Celebrity Breakdowns & LeVar Burton (w/ MacDoesIt)

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hello hello it's me it's you the one and only i guess yeah i know okay well let's just let's just let's just start this pod welcome to sad boys a podcast about feelings and other things also i'm jarvis oh me uh me as well jordan here's what jordan's here as well and uh it's my first episode it's jordan's first episode he's new at this he's nervous but it's not just us it's not just us in fact if you're listening to the audio version of the podcast you have no idea who else is here unless you read the title of the episode we're joined today by a very special guest mack cahey macazelli uh what else we got matt does it macintosh computers uh macklemore mocked um yeah and that's pretty much the show i think uh thank you so much for having me you have joined us and what else is there to say so that's it i'm here so max joining us today we're just gonna hang out chat talk about our feelings and other things also you've heard the podcast introduction but before we get into all that mac how was your week how was my week it was weird i just started dieting and i've been working out for the past like month but i just started a diet of meal prepping and all that stuff so oh hell yeah that's awesome my mood has been in in a weird place a better place but a weird place tell me about that because i have been like a literal human trash can recently where i'm not i'm i've been stressed out i'm not eating well i'm aspiring to have a bad personality um it's honestly just all bad bad sense of style bad podcast bad videos what are the the mood shifts that are happening right now and the mood shifts i mean it's i feel i feel like brighter at the same time but at the same time like more like like i'm in a constant limbo or like a purgatory you know what i mean yeah like it's so like i'm so used to just like having like the world in my hand on like uber eats yeah and now i'm like down just like a few meals that i can choose from it's a lot of chicken and fish right now yeah nice rice base white rice yeah white rice some some spinach and all that yeah that that all these flavorful ingredients i like the idea of meal prepping a lot but i'm lazy like are you following some sort of guide or using something i'm lazy too i paid for this yeah it's service i paid for they send me a bunch of meals every week okay do you recommend it to uh i mean it doesn't this isn't sponsored or anything i'm on the first week right now so i can't really tell you before right now it's good it's like it's factory factor 95 that company if you've been seeing them pop up on facebook and all that stuff oh i haven't their food is good it's good and all that stuff there's also like freshly i think that's the most popular one i use freshly but right i need to change the things that i'm delivered because i don't like eating them anymore and that's just going back to like the amount of laziness i've now re i've now resigned myself to still ordering ubereats despite the fact that i have freshlys in the fridge oh what a rush let me tell you i know for a certain period of time that was the closest i had to a kink yeah yeah looking at my freshly boxed with the ice slowly melting and dripping under the ground and being like no [ __ ] you make eye contact jack in the box [ __ ] yeah make eye contact with the meal prep while you're ordering other foods you're you're like your ding dong denny's is here yeah yeah you [ __ ] cuck freshly watch me enjoy watch me enjoy this other uh other food watch me eat these carbs mcdonald's sucks dripping all over your chest i know the oil just like yeah coming out of your mouth i want to be doing what you're doing and i'm saving up executive function to get to get there like how's it affected your energy levels um better i have a lot more energy i i feel like i'm not tired after filming a video anymore which is like my major problem for the past few months it's interesting it's it's weird to think of how much your mood can change just for what you put in your body people always tell you that and you're kind of like yeah yeah whatever but it's like it's true i guess you're selling it you're selling me on it right now yeah jordan doesn't buy it but i do yeah [ __ ] i don't want to do that yeah i really do always think back to like and i've said this a million times like whenever i'm talking about a hard time that i'm going through and my therapist is like well are you taking care of yourself at all and i'm like no is that a problem like is that is that bad what do you mean taking care of myself you dumb donkey why would i feel terrible that's awesome so kudos to you how are you doing with um the air quality in la right now because i have tried to not spend too much time well i'm normally not spending much time outside but now i have an excuse so i'm the same right now i mean i i'm in the valley so the air quality up here isn't as bad as i think like everywhere else is right now because the wind isn't blowing this way right but it's been like the entire city of los angeles has been like one big sapia color for the past like two days and it's like the weirdest the most depressing thing it really is my uh that's insane it yeah it's not even like exaggeratable and san francisco was straight up red like yeah yeah that's crazy that's like some blade runner [ __ ] last night sadie and i went on a walk and she was like why does it smell so good i thought it was supposed to smell like smoke or fire and i was like it does and she was like oh i was thinking of barbecue it sound it smells like all of los angeles is barbecuing and so i thought it was a good thing and i was like no honey uh we're all going to die we are all burning we're all burning we haven't talked much since quarantine started like how is everything going are you into your routines now that we've you know this is the new normal yeah i mean i feel like i've gotten past the point of being stir crazy like it's just like at the point i just like might as well just get used to this life yeah also jordan is frozen right now as a smiling boy and honestly i know he's just really enjoying our conversation what do you mean he's freeze he's frozen he's uh holding a tight smile plot twist guys i'm the new um correspondent for sad boy yeah we do we do call ourselves correspondents it feels like if you were writing a script about the armageddon or something the current state of the world with all the things that continue happening would feel like you would get notes back that are like this is not believable this is like too much of a hat