Kurtis Conner Became a Magician - The Gus & Eddy Podcast

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👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/slapfish1 📅︎︎ Jan 06 2021 🗫︎ replies

Omg yessss

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/little_peanut20 📅︎︎ Jan 06 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] all right gus you want to take this one away you oh my gosh i'm gonna first you let me i'm gonna get started this one it's 20 20 let me oh my god dude okay you know what i'm just i'm buzzing you let me do the holiday one as well yep uh first one of the new year uh we got it our first guest of the new year too oh i'm shaking right now so i'm here i was allowing you to start and you you just keep drawing it out and you're making me to my core want to interrupt you because you know that's what i love doing so just i know and it's great i appreciate you fighting those urges is the most important takeaway from here and you're making it worse you're making it okay up guys guys we have curtis connor on the podcast today welcome thank you for joining us curtis of course thanks for having me there was that that was a weird thing where i wanted to say something but i wasn't introduced yet so i just sat sorry curtis we put every guest in that position and every time we're doing a bit especially in person i'm like we've just given our guests no room to say anything but they want it it's just an awkward position i realized that as we were doing it we do it every time so i'm very sorry it's all good as long as you never learn from your mistakes and it's yeah i stopped improving myself years ago i just figured it's easier you know i mean well if you learn from your mistakes then you then you have mistakes so i figure if you never learn from it then everything's fine oh that's a good point if you don't have to face any criticism then it doesn't exist that's why i don't go on reddit that's a good point in my experience right it's been nothing but nice though you should really check it out they're they're good i was just it was for it was for the bit okay so oh you guys i i don't know if you know but i like to do bits uh curtis that's one thing about me i can rattle off maybe 50 others if you got the time i i i'm kind of second guessing this whole thing i didn't know there's going to be any any bits on here oh oh uh this is what did you think this was more of like a a very serious type thing where we were gonna well i i thought it would be more like a yeah kind of more serious kind of like like really uh just really negative um that's what you want to be negative about just like myself you got it you guys um uh just pretty much just this this uh this trio is kind of what i want to keep it to just all of us who are very uh i'm kidding that was [Music] i've only ever done the one i've never gotten to the two part that's how it works too early as a death flow god i even tried counting on my fingers once but i got lost right after the one and i i don't know i started picking my nose with it or something i didn't know what to do with it there's too many of those is that actually my fingers together and hit myself in the face hey now come on is one two an actual boxing term is that what the origin of it like it was a boxing term when like people had handlebar mustaches when they did it you know when they only had two that was the only like boxing usually you got one and you got two you can't in boxing you can't give somebody the one two unless you go why i oughta right before that really telegraphs the attack there were not a lot of kos in those early days i don't know what has happened wait go ahead oh i was just thinking like the first boxer to ever do the two like what if it was it was only ever like the old one and then like some crazy box out of nowhere he pioneered the old one two totally took over they start flipping through the road because they're not sure yeah what is that what the hell was that we just been giving each other once really odd that we started counting when it was just the one [Music] now a two that's what uh uh floyd mayweather's popular for is doing the three though nobody had ever heard of the three until he showed up right now he's gonna do it on logan paul yeah no he debuts the four at the lake logan it just it kills logan paul nobody's ever done before because it's like the death move four punches at once you just look at his hands like i've never done that before i'm so sorry whoa i don't know what came over me i will i will give it to logan paul what an achievement to land a fight with mayweather like and it's all about money but like how big is that event gonna be yeah that's it's still pretty when i saw the photo of it i was like i i thought he was like goofing or something i thought he was doing one of those one-two bits yeah i mean i guess it's great for mayweather though because he can just win and make a bunch of money and it's great for logan because he can make a bunch of money so because i would always be like it would be it seems like it'd be such an easy paycheck and i'm of the opinion that that logan's gonna just get steamrolled oh yeah i mean conor mcgregor got steamrolled by floyd so it's like oh yeah absolutely but i i'm also like with some of that [ __ ] i you know like it would be an easier payday for that but if i was a traditional athlete i would not want to [ __ ] get in and fight those guys because like i mean obviously you can earn some money but like if you already loaded it's like i feel like you'd have nothing to gain from that and only like can you imagine if floyd got knocked out by logan though like what do you do yeah like that's kind of a stamp towards the end of your career like i just would feel like there'd be so much to risk but if the payday's there i totally get the risk right but he's still he's still in pretty good shape i feel but yeah that even the idea that logan could beat uh one of the best boxers of all time is like yeah if if logan did that he would have probably my respect forever which is awful yeah i well he's logan's like a lot bigger than floyd right like he's like he's not like i think so he's like a big guy but i don't know what that means in terms of boxing because yeah i don't either i just assume big is stronger in my brain here's my expert boxing opinion i think it i think it does something that's all i got there you go okay i can see that it has some sort of effect on the fight how have you guys oh so good well i was gonna ask curtis have you ever had to like get in nutshell shape for some [ __ ] like i look at some of the logan stuff and he's like a [ __ ] titan right now and i'm just that that kind of [ __ ] requires such 24 7 attention for something what is the best shape you've ever been in your entire life um it's probably like high school when i was like going through and i had like gym class every day but now it's like i don't i'm not in good shape anymore and i'm like feeling it now which sucks because like before i was like yeah it's fine but now it's like did my back just like hurt the other day for no reason that's um the one warning i want to give for people who are younger that are listening and i guess i know this is your experience i would guess curtis is the same for people our age but like i don't i didn't realize how much of like a steel titan stomach i had when i was 18. you know right it's like you could eat [ __ ] anything and the next day would be fine and then i hit like 20 and if i had a calzone i was like sweating and i don't know what happened between that time like what actually changed i have no idea i know it's so weird that [ __ ] will just kick my ass now like like last night i had like five sugar cookies and i woke up and i felt like somebody just punched me in the stomach for 10 minutes straight i i'm 25 i'm not even old i am in terrible shape but not relative to the rest of the population terrible shape you know what i mean yeah yeah exactly i don't get it i just gotta cut some sugar but chris what do you think oh good oh sorry i was just saying on new year's eve i like i i got like pretty drunk i wasn't like like i've had i've been way more drunk in my life but like the like new year's day i was hungover until like 11 30 p.m like i felt like garbage yeah and i've never had one last that long before and i would and i don't i heard people who are older than me tell me that when i was younger being like well when you're older these hangovers are