Engineering TOP 1% bridges in Poly Bridge 3!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome back to poorly Bridge three now since I was a professional engineer for over 10 years of my life I figured I should probably try and do these whilst getting top one percent every single time so we're going to be attempting to do that in this world the Serene Cyclades because these are just generic worlds so it should be pretty suitable for my skill set right so first level cool braces got 22 Grand we have wood and steel to work with although look at the bottom we only have four bits of Steel and not only that we don't have any roads so these are the only roads on the map and we cannot move them so all we gotta do is brace this to allow this truck to cross okay the question is do I use like steel to try and do something like that I mean that is an on-grid solution we're like well under half the budget will it hold the let's press play and find out it looks oh goodness they look good I've just realized actually I think the roads the roads aren't connected I thought that was like an anchor but it's not okay so I really need to make sure that we are properly wedged in there I mean surely that should be wedged right uh oh no no that is not the case Okay possibly a change of plan I'm not sure if a single bit of Steel will work but what if I bring this down no even though these are like proper pushed against the wall it still wants to rotate which I'm not really sure how that works but okay think let's try and get rid of this pivot point so can I bring all these trusses down I can probably do something like something like that so that shouldn't rotate as much right oh oh okay that nearly worked we just need to now sort of adjust things to try and make it a little bit stronger so something like that should be good yeah it is good it is good okay so where are we in that percentage we're in the top 40 percent oh dear right okay let's get back into this then I have a feeling maybe we don't want to use this anchor underneath like let's just see if I were to delete that if I press play yeah they're not connected okay so what I can do I can add like a node there and then that will rest on top so basically from that point I could then do a truss on top then I can just do the same on this side so rest that like next to it and if I just make these trusses bigger because this is quite a big load then surely that should hold yeah it does hold will it hold the weight not quite this though only costs six grand pretty much half what I spent before so if I just make the the trusses bigger because bigger triangles mean stronger truss turn the stress on as well so you can see in the middle we're struggling a bit what if I just Wang a little bit of Steel in there with the two next to it pop oh they do why anyway I can replace the middle three with steel and then we're down to eight and a half Grand not too bad we're now in the top 13 so we're moving the right direction but what I like the top scores under five grand oh this is going to be tricky how did Tyler do you did it for six grand okay well I think the key is definitely getting rid of the steel we know that is not strong enough though and I mean it's still too expensive anyway so what if we try rather than resting on top what if we go for the woolbrief's idea again but this time we put our truss on top like that afterwards so if I could get something like that to work that is a lot less pieces but oh no fell straight down okay what if on one side we do the above truss on the other side we go underneath does that no that that does not work okay so what I need to do is make this bridge sort of flex like underneath I need I feel like wall braces is the way to do this like I don't know maybe I need to just go like lower so I basically need the bridge to sort of push outwards so I could maybe maybe do something like that shove that on the other side and then what if I have a bit in the middle because that should go down no it does just fall hmm I'm not sure how to do this one for cheap if I'm honest I need that on there what if I what if I try doing it this way so we try the wall brace idea but we have it hanging like that so this is actually quite cheap maybe that's how I want to try this oh that sort of worked but did you see did you see the movement okay what if we bring the truss underneath and then if we make it so there's only one joint so get rid of one piece and oh yeah that's probably how I do it if I get rid of like the middle piece it's like two wall braces uh that that didn't go to plan okay I think it was just because the node wasn't touching the wall yeah there you go that's better that is better oh it broke so you got crushed that's slightly annoying we just have a look at the stress of the rest of it tell you what what if I bring these up because that is less weight being pushed onto all these and less weight always better I mean for now I've just put steel at the bottom so that does work and I think that's a lot cheaper than I was right yeah top six percent we're now 850th in the world oh I beat Matt in your face Matt but I think really I need to get rid of that steel or at least really really street now I need to get rid of it I need to get rid of it it's too expensive I mean to be fair even that is more expensive than Tyler's this was six grand do I need to get rid of like another piece or maybe could I bring these up it sounds wrong but could bringing them up work oh maybe maybe you know right how's that that's quite cheap oh why did you break asymmetrical Bridge time I think why is oh it didn't pop that time but this one did all right well that does work but we're still pretty expensive I'm thinking is there a way to save on this material because we got two pieces