on the hat you're you mean to tell me the sky is orange and the economy is failing and there's a virus like come on there's a virus and there's been a confirmed case of the plague in this oh in california recently that's the most recent thing i didn't think anyone knew about it i wasn't i didn't share it with anyone on social media so how did they find out how they know i had that damn this shit's about to get bubonic let me check my phone to see if jordan's okay he's gone into the great big red because we have the fires yeah surprise oh he's back there he is this is a great segue and i feel like we've got to get you uh while we still have you how is your week yeah i have a i have a hot out no but how was your week um answer the [ __ ] question okay a little bit of gotcha journalism on sad boys yeah you were actually replaced the new cyborg correspondent is mack it's actually preferable yeah i'm sorry about it you know so happens i got a couple people that will back me up and that's my fans they all said they prefer you that was so fast mac i like that you're like holding the the mic like you are a correspondent i'm just gonna hold this bike so that i can feel cool also yeah i'm gonna keep it on the mount but just hold it yeah but yeah jordan maybe it was good i'm in a pretty pretty good mood um one thing that put me in a slightly sour disposition is that on friday my pc was supposed to be arriving jarvis was kind enough to ship it to me and then it got into the country and they were like can we charge you four hundred dollars as tariff and i was like i wouldn't like you two yeah it is actually yeah yeah it's something that i own in his mind and they just went out but that's a shame because we're holding it right now we're gonna charge you ransom if you can believe it and then it was supposed to come on friday and then fedex was they had this idea that they could be incompetent instead of functional so they left they just didn't deliver it i want it i want it on monday i want to stream but yeah what's the most ridiculous part of this is that the computer is probably worth what like two thousand dollars mm-hmm and we've spent collectively a thousand dollars shipping it to you oh my god but on the plus side it might have been destroyed by handling yeah which is it i mean honestly i'm i did what i could to secure the insides before shipping it across the pond but i'm excited just to see you know you should have an unboxing where you just like yeah i'm broken video where it's just dust yeah open it and it's just a bunch of dents like it's not even look like a computer anymore yeah it's just a sculpture honestly it's insured so that'll just finance another yeah that would actually be great yeah hopefully the hard drive is still in good shape yeah in case you're wondering i definitely didn't talk about it for two days and i'm now trying to ignore that while i record the podcast oh yeah good week good good creative energy out of nowhere which is always very welcome and i'm making music again for the first time like three months or something yeah good mood and hey i like you know i don't don't tell him but max seems like pretty nice so far i won't i won't hopefully oh yeah i'm sure you heard all the stories you know i thought there were just two of us i was just listening to the audio version of the skype uh yeah overall good what about you jj how are you feeling how's your week i know there's been some interesting events feeling like a crisp two dollar bill that i think is actually yours jordan because i think it came in your possessions rare and stolen people are saying your opera is incredible and i would like to comment that it is i still refuse to grow the fro fully i feel like i look too much like uh [ __ ] kid and play yeah i look too too much like kidding that could be us that's true but you playing damn and you kid yeah and afro is so much more maintenance than i thought in the beginning of quarantine i was kind of growing one out and then like i was trying out my scalp and all that stuff like so much maintenance so much more than people like people don't talk about it people don't know that life i know if it's my particular irish kenyan blend but it is no work like [Music] but you know it's ups and downs right because my personality is bad yeah that's like um my hair is good my ethics are poor like the side of my beard on this like it's like i have i have some genetics where like some things are good and some things are bad where people are like oh do you maintain that and i'm like no that's just how it grows but then why would i do that but i feel like i benefit a lot from curly hair because i can cut my own hair which i did once this quarantine and mostly no one noticed even though it was a very bad cut because all of it was hidden behind the curls that's uh that's my secret what's the what's the longest your hair has ever been um i made a video about it i straightened my hair once and it was like this like i look like jimmy neutron it was oh did it give you any brain blast ex a lot of brain blast you know look at my channel it's just blowing is just just blowing it's like a it's like a dusty game cartridge it's just blowing yeah jj what's up oh yeah so i do kind of want to talk about aphras but but first i will talk about my week uh tough speaking of like mopey or sulking i think i i was kind of sulking because i worked really hard on this uh video that i put out recently on smart house and i think it's like the best video i've ever made or at least one of but due to its like narrow appeal it underperformed on the analytics like it got much fewer views now all of the feedback on the video is like really positive and that's something to like celebrate but i can't deny that like opening up my like analytics and youtubing like 10 out of 10 by like a mile and also like when the analytics are so low that you look like you think that it was a mistake i'm like is this is this right is this uh is this a glitch i don't um and it's fine tweeting at team youtube yeah [ __ ] yeah i don't think so team youtube but it's it kind of is a test of like i knew going into making the thing that i was making something for me and i was like putting my you know own tender love and care into it and because i've been doing a lot of stuff for the podcast i hadn't had as much time to do video stuff and because i didn't have like a brand deal or anything this week i just wanted to take my time and i'm really really happy with the result and i think that that's like needs to be enough but there is a certain fear and i don't know if you guys experience this where i'm just like