going to be brutal i'm like yeah right that's not me not me though i'm different yeah i'm the exception that's the thing i think those the realistic hangovers make you realize like oh man the like 18 to 21 years of drinking is like too [ __ ] much you know because you realize what the real body handles and you're like i think i was just working overtime there i didn't even drink a lot i was in community college so i didn't but even the times that i did it was just like thinking back to that and just like not drinking water at the end of the night which what the [ __ ] was i doing yeah dude i must have aged myself 10 years in the four years in the two years that i drank at college i even drank all four years but i i like i seriously i'd think back on even just like a regular weekend back at college and even when nothing's going on but it might just be like popping some beers and watching something on the tv with the boys in the house or something like i would drink so much where now today if i drank that amount it would be like a two-day affair like it's just such a long-term investment and those i feel like now like the hangovers that i get now are such like life altering hangovers where you really like spend a whole day assessing like oh that didn't feel good at all how am i doing right now like this is [ __ ] awful yeah it's like i gotta what's wrong with me i gotta figure this out what's your drink curtis what's my drink yeah um i i like wine a lot um some nasty hangovers too i know that's the worst part but i mean if i'm like drinking drinking like if i'm like okay tonight i'm gonna it's it's party time if i'm really feeling like it's party time i'll probably have like like pbrs or something but but if i'm just like chilling i usually like like just like nice white a nice red whatever we got it's pretty i feel like everything um when i was like beginning to drink that i thought it was like oh i'll never like the taste of beer and then i did and then i'm like i just don't really like wine and then you get a little older and you follow the exact trend that everyone's doing it's like i just i thought i was like smarter and and had my own unique taste and then it's like no not at all not even a little bit um with that age stuff like yeah curtis it's what is the one thing is it maybe the eating thing then where it's like you didn't realize how good you had it when you were a teenager because for me it's the stomach thing yeah absolutely i mean i like one thing with food like it's still okay now like i don't have like too many issues but like sometimes i'll get like like i've been starting to get like heartburn recently which is like a scary thing because i never experienced that before and i like legitimately thought i was like dying um but i mean the one thing i have noticed a lot with aging is like um i like i used to skate a bunch in high school and like i would skate for like like skateboarding not like skating or anything um i was uh like i skateboarded all the time in high school and i would skate for like like four hours straight like falling and just eating [ __ ] the whole time and i wake up and i'd be fine and i don't know thinking back i don't know how that is possible i've always wondered that with people who skate because i'll see them eat [ __ ] and then just go back to skating and it's like i don't i would probably like limp home crying even when i was 18. so yeah i don't know especially especially the like the the tailbone falls look like they're really bad oh my god yeah well yeah if there are the some bails that you get that you're like okay well i'm i'm never going to do this again in my life for the most part it was just like falling down over and over but do you ever have a really bad skating injury at all or was it all like pretty good luckily i've been i never like really like broke a bone from skating my worst injury ever had was like uh i i fractured my wrist bone because i i punched my friend with a boxing glove and i i guess i just i guess i just did it wrong he just did the one dude [ __ ] he did the point five you gotta go break your wrist i didn't fully commit to the one yeah can you imagine oh sorry go ahead no that i was done i was just gonna say can you imagine logan gets out there with mayweather and breaks his wrist on the first half he won't he's a he's actually a really good athlete but uh god damn that'd be good i i um yeah with injury stuff gus what's the worst one you've had i don't know if we've talked about this before my worst actual like bone injuries i just broke my my left big toe when i was playing football when i was younger that's it that's the way it's the lamest broken bone you can probably like even even the right big toe i feel like would be cooler it's something like the non-dominant one yeah it's just lame man that's not even my best big toe uh i think uh luckily all my most heinous injuries occurred when i was too damn dumb and small to actually remember him uh i got squeezed out of my little mom and she broke my collarbone on the way out so don't remember that was your intro to life was yeah it was collarbone yeah my mom messing up my birth like that and i will say she did do most of the heavy lifting on that so i can't be as mad uh but that happened and then when i was about it my mom says it was in the weeks after i had just learned how to walk for the first time and uh i was at uh our church has a rummage sale like back in the old hometown or something you know and and my dad at the time had little baby gus on his lap and my dad was sitting on a uh uh exercise bike just a stationary bicycle and i slipped down when i was on his lap and my foot went into the gears of the bike and it like crushed my foot bones so bad so i had to wear a cast you know what i never even thought about till now this is my first i've told this story 100 times i i feel so bad for my dad that was his first kid and it's like you just drop him into an exercise bike you must feel so bad about that yeah oh man i should give him some [ __ ] for that i don't think he's gotten enough about that i know one time when i was really young apparently when i was first learning to walk the uh um the porch for my uh for my house was just like a concrete like stoop and there was a little bit of drop off from the door and apparently i just kind of opened the screen door and just like head first kind of fell down when my grandpa was watching me and i think that's why i uh couldn't do calculus in high school that's what probably maybe that's my guess on maybe the math part got damaged a little bit i was really good at english couldn't do math and i blamed the stoop i've heard of that that's why they call it stupid i understand now i get the correlation i really like that one actually gus i really do thank you i workshop that one dude thank you means a lot yeah that was that was awesome that's a good one uh curtis this is a little bit of a left turn i was gonna ask you how long you been doing stand-up stuff uh my first set was july [Music] it was a july uh i think i started in 2013. so i guess seven [ __ ] seven almost eight years ago damn oh man dude that's awesome i i didn't get a chance to come i know eddie went and saw the live show and he spoke very highly of it i didn't get to come see any of this stuff uh from last year but i hope i'll get to catch a set sometime but how did you get how did you get started doing some of that stuff what were some of your early gigs and little forays into performing um i it was weird how it all kind of happened i never anticipate like i always loved like stand up obviously like i always loved watching like specials or whenever it was on um love dane cook when his uh stuff came out um but when i first started it was like i was always just like joking around with people i thought i was funny i guess and then like i was working at a starbucks and this regular that came in uh was like he kind of like urged me to do it he kind of like became like friends and he was like yeah there's this like place like 10 minutes from here they do like an open mic um so i like tried it because he just like kept urging me to do it um which is really nice for like i barely even knew he was like i think you'd be good at this please do it you have to do it um and then i i tried it i got like maybe one laugh and uh but that i guess that was enough yeah definitely was that during uh vine stuff too uh that was right bef that was before vine like that was kind of i