$1 vs $1,000 U Turns in GTA 5

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all right we're checking out the only game where the higher the U-turn price is the more I pay with my sanity it's GTA we've got more people wanting to make boards to make me hate myself and so it's time for a $1 a $10 a $500 and a $1,000 U-turn challenge this is the $1 board by space Doge and that's space Doge do o g e$1 board multiple choice U-turn there's a lot going on here I feel like you put way too much effort into a $1 board I got like sck cars there's a moving U-turn wow so there's absolutely no context on what I'm supposed to do on this board uh I can see a lot of okay so the the U-turn wraps around and then I guess it touches all these different Pathways and one of the pathways is the right one at least all the vehicles are pointed outward all right so jump on top of the U-turn and uh I don't know I mean I guess I just pick one and try it so what happens if you fail do you do you like blow up or anything he's got teleporter is here and everything uh oh nothing am I supposed to get something if I pick right I'm took a drive around this board just to see if there's a checkpoint somewhere okay it's not too hard though so you hop on top of the U-turn I just have to remember which Pathways I've done so I can try different ones I haven't done one we're going to do the ice one because this is like a different roadway right so it's got to be something unique so still nothing good part is if I slow down I can just get back on the U-turn and try a new area wait for it h back on the U-turn a no big deal I'll tell you I would have thought with inflation my $1 would get me a lot less board this is incredible let's pull off oh my God it doesn't touch all the way let's pull off here still nothing oh no I thought could save it so I was feeling like I didn't get enough Jank for my $1 and then I realized one of the spawned cars is just like sideways in the middle of two other vehicles two okay maybe the two means something I supposed to aim for two to a clock or I have no idea what that could possibly mean maybe the maybe the second one from the ice like the one from the ice over I don't know I mean I'm working my way through it still nothing how long did it take you to put this board together oh hey okay all right we got our very first checkpoint onto the $10 board $10 slanted U-turn with double the exclamation point this is made by why why why why not not why okay so it's why w y and then the letter Y and the letter Y and the letter Y you guys are coming up with names just to make it difficult on me to say on a in a video aren't you uh this one seems kind of easy go up the slanty U-turn no big deal we do have a windmill here which absolutely slaughtered me just now sticks The Landing no big deal I wonder if I can recover on this hold on oh no I was going to try for the recovery okay lineup up in the middle big go around the cool thing about the Open Wheel car is this thing sticks to everything that windmill is O I got extra windmills I got a lot of windmills for my $10 this is hilarious there's like a random prop up there I don't think that has anything to do with a board I think he was just trying to get the prop lined up correctly around the building or something just left it there I feel like God I feel like why why why why why whatever was watching when I complained about not getting enough of the windmills for my $100 board and so he gave me all the windmills oh big jump okay all right yeah so now you got to go around the windmill column clear it uh oh all right so now there's a tiny pathway go through the buildings wait for the windmill I I don't think I actually got that I came down here again because I wanted to more solidly get the checkpoint and then get murdered by the blad best part is all the people down here are getting murdered too they're flying around like humanized pieces of fleshy popcorn anyway now on to the $500 hand lotion is back he wanted the opportunity at a better board so he made the $500 double sinking uturn and he says this SP to be better than Alex's okay so he's directly calling him out we get two cars one of them's pink so that's obviously the one I got to go too I love that the license plates on these are maybe maybe not what am I am I supposed to do oh my God what is what's with this oh my God the roadway Rises up from the ground like atlantas okay that's pretty good I like it okay so you go around the ooh uh wow uh how I don't know if I'm having enough time there's like a like a long delay and then the road okay so maybe jump when I see the flag but don't bury the car in the water and flood it out we might be able to get a little bit closer to the ramp cuz it looks like there's a ramp you have to jump and then there's a wall ride well it's a oh it's a ribbon ride it is really thin wow this does not stay up very long okay so far I'm impressed with your board timing you tested this right like there is enough time for me to make it correct so I'm going to jump even earlier almost almost completely submerged the vehicle again the vehicle can last a little bit of time underwater so it's not that bad okay here we go here we here go man keeping on that road is tough I need to keep shaving off more and more time so the second I see the flag okay flags up fully all the water jump I that's probably not enough I I needed to jump even earlier I can already tell cuz if I squeeze this and maybe chassis grind that curve oh okay I'm