coming down I don't really need that if I swapped that to go like there then that does the same job as long as this vertical can take the weight but is a lot less material if I were to do that then I've saved or I worked it worked yes I've saved like a few hundred quid that's with 375th we're in the top three percent now we're getting closer now it's just a case of can I get rid of the steel is that would be game changing if I press play it's just gonna explode food what if I bring this down try and support more of the bridge I honestly feel like I don't know doing like that sort of thing would work I mean does that oh no wait what that was just like a little oh I'll just try it and see what happens I'm in the top one percent now 153 I didn't even like try to okay let's watch that with the stress on how stressed does stuff get I mean the under supports are very stressed look at the top trust though these pieces do not really go red so I can probably bring those in a bit and bring these down and oh would you look at that we are shaving like anything I'm actually a genius I don't even understand how this is working I just made I just made the arch that's all I had to do oh got cocky got a little bit cocky okay wow 5474. I assume I beat Thailand is smashed him 600 Quid 10 cheaper we're in the top one Center so let's have a look in the gallery let's see how people did it oh interesting what is even I don't hang on I there's quite a lot to work out what is going on here so first off the bridge is all underneath it looks like they've made like a little tension thing so you can see that is a wooden rope along there there's one along the middle and one up there so they got this bit in tension what is going on with the wall braces I assume they've got the same Little Triangle I had up there but then down the bottom you've got another triangle which doesn't really do anything but this is a grand cheaper than mine I don't really understand I can see where they've lost the pieces because the bit in the middle has a lot less support so I don't understand what's going on with the wall braces what's the next cheapest one very similar the next cheapest one oh that's a bit more like mine but again it's the tension underneath should have gone for tension yeah I mean to be honest this first page they're literally all the same oh here we go here we go oh that's my one no no that isn't my one now look at the price that's way more expensive oh and it collapses afterwards but look look how much look how much material they're using to hold that in place that is where I shaved most of my money cool right let's have a look at the highest budget because I love the highest budget not only is there lots of rce propaganda cheers you're growing up man he's getting mature what does this one say Jesus loves rce okay uh we got loads of RC propaganda that got destroyed I've got RC pet Paddy for me please ah I'll go Pepper for you now come here Pat good boy good boy uh what's the next one aliens oh ignore that one sense of that editor sensor it said rce is the best Cheers Cheers Tristan appreciate that yeah not only is there RC propaganda there's also cool Bridges like this where do those cables go where do they go there's this one which has some crazy truss work that word said muscle by the way because look it's got a mega muscle and it's all made out of muscles and we're inside you might be on the road yeah this one little Bridge big RC propaganda look look at how it's being propped up uh this one has two elephant heads hanging underneath that's quite horrible I should laugh I shouldn't laugh but look at the trust work in there all right anyway with one one percent in the bag let's move on to the next one double back 118 Grand to complete this what if we oh man we got quite a lot going on so first off we have the flatbed truck that will go to this Middle Point and stop when that happens there's a hydraulic phase uh Hydraulics and then the green car goes then there's another hydraulic phase then the camper van goes so I tell you what I feel like I'm probably gonna need a foundation for this one because that's quite a long span and we sort of know that this car is going to drive off the back of the truck and like could donk onto the bridge so first off let's just boo the road in then we'll shove a foundation I'll do it as low as possible because that will be cheaper rather than going in the middle I think I probably want it like this end so shove that there can then probably will brace underneath perhaps get something over the top for now okay so I've just done a little Bridge just to try and work out what happens so that gets to their stops then the rally car oh it didn't go it didn't go oh it didn't go and my bridge failed hang on there was a bit of strengthening oh it goes later on oh okay so maybe I do want the foundation in the middle I didn't realize the truck moved before the car came off okay so with my new Steel Bridge you can see look this moves and then that car goes so it lands flat in the middle but we've got the hydraulic phase to try and get it up to there so do I want to try and lift this side of the bridge up I feel like that might be the most sensible way of doing this so if I add a node like down here then I don't know actually I feel like I was gonna hydraulic from down there but I feel like my hydraulic needs to point upwards so if I were to do I don't know let's say something like that let's just see what would happen with the middle will that stay there I have a feeling it might Rock but oh no no that's going up not quite to the right height but uh oh it's got potential what if I delete that basically move the pivot point to like back here I may actually want to move it to even further back I mean ideally I would be using like