Very Really Good #109: Influencer Parties

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hey guys welcome back to a very really good podcast this is episode 109 109 dude we made it um [ __ ] hair is all messed up it's all good i just had a shower i i had a shower in the morning and my hair's i'm gonna and my hair is a little wet still so i'm gonna take off my headphones and it's gonna be an indent on the middle of my skull so that's gonna be pretty cool but i but i'm gonna pull it off i'm gonna i'm gonna pull it off i'm gonna pull my skull off i'm gonna pull my skull clean off of my head um because the skull and the head are two different okay holy [ __ ] it's 109 how we feeling um it's uh i'm tired man i've been feeling so weird lately i don't know what it is um i fee i was talking about it last night with you know some friends and it's like this quarantine is really doing lately it's really been taken a toll i i don't know why but i i filmed the video it's taking me so long to just sit down and just edit it and i'm like so discouraged and i just keep [ __ ] doing other things and i'm like i don't know it's weird and then i'll start to feel guilty and i'm like well you have people that want to see this why aren't you just doing it why aren't you just making it and it's like i don't have energy it's not i don't know it's been a weird time i don't want to start the podcast on a [ __ ] sad sap note all right i want to start on a high note bad guessed when i've ended the whole podcast in falsetto hey guys how you doing yeah you'd you'd probably rip your skull off of your head if that if that was the the podcast but yeah i hope you guys are doing all right hope you guys are doing better than i am um i had a i've had a week maybe that's why i'm feeling so gnarly because i've had a [ __ ] week dude um what day is it it is monday today uh last thursday uh this is what happened if you guys follow me on instagram and twitter if you guys follow if you guys are up to date with my socials you know what happened but um so thursday i uh i got a i got a text message um no on wednesday i get a text message uh from my friend lizzie my good friend lizzy who's a photographer and she's like hey i have a free time in the studio tomorrow um you know if you want any photos done i'm like great i have merch dropping on friday so we can take photos on thursday i can have some nice photos for friday thursday rolls around i'm feeling good i'm excited i'm i'm going to i leave for the i leave for the photo shoot okay i i i get in my car um you know put some music on put the gps on so i know where i'm going you know i look uh i look i look in the mirror i don't see anybody i check my blind spot i don't see anybody um i pull out of the i'm street parking i pull out into the street and this truck is now beside me i don't know how it got there i literally i was i didn't see anything there was nothing there so that car must have been [ __ ] gunning it over around the corner there was now just a truck beside me and i was like oh okay well this i'm very close to this truck and then uh i i hear i feel like a doom i'm like oh [ __ ] i think i i just got a car accident that was my first car accident [ __ ] um i was fine i'm good i'm chilling i wasn't hurt um it honestly car accidents are weird man i thought i like i i only thought it was going to be like a little scratch a little scrape and i'd be like ah damn i'll have to get that if i have to buff that out or whatever you do with a scratched car i don't know um buff it out i have to you know get buff and muscle it back to normal uh no and then i get out of the car the guy stops for a second um up like maybe like 100 yards down the road um and then i get out of the car and my entire front left bumper is just on the ground and you can see like all inside my car i'm like oh [ __ ] that's not a scratch at all man there was a scratch on the bumper but it was also on the ground um so i was like oh [ __ ] and then and then i looked over and then the guy he he was just gone he he drove away um so classic hit and run um i mean i kind of respect him for you know waiting for me to get out of the car you know he was like okay he's he's fine he's safe see ya you know i respect that i respect that a lot you know because he could have just kept driving without wondering how i was so it does mean a lot and he waited to see if that was okay and then left um but it got worse dude i've okay that was my first car accident so i didn't know what to do so i was like i'm gonna take it to a deal like a body shop a toyota body shop that i that i go to and then um they'll fix it so i get there and then i call my insurance and they're like oh you can't we can't do anything until you have a police report i'm like okay [ __ ] how do i do that and they're like call this number and okay okay i call the number they're like you can't hey you you can't just do this over the phone you have to come into the office to do to file a police report and i'm like holy [ __ ] where's the office drove to the office um i forgot my mask at home and then so and they didn't have any there okay gover yeah government facility and you're mandating the mask thing i know i'm supposed to have my mask but have some extra ones just in case obviously so they're like wait in that corner away from everybody and then we can help you