still about 100 ft away though okay listen we tried maybe now we're going to try maybe not all right hand lotion you're not going to lotion you're going to lotion me up I don't know why you would name yourself that here we go big jump sticks to Landing okay looking good uh oh the traction on this is way better oh yeah oh this thing's traction is way better oh we're going to have to jump a big jump and sticks The Landing okay all right so it is possible you just you have to use this car I guess Jeep so now it is ribbon ride time and that is oh my god oh boy oh we put water spouts in too I've bested Atlantis and now I will best your Ribbon ride go I've never wall ridden with this and it is terrible oh the the water spouts do work I will tell you that the one thing I can say is when this is driving on the ground the traction is amazing when it's driving on oh I didn't make it when this is driving on a wall ride the traction is nowhere near as good all right so come around the corner just barely skirt it line it on up looking good a big launch just before the water submerges everything and the water is just like specifically timed while you're in the air that entire roadway just gets buried it's really awesome I'm going to have to stay higher than I normally would yeah here we go here we go here we go yeah this thing wall rides real low it wants to roll low a I could definitely do this in this car getting through the Atlantis part is not bad now it's just learning how to stick on the well that didn't work ow all right your wall ride is pretty legit oh yeah here we go here we go here we go no I don't care how many times I I've got to do this I don't care how many times it takes all it takes is one yes yes oh God so something that is infuriatingly difficult is besides me failing right there is when you get to the last little ribbon that connects to the the bottom floor area I think I'm going to have to stop my acceleration because I can't turn hard enough to stay on it okay got to stay up high this thing wants to drag down so bad okay and then release there we go nice you have to let go of the gas and then you can kind of just Coast your way down that ribbon that's great okay so now what what in God's name there's a wall coming up do I have to wait for the wall oh the entire road takes up this area so I'm guessing you have to wait for that wall to go down okay so then you have to jump and then land on the barge let's make sure we've got plenty of space here I want to make sure that I get this with enough speed so big jump six to landing and then ah okay so our checkpoint is on top of the ramp pull it on back line it on up and oh my God that's not a real prop wow that was uh that was very painful because now I have to do this whole thing again so I learned something very painful just then when we do that jump on the barge we need to keep all of our speed cuz you can't get enough speed in order to jump and make make that checkpoint so he made it specifically a I was just barely too low he made it specifically that you need to time that and wow I am not getting enough speed and distance right now my point is he made it so you got to do it one shot you can't stop you can't smell the roses you can't slow down and apparently I can't get past pass this right now come on you were not causing me this level of trauma before what is going on I think I've done this about 15 time finally oh my God that was oh I barely made that God I've got this wall ride though so wall ride start off low go kind of high at the back end here then we're going to release Coast nice and easy Grace still plays here if you're watching this I learned that the way I had been doing it just then you still can't make it you have to do this all in one shot and keep all of your speed and only then can you get this ridiculous hand lotion checkpoint on the $1,000 board Alex heard that he was called out and so the time has come say hello to the $1,000 sinking multiplying slanted U-turn he took everything and put it all together there is one single car and a dream and a lot of pain that I'm probably about to experience in the near future let us go moist also what's with the clock tower is this a timed board those landmines in the way too like it's just boats and this big slab of starting area so I assume the course will rise up when we go on to this oh the clock's going okay okay yep okay so the board Rises up got to dodge the boats that are all beached now all right no problem and did something whoa I don't know what that was okay so we're going to have to start this a little bit before the the board Rises up all right give it to me board rising up little bit of an earlier go got to keep some speed going around the corner not too much otherwise you will fly right off huh I'm not going to lie it is very easy to lose your traction and go flying off the side this turn so you have to slow way down and that is painful because it takes a lot of your timing out of here so running going what the oh my god oh oh my God hold on okay I ended up just totally dying there because I the that was amazing the board is transforming Alex that is awesome you need to go right at about 3:00 but we need to really experience erience this again because it looks like I almost went off the side it looks like he made a board that has timed transformation so watch this goes away look at that the ground comes in random guy right there full 360 couldn't stick it all right come on I want the satisfaction that comes