like i was visibly uncomfortable because i would like i do so many you know like edits and stuff like i when i'm filming a youtube video is very different i kind of know what i'm going to cut and that sort of thing but when it's like i i know they're going to see every part of this you know so uh it was better it's better to do it with someone else yeah yeah i love your podcast with noelle i just you guys you are so funny together oh thank you i appreciate that i appreciate that i think you guys work really well even the youtube videos you get yeah together like the yeah well it's just because i used uh third eye blind at the end like for the 90s part where we're dancing and like i use it for like three seconds or whatever and it got claimed like a day later so you know i made money for the first day yeah and now it's kind of a [ __ ] bummer yeah but it's i mean i don't know i guess you're kind of asking for when you use copyrighted [ __ ] it's just do you get demonetized a lot on youtube it's better now it's way better yeah yeah i've been pretty good with that honestly yeah yeah it'll happen to me like occasionally and then i'll request a review and it'll be like less than 12 hours it'll get yeah yeah yeah well i mean that's a whole other thing but like it's funny to me like all the well for one like i think we've been spoiled for so long just youtube in general it's like we've come to expect that whatever we put on we're gonna get money if people see it you know but then people people who really push like i don't really push the limit too much with like non-brand-friendly stuff but there's people who like really push push the limit or whatever and like they're like why are my videos getting why aren't they brand for it's like i mean you're talking about i i don't know at a certain point it's like you got to be aware of the fact that you're not brand friendly totally 100 agree but you can't complain that like all it's like of course that video is demonetized you know it's also like you you you're not um people think they're entitled titles like money no yeah just because of the way if you build a business on a platform you cannot be upset if that platform changes stuff it's your own fault for building your own building a business you know saying we choose to do youtube youtube's not doing us any favors by existing yeah right like we're you know or they are i mean like we're not we're not doing you do too many favors by posting right like they individually they don't need you yeah yeah yeah there are people with like way like in the tens of thousand subscribers that i'll occasionally see on twitter like complaining like every day to youtube like i posted a video today and it got demonetized like what are you doing like you don't respect small creators and it's like dude you would have made like five dollars off of that video i know that i don't understand and it's like adamant like there's people i see every single day tweeting at youtube like yeah they don't care about the little guy like i know when they change the monetization roles and everybody's like they don't care about the smaller creators like it's like yeah honestly they don't they don't they don't have to they don't have to we're lucky that they shouldn't be making videos for money right now you should be making them because it's fun yeah and if you're lucky then you have this entire backlog of videos and if you do ever blow up you're going to retroactively get money for all that [ __ ] if you do like get to reach that threshold so i totally agree it's totally agree and i feel like when when the ad [ __ ] happened it was like um this is a [ __ ] bummer let's find other ways to make money let's do the podcast that's what happens right yeah you just there's there's money there if you're creating good content you just gotta like you know work hard and figure out how to get it yeah i think people underestimate like how how many subscribers you need to have to even like make a living off of youtube like people think like they can have like 10 000 subscribers yeah like they'll be set yeah right and like i only just started being able to like afford rent with my yeah yeah like it's hard it takes a while yeah yeah yeah for sure what's the what's the goal like with youtube to like just keep growing are you gonna like you know you're ever gonna move here and do the l.a thing or that's convinced him not to really well yeah you hate it here you and i don't know um it's a good place to visit i think i like you know i there's a lot of people here that's the thing but i really i really hate l.a yeah no it's just like 80 of people walking around with the vlog tripod yeah and just that's what l.a is like it took us like every hour to park and we ended up like giving up on finding street parking and paying twenty dollars to park at the bank no way really yeah cause i was like i just we can't oh i'm sorry i'm not paying to be on this podcast well it's a privilege it's my privilege it's or my honor i don't know when we started getting close i saw one person on like an electric scooter and then we kept getting closer and i saw like another person passed by an electric scooter and i was like those are the [ __ ] and then i remembered listening to your podcast where you you can like rent them right yeah and then we started seeing them on like every corner and they were like everywhere groups of people riding by and it's like so weary like yeah i feel like they're just ganging up on us but also like someone has definitely died on one of those things oh for sure by now had to have like hit by a car you're thinking yeah like people drive those things on the sidewalk they drive them everywhere and what's stopping people from