oh is this the end am i am i is youtube over for me is it like i won't be able to make a living off of this anymore because no one watches my videos oh how how unfortunate yeah i feel like that's all of our fears like yeah constant thought you know if it doesn't perform as well you're like up that's it it's over right you've ever had like a you're like feeling a little shaky about somebody you're like texting with maybe you met on tinder or whatever or like you've been on one date and you're texting them and then you're like well the worst case scenario is that it's not going the way that i want it to and that they hate me and that we're never going to talk again and then they send you one text with like a period in it and you're like well they hate me they want to kill me yeah yeah and it's funny i think that what i have to remind myself is one to like trust my and this is just for anybody who else who also like experiences these types of feelings because it's something i talk to my therapist a lot about is like i have to trust my own wisdom i know that i can and will make popular things again i also know that i wasn't trying to make a very popular video by talking about this kind of obscure movie or whatever oh and also the fact that the initial views on a video don't determine its long-term success anyway you know like um the video has the highest like actual like view like watch time of any video that i've made this year or ever i think and so youtube will probably find people to view that video the click-through rate isn't bad all the sort of health metrics are good except for like narrow audience appeal so i may fiddle with the thumbnail and [ __ ] but who knows i don't need to worry about it i need to just like keep my eye on the prize and keep making stuff that is fulfilling to me because that's the only way that i can keep doing what i want to do is by enjoying what i'm making you know and so that's how i was feeling right before we did this pod i tweeted at levar burton to watch my video because levar burton was famously or unfamously the director of 1999 disney channel original movie smart house and i like checked my phone and he replied to it and i want to read some of his replies because um it's actually just like what has happened since me tweeting this is kind of insane so levar burton i thought that he was just like oh that's funny like oh nice to meet a fan he like move like like the tweet and move on it's like yeah yeah whatever bye exactly makes a copyright claim exactly so i tweeted i hope levar burton sees this at levar burton i made this for you and then he replied and now i can't unsee so he's roasting me a little bit uh to which i replied oh my god you are a legend and also jump jump the house is jumping a reference to the the hot banger from smart house of which those are pretty much the only lyrics that's the one critique you have for him not enough not enough bars yeah the house is is indeed jumping so so what then blew my mind was that he further replied having watched the movie lavar burton said clearly there were interpretations of the plot and character motivations that escaped me while i was making the film watching your analysis has rocked me to my creative core and then he followed and yes the house is indeed jumping so so now you're best friends no you guys are making a film together right uh yeah and then i told him it's always smart house reboot it's always nice to meet a fan i told levar burton and then randomly and this was very unexpected my video was retweeted by steve blum who is a voice actor i think best known for being the voice of spike spiegel in cowboy bebop which is kind of insane i don't know it's a random i don't know how levar burton and steve blum kind of blended together to voices of a generation i know i don't know how i feel it's been an emotional roller coaster but i am creatively fulfilled and that's exciting does the the performance have any bearing on that well in a fake way like um like my five-minute crafts video i liked a lot and then it didn't get a lot of views and i thought i was like oh it must be a bad video and then six months later it got like nine million views or whatever and then i was like oh i guess it is a good video after all so i'm a good person yeah and so i think that that should have taught me to not worry too much about these things and not try to judge like my creative fulfillment off of the performance of a video but i'm human and it's human but she got levar burton's attention for people that don't know who he is he's the director of smart house but he also was the face of reading rainbow guys for all the people who are our age i guess i don't know if people younger even know what the hell that is yeah jordan's frozen again he was also in star trek the next generation i mean he's been all over the place uh he he had a cameo in community uh one of my favorite cameos uh on one of my favorite shows he was like the face of he was like the black man of the 80s other than that yeah mr bill cosby yeah i know he's the only black man of the 80s now now yeah the other one right now he's the only one who has stood the test of time that was my week i presume jordan will be joining us shortly but i do want to continue talking about we discussed this earlier mac have you heard the news about demi lovato's uh fiance rose beyonce that entire mess of like oh you know poor demi lovato you know she never gets a break in my eyes i know no i agree it's a break i agree so demi lovato let's give a little bit of background demi lovato is a former barney star former disney star current star of music she she makes music she's got she's got bangers she's a very talented singer she's been very open and talking about mental health which is cool she was in camp rock you know stars literally i just i was literally just watching um the cast of sunny with a chance or like a zoom oh reunion yeah literally one of the cast members like so what has everyone been doing since the end of the show and she just jumped in first rehab several times america oop well you can start it's like she'll see yeah she's she's extremely open about the things she's going through and that's you know needed it's needed for a public figure like that exactly and and even with jordan and i in starting the show also wanted to help to normalize like just discussions about mental health because it's such a thing that you experience every day and we have a society where you're made to feel like you're being weak if you express anything like that like i just expressed the need for help yeah express the need for help or express that