maths and stuff to work out how to do this yeah I think I'm gonna need three so do it like that I'm definitely not just trial and erroring oh that is quite a good height will It smash through it like yes sort of oh nearly made it look at that backflip it landed on its Wheels anyway you're not gonna lie I feel like that ends pretty good I also feel like should I race that up to there that will keep that part in place right maybe that's how I trim this I don't need the foundation if I'm supporting all of this from the edge fire that's way stronger okay so that worked I then just need to do pretty much the same over this side I think so can I delete all of that and replace with all of this yes I can with the hydraulic control though I don't want that to go the first time only the second yeah so I'm only struggle now will be can this guy get up the same steepness Hill so the second phase happened that was gone back down this one's gone up yeah it does not have the same speed oh no chance that is a big gap though I'm trying to I'm trying to think like actually hydraulically so if I were to cut that there will be a point where I can be like like a certain rotation where if my left point doesn't move it'll lock into the same place does that make sense like from there oh it sort of works if I just move it left a little bit so from there if I were to lift it up could I get it to lock perfect I think that I think that could actually work that could actually work but it just might work so just gonna make that a joint shove my hydraulic up to I mean it doesn't really matter where but then the big part is sort of changing this bridge may need to lift up all of these but I need to make the road link up to there and hope that the truck can drive over it man this is just trying to complete the level I'm not even trying to get top one percent yet but uh let's try that layout so Lori goes to the middle as before then that lifts up a lot well it doesn't lock in no that just stays there so then this goes oh it gets over easily that makes that doesn't quite make the jump but if I bring that node down a little bit that should go higher so that this time it does make the jump and then when the other hydraulic phase happens that locks in up there and then this can drive all the way to the top okay we have completed the level that's good we're in oh we're in the top 18 that's not too bad in my opinion because now I have a lot of leeway to try and replace all of this with wood or potentially get rid of the foundation if Foundation wasn't there that saves me 15 grand and remember I've got I've got like that node there and that node there so maybe I could like do tension between the two I'm just not sure how strong they'll be that's all let's for now just see if we could get rid of the foundation because how much do those ropes cost 2 000 each so yeah that's a hell of a saving we'll turn the stress on oh that snapped you may need to bring it down but oh no it's snapping it's snapping quite majorly so if it's snapping it means there's too much weight I mean maybe if I just Swap all this steel with wood that'll weigh a lot less so that weighs a lot less but well it still snaps instead of doing that could I do like a normal tension Bridge which is just sort of that layout so basically there's a rope hanging like from that point to that point so it like just dangles down the road rests on top so oh that wasn't that bad and look at the price we're down to 40 Grand I know it doesn't work I feel like there is potential here what else could I do I mean I could try and move that point I mean I need that point there for the rotation but what if I like what if I did that and then I could hold that in place with this so now I've just made I've made the dangly bit in the middle two ropes smaller that side still snap oh it's getting close they're so smoother maybe oh look oh that was so close I thought I did it then this one what if we bring you up a bit I mean that is under a lot of stress oh I don't like that maybe I need to like help it a bit I do a reap up to there then oh look how less red that is so there's a lot less force on there that has held oh it didn't hold that almost held up break you broke it's annoying I don't have cable I mean if this middle bit keeps breaking I could potentially make it shorter yeah I may have to do that so if I just delete that do that sort of thing then the ropes in the middle are supporting a lot less weight oh no this is not working so you're dying now what if I was gonna say what if I shove a muscle there I've just had a thought as well maybe I want to replace these with wood sooner rather than later because wood weighs a lot less remember when the hydraulic phase happens there's more like weight down the middle and stuff so let's try and Swap all of these with wood might not help but it might do at the same time oh oh no oh our daily works okay so I basically just added like another little point there because this one kept breaking what actually broke that are you broke why did you break I mean I guess there's just a lot of weight on there isn't there could I spread that out maybe to that muscle I can't believe that almost nearly worked yeah it's the cadunk it's not helping let's try doing that then hopefully this middle cable won't be taking as much weight I mean it's still taking a lot oh what break that time the muscle down there I mean that might be because it's not symmetrical yeah it's not let's just lower that there we go oh boy look how stressed that piece is okay well that means we need to make a triple muscle so piece down the middle now if we watch this yes a lot less stress because the force is going down two beams that one is very red oh that piece broke again I feel like I may need another rope the