started like right before uh vine uh was like a thing and then uh i just saw that as a way to like keep doing because i started doing like one-liners when i was doing stand-up um so i figured like vine was like the natural like way to just do that as well yeah um but yeah i mean [ __ ] i didn't realize it was that long ago now um yeah i mean i [ __ ] miss it so much miss it a lot honestly yeah that's what i'm thinking too it's gonna be it's gonna be a while before we can get back out there and start doing some show stuff yeah cause we were even talking about um you know the just and people listening to the podcast heard this like last week just how competitive venues are gonna be like right after oh my god like i don't even i mean for me i was about to really start getting into it and not actually just like in the way of saying it but like jakey and i were like scheduling open mics to go to so we could practice before doing any like show stuff um and uh it's just like i don't even wanna you know touch that stuff for a bit just because i know there's like touring comedians that like want you know those spots and i'm not gonna be like get me in there like i don't even think that's possible so um it's especially i mean i i loved the the show that uh you danny and drew did um when did the tour end um it ended oh god i don't even know dude this time is so [ __ ] weird this whole i think it was just october of 2019. because yeah you i think the naperville show when i went to see was in like september right it was like early september and you guys toured like a little over a month because you just went straight through and did the full tour right yeah it was like from beginning of september to like the middle of october um so yeah i i guess it was holy yeah dude it feels like this whole year [ __ ] me up man i don't know when [ __ ] was no yeah i get it even the the fi i feel like 2015 to 2019 when i think back we'll all just be like oh that was just the time before you know yeah i just have no idea but how was that because like i know gus you split up your tour within like six months right where like there was a lot of back and forth but curtis how is it to go on tour for like like over a month straight um it has had a pros and cons for sure had a lot of i was i was sick the whole time do you think it's from like meet and greet stuff too because i get sick after like any convention or any meet and greet absolutely it was yeah uh especially after now knowing um like how easily germs are like like transmitted yeah i've thought about that since since this started where i'm like i still want to do meet and greets but in my head i was like oh i might get sick and now we like exactly know the chances of getting sick and it's like i still will absolutely do them but in our head we essentially have to be like well i'm going to get a cold so hey everybody right yeah that sucks but i mean it it was really nice to just like get it all done like get it over with um and it's something i've never done before and obviously you guys know like danger like the nicest coolest dudes so except for drew behind the scenes but we'll cut that out am i right guys drew behind the scenes is a real diva yeah he the amount of times he would just shake me awake in the middle of the night just like asking me for cash i'm like no it's not just thought leave me alone you know he did that to me pre pandemic and you know he doesn't even live close to me and so he'd just be in la in my apartment shaking me and that was really shocking yeah it's it's pretty uh you kind of get used to it like if you're if it's happening every night it's kind of like oh okay here we go it starts you you start to need it to sleep right your has to come shake you you're going to the battery the [ __ ] sleep number store you have any bed that's just sort of like and kind of has like spiky hair a little bit are you okay um yeah it was uh but it was great it was it was like i looked back at that time like it was it was so much fun to just like do a show to like a bunch of people who who want to see you and then for the next like hour or two after the show it's just like me and danny and drew just like [ __ ] around on the bus um it was like it was so much fun and i i feel like during it i was like [ __ ] this is so brutal i just want to go home and we all said that pretty much every day but yeah once it's done like obviously hindsight it's like oh that was that was [ __ ] awesome right yeah especially now like it's not only yeah fun but um but i'm sure with like being just on a bus for so long is is a [ __ ] a hardship and even in traveling because i know gus you'd come back after like two weeks and be like oh [ __ ] like that i mean that's the weird thing i mean you said it honestly curtis is it's like the highs are so absolutely high there you know like the meeting people and performing and getting that feedback for the material is just like it's such a drug and it's so fun but in the moment like eddie knows probably better than anybody the amount of times i came back and i was just sitting with him like i probably had like at least twice on the tour that i sat with him in the main room and i kind of just had like a dude i am not doing well right now talk like like because during my tour too i thought i had a hernia at the time and and oh no and i had to lug this [ __ ] piano i had to i brought my whole electric keyboard with me and i was flying with it and it was just me and my girlfriend sabrina and it was just and since i had a hernia i thought i was making her like luggage and she's like so small and it's like i'm so sorry i just can't lift this i know this won't disappoint you to hear but that's like when the shows that i was at and then would perform with you at we'd do the meet and greet after and people would be like when are you gonna do a tour and i was like we would have had that conversation like two days before uh we'll see because i was like this seems like a [ __ ] nightmare right now so what are you gonna do this awesome thing yeah this thing's stressful it's so fun and then gus is like hey i'm going to go backstage because of this whole hernia situation a little bit yeah i was just like i do miss like because i did my own like separate like mini tours like after and that was i much preferred that because it was like it was the most the biggest one i did after the the danny and drew one was like like a 10 show run um i did have a monthly show in new york which was really nice to do um because i was like it was like a smaller room i could like try new stuff um and then uh and then i would do like these bigger like actual tours where i would do like my actual like my hour thing there and it was like we did one in like the west coast and then we did one like uh midwest um and that was nice because it was like i could do that i could live like that like tour thing and then just go back to being like a normal person which was nice mm-hmm i like those little pocket ones i think i do that in the future too yeah absolutely it's just so much it's it's so much easier on your your brain and your body because like i was eating like like dog [ __ ] when i was on tour oh yeah any type of travel it's so impossible to eat healthy while you're doing it like anything like a road trip or anything it's so and i can't even imagine like with two or you're probably just exhausted and like [ __ ] i don't know yeah burger like me and burger i'll have another red bull every single day that's there's there's this hunger after performing that i can't describe it's like more than after working out where you're like i just want to [ __ ] stuff my face and go sleep yeah it was so i missed that i [ __ ] miss doing that too i i miss like being like having to be on for that long like it is really exhausting you know because it's like sometimes you'll get to the club or the theater early you know and you got sound check and and almost in a way it's almost kind of a micro performance in and of itself like when you're meeting the staff and and just like you want to be nice you want to be like a generous seeming person you don't want to be the prick that rolls in and it's just like [ __ ] where's my green m m's like the old adage yeah you know exactly and then you got the show and then there's like i you know q and a stuff and then like dude i love people doing crowd work q a stuff with both of us on stage and then when we brought danny up that one time that was so [ __ ] fun there was one curtis there was one time uh it was at uh it was zany's right gus in chicago yeah um and uh there were there were two shows and whenever i would show up for one of gus's shows on tour there was like a whole separate bit that we'd replace um from the show that i'd be on stage for and uh danny was coming to the second show right after the first one and there was this one girl in the first meet and greet that was talking about how like she got into us because of danny and she's this massive danny fan and in my brain i in my brain i was almost like oh you just missed him but like i stopped myself i was like don't tell her that danny's gonna be here you would have ruined their life that was i felt so stupid at one of the meet and greets where i i had just made the new yikes merch like the current one that i sell and i had this old version of one that was like the original meme sign that i did and this girl showed me that she had the original one and i was wearing the new one and then i was like oh that's like so awesome and i was like i just made this new one i'm super proud of it and then i said it was way better than the old one in front of her while she was wearing it and i was like what am i do what am i doing just take your shirt off i'm sorry just take this one i'm sorry dude i'm sure there's some people that like think about what they say to a youtuber when they meet them and it like haunts them everything i've said wrong to a fan haunts me every day like it's all absolutely in there bouncing around i i it's so funny you say that because like i that is really funny and it's something that like we don't often say but it's like i would hate because because like you get like a maybe a minute like at most with me when you're coming through the line and it's like i i don't want anyone to feel nervous i feel nervous because it's like i'm you know i'm trying to be friendly and nice and be i like when you when you come up for some of those like i want to hear about you i'm going to say like what's up where are you from what's going on and and at the same time you know i i'm keeping it upon myself to you know try to keep it i don't want there to be any pauses i don't want to make you feel uncomfortable and sometimes when you're just trying to you know say something quick and friendly i'll say something that was like oh [ __ ] i hope that's not misconstrued as like and i don't have enough time to put in the conte so i would hate if i made someone then go home and feel bad with something i think especially because we all know we grew up in an age where even we know the unique kind of thing of being a fan of a youtuber and so every time somebody's coming up i'm like oh i would like i know what this experience would be like too and if i [ __ ] this up for them it's gonna be really bad um yeah curtis is there any of those for you that you're like [ __ ] i shouldn't have said that with somebody that you'd be willing to say um i always there was one that i felt really i always feel bad about sometimes you can tell when people come to meet you and they're like nervous um and i i totally get that and but i i honestly it's a weird feeling being like oh you're i'm just me right why are you nervous to meet me um but there was one time i think it was in an urban outfitters or something this was like a few years ago um and someone was like here hey you're curtis i like your videos i was like oh my god thank you so much and then it was just kind of like an awkward silence for a bit and i was like uh do you want to take a picture or something and and i feel like and she's like kind of taken back by it and was like i oh i guess so i was like was i the [ __ ] for being like oh so you want a picture huh yeah dude i think it's i think it's good that you did that though because like i'm always of the opinion where like i will always offer a photo and i used to not do that because it's like i don't want to be in my brain i was like i want to be a douche that assumes like i know you want this so come and get it you know but also i know more often than not there are people that would appreciate that but don't want to ask for it so if you just like hey you want to do that then they're like oh thank you right yeah yeah of course i'll roll the dice i'll look like an oaf sometimes there's always the awkward thing i feel like with all of us when we hang out with each other where it's like okay i don't know like drew's getting recognized right now and this person's talking making eye contact with me too and i don't want to get in on this picture and then i feel bad sometimes because then they're like oh no eddie get in here too and i'm like okay well i've just been standing silently like i don't give a [ __ ] about this person the whole time i hate that we should here's what we should do every time the boys are out in public like if we're at disneyland or something we'll carry around one of those pieces of paper like when you go to nice ramen restaurants and you check like i want this topping and this topping and then people can just say i'll have a drew and an eddie yes here's what we do we'll bring we'll bring those you know those uh those chairs that are pants you know those kickstarter ones that like stool that attaches to your your pants do you guys know what i'm talking about i actually do these are real yeah they're it's like they're like chair legs on the back of of pants and then you can bring them out and you sit and we'll also put a tv dinner table on our backs and then we'll all do heads up seven up and they can put the finger the your thumb down if they want a photo with you that way that way nobody looks up nobody knows who was yeah and who wasn't and except when they see the photo and we're all looking down except for danny it's like yeah and you have to make the photo happen during the heads down phase two so it's true it's like four straight minutes of just heads down you're at disney world in your chair pants with your thumb i would request that you don't tag the people who are have their hands down on instagram and out of respect yeah respect we're gonna see like 40 photos next year of like just a nice group photo and you're gonna see like danny in the background with his thumb up just yeah that's always i think by my most awkward freaking out in my head where i'm like i don't want to make this person feel uncomfortable if they don't know me but chances are they usually do because it's our friends and then i just seem like a jerk and so then i'll just be like oh sorry i didn't know or something like that because i have no idea i mean that's a really good fix for a very niche problem to have yeah and that's what they made those stool pants for i think uh say eddie what do you say uh maybe we we hit up our boys a little bit and answer feel a few uh uh preguntas here ooh some preguntas from twitter yeah uh curtis just a quick translation preguntas means questions in english we feel the need to explain uh everything okay so yeah i was thank god he said yeah oh yeah just getting ahead of it uh do you have at curtis connor on twitter uh i had i had for the longest time i was at curtis underscore connor but then i had a it's actually this is actually a a huge a huge thing that happened but i was i we had this like vine meeting at the twitter canada offices and then i was like i was talking to the one person who worked there and i was like yeah i wanted to get my original name but it's like someone's taken on like some old account and they're like we could we could get that for you and they [ __ ] gave me the the curtis connor dude what twitter vine accounts was so nice and awesome dude it was they were like that's the only reason i'm verified they threw it they were throwing those away yeah it was i remember there it was like anybody um who really vine liked right got verified on twitter yeah literally uh but that's i mean honestly it made sense at the time if you want to get verified on vine they own both of them you know so yeah so they're like yeah i just wish i should have focused on vine except i was 18 and i was nowhere even close to funny and i lo i have my old vines saved and they're just terrible and i think well it's the same but i still didn't but i had access to that [ __ ] when i was young i would have made some worse well i guess i had access to youtube yeah but luckily stuff died there for me um anyway here's uh ask us your questions at eddie burback at gus buckets i don't have