behind this thing behind the sheet of glass you know and then they forgot about me obviously because i'm a guy sitting in the corner and they're dealing with hundreds of other people um so i was there for like an hour i get my police report done i go back to the the body shop and then i call my insurance again and they're like okay so don't go to that body shop that's not that's not going to be good for you you should go to the one that that that we approve of and it'll be the best for you i'm like okay holy [ __ ] man so what was all the driving for so i drove back home and another piece of my bumper fell off on the way home and then i duct taped my my bumper to the did i say bunker before i duct taped my bumper to the car and then drove it to the body shop the next day and now i have a [ __ ] rental and i'm it's just been a week man so annoying i was [ __ ] pissed off and upset and sad um but jenna was like she made a good point it's like if that's that's how bad the car accident was you're fine like like sure your left bumper fell off you get a new one it's fine you weren't hurt nobody was hurt it's fine i could have like yeah i could have [ __ ] broken my arm i could have gotten really [ __ ] hurt so all things considered i'm fine but i'm gonna complain about it still because this is my podcast and that's what you do um and then i tweeted about it and everyone's like sending me photos of their car accident when their car just i just like flipped upside down and i'm like holy [ __ ] man i'm i'm a drama queen i'm freaking out way too much um yeah could you imagine being in a car that flipped upside down that'd be so [ __ ] scary i'm glad mine didn't flip upside down i mean that'd be really that'd be really impressive if a guy just sideswiped me my car was just like is it a full flip and then i got a bruise on my leg that i don't know where it's from and it's just i'm having a great week but it's all good dude should we get into some topics that i we that i want to talk about um oh okay well this is what happened last friday i didn't have any merch photos like nice photos of me in the merch for the drop but i dropped we dropped merch new very really good merch is out right now at you can go get it it's great it's fun the um it's really nice quality it's so soft and i really like it and i hope you guys get it and show out and flex on people you know um [ __ ] what else should we talk about dude okay i wanna talk about something really quick i was uh okay so i'm gonna take talk the app dick doc and i don't know what it is but there's a lot of things that show up in my fury page that are like movie related like movie clips movie montages i guess tick tock knows that i like movies um but i get a lot of them where it's like they'll show a clip from a movie and it's like this scene was the one in particular that made me want to talk about this it was a scene from the dark knight where everyone's like clapping in the police station um for commissioner gordon and then like heath ledger is clapping like the joker's clapping like all like loud and you can hear him clapping and then the caption was like this scene was to totally improvise his ledger wasn't supposed to clap during this scene and like hey man it [ __ ] wasn't improvised you know know what [ __ ] was it you know because there's that shot of him clapping and it's like a perfect like zoom into him it's a great it's like a well like it's a great shot you just like there just happened to be a perfect camera on heath ledger when he was clapping okay man the scene was actually improvised dude he wasn't supposed to shut up shut the [ __ ] up you know because you could do it you could literally do that with any movie on tktar you do you could just say whatever you know you could post a video of [ __ ] lady and the [ __ ] when they're about to kiss and they're like this thing was actually improvised by the dogs the dogs weren't supposed to share the noodle but they happened sharing the noodle and then they kissed and it wasn't supposed to happen it's just like the animators accidentally animated hundreds and hundreds of frames to make it look like it just happened dude it was crazy you know it's just so easy like you could just lie onto on on on the internet and someone be like oh that's actually you know heath ledger improvised that clap yeah he improvised the clap he improvised chlamydia yo actually the ice titanic hitting the iceberg actually improvised that the iceberg showed up on set that day and they're like do you guys need a iceberg and you're like yeah that actually might tie the whole movie together actually we just this movie was actually just going to be about a nice boat ride but now it's i guess now we can have some sort of climax if you will i guess we can have some sort of storyline now hmm if only that happened in real life that's so annoying and another thing that's pissing me off that i saw that's happening on twitter dude okay i don't i don't know how i can describe this but there's this trend where people be like someone's wearing like a stupid hat they're roasting each other it's like oh it's the dumb hat for me it's the bad personality for me you know um and now people are like using it in like other ways like their quote this one tweet i saw it's like uh it's a video of a guy of a kid on a line i'm like a inflatable whale