Engineering the PERFECT post apocalyptic city in Synergy!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome to Synergy now this is a city Builder I've had my eyes on for quite a while mostly because of this lovely handrawn art style oh there's that now basically this is set in the future where there's like we're we're on sort of like a desert Planet we're a band of Nomads looking for a place to to start again and we need some water so down at the bottom in the construction menu we can build various things we're going to start with a pontoon so this will allow us to extract that water so let's bung this down like there you'll see with that in place our little our little characters coming over oh and they are they are building that very nicely so that is pontoon that will get us some water we need this retention Basin uh cuz this water as you can see it's a little bit green it's like it's like the swimming pool and it hasn't been cleaned for a while yes I'm imagining what it's like to have a swimming pool maybe one day in fact if you want to help my swimming pool dreams come true why don't you head to real civil and buy some lovely engineering theme merch ooh look at these designs they're so lovely Matt deserves a swimming pool for this anyway I think I'm going to build this retention Basin so I'll shove one there I'll shove one that side as well so hopefully our workers yeah they should start working we've got our little our starting storage over there man I I love the art style I love like handdrawn stuff like it really just reminds me of like where's Wally or where's wo if you're that way inclined not that there's anything wrong with it and we also finally need a a water tower a bit of storage so I might shove that like over that way over with those rocks oh nice little Arch there by the way anyway oh look you can see like they're actually like gliding the pool oh that's so cool the little construction details we'll just speed up time cuz they are a bit slow bit like my editors not not the not the fastest not the hardest of workers really right anyway so they're all done now I need to assign some jobs if we go to the Ponto say like CZ get in there I want two of you pumping pumping water there might not be logs to pump in this game but there is one and then I want someone storing stuff in that retention Basin and someone storing stuff in that retention Basin I might actually add a few more pontoon workers so you can see them pumping away getting the water filling up these little containers they should come over to here where these guys they are just waiting they're like there's no there's no toxic water we can retent but if we click on this pontoon you can see like we should get 10 water every one day so yeah that Bar's nearly filled now so when it is we should say yes this guy's taking water over there then the retention Basin guy he's just giv it a stir and that should turn it into clean water where over this way in the water tower that can store up to 400 decent now just like other city builders I've played recently uh there is going to be a dry season so that's what we're doing here we're trying to prepare for that dry season so we're just waiting for these guys to do their stirring and they literally they turn one one toxic water into one clean water they do 20 at a time it takes 8 days so now we've got the basics down uh we can start mining some resources so we can build houses and stuff so down here we've got some rock clusters so if we click on that with our resource collector thing that should tell people go collect that however we are going to need a warehouse to store The Rock so we'll grab a small warehouse and I'll shove that maybe maybe just right next to it so they don't have to travel too far all right where's my Builders where's my Builders there they are maybe I should have built like up here I don't know still you guys can carry you can carry the resources down to there to make the warehouse cuz look this guy has nearly got he's nearly got some rock so we need that made ASAP um oh there's actually there's all sorts of resource a cinder Sprout I think you can't actually see like what anything does until you've yeah until you've done an analysis now there's like buildings that sort of analyze stuff um but presumably because it says medicinal and that will allow our people to heal themselves anyway I should probably just say like dig up a few of those cuz it's going to take a while until that warehouse is done and we've already turned that one into a load of rocks so we'll just fast forward so that gets built nice now we can say store whatever oh wow this stores look how many resources there are right now that guy's taking the Rocks he's collected to the warehouse so they're all being stored decent which means up the top here in raw materials we have some Boreal Rock to play with which is good cuz we now have the housing tab so there's loads of different types of houses to build so just three types of stone housing looks like they all take the same amount of resource they all hold one to two citizens there's this little tent at the front as well uh but we do need to build a Cellar first so basically this Cellar is sort of like the sort of like the heart of your town this provides everyone with like food and resource and stuff so probably put that close to the water and then we can put different sorts of housing down so one of those ones one of those and one of those so that's a whole lot of building that is required so let's speed everything up that's it chaps get building I do like that they actually like dig out the foundation first and then build like the walles then Wang the roof on the top oh I just oh no I built two sellers oh idiot Matt idiot thankfully there is a destroy