you have a problem even if you're working on it even if you have solved the problem for yourself that it's still seen as weakness by mostly toxic masculine like personalities but the society is kind of full of those unfortunately and in it that message carries one thing that is you know just to sidetrack a little bit uh do you follow sports at all no very gay um noted noted so there's this commentator named skip bayless who's like uh kind of known for his like very incendiary takes and he like the quarterback of the dallas cowboys had a death in the family i believe his brother passed away and he he openly spoke about going to therapy and dealing with the loss of his brother and how it you know the depression that he was dealing with through that time which i say amazing we need more people in sports to be talking about this stuff we've you know it's become a lot more common that people are starting to speak up and and hopefully we're reaching a more critical mass of just more globally having that shorter discussion across everyone better conversation a better conversation from all walks of life right because everyone deals with this stuff but then like this commentator was like i don't know you're the quarterback of america's team anything that you say that can be viewed as weakness will be like exploited and if you're a peter that's that's such a it's such like a double-edged sword because there's so much pressure for one human to be in such a big spot like that like that 24 7 like demi lovato and all of them yeah but at the same time they're not allowed to talk about the mental struggles of being in the spotlight 24 7. that's so i don't know it's so odd it's such like an odd like well yeah and then you see like crazy antics from like justin bieber or some [ __ ] and it's like and it's like oh justin bieber's so crazy it's like yeah but all right we got jordan back when we came back so we were just talking about public figures talking about mental health and when you're in a particular stature in society there's a lot of stress and strain that you know is unique to that position but we also like make it difficult for people to be open about their struggles and their mental health and so if you are thrust into the spotlight and don't have a really good support system and don't have like care to your mental health and stuff then you you see a lot of these celebrity antics that are crazy and we kind of just make fun of it you see this with kanye as well like there's not room for the dialogue it's tough because we never no one it's like boohoo you're a celebrity you're rich and famous and all that but not having the space to discuss mental health or or making fun of people for their crazy antics or being crazy i keep saying in quotes because that's like the thing it's like oh isn't it funny how crazy this person is is is ultimately uh toxic i think yeah having the audacity to be crazy despite also having money like how can you have money and be crazy yeah i mean like you have you have everything in your life you have your fame why be crazy why be crazy sadness is a zero-sum game and if you're being sad you're cheating because i'm sadder than you yeah and honestly like you're taking away uh attention like what do you want attention like everybody needs attention it's like no these are cries for help like the way the media treated britney spears in 2005 oh my god yeah right sad very sad i didn't follow the narrative all the way to it i don't know i don't know the full narrative i just know the big the big landmarks of those times i guess the beating the paparazzi with uh with the umbrella oh yeah shaving her head well so yeah i don't know the full story with amanda bynes but she seems like she's in a better place now i know she's like better yeah i know yeah she she went to fit him she has like a designer's degree now and i think yeah i think she's like engaged yeah shout outs shout out amanda please um so britney spears like yeah had this big public breakdown and it was because of something very i don't fully know what led up to the shaving her head thing but i believe it was something like super serious like something about her child or something about a relationship it was like something that was very normal like to be stressed about i think she was also in the middle of a custody battle i think custody battles of just being britney spears on top of the mess between her and kevin federline that was happening unfolding in front of everyone you kind of made her break a little bit and and then everybody was just like oh britney spears is crazy she shaved her head you know tmz headlines and every every headline is kind of the spectacle of this breakdown even with kanye in in like 2020 it's all about the like spectacle of the breakdown and not like making sure that people are getting the help and resources they need and that's a bummer like i think about there's a sprink ocean song and we will get back to demi lovato there's i love this tangent i know it's a good it's a good one though we're on our way back we're on our way back there's a sprink ocean song called super rich kids and oh yeah it's not fake friends it's about this very interesting like kind of tragic story of if you are born into wealth you don't benefit from the fame or whatever you have all these resources but none of your problems are treated as as real and also you may be neglected by your parents because your parents may be off doing something or like living their lifestyle it's a it's a great song and it's also earl sweatshirt has this line where he's like uh he's got it's a great earl verse but he's like you know treat us like we can erupt these people are like treated like they can't break down and then something bad happens and then it's like a tragedy you know close your eyes to what you can't imagine yeah exactly and so that's the thing it's like it's like mental health is everywhere and you don't get a free pass just by having means and i think that that's something that we could all keep in mind as we're thinking about celebrities and stuff so demi lovato welcome to the weekly segment so the demi lovato situation is lotto is engaged to this man named uh max eric i believe enrich i don't know eric his last name it's e-h-r-i-c-h it's impossible it's what you say it's what you say when someone a famous person tells you about their mental health problems you're like rich so she's she's engaged and uh i saw this tweet or sadie saw this tweet this morning and shared with me demi lovato's fiancee max erich eric is currently being criticized by fans after his old tweets and comments