in a wave pool and it's him like flying on the wave he's like surfing on the wave and then someone quotes me to the video and it's like yo it's the kid surfing on the wave for me yeah what else would it be dude that's what the video is that's what else would it be man that's the focus that's the focal point of the video i'ma like if that's like it's like if you posted a video of like a monkey on a bicycle and then it's literally just a monkey riding in circles on on on a bicycle and then someone quote sweden is like yo it's the monkey riding on a bicycle in circles for me that part of the video is crazy yeah man that's the only part of the [ __ ] video bro if you quote tweet and it was like yeah it's george washington for me then it'd be like okay huh did i miss something i didn't i didn't spot i didn't spot george w oh george w george washington bush is that his name what is george what does a w and george w bush stand for can we can we get that info uh oh walker i got it george walker bush george walker bush walker bush walker bush i hardly know her bush okay and his dad is george herbert walker bush george herbert walker bush so you're taking attendance and then one of the people you're taking attendance is a bush okay george is here herbert here walker's here and the bush is here great and his vice president name is dick cheney what a [ __ ] terrible name dick cheney hey oh dick chain what's up hey yo dick chain what's good bro um okay i guess we can talk about this stuff too should we talk about that yeah okay okay so okay last next topic time um so last we have like a meeting me and my podcast producer flubber we have a meeting um uh i felt like what we're gonna talk about in the next week and um we're i was searching through youtube trending and it was it was a mr beast video he was like buying a private island and [ __ ] giving money to the island and and buying a house on the island in ireland i was like okay that's pretty crazy and i was like heather how do you even buy an island you know like you always hear about private islands and stuff but it's like how do you buy that like it's weird to think that you could just go somewhere and be like here's money give me island you know so i searched like how to buy an island and there's this website it's literally called and i don't know if the whole thing is a scam you could just buy an island isn't that [ __ ] crazy and then there's actually some for like we saw one for like a hundred grand which for an island i feel like it's pretty cheap right because a house in toronto is like a million dollars like at least and you're telling me i can go what six hours north and i can get an island for a tenth of that price on an island dude with no laws guy who doesn't know how anything works i could get my own island and legally kill people on it dude sign me up i could have a i can have a real life fortnight game on an island dude that'd be awesome man you know what i'm gonna do i'm gonna save up my money i'm gonna save up all my money i'm a big i'm gonna buy a big island and i'm gonna call it the curtis town island oh my god the curtis down island and you guys can all you guys can all show up and there's going to be a big merry-go-round all right and it's broken you can't use it but it's gonna be there okay and it's gonna be a big private island and maybe i shouldn't have a private island i feel like private islands are pretty frowned upon after the whole epstein thing you know do you think jeffrey epstein used this website do you think i'm on a website that jeffrey epstein used exclusive private islands your personal private island playground yeah why would you need a pool on an island you got all the water there you got all the water in the world let's put a pool in the middle it's like a little pool it's like a little island within the island i just thought that was a crazy thing that you can literally just buy an island you never think about that but you could just go just there's a website that you just buy an island how about like private jets have you i'm gonna buy a private jet how much are these a jet price on request that's how you know it's expensive dude they're all priced on request god [ __ ] you man give me a give me a dollar amount all right i'm gonna get it how about we i'm gonna start a gofundme for an island and a jet i need it okay i'm desperate that'd be so tone deaf for anyone to do please guys i really i really need my [ __ ] island i just need it i'm following really hard times i'm holding on really hard times because of covid and i just really need my island and jet you know even the band jet is fine i don't there's a private performance by the band jet i'm cool with that that's actually i'd actually be kind of down for that if someone was like yo i got a private jet let's let's [ __ ] go let's go see i'm like yo i'm down and then you show up to the hangar you show up to the airport hangar and it's the band jet giving a private concert for me and my friend i'm like i thought i thought you meant i thought you meant like an airplane they're like nah dude i meant the band jet and i'm like oh okay that's i'm kind of cool with that and they go are you gonna be my girl yeah yeah call out [ __ ] just a kiss on the lips and i was on my knee and i'm dancing i'm throwing it back and then i and then i get on and then the lead singer