buildings button we only get 50% of resources though oh beginning of a new cycle Okay so we've gone into a temperate season uh which is quite good actually the the future future forecast they're all temperate season so everything's pretty gentle to us probably because we're in the tutorial still yeah right okay I've got rid of that Cellar that's good let's get another house so I think that was the house I meant to build so we'll Wang that there oh look at that house so that's the stone house that we have built you can see the four people that live there what they're up to you can see the temperature o outdoor temperature 30° presumably Celsius but then cuz the building toughness the indoor temperature is only 15 which is which is nice and cool it says down there people get heat exhaustion if they rest above 32 and it's guaranteed if the temperature rises above 42 bloing out all right so remember what I said earlier about the uh the plants and like rocks and stuff to know what they do you need to you need to like scan them first we can now build the scanning stuff so we have an understanding the world tab down here where we can build a filled lab so if we grab that and oh yeah it highlights everything in blue that like we don't understand there's so much we don't understand but yeah let's shove that down there for now and in order to get resources to there we need a picker C cabin so this basically just allows us to like Harvest various stuff you'll see like up here there's like there's like fruits some bushes but we don't know anything else about it everything's like question marked so we need to try and we need to try and get a picker to get that and then shove it in the lab the lab will tell us is it safe to eat is it not only one way to find out so let's shove the pick thing next door all right so there's the lab Let's get someone in there oh man look at the lab it's got like a little excavat arm thing with like a water blob capsule thing I don't don't know I'm trying to describe what I'm looking at I don't really know what I'm looking at it's just cool I love handrawn stuff all right anyway the Picker Hut is nearly there let me just speed up time so that guy's hammering a little bit faster there you go he's got the roof up he's on the Roof oh it's a grass roof it's like Tedy tubby land whoa right cool anyway we can assign some people to this and go get them to uh to go pick some stuff so if we go to we go to withdraw resources We've Got Big Trees we got those bushes we got whatever that is got a load of Stu down here I just I need to know what everything is go explore one of everything tell me what the world does okay so while they're collecting Lo of stuff I think in the field lab I can add an analysis so I want surface analysis citizens draw conclusions from what they observe of the plant and then I can say right what do we want to what do we want to check probably the I saw like a little well thing I don't know probably this bush thing first just because we have well I've I've already Harvest one of everything before even realizing what they do maybe I should have like analyzed everything first before um just sending everyone to go pick everything well this guy's coming back hopefully they'll they'll be able to analyze that pretty quick so they are analyzing the sharp Bush if I add more people will we analyze stuff way faster oh no looks like they're all coming over to analyze the bush always good to get a second opinion on bushes oh right okay I think I think that's been analyzed so now when we go on the bush yeah look we've got different actions we can withdraw resources we can pick or we can prun interesting right well let's get some more more analytics on the goat so we'll do that tree we'll do that thing looks like I can queue up four other stuff so we'll do that we'll do the cinder spout thing and then whatever the hell that is all right so we're currently learning all about this cabbage shrub I've just realized the the tutorial wants me to look at the moisture pods oh I've just realized the picker's cabin that's a so earlier when I when I did the collect resources I destroyed like one of everything I think I was meant to click on the Picker cabin and then you can add a task and then you can tell them to pick or trim so let's do some fruit picking and we'll grab the fruits of the of those oh looks like these things also have fruit on that's the Cabbage thing nice oh up here there's ruins as well right we can withdraw withdraw the ruin stuff right oh the field lamp has they've analyzed so much stuff now all right so we learned all about the sharp Bush and that's where the moisture pods are okay so those berries they're called moisture pods got it if we prune it we get sticks if we pick berries we just get the pods and then if we do the withdraw resource we get both but we lose the bush remember so that is good to know the sun shade tree we get Tree Trunks and bark if we destroy it okay the Cabbage shrub has vegetables and flexible fibers on then the riverbank finger has seeds as well as oh pruning kills it okay let's not prune that then all right so is there anything else worth worth exploring or do we know about everything everything there we go we got some got some dead looking stuff up that way you can go explore that oh some like really big old tree things up there nice right well now we know there's like there's fruits there's vegetables there's all sorts of resources we can gain from the the environment around us we can start processing that into food and oh it's another new cycle I need to be a little bit quicker I think something I might do I might add might add some roads so if we add roads between everything we should be a lot quicker right nice that's looking way more townish already