Green Lantern Pitch Meeting

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While I do think Ryan Reynolds does look a lot like Hal, I don’t think it works because Hal isn’t a comedic character and I feel that the Hal in this version was too comedic to be Hal.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Fishin4bass πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 13 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

while a terrible comic book movie I still like it, it's what started me on my road to green lantern, now I own comics, a power ring, and it made me realize green lantern was the hero I needed in my life so I can't hate the movie too much

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/baelrune πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 13 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Saw this a few months back. Gold.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/rayonymous πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 13 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
so you have a green lantern script for me yes sir I do so we're gonna start the movie with a bunch of narration explaining what the Green Lantern Corps is and what they're all about oh that's smart that way we'll save time by getting it all out there in the beginning actually the characters are gonna react splain it all to the protagonist later in the movie Oh so why are we doing it all at the beginning then because that works anyway so there's a Green Lantern hero named Abin Sur right what's he like oh he's awesome he's like Kelsey Grammer but pink gotcha yeah so pink Kelsey Grammer imprison the super evil being named parallax in this place called the lost sector and what's this parallax like well in the comics he's like this giant demon bug thing oh well that's not scary enough it's not no no no no no we should make him like a cloud or something a cloud yeah clouds are scary as hell they are one time I was looking up at the sky and I saw a cloud shaped like a rabbit oh okay that's not natural well I mean sometimes clouds kind of look like things exactly that's scary as hell man is it yeah I mean be shaped like a cloud you're spooky cloud don't be shaped like a rabbit um okay so so we'll make parallax a cloud I guess cool people are gonna like that so anyway the movies gonna follow this guy Hal Jordan who's a test pilot okay and so when we meet him he wakes up late for work because he had a one-night stand and then he puts a bunch of people in danger with reckless driving kind of a douchey character introduction does he have redeeming qualities sometimes he cracks jokes so are they funny not particularly it's probably fine I'll just cast someone who's done comedy movies before great so what happens at work well his boss is trying to sell some AI controlled planes to some buyers so he has his daughter and Hal try to outmaneuver them to prove how good they are isn't it kind of fishy that his daughter is running the tests yeah seems like a massive conflict of interest but nobody's gonna mention it huh anyway Hal is gonna managed to beat the plains by throwing his partner under the bus and letting his own plane get destroyed oh boy yeah he makes a bunch of people lose their jobs in the process and this is the good guy of the movie yeah he's the hero if you say so yeah the first thing he does when he gets his powers later is hospitalized the people whose jobs he lost I have to say this Hal Jordan sounds like the worst no he cracks jokes sometimes yeah you said that tell you what I'll throw in a scene where he gives a gift to his nephew that'll do it now people will like him yeah maybe we have the nephew factored into the story later no we're never gonna see him again well okay then so anyway parallax is gonna inflict a mortal wound on pink Kelsey Grammer oh no so pink Kelsey Grammer is gonna crash land on earth and tell his ring to find the best possible person on the planet to be his replacement as Green Lantern I mean there's no way that's gonna be Hal Jordan right it's gonna be Hal Jordan the ring searched the entire planet now more like a five-mile radius I guess it crashed super close to where how was what a lazy ray oh yeah pretty lazy Wow so anyway Hal is gonna get flown to this planet called oh whoa where all the Green Lantern's hang out so there's gonna be a training montage where he learns to use his powers oh yeah very cool but halfway through he's gonna quit and go home he is yeah it's too hard and he doesn't like it so he leaves so they're gonna take the magic ring away from him now they're gonna let him leave with it but they're gonna deactivate it no he's still gonna have the ability to fly and to create literally anything he can imagine so he's just gonna use it for selfish reasons now he's barely gonna use it at all you're telling me that the cocky and selfish Hal Jordan is gonna go home with the power to create literally anything and he's not gonna use it at all that's right well alright then so at the same time this guy's gonna inspect Abin SURS body and get infected with the power of fear or something and turn into a bad guy wait so there's gonna be another bad guy yeah his name is Hector and his head is gonna turn into a magical scrotum wow there is a lot going on in this movie oh yeah I'm cramming a lot of things in there cramming things into other things as tight Oh what wow that did not come out the way I intended at all I sure hope not so what else happens in the movie well house finally gonna become a hero because his friends are gonna tell him that he has a bunch of qualities that we've never actually seen him display and then he's gonna make some cool stuff with his magic ring oh yeah and the only limit to what he can make is his imagination Wow what's he gonna create a race car and some guns and some swords oh so I guess he doesn't have a very vivid imagination I guess not oh wait I guess that means that actually you don't hey is that a cloud outside what seriously oh never mind it's nothing oh thank god okay sorry where were we hmm I don't know okay um so how does the movie end well parallax is gonna destroy scrotum head so that's taken care of well that's helpful of them and then Hal Jordans gonna take him on all by himself the other Green Lantern's aren't gonna help what couple are gonna show up when it's already done though so is it gonna be hard for him to kill parallax no super easy barely and inconvenience really yeah he's gonna punch him into the Sun and that'll be that well that is pretty easy yeah you'd think the other lanterns would have thought of that yeah but instead they just trapped him in weak restraints and called it a day huh so what do you think of the movie well I think it's great I can't wait to generate this thing you mean shoot this thing no we have a lot of computers so they'll take care of it for the most part oh but I'll tell you what this is gonna be the superhero role of a lifetime for whoever gets cast well it's not like they're gonna get cast in another superhero movie if this one flops didn't you imagine hey guys Ryan here hope you enjoyed that pitch let me know in the comments section what other movies you'd like to see pitch meetings for we also have a lot of these on the channels so be sure to check those out and don't forget to subscribe to the channel and like the video and share it and all that jazz a whole lot of jazz thanks for watching check back soon for a new pitch [Music]
Channel: Screen Rant
Views: 3,706,466
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: green lantern, deadpool, ryan reynolds, deadpool 2, pitch meeting, funny, honest, wrong, parallax, animated suit, superhero costume, bomb, what went wrong, blake lively, sinestro, hector hammond, sketch, movies, entertainment, skit, dc, dc comics, 0518, Ryan
Id: He9dCSEGl4E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 23sec (323 seconds)
Published: Wed May 16 2018
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