gus johnson yet chill i gotta have some time or at chris connor uh and we'll fix your life but only curtis just this one week he will not be back next week [ __ ] you guys sorry about that um [ __ ] that yeah at fly99 ask curtis if you had your ashes pressed into a vinyl record that only played one song what would it be can you do that is that a thing is that an actual thing because that sounds like some [ __ ] that you could probably do i always see the stuff of like this company will turn you into fireworks or a tree or a martha stewart living table or something like that for sure it can get turned into a record that's got to be that's easy cool i mean i haven't done it before but i'm sure it's easy i can't imagine you know you just try to press it from home you're like all right let's put pop-pop on the lp and see how it goes and it's just sounds great sounds good just as i see his voice your eye sounded like that yeah just actually all right so i just googled turn your ashes and the top four results are turn your ashes into a diamond into a tree into glass and into a record so i guess that's a thing huh what would you choose curtis that is such a good question i you know how you how you know how on spotify they have albums of like um of like fart sounds but you only get one song though so you have to have a specific one specific fart sound uh i'd probably do yeah like uh i think that'd be that'd be like a nice way for everyone to remember me by they flip on a nice it's a very small vinyl because it's a very short fart it's like a gamecube disc yeah exactly it's like a gamecube disc great that was even um i i was trying to uh um when i had to travel i i had because i can only sleep with like one of those big ass fans on i just trained my brain for it and i had a spotify one liked that was like 10 hours but then i looked at the title after using it and it was like 10 hour box fan for babies and i was like he's easy but that's that's what i want my vinyl to be insulting box fan noise that i used to sleep that's awesome i love it too because you know you're like your aunt or your grandchildren will find it in an addict like 70 years from now and they'll be like oh my god what's this pivotal recording of our grandfather and it's just gonna be [ __ ] baby ass white noise fan 10 hours that is so i think all artists should do that like if lady gaga was like she put out a different out like a vinyl of like and it was called like uh just dance for stupid little babies music and it's the same recording yeah it's the exact same do you think that they're just narcissistic if if lady gaga had herself pressed onto one of her like platinum albums or do you think that's cool i can't tell i feel like you gotta get you gotta punch out of your weight class you gotta get someone else on that one right unless you like dub over unless you're just like hey guys it's me you know lady gaga help me i'm not actually dead flip this over and i'll give you the instructions how to find my body i feel like getting yourself pressed onto a real album is so risky just in case somebody from from the band or the artist does something heinous that comes out you know how we learned that oh yeah every artist from the 60s was like a monster oh yeah dude imagine a vinyl and then you end up in like a dump somewhere because they're like we gotta get rid of these because he did some horrible [ __ ] yeah like you're it's you're in like the the 90s and you're like god i really love just the studio recording of bill cosby himself i would love to immortalize on that [ __ ] record that maybe happened once maybe well if there's a whole service dedicated to this it's called finally that's kind of cool that's a great name for it too finally but what are the that is so so like do people just like send their their relatives ashes to this company i don't know how it works yeah how long does the process take says it takes three to five weeks are the records playable yes can i have just one copy no who's asking these are their faqs do can i have just one copy how many [ __ ] people are you dying with here dude yeah you get one record per one ass jesus imagine just fun the usps person that that's on your route and then you realize like oh my god there's i just have everybody's ashes in like in my truck like oh yeah and then you go ah shoot and the radio is down right now so you just start popping them in the disc player shoving a full vinyl into a cd player i love it how many tracks can i put on each side it is not the number of tracks or audio files but the amount of time for a 12-inch record we advise you a max audio time of oh per side 18 to 22 minutes you could fit the entire fourth album on there curtis you don't have to choose hell yeah okay let's go side a it'll be fart sounds and side b it'll be uh more fart sounds okay thank god volume two baby glad we can get it on there volume poo oh rest rest in peace curtis connor fart sounds parentheses and even more farts flip over all right anyway at oh god mango asks what happens if you combine every condiment uh every condiment like it's like the mud sludge version where you combine all the sodas do you guys call that mud sludge i've never heard a name for oh i've heard i've heard swamp too i think that's what i've heard yeah yeah what i i guess it's the same thing that happens it just kind of it just all kind of tastes like uh just brown sauce just just give me some of that brown sauce i'd be really curious you know what i i throw these out half the time and i and i half the time remember to follow up on these but in a future episode i would be really curious to see just generally what like if you took like 10 of the most common condiments and like equally just mixed them together and like tried them with some nuggies or something i'd be seriously interested i assume it just sort of be like kind of a neutral middle ground sauce like a weird mayonnaise barbecue or something you know i guess yeah yeah cause i i mean like like sauce is a soy sauce a top ten cause then that's gonna [ __ ] with everything that will really [ __ ] with [ __ ] though i assume it's gotta be like ketchup mustard barbecue mayo relish uh those are the big five that's probably enough honestly it tastes good on a nuggie yeah i'd like that sounds great i'll do it up so i don't know probably something either bad or good to answer the question [Music] that's a good point we're narrowing it down we're getting there we're good i'm confident in saying that it won't be mediocre it'll either be good or very very bad at nuke the beans says which tattoo of curtis's is your favorite that's obviously directed at me i'll jump in here uh no curtis what is uh what is your favorite tattoo which tattoo of curtis's is my favorite yeah which of course is your favorite um uh i mean i like them all [Music] obviously why because i i chose to have i chose to have them what was your first one uh this i have an oracle whale on my arm that was my first one cool when did you get that i got that in july oh man this guy that was it's like your first stand up the middle of the pandemic tattoo yeah i'm a big july guy um no i think that was in like 20 20 [Music] oh god when i was 19. so whatever that was i'm 26 now so seven years ago i guess okay now i'm not a guy that has any tattoos and i know that you got you know you got a number of them yeah for you like do you have an idea of kind of like an end is there an end goal of like hey i want a sleeve or something or are your tattoos kind of individually just like this means something to me now or like i really you know i want to put this on me like how does how does how do you factor that in when you choose what goes on i i feel like i've i like i like tattoos a lot but i i'm always scared of like the like huge pieces like i've never wanted like a [ __ ] like huge thing on my back or some [ __ ] um yeah yeah yeah that was the time or something yeah i don't even remember what it is but it is a paparazzi need to leave him alone but anyways oh yeah oh my god yeah yeah i get that because the big pieces are are real commitments right like because it's like yeah nothing really you can do if you don't one thing yeah yeah and i just hate how they feel like i they hurt so much um which is like i don't know i always people always like it's really not that bad it's like i like it and they're all lying it sucks so hard but yeah i've always just like to get like little pieces and just put them everywhere like each