just taking them or hiding them like you could they don't they do that they do that yeah i my buddy was like because you see them on the map and then you go to them and so my buddy like walked half a mile to one of these that was near him was the only one around and it was in a garage and he couldn't get into the [ __ ] garage so he was just like what the [ __ ] oh [ __ ] that's weird and they don't really have any way of telling just from the app location that's in somebody's house yeah so la sucks yeah i mean i love la but it [ __ ] sucks yeah i feel like similar to like new york it's kind of an acquired taste there's there's obviously going to be good things and bad things i'll probably move here eventually um i mean i mean it's going to depend on what like amanda wants to she's open to it um but she works at the library downtown in orlando and she loves it there so and plus like we do internet stuff we can do it anywhere you know yeah why spend three times as much in rent when you could do the same [ __ ] i mean that's a great point i don't know it really is unless you want to like are you going to like try and do more comedy stuff like like more like traditional yeah um i think i'd like to but this is all like people ask me that like what do you want to do it's like well i've been yeah like this is great yeah i get to be my own boss and set my own schedule and do what i want yeah and like just make whatever and like you know like it's funny people will like think they know what they want you to make like you make a video and they're like i'll do a sequel and they'll just come out with something out of left field and they're like oh i'd love this because it's just like you can kind of do whatever you want and so this is a great gig whereas like i don't want to come here and like audition for [ __ ] or like you know i mean writing would be nice eventually i think i will eventually come out here but like as far as like long-term goals like i've never really thought like what am i going to do in 10 years and what's it going to take to get there because like it's so much changes like i'm just going to focus on what i'm doing now yeah try to make it as like stable and proper yeah as possible like i really like youtube so i'm i would just like to keep growing youtube yeah seeing where it goes so no i think that's a great point that you too or yeah well i i agree with drew like i like youtube being your own boss like everything you do like if you do well on youtube it's probably because you did a good job if you do bad it's probably because you didn't post enough this month like you know how to control your own success to a certain extent but like all that other [ __ ] like i don't even know where to begin it seems like it's in the hands of like thousands of other people that i don't know how to interact with i don't know actually for i of course for you like would you say though like as much as it means this is your podcast so yeah yeah yeah um well as much as my podcast yeah i'll just ask you the question i'm sorry um so cody what's it like uh no so like like i recently made the transition to being like full-time youtuber and it's great it is to like be your own boss or whatever sometimes it's it's also like there is something nice about having a boss and just being like show up and do this yeah and being forced to do something because there's days where it's like i know i need to do [ __ ] yeah and like i just make excuses and no one's there to be like true you shouldn't you should have done the thing today that you didn't do yeah um i don't you ever just kind of struggle with that i used to i i do a little bit but i how old are you 24. okay yeah i think it's just with me getting older i'm 27 now and it's like i've done like when i'm happiest is when i'm working like when i'm working hard and like working on whatever and i used to [ __ ] off all the time i went through this period where i first moved to la where it was like one of the darkest periods of my life but i didn't do [ __ ] yeah i just drank all the time and just [ __ ] off all the time yeah and now i'm in just like a way better place when i'm working so all i want to do is that absolutely and so i'll still you know i'll still blow [ __ ] off all the time like i'll go you know entire weekend but then you like [ __ ] yourself yeah yeah yeah yeah and then you don't yeah and it's like that that adrenaline you get from like posting a video you're really happy with you worked like hours and hours yeah it gets really addictive and i think what i like what i would think would be a cool thing to have that i am kind of missing in florida because it's just me and amanda and a few of my friends who don't really do this like i really like what you do with noel and you guys can kind of motivate each other too yeah it's like you both have to do the thing and show up yeah like it'd be cool to have like a partner like that that i don't you know i don't know yeah yeah yeah alone yeah yeah yeah well yeah does it work and it's like i have to motivate myself yeah i have to like yeah yeah so no it is good to have like a solid once a week thing yeah you have to do it you have to do the episode and you feel something bad some of them are good but we're going to get it done which is like kind of you know that kind of why people have an upload schedule or whatever or whatever because it keeps them motivated too that's actually kind of what i like about brand deals is because they like they expect you to post it a certain day and it gives you a deadline and it's like oh [ __ ] i gotta stay all night up uh editing this which i probably would have gone to bed by now but i didn't and i would postpone it a couple more days but