and jed is like curtis get on my back curtis get on my back i'm gonna give you a piggy back and i'm like are you serious and my friend's like go go do it go go he only he never this is rare go it you gotta do it i'm like okay fine and then i get on the back of the lead singer of jet i get on his back and he flies away and then we go to my pr and we go to his private island that'd be awesome the lead singer of jet is a jet god i jet hop on my back and i'm going to fly on the island we're going to the caribbean caught a [ __ ] all right i didn't know that was going to go there but we went there and i'm cool with it um all right should we talk about the news curtis corner it's curtis corner time it's what's up nice to meet you it's curtis corner yeah okay that's got i got i'm gonna have to get another theme song for that one another intro one i'll hit up dylan again because he did the other one hey what's up nice to meet you it's curtis corner there he'll use that i don't even have his permission yet yeah he'll do that um okay so we got some covid news yeah so uh toronto this is local covent news the toronto strip club potentially uh gave 550 people coved a strip club city warns hundreds may have been exposed to covet 19 at brass rail strip club um on young street i believe yeah young street if you're young street has got to be the dirtiest it's this it's the gnarliest street in toronto um and to go to a strip club on yonge street during a pandemic bro yeah no [ __ ] that's gonna happen i'm i'm just baffled that strip clubs are even open you know why is of all the things to open you know because you can't that is the strip clubs are the dirtiest places ever right it's just like dudes like old guys who are just like 106 years old who are just like i just need to see boobies here's some money and you're just so creepy it's just funny because like it's funny that like to think that some like husband like was like uh honey i uh i think i was exposed to covet i need to self quarantine and she's like you're you haven't gone anywhere though the only place you went was that was the was like that you just went to your doctor's appointment and you were you were like really safe and stuff right he's like yeah yeah i did go to my doctor's appointment i did but then like but then like really quick like like really quick i stopped somewhere else and then i just i guess that's where i got it she's like where'd you where'd you stop he's like i i don't know i think i did it by accident but i think i walked into the brass trip club er and then i think that's where it happened she's like hold on what'd you say there you kind of got quiet i stopped at the the brass rail store club strip club and then she's like you vowed to never go there again that is my rival strip club you go to my strip club you go to the the winking you go to the winking dog over on billy street okay that's my strip club just so many yeah toronto script club potentially gave 500 feet okay actually they should change the uh uh the um the the headline to city warns hundreds city warns hundreds may have been exposed to divorce at brass rail strip club because i think uh that's gonna cause some arguments even yeah like this shouldn't be open now that's a strip like that should be the last thing that opens is like a public bar indoors people like close to each other people you know i just don't understand like because a lot of places aren't even accepting cash right now you know so you're not going to be throwing cash at us at a stripper right now so what are you going to do you have to just like throw your [ __ ] debit card at them you just like whip it at them right like one of the like how those people throw playing cards really fast you just do that you go hey the the code is three eight six five three eight six five hey hey listen are you listening 3865 that's the pin yeah just tap it it has the tap tap it tap it on the tap it on the machine now i tap that no not you i mean the sorry i mean the machine i'd tap that if you want me to i can do it for you oh it's funny yeah you can't like you can't get like a a lap dance right because that's well within six feet you know um just a lap dance like kind of far away you're like oh man this is if my lap was there that that that'd be pretty cool yeah just don't go to topia it's [ __ ] i don't it's just annoying man just make it so much harder for everybody that wasn't a penis joke they're making it so much harder you know because just don't [ __ ] go to a strip club obviously it's a [ __ ] pandemic bro and just go home and politely talk to your wife and be like hey can i just look at your boobs for a sec please got it great no diseases no [ __ ] viruses were spread great everybody wins it's literally that easy um speaking of uh you know girls speaking of girls um no speaking of girls who are you know comfortable with their comfortable and confident with their sexuality the new uh the cardi b and um megan the stallion song that came out [ __ ] it stands for willy's awesome pranks it's their prank show they're coming out with willy wonka um no it's called it's for what has a [ __ ] i just had to whisper it so youtube didn't pick up that um because they're always listening they're always [ __ ] listening man um no but people are really uh upset about the song uh because i guess girls are not allowed to to