along with being able to do this board I can already tell this is going to be just absolutely insanely amazing going around their bottom transforms and miss the guy on the jet ski slow way down wow that's a tough turn there are very few times in my GTA life recently where I have been so blown away that I just forgot to steer right there that was one of those times okay so slow way down make this turn God that's a long turn to make too I hope hope we have enough time so oh ramp transforms okay stick The Landing the roadway oh my God there's Rockets coming out of the oh they're everywhere this is awesome now they're transforming oh my God it got me twice oh there a transforming Rising time you turn are you kidding me please don't call Alex out don't say you're going to try and beat him cuz this happened and I have to play it oh my God this board okay board Rises up doing okay nice and smooth around the turn then we're going to go Dodge to the left just barely though jump land okay looking good come on the most insane part of this board is that if you lose your traction and go off of the roadway you're done cuz you can't save it because there's real water surrounding the entire board so the second you leave right here we are technically under the water right now oh my God so if I touch off of the roadway I will go into the water and drown the car out and that's real bad so jump comes up out of nowhere do the jump bull oh my God okay triple back flip did not mean to do that now you getting shot at at Whoa by Rockets while you're trying to no out of all of the things you had to put on this board you had to add Aimbot Rockets being shot from a helicopter as well thanks a lot so big jump Rises up out of the water beautiful looks sweet got Michael Bay over here trying to film an action scene out of Fast and Furious 18 or whatever number we're on right now ah oh my God so then we have another Transformer and I have to like land on a tight rope to go onto the main road I'm not going to lie Alex your um your board here is z scene this is uh this is insanely difficult jump that looks good no oh that guy died so normally when I hit that jet ski I end up canting and going off to the left to the right but that time somehow we just hit him perfectly straight on so he died and we didn't oh I hit it too early I didn't know that that ramp disappears okay come on baby I lost a little bit of time on a very slow turn right there but as long as the ramp isn't up yet not yet not yet okay I think we can do this we did lose the ramp no we're flooding out the timing on this is so hideously precise like I don't think we can make it I can tell where I'm at at on the board by where that jet skier is see yeah I think we're a little bit too late we're still going I'm still oh my God I'm still going to try but I feel like we are just too far behind oh oh driving through the explosions oh that is Peak action movie big jum hold on we may have we may have gained some time I think we gained some time okay up the slanted transforming U-turn big drop drop no the slanting U-turn is pretty tough I can definitely say that I have gotten my money's worth of Anguish on this board so far cuz you don't even want to know the amount of God no you don't want to know the amount of times all right here we go big jump sticks The Landing onto the upward slanted transforming U-turn I had too much speed you got to be kidding me H can I oh I'm literally back at the beginning I'm going to go drown myself now do the jump stick the landing around the Bose looking sweet slow down for the turn because if you don't your life will Flash before your eyes as well your hypothalamus as it gets removed from your brain woo watch out for the jet skier I think he says WTF too which is pretty funny because I don't know if he should be the one that is wondering what is going on or I mean I guess I I guess you know the water does disappear while he's driving his jet ski which is kind of concerning all the Rockets oh yeah fire everywhere give me some more I want some more Michael Bay I want 100% more Michael Bay yeah buy one Michael Bay get the second Micha go bayy for 50% off I love it 50% off Rockets big jump okay upward hold it hold it hold it hold it not too much speed not too much speed dunk it on down I have no idea what comes next because I never made what is what in God's name was that do the jump I assume I have no idea at this point uh oh my God there's a there's a oh there's a submarine it's shooting fireworks at me or something but I think it's okay cuz now we have a winner yes oh my God I got it well someone took Alex on and the only loser in all of this was my sanity anyway folks hope you enjoy this episode GTA until next time stay Fox to much love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 261,168
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: graystillplays, and this happened, gta 5, gta 5 caylus, gta 5 mods, jelly gta 5, gaming, challenge, gta, gta v, grand theft auto, grand theft auto 5, gta 5 mod, GTA but, mods, best mod gta v, grand theft auto v, testing cars gta 5, in gta 5, in gta, speirstheamazinghd gta 5, caylus gta 5, cars vs, cars vs gta 5, cars vs u turns, cars vs u turns in gta 5, u turns gta 5, u turn gta 5, $1 u turn, $1000 u turn, $1 u turn gta 5, $1000 u turn gta 5
Id: wjK5k70YCfs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 13sec (1153 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 26 2024
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