one has like a little little meaning and stuff it's just it's just like it's nice it's easier to like do it that way like piece by piece instead of like all right full arm is done because then it's like yeah i don't know i mean it's relatively the same because more skin is getting covered like the same amount but i don't know i saw something on tick tock yesterday that i absolutely um hated which is something that i could probably say all the time but i keep going back on it um is it was a tattoo artist who had made i don't know how common these are it was like a tattoo stamp so essentially it had like the face of a skull in the needles on a metal block and he like put the ink on top of it then set it on this dude's leg and then just punched it down ah oh no no pulled it up and you could barely see the tattoo it was like so and that was in the comments somebody's like you could barely tell going for another punch it just it just seemed like one where it's like hey uh this does not seem better for shortening like the pain of a tattoo and the thing is the guy is looking and filming and then the tattoo artist goes you see how far it is in your leg it's like why would you say that to somebody oh my god you see how deep it is in there why the [ __ ] would you ever display that to somebody it condenses all the pain of a tattoo into one like one punch but none of the results exactly yeah great middle ground trade-off it looked like it was that tattoo artist like diy he thought it was going to work out really well and i bet you the guy recording after was like well can you touch this up because it just don't i don't see anything here do you guys would you guys ever want to get tattoos i think i might in the future i still i'm i'm one and i know i'm sure uh as somebody with tattoos you've heard that a million times like i want to but i'm one of those people that's always like am i gonna [ __ ] think about it all the time and it's like yeah um and the thing is it's like i don't care i don't care that much like you know some people i don't think it's like oh well there's no reversing it's just what i would choose you know i think i would definitely get one like the thing most people say is like if there was something really meaningful that i wanted to get it for and so i think i will when i just get like maybe in like five years i'll probably get one yeah yeah i don't know i i'm just it's purely a commitment thing and then also just i'm i think of kind of the logistics of what i do a lot is it's like i i try to do a whole lot more character [ __ ] and and if it would ever become something where even that's true even some sometimes that i'd have to like try to cover it up i would you know i can hardly get my [ __ ] together when it's time to film a video any way of like oh i can't believe i have to go take the goodwill clothes out of the closet and find a cool suit jacket and [ __ ] you know like so if i had to like cover up a tattoo every time i feel like i just hate myself more of like [ __ ] you gus now you gotta do this extra chore everything i'd say especially with your characters it'll be like you know a midwest dad or like a pastor or like some [ __ ] like that some sick tattoo on his arm i i'm trying to think of one of your characters that would seem like he has a tattoo yeah growing up but that's a child so probably none yeah no he would just he'd have one of the the stamp tattoos the face yeah he'd have ozzy on the knuckles the old pencil lead tattoo there you would have to just like title every one of your videos it had to it'd have to end with with a tattoo yeah yes all right i'll do it that'd be easier before any line from the character you're like i just got this tattoo last week and then you go instead of the like 15 second hey guys it's brought to you by skillshare you'll hear more about him later it's just hey guys i'm i'm pillow guy got this wacky tattoo anyway back in the video so i'm gonna say some stuff now yeah get in it get in there um all right at boo zoo says what video or project of yours are you the most proud of ooh ooh none of it um oh gosh what video or project uh i mean i did this project like third grade about john candy it was great um did you really do a project on john candy i did do a project on john katie oh that's great what was it like a presentation or something it was like we had to do a a presentation about like a canadian a famous canadian cool one thing i choose i meant to talk about on the podcast during christmas time is john candy's like six minutes of screen time at home alone is so [ __ ] fun oh it's incredible i forgot he's at home alone i didn't watch that this year he tells a story in home alone about his kid and it is so unbelievably funny i just like you should look it up right after this i i just can't believe he's given just like maybe i don't know what what curtis like six minutes probably in total yeah it's really nice it might be shorter yeah it's so funny yeah his character is great and home alone he's a polka king of the midwest yeah uh but best okay video that i'm most proud of i don't [ __ ] know i people always ask me that and i'm like i feel like i've like i like all of them because i spend so much time on them and i have to like them i think but yeah um i think there was one i did where i became like a i tried to become a magician um and that was fun because i had that idea for so long and it was like something other than commentary uh that was like it was like a little bit of commentary without not that much but when i can like when i can make something because whenever i do commentary i have this thing in my head where i'm like you're not funny only the thing you're talking about is funny or weird oh yeah and then it lasts through editing and when you upload it never goes away because i haven't too yeah it's it's really cool so it was nice doing something that it felt like i was making something like completely like original and it like and it was like still like good and funny i thought so i think i'll go with that one oh good oh that was that's pretty much it i was gonna say is there a video for your content that was like in your head kind of a turning point because i i remember i think the first commentary one i saw was was the one you made on jim from the office like a long time ago oh wow yeah was there one specifically though where you just kind of like found you felt like you found what you were doing more than any other video uh good question i totally forgot i made that video it was long that was a long because i i had seen you on vine and i was like oh [ __ ] he's making commentary videos these are good and then um and and now we're here so wow that's crazy um i think it was that one was like i feel like when i started making when i made that office one i was like oh i did i wasn't even aware that commentary was like an actual like genre i guess i guess i saw but i never thought that i could like do that and then i think i once like cody and like danny and drew started i was like i'll give it a shot and then i think it was one i did about like the dobre dobre twins adobe brothers or something because uh uh with the doughbrays as well by the way it's i i've mentioned this before uh because curtis um you've met him but i don't know if you know uh my brother tony is also my fraternal twin um so i'm i'm a twin and nothing weirds me out more it's on it was on vine and now it's on tick tock then these these teen twins that dance together i don't know what it is there's this energy and as a twin i'm like i don't like what's going on you guys are like shirtless and grinding the floor in a grocery store and it's like you guys are brothers like what are you doing yeah it's just it's so bizarre to me it's always weird and there's like a lot of them there's a lot of like tick tock and vine twins and i don't know what happened i don't know why even yeah even one pair is odd but the fact that there's several pairs i think by now there's like there are identical twins that are like well you think we're hot enough for tick tock yeah yeah the family sits them down you know greg benny we think you're hot enough for tick-tock oh my god thank thanks like the parents decide you are now officially hot enough for tick tock that's so gross here's a ring light merry christmas merry christmas um i also saw that now you mentioned a ring light too i saw a video of an instagram influencer on the beach in in the day with her friend trying to run a ring