talk about sex and songs right um it's just all like [ __ ] right wing people being like this is this is not ladylike ladies should be in a [ __ ] blanket they should be wrapped up in a blanket like a little burrito and buried underneath the basement where no one can see them that's bad you can't look at girls this is the same guy who'd [ __ ] go to a strip club and get exposed to covet so this is this guy james bradley tweeted he's i don't know his u.s house candidate [ __ ] american flag in his background cardi b and megan the stallion are what happens when children are raised without god and without a strong father figure their new song the whop which i heard accidentally made me want to pour holy water in my ears and i feel sorry for future girls if this is their role model which i heard accidentally i didn't i didn't mean to hear it it's like that vine it's like what did you do i suck dick on accident i the [ __ ] you sucked dick on accident i heard it accidentally i swear to god i fell on my keyboard okay i fell on my keyboard when i fainted from all the covet inside me that i got from the strip club and my hands typed out [ __ ] cardi b megan the stallion i'm horny and the video came up and i accidentally clicked on it with my finger and i accidentally washed the whole thing and didn't and i accidentally forgot to blink the whole time oh that's what happens when there's no god like why are you [ __ ] pissed about it man it's a song about about [ __ ] getting it on and it's crazy because you know how many songs like that are done by like like male like artists like male rappers who they'll literally be like yo i punched a girl in a head call her a [ __ ] let me scratch that itch and it's like hey man whoa hey man that's a crazy thing to say super degrading and then that's fine right uh but the second girls are talking about pleasure and you know from being you know they're talking about it instead of like objectifying other you know the other instead of a guy objectifying women then it's [ __ ] up yeah god god's cool with dudes being super mean to girls but when girls are you know pause sex positive gods god's like hey the [ __ ] is that i heard that song accidentally and i'm pissed off so is jesus and um holy [ __ ] also ben shapiro [ __ ] clown that guy sucks but he was like he was reading the lyrics on his show so now he's saying uh listening guys i okay i'll do this [ __ ] listen guys i'm fully explained on the show that it's misogynistic to question whether graphic descriptions of wet ass [ __ ] is empowering for women whap is an obviously an incredibly profound statement of women's empowerment alas isn't be anthony and then just being a [ __ ] douche nozzle and then he responds to his tweet he was like as i also discussed on the show my only real concern is that the women involved who apparently require a bucket and a mop get the medical care they require my doctor wife's differential diagnosis bacterial vaginosis yeast infection or yeah just being a [ __ ] idiot being like these why these girls getting wet my wife doesn't get wet so that that's impossible i think they're sick and i talked to my wife and she was like and i was like do i ever make you wet and she was like no not once never you've never [ __ ] done that holy [ __ ] never ever ew i'm i'm grossing i'm gagging at the at the sight of you and he's like okay great good that's just what i thought what a dumb thing to tweet man that's gonna help your case bud white ass [ __ ] i've never seen a wet holy [ __ ] man oh that's funny uh what else is going on in the [ __ ] news huh okay yeah this is another news story that we can talk about the um a little like a few months ago the the planters uh peanut baby like you know the peanut guy he died and then i guess they made a baby um as their new mascot because i guess like the planters they saw baby yoda and they were like oh yo we gotta do that too a baby yoda we got your baby peanut i do baby everything but then a few months later like recently now that now the peanut that was a baby months ago is now 21. i don't know why he aged so quick or what the what's the what's the thought process here right what is the thought process why is he growing so fast why did they he's just gonna be an old in another few months they're just gonna have that mascot again he's going to be old he's going to be an old peanut guy with a monocle i don't understand what they're they're i what what why are they doing this right do you think the peanut the peanut guy is a virgin still right he's in college you think he's got drunk i think he smokes weed he for sure smokes weed the peanut guy smokes weed absolutely that's so odd i don't understand what the reasoning is and now we have to like watch him slowly die i guess like yeah peanut guy just got fired from his job and he got a divorce from [ __ ] mrs hazelnut he's really down on his luck and we're all very worried about him they give him like an intervention or something he's like he's become an alcoholic and then he becomes old he's in like hospice he's gonna slowly die and we watch him die a slow painful death is that what you want planters that's such a weird thing dude what if in my vid what if what if like one day i was like hey guys it's baby curtis and it's just a baby me and i was like that's baby curtis now all the other kurt has died and i'm