concerning selena gomez have resurfaced on the internet so we're going to stop there selena gomez and demi lovato have a long and storied relationship they were co-stars on barney as children uh they were then later yeah yeah yeah yeah that's where they first met on behalf they were on each other's shoulders inside of bonnie yeah they were they were barney yeah they were barney together and demi's mad because she had to be the legs yeah she had to be the knee and selena was the bar so apologize i'm sorry so they went on to be on disney together i know it was like 2006 2009-ish they had a vlog together called like selena and demi did you ever yeah they were like the like second most subscribed youtube channel they were huge on youtube and then like right they're right behind miley and mandy i remember oh yeah molly and mandy and then selena and demi were the top two like subscribed females on youtube yeah before jenna marbles came in i watched i i remember watching train be long i watched their vlogs i remember it was like because it was like when i was aging out of the disney channel but seeing them in this light was interesting i had no idea i don't know how that never never in my realm of influence that's weird so then i believe there's like some sort of adversarial relationship that has uh developed between selena and demi because demi had her fence to leaked did you hear about this a while back mac so can you speak on that while i pull up some of the receipts from you i don't i'm not fully certain about it i don't even know if it really was her fence though but apparently yeah she had her fences leaked and it was like her just like throwing shade at selena yeah it was like publicly known that they had a fallout sometime like after disney channel yeah but people didn't know how hard the fall that was and according to this fence that was pretty hard i guess yeah cause there were like lots of there were lots of like slights theoretically was there a clear like end to the youtube channel or was it a sudden scenario i have no idea going on anymore yeah i don't i don't even fully know it was i remember they had the channel around like the first two seasons of wizzle whippy place yeah before it was before demi actually was on disney's channel herself i just remember that there was a movie that selena was filming called princess protection program that starring her and drew seely oh that's that's another cinderella story that's another cinderella story crystal protection program is with demi lovato yeah so they were both doing that movie together yeah the fence the leak was the real t yeah i believe the fence to leak is real because i believe it was like deleted or something immediately after this happened but there were all these tweets that were just like her taking a photo with the people magazine with like selena gomez crossed out or what the [ __ ] it's just like all these things that like uh like a serial killer well it was it was a fence though where she was like i don't know allegedly it was like let's say allegedly by leaked do they mean the images were published the image images from the fence though were published in the the handle for it was trauma queen forever forever that's pretty good but but yeah it was kind of it was kind of savage you know it was an interesting it was an interesting vibe so basically there's some beef or there at least was perceived beef between them now demi is engaged to this guy max eric and these tweets from max eric came out where he straight up sounds like a selena gomez stan yeah where it's like i'm gonna stand i'm gonna now he's an actor i think in his own right but literally like someone tweeted when i win this fight will selena marry me probably not but gives me more attention and then he quote tweeted it you'd have to fight me first and then what and then there's like hahaha this is in 2010 hahaha selena gomez and demi are cute together but boy if you think demi is prettier you're wrong no [ __ ] music's prettier you're wrong and i'll stand by this for the next 10 years exactly and then this is in an article if max eric land a romantic comedy role he knows exactly who he'd want as his love interest selena gomez i want to work with her so bad the 19 year old uh pregnancy-packed star tells pop star in a video interview she's so funny and i think her comedic timing and everything is so fantastic i just heard her song the other day and she's so talented he adds she's a great singer also i'd love to sing with her i'd love to act with her she's awesome you know who's not good at any of those things yo but real talk but real talk there's another tweet here where it goes i don't know if this is real allegedly this is in 2015. there's a female singer that screams so much that's why my girl s is better than you know who it's so sketch because did this man get close to dimmy because it was like like is she the consolation prize like i don't know it's like a linkedin strategy to get to selena i hope not i don't think so i mean people's opinions can change they can't they cares you know it's just awkward it's just awkward that there's so much public standing you know going back to like five years ago mac have you ever like i guess either of you have you ever done a tweet cleanse have you ever run through like the archive and been like oh this could be no no not really i mean i probably should do that i mean i've never really tweeted anything cringe-worthy yeah okay real quick real quick somebody's like wait does this mean you can't like anyone before your current love people change a girl 100 100 it's just i think the optics of like the publicly standing is a little bit weird that's the only thing it's just it's a person in a public position who's like pining over this person publicly and then is like engaged to their previous best friend it's just interesting there's nothing wrong with it it's explicitly endorsing them over the other one yeah yeah kind of leaning into the demi versus selena which i assume they were getting all the time like i assume they were getting that a lot it is absolutely not the same as changing your interest in a person i want to say that like i'm sure they're happy and that's great and i'm happy for them did anything i don't i don't think so i just thought from them i just thought it was interesting he was like so publicly standing and then also shading demi lovato like through his standing of selena but it's not it's not like i want to clarify it doesn't matter like it's obviously like it's like times people change it's just interesting you know i was like he was 19 at the time right he was 19. yeah