price is going up all the time now if I shove that there is that actually gonna help or is it just gonna had flexibilities which I don't want yep I probably need to give it like that sort of angle and to be fair I can move these rows to the right a bit which might help me sort of create that angle I basically need like a curve under here but I can't move that piece remember because then it'll mess my Hydraulics up and I'm not fiddling about with hydraulics again all right after lots of fiddling it's a bit of a mess I finally got this to source of work but if you look at the stress oh it breaks as the thing comes off so potentially just reinforce that with some wood and then when it lands it's less stressed okay good finally does this end still work no okay what actually happened at this end oh that moved yes because you need to be connected to something I guess like that will do uh okay maybe maybe not we'll delete that perhaps we can just Breeze it to there is that okay I think that's okay yes yes yes okay 57 oh that was a nightmare what are we now top four percent and tell you what for a hydraulic level hat on the back for me I've just got to try and work out how to get this cheaper you can see that that's three grand because I couldn't get a route to work if I swap that with a rope which I meant to be good intention you'll see it just oh I was gonna say it just snaps it didn't snap okay I saved a few grand we're now 278 for top three percent and watch this with the stress on I mean so much of this goes red at different times could I swap these with just wood that's what I like to do to save money the test will be when this hydraulic goes uh ideally lock in the load though so yeah that has the strength easily so that saved me like 10 quid Maybe ideally I don't want these on top I mean I can maybe make them really small okay yeah that worked that did work I'm looking at these cables do I need that one don't feel like you're doing a lot but we'll press play and see oh still works down to 52 Grand now oh that is the top one percent that is nice uh in the friends list Tyler's he's like four grand cheaper I don't think I can say four grand not on a hydraulic level but like down here could I just swap like most of these with wood particularly these crossbreeze ones okay I'm not even looking at the bridge above I just swapped most of that with wood and repeat Tyler oh man sometimes this game is just kind I can probably stop that bit of rope with wood did that save me I think that saved me yeah save me 30 quid maybe that little piece oh man I'm I'm a genius I'm actually a genius with 52nd in the world 47 grand let's have a look what did the top 24 Grand okay maybe I'm not a genius I'm not a genius but I'm like I'm fairly good I'm top one percent good all right Gallery sort by lowest budget how did people do this 18 Grand wait is that that's the why are you looking at the last level game what you're doing wait what no that isn't the what these are all seo2 but look at that first level it's like it's different to all the other levels why is this one showing like a different level that's the last level anyway this is actually the cheapest one and it's absolute cheesy night look at the number of nodes in that that is disgusting you might not have a problem but I have a massive problem with this disgusting let's move on to the next one okay what have we got our ghost Saigon I'll tell you what that could be my bridge like yes it's 10 grand cheaper but the basics are sort of what I did I just got the tension bit in the middle it's got the the Hydraulics at either end yeah tell you what that's not far off mine I mean yeah it looks like everyone sort of figured out you gotta do just one bit of bridge like one bit of road all the way across and move the ends ideally having tension in the middle to uh not use Hydraulics these are all so much cheaper than mine look how neat this one is as well Seven Grand cheaper I mean yeah you need a bit of patience but these are impressive fair play this one oh yeah that one's like pretty much like mine as well like it's got tension in the middle it's got that sort of solution under there it's even got like the wooden rope on that end this side very similar also fair play this oh look this one's cheap but it has like doubled up roads how is that cheaper than like that's impressive fair play anyway time to go to the highest bit of the budget I'm not sure people would have had fun on this one uh okay maybe they did Allard Allard hello I should encourage this Behavior but I'm very impressed anyway this is the most exp what what where did that come from hang on when I when I play that it starts with nothing is that just because it's like the end of the video and it's showing the start I don't know uh this one I have one question and that is why uh ah finally we have the Nifty sponsored solution Nifty for your RC propaganda and all your bridge building needs warding Nifty may not actually help you solve Bridge Solutions anyway this next level why is that so okay that's why it's so expensive falling propaganda this one RC and Paddy you gotta include Paddy cheers main drick uh how does your Bridge actually work oh oh it curves up at either end nice oh man there's a lot of love for Paddy today look at him no way that was actually Paddy hang on we gotta replay this one look it's Paddy's face I love hearts oh that's the best thing you've ever seen if I did Bridge reviews in this series you'd get 10 out of 10 for that the perfect Bridge oh my goodness it's a sausage why is there a sausage bridge this one what is up there oh massive RC propaganda oh thank you down there oh look at that is that a dog in like scuba is he breathing underwater that might actually be Paddy because he's got a hard hat I mean