a baby now and i just got a baby to be me to replace me that'd be that's the exact same thing because i am a peanut brand i am i'm the planter's peanuts of youtube and i've and i've said that before and i'll say it again nice it's nice that the coffee that you have made was hot now it's cold it's weird when you have hot coffee and it's you you let it sit for a while and it's as cold as an iced coffee would be but it still tastes bad because it's not a nice coffee you know what i mean it is essentially an iced coffee but since it was hot before and you want it to be hot it doesn't taste as good you know what i mean and that's just the [ __ ] tea man that's the tea on the coffee real real quick um let's do a quick poo tube segment that's i don't need an intro song for that that's that one um so let's talk about all these [ __ ] idiot [ __ ] influencers who are having uh parties during a pandemic a [ __ ] sway hype house way house uh who are having parties well there's a pandemic going on the new york times did an article it's called why influencers won't stop partying anytime soon um and they interviewed none other than thomas petrue petro thomas petro uh the founder of the hype house who i talked about in my video about the high pass um so he told the hollywood fix that had a party between 60 and 70 yeah they had 60 and 70 between 60 and 70 guests at their party um for this guy's [ __ ] birthday which is just so [ __ ] and then recently even more recently the [ __ ] that what's his name [ __ ] brian oh bryce bryce hall yeah he had like a birthday party and then [ __ ] like why man just don't have a [ __ ] birthday party it's your birthday you'll have another one next year man okay and then another one miss okay thomas petro says that uh for creators such events aren't just fun they're work our jobs are to entertain people he said in a phone interview this week we live with groups of people and we are all intertwined for work we can't put our entire lives on hold for a year and not make any money hey dude that's what [ __ ] so many people are doing because it's a pandemic bro you [ __ ] idiot we can't just stop partying then how am i gonna make bang ads huh how am i gonna make bang ads how about you get that sweet sweet bang cash huh i mean yeah sure sure people have lost their jobs because of covet and they have to go on unemployment and food stamps and their lives are ruined they can't pay for their kids food but i mean i can't you expect me to just stop you just expect me to to not have parties for a little while and use my own talent and use any sort of and find my own talent and make videos by myself oh you're [ __ ] [ __ ] you [ __ ] you new york times you [ __ ] dude that thomas petrol guy's a [ __ ] dunce bro thomas if you're listening you're an idiot just [ __ ] dude and chris glemmons had a great tweet about this he like quote tweeted this article and was like i've stuck to covet i've i've stuck to covet no you know what i mean i've stuck to the what you're supposed to be doing right i've stayed home i've self quarantined i'm distant i'm social distancing i only go out when necessary and i've been able to maintain my same revenue even increase it you know because chris clemons is an actually like entertaining funny talented person but the thing about these people is that they don't [ __ ] have any talent or any sort of worth at all they're only famous or popular for being related to these other popular people you know it's just so frustrating man it's just like realistically you could just if they wanted to they could just stay home people would still watch their content that's the thing oh god and then jake paul [ __ ] did it too this way house did it okay these kids have been trying to be big on social media for such a long time now they finally have it they're the ones to invite kids to the cool party instead of trying to get the invite literally everyone in there even if they don't know who they are by name is talking about them who [ __ ] cares man you want to go to some lame ass [ __ ] house party where everyone's being so annoying oh god i mean maybe i'm just [ __ ] oh i'm getting old i think i am 26 i think i'm [ __ ] too old to be going to house parties um but still even if i was a even if i was younger like i don't know man i just feel so bad for these people because and i feel bad for people who watch them they're setting such a bad example and they're just something that like well they did it they threw a party doesn't matter and it's savage it's so savage that they did that because they're privileged and they can do what they want and the virus won't really affect them because they can get healthcare and everything and they have a job that doesn't really require them to do anything like that but yeah it's it's so savage i'm gonna do the same thing like literally they're influencers they have influence just [ __ ] stay home literally just make videos in your room man sorry got a little i got a little heated but people are so [ __ ] dumb people are so stupid thomas petru i'm not gonna stop making money for a year you can make bang ads in your [ __ ] room man this way you do bang good meet jing bang bang make good man bang bang bang bang and then you go they give you [ __ ] 500 where they [ __ ] pay you stupid [ __ ] clown bro anyway should we get to some advice so i can