light to where she wanted to take a photo are you nice hope that it was a parody because i can't imagine what a ring light would do in the middle of a sunny day on the beach and also how i the lengths that people will go i know there's like i think there's a whole subreddit and like tic tac account dedicated to it now it's like influencers in the wild and the [ __ ] people do in l.a man i don't it's like you see people just in the middle of a crowd taking a photo and it's like i'm all for people especially i love when people and i wish i did it more when people take these curtis you actually do a really great job at the recent photos that you posted i was like holy [ __ ] um it's like these really cool photo shoots but the people that'll just do it like in public in the middle of something yeah i just don't get it that's have you ever seen that because i guess you guys are like right right in it so you guys have you guys ever like seen that in person i've seen people vlogging for sure and it's like the vlogging is the most obnoxious because it really kind of cuts into everything because some you know i don't what i've never understood is and i even one time mentioned this in a video about casey neistat is like i don't even get how even casey does it where like one time he did an unboxing for the nintendo switch out and and i still i still mark casey for this one he did it in a first-class airplane seat with somebody sitting next to him that he didn't know in frame so like he recorded unboxing and the guy just keeps kind of glancing over and you can tell he's super weirded out by it and i just i'm almost jealous that vloggers can like just shut the world out yeah they have no shame and it's like i wish i had that almost i think i'm jealous i think that's what it is i'm embarrassing myself when i'm alone in my room like recording yeah if i was in public it's a nightmare i've asked even when i used to record commentary videos when gus and i lived together i would ask gus to leave for me to record because i just it's embarrassing to hear somebody yeah hear me record well especially when i mess up a line and say it over again oh my god like especially when it's out of context like that where you're like i know what this asset is that i'm getting and i know it's going to be fine but i know that i'm going well what is he going to do well what is he going to do well what is he going to do you know dude especially uh and i don't know if it's the your guys experience for it especially when it comes to like filming any commentary stuff i don't think i do that as much now but especially the first like 20 videos i made i would sometimes i would [ __ ] up a line so bad so many times that i would stop recording for the day it would like completely destroy my [ __ ] i'm done because i wasn't it wasn't a job yet so i would just be like i'm i'm worthless we're stopping the camera right now oh yeah that sucks i felt like that before for sure yeah it's and then you're just like then you gotta go back to it the next day like just yeah i hate when i have other people on set and and i often get into this situation where we're filming some [ __ ] and it's like we already knew it was a funny concept like especially when it's more charactery [ __ ] where it's more freeform and [ __ ] around like uh we'll get to the end to be like all right uh how do we end this uh like that happens a lot which is not necessarily bad but when i have guests in the video and i don't within the first few minutes we can't figure out how to end it i feel like like it just ramps up the panic of like right oh [ __ ] like i don't mind looking foolish but i i you know i went to like a little lower tier film school and i know that feeling of like when you have extras on set and [ __ ] and it's like you're not prepared and people are standing around and i'm just like i feel bad wasting even five minutes of somebody's time like that when i'm just going oh you know so i i [ __ ] hate that feeling we're like i don't even know if this is funny enough and and i know that what i'm collecting here but i've never even shot with this person before and all they've seen is like 30 uninterrupted minutes of just like these weird jokes that i feel confident cutting together but i don't know how to put the button on this thing i hate that yeah right that's so much so much more stressful because then you can't even like enjoy like the like the fun of it of like finding an ending of it or something like because there's so much pressure on you that's the thing is i'd say you know obviously there's different um uh like issues that come up with different types of content but i would say ending a commentary video is probably the easiest thing you can do on youtube it's like it's you just have to say something kind of funny and it cuts or you just say all right bye guys and that's all that's one where it's like i will in the moment sometimes be like all right i'm just going to say something stupid and then we'll cut there you know we're with a sketch you know it's like it's a whole button it's a big deal but gus you mentioned the film school thing chris i don't think i've talked to you about it before what was like um what school path did you do did you like go to college or did you uh because i went to community college and then like kind of graduated uh what do you mean kind of i got i got an associates in arts which is like a half degree and then i just started working on youtube so i could use that to go somewhere else but like it wasn't a full degree at all it's like a two two or two year i almost said two semester uh two year degree okay uh yeah i actually went to a uh program here in toronto um it's a two-year college program for comedy writing and performance and it was i don't i don't know if i really learned anything uh but it was uh it was just it's not really a thing where you it was basically like showing up to class and everyone thinks they're the funniest and everyone thinks they're like the classic clown of the class it was very weird and i what a dynamic it's very strange and i'm not the most like loud like um charismatic person um so i hated it so much it was just everyone being so loud and just trying to get the most attention um yeah especially in the first like semester i feel like everyone kind of chilled out after that but it was very weird and we had a sorry go on no my bad my bad i i didn't i i the discord was cutting out for me go ahead um it was just fair it's like not really a thing you can teach like we had a stand-up class every semester and it was taught by this guy who was like pretty big in canada in like the 70s so all the stuff he was saying was like like for example we had this like um this like native uh guy in our class and he was like you should tell more indian jokes and then he was like oh well oh my wait no your professor said that to the native guy oh yes oh no dude come on i knew it was all of that for like two years why unless let's stop the class i haven't heard a single nixon joke this entire period here what the hell guys i had heard i forgot what comedians i feel like it was maybe a conversation between bill hader and somebody but it was the fact that a lot of good stand-ups especially aren't really like the class clown and i think maybe that's for some people who are really good at improv you know but it's like um i i feel like everyone has so especially that it's like people trying to be the loudest in the class like that doesn't always right you're the funniest it just checks that you want the most attention right now yeah i mean i met i met like two my like best friends there and like we still do shows together and stuff and like make content together so it's like that was great uh but like i don't know it was just such a weird thing it was nice to like kind of like bridge the gap between like it like kind of force you to go out and like do shows and like get like into the toronto scene and stuff um which is cool but we've only been a couple of times but both of us love toronto because we get to go out every well not this year obviously but uh uh buffer fest in toronto uh oh yeah and it's dude it's just like i [ __ ] love toronto i love a lot i think because it reminds me a lot of chicago they're like very kind of at least the look of it is are very similar cities i feel like um and uh cold yeah and it's just uh like on water um but yeah that's um uh especially like next time we go out we or we go out there