it's like knowing how to get it tomorrow i told them 10 a.m tomorrow and it's yeah so no 100 and i don't feel like i'm i'm i don't feel like i'll ever be like strong enough to give myself like that much yeah i'm not of a deadline like with [ __ ] i do like i gotta post this tomorrow and then i'll give like i'll give the weakest excuse like i'm tired yeah yeah you know yeah all right i'm just like not in the right mood to be funny today is itchy yeah i can't have itchy knees too yeah i get it she drives me crazy yeah really bad really really yeah mine are awful yeah it's just so unfortunate why don't we all just itch each other's knees but who's gonna edit the videos thomas sanders oh yeah yeah that's my goal in life is to get big enough thomas has to edit for me uh no thomas is the nicest guy in the world have you ever met him yeah he seems like he's really [ __ ] nice he's such a like even like like working for him like obviously it's tough to work for another creator and like i had a good gig because he was so so nice and he would never get mad at me there'd be like he'd have notes on videos and stuff but he would frame it and like this i love it it's perfect but can you change these please pretty please please change these like 50 things amazing perfect it's perfect but here's a list of 50 things yeah here's where you're [ __ ] up yeah but he would do it in the nicest way possible where i never really felt bad um but yeah he's such a great guy yeah um where some people get to his level and you know make the kind of money makes and has the platform and they just like completely change yeah he's just like he still lives in gainesville in like a yeah he's like lived in the same apartment he's just such a humble guy he very recently he had like a 2001 car too for a long time he could have had he had about a tesla or whatever but he's just had this he's such a like a nice humble like well-rounded guy that's nice but i would like him to [ __ ] edit for me one day show you what it's like oh it's perfect thomas but can you change this no he's great what's your guys's favorite video that you've ever made like youtube video yeah um i don't really like any of them i just don't like any of them yeah yeah i don't watch any of my videos i've never seen any of them um i just film them and upload them to youtube right away yeah i have like a little auto edit takes out the spaces yeah uh i think i feel good about the team 1001 because i felt like i was exposing something yeah like sometimes i'm late i'm i'm usually late to things but i feel like i have something unique to say where even though i'm not the first i have there's a reason to watch it but that i was like i was one of the first people to expose it i bought it i was very thorough with it i came up with my own like extra thing on my website it was very like thorough and i feel good you know i thought yeah yeah it was like this last video about andrea's just like she makes stupid videos guys follow me not her yeah no it's like yeah it's funny but there's nothing really there it's kind of pointless but it's just the worst part about it is that that one's the one that's going to get all the views the one that you spent yeah 10 minutes because it's got like hot mom at the time yeah yeah yeah exactly yeah um i think mine is either the first video i made on paul zimmer just because i think it's like it's sort of like just [ __ ] on instagram comedy but it's like it's got that like weird like who who is this guy like i feel like it's very different it's like a he's such a different kind of person that it was like right yeah like an expose yeah yeah um or or the video where i actually met him because i never thought i would do something like that and i think and it elicited the weirdest like response from people too like all of the comments are like this is amazing but also it was insanely hard to watch like it is yeah yeah and i just when you were sitting at the table with them i was like oh my god i gotta fast forward through this yeah i'm just glad that how uncomfortable i was for that whole time translated to that video and people still liked it but also we're like viscerally uncomfortable by it yeah the best thing i think you did with that too was like you asked them like how they feel about cringy content rather than getting there and kind of like kissing their ass yeah kissing their ass because that's kind of like how i would be i would want to just like appease them in the moment and then go yeah that's what i did with tai lopez yeah whatever you want um i think turned a lot of people off of ricegum as he started making videos with jacob sartorius and just acting like they were like best friends after roasting [ __ ] on him for like months and then they started hanging out and making like then they made like instagram comedy type youtube videos together and it's like well that's like defeats the whole purpose of the whole thing so i tried to angle it like i just want to see what these people are like and i want to understand like what's going through their brain rather than like we're friends now yeah yeah yeah what about you that i've made yeah um no what's your other video that we've made yeah i really liked i liked the travel one that i made just because yeah it seemed like people totally understood what i was going for and it seemed like it was like a sentiment that other people had felt yeah and like hadn't talked about or yes those are the ones that feel the best yeah rather than like i made one after the logan paul thing and i was like this is my worst video when you i'm just hopping on a trend yeah yeah yeah you know yeah when you feel like you're the only one talking about this yeah you just like well it was