you know us being 19. oh 19 year olds you know we get into the the celebrity beefs yeah do you have a go-to when you think of your teens a go-to cringe moment in that realm like something that yo you're just in the shower and then like like naam just like flashback to the terrible moment a terrible moment no not really i mean the way i dressed i used to like wear like aeropostale in hollister i like my f like my freshman year of high school and now i look back at i'm like ill but that was that was the everybody was doing that though right like just like the like the shirts were like the big words that said aeropostale like not even like comfortable to wear because like the sewing of the aeropostale thing would like scratch your chest the entire day this looks amazing luckily i think i mean hollister did change like the way they yeah sell their clothes but like back in the day just that hollister aeropostale look what was what was the um store i want to say it was uh anthropology or something where there was leaked internal memos about coded language about uh how to treat black guests that came in black shoppers i don't want to shade uh anthropology but like like this how the staff should treat them there's a piece in the cut that said anthropology accused of racially profiling black customers there's a code name for in-store surveillance it's just the n-word yeah well i mean it looks it looks like the code name was nick which is like kind of a little bit yeah it's there jesus it's alleged you know but there was a piece in the cut it was that was kind of like what it's alleged you know it's hard to determine it's like the og trial you know getting used yeah i just like i'm more i'm more inclined to believe the employees at the large corporation than i am to believe the large corporation you know yeah i don't know why i brought that up but oh the styles of the early 2000s oh my goodness oh jordan going back to what you were saying about old tweets and stuff i oh yeah i do look back at my old tweets but i think that i always ran my social media account like i was like running for mayor because i i think that everything i tweeted was just like a dad joke and i never got to i don't know incendiary or to problems and tweets about city infrastructure yeah saying mine i was just like tweeting like random things trying to be like funny like nothing ever like deep yeah it was always something that just said the worst thought is being unfunny like that those are the worst tweets we should uh we should do a bit where we look at some of our first tweets like there's a website called all my tweets and you can like look you can like sort them from the beginning and i think that could be an interesting bit you know i didn't have an audience back in the day so i will sometimes cherry-pick tweets from five years ago that i still think are funny and like delete them because no one saw them and then like repost them because i'm like this is a good better this deserved better yeah like maybe now they will love me yeah exactly exactly how funny i am i think as a personality trait i've like always thought highly of myself but i was insecure that i didn't have external validation to back it up and so whenever i'm i have the chance to be like no this was always a banger tweet and no one was there at the time it was like a tree fell in the forest or whatever we talk a lot on this show especially recently maybe you talked about it when i was in the void a little while back but like do you rely on a decent consistent video output to make you feel like you are a whole human being do you get that itch after not putting something out for an extended period of time oh yes 110 all the time like i just i just took a week off basically and i'm just like oh my channel's gonna die like every single time i take a break i was like this is it they're gonna forget about me scratching your neck what is your posting frequency right now it was once a week i was doing well for a good like solid month and then i just took a break for a second because i was like okay yeah we're still in this time we're in right now i want to stop for a bit yeah well mike i i have a little bit of beef i do want to say i have a little bit of beef uh before yeah and it's yeah we can't you know we can't ignore obviously we have to get into it and this was gotcha journalism and we did get you on the show just so i could get you i saw a movie a little while back terrible movie and i thought wow this should be a great first video i've been trying to come up with a decent premise like this would be really really fun to do and i start writing a little script for it just some notes just some jokes and then i realized that one of the one or two of the jokes seemed weirdly familiar and i'm thinking to myself man i'm funny man i'm funny and these these jokes are coming fully formed to me the movie was loquisha and it is fully just jokes taken from your video so i just want to say you should have asked if i wanted to make the video i should have i should have put it out into the world before i did it yeah you should have checked it kind of precaution going forward but you wanted to did you watch that movie oh it's amazing it is it is the like best worst movie i've ever seen in a second have you seen any of the oh what's his name who cares actually what his name is because [ __ ] that guy have you seen any of his other movies like the test i want to watch that no no i didn't want to look at any of the movies break it down break it down for me uh what's the plot of laquisha no please what isn't the plot of locals literally progressive it's it's about this like it's this man who like works at a bar and people keep on telling him he gives like good advice so he like tries to audition to be a radio show host even though like literally even though literally the radio show audition things said they would prefer women and minorities because they have too many white men on the radio okay i'm already worried about where this is going is this like a reverse white chick situation yes yes literally and literally he uses white chicks as an excuse for this movie so he pretends to be a black woman not like blackface but just like using the voice and pretend to be this character called loquisha and literally like this black scent that he develops is like not even a black scene he's just like screaming [Laughter] screaming with like a small twang to it also yeah loquisha is already like uh that better be a real person's name because if it's someone who made up a name to just say no he you can tell because it's so funny like can you imagine somebody