cool down a bit okay yeah before we get into the advice sorry really quick so can you comment please comment below i have this thought always like me and my friends always talk about it like if you went back in time and like showed like a talk to like a pilgrim or like a caveman you know someone who was like a long time ago uh what would you show them to just totally [ __ ] ruin their life you know like my thing i was i thought of like you know if i if i showed a pilgrim if i show up to like a pilgrim village and i was like and i had a laser pointer i was like check it out they [ __ ] freak out they lose their mind you know so please comment the craziest thing uh you could show somebody from the past to like ruin their lives okay and then we'll go over some funny ones next episode i think that'd be funny um and now advice segment um damn i need a jingle for my advice for my advice nice all right so i would like to start this off by saying i am a disaster piece nice my stupid self has decided to become an artist instead of going to college or even trying to plan out my future better i've always been told i was going to art which was nice for my fat ego but now i feel like i'm not good enough i'm trying to grow my platform and reach more people so i can feel like i'm accomplishing something but it seems like my life is going nowhere not to be a complete mood killer but i feel like i'm disappointing people everyone else in my life is be is becoming new things and going to new places and i'm stuck in a rut unable to do anything now i'm having trouble creating anything without feeling like it's pointless i guess what i want you ask what i want to ask you is how do you keep from getting discouraged and do you ever feel like nobody will like the things you're producing um i've included one of my daily veto portraits just in case nice dude that's okay this is a great question because this is literally how i started the episode um and my first thought was when i read this i was like you're a good artist okay because i don't think any artist makes something and is like this is perfect i killed it this is the best i could do and it can't get any better i've never felt like that and i never will and i think that's good you know i think you need that to kind of push you and get better and to always be improving because realistically something could always be better right um you know something could be more you know appealing to the i don't know how art works like drawing but i don't know there's always something you can improve on um but i mean the picture you send is [ __ ] really good dude so i wouldn't get down on yourself like for sure like always be better but like take notice that you're you have a talent you are good you know but just things take a long time um and i feel discouraged all the time and whenever i put out a new video um i always feel like everyone's gonna hate it um whenever i'm done filming i'm like that wasn't funny at all um it's just it's a constant thing man and then when youtube and then when the video doesn't perform as well the other ones youtube's like hey did you know that this video isn't performing as well as your other ones and i'm like yeah dude i [ __ ] know no so it's a whole thing the whole thing is just the odds aren't it's always people and your own self and everyone else is going to be going against you but you just have to if that's what you love doing man or dude you just have to keep you just have to keep doing it if that's what you love and just know that trust yourself and just keep at it and you know and everything will work out in the end um and that was the best [ __ ] advice i've ever given in my life dude um okay okay we'll do this one uh hi curtis i need advice i'm going to high school this year and i have a really hard choice to make i have to choose between a prestige high school that's going to give me an opportunity to move abroad when i finish it and since i live in poland that's a great opportunity to have my other option is a really laid back kind of high school and i already met the people i would be going there with and we really clicked i would normally choose a school that gives me more opportunities but i heard that it can destroy your mental health and i'm really scared of that so which school should i choose the one that makes it easier for me to move abroad but can make my mental health worse if i'm not strong enough or the one i know will be great and by the way is a fantastic school when it comes to teaching stuff but will eventually make it a lot harder for me to move um okay shut up i'm kidding should i go to the awesome school or the not so awesome school oh shut up i'm kidding this is a this is a this is a tough problem i'm sure um i think i don't know i mean ow um i think you uh i mean a prestige high school that sounds pretty awesome you know and you can move abroad which is really cool that's a cool opportunity sure it might be a little more difficult but i think that might be the best bet you know um i don't know what the whole like the issues with with mental health i guess there's a lot it's a lot harder right so i guess there's more pressure but i don't know you just really gotta think about the long run you know in reality high schools what four years how long do you have to live more what like [ __ ] 60 years so you know i to