that and it was also like i really hope people feel the same way and i genuinely don't know yeah yeah and then and so like i had a couple of people watching they were like yes dude yeah this is like really refreshing to see this because it's really positive first of all sam was like why is this so positive it's really weird and i was like well i didn't mean i don't know i'm just like trying to this is how i feel about this [ __ ] and then people were like yeah this is exactly how i feel and i'm like this is great i'm glad that other people feel like this so i'm not insane then yeah which is great yeah yeah i i can't imagine there being a worse feeling than you making a whole video and everybody's just like you're wrong dude we all really like this is something that everybody likes oh my god that's my worst fear every time it's like people are gonna be like why are you mad about this that this is the best thing ever that sort of happened to me when that dude cemented his head in a microwave did you ever see that video on youtube it was a shitty video but that they have a large fan big following and apparently some of it crossed over with mine and so they were like you can make fun of anyone just not people that i like even when they do something dumb like yeah cement their head in a microwave wait what happened it's this british youtuber um he does pranky prank it's called i i think it's like tgf bro or something like that i forget what his name is but he made a video where he just filled him microwave up with cement and then stuck his head in it like with a little breathing tube so he could breathe and then that was the whole and then the rest of the video was just them trying to get him out because the cement dried and they had to call the paramedics and the paramedics spent hours on taking apart the entire microwave and chiseling them out to save this dumbass's life yeah and so i made a video just explaining how dumb it was yeah and and some of my fans were like i i really like your videos bro but don't [ __ ] with them that's an objectively stupid thing even if like like i you know i respect you guys i love your videos but if one of you guys did something like that i'd have to be like that was dumb yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you know it's like and you didn't like darwinism right now yeah yeah yeah [ __ ] hell i cannot believe i would be scared shitless oh my god if i did that stuck in a block of concrete with a breathing tube it's like claustrophobia to the max seriously that's like people's nightmares that he just did yeah for fun yeah i'm gonna go watch that video after that at the beginning of the video i'm gonna go watch it got taken down really my video's still up so you can watch it yeah yeah it did get demonetized though mine did yeah um but the beginning of the video he was he was like i really don't wanna he's british i really don't wanna have to do this like i'm probably gonna die i can't i can't believe i'm about to do that just don't do it nobody's making you do it you came up with the idea yeah yeah that was the funniest thing i thought about logan paul's apology is when he was like i post a tv show every day no one wants you no one even wants you to do that you you're making yourself do that don't act like that's uh that's on us oh my god look i'm so sorry i've been making you do this every single day and we expect so much from you yeah yeah how do you feel about his comeback i feel pretty good about it really yeah he seems like he's really you really convinced me for a second i was like what the [ __ ] yeah i'm actually a man such a weird answer to that feeling good about it feeling good about his comeback he's so you're feeling good about his comeback yeah well i feel like he can move i feel like he had two choices he could come back and completely change and be like look guys no i'm a grown up i'm mature or he could just continue to play to his audience and if he were to do if we were to appease everyone else like people would be like okay he's matured whatever and then they'd stop talking about him or but then but then like his fans would be pissed so he had to come back and be like look i'm still i'm still the same savage i was before and everyone who likes him is like yeah he's savage you know and he's never gonna grow up he's no reason to well yeah i just think he's it's not even like he's pandering to his audience he's just shitty well this just is who he is yeah he's like he's garnered and so of course he's going to pander them by being shitty by being himself his absolute truest self i remember like he so he did like the documentary he was gone for a while did that documentary or whatever and then people were like oh wow you know what i mean he's really going on yeah yeah and then he's like yeah i'm you know this is my comeback i'm gonna donate a million dollars to suicide prevention stuff like that and we're like wow and then he commented on a cardi b instagram post yeah i saw that yeah it said uh they're trying to crucify me and tell me about it yeah oh my god you haven't learned anything yeah i'm like jesus christ remember when he did that thing that really [ __ ] up thing yeah yeah and everyone wanted to crucify him yeah yeah just like me yeah we're the same guys buy my merch be a mav be a maverick yeah i don't know i can't wait for his podcast i want to do an hour-long reaction podcast where we just listen to his podcast audio by audiobite and just make fun of every single thing he says yeah god he's so just awful did you see the video eddie made a video a whole video about that part where he like he was like he went to a college campus and was like interviewing people in like what do you think yeah