having a name that i'm not familiar with yeah i know right wouldn't that be crazy what if somebody was different than me in somewhere so wild yeah but the movie is like a roller coaster of just like white saviorism you know what i mean like he's in the wrong the entire movie and then suddenly he's in the right and like the black person he was working with was in the wrong the black people he was working with at the end he was like wait a minute he had to show them he he dragged black people into this scam and then suddenly he just had a change of thought and now they're the evil ones and i was like wait a minute right yes right turns out he actually and also he teaches them how to play jazz which is kind of introduces them to chuck berry he teaches very unemployed guitar that was good i love that it's like worth pointing out it's the writer and star are the same person yeah he wrote it directed and started himself i mean that's like he's a regular shane dawson um and only in those ways and only in those ways not in the blackstone ways at all that is troubling i think you should make this video jordan though i mean yeah because the jokes are already written youtube already knows that there's an audience for loquitia so this is how you hell i might make a video about loquisha [ __ ] yes good send it to the vote you know all i did in my video was i basically just described what the entire movie was like but if you guys want to get into further analysis about it analyzes black scent the history of the black set you know i feel like i cannot analyze something without creating a whole world around like what i'm analyzing like we watched a few videos from like one two three go which is the five minute crafts people trying to make trim trim type videos where they're like narrated and strange and because of all the weird background stuff we just created a whole dystopia uh that was ravaged by a evil demigod named zepho um based on the weird european weird european snack cake yeah i can't even remember what country it's from it's from the now canon country of pistachio that we created that's the one yeah so i think that we would have we should definitely watch that make a world i would love that very much mac is it your favorite movie it's my favorite bad movie i've ever seen like not even like it's just the premise of it terrible the acting on top of it is absolutely atrocious [Laughter] you need to see it if you haven't seen the jarvis you have to watch it you will have a field day with it's like mildly well put together like it totally looks like an indie film it looks like [ __ ] a lot of the time but things are framed correctly the sound is recorded okay they're using like actual hardware until they use like mics you know yeah like actually they just use a camera yeah the camera mic they said they successfully used a camera and a microphone yeah that's really cool there's a budget like it's probably 600 bucks but there's oh no you know why there's a [ __ ] budget it's because the dude's like a real estate agent yeah the man he's like he's like he has money he's rich so you know what the world needs my movies wait now he's now it's a rich guy who was like let me tell these black people what's what that's incredible he's just so good at giving advice i mean what's what's he going to make next i'm i'm on board all where do i sign he tried to like submit it to like um festivals and festivals didn't accept it but then after they fully watched it they all denied it like there's an entire article him writing about like festivals like rejecting him and like accepting him and rejecting him again i'm like yes like have you watched your own movie dude it's terrible i just want that level of confidence you know what i mean oh yeah that's what i've always wanted i'm like how do you make that and then go the world needs to see this i all the festivals like this needs to be in consideration for best in show this is like everything i just i just don't fear is helpful in that i mean that's that's the valuable part of the constant self analysis and constant self-doubt is that you never create anything that you or you never end up creating anything that you don't see pretty realistically you might even over critique it but there's no world where either of you would put out a video and say this is very very good and the camera's like upside down and you're like wearing a klansman outfit one of my videos yeah yeah i don't understand sorry about like what i do how do i see lupton on this tea how do i get into the how do i miss the demi lovato stuff where am i not i don't know honestly like i i'm trying to how do you stay on the pulse mac how do you how do you keep up with the on the balls um twitter yeah just just scroll here and there you know see what's trending you know i don't even really scroll anymore on my twitter thing i just kind of just see what's channing see what's going on and then like go on with my life you know it's at that point it was like there's so much bad things happening in the world i'd rather not indulging it right now i'm just trying yeah yeah trying to eat this misery ratio i'm just trying to eat these vegetables honestly trying to eat these meal preps i'm trying to eat this mcdonald's my way through this white rice i'm trying to cut my freshlys you know um you know what i'm saying okay so first off i think there's a service now that does this but i want to be able to impersonate other people on social media and look at their feed like look at social media the way they see it i think that's that's interesting i think i saw this in like the washington post like a year ago someone made an account that followed all the accounts that donald trump jr followed and then they were like this is his like how he sees the world because he opens this up and spends hours scrolling through through what this is and it's like very alarming so i would love to see like my favorite people how they experience social media like in terms of what's on their feed and stuff oh there's probably some site i think there is some service that does that now if not make it yourself i i was gonna get that money yeah i was gonna make a video about it at some point like how ariana grande sees instagram or something i can't remember what i was gonna title it but it's yeah okay second thing mac do you feel like you have a healthy relationship with social media um not right now definitely not yeah it does honestly i'm just asking for a friend can you even have one i feel like social media at this point is that like abusive boyfriend that you just like keep on coming back for making