but in the resource refining tab we want a kitchen and a forge as well so kitchen fits there oh almost fits there and I see there's a bloom in Cinder spout in the way I shift it around yeah we can shove it you shove it there that would do and the forge oh the forge is a large building we'll shove that there then the forge requires loads of rocks so does the kitchen so I probably need to get someone to collect some more rocks oh that's an unusual rock formation does anyone else see that the strongest rock formation or is that just me it's probably just me it's usually just me anyway in this game there is a prioritize button so I can say right prioritize that building and that building just prioritize everything that I want to do all at the same time that is how I roll in video games now you can see kitchen going in right now what is that going to be this looks like a giant outdoor pizza oven I imagine it is just the building though oh yep I think it's the building I don't know what that bit turned into it looks like maybe that became this pit in the middle is that going to be like a fire pit maybe oh I don't know it's got a lid on top I'm not sure that's healthy and Safety Stand shouldn't we have some scaffolding around this anyway all look the forge is being done you can see Earthworks going in doing a little bit of digging roof has semi gone on not quite watertight at the moment oh there we go oh look at that that looks well sci-fi it's got a triangle door anyway they're now both done so let's get someone in the kitchen um and they will make some simple meals out of moisture pods vegetables and clean water so what I may want to do let's pick his cabin I may want to just like say go pick everything pick it all we need it all yeah and then oh yeah the kitchen is look at that it's got like a giant Grill in there so it is like a giant pizza oven I knew it was that's awesome so yeah we are turning those into a simple meal now we got to make 40 of those uh and then the forge is where we make our tools so that requires clean water as well as sticks so in order to get sticks do I need another picker's cabin I think I do let's shove that down there get that prioritized and I'm might actually build some more houses as well just cuz I noticed there's a few homeless people dotted about yeah look there aren't enough homes to accommodate your citizens build more and also our Water Production has completely stopped I think because the water tower is completely full so let's get another water tower down maybe two of them why not and then yeah we should get back to water meanwhile the picker's cabin is done so let's grab one or two people and then say do some trimming cuz I need some sticks so it looks like sticks come from the the bushes mostly yeah we'll just select a load of them to be to be chopped down well not chopped just pruned cuz yeah the forge is like oit we're missing sticks come on guys I'm going to build another Warehouse as well just cuz I think storage is an issue there's like just Goods everywhere some of them have rotten not ideal oh they can be used within a composter though right okay so now we have storage on the go it looks like everything's up and running again oh look this building's got like massive Bellows the ceiling is a Bellow interesting oh it's a new cycle again there was two new children as well nice future weather report we have a dry season coming up most plants will wilter away during this season and yeah if they're homeless they will well they'll die basically so I'm glad I got some extra homes in yeah having space in your homes is how to get like a bigger population you can see there are homes that welcome a new child cuz if you don't have enough like space in your homes then well then people aren't going to get it on cuz like I can't have a baby there's nowh to put it oh that big thing was a giant fungus by the way so we can Harvest them but only by cutting it it down completely good to note all right so if that dry season's coming up we also have this infirmary so if we build this we'll be able to heal our citizens should they get sick so I can shove that down shove that over that way needs 20 rocks we got 242 rocks so I don't need to worry about that anytime soon all right infirmary is done so we can assign one citizen to be our doctor considering that they just made that out of rocks it's quite impressive it's got like moving Parts it's got like laser scanners and stuff I'm impressed oh and look what we've just unlocked yes honestly I was not expecting that to be the thing but yeah we need to think of this Camp as a genuine City we need to build a communal living space designed for conviviality that sounds like an architect word and Recreation okay so it looks like people have basic needs and they their work and movement speed is reduced if they don't have them that's fine they can die in a variety of ways lovely and oh and we can make different like districts okay so we got to build a build a square and not just any type of square a cultural Square tell you what let's bung it there I need to get some more PA in as well I'm not liking my part do a path down that way and over that way what else have we got in population we got oh a canteen and then tables and benches oh and shaded areas so yeah these will give us like they give us like a social score which you can see increases your District we've got to get up to 200 so once they've built this Square which ironically is is Circle we should be able to turn this place into a social District so let's click on there and then we can say what sort of District do we want this to be I think we'll do a social District as that's what the what the tutorial wants us to do we've got to build a canteen though we got canteen in I'm going