Patty doesn't really have a snorkel but he would if he was trying to breathe underwater uh then ride the pie I see he has an architect [Music] right then this is the next level we have an ambulance which has got to get to the flank there and then above it we have a mini mover a car with a washing machine strapped to the top and they've just got to get straight across as well so this doesn't seem too bad the only issue is there's four planes that are gonna be getting in the way not ideal still we can go from there to there and then those roads in and then go from there to there and then those roads in and then we've just got to truss our Bridge up around there so I reckon while I do that and try and get as lower score as possible you guys can enjoy a montage calculations [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so after a lot of trimming we're down to under 30 grand the trouble is that we're still not in the top one percent I'm sort of running out of ideas of what to do the only thing I can think is to try and do if I get rid of that that's getting rid of three pieces on either side the trouble is if I press play it's you can see it's not stable but perhaps if I just connect those two to the muscles that is now stable sort of so that is now breaking what if we just swap that with rope I did swap these from rope initially now this just keeps this just keeps breaking oh I am struggling here I am struggling What If instead of like all this truss on top if I did a muscle up to that point now this muscle isn't there because I need the strength it's there because I need a node like up here I don't know actually I was thinking maybe I could connect up to that but no because then I'm gonna have to move the road I mean actually maybe maybe I don't want a street road now because I think this is just going to be it's gonna end up as like more pieces in the end but like over this way I can move all these roads to the right now yeah because there's no stars to collect I'll tell you what this could be because then I wouldn't need any of that underneath because that's all sort of connected together and shove the two bits of road that are missing in well it does hold Slow Down slow down it may just be I try and smooth this road because that is that's causing some issues but let's see where we are on the leaderboard now have we cracked top one yes we're in the top one but I was confused and I was like well I'm in the bottom one percent I don't know why it said bottom one percent I think it was a glitch we're 98 though let's just have a look if I raise that and then lower these okay so rather than steel let's put a piece in like that because that will sort of spread the force a bit I feel like you because you're breaking I'm probably better off rather than setting the force that way trying to send it the opposite way oh you do need to be cable Cable's so expensive so oh that worked 28 grand was that cheaper than what I had yeah we're now 83rd I mean we're in the top one percent let's let's not get ahead of ourselves the thing is Tyler's still like a grand and a half cheaper than me I may have to just say he's beating me this time well I mean I could probably do it if I spent a bit more time cheesing it I don't really want to cheese it though so I guess that's just our bridge for this Tyler has defeated us this time but we're in the top one percent and that's what we sell out to do so let's have a look in the gallery how should we have done this to be the lowest budget so oh my goodness what is even oh my God the cheese the amount of cheese that's only 18 Grand okay next up we've got this which uh sort of similar it's got like a jump on that end look at that the cars went very fast there look at the little the little support that I had initially I think did I get rid of them my last one I think I did this one a bit more similar to my first layout in that you've got the tension underneath and then you've got this sort of funky support in the middle they held back vehicle actually I need to watch that again this first one they didn't hold back vehicles second one oh look down there they got a speed hump they have a speed hump for the ambulance and yeah this one they slowed down that so basically everyone has cheesed it so far this one hasn't that looks like my first design sort of but I didn't infinitely cheaper anyway we'll have a quick look at the highest budget we've got all my oh my this one oh there's an owl in the middle yeah I got hit by the plane there was a bird strike this one backed some standard RC propaganda look at the thickness of that necklace though that is high quality merch all right and then I think we're just down to like legit Solutions because this was quite a tricky level but anyway we did the first three levels of course we're top one percent in all of them I think we'll probably continue trying to do this entire world top one percent it's quite a challenge I'm not gonna lie but for now I'll say peace love and bridges bye guys
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 560,077
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: poly bridge 3, pb3, new poly bridge, bridge building game, rce, real civil engineer, real civil engineer poly bridge 3, professional plays poly bridge 3, engineer poly bridge 3, polybridge3, pro engineer plays poly bridge, real engineer plays, real engineer poly bridge 3, poly bridge 3 number 1, poly bridge 3 #1, poly bridge walkthrough, poly bridge guide, poly bridge 3 guide, poly bridge 3 walkthrough, bridge, poly bridge, pb3 foundation, new material, pb3 new material
Id: nJUt5po7Q7E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 2sec (1742 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 17 2023
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