asking people what they thought about oh yeah yeah and some dude or some girl just to his face was like i think he's a dick and he was like oh uh what she was like yeah he's an [ __ ] but he donated a million dollars to he said that charity yeah and she was like that doesn't mean anything yeah yeah dude we found the funniest clip the other day from one of his old vlogs if you search it on youtube i might like do a video about it but um because it's it's just so so cringy if you search logan paul um a street fight or something like that he basically he's vlogging himself he's in this purple [ __ ] mustang or some obnoxious [ __ ] that he bought right and someone almost hits or someone hits his car and so he stops in the middle of the road and this person comes by and honks at him because he stopped in the middle of the road he flips him off and the guy spits on logan's car oh i've seen that i've seen that clip yeah and so they get like this altercation on the street yeah and logan is like just being like like if you paid someone to be like be the shittiest youtube personality right now that you could possibly be yeah make all logan was doing could you make all youtubers look bad real quick yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah he's like outside of this obnoxious purple card that he bought with his adsense money talking about how much he make how much more money he makes than this guy and then he goes look at the license plate bro and the the thing pans over and his license plate is a a-y-y-y-y this dude's like are you [ __ ] kidding like do you not the dude i think the dude's like you cut me off and i got out to yell at you and now you're just telling me you made more money than me it's so funny dude search that video i'm gonna do i'll probably just do a reaction video to it with noel because it's so funny it's just so funny yeah so yeah feeling pretty good about his comeback yeah yeah yeah it really changed yeah yeah change fire's gonna be better be a better person yeah you should say anyone you can anyone can [ __ ] up but like you could always come back if you and [ __ ] up more you can always do something way worse yeah really hammer home what you did before guys it's not that bad he was dead you think he cares that's what uh josh kennedy did that on instagram that [ __ ] was so funny yeah i just saw him at the party last night i love that guy he's great his brother thing that he said twice yeah he's like then why do you why do you think that why do you know that you think he cares he's dead oh my god oh i'm out of space on my sd card oh damn it i guess we going audio only from here you're not gonna delete some [ __ ] don't delete the podcast don't worry i'll just delete the podcast we'll do the whole thing again do i have to spill the water again i don't remember all the bits we did um we talked about uh scientologists yes i think the whole podcast is about scientology what is it and how do i get involved can i get can someone let me in can i get someone who has like a key let me into the scientology club can i get college credit for it yeah i'm really concerned about getting college credit yeah we were recording um me and noel's podcast on thursday and we had this like 10 minute just like hysterical 10 minutes where we're both in stitches funniest 10 minutes we've ever had and i looked out of the computer and i had pressed space bar by accident because the screen was going dark and it paused the recording oh and i was like hey this is like why does this have to happen after the funniest moment like sure right before the funniest thing and you can't like recreate that it's gonna be no it's just we tried like saying some of the things they're just like it's like the same reaction you both knew you know yeah it's not the same you know speaking of sad i want to ask you because i i'm interested in talking to people who do commentary like how much do you plan when you do a video when you're reacting because like i feel like i write down like i'll see a video i write down jokes and then and when i try to like like the next day recapture the funny joke i thought of the day before it's not funny and i always end up cutting that out and i just try to watch things like and organically react yeah do you like write a bunch of notes yeah i'm like still figuring out like how to do it the ones with noel are always off the cuff yeah those are like one of us hasn't seen the video the other one has watched like 20 seconds of it and it's better that way yeah genuine reaction yeah and it's also like it's way easier to riff when someone is right there right so we'll press the spacebar or someone will say something it won't be funny but then the other person will be like yeah and then i can just edit out the original part and then i feel like you'd sort of get twice as many bits because you're each noticing like yes yes yes for sure the ones where i'm doing them alone i usually just like go through i'll comb through it take out like you know i'll just like write a joke for each part that's what i yeah and then record that but then like a lot of times when i'll actually watch the video when i'm filming it and so i'll see something that i didn't notice yeah and sometimes i get funny moments out of that but like the ones i do by myself i yeah i i just feel like the more yeah what it's like i can tell when i'm and i think people will be able to tell too when i'm trying to like read a line basically that i thought of already so it's it's better to just like if i find one video by one person i will watch that think of like the concept of the video and then every other video of them i watch i'm just so i cut a lot out i just filmed for a long time and some of them