to add some tables and stuff outside of it maybe plop a few benches around oh especially looking out at the sea that would be quite nice I know it's not architecture cuz it's helping people get their needs up whatever all right then a little bit more housing do you that way I'll rotate you that PA up there all right then we're just waiting for this canteen to be built we've built the tables we built the benches right and now this canteen is built let's let's add some citizens into there so they can start serving the food uh you can see our district score is 125 all right so I am being forced to like add some banners and stuff cuz that will help with the district stuff to be fair people do love flags so so I can sort of get on board with that so hopefully as we start building some of these decorations that should increase that score let's get a Street Lamp or two down oh we are missing some resource some tree trunks okay sorry trees we're going to have to chop some of you down let's do the ones furthest away so get rid of all of those sorry trees but I need you to do my decorations proof yet again architecture causes deforestation oh no I didn't no these are the buildings I need to housing adds 10 tables add 10 as well and annoyingly the house are built up there they were out of range oh I should have paid more attention oh Sun awning hads 100 though what let get some more sun awnings on the go blooming out anyway we got to be quick now cuz look the dry season is coming apparently our retention Basin will dry up oh do we have enough water stored oh we hit the satisfaction score by the way so that's good we've got to build a scent garden now so I think a scent Garden will help with our with our housing satisfaction so if I shove that there eight I think I want to get that removed oh what do we need for this we need we need seeds for the scent Garden that does actually make sense now we did SE seeds somewhere didn't we oh yeah these things if we destroy whatever they are River Bank fingers they will give us seeds whereas if we just pruned it it just kills a plant so yeah no point pruning just destroy to get those seeds decent all right so scent Garden is well on its way to construction now so that is in it is however the new the new season which means it's a dry season so these retention basins they should dry up apparently not ideal we do have quite a lot of water stored though we got 380 clean water in that one 42 in that one okay we don't have that much let's try and store some more you can see like all the all the sort of plants have changed like these trees they were they were pink they're all like well yellowish now all right so something strange has been spotted it's a flashing dots of light visible only at nightfall uh should I select the team and equip them for the journey I think so I've got to build a hall of wisdom first oh my God this building is huge okay but we'll plop that there and then we'll get the research center down here like that oh and we're in trouble we're in trouble we're out of we're out of water and food now that's the trouble with the dry season There's No Berries or anything oh dear oh no how long's left we're on day day 12 of the cycle oh hang on there's there's a couple of berries I found some berries right Berry Pickers go up that way can we not eat like mushrooms no we can't if we prune them maybe we can let's prune some mushrooms and see if we can turn that into food oh yeah look the food symbol's gone it's just the water now oh no all of these citizens are dehydrated oh dear that's quite a lot should I build another pontoon will that help oh no everyone's weakening try another pontoon few more retention basins oh no we got six citizens they are being treated though I'm glad we built the infirmary it's now day 27 of the cycle come on the dry season's got to finish soon oh everyone's starving as well now oh no this might be the end we'll never know what that flashing light was right I've got my extra attention basins on the goat they are just waiting for some water to be delivered I can't build the Pontoon cuz we have no bark I did tell people's go cut cut some trees down do we need more we're just going to chop all the trees down this is just deforestation simulator oh no look everyone's dying of thirst everyone's dying of thirst oh citizens are dropping like flies all right I need to assign extra people to the Pontoon cuz the the previous workers all died ironically they all died of thirst even though the water was right there actually it's not it was toxic water to be fair but come on retention Basin you guys need to retent some water I feel like tutorial you could have prepared me a bit better for this oh it's nonstop even though we're not even in we're back in the temperate season now it's just trying to find enough people to like get water for me yeah the people doing the retention they keep dying so so we never finished getting that clean water like I literally just assigned one and they just died I'll sign another one to that one hope they don't die oh no look all of those just died we're not ever going to get clean water if everyone keeps dying stop dying everyone oh no it's over it's over we're down to just two children they've been born into a ghost town right well anyway guys that was Synergy um a lot more hardcore than it looks with its fancy handdrawn art style so yeah for now I'll say peace love and dying of dehydration bye guys
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 207,132
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rce, real civil engineer
Id: 5NPCiXgiKn4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 0sec (1260 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 26 2024
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