Wonder Woman Pitch Meeting

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so you have a Wonder Woman script for me yes sir I do so we're gonna see Diana as a little girl on famous Kira which is an island full of badass warrior women and they all have this secret duty to protect mankind very cool yeah it's too bad I'm gonna have to give them all silly accents what well gal gadot can't really do any other accents than her own so we're gonna have to you know make everyone talk a little silly well what kind of accent are we talking here not gonna lie it's gonna sound a little like Borat my wife Vera denies Diana I like alright so anyway Diana's mom tells her all about this god named Aries that killed all the other gods and wants men to destroy each other okay and Zeus left the Amazons with the weapon powerful enough to kill a God and there's also gonna be a lot of talk about how Diana can't know who she truly is so is Diana the god killer well yeah damn it sorry was that a twist yeah it's like a big twist later is it that obvious oh yeah oh well maybe it'll surprise some people nah damn but wait if Diana's mom doesn't want her to find out who she truly is why does she even tell her about Ares and a god killer in the first place well she tells her that this sword is the god killer okay but instead of doing that why not just not tell her about any of it at all well because I have to have Diana learn this stuff for the movies plot to happen couldn't she stumble upon some ancient text or something instead of having the one person who doesn't want her to look into this stuff be the one to tell her all about this stuff right I guess that would make more sense but I want to have these cool drawings show up on the screen while she's explaining it huh that sounds cool okay keep it like that great so anyway one day Diana's looking out to sea and she sees a guy named Steve Trevor crash his plane and then she saves him did you have anyone in mind to play him maybe we could get one of those hot Chris's Oh which one Chris Pratt he's Marvel Chris Hemsworth also Marvel Chris Evans he's Marvel Chris Nolan he's a director Chris Plummer that's an old guy Christina Applegate that's a woman Chris Mis that's a holiday Chris Christie politician Christian mingle dating website well maybe that Star Trek guy Chris Maple wrong tree Chris Anthem um that's a flower Chris Pine that's the one oh yeah I could get Chris Pine we're actually good friends great so anyway this guy is being chased by some Germans uh-oh and then Steve tells them about World War one they don't know about World War one apparently not isn't it their sacred duty to protect mankind you'd think they'd stay up to date with like weapons and world conflicts you think so but it seems like they were more focused on doing like back flips and stuff fair enough back sir tight they're really good at backflips well that's great so Steve also tells them about these two bad guys Ludendorff and dr. Poisson who made some really deadly gas what's their backstory they're evil oh that's good so Diana decides that Ares is causing World War one and she wants to go with Steve to end it I have to say it's pretty cool to have a man land on an island where it's all women and not fall into the territory of like immature sex jokes before they leave she's gonna see his penis okay right there it is she's never seen one before so it's funny yeah I got it so Steve must be like losing his mind finding out that gods are real not really he's kind of like huh that's neat well he's not wrong so they're gonna go to London together to tell Steve's bosses about the gasps yeah I mean I guess there's no time to waste no there's not but we are gonna have a fun little shopping montage where she tries on some dresses shopping montages are fun or some of the dresses gonna be silly some of them are gonna be silly that is fresh also some German spies are gonna try to kill Steve oh yeah but Steve and Diana are gonna knock them all unconscious except for one what happens to him well Wonder Woman tries to question him but he kills himself with cyanide oh well there are other guys that are just unconscious so she can question them right yeah I guess so but she's not gonna do that oh so then Diana and Steve present their information to the government people and they're like we have to do something and the government people are like yeah so are they're gonna take matters into their own hands they're gonna take matters into their own hands taking matters into your own hands is tight yeah so Steve's gonna assemble a crack team of soldiers and what's interesting about them is that none of them have character arcs Oh what do you mean well for example one of them's gonna have PTSD and not be able to fire a shot and we're not gonna pay that off in the end by having him overcome it and take an important shot nope interesting choice so then they're gonna go to no-man's land what's that it's a place where soldiers haven't been able to gain an inch of ground because they're a bunch of Germans with machine guns okay so Wonder Woman steps out and they all start shooting at her Wow so Steve is like she's taking all the fire let's go well the Germans just start shooting at other people - they will not they're very focused appointing all their firepower at this half-naked woman oh and do any of the bullets hit her not one they all seem to shoot at her at shoulder level so it's easy to block what a weird strategy and then her and Steve are gonna save a small town together I gotta say it's refreshing to have a man and a woman working together in this movie without all the romantic stuff you usually see and then her and Steve are gonna bone oh they are yeah and from there everything's gonna get real silly how so well like they find out that Ludendorff is throwing a big party right right and Steve gets in by speaking English with a German accent and pretending like he lost his invitation oh that is silly yeah well I mean there is this thing in movies called the translation convention where foreign characters speak to each other in English just as kind of a way to avoid subtitles yeah I mean that'd be okay but we are gonna have subtitles in other parts of the movie oh yeah German soldiers are gonna yell at each other in German so so it's a thing so Steve is really just using the fact that the German High Command speak English to each other as a way to move the plot forward right and so then Wonder Woman is also gonna sneak into the party after forcibly undressing a woman and leaving her in the woods and she's not even gonna try to do an accent oh does she get caught no she's gonna slow-dance with Ludendorff and unprompted he's gonna start talking about Greek gods why would he do that yeah it's super unnatural but I want the audience to think he's Aries uh-huh so then Ludendorff is gonna gas the small town from earlier and Wonder Woman's gonna get mad not very nice of him and then she's gonna kill him and be kind of devastated that the whole war doesn't just come to an end after he dies oh that's actually good we'll have her realize that not all men are good and everyone's to blame in war and then the real Ares is gonna show up oh it seemed like you had a really cool message going yeah but then I didn't right and so it turns out that this whole time Ares was this mustache government guy Sir Patrick Wow well what happens next they're gonna have a huge fight and use crazy powers and throw stuff at each other in lights and what what art Diana's powers exactly we're gonna keep it really vague so anytime she does something people would be like oh I guess she can do that smart and then Steve Rogers is gonna sacrifice himself in an airplane did you say Steve Rogers nope and so then Wonder Woman levels up thanks to the power of love Wow and Ares is gonna be like I will destroy you I mean you're gonna come up with a better line than that right uh-huh yep I will and then what happens well then she's gonna kill Ares and the whole war is gonna stop so it really was all the fault of Ares hmm doesn't that kind of trivialize the significance of World War one maybe and how does it end Diana's gonna fly away it's gonna be really nice oh she can fly now sure why not very cool so what do you think well I feel like it's really significant that we're doing a female lead superhero film you yeah we're making big strides exactly it's about time that women get equal treatment in Hollywood and it starts with us [Music] hey hey Jew did you forget something yes super easy barely an inconvenience what I was getting in my car and I just had this huge urge that I should come back and say that to you what does it mean though I don't know I just felt like people would get mad if I didn't say that what people I don't know hey guys Ryan here hope you enjoyed that pitch meeting there are a lot more of those on the channel so be sure to check those out and let me know in the comments section what other movies I should do pitches for also you could hit that like button that subscribe button all the buttons except the dislike button thanks for watching we'll see you next Saturday with a new pitch [Music]
Channel: Screen Rant
Views: 3,769,388
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wonder woman, gal gadot, steve trevor, chris pine, justice league, themyscira, honest, everything wrong with, funny, pitch meeting, sketch, super easy barely an inconvenience, parody, patty jenkins, dc, dceu, ares
Id: PrAT_ncXr7M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 27sec (447 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 14 2018
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