aren't as cringy or whatever how long do you film for uh i filmed as much as like three hours once for the for the team 1000 thing because i don't like it yeah because i paid the 64 and there's all this [ __ ] on there there's hours of stuff and so like the very first video i clicked on i i used in in the video because it was just like this is the first one i'm clicking on it's already just like all right guys so uh we recording ready it's just like just filler just like awful [ __ ] but there was a lot of stuff i i just like would go and just like it was mostly just me watching it for a while and finding like the best stuff yeah um that's i hate i hate that part of editing when you're cutting out the [ __ ] where you're just like it's like is that what i look like when i'm just like watching something so funny i have hours and hours of footage of me in silence on a hard drive somewhere yeah trying to think of like if anything's funny about this yeah someone ever like stole that hard drive oh my gosh and they're coming through the footage like this this dude is insane what is that 10 hour cody co watching videos compilation do you guys see the [ __ ] that dude mr beast does on youtube yeah what do you how do you feel about him i i don't i think i think he as a person is pretty corny no offense if you're watching this but like i think the video concepts he comes up with a great idea his ideas are [ __ ] incredible he's donating money to yeah and stuff too like that's cool like he likes randomly tip someone a thousand dollars yeah he's the guy like he'll like uh order a pizza and tip the delivery he also did a bunch of things that were like i said blah blah blah like a million times or something yes yes yes that's kind of the first i would see those recommended i never watch it because it's like the ideas yeah watch like 30 hours it got recommended to everybody because it's like a five hour long yeah it's all about watch time there's so many mid rolls in there yeah um but no i i like the one he did buying a car and pennies but then at the same time it's like it's like he has to walk in with like all these wheelbarrows of pennies and i like i feel like the cringe in that moment of like the i mean the the car salesman or whatever they're all like yeah like oh yeah you can buy with that but then inside they're like we gotta [ __ ] count on these i know it's like yeah yeah sometimes that stuff makes me hurt to watch like people doing stuff to elicit reactions from people i'm just picturing myself in that situation i can feel the awkwardness yeah i don't like this i know and it's just like don't don't just be a nuisance yeah that's what you're doing you're just being a nuisance the genre of youtube nuisance vlogs yeah yeah being a nuisance yeah just running up to people it's basically logan's like man i make a minimum wage can you stop [ __ ] with me please like be great that's like all the like all those like those pranks when you would go to mcdonald's and like grab the ice cream yeah yeah why is mcdonald's drive through people the people that need to be taken down like i've done that once i'm not proud of it i've done that once did you really i did that one time yes in college we did it and we like you know we were like too [ __ ] to like really do it kind of half grab the ice cream and drive away way too fast laughing can't wait we just [ __ ] did that yeah it's so savage favorite videos is like somebody tried to do that or something and the the cashier like throws the credit card in and so he gets distracted trying to grab his credit card then she just throws his drink on him like he tried to prank the question no way just like and she was just trying to just throw like tosses his drinking he was like the fourth person today that day to try it yeah [ __ ] that's amazing i'm gonna search that too searching that video the concrete one and the porn star yeah homework that's that's what you gotta do after this i saw that the dude who did the concrete video just recently did something he did something very similar we was like i'm going to cement my both my hands into toasters or something like that he could have called that video i haven't learned my lesson yeah yeah yeah i'm going to do what i did but just diff with a different body part a different kitchen appliance i couldn't call 9-1-1 this time my hands were occupied he says it with his nose yeah cutting off my hands not clickbait nine one two cutting off my hands and then cementing my hands that guy's crazy all right guys should we wrap it up let's do it let's wrap it it's been a pretty solid hour and a half it's a long ass episode yeah thanks for joining me for sure of course um search drew gooden danny gonzalez on youtube greg if you're watching appreciate you little stinkers family on youtube well i don't know i think posters are probably the strongest family i wouldn't look it up but i would definitely take your word for it and place it back i would definitely take my word for it okay if i were you i would trust me so it's sketchy all right guys see you guys it's fine i'll live with my mistakes okay thanks for watching any more secrets you have about coding no we need to spell the water do it now what's your last chance that's it i'm out of beds okay it's over is it over yeah wow that ended on just bad news the worst night i know i always felt so good about all that a minute okay bye bye please unsubscribe for my [Music] channel [Music]
Channel: Florren
Views: 276,730
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: O8iu9yiFcjc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 11sec (5651 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 31 2020
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