me if you have the opportunity to go to a really good school that would help you like leave and that's what you want to do i'd say go for it you know and you know if your mental health gets bad you can always transfer you know that's a thing that is possible so i'd say go for it and push yourself i think you can do it because i i didn't really have a choice to go to a well i did i there was a choi there was a high school in my district um it was called west mount and i wanted to go there because all my friends were going there and it was like a self-paced high school where like there was hardly any like teachers even and you just did all the work yourself like you could literally like finish a course in like a week if you wanted to and i was like that'd be cool i want to do that but like after thinking about it and like knowing myself i'm like i don't self-paced for me i'd still be in high school bro i'd still be [ __ ] there because i need someone i need a teacher i need someone to be like do this for this date okay and then then you'll pass and i'm like okay yes sir yes ma'am i'll do that you know um but if you can do it i i uh i think you can do it if you can do it i think you can do it um what are we at okay i'll do i'll do one more um i went a lot longer than i thought i would but um okay this is a the subject line uh was i have a lot of spiders um okay so during self-quarantine i decided to start a new hobby with my free time i bought my first pet tarantula at the beginning of april and it changed everything i got my second tarantula two weeks later and i've just kept getting more ever since at the time of writing this i own 13 but i could have more by the time you read this my roommate and my partner both get very worried whenever i talk about tarantulas now and keep asking when i'm going to stop but i don't want to stop they're really cool and easy to own and i love collecting them i even have a wish list of species i like to own in the future how do i convince my roommates that i don't own too many spiders and not to get worried when i talk about ones i want okay holy [ __ ] hands down best question we ever got so far um to me personally i'm not a spider guy i'm not a spider-man um but i think anything any spiders any like any amount more than zero is too many spiders because [ __ ] spiders man um but i mean i also love at the time of reading i have the time of writing i own 13 but i could have more by the time you read this that is so ominous i could have more who knows they might even be in your bedroom at night they might call into your mouth and you might eat them um so no one okay so let me get this straight nobody in your life is on board with this nobody wants you to have spiders right but you don't care you don't want to stop they're really cool and easy to own okay um how do i convince my roommates that i don't own too many spiders okay yeah this is not my expertise but i mean if as long as you're taking good care of the spiders as long as they're not getting out of the tanks as they're just tucked away you know in your room then fine okay i'd be pretty pissed if my roommate was like hey can i store a couple uh can i store a dozen spiders in your room i'd be like okay we gotta [ __ ] talk about this you know but if they're far away then i feel like that's fine you know it is your room you can put what you want in there um i think maybe educate them if they're if there's something they need to know about spiders and they're you know keeping them safe um but yeah you're asking the wrong guy because i [ __ ] hate spiders and i would i would i would be in the same boat as your roommate so i mean how about you convince me leave leave a comment if you're the one who sent me this email and leave a comment and let me know how you won't uh do you make sure that the spiders don't bug your roommates holy [ __ ] that's so funny i have a lot of spiders that's the best email subject line i think i've ever read that's so [ __ ] funny i mean i love spiders and i am a spider and i okay hold on what i'm slowly turning into a spider my roommates don't like it um holy [ __ ] almost an hour dude okay i guess i'll wrap it up um that was episode 109 guys thank you so much for listening thanks for sending in uh advice and everything comment the pilgrim thing we'll read some funny ones next week email very good at gmail if you want some advice and um yeah like comment subscribe all that stuff and uh what else rate review if you're listening and uh yeah dude just keep doing what you're doing [ __ ] i really appreciate you guys listening and supporting me it means the world um and i'm gonna try to have this video done by this week but i hope you guys understand if it takes a little longer because this is you know it's been a time and i'm trying my best and that's all i can really do so yeah i love you guys thank you so much and uh yeah enjoy your week see you guys you
Channel: Very Really Good
Views: 439,859
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kurtis conner, very really good, podcast, kurtis conner podcast, kurtis connor, hype house, sway house, house parties, influencer, influencer parties
Id: rql19f2kaco
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 23sec (3083 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 18 2020
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