X-Men: Apocalypse Pitch Meeting

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so you have an x-men prequel reboot sequel script for me yes sir I do it's gonna be called x-men apocalypse oh it sounds serious how does it start well we're gonna meet this godlike mutant apocalypse in ancient Egypt right and he freaking loves pyramids ah they were all about pyramids back then and he's about to use some gold stuff or something to transfer his consciousness into the body of a guy who can heal himself okay and then people are gonna attack him and his followers and the pyramid is gonna crumble and fall into this super deep pit which is maybe something the pyramids had underneath them Wow anyway so then thousands of years later apocalypse is gonna rise again in 1983 oh yeah and he's gonna run into a young storm and then decapitate some guys with some saying oh my god that guy is powerful oh yeah he's basically a God so then storm brings him home oh not like that oh and he's got to catch up on what humans have been doing this whole time so he touches a TV and absorbs all our history what kind of ancient power lets him do that how does that even work unclear but storms gonna be like what are you doing and he's gonna be like learning oh he sounds like me when I try to talk to women what are you talking about yeah usually when I talk to our girl at a bar so be like what are you doing and I'll be like flirty and that works for you well let's just say that no not once well okay then so anyway after checking out human history for a couple of seconds instantly apocalypse is like you know this whole place has to go I can understand that yeah I can't blame him on that one so what does he do after that well he's got to get four horsemen together cuz that's like his thing if he has godlike powers why does he need four horsemen cuz that's like his thing well okay then so he decides that storm is gonna be his first follower so he gives her just the cutest makeover besties yeah and then they go recruit this lady psylocke who has this cool energy blade thing what's she gonna do in the movie she's gonna do a bunch of flippy flips and cut a car in half and look really upset the whole time a very angry flippy lady and then the third Horseman is the sky angel right I remember angel from x-men The Last Stand he was just discovering his powers yeah well this is a different take on him cuz we played with timelines and Days of Future past I don't know that being in a different timeline means it can be born in a different decade oh definitely get off my back about timeline stuff oh okay yeah it's a free pass to do whatever I want so definitely don't bring it up again gotcha that's my bad anyway then they're gonna go recruit Magneto and he's all bummed out cuz the family he created between movies is dead ah bummer so what did the horseman do for apocalypse exactly betray him for the most part oh yeah and him recruiting them is gonna help us fill up a good chunk of the runtime well ok then so then on the good guys side of things we're gonna meet younger versions of characters like Cyclops and Jean Grey oh who else are we gonna meet we're gonna have Nightcrawler ojou police gonna be there Oh Jubilee what's she gonna do in the movie I just told you Oh anyway so apocalypse is gonna end up taking over cerebro and taking control of all the world's nukes oh my god well if he wants to destroy the world that's a good way to do it for sure so he launches them into space oh he does yeah that's not how he feels like destroying the world up to him I guess so then havoc uses his chest beam to destroy cerebro and the whole mansion blows up oh yeah and luckily Quicksilver happens to be walking by so we're gonna have a really fun slo-mo thing where he saves everybody oh that's fun yeah it's gonna be funny there's gonna be a dog eating pizza and Quicksilver is gonna drink some soda so fun to watch very fun and then we're gonna find out that havoc died oh my god you really switched the tone on me yeah and he's Scott's brother too so jeez he must be devastated he will be a little sad for one scene yeah Wow anyway so now apocalypse and his four besties of kidnapped Charles Oh why'd they do that what's the plan here well the apocalypse wants to use Charles to tell everybody on earth that he's about to destroy their stuff and the people that survive are gonna survive why would he need to tell them that why not just do it I don't know fair enough so then the plan is to have magneto destroy a bunch of cities while apocalypse transfers his consciousness into Charles wait what yeah pretty evil right apocalypse wants to mind-control everybody pretty evil yeah but he's gonna do those at the same time yeah yeah yeah why not just wait until Magneto's done destroy stuff he's impatient I guess and why send that message from earlier if he's just gonna mind-control everybody anyway this is just how he wants to play things I don't know what to tell you okay but anyway back at the mansion Stryker shows up in a helicopter right after the explosion what like right away how did he react so quickly unclear but he goes ahead and captures the main characters why does he do that so we can have this big sidequest with the sole purpose of forcing a Wolverine cameo into this thing Oh people like Wolverine they do and he's been in the hands of Stryker for a while so he's in full Weapon X mode at the end of the last movie mystique had him well disguised as Stryker so how did the real Stryker get him unclear huh so then we're gonna have a big final fight scene where the x-men try to stop apocalypse and Magneto just destroys cities well it's gonna be hard for the x-men to take on someone with godlike powers like apocalypse actually it's gonna be super easy barely an inconvenience oh really yeah Charles is gonna be like hey gene unleash your power and so she does that and that solves everything oh that worked out pretty well it did and so at the end Magneto's gonna help rebuild the mansion and Charles is gonna be like well see you around old friends we didn't magneto just destroy cities and kill a bunch of people he did but he helped them a little bit at the end so all this forgiving Oh instantly forgiving mass murderers is tight yeah it is and so I guess by the end of the whole thing mystique is kind of leading the x-men now huh what why would she be the leader because Jennifer Lawrence blazer oh right okay we can make that happen yeah we already said she ages slowly so that works and we'll just have to figure out the rest of the casting what do you mean well this takes place in the 80s so like beast would be in his 40s we'll have to get a new actor to play him I figured it could still be Nicholas Hoult he's like in his mid-twenties yeah but we could just pretend like he's in his 40s like HM with makeup not even know just pretend oh yeah and we could pretend that Rose Byrne is in her 50s we can get nuts with this I don't know man this seems a little weird now it'll be fine okay maybe for this one but we should probably stop this random decade jumping gimmick we're doing because it's gonna start to get out of hand or here's a better idea I'm listening you could just shut up about that what hey guys it's Ryan here hope you enjoyed that pitch meeting if you did let me know in the comment section what other movies you'd like to see pitches for we also have a lot more of these videos on the channel also don't forget to Like and subscribe and comment and share on Facebook Twitter just start hitting all the buttons except hopefully dislike and as always check back soon for a new pitch meeting bye bye [Music]
Channel: Screen Rant
Views: 1,792,410
Rating: 4.9571309 out of 5
Keywords: X-men, Pitch meeting, apocalypse, professor x, magneto, psylocke, storm, jean grey, cyclops, quicksilver, scene, mansion, jennifer lawrence, mystique, timelines, x-men timelines, plot holes, how it all started, honest, everything wrong, Funny, super easy barely an inconvenience, ryan george, screen rant, screenrant
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 12sec (372 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 16 2019
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