excuses for that's true it's nice yeah he's changed there's new tweets in here he's changed you keep on trying to find the good but then the bed is like blatantly in your face but you just can't you can't yeah fully walk away from it yeah it makes me feel bad but every now and again there's a cute puppy so every now and then i see good memes you know every now and then i laugh here and there but sometimes a lot a lot of times i cry yeah yeah at least i'm not thinking i'm not thinking about my life right now yeah that's social media is like an escape basically but at the same time not really a good escape i i agree with that right now is the era of switching off twitter as you turn to play the video you were watching and then shifting and pausing the video to turn on a movie and never never one to any point sitting with your own thoughts or spending time with yourself wait you pause things i just leave something playing in the background while i'm like playing a game and like reading social media scrolling oh every sense needs to be simulated in a specific i cannot watch a movie and not be playing a video game yeah yeah yeah in a massage chair eating something like every sense is being activated at once you have like 10 screens in front of you oh what's going on in any of them i do like to have something on a screen and then it just brings me a little bit of joy to like glance over and go ah yes that's still happening and then i go back to whatever i was doing life happens a lot to different places well i was gonna say that like social media now in in the end times is like why the [ __ ] not just be addicted to social media you know it's like at least it's something that gives me a little fix that's like safe you know it's relative like physically safe to do i can't go outside because it smells like barbecue i can't like i it smells too nice yeah i can't talk to other people i can't do whatever i at the very least can doom scroll and it gives me like a little bit of dopamine sometimes what's a positive thing that we can end on before we wrap this episode well yeah maybe this is positive i mean mac you didn't go into this in crazy detail and you don't have to necessarily but like what was the catalyst for you wanting to change your diet because i'm wondering if there's like a hey i want to improve my quality of life tips that you can give to people listening that maybe yeah more than ever i mean because i i did this diet thing before kind of like earlier with um as a for a youtube video for someone else's channel and i really just like the way it made my entire i just i felt better about myself and who i was as a person and just in general just have more energy and then kind of left that and like disappeared then and got deeper into my work in youtube and like kept on excusing myself like oh i i can't eat right i gotta i just gotta order this mcdonald's because i'm like too busy i'm too busy trying to be famous yeah and that's real so i just yeah i just decided like you know what i i want to l especially now that my my sister is pregnant and she's having congrats to her she's having a child and i want to you know i want to have a healthy life to be able to to support all these people we'll keep i'm i'm still listening jordan was like healthy life yeah i knew the question and then i'm howdy well yeah i just wanna i just want to live a healthier life to be able to support the people that i want to support you know what i mean like i kind of lost the ball and that's like generally what i wanted to do for my entire life what's up yeah and help other people grow and i knew that if i was hurting myself with what i was putting in my body and basically like shorting my life doing that then i wasn't doing what i wanted to do you know i want to be able to live i mean i'm inspired i'm ready to delete postmates and uh and rekindle my love for freshly i just deleted all all those delivery apps i just leave them this morning all i have is instacart for the grocery store when i need like snacks and all that stuff yeah i gotta do it i'm gonna i'm i'm done with i'm done with ubereats right now i but if they want to sponsor me i'm not about it again that's so real i dieted pretty intensely when i was like 21 ish and i ended up losing like 50 pounds or something and it was great because i started to feel like more like i was in a body that was mine that i was like willing to claim and i felt like healthy and stuff and honestly the best argument that i'm hearing from you now is something that i want is like i am tired all the time and i do want more energy and it's such a no-brainer but also hard out jordan's back sorry mac i just did not want to hear your answer you were just like you know what never mind i caught a surprising amount of it i was just unable to do speak or change anything about my settings i was just saying that i think over the years i've kind of drifted back into some old habits and i want to i want that energy you know and it's like it's such a no-brainer that it is like what you're eating and doing with your body but sometimes so hard to it's hard to escape old habits it's hard to escape habits and also like i think i'm very instant gratification heavy and i know that like day one it's not gonna feel different and i have to stick with it to start seeing the seeing the results and it's so easy to just keep hitting the proverbial snooze button of like oh well i'll i'll start that later and today i'm just going to order another burrito you know so it's it's tough but i'm going to check out factory 95 maybe i'll kick a kick freshly on the curb who knows it's good even people the people that review factory 95 this podcast sponsored by factory i know right you know what let's not say a single more nice thing until we get that venmo transaction from the morning yeah but apparently people are saying it's better than freshly i haven't tried freshly though but i mean people say that let's switch the fact that if i say the taste is better it might be worth them investing in the hashtag cocktail freshly i'm actually gonna cuck my freshly with factor 95. that's my plan i'm gonna get fracture95 and i'm gonna be looking at the freshly like you little you like this brando brandil alright well we end every episode of sad boys with a particular phrase we love you and we're sorry great rhythm love that that was great [Music] too rich for me
Channel: Sad Boyz Podcast
Views: 30,698
Rating: 4.975009 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 59sec (3239 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 24 2020
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