for buffer we gotta hang out because i don't know what happened last time where i think maybe you weren't there at the time i think you were maybe doing shows in new york yeah at the time that's true sister city yeah it's like in like israel or like completely on the other side of the world why did that sister city thing start even i'm just like you know what i mean like hey we're yeah you know pewaukee wisconsin or whatever and our sister cities in like istanbul i've never yeah yeah i don't know does every city have a sister city i don't know what is l.a sister city i don't know philly does philly have a brother because they're like this yes yeah they're like we it's guys it's in the name it's not sisterly love so we gotta find there's gotta be one brother city out there for us [Music] oh i wanna sister city of la mexico city is what i'm seeing that's just but you know what i used to be able to trust the google bolded results for some [ __ ] you know where it's just like they'll i assume they'll float like the generally correct answer to the top but i've just been seeing so much weird [ __ ] whereas like i don't even [ __ ] know what to trust anymore still to this day if you google sven johnson heights sven johnson's my younger brother who also does youtube stuff it the bolded answer comes up that he's 7 foot 15. holy moly because it cites a tweet response of mine to bobby duke from over a year ago where i just mentioned oh sven's used performance-enhancing drugs to reach his current height of seven foot fifteen and i'm just like uh oh i've cited so many [ __ ] google bold answers dude height on google is the most inaccurate information i've ever seen like any time and then usually they get it from like one of those automated like youtuber celebrity sites where they say like either your net worth is not announced or like five like million dollars and you're like where did we get this from yeah it says mine is i'm it says i'm five foot seven but that's not true yeah you gotta pay somebody in either direction to add or subtract each other that's you gotta bribe the fake height guy online and that's just yeah sven's just been shoveling money towards them he's just broke right now he's 95 percent of his adsense goes right to that shady back alley height guy i do really miss because cause curtis i i think oh wait i was gonna say the last time uh i saw you was vidcon but it was the show after for uh dave drew but um i dude i miss vidcon especially just because i like everybody being in one place it's just such a nice it is it is so nice i was like dude that was such that was like the best time like meeting so many people that i've like watched for so long and like i was supposed to be man i was supposed to be a future creator this year too i was so excited yeah no we were that was a gus has been before it was my first year being a featured creator and then it was like we can't um but i think next year they'll probably be like just re-upping everybody you know because uh i'm sure yeah yeah yeah they're not gonna like did you end up doing anything online for them uh because we ended up doing a live podcast but i know they had like they didn't ask everyone just because they had barely any programming to fill because it's just like i don't know right they do no i didn't end up doing anything for them how was that it was fun because it was just uh we just it ended up being really similar to one of our podcasts turns out all you need for our shitty podcast is just me and gus talking like we always do yeah yeah figure yeah it's uh so i don't know i i just missed that again and one thing we've talked about before and i don't think i've mentioned to you curtis is we've talked about even privately when things are back to normal not um like as aside from vidcon doing like something where we all do like a trip together like with like danny and drew and all and jakey and everybody um because we just want to get together more especially after this [ __ ] for sure oh my god yeah i'll be i'm i'm already very eager to hang out with fellows again so how was that guys how does it change for you because for me i was somebody that i feel like i was i was choosing to stay in too much before all this where i would i would i was one of those people where gus i know you were the same too where it's like i'm happy if plans are canceled almost and i feel like this has reworked my brain where i'm like no i really think i'm gonna just do [ __ ] way more after all this yeah i think i'm the same way me and my girlfriend it's like we if we can not do something and just stay home we will absolutely do that um but yeah i i agree i think once we're allowed to do stuff i'm i'm doing everything yeah okay i'm doing everything i'm killing people turn them into vinyl my entire discography by the end of 2021 we have boxes of lp people yeah we go to toronto in 2021 and it looks like curtis's apartment is a record store so hey buddy what's been going on yeah you into music what's up yeah really busy for me these are all fart sounds oh my god imagine how insulting it would be to kill somebody and put them on a fart he's so disrespectful especially the the knife twist though is it's not even the fart track it's the volume 2 fart track so you're not even the first one then my my question is of as far as real music goes what would be the cruelest vinyl to put you on if somebody was doing that to you real music yeah like no sorry i don't mean to call fart sounds not real come on i wonder just what the the album would piss me off like imagine if somebody killed you and put you on like an imagine dragon's album oh yeah and i'm not even saying that for like the imagine dragons nickelback type hate i just imagine your your ash is playing thunder by imagine dragons uh what was um what is that one album songs of innocence by you two the one that they put on everyone's phone without their consent especially well that would be the most ironic hilarious thing to do to somebody because you're doing it without their consent after they die is forcing them onto the new youtube album did that album count for billboard charts like oh yeah because this i don't think the song was purchased but it had to have been played a lot and i don't know if they counted for that i don't know yeah i wonder i don't think i don't think that's fair yeah it seems like cheating but also it also it seems like cheating to have apple put your album on everybody's phone um yeah can you imagine if they did that for maybe a smaller artist and not you two that would be maybe cool but actually that people probably just [ __ ] hate them oh yeah dude if i was a smaller artist i almost wouldn't want to do that because i feel like that would just be like hey this is my first foray into like the huge public eye like and this is just pissing most people off you know like right i wouldn't want to do that but bono doesn't care about that yeah mano's cool he's transcended he's actually yeah you know what it was pretty cool i just uh well also with that when the [ __ ] this is where i'm with the time thing curtis i couldn't tell you what year that was i absolutely could not tell what you need to do but gus do you have a guess 2009 is that too early what iphone did they do that i don't i don't i was going to say 2010 but i feel like i'm probably wrong the thing is my guess was actually 2011 in my head so it's now 2014 what it was 2014 no way man i really do think this year has just [ __ ] everything up i feel like the whole decade before i'm just going to be like yes that was like a year right oh either way we should probably get [ __ ] out of here though that's that's that's about enough for that [ __ ] so oh you just want to use your mail all right well then uh thanks for being here curtis i'm gonna just head out okay yeah i'll probably i'll probably head out to you i guess all right um i'm just gonna dude gus do i just walk away yeah i probably yeah are we all just gonna walk away do i keep the audio recording or do i stop i'd say i'd say we all just walk away first and then then people think we're really cool like we didn't even care and and this absolutely will still be in the podcast and so i'm just gonna walk away okay [Music] you
Channel: Gus & Eddy
Views: 114,632
Rating: 4.9635973 out of 5
Id: Z8LP1dp2vpQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 55sec (4315 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 04 2021
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